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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digital markedsføring av tradisjonell kunst / Digital Marketing of Traditional Art

Holen, Thomas Andre Adriansen January 2011 (has links)
Trondheim Kommune utarbeidet en rapport der deltagerne ble utfordret til å finne nye forretningsmodeller for bruk av trådløs og mobil kommunikasjon innen Kultur, Reiseliv og Opplevelsesnæringen (KRO). Idéen om skjermer som viste kunst i det offentlige rom ble presentert. Høsten 2010 var det et forprosjekt hvor det kom fram at kunstnermiljøet også savnet en måte å vise kunsten sin på nett. Det har i dette prosjektet først blitt laget en undersøkelse som ble sendt til uavhengige kunstnere i Trøndelag. Her kom det fram at 10 av 21 personer var positiv eller meget positiv til at systemet inkluderte et e-handelssystem. Det ble derfor laget en teknisk pilot som inneholdt et skjermfremvisingssystem samt en e-handelsportal. En skjerm ble utplassert på folkebiblioteket i Trondheim og her ble det høstet noen erfaringer. Ingen av de spurte personene som gikk forbi skjermen så at det var kunst på skjermen. Nettportalen fikk heller ikke noe merkbar større trafikk etter at skjermen kom opp.

Security in Industrial Networks

Sørensen, Jan Tore January 2007 (has links)
A major trend in the automation and power industries is the transition from closed proprietary network solutions to open TCP/IP protocols running on Ethernet technologies. As these industries converge on an all IP platform, new challenges and requirements on the security level of the devices arise. The introduction of integrated operations in the oil and gas industry has provided many benefits for the industry, but it has also opened up the information flow between Distributed Control Systems (DCS), corporate and subcontractor's networks. These developments increase the posibility of cyber security vulnerabilities and incidents in DCS networks. This thesis focus on information security of DCS devices. We pressent and discuss state of the art technologies for protecting DCS networks. We analyse a DCS protocol and assume the role of an attacker, using this knowledge to direct attacks against the DCS protocol and devices. We also perform vulnerability testing on industrial switches and controllers at ABB's Corporate Research Center in Oslo, using vulnerability scanner and ''hacker'' tools known in the IT world. We identify security vulnerabilities in these devices and propose mitigation paths to remove these vulnerabilities.

National Authentication Systems

Sandnes, Are Haugen January 2012 (has links)
Information security has to adapt to an ever-changing environment. Recently there has been a significant increase in the use of smartphones and other mobile devices to access services on the Internet that originally is designed for desktop computers.This thesis examines authentication systems on the Internet aimed at large user groups in light of the evolving threats due to increased use of mobile devices. It examines these authentication systems from the perspective of the end user and investigates problems arising with increased use of mobile devices.This work shows that much can be done in all stages to improve the security of web authentication. Users can protect their devices better and use stronger passwords, service providers can do simple steps to configure their web servers better, and developers of operating systems on mobile devices can reduce the amount of data an application can access on the device. In particular this thesis highlights how the way people are using their smartphones, and how authentication systems work, makes it easy for attackers to exploit the users.

Modelling Tele-economics systems using Business Dynamics

Nordbø, Anders Bartnes January 2012 (has links)
There has been a major development in the industry of mobile phone devices during the last few years. From being only a device which could make phone calls and send text messages, the smartphones of today have become just as powerful as a computer with a wide range of functionality. With this development, the mobile operating systems have become far more advanced and are now similar to what we have in the desktop computer environment, creating a market for 3rd party software developers and service providers.The aim of this thesis is to gain an understanding of the market of mobile operating systems for smartphones, and to investigate the dynamics in the ecosystem surrounding these operating systems. An exploratory research of six major actors in this market and an analysis of the different competitive strategies and approaches have been conducted. In addition, a dynamic model using John D. Sterman’s business dynamics framework has been developed. The model serves as a basis for a set of simulation runs in order to examine the effect of different characteristics in a competitive setting.Based on the analysis and the model simulations, the following is proposed:1. Controlling app distribution and providing additional services are found to be important factors in the mobile OS market based on three reasons: increased revenue, increased control over customers and as a necessary competitive feature.2. Gaining an advantage in one of three characteristics – additional services, apps or device selection – is enough to affect the outcome of the competition.3. With a low selection of devices, it is important to become a market leader in terms of additional services or apps.4. In order to gain a significant lead in market share compared to a competitor, a large selection of devices is important.

