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Papel do receptor NLRP12 na modulação da reabsorção óssea durante a progressão da lesão periapical experimental / Role of NLRP12 on bone resorption during the progression of a periapical lesion modelThaise Mayumi Taira 29 June 2017 (has links)
O receptor NLRP12 é um receptor intracelular que está envolvido no reconhecimento de PAMPs e DAMPs durante uma infecção. Foi visto que durante a osteoclastogênese, há uma diminuição da transcrição de NLRP12, e que este receptor inibe a reabsorção óssea através da supressão da via alternativa de NF-κB, exercendo um papel protetor sobre o tecido ósseo. Além disso, foi observado que a deficiência de NLRP12 em monócitos sob o estímulo de RANKL levou a maior estabilização de NIK e maior translocação de RelB para o núcleo, aumentando a formação dos osteoclastos in vitro. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o papel de NLRP12 no desenvolvimento e progressão da lesão periapical induzida em camundongos. Para isso, foi induzida a lesão periapical dos primeiros molares inferiores dos camundongos fêmeas C57/Bl6 (WT) e camundongos deficientes para o receptor NLRP12 (Nlrp12-/-). Após 14 e 21 dias, as amostras de mandíbula foram submetidas às análises: determinação da área de lesão periapical em cortes histológicos; expressão gênica de marcadores osteoclastogênicos por qPCR; contagem de osteoclastos submetidos ao ensaio de histoenzimologia (TRAP); avaliação enzimática das MMPs por Zimografia. Os linfonodos cervicais foram submetidos à análise da expressão dos fatores de transcrição T-bet, RORγt, GATA-3 e Foxp-3 por qPCR. Aos 14 dias, na análise histomorfométrica os animais Nlrp12-/- apresentaram uma maior lesão periapical quando comparados aos animais WT, associado com o aumento da expressão de Trap, Catepsina K e MMP-9 em amostras de hemi-mandíbulas com lesão. Além disso, o número de células TRAP positivas foi significantemente maior em Nlrp12-/- com lesão quando comparado com seu controle, enquanto no grupo WT com e sem lesão foram semelhantes. Assim como foi observado o maior aumento dos osteoclastos presentes no local da lesão dos animais Nlrp12-/-, estes também se mostraram com maior atividade gelatinolítica de MMP-9 e MMP-2 em relação ao seu controle, diferente dos animais WT que não apresentaram diferença entre os grupos controle e com lesão. Ainda nesse período, foi observado nas amostras de linfonodos cervicais que, no grupo Nlrp12-/- houve uma tendência à maior expressão de RORγt, seguidos de menor expressão de T-bet quando comparados com o grupo WT. Aos 21 dias, os animais WT e Nlrp12-/- apresentaram lesões periapicais de tamanhos semelhantes. Além disso, somente o grupo Nlrp12-/- com lesão apresentou um aumento significativo da expressão de Trap em relação ao seu controle e a expressão de Catepsina K foi semelhante em ambos os grupos. Neste período houve um aumento na quantidade de células TRAP positivas em ambos os grupos com lesão quando comparados com seus respectivos controles, entretanto também não houve diferença entre os animais WT e Nlrp12-/-. A atividade de MMP-9 e MMP-2 foram semelhantes entre os animais WT e Nlrp12-/- e entre seus respectivos controles aos 21 dias. Nossos dados sugerem que a deficiência de NLRP12 levou a uma maior perda óssea aos 14 dias de lesão periapical e que isso ocorre via modulação da formação e atividade dos osteoclastos. Portanto, o NLRP12 inibe a osteoclastogênese e a atividade dos osteoclastos durante a fase inicial da lesão periapical, retardando o desenvolvimento da doença. / NLRP12 is an intracellular sensor that recongnizes PAMPS and DAMPs during infeccion. It was seen that NLRP12 transcription is down-regulated during osteoclastogenesis, and NLRP12 protect bone via suppression of alternative NF-κB-induced osteoclastogenesis. It has been shown that NLRP12 deficiency in monocytes under RANKL stimuli exhibited more stabilization of NIK and nuclear translocation of RelB, increasing osteoclasts formation in vitro. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the role of NLRP12 in the development and progression of experimentally induced periapical lesions in mice. Periapical lesions were induced in first molars of WT and NLRP12 knockout (KO) mice. Samples were collected at 14 and 21 days of the lesion for the analyses. Jaw samples with lesion and control area were subjected to periapical lesions area determination by histological sections; osteoclastogenic markers expression by q-PCR; count of osteoclasts submitted to the enzyme assay for TRAP; evaluation of MMPs activity by Zymography. The expression of T cells markers´ transcription factors was evaluated in lymph nodes by q-PCR. Fourteen days after periapical lesion induction, histological analysis revealed that NLRP12KO mice exhibited higher area of periapical lesion compared to WT group, which was associated with up-regulated mRNA expression of Trap, Cathepsin K and MMP-9 in the jaw samples. Moreover, the number of multinuclear TRAP-stained cells was significantly higher in the NLRP12KO with lesion group when compared to it control, whereas in the WT the number between the lesion and control groups were similar. Still, NLRP12KO showed higher MMP-9 and -2 gelatinolytic activity than it control, unlike WT mice that showed no difference between control and lesion group. In this period, NLRP12KO mice lymph nodes showed more RORγt expression than WT mice and less T-bet expression. At 21 days, WT and NLRP12KO presented periapical lesions of similar sizes. In addition, NLRP12KO group with lesion showed a significant increase in Trap expression when compared with their control, but the increase in Trap e Cathepsin K was similar in both groups. Additionally, there was an increase of multinuclear TRAP-stained cells in both lesion groups when compared with their respective controls; however, there was also no difference between WT and NLRP12KO mice. MMP-9 and -2 activity was similar between WT and NLRP12KO and with their respective controls at 21 days. Our results suggest that NLRP12 deficiency led to increased bone loss at 14 days of periapical lesion and it occurs due to increased osteoclasts formation and activity. Therefore, NLRP12 inhibits osteoclastogenesis and osteoclasts activity during the early stages of periapical lesion, slowing the development of the disease.
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Receptor syndecan-1 controls MMP-9 expression during keratinocyte migration / Le récepteur syndecan-1 contrôle l'expression de MMP-9 au cours de la migration des kératinocytesMichopoulou, Anna 02 September 2016 (has links)
La phase de l'épithélialisation de la réparation cutanée se déroule en impliquant plusieurs processus dynamiques et interactifs pendant lesquels les kératinocytes migrent, prolifèrent et se différentient afin de reconstruire la fonction de la barrière. La migration des kératinocytes est l'événement qui détermine l'efficacité du processus entier. Le comportement migratoire est contrôlé au même temps au niveau extracellulaire et intracellulaire et dépend d'interactions dynamiques entre les cellules et leur environnement extracellulaire, des facteurs de croissance et des cytokines. Parmi les protéines de la matrice extracellulaire, la laminine 332 est un substrat d'adhésion majeur des kératinocytes qui joue un rôle important au cours de la migration des kératinocytes, travers son domaine LG4/5 localisé à l'extrémité carboxy-terminale de sa chaine a. Des études récentes ont rapporté que l'induction de la migration des kératinocytes par LG4/5 est dépendante des Métalloprotéinases Matricielles pro-migratoires (MMP)-9 et -1 qui jouent des rôles essentiels au cours de la cicatrisation et surtout pendant la ré-épithélialisation. Etant donné que des travaux antérieurs du laboratoire ont montré que le domaine LG4/5 participe à la dynamique du cytosquelette et à la motilité cellulaire au travers de liaisons avec les récepteurs de type de protéoglycanes à heparane sulfate, syndécan-1 et -4 on a regardé l'implication potentielle de ces récepteurs au processus. Afin d'analyser la participation possible des syndecans dans ce processus, nous avons développé une approche de mutagénèse dirigée dans la protéine LG4/5 recombinante pour altérer les sites de liaison aux syndécan-1 ou -4. Notre analyse PCR et nos résultats de zymographie ont révélé une différence du profile d'activation des MMPs en fonction de la mutation produite et donc de la capacité de la protéine à recruter le syndécan-1 ou le syndécan-4, ainsi que le syndécan-1, et pas la syndécan-4, est impliqué dans l'activation de la production de la MMP-9 par