Spelling suggestions: "subject:"managemement self"" "subject:"managementment self""
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Ready For Changes? The Influence of General Self-efficacy and Resistance to Change on Managers' Future Competence RequirementsMühlbacher, Jürgen, Siebenaler, Tom 28 December 2018 (has links) (PDF)
With this study, we will test the interrelations between the psychological concept of self-efficacy
of managers and its influences on the resistance to change. The results show that it makes a
qualitative difference, if change in competences occurs in a positive or a negative direction and
that there is a clear predisposition of managers concerning change. Both results have to be taken
into account in designing changes processes.
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Psychological adjustment to the onset of rheumatoid arthritis : a longitudinal evaluation of perceptions of, and adherence to, medicationHughes, Lyndsay Dawn January 2012 (has links)
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, progressive autoimmune disease causing inflammation of the synovium resulting in severe pain, joint disfigurement and disability as well as malaise, fatigue and a depressed immune system. Treatment consists of three broad phases; firstly, following diagnosis treatment is focussed on rapid reduction of pain and inflammation. Secondly, maintenance of quiescence is sought through medication. Finally, if disease activity remains high despite medication, escalation to anti-TNF α therapy is required to prevent permanent joint damage and disability. The primary course of treatment is prescription of disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) within 3 months of onset of symptoms. However, DMARDs can take 8-12 weeks to exhibit a noticeable benefit whereas unpleasant side effects can occur shortly after initiation. Also, DMARDs do not alleviate pain; therefore it is difficult for patients to attribute recovery to this medication. For these reasons, although it is imperative for future health and functioning to take DMARDs as prescribed, non-adherence is common at 30-50%. Non-adherence to treatment can be intentional, where a decision is made not to conform to the prescription, or unintentional which is often due to forgetting. To measure intentional non-adherence, a validated measure of adherence for rheumatoid arthritis was reduced through exploratory factor analysis from 19 items to 5 items by removing items that did not add to the explained variance of adherence. The CQR5 explained 53% of the variance in adherence and was shown to have a good fit to the data through confirmatory factor analysis. A discriminant function equation was generated that correctly identifies 88.5% of patients as high or low adherers and has high clinical utility due to the brevity for patients and unidimensionality for easy interpretation. The CQR5 was used throughout the programme of research to measure intentional non-adherence along with a separate measure of unintentional non-adherence. Four commonly used social cognition models of illness were measured in 227 RA patients to determine which had the best utility for predicting non-adherence to DMARDs. Patients were recruited to represent the three stages of illness including newly diagnosed, established on DMARD therapy and established with concurrent anti-TNF α therapy. Logistic regression analysis showed that the Self Regulatory Model best predicted intentional non-adherence as patients with perceptions of worse consequences of RA and longer disease duration were more likely to be highly adherent to DMARDs in cross-sectional analysis. In contrast, the Theory of Planned Behaviour better predicted patients who self-reported forgetting their DMARDs with patients with more confidence in being able to take their medications (Perceived Behavioural Control) being less likely to forget. 171 patients were successfully followed-up six months after baseline recruitment. The longitudinal results showed that the social cognition models differed for patients at different stages of the illness suggesting that their experience of living with rheumatoid arthritis influenced perceptions of their illness and medications. Newly diagnosed patients scored lower on factors measuring perceptions of disease chronicity and seriousness whereas patients that had escalated to anti-TNF α therapy scored higher on these factors. The newly diagnosed patients also showed more variability in the social cognition scores whereas the more established patients demonstrated stable models of illness. This supports Leventhal’s (1992) theory that illness representations will be regulated through integration of knowledge and experience of an illness. Structural equation modelling was used to establish the best predictors of intentional non-adherence at six month follow-up. In support of research in other chronic illnesses (Horne & Weinman, 2002; Niklas, Dunbar & Wild, 2010), the effect of perceptions of the consequences and chronicity of the illness on adherence are mediated by perceptions of the necessity of the medication. In addition, the impact of the emotional reaction to the illness on adherence to DMARDs is mediated by concerns about the medication. In addition, this study incorporated factors from the Theory of Planned Behaviour to explain medication adherence and found that the influence of friends and family impacts on the patient’s confidence to follow the prescription accurately which in turn as an effect on adherence to DMARDs. This large longitudinal study found that by combining factors from a number of social cognition models, it is possible to explain and predict intentional non-adherence and provides some evidence for best ways to intervene to improve adherence and prognosis. To provide a more comprehensive and clinically useful picture of non-adherence, a Cost of Illness study was carried which found that patients self-reporting low adherence to DMARDs also had significantly