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Mulher negra: das formações discursivas à consolidação e quebra do estereótipo da mulata que dança / Black woman: from discourse formation to the consolidation and break of the dancing mulata stereotypeSantos, Andréa Luisa Martins dos 30 August 2018 (has links)
Este estudo tem como objetivo observar a relação de estereótipos específicos com as construções identitárias presentes nos discursos de duas mulheres afrodescendentes, a partir de dois livros, um biográfico e outro autobiográfico (LEJEUNE, 2008): Valeria Valenssa, Uma Vida de Sonhos (BERGALO; DUARTE, 2015) e Life in Motion, An Unlikely Ballerina (COPELAND, 2014). Além da cor da pele, as duas mulheres têm em comum a dança. Enquanto a bailarina clássica Misty Copeland foi a primeira mulher negra a ser prima ballerina em uma companhia de ballet nos Estados Unidos, a sambista Valeria Valenssa foi a primeira mulata Globeleza, a mulher que materializou(-se) o/no estereótipo da mulata sensualizada do carnaval brasileiro. Compreendemos a relevância do trabalho, pois, em ambos os países, a história para a construção identitária de mulheres com esse tipo físico aproxima-se pela tragédia da escravização de pessoas negras, resultando em um lastro de segregação racial, fato que apresenta grande conexão com o modo de vida das duas mulheres, cujas trajetórias são aqui investigadas. Tais investigações apoiam-se, principalmente, nos estudos sobre estereótipos sugeridos por Lippmann (2008) e Amossy (2014), na identidade narrativa de Ricoeur (2004), e nos estudos sociológicos de Collins (2000), Harris-Perry (2011) e Davis (2016). Ao compararmos os percursos das duas mulheres, mesmo tendo encontrado algumas similaridades, encontramos também um distanciamento devido ao contexto de interações sociais e culturais entre brancos e negros em seus países de origem. Como aporte teórico para a análise do corpus, utilizamos a interdisciplinaridade entre a Semiótica francesa standard e seus desdobramentos, e a Análise do Discurso. A base da análise deste trabalho é o conceito de manipulação, refletindo sobre as possibilidades de manipulação do ator do enunciado sobre o enunciatário-leitor. Desse modo, estão presentes os estudos propostos por Landowski (2014), Fiorin (2002, 2006, 2015, 2016), Discini (2009, 2015), Harkot-de-La-Taille (2004, 2016), Barros (2005) Pietroforte (2006), Maingueneau (2005, 2008) e Ricoeur (2004). / The aim of this study is to observe the relation between specific stereotypes and the identity constructions in the discourses of two Afro - descendant women. This observation is made through the study of two books, being one of them a biography and the other an autobiography (LEJEUNE, 2008), they are: \"Valeria Valenssa, Uma Vida de Sonhos\" (BERGALO; DUARTE, 2015) and \"Life in Motion, An Unlikely Ballerina\" COPELAND, 2014). Besides their skin color, the two women have also the dance in common. While classic ballerina Misty Copeland was the first black woman to be prima ballerina in a ballet company in the United States, the samba dancer Valeria Valenssa was the first mulata Globeleza, the woman who materialized (in)the stereotype of the sensual Brazilian Carnival mulata. The relevance of the research is justified because in both countries the history for the Black women identity construction is, somehow, based on the tragedy of enslavement of Black people, resulting in a trace of racial segregation. This fact is connected to the way of life of the two women investigated in this paper. The investigations are mainly based on the studies regarding stereotypes suggested by Lippmann (2008) and Amossy (2014), Ricoeur\'s theory of narrative identity (2004) and the sociological studies of Collins (2000), Harris-Perry (2011) and Davis (2016). Thus, when comparing both situations, even with some similarities, there is also a distance due to the context of social and cultural interactions between Whites and Blacks in both countries. As the theoretical contribution to the analysis of the corpus, the interdisciplinarity between French Semiotics and its developments, and Discourse Analysis were used. The basis of analysis in this work is the concept of manipulation, considering the possibilities the actor of the utterances has of manipulating the reader-enunciatee. In this way, the studies proposed by Landowski (2014), Fiorin (2002, 2006, 2015, 2016), Discini (2009, 2015), Harkot-de-La-Taille (2004, 2016), Barros (2006), Maingueneau (2005, 2008) and Ricoeur (2004) were used.