LG4/5. Nous avons ensuite confirmé ces résultats en réduisant l'expression du syndécan-1 dans des kératinocytes et on a pu aussi montrer que le traitement avec des cytokines telles que TNFalpha et IL-1beta, connues pour leur capacité d'induire l'activation de la MMP-9, a produit le même résultat dans ce systéme. L'addition de l'héparine dans nos experiences a inhibé l'activation de l'expression de MMP-9 suggerant que les heparanes sulfates dans syndecan-1 sont impliqué au mécanisme. Pour confirmer ces résultats des experiences avec des séries de syndecan-1 mutés sont en cours. Pour conclure, nos résultats montrent pour la première fois un rôle important de syndecan-1 à l'expression de MMP-9 suggérant que sa re-distribution au front des kératinocytes migratoires puisse éventuellement être liée au clivage ou à la dégradation des protéines de la matrice extracellulaire. En plus, nos résultats proposent que le domain LG4/5 de la laminin 332 libéré soit capable d'affecter la balance de l'expression de la MMP-9 lors de la migration des kératinocytes en leur permettant de traverser le caillot de fibrine / During skin repair, the epithelialization phase occurs by an orderly series of events whereby keratinocytes migrate, proliferate, and differentiate to restore the barrier function. Keratinocyte migration determines the efficiency of the overall wound repair process. The migratory behaviour is governed at both the extracellular and intracellular levels and depends on the carefully balanced dynamic interactions of the cells with ECM components, growth factors and cytokines. Among extracellular matrix proteins, laminin 332, known as a major adhesion substrate for keratinocytes was shown to contribute to skin reepithelialization through its a3 chain C-terminal domains LG45. Recent studies have reported that LG45 induces keratinocyte migration, an event that relies on the involvement of the pro-migratory matrix metalloproteinases-1 and -9, two MMPs known to play a role in the reepithelialization phase of wound healing. As findings from our laboratory have reported that LG45 domains participate in cytoskeleton dynamic and cell movement through binding of the heparan sulphate proteoglycans syndecan-1 and -4, we analyzed the potential involvement of these receptors in this process. To that end, we have developed a site-directed mutagenesis approach within a recombinant LG45 protein to alter either the syndecan-1 or syndecan-4 binding site. Our PCR analysis and zymography results revealed that depending on the mutants, syndecan-1 or syndecan-4 recruitment induced different MMP activation profile and suggested that syndecan-1 plays a role in LG45 induced MMP-9 expression and activation. We confirmed these results by down regulating syndecans expression in keratinocytes and revealed that this phenomenon also occurred when cells were treated with TNFalpha or IL1beta, two cytokines known to up-regulate MMP-9 expression. Addition of heparin in these experiments abolished MMP-9 expression activation suggesting that syndecan-1 heparan sulfate moieties are involved in this mechanism. Confirming experiments using a series of mutated syndecan-1 in their ectodomain (lacking glycosaminoglycan chains) or in their cytoplasmic tail are ongoing in the lab. Taken together, our data demonstrate for the first time that syndecan-1 plays a pivotal role in MMP-9 expression, suggesting that its re-distribution at the front edge of migrating keratinocyte may have a role to play in the cleavage or degradation of extracellular matrix proteins. Our results further suggest that the released laminin 332 LG45 domain has the ability to impact the MMP9 expression balance during keratinocyte migration therefore facilitating their path through the fibrin clot
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Etude des effets de la protéine C-réactive sur certains aspects de la biologie des cellules mononucléées circulantes et des monocytes humains : Implications pour la physiopathologie des maladies cardiovasculaires / Effects of C-reactive protein on the biology of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells and monocytes : Implications for pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseasesBello, Gaëlle 05 November 2008 (has links)