Smart Varmestyring : Forretningsmessige aspekter ved en AMS tilleggstjeneste / Smart heating control : Business aspects of a smart metering heating service

Brobak, Even January 2012 (has links)
Formålet med oppgaven har vært å kartlegge markedspotensialet for å tilby tilleggstjenester ved utrullingen av AMS til norske husstander. I denne rapporten er det sett på et innsnevret området av spekteret for smarthus tjenester. Tjenesten vurderes som et produkt mot et utvalg norske husstander og omtales i rapporten som “Smart varmestyring”. Kort fortalt er dette en varmestyringstjeneste som er integrert med AMS og strømpris. Ved hjelp av brukergrenesesnittet er det mulig å styre varmekilder som panelovner, elektrisk gulvvarme og varmtvannstank. I tillegg inneholder grensesnittet en oversikt over eget strømforbruk og strømprisen. Funksjonaliteten i tjenesten er kontroll, informasjon og muligheter til sparing ved å koble ut strømforbrukende utstyr og/eller flytte forbruket til timer der strømprisen er lavest. For å kunne gi en anbefaling til forretningsmuligheter er det blitt gjennomført en bakgrunnsstudie av smarthusteknologi og en casestudie av en mulig smarthus reallisering. I tillegg er kvalitative intervjuer også brukt som grunnlag i anbefalingen til forretningsmuligheter. 4 nøkkelpersoner ble utvalgt til intervju utifra kriterier som er viktige for temaet i studien og som forsvarer det lave antallet kandidater. Bakgrunnsstudien og casestudien har vist at det fins et enormt mangfold av tekniske løsninger og mulige leverandører. Det er også store variasjoner i hvor omfattende de enkelte løsninger er, med andre ord hvor mange produkter som er integrert i styringssystemet. Dette gir naturligvis store variasjoner også i kostnad for å implementere de ulike løsningene. Hovedformålet med intervjuene var å identifisere nytteverdien av denne typen tjenester og å finne faktorer som avgjør betalingsvilligheten. Kort oppsummert ble resultatet at det eksisterer absolutt interesse og betalingsvillighet for tjenesten. I tillegg vil betalingsvilligheten være avhengig av nedbetalingstid, og dermed støttes tjenestens fokus på integrering av få, men høytforbrukende strømprodukter. For å oppnå høy nytteverdi ble integrering av automatisering og temperaturstyring identifisert som nødvendige tilleggsfunksjoner. Med utgangspunkt i bakgrunnsstudier og intervjuer er det blitt laget et forslag til forretningsmodell for en leverandør som kan tilby en slik tjeneste. Kundegruppen består primært av eiere av enebolig/rekkehus som benytter elektriske ovner og/eller elektrisk gulvvarme. For å differensiere seg i markedet vil det være viktig å benytte mulige forretningspartnere som Nord Pool, strømleverandører og eiere av kraftnett. Forretningsmodellen ble benyttet til å gjøre en økonomisk analyse utifra et konkret case. Analysen tallfester alle kostnader og inntekter og presenterer et nødvendig salgskvantum på 400 salg per år for å oppnå et positivt driftsresultat over en periode på 5 år.

Using Case-based Reasoning for Privacy Decisions

Børseth, Daniel Jørgen January 2012 (has links)
SINTEF ICT has developed a prototype Privacy Enhancing Technology calledPrivacy Advisor that uses Case-based Reasoning to give advice to users on ifthey should accept or reject the privacy policies of a service provider in a given context.The purpose of this PET is to learn the privacy preferences of a user and giveadvice according to the previous decisions the user has made. The goal of this thesis is to propose, implement and test new CBR logic forPrivacy Advisor so that the advice given to the user is more trustworthy. Thesegoals have been reached by studying the various technologies and methodologiesPrivacy Advisor is based on, as well as the current implementation of PrivacyAdvisor itself. The results of the thesis are three algorithms that improve uponthe existing CBR logic in Privacy Advisor to a certain degree, as well as afuzzy control system that uses fuzzy logic to determine the similarity between elements in a privacypolicy.The results from the thesis have shown that even though the approach of usingfuzzy logic for similarity calculations is reasonable, several design flaws inthe implementation of Privacy Advisor limits the amount of testing possible,and the degree the CBR logic can be improved. The results from testing the newimplementations did not reveal any definite proof that the new implementation isany better.

