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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metodika business analýzy při zavádění informačních systémů v telekomunikačních podnicích / Business analysis methodology for the implementation of information systems in telecommunication enterprises

Neničková, Hana January 2013 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is to build a business analysis methodology for the implementation of information systems in telecommunication enterprises in Czech Republic. This methodology is composed by qualitative research - grounded theory, supplemented by quantitative research and secondary research using an available literature. In the preparation of the methodology I have used the current needs of telecommunications companies, which are characterized mainly by high dependence on information systems, high flexibility, competition and shortening of the corporate strategy timeline. Business analysis in the telecommunications is mainly based on the strategic objectives and its task is to compile and analyze the business requirements that should be reflected in the new (upgraded) information systems while transforming strategic objectives into specific requirements for the operation of this system. Those systems should help fulfill strategic objectives. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the first, theoretical part I was focuses mainly on the definition of terms, as well as the general methodology for conducting business analysis and their relationships with process and project management used in the implementation of information systems in telecommunications. Also I identified and explained the used research methods. The second part is focused on primary research. To obtain data the research was carried out interviews with 18 respondents from the telecommunications industry and their statements were subjects for quantitative and qualitative research. The data obtained were conceptualized, categorized and then coded into the resulting methodology. The thesis also includes a proposal for the use of the methodology in theory, practice and teaching.

Entrepreneurial Management: Essays on (corporate) venture creation and business model innovation

Steinhoff, Maurice Maximilian 03 March 2023 (has links)
This publication-based dissertation examines (corporate) venturing and business model innovation intending to derive implications for entrepreneurial management in firms. To achieve this, four self-contained research papers have been developed which are the core of this dissertation. The first section serves as a general introduction, outlines the motivation for each of the research topics, and presents a summary of the research papers and their publication status. The first research paper (Section 2) is a systematic literature review that summarizes and structures three decades of research on the field of success measurement of corporate venturing activities. It identifies three structural dimensions which allow the creation of nine meaning clusters by which the existing measurement approaches can be grouped and compared. Additionally, the review reveals the heterogeneity of these approaches and the unique measurement items which they include. The third section is an empirical study on new venture creation activities in the early stage, based on 112 interviews with novice and experienced entrepreneurs. It defines three dimensions of entrepreneurial activity, namely, Entrepreneurial Alignment, Resource Enhancement, and Value Generation, and finds 67 actions, which differ across these groups in type and sequence. Section four is a single case study in business model innovation that investigates the recent rebranding of “Facebook” to “Meta”. It finds that, despite the strong communication efforts and the resulting internal and external signaling effects, this change does not correspond to a radical business innovation pattern. The fourth research study (Section 5) is a conceptual study that develops an integrated framework for business model innovation in service industries, based on research on the tourism industry. It highlights the limitations of siloed approaches under the influence of internal and external challenges such as industry dynamics and resource constraints. Section six summarizes the dissertation, highlighting the overall contributions for research and practice, and discusses the limitations and directions for future research.

Модел за обезбеђивање за довољења захтева корисника ускладу са ISO 9000 серијом стандарда и потребама привреде Републике Србије / Model za obezbeđivanje za dovoljenja zahteva korisnika uskladu sa ISO 9000 serijom standarda i potrebama privrede Republike Srbije / A Model for Assuring Satisfaction of Customer’s RequirementsAccording to ISO 9000 Series of Standards and the Needs ofSerbian Republic Economy

