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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Workers participation and workplace forums in the South African context

Loriston, T. D. J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 1998. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was undertaken with the aim to analyse the social significance of the new Labour Relations Act of the Republic of South Africa, Act 66 of 1995, with special emphasis on workers participation and the impact of the introduction of statutory workers participation on the Industrial Relations System. The Act was implemented on 1 November 1995. The Act provides for the establishment of Workplace Forums. The objective of the research is to examine the impact of the statutory introduction of workers' participation on the South African industrial relations system. The first legal infrastructure of South Africa's industrial relations system was created by the Industrial Conciliation Act of 1924, later to become The Industrial Conciliation Act (No 28) of 1956, and to evolve into The Labour Relations Act (No. 28) of 1956 in 1980. The New Labour Relations Act (No 66) 1995, came into force at the beginning of 1997 with the final passage of The New Constitution 1996. Whereas the old Act with all its amendments imposed a statutory machinery for the resolution of conflict stemming from an adversarial relationship, the new Act presents machinery to the opposite, namely that of deregulation by the State and the promotion of co-operation. In the drafting of the new Act by a task team over nine months only, strong attention was given to the advice of German experts, i.e. the experience of and from a country that led in this particular area after World War II. In fact, certain principles and mechanisms were literally incorporated into Chapter V. If it is considered that Germany received a New Constitution in 1949 and deduced from its Bill of Rights all worker rights in an attempt to transfer the principles of political democracy into the work situation in the form of "Industrial Democracy" by enshrining these progressively into the legislation to this effect, a comparison with South Africa is illuminating. Similarly to Germany in 1949, South Africa received a new democratic constitution in 1995 in the political sphere with a strong influence on the industrial relations system and made its first attempt of legislating for workers' participation by means of ChapterV. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is onderneem met die doel om die sosiale invloed van die nuwe Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge, Wet 66 van 1995 na te speur, met spesiale klem op werkersdeelname en die impak wat die instelling van statutere werkersdeelname op die arbeidsverhouding sisteem sal he. Die Wet het op 1 November 1995 in werking getree. Die Wet maak voorsiening vir die skepping van Werkplek Forums. Die doelwit van hierdie studie is om die invloed van die statutere instelling van werkplek forums op die Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsverhoudinge sisteem te ondersoek. Die eerste statutere infrastruktuur van die Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsverhoudinge sisteem is geskep deur die Nywerheidsversoeningswet van 1924, wat later die Nywerheidsversoeningswet (No 28) van 1956 geword het, en as die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge (No.28) van 1956 in 1980 verander is. Met die totstandkoming van die Nuwe Grondwet in 1996 en die politieke demokrasie wat daaruit voortgespruit het, is die Nuwe Arbeidsverhouding Wet (No 66) 1995 aan die begin van 1997 geimplimenteer. Die ou Wet het voorsiening gemaak vir geskiloplossing in 'n teenstrydige klimaat. Die nuwe Wet, daarenteen, maak voorsiening vir deregulering deur die Staat en die insluiting van 'n kanaal van samewerking in die arbeidsverhoudinge stelsel. Met die opstel van die nuwe Wet is daar sterk gesteun op die raad van Duitse kenners wat die nodige ondervinding op hierdie gebied reeds na die Tweede Wereldoorlog in hulle eie land opgedoen het. Duitsland is immers 'n leier in hierdie veld. Sekere kernbegrippe en meganismes is feitlik net so in hoofstuk V vervat. As ons in ag neem dat Duitsland in 1949 'n Nuwe Grondwet ontvang het en dat hulle van hulle Handves van Menseregte werkersregte afgelei het in 'n poging om die beginsels van politieke demokrasie na die werkplek oor te dra in die vorm van "nywerheidsdemokrasie" en dit progressief deur wetgewing te verskans, is 'n vergelyking met Suid-Afrika insiggewend. Net soos Duitsland in 1949, het Suid-Afrika ook in 1995 'n Demokratiese Grondwet ontvang en daarmee saam in die politieke sowel as die arbeidsverhoudinge veld sy toetrede gemaak tot statutere werkersdeelname deur middel van Hoofstuk V.