higher costs for this medication. This was caused by an increased incidence of Leflunamide prescribing for patients who often forget their medication and was maintained longitudinally. This association has not been previously reported in the literature and provides some evidence that non-adherence to DMARDs is having a concrete effect on the clinical management of patients. Finally, an SMS text message based reminder service designed to remind patients who self-report forgetting their medications was tested through a simulation study for the cost and likely benefit in health related quality of life using the health economic analysis of the longitudinal study and the results of a survey establishing the feasibility of implementing such a service in the rheumatology clinic. A sensitivity analysis testing the number of messages sent and the cost per message found that a reminder service for the sample of patients in this programme of research would cost between £1387.00 and £142.27 per year. This would equate to a cost per Quality Adjusted Life Year (QALY) gain of between £2889.58 and £296.40 by enabling patients to adhere more rigorously to their DMARD regimen. This programme of research is the first to test four commonly used social cognition models to predict adherence to DMARDs in a large, multi-centre longitudinal study of rheumatoid arthritis patients. Perceptions of the likely duration and consequences of the illness, as measured by the Illness Perceptions Questionnaire and the necessity of medications (measured by the Beliefs about Medications Questionnaire) along with self-efficacy (measured by the Theory of Planned Behaviour) explained 24% of the variance in intentional adherence over six months. The results show the importance of considering intentional and unintentional non-adherence separately as they appear to have different underlying mechanisms as well as patients in different phases of the illness as their experience influences their social cognition models of illness. A simple SMS based reminder service could act as a cue to action to reduce unintentional non-adherence whereas addressing issues surrounding maladaptive perceptions about the illness and the treatment could improve intentional non-adherence which has the potential to improve the prognosis and quality of life for patients as well as safe costs for the NHS.
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Identification and management of prodromal symptoms in bipolar affective disorder : the role of individual, disorder, and treatment-related factorsGadon, Lisa Alexandre January 2011 (has links)
Background: Traditional psychosocial treatments have been adapted for use with individuals with bipolar affective disorders due to the limited prophylactic nature of pharmacotherapy and the recognition of the role of psychosocial factors in the course of this disorder. Psychosocial interventions that include a prodromal monitoring and management component have been empirically shown to be an effective adjunct to medication for the treatment of bipolar disorder. Aims: There is a deficit of quantitative research that examines the impact of individualrelated (e.g. age, self-efficacy), disorder-related (e.g. time since diagnosis, experience of prodromal symptoms) and treatment-related (e.g. level of psychosocial input) factors on individuals’ ability to manage this disorder via the use of prodromal monitoring. The current research aimed to investigate factors that are associated with the identification and management of prodromal symptoms. Method: Participants completed five self-report measures in order to provide information on their experience of prodromal symptoms, current mood state, general self-efficacy, view of social support from significant others, and demographic and clinical-related variables. The data were collected from 101 participants, 58 of whom were female. The sample consisted of individuals with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder type I and II. Results: Univariate and bivariate analyses were used to explore the relationship between individual, disorder, and treatment-related variables associated with participants’ experience of bipolar disorder. Variables that were significantly associated with participants’ perception of their ability to identify and manage prodromes were further investigated using ordinal logistic regression analyses. The results indicated that general self-efficacy and prodromal-specific help from significant others were associated with an increase in participants’ perception of their ability to identify manic and depressive prodromal symptoms. General self-efficacy was also associated with participants’ view of their ability to manage cognitive and behavioural prodromes. Experience of prodromal symptoms (e.g. consistency of symptoms experienced, type of prodrome experienced) was associated the participants’ perception of their ability to identify and manage prodromes. In general, disorder-related variables (e.g. time since diagnosis, mood state, diagnosis type, and number of episodes experienced) were not significantly associated with the participants’ view of their ability to identify and manage prodromal symptoms. Individual-related variables such as gender and age, however, were associated with prodromal identification. Conclusion: The results indicated the need to consider constructs such as general selfefficacy and experience of prodromal symptoms (e.g. consistency of symptoms, types of prodromes experienced, and ability to recognise prodromes when they first present) when helping patients to learn how to identify and manage prodromal symptoms. In addition gender differences and the role of help from significant others were highlighted as variables that should be considered when using prodromal monitoring approaches with patients with bipolar disorder. Limitations of the research are reviewed in relation to the methodology used. Clinical implications and directions for future research are considered.
