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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ämnestransport med grundvatten i hydrogeologiska typmiljöer

Winnerstam, Björn January 2005 (has links)
<p>Certain types of waste, e.g. bottom ash originating from municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI bottom ash) can be used as road construction materials. A potential problem is the possibility of substances leaching out of the road and spreading in the surrounding groundwater.</p><p>The aim of this master’s thesis is to conclude whether hydrogeological type settings can be employed to, based on local conditions, provide an estimate of the probable spreading of these substances in the surrounding groundwater, and whether certain types of soils can be identified as being less suitable for the localization of a MSWI bottom ash road. A hydrogeological type setting is defined as a mappable unit with similar hydrogeological properties. An advantage of this approach would be that mainly existing maps and surveys could form the basis for the assessment.</p><p>The work has been performed by placing a hypothetical road construction in different hydrogeological type settings. The expected patterns of spreading has then been evaluated using theoretical reasoning and analytical and numerical models.</p><p>The method can be used. In the report various type settings are defined. In several cases further information will be required to render possible a more exact estimate of the spreading. By locating the road on less permeable soils to reduce the local spreading of substances in groundwater, a greater proportion of the water will be drained as surface water. Thus it becomes important to take into account surface water transport aswell. In the report a procedure to estimate the maximum concentrations in groundwater at locations situated downstream the road is presented. This estimate could be used as basis for a more balanced valuation of appropriateness, e.g. by relating the estimated concentrations to background values.</p> / <p>Vissa typer av avfall, exempelvis slaggrus (sorterad bottenaska från avfallsförbränning), kan användas som vägbyggnadsmaterial. Ett potentiellt problem är möjligheten att ämnen lakas ut ur vägen och sprids i omgivande grundvatten.</p><p>Syftet med detta examensarbete är att avgöra om hydrogeologiska typmiljöer kan användas för att, utifrån omgivningens förutsättningar, ge en bild av hur den vidare spridningen av dessa ämnen i omgivande grundvatten sannolikt ser ut, och om vissa typer av mark kan pekas ut som mindre lämpade för lokalisering av en slaggrusväg. En hydrogeologisk typmiljö definieras som ett område möjligt att avgränsa med avseende på karakteristiska hydrogeologiska förhållanden. En fördel med angreppssättet skulle vara att underlagsmaterialet till bedömningen då kan utgöras av i huvudsak befintligt kartmaterial.</p><p>Studien har utförts genom att en hypotetisk vägkonstruktion placerats in i olika hydrogeologiska typmiljöer. De troliga spridningsscenarierna har sedan utvärderats genom teoretiska resonemang, samt genom användande av analytiska och numeriska modeller.</p><p>Metodiken går att använda och i rapporten definieras olika typmiljöer. I flera fall kommer platsspecifik kunskap behöva inhämtas för en närmare beskrivning av spridningsbilden. Genom placering av vägen på tätare mark för att minska lokal spridning av ämnen i grundvatten kommer en större andel av vattnet att avledas som ytvatten. Därmed blir det viktigt att även inhämta kunskap om transport med ytvatten. I rapporten presenteras också en metod för uppskattning av maximala halter i grundvatten nedströms en väg. Denna metod kan användas som underlag för en mer nyanserad värdering av lämplighet, genom att de uppskattade halterna relateras till bakgrundsvärden eller lämpliga riktvärden.</p>

Environmental assessment of incinerator residue utilisation

Toller, Susanna January 2008 (has links)
In Sweden, utilisation of incinerator residues outside disposal areas is restricted by environmental concerns, as such residues commonly contain greater amounts of potentially toxic trace elements than the natural materials they replace. On the other hand, utilisation can also provide environmental benefits by decreasing the need for landfill and reducing raw material extraction. This thesis provides increased knowledge and proposes better approaches for environmental assessment of incinerator residue utilisation, particularly bottom ash from municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI).A life cycle assessment (LCA) based approach was outlined for environmental assessment of incinerator residue utilisation, in which leaching of trace elements as well as other emissions to air and water and the use of resources were regarded as constituting the potential environmental impact from the system studied. Case studies were performed for i) road construction with or without MSWI bottom ash, ii) three management scenarios for MSWI bottom ash and iii) three management scenarios for wood ash. Different types of potential environmental impact predominated in the activities of the system and the scenarios differed in use of resources and energy. Utilising MSWI bottom ash in road construction and recycling of wood ash on forest land saved more natural resources and energy than when these materials were managed according to the other scenarios investigated, including dumping in landfill. There is a potential for trace element leaching regardless of how the ash is managed.Trace element leaching, particularly of copper (Cu), was identified as being relatively important for environmental assessment of MSWI bottom ash utilisation. CuO is suggested as the most important type of Cu-containing mineral in weathered MSWI bottom ash, whereas in the leachate Cu is mainly present in complexes with dissolved organic matter (DOM). The hydrophilic components of the DOM were more important for Cu binding than previously understood. Differences were also observed between MSWI bottom ash DOM and the natural DOM for which the geochemical speciation models SHM and NICA-Donnan are calibrated. Revised parameter values for speciation modelling are therefore suggested. Additions of salt or natural DOM in the influent did not change the leachate concentration of Cu. Thus, although Cl and natural DOM might be present in the influent in the field due to road salting or infiltration of soil water, this is of minor importance for the potential environmental impact from MSWI bottom ash.This thesis allows estimates of long-term leaching and toxicity to be improved and demonstrates the need for broadening the system boundaries in order to highlight the trade-offs between different types of impact. For decisions on whether incinerator residues should be utilised or landfilled, the use of a life cycle perspective in combination with more detailed assessments is recommended. / QC 20100914