Conceptualisation and measurement of the empowerment of workers : an educational perspective

Albertyn, Ruth Meriel 12 1900 (has links)
Annexure is transcription of in-depth interviews. / Dissertation (DPhil) -- Stellenbosch University, 2000. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the era of globalisation, demands for increased productivity and multiple skills present challenges to adult educators in their role of facilitating empowerment in individuals. The proposed link between productivity and empowerment has stimulated interest in the concept by management and there has to be accountability to ensure that the needs of individuals and organisations are balanced. The aim of designing a standardised measuring instrument comprised the first phase of this research. The questionnaire was compiled based on the outcomes of empowerment identified in the literature on three levels (Micro-level, Interface level and Macro-level). After exploratory testing, the summated ratings method was applied in order to reduce and standardise the questionnaire. This instrument was tested for validity and the questionnaire of 61 statements was retained for the experiment. The experiment was conducted in the second phase to measure the effects of an intervention on the empowerment of workers. The questionnaire was applied in the Pre-, Post- and Postpost- test design in eight companies in the Western Cape where the life-skills training programme FREE TO GROW was implemented. Qualitative data collected identified the outcomes of empowerment and also validated the measuring instrument. Statistical procedures applied identified the patterns of empowerment in respondents. The respondents in the experiment were mainly females and the mean age was 33.9 years. The majority were Afrikaans and most classified themselves as part of the Coloured ethnic group. The FREE TO GROW training programme succeeded in achieving the objective of empowerment because it was found that there was a statistically significant improvement in the empowerment status of workers both in the short and long term. Most of the total group was empowered on the Interface level prior to the course and on the Micro-level after the course and in the long term. The males were more empowered on the Macro-level before the course, but had increased sustained Interface-level empowerment. The females benefited most on the Micro-level directly after the course and in the long term. Before the course the Coloured group was more empowered on the Micro-level compared to the whites, but they benefited most on the Interface level directly after the course. The Coloured group and females had statistically significant higher scores on the Interface level in the long term. In terms of the patterns of empowerment, it was found that the Micro-level issues were dominant prior to the course with a greater spread of perception of the other aspects of empowerment over time. Before the course, the respondents tended to react to personal and family issues where no action was needed. They were motivated to achieve their goals and had a desire for control over aspects affecting them. Directly after the course they had a more positive view of life, a sense of personal responsibility, and an ability to cope. They were prepared to take the initiative, were more ambitious and felt confident of their abilities in the workplace. In the long term their experience of empowerment was more balanced and they felt good about themselves, were more assertive, able to think critically and more involved in issues external to themselves. The measuring instrument designed in this study measured the outcomes of empowerment on three levels and helped to identify the patterns that emerged over the course of an intervention. A standardised empowerment questionnaire can increase accountability, assist in balancing the needs of individuals and management, and can provide insights to educationalists seeking to empower adults. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:In die era van globalisering stel die vraag na verhoogde produktiwiteit en veelvuldige vaardighede groot uitdagings aan opvoedkundiges betrokke by volwassene-onderrig in hul rol as fasiliteerders van bemagtiging by individue. Die voorgestelde verb and tussen produktiwiteit en bemagtiging het bestuur se belangstelling in die konsep aangewakker en toerekenbaarheid is noodsaaklik ten einde te verseker dat die behoeftes van individue en organisasies in balans is. Die eerste fase van hierdie navorsing het die ontwerp van 'n gestandaardiseerde meetinstrument ten doel gehad. Die vraelys is saamgestel op grond van die uitkomste van bemagtiging op drie vlakke (Mikrovlak, Interpersoonlike-vlak en Makrovlak) soos in die literatuur geYdentifiseer. Na ondersoekende toetsing is die vraelys verkort en gestandaardiseer. Hierdie instrument is vir geldigheid getoets en die vraelys van 61 stellings is vir die eksperiment behou. In die tweede fase is die eksperiment uitgevoer om die uitwerking van 'n intervensie op die bemagtiging van werkers te meet. Die vraelys is in die voor- en na-toets en mi die na-toets in agt maatskappye in die Wes-Kaap toegepas waar die opleidingsprogram In lewensvaardighede, "FREE TO GROW', geYmplementeer is. Kwalitatiewe data wat ingesamel is het die resultate van bemagtiging geYdentifiseer en ook die geldigheid van die meetinstrument bekragtig. Statistiese prosedures wat toegepas is het die bemagtigingspatrone by respondente geYdentifiseer. Die respondente in die eksperiment was hoofsaaklik vroue en die gemiddelde ouderdom was 33.9 jaar. Die meeste was Afrikaanssprekend en het hulself as lede van die Kleurling etniese groep geklassifiseer. Die "FREE TO GROW' opleidingsprogram het daarin geslaag om die doelwit van bemagtiging te bereik, omdat daar op kort- en lang termyn 'n statisties beduidende verbetering in die bemagtigingstatus van werkers gevind is. Die meeste van die totale groep is voor die kursus op die Interpersoonlike-vlak bemagtig en na die kursus en op die lang termyn op die Mikrovlak. Die mans is voor die kursus meer op die Makrovlak bemagtig, maar het groter volgehoue Interpersoonlike-vlak bemagtiging getoon. Die vroue het onmiddellik na die kursus en op die lang termyn die meeste op die Mikrovlak gebaat. Voor die kursus was die Kleurlinggroep meer op die Mikrovlak bemagtig in vergelyking met die blankes, maar hulle het onmiddellik na die kursus die meeste op die Interpersoonlike-vlak gebaat. Die Kleurlinggroep en die vroue het op lang termyn statisties beduidend hoer tellings op die Interpersoonlike-vlak behaal. Wat bemagtigingpatrone betref, is bevind dat die Mikrovlak-kwessies voor die kursus oorheersend was, met 'n groter verspreiding van persepsie van die ander aspekte van bemagtiging oor tyd. Voor die kursus was die respondente geneig om op persoonlike en gesinsaangeleenthede te reageer wat geen aksies vereis het nie. Hulle was gemotiveer om hul doelwitte te bereik en het beheer verlang oor aspekte wat hulle geraak het. Onmiddellik na die kursus het hulle 'n meer positiewe uitkyk op die lewe en 'n persoonlike verantwoordelikheidsin gehad, en getoon dat hulle probleme kon hanteer. Hulle was bereid om die insiatief te neem, was meer ambisieus en het vertroue gehad in hul vermoens in die werkplek. Op die lang termyn was hul ervaring van bemagtiging meer gebalanseerd en hulle het goed gevoel oor hulself, was meer assertief, in staat tot kritiese denke en meer betrokke by aangeleenthede buite hulself. Die meetinstrument wat in hierdie studie ontwerp is, het die uitkoms van bemagtiging op drie vlakke gemeet en gehelp om die patrone wat oor die verloop van 'n intervensie na yore gekom het, te identifiseer. 'n Gestandaardiseerde bemagtigingsvraelys kan toerekenbaarheid verhoog, help om die behoeftes van individue en bestuur te balanseer, en insig bied aan opvoedkundiges wat poog om volwassenes te bemagtig.

