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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An educational device for relating electromagnetic torque to variations in self-inductance

Porter, Newell Samuel, 1933- January 1959 (has links)
No description available.

Sensorless control of a synchronous reluctance motor through state estimation

Strydom, Johan Tjeerd 22 August 2012 (has links)
M.Ing. / The synchronous reluctance machine is a reasonably unknown type of machine. Recent developments have made it possible to deliver more power than an induction machine of similar size. It must, however, be noted that to accomplish this, the rotor profile design becomes complex and also expensive to manufacture. The aim of this project is to explore the possibility of controlling a synchronous reluctance machine `sensorlessly' (with no speed or position feedback sensors). The specific synchronous reluctance machine was made from an induction machine by machining a profile into the rotor cage of the induction machine. The required profile was designed using finite element analysis of the magnetic structure of the machine. A model of the machine was developed through using the direct and quadrature axis approach. With a model of the machine an estimator could be designed. This estimator was used to calculate the load angle of the machine by measuring the phase voltages and line currents and then estimating from these measurements the actual load angle. The estimator was designed for steady state conditions and gave sufficiently accurate values for the load angle under these conditions. The estimator was used as feedback in the torque control of the machine and it was shown that better results could be achieved with a better rotor profile. The partial cage of the induction machine present in the rotor made the machine more robust to changes in load. More research can be done on the modelling of the partial cage as well as the influence it has on the synchronous reluctance machine. Torque control and speed control were achieved with step changes in load of up to eighty percent of rated value. The performance of the machine was poor compared to an induction machine, but should improve with improvement in rotor profile design.

Design aspects and optimisation of an axial field permanent magnet machine with an ironless stator

