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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Thermodynamic characterization of heavy fermion systems and low dimensional quantum magnets near a quantum critical point

Radu, Maria Teodora 13 October 2005 (has links)
We report experimentally results on the low temperature properties of two classes of materials with a special emphasizes near the QCP induced by substitution and magnetic 1.field: (1) the HF systems YbRh2(Si0.95Ge0.05)2, Yb1-yLayRh2Si2 (y = 0.05, 0.1),and YbIr2Si2 with tetragonal structures and CeIn3-xSnx (x = 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.8) with cubic structure; (2) the quantum spin systems: Cs2CuCl4 and Cs2CoCl4. In all the HF compounds we have observed NFL behavior in zero magnetic field close to the QCP. The La substituted system does not show an antiferromagnetic (AFM) transition down to the lowest accessible temperature (0.03 K) while in YbRh2(Si1-xGex)2 with x = 0 and x = 0.05 AFM transitions occur at TN =0.07 K and 0.02 K, respectively. For Yb0.9La0.1Rh2Si2 we observe below 0.07 K saturation of DeltaC/T indicating clearly a LFL state for this concentration. For YbIr2Si2, DeltaC/T saturates below 0.5 K. In contrast to the Yb based compounds in the vicinity of the QCP, CeIn3-xSnx shows no evidence of a divergence in Delta C/T, with B or with x. Furthermore, we used specic heat measurements in the mK temperature range and at high fields (up to 12 T) to probe the phase diagrams in the low dimensional quantum antiferromagnets Cs2CuCl4 and Cs2CoCl4. In applied magnetic field, we have presented experimental evidence that in Cs2CuCl4 the field dependence of the critical temperature Tc(B) ~ (Bc-B)^1-Phi close to the critical field Bc = 8.51 T is well described with Phi=1.5. This is in very good agreement with the exponent expected in the mean-field approximation and support the notion of a Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons in Cs2CuCl4.

Návrh propojení far-infrared spektrometru k supravodivému magnetu a magneto-optické měření ve far-infrared oblasti / Design of the far-infrared spectrometer coupling to a superconductive magnet and magneto-optical measurements in the far-infrared region

Dubnická Midlíková, Jana January 2018 (has links)
Práca sa zaoberá vývojom ďalekej infračervenej spektroskopie v silnom magnetickom poli. Kombinácia ďalekej infračervenej spektroskopie a silného magnetického poľa je veľmi dôležitým nástrojom pri charakterizácii materiálov, ako sú jedno-molekulové magnety. Predstavuje tiež ideálnu experimentálnu techniku, ktorá dokáže skúmať a objasniť vlastnosti nových 2D materiálov. Ďaleká infračervená spektroskopia v magnetickom poli taktiež umožňuje študovať elektrónovú paramagnetickú rezonanciu (EPR) jedno-molekulových magnetov s veľmi veľkým delením pri nulovom poli, hlavne na báze komplexov prechodných kovov alebo lantanoidov, v ktorých bežne používané EPR systémy neposkytujú experimentálny prístup k magnetickým rezonančným prechodom. V práci sú podrobne popísané dve zostavy ďaleko infračervených spektrometrov pripojené k supravodivým magnetom. Prvá opísaná zostava, ktoré sa nachádza na univerzite v Stuttgarte, je už zmontovaná a jej výkon je diskutovaný. Magneto-optické merania jedno-molekulových magnetov vykonané na tejto zostave sú predstavené. Druhá magneto-optická zostava čerpá zo skúseností získaných pri prvej zostave a je určená pre CEITEC.

Analýza ztrát v elektrických strojích při nestandardních podmínkách / Losses Analysis in Electric Machines under Special Conditions

Bulín, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of magnetic losses in electrical machines and the possibilities of their measurement. Magnetically soft and hard materials are very prone to changing magnetic properties. They can be changed simply by changing the temperature of the material or different stresses induced in the material, resulting in different results. These changes are important to keep in mind when an electric machine is being designed. The original parameters of the affected materials can be restored by annealing or grinding. These methods release the induced stresses within the material. Due to these effects, it is also important to know how to measure magnetic parameters. Each way has its own specifics and has a certain error of the measurement. When the machines for higher efficiency, rpm or higher temperatures are designed, it is advisable to know how their magnetic properties changed. This thesis deals with the properties of different materials, their measurements and finally simulation of the chosen electric machine with the application of the measured results.