Enterprise restructuring and its determinants : evidence from three Algerian privatised enterprises

Zerrouki, Houria January 2010 (has links)
Our understanding of enterprise restructuring in a transition context is predominantly drawn from the ex-communist countries of Europe. Those countries have their own cultural values, social structures, were subject to the Soviet political and economic managemet styles and had their own political and economic reasons to move to the free market system. Without doubt, these factors had influenced their enterprise restructuring and its determinants. Given this influence, our understanding of enterprise restructuring and its determinants can be considered limited especially when one takes into consideration the fact that mnay developing countries with centrally planned economic systems had moved to the free market system almost at the same time as the ex-communist countries. Very important, the restructuring behaviour of their state and privatised enterprises and the determinants of their behaviour have been neglected by researchers. This neglect was, indeed, a stimulus to carry out a research study on enterprise restructuring and its determinants in Algeria. The aim of this research study was to develop an understanding of the kind of restructuring taking place in the state enterprises slated for privatisation in Algeria and the factors that stimulated or hindered their restructuring from 1990 to 2005. Algeria is a country that combines a mixture of historical backgrounds. It has a history of more than one hundred years of French colonial rule and has a deep rooted link with the Arab and Islamic cultures. It is also a country which had followed, after gaining independence from the colonial rule in 1962, its own style of socialism where the private sector,in light manufacturing and some service industries, was tolerated and workers of the state-owned enterprise were given the power to share the decision makings with management. More significantly, Algerial was and still is a country where almost 90 percent of its foreign revenues come from hydrocarbons export. Its move to the free market in 1989 came as a result of the sharp drop in the price of oil and therefore a sharp decrease in its foreign revenues. It was a move imposed by the IMF in return for the extension of its debts repayment and the provision of fresh loans. With these socio-cultural, political and economic characteristics of Algeria, it was expected that the restructuring behaviour of the enterprises under investigation and the determinants of this behaviour would exhibit some differences from those experienced in the transition countries of Europe. The investigation was carried out on three enterprises operating in different industries: Saidal in pharmaceuticals, the SNVI in heavy vehicles and Eriad Alger in wheat processing and manufacturing. The data was collected and analysed using qualitative and quantitative research strategies. Semi-structured and unstructured interviews were used to collect data on the restructuring actions and their determinants. They were carried out with senior managers at the head offices, divisions and functional departments of the enterprises; managers at the trade union (UGTA); managers at one state-owned consultancy organisation called CNAT; managers at the ministry of industry; two visiting managers at the trade union (UGTA); and a small number of workers of the three enterprises under investigation. A survey using a self-completion questionnaire was also used to investigate the characteristics of the top management teams of the three enterprises. Primary documents such as state, private company and media reports and secondary document such as journal articles and books were also used. The findings drawn from the study reveal that Saidal was the only enterprise that restructured effectively despite the strong competition in its market. This was possible through the determination of Saidal's president general manager and his top management team to restructure and through the enterprise partnership with many multinational firms. The findings also indicate that controllable and uncontrollable factors had significant impact on the restructuring behaviour of the three enterprises. The controllable factors were the corporatisation of the state enterprise and the underdevelopment of the institutional environment. Corporatisation was an important incentive that encouraged effective restructuring but this was possible only when the enterprise was financially healthy, as was the case with Saidal. The financial autonomy of Saidal reduced the intervention of the government administration in its internal affairs. Government intervention was strong when the enterprise was perceived by the government as strategically important, as was the case with the SNVI, or when the government intended to totally privatise the enterprise, as was the case with Eriad Alger. The underdevelopment of the institutional environment, especially corruption, the shortage of technical skills and the lack of adequate market information hampered competition and slowed down effective restructuring. The uncontrollable factors were the trend in the market and the cultural values. The growing market for pharmaceuticals in Algeria was a stimulus for attracting foreign investment in Saidal which consequently encouraged effective restructuring. As for the cultural values, the family and friendship ties, the social responsibility stemming from religious belief, the regional belonging and the legacy of French colonial rule in Algeria played a significant role in the selection and recruitment of managers and workers, in slowing down the progress of shedding workers surplus and in slowing down foreign participation in privatisation. Future research on enterprise restructuring and its determinants in Algeria should be carried out on a larger sample of enterprises with different ownership using quantitative and qualitative research strategies. Research should also explore enterprise restructuring and its determinants in other developing countries which moved to the free market system and in countries which share similar cultural and social structures with Algeria. It is time for researchers to move away from exploring effective and ineffective enterprise restructuring and concentrate more on exploring how partnership with foreign firms, the shortage of technicla skills, the lack of market information and the cultural values, be it religious beliefs, customs of the legacy of colonialism, affect the restructuring behaviour of state, privatised and private enterprises and the determinants of this behaviour.