Ämnestransport med grundvatten i hydrogeologiska typmiljöer

Winnerstam, Björn January 2005 (has links)
Certain types of waste, e.g. bottom ash originating from municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI bottom ash) can be used as road construction materials. A potential problem is the possibility of substances leaching out of the road and spreading in the surrounding groundwater. The aim of this master’s thesis is to conclude whether hydrogeological type settings can be employed to, based on local conditions, provide an estimate of the probable spreading of these substances in the surrounding groundwater, and whether certain types of soils can be identified as being less suitable for the localization of a MSWI bottom ash road. A hydrogeological type setting is defined as a mappable unit with similar hydrogeological properties. An advantage of this approach would be that mainly existing maps and surveys could form the basis for the assessment. The work has been performed by placing a hypothetical road construction in different hydrogeological type settings. The expected patterns of spreading has then been evaluated using theoretical reasoning and analytical and numerical models. The method can be used. In the report various type settings are defined. In several cases further information will be required to render possible a more exact estimate of the spreading. By locating the road on less permeable soils to reduce the local spreading of substances in groundwater, a greater proportion of the water will be drained as surface water. Thus it becomes important to take into account surface water transport aswell. In the report a procedure to estimate the maximum concentrations in groundwater at locations situated downstream the road is presented. This estimate could be used as basis for a more balanced valuation of appropriateness, e.g. by relating the estimated concentrations to background values. / Vissa typer av avfall, exempelvis slaggrus (sorterad bottenaska från avfallsförbränning), kan användas som vägbyggnadsmaterial. Ett potentiellt problem är möjligheten att ämnen lakas ut ur vägen och sprids i omgivande grundvatten. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att avgöra om hydrogeologiska typmiljöer kan användas för att, utifrån omgivningens förutsättningar, ge en bild av hur den vidare spridningen av dessa ämnen i omgivande grundvatten sannolikt ser ut, och om vissa typer av mark kan pekas ut som mindre lämpade för lokalisering av en slaggrusväg. En hydrogeologisk typmiljö definieras som ett område möjligt att avgränsa med avseende på karakteristiska hydrogeologiska förhållanden. En fördel med angreppssättet skulle vara att underlagsmaterialet till bedömningen då kan utgöras av i huvudsak befintligt kartmaterial. Studien har utförts genom att en hypotetisk vägkonstruktion placerats in i olika hydrogeologiska typmiljöer. De troliga spridningsscenarierna har sedan utvärderats genom teoretiska resonemang, samt genom användande av analytiska och numeriska modeller. Metodiken går att använda och i rapporten definieras olika typmiljöer. I flera fall kommer platsspecifik kunskap behöva inhämtas för en närmare beskrivning av spridningsbilden. Genom placering av vägen på tätare mark för att minska lokal spridning av ämnen i grundvatten kommer en större andel av vattnet att avledas som ytvatten. Därmed blir det viktigt att även inhämta kunskap om transport med ytvatten. I rapporten presenteras också en metod för uppskattning av maximala halter i grundvatten nedströms en väg. Denna metod kan användas som underlag för en mer nyanserad värdering av lämplighet, genom att de uppskattade halterna relateras till bakgrundsvärden eller lämpliga riktvärden.