Effects of non-covalent interactions on electronic structure and anisotropy in lanthanide-based single-molecule magnets: theoretical studies

Dubrovin, Vasilii 08 November 2021 (has links)
This work describes theoretical studies on molecular and electronic structures of lanthanide-based single-molecule magnets focusing on their magnetic properties. In this work, two main problems are covered: the structural ordering of endohedral fullerenes in different supramolecular arrangements, and the magnetic anisotropy of lanthanides in different charge coordinations. The basic methodes used in this work are density functional theory and multiconfigurational self-consistent field.:CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF RARE-EARTH MAGNETISM 12 1.1. Single-molecule magnetism and 4f-elements 14 1.1.1. Electronic structure of 4f-elements 16 1.1.2. LS-coupling scheme 19 1.1.3. Parameterization of the Crystal-Field splitting effect. 20 1.1.4. Zeeman splitting for a free ion 24 1.1.5. Spin Hamiltonian and pseudospin approximation 24 1.1.6. Kramers theorem 25 1.1.7. Weak and strong molecular interactions. 26 1.2. Computational methods in application to Ln-based SMMs 27 1.2.1. Density functional theory (DFT). 28 1.2.2. Multiconfigurational methods in quantum chemistry 33 1.3. Role of molecular structure in single-molecular magnetism 41 1.3.1. Complexes of SMMs with organic molecules 45 1.3.2. SMMs deposited on surfaces 46 CHAPTER 2. STRUCTURAL ORDERING IN COCRYSTALS OF EMFs AND Ni(OEP) 49 2.1. Ordering in endohedral metallofullerenes 49 2.2. Modeling details 51 2.3. Conformer analysis 54 2.4. Electrostatic potential 58 CHAPTER 3. ISOMERISM OF Dy2ScN@C80 DEPOSITED ON SURFACES 61 3.1. Modeling details 62 3.2. Cluster conformation analysis 69 3.3. Charge density analysis 75 CHAPTER 4. Ho|MgO AS A SINGLE-ATOMIC MAGNET. FV-MAGNETISM. 80 4.1. DFT description of Ln|MgO 85 4.2. Ho|MgO system: ab initio calculations 92 4.3. Magnetic properties of lanthanides with FV magnetism 99 4.4. Generalized ligand field and spin Hamiltonians for FV systems. 101 CHAPTER 5. FV-MAGNETISM IN [Ln2+] METALLOCENE COMPLEXES 107 5.1. TbII(CpiPr5)2 DFT-model 108 5.2. FV-interaction in terms of ab initio multiconfigurational approach 113 5.3. Point-charge model 115

Výpočet stejnosměrného elektromagnetu a jeho experimentální ověření / Calculation of DC electromagnet and its experimental verification

Steidl, Adam January 2015 (has links)
Content of this thesis deals with electromagnets as operating elements in electric machines. Thesis is divided in two main parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part describes electromagnets as electric machine , usage of electromagnets in electrical devices as operating element. Electromagnets are further divided in groups on basis of different criteria. Next, the theory of electromagnetic fields and methods of assesment of static pull and dynamic characteristics is described. Construction and function analysis of researched electromagnet with permanent magnets, which serves as trigger in compact circuit breaker, is also included in this part. Practical part includes measurement of force quantities of researched electromagnet in different operating states an its evaluation. For analysis of dynamic quantities with finite element method were created two-dimensional and three-dimensional models. Evaluation of analysis follows. After that is described simplified design of electromagnet, based onoperating states of researched electromagnet. This part is closed with comparation between results of analysis and designed values of electromagnets.

Návrh a analýza synchronních strojů s permanentními magnety / Design and analysis of permanent magnet synchronous machines

Blaha, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Characteristics of synchronous machines with permanent magnets depend among others on geometric layout of the machine section. Unlike EC motors, where rectangular arrangement of quantities is suitable, these machines require sinusoidal behaviour. Specific forming of individual machine parts is partially derived from this requirement. This thesis deals with design of such machines, including various geometrical modifications of their sections and examination of influence of those modifications. The thesis includes also analytical calculation procedure of machine parameters as well as verification of final characteristics using the finite element method. It results in a combination of various design methods. FEMM, Maxwell RMxprt and Maxwell 2D Transient Analysis programs were used for verification. Individual modifications of machine geometries are applied to machines with concentrated windings with different ratio of number of slots and poles, and differences between machines and results of individual methods are compared.

Výpočet stejnosměrného elektromagnetu a jeho experimentální ověření / Calculation of DC electromagnet and its experimental verification

Steidl, Adam January 2015 (has links)
Content of this thesis deals with electromagnets as operating elements in electric machines. Thesis is divided in two main parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part describes electromagnets as an electric machine, usage of electromagnets in electrical devices as operating element. Electromagnets are further divided in groups on the basis of different criteria. Next, the theory of electromagnetic fields and methods of assesment of static pull and dynamic characteristics are described. Construction and function analysis of researched type of electromagnet from OEZ company with permanent magnets, which serves as trigger in compact circuit breaker, is also included in this part. Practical part includes measurement of force quantities of an electromagnet in different operating states and its evaluation. For analysis of dynamic quantities with finite element method was created suitable three-dimensional model of electromgnet. Model is used for simulation ofdifferent operating states.The last part describes measurement of dynamic characteristics of the electromganetic system. This part is closed with comparation of results.