A intervenção do Estado no domínio econômico e a participação dos empregados por produtividade nas empresas inovadoras

Silva, Thiago de Carvalho e Silva e 08 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-04-16T12:55:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Thiago de Carvalho e Silva e Silva.pdf: 930953 bytes, checksum: 52f6769db4fdd7230f178fa05c62392d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-16T12:55:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Thiago de Carvalho e Silva e Silva.pdf: 930953 bytes, checksum: 52f6769db4fdd7230f178fa05c62392d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Due to a specific normative provision stipulated by the 1988 Federal Constitution, it is incumbent on the State to foster the promotion and encouragement of innovation in the companies. The state action in this procedure is tantamount to State intervention in the economic domain, through induction, through the use of tools that stimulate company innovation. This intervention must be of an exceptional character and always directed to reaching certain fundamental goals duly stipulated in the legal system. As for the scientific, technological and innovative development, there is also a constitutional norm stipulating that the legislation shall support and stimulate companies that invest in research, in the creation of a technology appropriate to the country and in the training and improvement of human resources, and that they set in place remuneration systems allowing the sharing of economic gains resulting from employees´ productivity who is working in the area. Therefore, as legally stipulated, the sharing of incentives to innovation by companies necessarily depends on establishing the participation of employees in the profits deriving from such innovation, which must be done by means of payment of innovation productivity premium (IPP). Payments to employees made as a result of this participation shall deserve a favorable treatment by the tax and social welfare systems, according to the legislation / Por expressa disposição normativa prevista na Constituição Federal de 1988, o Estado deve promover e incentivar a inovação nas empresas. A ação estatal neste processo configura intervenção do Estado no domínio econômico, por indução, mediante o uso dos instrumentos jurídicos específicos de apoio e estímulo à inovação previstos em lei. Essa ação estatal, de caráter excepcional, deve ser sempre direcionada para o alcance de certos objetivos fundamentais devidamente inscritos no próprio ordenamento jurídico. No tocante ao desenvolvimento científico, tecnológico e inovação há norma constitucional determinando que a lei apoiará e estimulará as empresas que invistam em pesquisa, criação de tecnologia adequada ao país, formação e aperfeiçoamento de recursos humanos e que pratiquem sistemas de remuneração que permitam o compartilhamento dos ganhos econômicos resultantes da produtividade dos empregados envolvidos no processo de inovação. Portanto, a fruição pelas empresas dos estímulos legalmente previstos à inovação implica constituição de direito de participação dos empregados nos frutos da inovação, o que deve ser feito mediante pagamento de participação por produtividade em inovação (PPI). Os pagamentos feitos a esse título terão tratamento fiscal e previdenciário favorecido, nos termos da lei