Vers une meilleure compatibilité ciment/mâchefer (MIDND) dans la formulation de matériaux cimentaires intégrant un ciment sulfo-alumineux / Towards a better / MSWI bottom ash compatibility in the formulation of cimentitious materials integrating a sulfo-aluminate cement

Antoun, Marc 07 March 2019 (has links)
Dans un contexte accru d’économie circulaire et de valorisation des matières premières recyclées, les mâchefers d’incinération de déchets non dangereux (MIDND) constituent des déchets granulaires minéraux identifiés comme ressources renouvelables potentiellement valorisables dans la filière construction, notamment dans le domaine des matériaux cimentaires (type mortier/béton). Compte tenu de l'origine et de la nature des granulats de mâchefers, dans une finalité de concourir à une meilleure compatibilité mâchefer/ciment, il apparait essentiel en premier lieu de considérer des fractions minérales de mâchefers au mieux épurées par l’optimisation de l’enlèvement des métaux ferreux, non-ferreux et indésirables. En second temps, tenant compte des spécificités physico-chimiques résultantes des mâchefers, le choix de la base cimentaire constitue le second facteur prépondérant en sus de la nécessité de meilleure qualité de la fraction minérale de mâchefer. Le présent travail doctoral traite spécifiquement de l’apport de l’utilisation d’un ciment sulfo-alumineux dans le contexte de valorisation des mâchefers en matrice cimentaire. Des sables de mâchefers améliorés de fraction 0/2 mm ont été élaborés et utilisés pour l’étude. Dans une première partie, les résultats de formulation de mortiers cimentaires (ciment Portland, noté OPC / ciment sulfo-alumineux, noté CSA) à base de mâchefers en substitution volumique partielle du sable naturel (25, 50 et 75 %) et totale (100 %), mettent en évidence l’apport bénéfique du ciment CSA sur les résistances en compression par comparaison aux mortiers OPC. Une analyse expérimentale du réseau poreux des mortiers à 90 jours révèle que la frange de porosité supérieure à 50 nm est nettement plus faible pour les mortiers CSA. La thèse met en évidence un résultat majeur et pionnier : en interaction mâchefer, le niveau de basicité du milieu réactionnel joue un rôle prépondérant sur le potentiel de dégagement gazeux (hydrogène) après la mise en œuvre et avant la prise. Ce gaz impacte le niveau de porosité de la frange la plus grossière des mortiers durcis. La seconde partie concerne l’étude physique et microstructurale des mortiers soumis à l’attaque à l’eau pure ou à attaque sulfatique pour des substitutions volumiques de 50 et 100 %, avec les témoins pour référentiels. Les observations MEB sur les différentes matrices mettent en évidence une nette moindre sensibilité des mortiers mâchefer/CSA que des mortiers mâchefer/OPC, traduit par des porosités, fissurations et épaisseurs dégradées moindres. / In a world where circular economy and the valorization of raw materials is taking a greater importance, municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) bottom ash is identified as potentially renewable resource in the construction field and more specifically in cementitious materials like mortar and concrete. Given the origin of the bottom ash and in order to have a better cement/MSWI bottom ash compatibility, the fraction used was as refined as possible by removing ferrous, non-ferrous and unwanted materials. The choice of the cement used is a critical factor as well because it affects the quality of the end product since MSWI bottom ash has particular physicochemical properties. The work in this PhD studies the advantages of using a sulfo-aluminate cement to valorize an improved 0/2 mm fraction of bottom ash that has been developed to be used in cementitious matrices. The first part presents the results of the mortar sample mixes containing bottom ash in a substitution by volume of the standard sand. To better highlight the effect of using a sulfo-aluminate (CSA), CSA mortars containing bottom ash were compared to a Portland cement (OPC) mortars, with substitution rates of 25 %, 50 %, 75 % and 100 % were used. A study of the porosity was then conducted at 90 days ; it shows that the pores larger to 50 nm are remarkably less present for CSA mortars. This thesis brings forward a major and innovative result : the level of alkalinity of the mortar plays an important role in the release of hydrogen gas after mixing and before setting. The presence of these gases creates large porosity in the hardened mortar samples. The second part studies the physical and microstructural aspects of the mortars after being immersed in aggressive environments : pure water and sulfate solution. The substitution rates used in this experiment were 50 % and 100 % by volume as well as the reference mortars with no bottom ash. These samples were then studied in the SEM which showed that CSA/bottom ash mortars were clearly less affected than the OPC/bottom ash mortars. This was highlighted by the porosity, the cracking and the depth of degraded zone.