Návrh zdroje elektrické energie pro model letadla / Design of Power Supply for Aircraft Model

Šrámek, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Diplomová práca, ktorú držíte v rukách, sa zaoberá návrhom elektrického generátoru pre modely lietadiel na diaľkové ovládanie poháňané spaľovacím motorom. Takýmto modelom je dodávaná energia pomocou batérií, ktoré sa musia po vybití vymieňať. Motiváciou tejto práce bolo potlačiť potrebu pristávania za účelom dobíjania batériových paketov. Práca vyvíja niekoľko analýz a simulačných modelov pre riešenie tohto problému.

Vysokomomentové elektromotory pro pohony nezávislé trakce v oboru manipulační techniky / High-Torque Motors for Battery Operated Material Handling Trucks

Höll, Jan January 2010 (has links)
he recent development of the power electronic and high-energy permanent magnets enables developing synchronous machines excited by permanent magnets, that are able to meet very gradual and exact control demands. Due to high torque density, that permanent magnet machines reach, the synchronous motors may be used even in direct (gearless) drives. One of the branches, in which direct drives can be used, is material handling. The most propelling drives in this branch consist of induction motor, simple gearbox with invariable gear ratio mounted to the drive wheel. Main aim of this thesis is designing the direct drive motor for low-lift truck. Motor is built-in the driven wheel, therefore outer rotor design appears to be more suitable. Two types of motors – permanent magnet synchronous motor and transverse flux motor have been chosen on the basis of technical paper study, many years lasting experience and verification computations. Both motor types are described in great details in this thesis. Both synchronous motor with PM and transverse flux motor have been designed for direct drive of the given low-lift truck. The proposals of both motors have been optimized by means of finite element method. Based on these design optimizing computations, both motors have been designed, produced and design accuracy has been verified by laboratory testing. Synchronous motor with PM achieves better electromagnetic parameters and its production is also simpler, therefore this motor is more suitable for this application. The solution with transverse flux motor may save substantial amount of active materials. Results of the detailed optimization and comparison of both motor types are the main benefits of this thesis.

Tepelné výpočty motorů s permanentními magnety v silnoproudé elektrotechnice / Thermal Calculations of Permanent Magnet Motors in High Current Technology

Deeb, Ramia January 2013 (has links)
Práce se zabývá výpočty magnetických a tepelných vlastností servomotoru s permanentními magnety (motor M718 I vyráběný firmou VUES s.r.o. v Brně). Všechny uvedené výpočty jsou založené na numerických metodách konečných prvků a konečných objemů. 2D magnetická analýza motoru byla řešena s pomocí programu FEMM, zatímco pro 3D analýzu byl využit software ANSOFT. Magnetické analýzy umožnily stanovit rozložení magnetického pole v motoru a ve vzduchové mezeře. Ztráty způsobené vířivými proudy byly počítány v závislosti na rozměrech permanentních magnetů a velikosti toku magnetické indukce ve vzduchové mezeře. U 3D modelu v programu ANSOFT byly vypočítány i Joulovy ztráty. Pro daný servomotor byly navrženy dva způsoby chlazení. V prvním případě se jedná o vnitřní chladicí systém. K původnímu modelu motoru byly přidány některé modifikace (otvory v rámu motoru a radiální ventilátor na hřídeli uvnitř rámu motoru). U druhého způsobu chlazení bylo navrženo vnější chlazení. K původnímu rámu byly přidána chladicí žebra a radiální ventilátor na hřídeli vně rámu motoru. Výpočty proudění a tepelná analýza byly provedeny jak pro původní model motoru, tak i pro modifikovaný návrh (vnitřní a vnější chlazení) pomocí software ANSYS Workbench. Teplotní charakteristiky původního motoru byly měřeny různými senzory. Bylo provedeno porovnání experimentálně získaných výsledků s vypočteným teplotním modelem. Práce byla vytvořena v rámci doktorského studijního programu Elektrotechnika a komunikační technologie, obor Silnoproudá elektrotechnika a elektroenergetika. Podstatná část práce vznikla za podpory Centra výzkumu a využití obnovitelných zdrojů energie a výzkumných projektů CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0014 and FEKT S-11-9.

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