Do empoderamento da representação direta dos trabalhadores

Baltazar, Vanessa Anitablian 15 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-12-20T08:45:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Vanessa Anitablian Baltazar.pdf: 761128 bytes, checksum: c6c0e697e5fca32ccbc23ba9a6283719 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-20T08:45:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vanessa Anitablian Baltazar.pdf: 761128 bytes, checksum: c6c0e697e5fca32ccbc23ba9a6283719 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-15 / The present dissertation has as main objective the development of a study on the direct representation of the workers, prescribed in article 11 of the Brazilian Constitution, both in society and in the work environment, addressing the social relevance of worker consciousness as a salutary measure in the improvement of labor relations. We bring models such as self-management and comanagement or democratic management, which deals with a differentiated format in which the collective of workers take part in the decision-making of the company. We delimit the prerogatives of each representative body in order to shape a peaceful relationship between unions and direct representation bodies. We demonstrate the modulation of ILO Convention n. 135, ratified by Brazil, and Recommendations ns. 143 and 130, on workers representation. We analyze the treatment of the issue in comparative law, bringing to the fore the regulation of direct representation of the French, Portuguese and Chilean legal systems. We present a comprehensive study on the legislative and jurisprudential evolution of direct representation in Brazil, emphasizing the peculiarities of the respective institutions in Brazilian legislation. Finally, we bring the importance of direct representation as a fundamental right of the worker, with a focus on legal and constitutional provisions, as well as propose a model of effective functioning of the institute / A presente dissertação tem como objetivo primordial desenvolver um estudo sobre a representação direta dos trabalhadores, prevista no art. 11 da Constituição brasileira, tanto na sociedade quanto no ambiente laboral, abordando a relevância social da consciência operária como medida salutar na melhora das relações laborais. Trazemos modelos como o de autogestão e de co-gestão ou gestão democrática, que tratam de um formato diferenciado em que o coletivo de trabalhadores tomam parte na tomada das decisões da empresa. Situamos as prerrogativas de cada órgão representativo de forma a moldar uma relação pacíf ica entre sindicatos e órgãos de representação direta. Demonstramos a modulação da Convenção OIT n. 135, ratificada pelo Brasil, e das Recomendações n. 143 e 130, sobre a representação dos trabalhadores. Analisamos o tratamento da temática no direito comparado, trazendo à tona a organização laboral da representação direta dos sistemas jurídicos francês, português e chileno. Retratamos num estudo abrangente sobre a evolução legislativa e jurisprudencial da representação direta no Brasil, dando ênfase às peculiaridades das instituições respectivas na legislação brasileira. Por fim, trazemos a importância da representação direta como direito fundamental do trabalhador, com fulcro nas disposições legais e constitucionais, bem como propor um modelo de funcionamento efetivo ao instituto

Self-employed nurse entrepreneurs expanding the realm of nursing practice: a journey of discovery

Wilson, Anne, 1953 Apr. 24- January 2003 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references. Electronic publication: Full text available in PDF format; abstract in HTML format. Private practice as a career option for nurses has been slowly increasing since the 1980's. However, the reasons for this development have not been fully investigated so that it can be understood and placed within the changing contexts of health care and health services. The expansion and extension of nurses' roles is a contemporary topic in health care reform and therefore one that deserves investigation. The aims of this study were to develop a theory on private practice nursing and to describe the characteristics and work of the self-employed nurse in Australia. Electronic reproduction.[Australia] :Australian Digital Theses Program,2001.xvii, 350 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm.

Self-employed nurse entrepreneurs expanding the realm of nursing practice: a journey of discovery

Wilson, Anne, 1953 Apr. 24- January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
"March 2003." Includes bibliographical references (leaves 340-350). Aims to develop a theory on private practice nursing and to describe the characteristics and work of the self-employed nurse in Australia. Enables nurses to provide direct information on being self-employed and enhances the profession's ability to articulate about this area of nursing. Results suggest that private practice nursing can contribute effectively to broadening the range of primary health services available to the population and to addressing the issues of retention and recruitment of nurses. Self-employed nurse entrepreneurs push the boundaries of the profession and expand the realm of nursing practice.

Self-employed nurse entrepreneurs expanding the world of nursing practice: a journey of discovery.