La protéine C-réactive (CRP) est aujourd’hui considérée comme un biomarqueur indispensable dans la prédiction de maladies cardio-vasculaires et de complications aiguës associées, et ce, par des mécanismes qui ne sont pas encore totalement élucidés. Nous avons étudié les effets de la CRP dans divers aspects de la biologie des cellules mononucléaires du sang périphérique (PBMC) et des monocytes humains ex vivo. En effet, ces cellules peuvent être impliquées dans la physiopathologie de ces maladies. Nous avons aussi utilisé la lignée promonocytaire THP-1. Ces trois types cellulaires ont été incubés avec la CRP purifiée ou recombinante et l’expression génique de cytokines pro-inflammatoires, de chimiokines et de MMP-9 a été analysée par PCR semi-quantitative en temps réel et l’expression protéique par test immunométrique ou par test ELISA. La CRP ne semble agir ni sur la synthèse de ces cytokines ni sur celle de MMP?9. Une approche globale par puce à protéines avec les surnageants de culture de monocytes a démontré que la CRP augmentait la synthèse du VEGF-A. Ce résultat a été confirmé au niveau transcriptionnel par RT-PCR et au niveau protéique par test ELISA. Une étude complémentaire avec la lignée THP-1 a permis de montrer l’implication des voies PI3?Kinase et MEK mais pas celle de la p38MAPKinase dans cette augmentation. Ces travaux ont ainsi permis la mise en évidence de plusieurs mécanismes permettant d’associer la CRP aux pathologies cardiovasculaires dans une relation de cause à effet. Ces mécanismes pourraient représenter des cibles thérapeutiques potentielles des maladies cardiovasculaires. / C-reactive protein is now considered as an essential biomarker for predicting the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and their acute complications through mechanisms that are not fully elucidated. We investigated CRP effects on several aspects of the biology of ex vivo human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and monocytes. In fact, these cells can be involved in the pathophysiology of these diseases. Also, we used the promonocytic line THP-1. These three cellular types were incubated with purified or recombinant CRP and gene expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines and (pro)MMP-9 was analysed by real time semi-quantitative PCR and protein expression by immunometric or ELISA tests. CRP doesn’t seem to act upon neither the tested cytokines synthesis nor the (pro)MMP-9 expression. A global approach by protein array with the cultured monocytes supernatants showed that CRP induced VEGF-A protein synthesis. This result was confirmed at transcriptional level by RT-PCR and at protein level by ELISA. A complementary study with the monocytic cell line THP-1 demonstrated the activation of PI3-Kinase and MEK pathways but not of p38MAPKinase pathway in this regulation. These results provide insight into several mechanisms that could transform the statistical association between CRP and cardiovascular diseases into a cause-to-effect relationship. Some of these mechanisms could represent therapeutic targets for cardiovascular diseases.
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Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Up-regulates MMP-9 Expression Via MAPK-AP-1 Signaling Pathway in Rat AstrocytesMalcomson, Elizabeth 14 March 2011 (has links)
Ischemic stroke is characterized by a disruption of blood supply to a part of the brain tissue, which leads to a focal ischemic infarct. The expression and activity of MMP-9 is increased in ischemic stroke and is considered to be one of the main factors responsible for damages to the cerebral vasculature, resulting in compromised blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity. However, the regulatory mechanisms of MMP-9 expression and activity are not well established in ischemic stroke. Since hypoxia/ischemia and reperfusion generates reactive oxygen species (ROS), I hypothesize that ROS is one of factors involved in up-regulation of MMP-9 expression in brain cells and ROS-mediated effect may occur via MAPK signaling pathway. My study has provided the evidence that ROS is responsible for an increase in MMP-9 expression in astrocytes mediated via MAPK-AP1 signaling pathway. Preliminary studies with an in vitro model of the BBB suggest that inhibition of MMP-9 is a critical component of reducing ROS-induced BBB permeability.
