Spelling suggestions: "subject:"majorana"" "subject:"majoranas""
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Search for heavy Majorana neutrinos in ρρ collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detectorKlinger, Joel Alexander January 2014 (has links)
The discovery of non-zero neutrino masses has introduced a new mass scale into the Standard Model of particle physics that is at least six orders of magnitude below the electron mass. In the absence of a Standard Model mechanism that can explain the origin of the neutrino mass scale, one can consider the possibility that neutrinos are Majorana fermions which would allow right-handed neutrinos to acquire an additional mass term without requiring new interactions. A mixing of the neutrino Majorana mass terms and Standard Model Dirac mass terms generates mass eigenstates corresponding to light neutrinos, which have already been observed, and heavy neutrinos, which have not. This thesis presents a search for same-sign lepton pairs from the decay of heavy Majorana neutrinos produced in sqrt(s)=8 TeV proton-proton collisions in the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider, using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb^(-1). No excess of events above the expected background is observed and 95% confidence level upper limits are set on the cross-section times branching ratio with respect to heavy Majorana neutrino masses in the range 100 to 500 GeV. The presented limits are the most stringent direct limits set to date for heavy neutrino masses greater than 100 GeV.
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Topological Phases and Majorana Fermions / Phases topologiques et fermions de MajoranaHerviou, Loïc 08 September 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions d'un point de vue théorique différents aspects de la matière topologique. Ces systèmes présentent des propriétés résistantes aux éventuelles perturbations grâce à une topologie non-triviale de leur structure de bandes. En particulier, des excitations exotiques, par exemple des fermions de Majorana, peuvent apparaitre à leurs bords.L'entropie d'intrication, ainsi que le spectre d'intrication ont été fondamentaux dans l'étude théorique de ces systèmes, et plus généralement des phases libres. Il est cependant difficile de les mesurer expérimentalement. L'étude des fluctuations de charge bipartites a été proposée afin de remédier à ce problème, et celles-ci permettent une mesure faible de l'intrication, en particulier pour des modèles unidimensionnels libres. Nous généralisons les précédents travaux sur les Liquides de Luttinger à des familles génériques de supraconducteurs et isolants topologiques en une et deux dimensions, systèmes dans lesquels la charge observée n'est plus conservée. Nous montrons que les transitions de phases topologiques sont caractérisées par certains coefficients universels dans les fluctuations et les fonctions de corrélations. Les systèmes bidimensionnels que nous étudions présentent des cônes de Dirac, et ces coefficients dépendent de leur enroulement. Cela nous permet de caractériser la topologie de ces points critiques. Dans tous les cas, les fluctuations suivent une loi de volume, qui a un comportement non-analytique aux transition de phase.Dans un second temps, nous nous intéressons aux systèmes en interactions. Nous montrons tout d'abord que certaines des signatures des transitions topologiques survivent en leur présence, dans les supraconducteurs topologiques. Nous étudions ensuite le diagramme de phase de deux fils supraconducteurs couplés par une interaction Coulombienne. Celle-ci mène à la création de phases exotiques grâce à la compétition avec la supraconductivité non-conventionnelle. Nous montrons en particulier l'apparition de phases de Mott brisant spontanément la symétrie de renversement du temps et présentant des courant orbitaux non-triviaux, ainsi que celle d'une phase de fermions libres, qui est l'extension de deux chaînes de Majorana critiques en interaction.Enfin, nous nous intéressons aux effets de la présence de fermions de Majorana sur le transport électronique. Nous étudions un îlot supraconducteur où plusieurs de ces fermions existent. Ce système pourrait être l'un des composants élémentaires d'un éventuel ordinateur quantique. Les fermions de Majorana changent les statistiques d'échange des porteurs de charges, ce qui se traduit par une fractionnalisation de la conductance. Celle-ci se révèle très robuste face aux anisotropies