Wilson, Anne January 2003 (has links)
Private practice as a career option for nurses has been slowly increasing since the 1980's. However, the reasons for this development have not been fully investigated so that it can be understood and placed within the changing contexts of health care and health services. The expansion and extension of nurses' roles is a contemporary topic in health care reform and therefore one that deserves investigation. The aims of this study were to develop a theory on private practice nursing and to describe the characteristics and work of the self-employed nurse in Australia. Nurses working in a variety of settings have been able to provide information on being self-employed. In doing so, this study was able to describe the persona of the nurse entrepreneur, explore the reasons why nurses and midwives in Australia establish private fee-for-service practices, identify the factors which have influenced this action and describe the scope of practice of nurses and midwives in private practice. This combined Delphi technique and Grounded Theory study is the first in-depth study of Australian nurses and midwives in private practice. The study enables nurses to provide direct information on being self-employed and enhances the profession's ability to articulate about this area of nursing. The significance of the research is in increasing the understanding of this area of practice development and affords greater insight into its efforts to improve and maintain quality nursing services within the Australian health care system. One hundred and six nurses and midwives were invited to participate in the study, in which participants completed two rounds of semi-structured postal questionnaires. Delphi technique was applied to rate responses on Likert scales to ascertain respondents' consensus on certain topics. Participants were also provided the opportunity to make additional comments. Results indicated that nurses in private practice are well experienced with an average of 21 years nursing experience and hold several qualifications. Job satisfaction, being able to be more involved in achieving quality health outcomes and maximising skills and abilities are significant influences for private practice. These results suggest that private practice nursing can contribute effectively to broadening the range of primary health services available to the population and to addressing the issues of retention and recruitment of nurses. Self-employed nurse entrepreneurs push the boundaries of the profession and expand the realm of nursing practice. Entrepreneurship is a path for the future of nursing as it offers expanded career opportunities for nurses and opportunities for increased ambulatory health services. In addition, the broad, expert knowledge nurses hold on many aspects of health can be disseminated throughout the health sector to the advantage of corporate health partners. There is further development required in this innovative and expanding area of the nursing profession. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Department of Clinical Nursing, 2003.

From paternalism to participation : evolving techniques of management control in the South African gold mining industry.

Mitchell, Grant Charles. January 1992 (has links)
The South African gold mining industry has since its inception, relied on an authoritarian and paternalistic form of labour control. This inheritance is due to a number of reasons; the nature of the process of gold mining itself, the reliance on migrant labour, the poor levels of education of workers in the industry, the regulation of workers' lives in hostels as well as the attitudes of white supervisors towards the control of labour - an inheritance from the British system, which tends to view hierarchies as rigid and highly stratified. The particular kind of paternalism found in gold mining has however, evolved over a time frame spanning this century, and has been subject to modification and external influence, particularly from managerial theories borrowed from Western , Europe and the United states. Thus, scientific management made its presence felt in the first half of this century, whilst more recently, the need to transfer new and upgraded technology has drawn on the sociotechnical tradition. The human relation movement, also a more recent phenomenon, has grown in direct response to the increasing levels of conflict on gold mines between management and labour. " At present the industry is undergoing a crisis in the form of a depressed gold price (necessitating reduction in the labour force), poor levels of productivity and an increasing challenge to management hegemony in the growth of a mass based trade union - the National Union of Mine Workers. It will be argued that these factors have necessitated that management in the industry ' search for new and more appropriate methods for the co-ordination and control of labour, and that the form that this has taken is towards more worker participation in decision-making. Participation on gold mines is developing in a number of areas; with consultative councils, with increasing consultation with the unions, in particular the N.U.M., in productivity drives such as the quality circles movement, and more recently in employee share ownership schemes (E.S.O.P.S.). All of the above approaches are attempts by senior management to incorporate labour more into the management process, and thus try to reduce the level of polarisation between labour and capital, which has gained in intensity in the industry over the past decade. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1992.

Globalization and democratization in South Africa : a case study of the clothing sector in KwaZulu-Natal.

Moorhead, Kevin. January 2000 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.Dev.Studies.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2000.

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