Wang, Rong-Jie 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhDEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The advent of new high energy product permanent magnet materials has opened great opportunities for novel electrical machine topologies with advantageous features such as high efficiency and high power/weight ratio. Amongst others, axial field permanent magnet (AFPM) machines with ironless stators are increasingly being used in power generation applications. Because of the absence of the core losses, a generator with this type of design can operate at a substantially high efficiency. Besides, the high compactness and disc-shaped profile make this type of machine particularly suitable for compact integrated power generation systems. Due to construction problems, the generator application of this type of machine has been limited to quite a low power range. There is a need to investigate the performance capability of this type of AFPM machine in the upper medium power level. The focus of this thesis is on the design optimisation of the air-cooled AFPM generator with an ironless stator. A design approach that directly incorporates the finite element field solution in a multi-dimensional optimisation procedure is developed and applied to the design optimisation of a 300 kW (at unity power factor) AFPM generator. To enable an overall design optimisation of the machine, different design aspects, such as the cooling capacity, the mechanical strength and eddy loss, are also studied in this research. To enable the free movement of the rotor mesh with respect to the stator mesh, the air-gap element originally proposed by Razek et. al. is derived for Cartesian coordinate systems. For minimising the large computation overhead associated with this macro element, a number of existing time-saving schemes have been utilised together with the derived Cartesian air-gap element. The developed finite element time-step model is applied to calculating the steadystate performance of the AFPM machine. Since the flux distribution in an AFPM machine is three dimensional by nature, calculating the eddy current loss by merely using a simple analytical method may be subject to a significant error. To overcome this problem, the two dimensional finite element field modelling is introduced to perform accurate field analysis. To exploit the full advantages of the twodimensional finite element modelling, a multi-layer approach is proposed, which takes into account the variation of the air-gap flux density in the conductors with regard to their relative positions in the air-gap. To account for the radial variation of the field, a multi-slice finite element modelling scheme is devised. The thermal analysis is an important aspect of the design optimisation of AFPM machines. From a design point of view, it is preferable to have a simple but effective method for cooling analysis and design, which can easily be adapted to a wide range of AFPM machines. In this thesis a thermofluid model of the AFPM machine is developed. The fluid flow model is needed for calculating the air flow rate, which is then used to find the convective heat transfer coefficients. These are important parameters in the subsequent thermal calculations. Experimental investigations have been carried out to verify each of the above-mentioned models/methods. With these models implemented, the design optimisation of an air-cooled ironless stator 300 kW (at unity power factor) AFPM generator is carried out. The performance measurements done on the fabricated prototype are compared in this thesis with predicted results. The study shows that the proposed design approach can be applied with success to optimise the design of the AFPM machine. The advantages of high power density, high efficiency, no cogging torque and good voltage regulation make this type of AFPM machine very suitable for power generator applications. The optimum steady-state performance of the AFPM machine shows that this machine with an ironless stator is an excellent candidate for high speed power generator applications, even in the upper medium power level. The good cooling capacity of this type of machine holds the promise of its being a self-cooled generator at high power ratings. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die uitvinding van nuwe hoë energiedigtheid permanent magneet materiale het groot geleenthede vir nuwe elektriese masjien topologië laat ontstaan met voordelige eienskappe soos hoë benuttingsgraad en hoë drywing/gewig verhouding. Onder andere word die aksiaalveld permanente magneet (AVPM) masjiene met kernlose stators toenemend gebruik vir elektriese generator toepassings. As gevolg van die afwesigheid van kernverliese kan 'n generator met hierdie tipe ontwerp teen 'n aansienlik hoë benuttingsgraad werk. Daarbenewens maak die hoë kompaktheid en skyfvorm-profiel die masjien in besonder geskik vir die ontwikkeling van kompak geïntegreerde drywing generator stelsels. As gevolg van konstruksie probleme is die toepassing van hierdie tipe masjien as generator beperk tot redelik lae drywingsgebiede. Dit is nodig om die werkverrigtingsvermoë van hierdie tipe AVPM masjien in die boonste medium drywingsgebied te ondersoek. Die fokus van hierdie tesis is op die ontwerp-optimering van 'n lugverkoelde AVPM generator met 'n kernlose stator. 'n Ontwerpsbenadering wat die eindige element veldoplossing in 'n multi-dimensionele optimeringsprosedure insluit, is ontwikkel en toegepas op die ontwerpsoptimering van 'n 300 kW (by eenheidsarbeidsfaktor) AVPM generator. Om 'n globale ontwerpsoptimering van die masjien te kan doen is verskillende ontwerpsaspekte soos die verkoelingskapasiteit, meganiese sterkte en werwelverliese ook in hierdie navorsing bestudeer. Om die vrye beweging van die rotormaas ten opsigte van die statormaas te verseker is die lugspleet-element, soos oorspronklik deur Razek et al voorgestel, afgelei vir Cartesiaanse koórdinaat stelsels. Om die lang berekeningstyd geassosieer met hierdie makro-element te minimaliseer is 'n aantal bestaande tydbesparende metodes saam met die ontwikkelde Cartesiaanse lugspleet-element gebruik. Die ontwikkelde eindige element tydstapmodel is toegepas om die bestendige werkverrigting van die AVPM masjien te bereken. Aangesien die vloedverspreiding in 'n AVPM masjien van nature drie-dimensioneel is, kan die berekening van die werwelstroomverliese tot aansienlike foute lei as eenvoudige analitiese metodes gebruik word. Om hierdie probleem te oorkom is twee-dimensionele eindige element modellering gebruik om akkurate veld-analise te doen. Om die volle voordele van die twee- dimensionele eindige element modellering te eksploiteer is 'n multi-laag benadering voorgestel wat die variasie van die lugspleetvloeddigtheid in die geleiers met betrekking tot hulle relatiewe lugspleetposisies in ag neem. Om voorsiening te maak vir die radiale variasie van die veld, is 'n multi-skyf eindige element modelleringstegniek ontwikkel. Die termiese analise is 'n belangrike aspek van die ontwerpsoptimering van AVPM masjiene. Vanuit 'n ontwerpsoogpunt is dit verkieslik om 'n eenvoudige maar tog effektiewe metode van verkoelingsanalise en -ontwerp te hê wat maklik toegepas kan word op 'n wye reeks van AVPM masjiene. In hierdie tesis word 'n termovloeimodel van die AVPM masjien ontwikkel. Hierdie vloeimodel is nodig vir die berekening van die lugvloeitempo, wat op sy beurt weer nodig is om die konveksie hitte-oordrag koëffisiënte te bepaal. Hierdie is belangrike parameters in die opvolgende termiese berekeninge. Eksperimentele ondersoek is uitgevoer om elkeen van die bogenoemde modelle en metodes te verifieer. Nadat hierdie modelle geïmplimenteer is, is die ontwerpsoptimering van 'n 300 kW (by eenheidsarbeidsfaktor) lugverkoelde kernlose stator AVPM generator uitgevoer. Die werkverrigtingmetings gedoen op 'n vervaardigde prototipe masjien, word in hierdie tesis vergelyk met voorspelde resultate. Daar word getoon dat die voorgestelde ontwerpsbenadering met sukses toegepas kan word om die ontwerp van die AVPM masjien te optimeer. Die voordele van hoë drywingsdigtheid, hoë benuttingsgraad, geen vertandingsdraaimomente en goeie spanningsregulasie maak hierdie masjien baie aantreklik vir generator toepassings. Die optimum bestendige werkverrigting van die AVPM masjien toon dat hierdie masjien met 'n kernlose stator 'n goeie kandidaat is vir hoë spoed generator toepassings, selfs in die boonste medium drywingsgebied. Die goeie verkoelingskapasiteit van hierdie tipe masjien hou die belofte in van'n selfverkoelde generator by hoë drywing aanslae.