et autres perturbations. Nous étendons les études précédentes au cas où le nombre d'électrons dans la boîte peut fluctuer, et montrons l'équivalence de ce problème avec le modèle Kondo à plusieurs canaux. Nous réinterprétons alors ce modèle en terme du déplacement d'une particule dans un réseau fictif dissipatif. / In this thesis, we study theoretically different aspects of topological systems. These models present resilient properties due to a non-trivial topology of their band structures, and in particular exotic edge excitations such as Majorana fermions.Entanglement entropy and entanglement spectrum have been fundamental to the study of these systems and of gapless systems in general, but are difficult to measure experimentally. Bipartite charge fluctuations were proposed as a weak measurement of this entanglement, in particular for one-dimensional gapless phases. We extend previous results on standard Luttinger Liquids to generic families of one- and two-dimensional non-interacting topological systems. Through exact computations, we show that their critical points are characterized by universal coefficients that reveal the topological aspect of the transitions. In two dimensions, the Dirac cones give quantized contributions to the fluctuations and various correlation functions. These contributions depend on their winding numbers, allowing for a precise determination of the topological structure of the gapless points. A volume law is also present and linked to the Quantum Fisher information, with characteristic non-analyticities at the phase transitions.In a second time, we include interactions and show that some of these signatures are preserved in topological superconductors even in their presence. Through analytical (bosonization, renormalization group) and numerical (exact diagonalization and DMRG) methods, we study the phase diagram of two Coulomb-coupled topological superconducting wires. We are interested in their behavior when the interactions are strong enough to break the topological protection: the interplay between unconventional superconductivity and interactions leads to exotic phases. We show the appearance of phases spontaneously breaking the time-reversal symmetry, with non-trivial orbital currents, and of an unusual gapless phase that is the extension of two critical interacting Majorana modes.Finally, we are interested in electronic transport mediated by Majorana fermions. We study a floating superconducting island carrying several such impurities. This device is thought to be a potential building block for a quantum computer. The Majorana fermions affect the statistics of the charge carriers, which leads to very resilient fractionalized transport. We extend previous studies to the charge degenerate case, where the total number of fermions in the island is not fixed, and map it to the well-known Multi-Channel Kondo model at large interaction. We reinterpret this standard model in terms of a particle moving in a highly dimensional, dissipative lattice.
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A search for a heavy Majorana neutrino and a radiation damage simulation for the HF detectorWetzel, James William 01 July 2014 (has links)
A search for heavy Majorana neutrinos is performed using an event signature defined by two same-sign muons accompanied by two jets. This search is an extension of previous searches, (L3, DELPHI, CMS, ATLAS), using 19.7 fb-1 of data from the 2012 Large Hadron Collider experimental run collected by the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment. A mass window of 40-500 GeV/c2 is explored. No excess events above Standard Model backgrounds is observed, and limits are set on the mixing element squared, |VμN|2, as a function of Majorana neutrino mass.
The Hadronic Forward (HF) Detector's performance will degrade as a function of the number of particles delivered to the detector over time, a quantity referred to as integrated luminosity and measured in inverse femtobarns (fb-1). In order to better plan detector upgrades, the CMS Forward Calorimetry Task Force (FCAL) group and the CMS Hadronic Calorimeter (HCAL) group have requested that radiation damage be simulated and the subsequent performance of the HF subdetector be studied. The simulation was implemented into both the CMS FastSim and CMS FullSim simulation packages. Standard calorimetry performance metrics were computed and are reported. The HF detector can expect to perform well through the planned delivery of 3000 fb-1.