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Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Up-regulates MMP-9 Expression Via MAPK-AP-1 Signaling Pathway in Rat AstrocytesMalcomson, Elizabeth 14 March 2011 (has links)
Ischemic stroke is characterized by a disruption of blood supply to a part of the brain tissue, which leads to a focal ischemic infarct. The expression and activity of MMP-9 is increased in ischemic stroke and is considered to be one of the main factors responsible for damages to the cerebral vasculature, resulting in compromised blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity. However, the regulatory mechanisms of MMP-9 expression and activity are not well established in ischemic stroke. Since hypoxia/ischemia and reperfusion generates reactive oxygen species (ROS), I hypothesize that ROS is one of factors involved in up-regulation of MMP-9 expression in brain cells and ROS-mediated effect may occur via MAPK signaling pathway. My study has provided the evidence that ROS is responsible for an increase in MMP-9 expression in astrocytes mediated via MAPK-AP1 signaling pathway. Preliminary studies with an in vitro model of the BBB suggest that inhibition of MMP-9 is a critical component of reducing ROS-induced BBB permeability.
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Transplantation is the optimal form of therapy for patients with end-stage liver disease; however, the use of organs with hepatic steatosis is often associated with increased risks for poor function and graft loss. In addition, ischemia reperfusion (IR) injury leads to cellular damage that can culminate in functional impairment and loss of graft. Furthermore, IR injury is aggravated by pre-existing steatosis and may involve additional mechanisms and mediators of cellular damage. Current models to study IR in vitro are not well defined and may overlook periods of injury that are involved in transplantation. In this thesis, I present an in vitro model for IR injury that includes multiple phases of injury and leads to the upregulation of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), and possibly enhances the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9). As graft HO-1 expression correlates positively with reduced injury, but MMP-9 expression is associated with increased injury, I therefore examined the utility of in vitro gene therapies to affect the expression of these proteins. We conclude that the in vitro model of ischemia and reperfusion is a promising tool to study the cellular response to IR and may provide a platform for the development of future therapies which could have clinical applications.
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Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Up-regulates MMP-9 Expression Via MAPK-AP-1 Signaling Pathway in Rat AstrocytesMalcomson, Elizabeth 14 March 2011 (has links)
Ischemic stroke is characterized by a disruption of blood supply to a part of the brain tissue, which leads to a focal ischemic infarct. The expression and activity of MMP-9 is increased in ischemic stroke and is considered to be one of the main factors responsible for damages to the cerebral vasculature, resulting in compromised blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity. However, the regulatory mechanisms of MMP-9 expression and activity are not well established in ischemic stroke. Since hypoxia/ischemia and reperfusion generates reactive oxygen species (ROS), I hypothesize that ROS is one of factors involved in up-regulation of MMP-9 expression in brain cells and ROS-mediated effect may occur via MAPK signaling pathway. My study has provided the evidence that ROS is responsible for an increase in MMP-9 expression in astrocytes mediated via MAPK-AP1 signaling pathway. Preliminary studies with an in vitro model of the BBB suggest that inhibition of MMP-9 is a critical component of reducing ROS-induced BBB permeability.
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Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Up-regulates MMP-9 Expression Via MAPK-AP-1 Signaling Pathway in Rat AstrocytesMalcomson, Elizabeth January 2011 (has links)
Ischemic stroke is characterized by a disruption of blood supply to a part of the brain tissue, which leads to a focal ischemic infarct. The expression and activity of MMP-9 is increased in ischemic stroke and is considered to be one of the main factors responsible for damages to the cerebral vasculature, resulting in compromised blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity. However, the regulatory mechanisms of MMP-9 expression and activity are not well established in ischemic stroke. Since hypoxia/ischemia and reperfusion generates reactive oxygen species (ROS), I hypothesize that ROS is one of factors involved in up-regulation of MMP-9 expression in brain cells and ROS-mediated effect may occur via MAPK signaling pathway. My study has provided the evidence that ROS is responsible for an increase in MMP-9 expression in astrocytes mediated via MAPK-AP1 signaling pathway. Preliminary studies with an in vitro model of the BBB suggest that inhibition of MMP-9 is a critical component of reducing ROS-induced BBB permeability.