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Mulher negra: das formações discursivas à consolidação e quebra do estereótipo da mulata que dança / Black woman: from discourse formation to the consolidation and break of the dancing mulata stereotypeAndréa Luisa Martins dos Santos 30 August 2018 (has links)
Este estudo tem como objetivo observar a relação de estereótipos específicos com as construções identitárias presentes nos discursos de duas mulheres afrodescendentes, a partir de dois livros, um biográfico e outro autobiográfico (LEJEUNE, 2008): Valeria Valenssa, Uma Vida de Sonhos (BERGALO; DUARTE, 2015) e Life in Motion, An Unlikely Ballerina (COPELAND, 2014). Além da cor da pele, as duas mulheres têm em comum a dança. Enquanto a bailarina clássica Misty Copeland foi a primeira mulher negra a ser prima ballerina em uma companhia de ballet nos Estados Unidos, a sambista Valeria Valenssa foi a primeira mulata Globeleza, a mulher que materializou(-se) o/no estereótipo da mulata sensualizada do carnaval brasileiro. Compreendemos a relevância do trabalho, pois, em ambos os países, a história para a construção identitária de mulheres com esse tipo físico aproxima-se pela tragédia da escravização de pessoas negras, resultando em um lastro de segregação racial, fato que apresenta grande conexão com o modo de vida das duas mulheres, cujas trajetórias são aqui investigadas. Tais investigações apoiam-se, principalmente, nos estudos sobre estereótipos sugeridos por Lippmann (2008) e Amossy (2014), na identidade narrativa de Ricoeur (2004), e nos estudos sociológicos de Collins (2000), Harris-Perry (2011) e Davis (2016). Ao compararmos os percursos das duas mulheres, mesmo tendo encontrado algumas similaridades, encontramos também um distanciamento devido ao contexto de interações sociais e culturais entre brancos e negros em seus países de origem. Como aporte teórico para a análise do corpus, utilizamos a interdisciplinaridade entre a Semiótica francesa standard e seus desdobramentos, e a Análise do Discurso. A base da análise deste trabalho é o conceito de manipulação, refletindo sobre as possibilidades de manipulação do ator do enunciado sobre o enunciatário-leitor. Desse modo, estão presentes os estudos propostos por Landowski (2014), Fiorin (2002, 2006, 2015, 2016), Discini (2009, 2015), Harkot-de-La-Taille (2004, 2016), Barros (2005) Pietroforte (2006), Maingueneau (2005, 2008) e Ricoeur (2004). / The aim of this study is to observe the relation between specific stereotypes and the identity constructions in the discourses of two Afro - descendant women. This observation is made through the study of two books, being one of them a biography and the other an autobiography (LEJEUNE, 2008), they are: \"Valeria Valenssa, Uma Vida de Sonhos\" (BERGALO; DUARTE, 2015) and \"Life in Motion, An Unlikely Ballerina\" COPELAND, 2014). Besides their skin color, the two women have also the dance in common. While classic ballerina Misty Copeland was the first black woman to be prima ballerina in a ballet company in the United States, the samba dancer Valeria Valenssa was the first mulata Globeleza, the woman who materialized (in)the stereotype of the sensual Brazilian Carnival mulata. The relevance of the research is justified because in both countries the history for the Black women identity construction is, somehow, based on the tragedy of enslavement of Black people, resulting in a trace of racial segregation. This fact is connected to the way of life of the two women investigated in this paper. The investigations are mainly based on the studies regarding stereotypes suggested by Lippmann (2008) and Amossy (2014), Ricoeur\'s theory of narrative identity (2004) and the sociological studies of Collins (2000), Harris-Perry (2011) and Davis (2016). Thus, when comparing both situations, even with some similarities, there is also a distance due to the context of social and cultural interactions between Whites and Blacks in both countries. As the theoretical contribution to the analysis of the corpus, the interdisciplinarity between French Semiotics and its developments, and Discourse Analysis were used. The basis of analysis in this work is the concept of manipulation, considering the possibilities the actor of the utterances has of manipulating the reader-enunciatee. In this way, the studies proposed by Landowski (2014), Fiorin (2002, 2006, 2015, 2016), Discini (2009, 2015), Harkot-de-La-Taille (2004, 2016), Barros (2006), Maingueneau (2005, 2008) and Ricoeur (2004) were used.