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Edge states in Chern Insulators and Majorana fermions in topological superconductors / États de bord dans les isolants de Chern et les fermions de Majorana dans les supraconducteurs topologiquesSticlet, Doru 27 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse poursuit deux directions dans le domaine des isolants et supraconducteurs topologiques.Dans la première partie de la thèse nous étudions des isolants en deux dimensions sur réseau, présentant un effet Hall quantique anormal (c'est-à-dire en l'absence d'un champ magnétique externe), induit par la présence d'un flux magnétique inhomogène dans la maille. Le système possède des phase isolantes caractérisés par un invariant topologique, le nombre de Chern, qui est lié à la conductance portée par le bord états. Nous montrons que les modèles à deux bandes admettent des phase à nombre de Chern arbitraire, ou, de façon équivalente, un nombre arbitraire d'états de bord, quand on augmente la portée des couplages sur réseau. Cette compréhension est rendue possible grâce à la démonstration d'une formule montrant que le nombre de Chern d'une bande dépend de certains propriétés d'un ensemble discret de points dans la zone de Brillouin, les points de Dirac en l'absence du gap. Ces idées sont rendues plus concrètes dans l'étude du modèle de Haldane et dans la création d'un modèle artificiel avec cinq phases de Chern dont les états de bord sont déterminés en détail. La deuxième partie de la thèse porte sur les supraconducteurs topologiques unidimensionnels qui exhibent des états exotiques d'énergie zéro: les états liés de Majorana. Nous étudions ici la présence de fermions de Majorana dans des fils de semiconducteurs à fort couplage spin-orbite sous l’effet de proximité d'un supraconducteur d'onde s. Nous montrons que la polarisation de spin des degrés de liberté électroniques dans la fonction d'onde Majorana dépend du poids relatif du couplage spin-orbite Dresselhaus et Rashba. Nous étudions également les fermions de Majorana dans des jonctions linéaires longues supraconducteur-normal et supraconducteur-normal-supraconducteur (SNS) où ils apparaissent comme des états étendus dans la jonction normale. En outre, la géométrie d'anneaux peut être mise en correspondance avec une jonction SNS, et, sous l'action de gradients dans la phase supraconductrice, des fermions Majorana étendus se forment encore à l'intérieur du fil normal. Enfin, un modèle à deux bandes avec des fermions de Majorana multiples est traité. Nous démontrons que les jonctions Josephson construites à partir de ce modèle maintiennent l'une des signatures remarquables des fermions de Majorana, à savoir la périodicité 4π de l'effet Josephson fractionnaire. / This thesis follows two threads in the field of topological insulators and superconductors. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the study of two-dimensional quantum anomalous Hall insulators on a lattice, in the absence of an external magnetic flux, but induced by an inhomogeneous flux in the unit cell. The system possesses several gapped phases characterized by a topological invariant, the Chern number, that is related to the conductance carried by the edge states. Here we show that two-band models admit an arbitrary large number of Chern phases or, equivalently, an arbitrary number of edge states, by adding hopping between distant neighbor sites. This result is based on a formula proving that the Chern number of a band depends on certain properties of a finite set of points in the Brillouin zone, i.e. the Dirac points for the gapless system. These ideas are made more concrete in the study of a modified Haldane model, and also by creating an artificial model with five Chern phases, whose edge states are determined in detail. The second part of the thesis focuses on one-dimensional topological superconductors with exotic zero-energy edge states: the Majorana bound states. Here we investigate the presence of Majorana fermions in spin-orbit coupled semiconducting wire in proximity to an s-wave superconductor. We show that the spin-polarization of the electronic degrees of freedom in the Majorana wave function depends on the relative weight of Dresselhaus and Rashba spin-orbit couplings. We also investigate Majorana fermions in linear superconductor-normal and long superconductor-normal-superconductor (SNS) junctions where they appear as extended states in the normal junction. Furthermore, ring geometries can be mapped to an SNS junction, and, we have shown that under the action of superconducting phases gradients, extended Majorana fermions can form again inside the normal wire. Finally a two-band model with multiple Majorana fermions is treated and we show that Josephson junctions built from this model maintain the 4π periodicity for the fractional Josephson effect, one of Majorana fermions signatures.