Ćoćkalo Dragan 11 July 2008 (has links)
<p><span style="font-family: arial">Предмет истраживања и рада на овој докторској дисертацији обухвата<br />досада доступна реализова а истра ж ива ња и поста вке у обла сти<br />ма р ке тин гистр а ж ива ња , одн оса са кор исн ицима и ства р а ња лоја лн ости<br />кор исн ика , моде лир а ња кон це пта за довољ е ња за хте ва кор исн ика , ка о и<br />а н а лизу кљ учн их е ле ме н а та за кр е ир а ње систе мског моде ла<br />за довољ е ња за хте ва кор исн ика ускла ђе н ог са са вр е ме н ом кон це пцијом<br />ква лите та , одн осн о за хте вима ста н да р да ISO 9000:2000. Ра д обухва та и<br />за хте ве , поте бе , ста вове и мишљ е ња пр е дузе ћа ка о кр а јње гкор исн ика ,<br />са је дн е стр а н е , ка о и гр упе е кспе р а та , са др уге , што би тр е ба ло да<br />употпун и кон це пцијски де фин иса н а плика тивн и моде л.<br />Ц иљ је да се кр е ир а и пр ика ж е а де ква та н и свр сисхода н моде л систе ма<br />за обе збе ђива ње за довољ е ња потр е ба кор исн ика пр е дузе ћа . О ва ј<br />моде л подр а зуме ва пр оце сн и пр иступ, пр ихва тљ иво ма р ке тин г<br />истр а ж ива ње н а поче тку, ка о и одгова р а јућу е ва луа цију н а кр а ју. М оде л<br />је пр ила гође н условима у којима дома ћа пр е дузе ћа (пр оизводн а и<br />услуж н а ) фун кцион ишу, одн осн о омогућује ла кш е сн а ла ж е ње и<br />упр а вљ а ње овим пр оце сима у циљ у постиза ња пословн е извр сн ости и<br />оства р ива ња кон це пта ма р ке тин га одн оса .</span><br />&nbsp;</p> / <p><span style="font-family: arial">Predmet istraživanja i rada na ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji obuhvata<br />dosada dostupna realizova a istra ž iva nja i posta vke u obla sti<br />ma r ke tin gistr a ž iva nja , odn osa sa kor isn icima i stva r a nja loja ln osti<br />kor isn ika , mode lir a nja kon ce pta za dovolj e nja za hte va kor isn ika , ka o i<br />a n a lizu klj učn ih e le me n a ta za kr e ir a nje siste mskog mode la<br />za dovolj e nja za hte va kor isn ika uskla đe n og sa sa vr e me n om kon ce pcijom<br />kva lite ta , odn osn o za hte vima sta n da r da ISO 9000:2000. Ra d obuhva ta i<br />za hte ve , pote be , sta vove i mišlj e nja pr e duze ća ka o kr a jnje gkor isn ika ,<br />sa je dn e str a n e , ka o i gr upe e kspe r a ta , sa dr uge , što bi tr e ba lo da<br />upotpun i kon ce pcijski de fin isa n a plika tivn i mode l.<br />C ilj je da se kr e ir a i pr ika ž e a de kva ta n i svr sishoda n mode l siste ma<br />za obe zbe điva nje za dovolj e nja potr e ba kor isn ika pr e duze ća . O va j<br />mode l podr a zume va pr oce sn i pr istup, pr ihva tlj ivo ma r ke tin g<br />istr a ž iva nje n a poče tku, ka o i odgova r a juću e va lua ciju n a kr a ju. M ode l<br />je pr ila gođe n uslovima u kojima doma ća pr e duze ća (pr oizvodn a i<br />usluž n a ) fun kcion išu, odn osn o omogućuje la kš e sn a la ž e nje i<br />upr a vlj a nje ovim pr oce sima u cilj u postiza nja poslovn e izvr sn osti i<br />ostva r iva nja kon ce pta ma r ke tin ga odn osa .</span><br />&nbsp;</p> / <p>The subjesct of research and work in this dissertacion includes available<br />researtch and assumptions, realized so far, in the field of: marketing<br />research, customers relations and building customers&rsquo; loyalty, as well as<br />modeling the concept of satisfying customers&rsquo;requirements; the analyses of<br />key elements for creating a systemic model for satisfying customers&rsquo;<br />requirements harmonized with modern quality concept and requirements of<br />ISO 900:2000 series of standards; requirements, needs, attitudes and ideas<br />of companies as final customers, at one side and a group of experts, at the<br />other side, that should fulfill conceptually defined applicative model.<br />The aim is to create and present the adequate and appropriate model of a<br />system for satisfying requirements, of companies customers. This model<br />implies a process approach, acceptable marketing research in the begining,<br />as well as the appropriate evaluation in the end. The model is harmonized<br />with conditions in which domestic companies (manufacturing and services)<br />work, i.e. it enables easier conduct and management of these processes in<br />order to achieve business excellence and realize the concept of marketing<br />relations.</p>

Podpora rozhodování pomocí podnikových informačních systémů společnosti Exact Software / Decision Making Support Using Exact Software's Enterprise Information Systems