An algebraic constraint system for computer-aided design in magnetics /

Saldanha, Carlos M. January 1988 (has links)
No description available.

Design aspects and optimisation of an axial field permanent magnet machine with an ironless stator

Wang, Rong-Jie 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhDEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The advent of new high energy product permanent magnet materials has opened great opportunities for novel electrical machine topologies with advantageous features such as high efficiency and high power/weight ratio. Amongst others, axial field permanent magnet (AFPM) machines with ironless stators are increasingly being used in power generation applications. Because of the absence of the core losses, a generator with this type of design can operate at a substantially high efficiency. Besides, the high compactness and disc-shaped profile make this type of machine particularly suitable for compact integrated power generation systems. Due to construction problems, the generator application of this type of machine has been limited to quite a low power range. There is a need to investigate the performance capability of this type of AFPM machine in the upper medium power level. The focus of this thesis is on the design optimisation of the air-cooled AFPM generator with an ironless stator. A design approach that directly incorporates the finite element field solution in a multi-dimensional optimisation procedure is developed and applied to the design optimisation of a 300 kW (at unity power factor) AFPM generator. To enable an overall design optimisation of the machine, different design aspects, such as the cooling capacity, the mechanical strength and eddy loss, are also studied in this research. To enable the free movement of the rotor mesh with respect to the stator mesh, the air-gap element originally proposed by Razek et. al. is derived for Cartesian coordinate systems. For minimising the large computation overhead associated with this macro element, a number of existing time-saving schemes have been utilised together with the derived Cartesian air-gap element. The developed finite element time-step model is applied to calculating the steadystate performance of the AFPM machine. Since the flux distribution in an AFPM machine is three dimensional by nature, calculating the eddy current loss by merely using a simple analytical method may be subject to a significant error. To overcome this problem, the two dimensional finite element field modelling is introduced to perform accurate field analysis. To exploit the full advantages of the twodimensional finite element modelling, a multi-layer approach is proposed, which takes into account the variation of the air-gap flux density in the conductors with regard to their relative positions in the air-gap. To account for the radial variation of the field, a multi-slice finite element modelling scheme is devised. The thermal analysis is an important aspect of the design optimisation of AFPM machines. From a design point of view, it is preferable to have a simple but effective method for cooling analysis and design, which can easily be adapted to a wide range of AFPM machines. In this thesis a thermofluid model of the AFPM machine is developed. The fluid flow model is needed for calculating the air flow rate, which is then used to find the convective heat transfer coefficients. These are important parameters in the subsequent thermal calculations. Experimental investigations have been carried out to verify each of the above-mentioned models/methods. With these models implemented, the design optimisation of an air-cooled ironless stator 300 kW (at unity power factor) AFPM generator is carried out. The performance measurements done on the fabricated prototype are compared in this thesis with predicted results. The study shows that the proposed design approach can be applied with success to optimise the design of the AFPM machine. The advantages of high power density, high efficiency, no cogging torque and good voltage regulation make this type of AFPM machine very suitable for power generator applications. The optimum steady-state performance of the AFPM machine shows that this machine with an ironless stator is an excellent candidate for high speed power generator applications, even in the upper medium power level. The good cooling capacity of this type of machine holds the promise of its being a self-cooled generator at high power ratings. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die uitvinding van nuwe hoë energiedigtheid permanent magneet materiale het groot geleenthede vir nuwe elektriese masjien topologië laat ontstaan met voordelige eienskappe soos hoë benuttingsgraad en hoë drywing/gewig verhouding. Onder andere word die aksiaalveld permanente magneet (AVPM) masjiene met kernlose stators toenemend gebruik vir elektriese generator toepassings. As gevolg van die afwesigheid van kernverliese kan 'n generator met hierdie tipe ontwerp teen 'n aansienlik hoë benuttingsgraad werk. Daarbenewens maak die hoë kompaktheid en skyfvorm-profiel die masjien in besonder geskik vir die ontwikkeling van kompak geïntegreerde drywing generator stelsels. As gevolg van konstruksie probleme is die toepassing van hierdie tipe masjien as generator beperk tot redelik lae drywingsgebiede. Dit is nodig om die werkverrigtingsvermoë van hierdie tipe AVPM masjien in die boonste medium drywingsgebied te ondersoek. Die fokus van hierdie tesis is op die ontwerp-optimering van 'n lugverkoelde AVPM generator met 'n kernlose stator. 'n Ontwerpsbenadering wat die eindige element veldoplossing in 'n multi-dimensionele optimeringsprosedure insluit, is ontwikkel en toegepas op die ontwerpsoptimering van 'n 300 kW (by eenheidsarbeidsfaktor) AVPM generator. Om 'n globale ontwerpsoptimering van die masjien te kan doen is verskillende ontwerpsaspekte soos die verkoelingskapasiteit, meganiese sterkte en werwelverliese ook in hierdie navorsing bestudeer. Om die vrye beweging van die rotormaas ten opsigte van die statormaas te verseker is die lugspleet-element, soos oorspronklik deur Razek et al voorgestel, afgelei vir Cartesiaanse koórdinaat stelsels. Om die lang berekeningstyd geassosieer met hierdie makro-element te minimaliseer is 'n aantal bestaande tydbesparende metodes saam met die ontwikkelde Cartesiaanse lugspleet-element gebruik. Die ontwikkelde eindige element tydstapmodel is toegepas om die bestendige werkverrigting van die AVPM masjien te bereken. Aangesien die vloedverspreiding in 'n AVPM masjien van nature drie-dimensioneel is, kan die berekening van die werwelstroomverliese tot aansienlike foute lei as eenvoudige analitiese metodes gebruik word. Om hierdie probleem te oorkom is twee-dimensionele eindige element modellering gebruik om akkurate veld-analise te doen. Om die volle voordele van die twee- dimensionele eindige element modellering te eksploiteer is 'n multi-laag benadering voorgestel wat die variasie van die lugspleetvloeddigtheid in die geleiers met betrekking tot hulle relatiewe lugspleetposisies in ag neem. Om voorsiening te maak vir die radiale variasie van die veld, is 'n multi-skyf eindige element modelleringstegniek ontwikkel. Die termiese analise is 'n belangrike aspek van die ontwerpsoptimering van AVPM masjiene. Vanuit 'n ontwerpsoogpunt is dit verkieslik om 'n eenvoudige maar tog effektiewe metode van verkoelingsanalise en -ontwerp te hê wat maklik toegepas kan word op 'n wye reeks van AVPM masjiene. In hierdie tesis word 'n termovloeimodel van die AVPM masjien ontwikkel. Hierdie vloeimodel is nodig vir die berekening van die lugvloeitempo, wat op sy beurt weer nodig is om die konveksie hitte-oordrag koëffisiënte te bepaal. Hierdie is belangrike parameters in die opvolgende termiese berekeninge. Eksperimentele ondersoek is uitgevoer om elkeen van die bogenoemde modelle en metodes te verifieer. Nadat hierdie modelle geïmplimenteer is, is die ontwerpsoptimering van 'n 300 kW (by eenheidsarbeidsfaktor) lugverkoelde kernlose stator AVPM generator uitgevoer. Die werkverrigtingmetings gedoen op 'n vervaardigde prototipe masjien, word in hierdie tesis vergelyk met voorspelde resultate. Daar word getoon dat die voorgestelde ontwerpsbenadering met sukses toegepas kan word om die ontwerp van die AVPM masjien te optimeer. Die voordele van hoë drywingsdigtheid, hoë benuttingsgraad, geen vertandingsdraaimomente en goeie spanningsregulasie maak hierdie masjien baie aantreklik vir generator toepassings. Die optimum bestendige werkverrigting van die AVPM masjien toon dat hierdie masjien met 'n kernlose stator 'n goeie kandidaat is vir hoë spoed generator toepassings, selfs in die boonste medium drywingsgebied. Die goeie verkoelingskapasiteit van hierdie tipe masjien hou die belofte in van'n selfverkoelde generator by hoë drywing aanslae.

An algebraic constraint system for computer-aided design in magnetics /

Saldanha, Carlos M. January 1988 (has links)
No description available.

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