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Fusão de modos de Majorana em pontos quânticos / Fusing Majorana modes in quantum-dotsCruz, Adonai Rodrigues da 03 June 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho investigamos a fusão entre estados ligados de Majorana em nanoestruturas compostas por um ponto quântico conectado a contatos metálicos e acoplado lateralmente a dois fios quânticos supercondutores que sustentam modos de Majorana em suas pontas. Modelando cada fio quântico por uma cadeia de Kitaev, nós adotamos duas abordagens: inicialmente usando as funções de Green do ponto obtidas através do método recursivo calculamos a condutância e a densidade local de estados (LDOS), posteriormente diagonalizamos o sistema no formalismo de Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) e obtemos o espectro completo dos autoestados. Como descrito em (1), o LDOS do ponto quântico acoplado a uma única cadeia de Kitaev mostra claramente o vazamento do modo de Majorana inicialmente presente na ponta da cadeia para o ponto quântico, onde este modo surge fixo na energia de Fermi dos contatos metálicos (εƒ). A condutância de dois terminais medida através do ponto mostra uma assinatura dos estados de Majorana neste sistema, uma ressonância fixa mesmo quando o nível do ponto está vazio ou não. Interessante ressaltar que mesmo na presença de interações no ponto essa assinatura de Majorana é válida como mostrado em (2). Motivados por estes resultados anteriores estamos particularmente interessados em investigar a hibridização (aqui denominada de fusão) entre dois modos de Majorana resultando em um modo fermiônicos ordinário dentro do ponto quântico. Nossos resultados demonstram que controlando a diferença de fase supercondutora entre os fios e a voltagem de gate do ponto quântico somos capazes de controlar a emergência e fusão dos modos de Majorana. Além disso nós reforçamos a proposta de se utilizar o efeito Josephson a.c. de período 4π para identificar os modos de Majorana pela reprodução dos resultados obtidos por (3). / In this work we investigate the fusion between Majorana bound states in nanostructures composed of a quantum dot connected to source and drain leads and side coupled to two topological superconducting nanowires sustaining Majorana end modes. Modeling the nanowire via a Kitaev chain, we have used two approaches: first using a recursive Greensfunction approach we calculate the conductance and local density of states (LDOS) and then by the diagonalization using the Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) formalism we obtain the full spectrum of eigenstates. As described in (1) the LDOS of quantum dot coupled to a single wire clearly shows a leakage of the Majorana end mode from the wire into the dot, where it emerges as a unique dot level pinned to the Fermi energy of the leads (εƒ). The calculated two-terminal conductance through the dot displays an unambiguous signature of the Majorana bound states, i. e., a pinned resonance occurring even when the dot level is far above εƒ . Interestingly this Majorana signature remains even in the presence of interactions within the dot as showed in (2). Motivated by these earlier results we are particularly interested to investigate the fusion of Majonana end modes into ordinary fermionic modes within the dot. Our results demonstrate that by tuning the superconducting phase difference between the wires and the quantum-dot gate voltage we are able to control the emergence and splitting of Majorana modes. Furthermore we reinforce the proposal of using the 4π periodic a.c Josephson effect to identify Majorana modes by reproducing the results obtained by (3).
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Acoplamento Kondo-Majorana em pontos quânticos duplos / Kondo-Majorana coupling in double quantum dotsPardo, Jesus David Cifuentes 08 May 2019 (has links)
O uso das quasi-particulas de Majorana que emergem nas bordas de um supercondutor topológico é uma plataforma promisora para computação quântica. Novas propostas usam quantum dots (QDs) para detectar sinais de Majorana. Este método tem duas vantagens: 1) Os QDs são os melhores dispositivos para estudar a co-existência de Kondo e Majorana, a qual têm sido reportada recentemente em experimentos. 2) O controle experimental preciso sobre os quantum dots que temos hoje em dia oferece a oportunidade única para manipular quasi-partículas de Majoranas dentro de sistemas com vários dots. Esta ideia abriu novos caminhos para o desenho de arquiteturas quânticas, nos aproximando do objetivo de implementar um computador quântico topológico. O caso mais simples em que se é possível manipular tais quasi-partículas é num quantum dot duplo (DQD). Este modelo oferece várias possibilidades para mover os Majoranas, incluindo múltiplas configurações geométricas dos dots como acoplamentos simétricos, lineares e em junções T. Neste trabalho vamos apresentar uma análise teórica das transiç?s dos sinais de Majorana dentro do DQD em sistemas interagentes e não interagentes. Vamos ver que é possível controlar a localização dos modos zero de Majorana mediante o incremento nas voltagens de gate dos QDs. Também vamos explorar como esses sinais interagem com o efeito Kondo que emerge em superposição com o modo zero de Majorana. Principalmente, vamos a usar dois métodos neste projecto: 1) Usamos as equações de movimento no formalismo de funções de Green para obter expressões exatas para a densidade de estados em sistemas não interagentes. Vamos apresentar o método the eliminação de Gauss-Jordan com grafos, o qual permite resolver rapidamente o sistema linear emergente nas equações de movimento. 