Pitka, Lukáš January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with an information technology support of organization's decision making processes using Exact Software's enterprise information systems. The main goal of this paper is a demonstration of various Exact Software applications using real world examples from several Czech enterprises. Illustration of various benefits of integrated enterprise systems architecture is another goal of this paper. Possible benefits gained during the process of implementation of Exact Software's applications and necessary requirements that have to be fulfilled create the last goal. Risks and issues that can be encountered during the implementation process are mentioned along with benefits. To achieve these goals this diploma paper contains a lot of practical illustrations supplemented by theoretic explanation. Paper includes four parts. First part is an introduction into decision making processes in enterprises and provides a general overview of Exact Software's enterprise information systems portfolio. Another area covered by the first part is an overview of possible benefits of these systems in according to the level of organization management. Second part is dedicated to Exact Synergy Enterprise. At the beginning of this part there are outlined procedures, benefits and assumptions necessary for successful system implementation. The following text in part two contains many real world examples from the decision making point of view. Third part covers Business Intelligence application Exact Business Analytics from the standpoint of implementation guidelines, prerequisites and benefits. Subsequent subchapters contain practical examples of usage of this system. The last part is comprised from two case studies of Exact Software's systems implementation -- first one is a financial counseling company, second one is a company from the IS/ICT area. The paper as a whole represents unique material for companies that are looking for solutions on their decision making and analytical procedures problems. On the basis of this paper the reader can create an overview of current capabilities of enterprise information systems. A vast majority of presented solutions are system independent i.e. the usage of systems from Exact Software is only exemplary. Case studies of complex enterprise IS architectures in real world enterprises represents another great contribution to this diploma paper.

Implementace ECM řešení v úlohách podnikového řízení / Implementation of ECM solutions in tasks of corporate governance

Herold, Radek January 2015 (has links)
The work is focused on ECM and representation in the reference model of IT management MBI. The primary objective is to expand and update ECM components in the MBI as objects, tasks which are represented as the business processes related to IT management and the relationships between these objects and tasks. Work provides an detailed overview of the benefits, risks and problems associated with the implementation of the various components of ECM.

Návrh strategie rozvoje konkurenceschopnosti obchodní firmy / Proposal of Strategy Developing Competitiveness of Trading Company

Hořáková, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou rozvoje konkurenceschopnosti obchodní firmy v Brně. V teoretické rovině je zaměřena na odborné poznatky a nejnovější trendy v oblasti strategie a konkurenceschopnosti. Na základě literárního průzkumu analyzuje a zhodnocuje stávající přístup k strategickému plánování v dané společnosti. V rámci analytické části je provedena strategická analýza firmy. Na základě literární rešerše a strategické analýzy je zpracován návrh strategie, který si klade za cíl přispět k efektivnějšímu řízení interních procesů, systematičtějšímu přístupu ke strategickému plánování a v konečném důsledku k zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti firmy.

Zlepšení procesů při realizaci zakázky / The Improving Processes in Realizing of Contract

Malinovský, Ondřej January 2010 (has links)
The topic of my final thesis is through analysis of solar market segment and business processes of company ABC, which is operating in this market. On the basis of gained information I am proposing changes in processes by contract implementation in analyzed company. In conclusion the thesis is evaluating economical impact of proposed improvements.

Rozvoj obchodních aktivit společnosti KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ, a.s. / Business Activities Development of Company KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ, a.s.

Balko, Michal January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with business development of company KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ, a.s. First part of the thesis is focused on theory, basic terms and methods used in business. Based on the theoretical basis, current status of the company and market environment will be analyzed. The major goal of the thesis is a proposal part including recommendations in order to gain new customers, strengthen relationships with the existing ones and maintain the current company’s market position.

Podpora implementace strategie s využitím IS/ICT / IS/ICT Support of the Implementation of Strategy

Reslová, Monika January 2017 (has links)
The target of the thesis is to propose an appropriate information system that ensures the implementation of the business strategy for the garden division of the company AGRO CS a.s. Specifically it targets evaluating the use of enterprise information systems and the application of business intelligence according to the information base describing the company's business strategy. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first one is the theoretical part that outlines the methods used for analysing the business strategy and the theory background about business strategy itself. It also contains information system theory. The second part, the analysis part, presents the company and is based on the theoretical part. It also implements methods used for analysing the business strategy and analysing the appropriateness of the use of EIS systems or business intelligence applications. In the last part, the proposal part, an appropriate EIS or BI system is chosen based on consultations, requirements and targets that are the outcome of the previous part.