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Investigating General Time-Based Prospective Memory in School-Aged Children Using a Novel Naturalistic ParadigmTalbot, Karley-Dale 01 September 2015 (has links)
Prospective memory (PM) refers to a person’s ability to remember to do something in the future. It is a complex behaviour that is essential for the daily functioning of young and old alike. Despite its importance in everyday life, few studies have sought to examine PM in a naturalistic way and even fewer have done so using school-aged children. The current study aimed to understand a particular form of time-based PM (TBPM), general TBPM, in children through the use of a novel naturalistic paradigm. In addition, the study aimed to add to the current PM literature by including an analysis of the circumstances surrounding a child’s prospective remembering. Results demonstrated that general TBPM was not significantly related to the parent-report Prospective Retrospective Memory Questionnaire for Children (PRMQC) or to the Memory for Intentions Screening Test for Youth (MISTY). Interestingly, general TBPM was not found to significantly relate to WM either. Descriptive analyses of the qualitative data demonstrated that no trigger rehearsals were most often responsible for children’s successful PM remembering. In contrast, when children forgot to complete their PM tasks, they most often reported being too busy with other things as the reason. The current findings provide preliminary support for the existence of a new sub-type of TBPM. They also call into question the utility of using measures like the MISTY and PRMQC to evaluate the ecological validity of new PM task paradigms. Consequently, future research should focus on validating current PM measures before using them to evaluate the ecological validity of new ones. Finally, it is also believed that the inclusion of qualitative measures assessing the contexts of PM retrieval have important implications for the effective development of future interventions for children who experience PM difficulties. / Graduate / 0621 / 0633 / 0620 / kdtalbot@uvic.ca
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Básnické miniatury jako způsob hledání nového začátku v čínské poezii 20. století / Miniature Poems as a Means of Seeking New Beginings for Chinese Poetry in the 20th CenturyKrechloková, Patricie January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with miniature poems, which appeared at the beginning of the May fourth movement, as a genre of modern chinese poetry and was redoscovered by the misty poets after the Cultural revolution. Part of a brief introduction to the literary- historical contexts of both periods are short biographies of two representative poets of this genre, Bing Xin and Gu Cheng. Eventually the form and themes of miniature poems are introduced. The main part of this thesis is a comparative study of Bing Xin's and Gu Cheng's miniature poems. The thesis concludes, that Gu Cheng refines and eleborates the artistic value of the miniature poem. Part of the study is a criticism of primary source, as well as a summary of the current state of research. Key words: Modern poetry, Bing Xin, Gu Cheng, místy poetry, May fourth movement
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As instituições totais no romance: a trajetória do herói no ambiente repressor / The Total Institutions in the Novel: the hero\'s path in the coercive environmentSantana, Ana Carolina Rhormens de 15 March 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa pretende analisar a trajetória dos protagonistas de três romances A Cidade e os cachorros de Mario Vargas Llosa, Manhã submersa de Vergílio Ferreira e O Ateneu de Raul Pompéia que apresentam como núcleo temático comum a opressão sofrida no espaço específico de um internato. O objetivo é traçar uma comparação entre as experiências desses personagens desde o período anterior à entrada no internato ao seu posterior retorno à sociedade, a fim de poder avaliar os efeitos do confinamento no comportamento de cada um deles. Como embasamento teórico, o trabalho recorre ao conceito de total institution, definido pelo sociólogo Erving Goffman, para melhor examinar em que medida esses ambientes se configuram como uma instituição de confinamento totalizante, que faz com que seus internos passem por dolorosas mortificações, degradações e, consequentemente, transformações na concepção que têm sobre si mesmos e os outros. Também se recorre à noção de formação de corpos dóceis, desenvolvida por Foucault, para investigar como as particularidades dos coercitivos métodos adotados pelos dirigentes dessas instituições podem ser tomadas como variações de um mesmo sistema de controle disciplinar, o qual visa moldar o comportamento do interno, induzindo-o a um tal estado de alienação que aplaque a sua capacidade de diferenciação e de contestação. Prevê-se, ainda, explorar o processo de amadurecimento desses protagonistas, que, à custa do embate com o meio repressor e os demais personagens, seguem rumo a uma consciência crítica da realidade, verificando a possibilidade de aproximação das mencionadas narrativas com o signo literário do Bildungsroman (ou romance de formação). / This research intends to analyze the protagonists\' path in three novels, which present a