2) Em sistemas Coulomb interagentes usamos NRG, no qual poderemos observar a interação entre o Majorana e o efeito Kondo. Vamos testar ambos os métodos nos modelos de um double quantum dot e um QD acoplado com uma cadeia de Majorana, com o qual vamos reproduzir os resultados presentes na literatura. Finalmente, incluímos a maior contribuição deste trabalho, o estudo de um DQD acoplado a uma cadeia de Majorana. / Majorana zero modes (MZMs) emerging at the edges of topological superconducting wires are a promising platform for fault-tolerant quantum computation. Novel proposals use quantum dots (QDs) coupled to the end of these wires to detect Majorana signatures. This detection method provides the following advantages: 1) This device allows to study the prospective coexistence of Kondo-Majorana signatures, which have been recently reported in experiments. 2) Today\'s precise experimental control over QDs offers the unique possibility of manipulating MZMs inside multi-dot systems. This innovative idea has enlightened the design of scalable quantum architectures, bringing us closer to the implementation of a topological quantum computer. The simplest case where Majorana manipulation is possible is in a double quantum dot (DQD). This system offers several possibilities for manipulation of MZMs, including different geometric configurations of the dots, from symmetric and linear couplings to T-dot junctions. In this project, we perform a theoretical study of the transitions of the Majorana signature in these geometries in non-interacting and interacting regimes. By tuning the dot\'s gate voltages, we will show that it is possible to control the localization of the MZM inside both dots. We will also explore the interplay of these signatures with the Kondo effect, which emerges in non-interacting dots in superposition with the MZM. We adopt two methods in this project: 1) The Green equations of motion (EOM) allow us to obtain exact expressions for the density of states in coulomb-non-interacting systems. We present the Graph -Gauss-Jordan elimination process as a simple-graphical method to solve the emergent linear systems in the EOM. 2) We use Wilson\'s numerical renormalization group (NRG) in interacting systems, to study the combined Kondo-Majorana physics. We will test these methods, first in a double quantum dot (DQD) (chapter 3) and then in a QD-Majorana model (chapter 4), where we confirm the results of previous papers [1-3]. Finally, we include the main contribution of this thesis, the study of a DQD coupled to a Majorana chain (chapter 5).
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Impurezas magnéticas no modelo de Kanie-Mele com supercondutividade / Magnetic impurities in the superconducting Kane-Mele modelTeixeira, Raphael Levy Ruscio Castro 26 March 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos uma rede hexagonal com uma cadeia de impurezas nas bordas e com supercondutividade induzida, de forma a mostrar a existência de fases com férmions de Majorana. Para tal, começamos introduzindo invariantes topológicos, número de Chern e Z2 e mostramos dois modelos para rede hexagonal. O primeiro, modelo de Haldane, fazemos como motivação histórica. O segundo, modelo de Kane-Mele, é usado como base para todo o trabalho. Seguimos introduzindo supercondutividade e como ela ocorre quando aplicada junto do Modelo de Kane-Mele, o método auto-consistente e quais as condições necessárias para termos supercondutividade apenas nas bordas. Continuamos com efeitos de impurezas magnéticas nas bordas e introduzimos férmions de Majorana que são os alvos principais dos resultados. Mostramos então, que existe fases topológicas em cadeias de impureza magnética, com momentos em espiral, contudo o diagrama de fase depende de várias condições. Por fim, mostramos que a variação da fase topológica se deve a oscilações nos níveis de energia em que o invariante topológico também varia, contrariando resultados obtidos para a rede quadrada. Concluímos esse trabalho com implicações experimentais desse resultado e possíveis caminhos que podem ser seguidos. / In this work, we study a honeycomb lattice with induced superconductivity and edge impurity in order to show the existence of a phase that host Majorana bound state. To do so, we start introducing topological invariants, Chern number and Z2, and we show two models for honeycomb lattice. The first, Haldane\'s Model, due its historical importance. The second, Kane-Mele model, because it will be used during all this work. Then we review superconductivity, showing the self-consistent method, and we apply it to Kane-Mele model, in which we find some necessary conditions to induce superconductivity only at the edges. From this point, we study the effect of magnetic impurities at the edges, and we introduce Majorana bound state, that will be the main objective of our results. In our results, we show the existence of topological non-trivial phases for spiral magnetic chain in the zigzag edge. With this we make a phase diagram. We also find oscillation in the energy spectrum and the topological phase changes with the oscillation, this is different from square lattice in which we should not have a change in the topological phase. We conclude this work with experimental implications of our result and possible developments.