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My diabetes my way : an electronic personal health record for NHS ScotlandCunningham, Scott January 2014 (has links)
Background: Diabetes prevalence in Scotland is increasing at ~4.6% annually; 247,278 (4.7%) in 2011. My Diabetes My Way (MDMW) is the NHS Scotland information portal, containing validated educational materials for people with diabetes and their carers. Internet-based interventions have potential to enhance self-management and shift power towards the patient, with electronic personal health records (PHRs) identified as an ideal method of delivery. In December 2010, a new service was launched in MDMW, allowing patients across Scotland access to their shared electronic record. The following thesis aims to identify and quantify the benefits of a diabetes-focused electronic personal health record within NHS Scotland. Methods: A diabetes-focused, population-based PHR was developed based on data sourced from primary, secondary and tertiary care via the national diabetes system, Scottish Care Information - Diabetes Collaboration (SCI-DC). The system includes key diagnostic information; demography; laboratory tests; lifestyle factors, foot and eye screening results; prescribed medication and clinical correspondence. Changes are tracked by patients over time using history graphs and tables, data items link to detailed descriptions explaining why they are collected, what they are used for and what normal values are, while tailored information links refer individuals to facts related to their condition. A series of quasi-experimental studies have been designed to assess the intervention using subjectivist, mixed-methods approaches incorporating multivariate analysis and grounded theory. These studies assess patient expectations and experiences of records access, system usage and uptake and provide preliminary analysis on the impact on clinical process outcomes. Survey questionnaires were used to capture qualitative data, while quantitative data were obtained from system audit trails and from the analysis of clinical process outcomes before and after the intervention. Results: By the end of the second year, 2601 individuals registered to access their data (61% male; 30.4% with type 1 diabetes); 1297 completed the enrolment process and 625 accessed the system (most logins=346; total logins=5158; average=8.3/patient; median=3). Audit trails show 59599 page views (95/patient), laboratory test results proving the most popular (11818 accesses;19/patient). The most utilised history graph was HbA1c (2866 accesses;4.6/patient). Users are younger, more recently diagnosed and have a heavy bias towards type 1 diabetes when compared to the background population. They are also likely to be a more highly motivated ‘early adopting’ cohort. Further analysis was performed to compare pre- and post-intervention clinical outcomes after the system had been active for nearly two and a half years. Results of statistical significance were not forthcoming due to limited data availability, however there are grounds for encouragement. Creatinine tests in particular improved following 1 year of use, with type 1 females in particular faring better than those in patient other groups. For other clinical tests such as HbA1c, triglycerides, weight and body mass index improvements were shown in mean and/or median values.96% of users believe the system is usable. Users also stated that it useful to monitor diabetes control (93%), improve knowledge (89%) and enhance motivation (89%). Findings show that newly diagnosed patients may be more likely to learn more about their new condition, leading to more productive consultations with the clinical team (98%). In the pre-project analysis, 26% of registrants expressed concerns about the security of personal information online, although those who actually went on to use it reported 100% satisfaction that their data were safe. Engagement remains high. In the final month of year two, 44.6% of users logged in to the system. 55.3% of users had logged in within the previous 3 months, 78.9% within the previous 6 months and 91.4% within the previous year. Some legacy PHRs have failed due to lack of uptake and deficiencies in usability, so as new systems progress, it is essential not to repeat the mistakes of the past. Feedback: "It is great to be able to view all of my results so that I can be more in charge of my diabetes".Conclusion: The MDMW PHR is now a useful additional component for the self-management of diabetes in Scotland. Although there are other patient access systems available internationally, this system is unique in offering access to an entire national population, providing access to information collected from all diabetes-related sources. Despite its development for the NHS Scotland environment, it has the potential to connect to any electronic medical record. This local and domain-specific knowledge has much wider applicability as outlined in the recommendations detailed, particularly around health service and voluntary sector ownership, patient involvement, administrative processes, research activities and communication. The current project will reach 5000 patients by the end of 2013.
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The Effects Of Stress Management Training Program On Perceived Stress, Self-efficacy And Coping Styles Of University StudentsCelik Orucu, Muge 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Stress Management Training Program on perceived stress, self-efficacy and coping styles of preparatory school students in Middle East Technical University. Pre-posttest experimental control group design was used to investigate the effectiveness of Stress Management Training Program.
Before the main study, reliability and validity studies of Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), College Adjustment Self-efficacy Scale (CASES) and Student Coping Instrument (SCOPE) were carried out with one hundred and forty one students.
Three hundred and sixty six students (154 females and 212 males) contributed the main study. Among them, sixteen students were randomly assigned in the experimental and control group. While the Stress Management Training Program was applied for experimental group, control group did not receive any treatment.
The program continued for six weeks, once a week for 90 minutes. The program included the effective and in-effective ways of coping with stress, emotions and thoughts that affect behaviors, relaxation training, problem solving and assertiveness training.