common point: the oppression arose in a specific setting, a boarding school. The above-mentioned novels are Misty Morning by Vergilio Ferreira, O Ateneu by Raul Pompeia and The time of the hero by Mario Vargas Llosa. The aim is to draw a comparison among these characters experiences from the period before the admission to the boarding school until their return to the society, in order to be able to evaluate the confinements effects on the behavior of each one of them. As a theoretical basis, this research resorts to the concept of total institution, defined by the sociologist Erving Goffman, to better examine to what extent these environments are totalizing institutions, that make that their boarders live painful mortifications, degradations and, as a consequence, changes in their conception about themselves and the others. It also resorts to the idea of docile bodies conformation, developed by Foucault, to investigate how the particularities of coercive methods adopted by those institutions leaders may be taken as variations of the same system of disciplinary control, which aims to determine the boarders behavior, inducing him to such a level of alienation that appeases his autonomy and ability to question this system in which he is inserted. There is also the intention to explore these protagonists physical and intellectual growing up process, which proceeds, after their struggles with the repressive environment and the others characters, towards a critical awareness of reality, and to consider the possibility of setting the mentioned narratives under the title of Bildungsroman.
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As instituições totais no romance: a trajetória do herói no ambiente repressor / The Total Institutions in the Novel: the hero\'s path in the coercive environmentAna Carolina Rhormens de Santana 15 March 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa pretende analisar a trajetória dos protagonistas de três romances A Cidade e os cachorros de Mario Vargas Llosa, Manhã submersa de Vergílio Ferreira e O Ateneu de Raul Pompéia que apresentam como núcleo temático comum a opressão sofrida no espaço específico de um internato. O objetivo é traçar uma comparação entre as experiências desses personagens desde o período anterior à entrada no internato ao seu posterior retorno à sociedade, a fim de poder avaliar os efeitos do confinamento no comportamento de cada um deles. Como embasamento teórico, o trabalho recorre ao conceito de total institution, definido pelo sociólogo Erving Goffman, para melhor examinar em que medida esses ambientes se configuram como uma instituição de confinamento totalizante, que faz com que seus internos passem por dolorosas mortificações, degradações e, consequentemente, transformações na concepção que têm sobre si mesmos e os outros. Também se recorre à noção de formação de corpos dóceis, desenvolvida por Foucault, para investigar como as particularidades dos coercitivos métodos adotados pelos dirigentes dessas instituições podem ser tomadas como variações de um mesmo sistema de controle disciplinar, o qual visa moldar o comportamento do interno, induzindo-o a um tal estado de alienação que aplaque a sua capacidade de diferenciação e de contestação. Prevê-se, ainda, explorar o processo de amadurecimento desses protagonistas, que, à custa do embate com o meio repressor e os demais personagens, seguem rumo a uma consciência crítica da realidade, verificando a possibilidade de aproximação das mencionadas narrativas com o signo literário do Bildungsroman (ou romance de formação). / This research intends to analyze the protagonists\' path in three novels, which present a common point: the oppression arose in a specific setting, a boarding school. The above-mentioned novels are Misty Morning by Vergilio Ferreira, O Ateneu by Raul Pompeia and The time of the hero by Mario Vargas Llosa. The aim is to draw a comparison among these characters experiences from the period before the admission to the boarding school until their return to the society, in order to be able to evaluate the confinements effects on the behavior of each one of them. As a theoretical basis, this research resorts to the concept of total institution, defined by the sociologist Erving Goffman, to better examine to what extent these environments are totalizing institutions, that make that their boarders live painful mortifications, degradations and, as a consequence, changes in their conception about themselves and the others. It also resorts to the idea of docile bodies conformation, developed by Foucault, to investigate how the particularities of coercive methods adopted by those institutions leaders may be taken as variations of the same system of disciplinary control, which aims to determine the boarders behavior, inducing him to such a level of alienation that appeases his autonomy and ability to question this system in which he is inserted. There is also the intention to explore these protagonists physical and intellectual growing up process, which proceeds, after their struggles with the repressive environment and the others characters, towards a critical awareness of reality, and to consider the possibility of setting the mentioned narratives under the title of Bildungsroman.
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