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Signatures of Majorana fermions and ground state degeneracies in topological superconductorsZocher, Björn 09 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Motivated by the recent experimental progress in the search for Majorana fermions, we identify signatures of topological superconductivity and propose realistic experiments to observe these signatures. In the first part of this thesis, we study charge transport through a topological superconductor with a pair of Majorana end states, coupled to leads via quantum dots with resonant levels. The nonlocality of the Majorana bound states opens the possibility of Cooper pair splitting with nonlocal shot noise. In the space of quantum dot energy levels, we find a characteristic four-peaked cloverlike pattern for the strength of noise due to Cooper pair splitting, distinct from the single ellipsoidal peak found in the absence of Majorana end states.
Semiconductor-superconductor hybrid systems are promising candidates for the realiza- tion Majorana fermions and topological order in solid state devices. In the second part, we show that the topological order is mirrored in the excitation spectra and can be observed in nonlinear Coulomb blockade transport through a ring-shaped nanowire. Especially, the ex- citation spectrum is almost independent of magnetic flux in the topologically trivial phase but acquires a characteristic h/e magnetic flux periodicity in the nontrivial phase. The transition between the trivial and nontrivial phase is reflected in the closing and reopening of an excitation gap.
In the third part, we investigate characteristic features in the spin response of doped three-dimensional topological insulators with odd-parity unequal-spin superconducting pairing, which are predicted to have gapless Majorana surface modes. These Majorana modes contribute to the spin response, giving rise to a characteristic temperature behavior of the Knight shift and the spin-lattice relaxation time in magnetic resonance experiments.
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Transporte eletrônico em nanosistemas na presença de férmions de Majorana /Dessotti, Fernando Augusto. January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio Carlos Ferreira Seridonio / Resumo: O físico italiano Ettore Majorana propôs, no campo da Física de altas energias, a existência de férmions peculiares que têm como característica serem suas próprias antipartículas. No contexto de Física da matéria condensada, tais férmions emergem como quasipartículas de Majorana (MQPs). Da perspectiva da compu- tação quântica, duas MQPs podem compor um férmion regular e atuar como um qubit protegido, que está desacoplado do ambiente e livre do efeito de decoerência. Até onde sabemos, a verificação experimental de uma MQP ainda é questionável, apesar de alguns resultados experimentais, e desta forma, o objetivo desta tese é de propor formas experimentais a fim de ajudar na busca das assinaturas de tais excitações. Como o efeito Fano é um efeito de interferência na qual canais de tunelamento competem entre si pelo transporte eletrônico, ele torna-se uma forma de capturar tais assinaturas das MQPs em sistemas de matéria condensada. Baseado nisto, a ideia é investigar teoricamente três diferentes interferômetros a fim de obter uma assinatura definitiva das MQPs. O primeiro é um interferômetro do tipo Aharanov-Bohm composto por dois quantum dots, sendo um deles acoplado a uma MQP, que se localiza na borda de um fio de Kitaev semi-infinito na fase topológica. Ajustando o nível de Fermi dos terminais e o detuning simétrico dos níveis dos dots, mostrou-se que regimes Fano opostos resultam em uma transmitância caracterizada por distintas regiões condutoras e isolantes, que são marcas ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The Italian physicist Ettore Majorana proposed in the field of high-energy Physics the existence of peculiar fermions that constitute their own antiparticles. In the context of condensed matter Physics, these fermions are Majorana quasiparticles (MQPs). From the quantum computing perspective, two MQPs can compose a regular fermion acting as a protected qubit, which is indeed decoupled from the host environment and free of the decoherence effect. To the best of our knowledge, the experimental capture of a MQP up to now is still questionable despite some experimental results, then, the goal of this thesis is to propose helpful experiment manners in revealing signatures from such excitations. As the Fano effect is an interference phenomenon where tunneling paths