ANOVA, Mann-Withney U and two-related samples Wilcoxon tests were used to analyze data. The results of analysis of variance showed a gender difference between males and females. Females had higher scores in perceived stress, socially related life events and emotion-focused coping. The results of Wilcoxon test showed a significant reduction between pre and post test scores of experimental group in perceived stress scores and the frequency of socially related life events. No difference was found for CASES and SCOPE.At the end of the study, the findings were discussed and recommendations were presented.
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Effectiveness of a peer-led self-management program for older people with type 2 diabetes in ChinaShen, Huixia January 2008 (has links)
Type 2 diabetes is a common chronic disease, which has a negative health impact and results in enormous economic burden. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is increasing dramatically and it affects older people disproportionately. The healthcare system in China is faced with an overwhelming burden due to a large ageing population, high prevalence of diabetes and limited healthcare resources. Self-management has been widely accepted as the cornerstone of the clinical management of type 2 diabetes. Since self-management usually involves complex behaviour change and can be emotionally challenging, effective education is essential to facilitate this transition. However, there has been no existing program of type 2 diabetes self-management for older patients in China until now. Furthermore, the generalisation of any health education programs is often hampered due to limited healthcare resources in China.
The primary purpose of this study was to develop a socially and culturally suitable self-management program, which addressed self-efficacy and social support to facilitate behaviour change and subsequent health improvement, for older people with type 2 diabetes living in the community in China. The secondary purpose was to test a feasible delivery model of the program through involvement of peer leaders and existing community networks.
This study was conducted in three phases. Phase one gathered information about barriers related to self-management behaviours and help needed to address them, from the perspective of older people with type 2 diabetes and community health professionals, through focus group discussion. Data from Phase One, together with guidelines of the selected theoretical frame work, results from an extensive literature review, and experiences of previous relevant studies provided the basis for development of a peer-led type 2 diabetes self-management program (Phase Two). Phase Three involved a pre-test, post-test non-equivalent control group design to test the effectiveness of the self-management program on older people with type 2 diabetes in the community. The impact of the program on peer leaders was examined using a one group pre-test, post-test design. In addition, evaluation of the program from peer leaders’ and older people’s perceptions was conducted through a post-test questionnaire.
Older people with type 2 diabetes and health professionals expressed broadly the same concerns, which were: social support; confidence to practice self-management behaviours; self-management behaviours; barriers to self-management behaviours; and advice for ongoing health education. However, their points of view were not always identical and different emphases were identified.
The peer-led program produced significant improvement in social support, self-efficacy, self-management behaviours and depressive status in the experimental group, as compared to the non-equivalent control group. However, there was no significant effect on quality of life nor health care utilisation. Therefore, the effectiveness of the program among older people with type 2 diabetes was partially confirmed. In addition, the participants were supportive, giving positive feedback about the program. Suggestions for future improvement were provided as well.
After receiving specific peer leader training and assisting in most of the delivery process of the program, the peer leaders improved, significantly, in overall self-management behaviours and in specific areas of social support and self-efficacy, though they did not improve in depressive status, quality of life and health care utlisation. In addition, these peer leaders enjoyed being peer leaders, and gave very positive feedback about the whole program.
In conclusion, this study has implications for understanding and facilitating self-management behaviours for older people with type 2 diabetes in China. The peer-led self-management program was effective in improving levels of self-efficacy, social support, self-management behaviours and depressive status among older people with type 2 diabetes living in the community in China. The delivery process involving peer leaders was deemed feasible to implement within the health care system in China. The program is suitable to be used by community health professionals in their practice in China. The study also has potential wider benefit to nursing practice and global health practice.
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The development and outcomes of a co-created diabetes self-management education intervention : a pilot study /New, Nelda F. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. in Nursing) -- University of Colorado Denver, 2007. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 154-162). Free to UCD affiliates. Online version available via ProQuest Digital Dissertations;
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Étude de l'efficacité de deux techniques d'enseignement de l'informatique dans le cadre d'un modèle systémique d'enseignement-apprentissage /Fousseyni, Diarra, January 1996 (has links)
Mémoire (M.Sc.Ed.)--Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 1996. / Résumé disponible sur Internet. CaQCU Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU
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Relationships among teachers' pupil control ideology, teachers' pupil control behavior, student achievement, and self-regulating behaviors /Shippy, Tanya L. January 1997 (has links)
Thesis (Ed. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 1997. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 141-158). Also available on the Internet.
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Relationships among teachers' pupil control ideology, teachers' pupil control behavior, student achievement, and self-regulating behaviorsShippy, Tanya L. January 1997 (has links)
Thesis (Ed. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 1997. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 141-158). Also available on the Internet.
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