Gestion et valorisation des Mâchefers d’Incinération de Déchets non Dangereux (MIDND) : Etude du comportement des polluants inorganiques traces au cours de la maturation et en fonction de la granulométrie / Management et valorization of municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash : Studying the behavior of inorganic trace pollutants during weathering and as a function of particle size

Gonzales Ramirez, Maria-Lorena 04 December 2014 (has links)
L’enjeu actuel autour de la gestion des MIDND est de valoriser, dans la mesure du possible, les mâchefers sur les chantiers routiers à maîtrise d’ouvrage publique ou privée, tout en tenant compte de la réglementation en vigueur et en réalisant un suivi rigoureux dès l’élaboration jusqu’à leur mise en place. Un des freins de la valorisation des MIDND est relatif aux critères de qualité de plus en plus contraignants. Parmi les polluants potentiels qui peuvent entrainer des restrictions environnementales d’utilisation, les éléments trace métalliques (ETM), dont le comportement en fonction des paramètres que sont la maturation et la granulométrie reste peu connu, sont des plus préoccupants. Dans cette thèse, l’approche développée a permis de définir les conditions favorables au relargage des ETM suivants : Cu, Cr, Pb, Sb, Ni et Zn. La démarche scientifique s’articule autour de trois grands axes : Le premier axe concerne le développement d’une méthode de caractérisation pertinente des MIDND (notamment de la fraction organique et de la fraction minérale polluante) afin de pouvoir mieux juger de leurs qualités. La matrice initiale d’étude prélevée sur un site industriel ainsi que ses fractions granulométriques, ont été finement analysée, tant d’un point de vue physico-chimique qu’en ce qui concerne leur comportement environnemental. La modélisation géochimique basée sur ces données physicochimiques et de lixiviation permet d’identifier des phases majoritaires et de simuler le comportement du matériau dans la perspective de prévoir l’évolution du MIDND en conditions spécifiques de stockage ou de valorisation. Le deuxième axe décrit l’impact des conditions de maturation, et du fractionnement granulométrique sur l’évolution de la qualité des MIDND. Trois différentes conditions de maturation (naturelle sur plate-forme; accélérée sur petit tas; forcée) ont été étudiées. Les résultats montrent que les changements dans la composition chimique et minéralogique des MIDND étudiés et de leurs fractions granulométriques sont plus significatifs lorsque la maturation progresse. La maturation naturelle accélérée et la carbonatation forcée limite la lixiviation du Cu, du Pb et du Zn. Au contraire, la lixiviation du Cr, de Sb, des Cl- et des SO42- augmente lorsque le pH diminue. Le troisième axe est dédié à l’étude de l’utilisation des MIDND comme matière première secondaire dans un scénario de valorisation alternatif aux utilisations en sous-couches routières classiquement pratiquées. Le scénario consiste à incorporer les MIDND dans un coulis auto-compactant utilisable pour l’élargissement de chaussées ou le comblement de fossés. Une formulation a pu être définie. La conformité des performances mécaniques, géotechniques et environnementales aux spécifications d’usage normalisées, est encourageante pour les potentiels utilisateurs des MIDND en technique routière. / Current challenge of Municipal Solid waste Incineration (MSWI) bottom ash management lays in its valorization, mainly to be used in road construction projects. The process must take into account environmental regulations and conduct rigorous monitoring from production to utilization. One constraint in the assessment of MSWI bottom ash is related to quality criteria which is becoming more restrictive. Among potential pollutants that can cause environmental use restrictions are metal trace elements (MTE), whose behavior based on weathering and grain size is not yet well known and represent one of greatest concern. In this thesis, the developed research approach defined the favorable conditions for Cu, Cr, Pb, Sb, Ni and Zn release. The aforementioned approach is based on three pillars: The first pillar focuses on the development of a pertinent characterization method for bottom ash (including the polluting organic and mineral fraction) aiming at a better assessment of its properties. The initial study matrix, taken from an industrial site, was carefully analyzed from both, physico-chemical and environmental performances. Geochemical modeling based on physico-chemical and leaching data, allowed to identify the main mineral phases and to simulate material behavior with the purpose of predicting the evolution of MSWI bottom ash in specific storage or valorization conditions. The second pillar describes the impact of weathering conditions and size partitioning on MSWI bottom ash quality evolution. Three different weathering conditions (natural on industrial scale heap; accelerated on small heap; and forced) were studied. The results showed that changes in the chemical and mineralogical composition of MSWI bottom ash as well as in its size fractions are more significant when the weathering proceed. The natural accelerated weathering and the forced carbonation limited the leaching of Cu, Pb and Zn, whereas, the leaching of Cr, Sb, Cl and the SO42- increased as pH decreased. The third pillar focuses on the study of MSWI bottom ash alternative utilization as secondary raw material for the typically practiced road sub-layers construction. It consisted of incorporating MSWI bottom ash in a self-compacting material used for pavement sub-layer or coated road shoulders structures. A formulated material was obtained by mixing MSWI bottom ash, water and cement as a hydraulic binder. The results of the mechanical, geotechnical and environmental assessment are promising for MISWI bottom ash potential use in road construction.

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