compete for the electronic transport, it becomes a probe to catch fingerprints of MQPs lying on condensed matter systems. Based on this, the idea is to investigate theoretically three different interferometers in order to obtain a MQP smoking- gun signature. The first one was an Aharonov-Bohm-like interferometer composed by two quantum dots, being one of them coupled to a MQP, which is attached to one of the edges of a semi-infinite Kitaev wire within the topological phase. By changing the Fermi energy of the leads and the symmetric detuning of the levels for the dots, we show that opposing Fano regimes result in a transmittance characterized by distinct conducting and insulating regions, which are fingerprints of an iso... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Propriétés hors équilibre des jonctions Josephson multi-terminales et topologiques / Non-equilibrium properties of topological and multi terminal Josephson junctionsBadiane, Mouhamadou Driss 04 October 2013 (has links)
Ce manuscrit de thèse aborde les propriétés de transport hors-équilibre des systèmes mésoscopiques supra-conducteurs. Cette étude se décline en deux volets : i) la signature des fermions de Majorana dans les jonctionsJosephson topologiques, et ii) les corrélations du courant dans les jonctions Josephson tri-terminales.Les fermions de Majorana apparaissent aux bords d’un supraconducteur topologique. Lorsque deux supra-conducteurs topologiques sont reliés pour former une jonction Josephson, les états de Majorana d’énergie nullede part et d’autre de jonction forment un état lié d’Andreev. Puisque cet état porteur du supercourant est4π-périodique vis-à-vis de la différence de phase supraconductrice, il a été spéculé un effet Josephson fraction-naire en présence d’une tension de polarisation. On montre qu’une vitesse de phase finie induit un couplagedynamique entre l’état lié et le continuum des états au dessus de l’amplitude du gap supraconducteur. Ce cou-plage intrinsèque constitue un mécanisme inévitable qui altère l’effet Josephson fractionnaire. On discute, enfonction des paramètres du circuit, les signatures expérimentales pertinentes de l’effet Josephson fractionnaire :l’effet pair-impair dans les marches de Shapiro et l’émergence d’un pic à la fréquence fractionnaire dans la den-sité spectrale du bruit en courant. D’autres manifestations de ces états d’énergie nulle dans la caractéristiquecourant-tension, sous l’amplitude du paramètre d’ordre supraconducteur, sont également exposés.Dans un second temps sont abordées les fluctuations du courant dissipatif dans les jonctions Josephsontri-terminales. On montre que, les corrélations croisées du courant peuvent être positives et amplifiées dans unrégime cohérent. Ces résultats ouvrent la possibilité à des études plus élaborées sur l’enchevêtrement quantiquedans ces systèmes. / This PhD thesis manuscript deals with the non equilibrium transport properties of superconducting meso-scopic systems. This study declines in two shutters : i) signatures of Majorana fermions in topological Josephsonjunctions and ii) current-current correlations in three-terminal Josephson junctions.Majorana fermions appears at the boundaries of topological superconductors. When two topological su-perconductors are connected to form a Josephson junction, the zero-energy Majorana bound states localizedon either side of the junction form an Andreev bound state. As this current carrying state is 4π-periodic inthe superconducting phase difference, it was speculated that, at finite dc bias voltage, the junction exhibits afractional Josephson effect. We show that any finite phase velocity induces a dynamic coupling between thebound state and the continuum of states above the superconducting gap amplitude. This intrinsic couplingprovides an unavoidable mechanism that alters the fractional Josephson effect. We discuss, in terms of thecircuit parameters, signatures of the fractional Josephson effect that could be relevant for current experimen-tal investigations : the even-odd effect in Shapiro steps and the emergence of a peak at fractional Josephsonfrequency in the current noise spectrum. Furthermore, other manifestations of the Majorana bound states onthe subgap current-voltage characteristic are discussed.In a second step, we discuss the dissipative current fluctuations in three terminal Josephson junctions. Weshow that, current-current cross correlations can be positive and amplified in a coherent regime. This findingopens the possibility for further investigations on quantum entanglement in those systems
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