Војводина као дестинација пословног туризма / Vojvodina kao destinacija poslovnog turizma / Vojvodina Province as a business tourism destination

Dragićević Vanja 31 January 2011 (has links)
<p>Према Светском савету за путовања и туризам, пословни туризам представља један од најрентабилнијих и најуноснијих облика туризма на међународном туристичком тржишту. У стратешким документима релевантним за развој туризма на нивоу Републике Србије, као и на нивоу АП Војводине, пословни туризам је идентификован као један од приоритетних облика туризма, који на кратак рок може допринети бољем позиционирању дестинација на међународном туристичком тржишту и промовисању туристичке понуде. Упркос својим туристичким атрактивностима, традицији и могућностима за организовање пословних догађаја, Војводина још увек тражи и гради своју позицију на европском тржишту пословних догађаја, у сенци првенствено Београда, али и других дестинација у региону. С обзиром на велику конкуренцију која влада међу дестинацијама пословних догађаја, у овом раду се, применом статистичких метода, испитивала конкурентност Војводине као дестинације пословног туризма. Модел, коришћен у истраживању, настао је на основу Crouch и Ritchie модела конкурентности туристичке дестинације, коме су додати специфични фактори релевантни за дестинације пословног туризма. Истраживање конкурентности Војводине као дестинације пословног туризма спроведено је у периоду од фебруара до јула месеца 2010. године. У истраживању су учествовали различити субјекти на страни туристичке понуде. Применом статистичких метода (дескриптивна статистичка анализа, т-тест за независне узорке и анализа варијансе ANOVA), утврђени су главни конкуренти Војводине, као и слабости и предности Војводине у односу на конкурентне дестинације. Резултати истраживања показују да примарни сет дестинација које су конкуренти пословном туризму Војводине, чине Мађарска, Хрватска и Словенија. На нивоу појединачних дестинација, поред већ три поменуте, сваки трећи испитаник види Београд као једног од три главна конкурента пословном туризму Војводине, што указује на међукластерску конкурентност у туризму Србије. Дескриптивна статистичка анализа је показала да Војводина није конкурентна дестинација пословног туризма у окружењу. &bdquo;Менаџмент дестинације&ldquo; и &bdquo;политика дестинације, планирање и развој&ldquo; су најслабије карике у моделу конкурентности Војводине као туристичке дестинације, док су атрибути дестинације: мултикултурална средина, гастрономска понуда и гостољубивост локалног становништва конкурентне предности Војводине. Непрепознатљивост дестинације на европском тржишту пословних догађаја, непостојање организованог система за развој пословног туризма (конгресни биро, кластери, јавно-приватно партнерство), недовољне промотивне активности дестинације у односу на конкуренте, непостојање специјализованих кадрова и агенција за пословни туризам су актуелни проблеми и недостаци у пословном туризму Војводине, који захтевају посебну пажњу креатора туристичке политике и носилаца развоја туризма, како на нивоу Војводине, тако и на нивоу Србије.</p> / <p>Prema Svetskom savetu za putovanja i turizam, poslovni turizam predstavlja jedan od najrentabilnijih i najunosnijih oblika turizma na međunarodnom turističkom tržištu. U strateškim dokumentima relevantnim za razvoj turizma na nivou Republike Srbije, kao i na nivou AP Vojvodine, poslovni turizam je identifikovan kao jedan od prioritetnih oblika turizma, koji na kratak rok može doprineti boljem pozicioniranju destinacija na međunarodnom turističkom tržištu i promovisanju turističke ponude. Uprkos svojim turističkim atraktivnostima, tradiciji i mogućnostima za organizovanje poslovnih događaja, Vojvodina još uvek traži i gradi svoju poziciju na evropskom tržištu poslovnih događaja, u senci prvenstveno Beograda, ali i drugih destinacija u regionu. S obzirom na veliku konkurenciju koja vlada među destinacijama poslovnih događaja, u ovom radu se, primenom statističkih metoda, ispitivala konkurentnost Vojvodine kao destinacije poslovnog turizma. Model, korišćen u istraživanju, nastao je na osnovu Crouch i Ritchie modela konkurentnosti turističke destinacije, kome su dodati specifični faktori relevantni za destinacije poslovnog turizma. Istraživanje konkurentnosti Vojvodine kao destinacije poslovnog turizma sprovedeno je u periodu od februara do jula meseca 2010. godine. U istraživanju su učestvovali različiti subjekti na strani turističke ponude. Primenom statističkih metoda (deskriptivna statistička analiza, t-test za nezavisne uzorke i analiza varijanse ANOVA), utvrđeni su glavni konkurenti Vojvodine, kao i slabosti i prednosti Vojvodine u odnosu na konkurentne destinacije. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da primarni set destinacija koje su konkurenti poslovnom turizmu Vojvodine, čine Mađarska, Hrvatska i Slovenija. Na nivou pojedinačnih destinacija, pored već tri pomenute, svaki treći ispitanik vidi Beograd kao jednog od tri glavna konkurenta poslovnom turizmu Vojvodine, što ukazuje na međuklastersku konkurentnost u turizmu Srbije. Deskriptivna statistička analiza je pokazala da Vojvodina nije konkurentna destinacija poslovnog turizma u okruženju. &bdquo;Menadžment destinacije&ldquo; i &bdquo;politika destinacije, planiranje i razvoj&ldquo; su najslabije karike u modelu konkurentnosti Vojvodine kao turističke destinacije, dok su atributi destinacije: multikulturalna sredina, gastronomska ponuda i gostoljubivost lokalnog stanovništva konkurentne prednosti Vojvodine. Neprepoznatljivost destinacije na evropskom tržištu poslovnih događaja, nepostojanje organizovanog sistema za razvoj poslovnog turizma (kongresni biro, klasteri, javno-privatno partnerstvo), nedovoljne promotivne aktivnosti destinacije u odnosu na konkurente, nepostojanje specijalizovanih kadrova i agencija za poslovni turizam su aktuelni problemi i nedostaci u poslovnom turizmu Vojvodine, koji zahtevaju posebnu pažnju kreatora turističke politike i nosilaca razvoja turizma, kako na nivou Vojvodine, tako i na nivou Srbije.</p> / <p> According to World Travel &amp; Tourism Council, business tourism is one of the most profitable<br /> forms of tourism on the international tourism market. In tourism related strategic documents of the<br /> Republic of Serbia and of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, business tourism is considered<br /> as one of priorities in tourism development that could improve destination position on the<br /> international tourism market. In despite of tourist attractions, tradition in organization of business<br /> events and possibilities for business events creation, Vojvodina Province has still been in the<br /> process of searching and building its position on the European business events market, in the<br /> shadow of Belgrade and other destinations in the region. Considering great competition among<br /> destinations worldwide in holding business events, the subject of this dissertation was to examine<br /> the competitiveness of Vojvodina Province as a business tourism destination. Model, used in this<br /> research, was created based on Crouch и Ritchie model of tourist destination competitiveness,<br /> which was modified adding specific factors relevant for business tourism destination. Research was<br /> conducted in the period February - July 2010 among the representatives of tourism offer and<br /> tourism experts in Vojvodina Province. Statistical methods, used in research are descriptive<br /> statistical analysis, t-test and analysis of variance ANOVA. The results show the competitors of<br /> Vojvodina Province as a business tourism destination, as well as weaknesses (or disadvantages) and<br /> strengths of Vojvodina Province in comparison to its primary competitors. The primary competitors<br /> of Vojvodina province as a business tourism destination, identified in this research, are Hungary,<br /> Croatia and Slovenia. Also, every third participant in research mentioned Belgrade as a competitor<br /> of Vojvodina Province. The results of descriptive statistical analysis show that Vojvodina Province<br /> is not competitive business tourism destination in the region. The weakest competitiveness factors<br /> are destination management and tourism policy, planning and development, whereas the destination<br /> attributes: multicultural environment, gastronomy offer and hospitality of locals are the competitive<br /> advantages of Vojvodina Province. Absence of recognition and awareness of destination on<br /> European business events market, non existence of destination convention bureau, insufficient<br /> promotion activities, absence of human resources and agencies specialized in business events are<br /> actual problems and weaknesses of business tourism in Vojvodina Province, which should be in<br /> focus of tourism policy makers and tourism development plans.</p>

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