User Interface Design for Privacy Enhancing Technology

Ripmann, Nina January 2012 (has links)
A significant amount of information is available of us online due to the increased use of the Internet and online services. It appears to be a tendency among users to not read privacy policies when creating user accounts online because policies are known to be long and complicated documents that are hard to understand. Users also feel like they don't really have a choice than to accept the policy if they want to use the service. This have created privacy concerns and a need for better privacy control for users, since the users usually don't know what they have agreed to when accepting policies.SINTEF ICT have developed a privacy enhancing technology (PET), named Privacy Advisor, whose purpose is to help users think about privacy and information sharing online. This is done by Privacy Advisor interpreting webpages privacy policies for the users and giving advices on whether the webpages should be trusted or not. The users are then given the opportunity to provide feedback to Privacy Advisor and the system will use this to adapt to the users privacy preferences. A graphical user interface (GUI) for Privacy Advisor were developed using prototyping with iterative improvement of the design, based on feedback from SINTEF ICT and potential users. Feedback from users was collected by performing usability testing with observation, followed by a questionnaire. Usability testing was also conducted to determine the designs usability and find breakdowns in the design. The feedback showed that there were some breakdowns in the system. These were presentation of text that was confusing for some users, where they did not understand the meaning of the text, or buttons that was not intuitive enough. These breakdowns were fixed for the final version of the design suggestion. The users also navigated well in the prototype and managed to complete all the given tasks. The system also received positive feedback concerning further use and the need for a program like Privacy Advisor, and because of these elements, the usability were determined as good when the final improvements and fixing of breakdowns were completed. A final design for Privacy Advisor, implemented as a Google Chrome extension was then presented to SINTEF ICT.

URL Crawling & classification system

Vaagland, Emil Lindgjerdet January 2012 (has links)
Today, malware is often found on legitimate web sites that have been hacked. The aim of this thesis was to create a system to crawl potential malicious web sites and rate them as malicious or not. Through research into current malware trends and mechanisms to detect malware on the web, we analyzed and discussed the problem space, before we began design the system architecture. After we had implemented our suggested architecture, we ran the system through tests. These test shed some light on the challenges we had discussed. We found that our hybrid honey-client approach was of benefit to detect malicious sites, as some malicious sites were only found when both honey-clients cooperated. In addition, we got insight into how a LIHC can be useful as a queue pre-processor tool for a HIHC. On top of that, we learned the consequence of operating a system like this without a well built proxy server network: false-negatives.

Utilizing Distributed Multimedia Plays for Networked Virtual Shopping

Trollvik, Beate Eide January 2012 (has links)
This thesis studies the market of e-commerce and a futuristic solution to shopping by utilizing the Distributed Multimedia Plays network architecture and its Collaboration Space, which provides users with a near natural virtual reality.Several scenarios have been defined for a future virtual store exploiting the possibilities of DMP. One scenario was chosen for further development resulting in a proposed solution. A business model was developed for the solution using the Osterwalder business model ontology. A financial analysis was conducted to evaluate the potential for the solution and its business model. Through studies on e-commerce and DMP it is certain that there exist potential for a service such as a virtual store utilizing the technology of DMP and ideas of Real-time Internet. However, some changes to the solution and its pricing strategy may be necessary to ensure a more profitable solution.

Authentication: From Passwords to Biometrics : An implementation of a speaker recognition system on Android

Heimark, Erlend January 2012 (has links)
We implement a biometric authentication system on the Android platform, which is based on text-dependent speaker recognition. The Android version used in the application is Android 4.0. The application makes use of the Modular Audio Recognition Framework, from which many of the algorithms are adapted in the processes of preprocessing and feature extraction. In addition, we employ the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm for the comparison of different voice features. A training procedure is implemented, using the DTW algorithm to align features. Furthermore, we introduce personal thresholds, based on which the performance for each individual user can be further optimized.We have carried out several tests in order to evaluate the performance of the developed system. The tests are performed on 16 persons, with in total 240 voice samples, of which 15 samples are from each person. As a result, for authentication, one of the optimal trade-offs of the False Acceptance Rate (FAR) and False Rejection Rate (FRR) achieved by the system is shown to be 13% and 12%, respectively. For identification, the system could identify the user correctly with a rate of 81%. Our results show that one can actually improve the system performance in terms of FAR and FRR significantly, through using the training procedure and the personal thresholds.

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