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Matrix Metalloproteinases 2 and 9 in Normal Canine Cerebrospinal FluidBergman, Robert Loring 11 September 2001 (has links)
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis is a standard part of a diagnostic evaluation. Commonly evaluated components include the cell count, protein concentration, glucose, and cytology. CSF analysis can be diagnostic in some diseases such as fungal infections and CNS lymphoma. Often, CSF analysis is not specific, but more information can be obtained. Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs) are enzymes that have been found in human CSF. They are calcium and zinc dependent endoproteinases with overlapping substrates. They hydrolyze at least one component of tissue extracellular matrix (ECM), such as collagen or elastin. They are important in normal physiologic processes such as angiogenesis, reproduction and wound healing. One class of MMPs, the gelatinases, degrade gelatins and type IV collagen include MMP 2 and MMP 9. MMPs are important in many pathological processes that involve unregulated matrix destruction such as arthritis, neoplasia and CNS diseases. MMP2 is known to be constituitively produced in CSF while MMP 9 is present only in certain pathologic conditions such as multiple sclerosis, neoplasia and inflammatory diseases. We hypothesize that MMP2 is present in normal canine CSF while MMP 9 is absent.
Cerebrospinal fluid samples were taken from 23 normal dogs that were being used for other research purposes. Each CSF sample was evaluated immediately for red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), protein, and glucose, and then stored at -70°C. Cytological examination was also performed. CSF samples were considered normal if the protein was less than 25 mg/dl, WBCs were less than 6 µl, and RBCs were less than 25 µl. Each dog was euthanized and the brains processed for routine histopathology. MMP analysis was done using gelatin zymography and an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Bands of enzyme activity were visible following staining due to enzyme degradation of the gelatin. A commercially available polyclonal sandwich ELISA was used to identify the pro form of MMP2.
The mean WBC count for the CSF samples was 0.96 WBC/ml with a range of 0-3 WBC/ml. The mean protein was 12 mg/dl, with a range of 8-17 mg/dl. The mean RBC count was 3.65 RBC/ml with a range of 0-21 RBC/ml. All normal samples of CSF contained a band of clearing that corresponded to the human commercial standard of proMMP2. No other major bands of clearing were noted on normal samples. The commercial human standards also contained ProMMP2. Other bands were present, but were faint and variable. Using a polyclonal antibody based sandwich ELISA, with samples run in triplicate, the mean pro MMP 2 levels were determined to be 5.61 ng/ml with a range of 3.36 - 10.83 ng/ml.
We conclude that normal CSF values are narrower than what has been previously reported for protein concentration and WBC count. Also, the pro form of MMP 2 is present in normal canine CSF based on results of gelatin zymography and ELISA. / Master of Science
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Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are known to be the mediators of extracellular matrix remodeling. Increased levels of matrix metalloproteinases, particularly MMP-9, have been found in the aqueous humor of patients with glaucoma. However the exact role of MMP-9 in glaucomatous changes is not understood. Previous results from the West-Mays’ lab indicated that MMP-9 deficient (knockout - KO) mice exhibit elevated IOP, in the absence of distinct morphological changes in the anterior chamber.
In the current thesis, I investigated whether the elevated IOP in MMP-9KO mice leads to RGC death. Wild type and KO littermates at different age groups: 2-3 months, 3-4 months, 6-8 and 9-12 months were studied. IOP was measured using TonoLab rebound tonometer. My results demonstrated that IOP was significantly increased in MMP-9KO mice compared to control littermates at all ages examined. To investigate if the elevated IOP was due to a difference in central corneal thickness (CCT), CCT measurements were made between WT and KO mice using ultrasound pachymeter. There was no difference in CCT demonstrating that the elevated IOP observed in MMP-9KO mice was not related to changes in corneal thickness. To determine whether the elevated IOP led to RGC death, the animals were sacrificed, eyes were enucleated and retinas (n=4) from both WT and KO animals were dissected and stained with Brn-3a antibody. Additional eyes were harvested from both WT and KO mice for histological and immunofluorescence studies. I found no observable difference in Brn3a+ RGC count between MMP9-WT and KO mice. Furthermore, no difference in retinal morphology, glial reactivity and laminin expression between WT and KO mice was observed. In the future it will be important to investigate whether elevated IOP in the MMP-9KO mice leads to optic nerve axonal loss and further investigate the possibility that the MMP-9KO retina is neuroprotected. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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