Spelling suggestions: "subject:"managemement self"" "subject:"managementment self""
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Type 2 Diabetes in China: Health Behaviors, Diabetes Self-Management, and Self-Rated HealthPan, Xi 21 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Internetbaserade interventioners effekter vid långvarig smärta : En begränsad systematisk litteraturöversikt / The effects of internet-based interventions for chronic pain : A rapid systematic reviewGranat, Nicklas, Malmström, Sofie January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Långvarig smärta är en av de främsta orsakerna till varaktigt lidande och funktionsnedsättning både i Sverige och globalt. Dagens behandlingsmetoder anses i många fall bristfälliga. I ett allt mer högteknologiskt samhälle utvecklas elektroniska hjälpmedel som stöd till personer med olika sjukdomstillstånd. Tidigare studier visar att internetbaserade interventioner främjar hälsa, lindrar lidande och ökar egenmakten, dock är området fortfarande under snabb utvecklig. Syfte: Att beskriva effekterna av internetbaserade interventioner riktade mot långvarig smärta. Metod: Begränsad systematisk litteraturöversikt med elva kvantitativa artiklar. Resultat: Fem av artiklarna använde KBT, tre artiklar använde ACT och tre artiklar använde självhanteringsmetoder. Fyra effekter av interventionerna framkom; smärtreducering, smärthantering, livskvalitet och psykisk hälsa. Smärthantering förbättrades signifikant, resterande förbättrades, dock ej signifikant. Effekterna är förbättrade till signifikant förbättrade vid uppföljningar efter avslutad behandling. Slutsats: Att införa internetbaserade interventioner som tillägg till klinisk omvårdnad kan innebära hälsovinster för enskild person samt för samhället. Dock ses svårigheter att implementera den här typen av intervention på en större befolkning då faktorer som tillgänglighet och könsfördelning påverkar negativt. Fortsatt forskning: Jämnare könsfördelning i studier, större geografisk utbredning samt långtidsuppföljningar bör ligga i fokus för framtida forskning. / Background: Chronic pain is one of the primary causes to abiding suffering and disabilities in Sweden and globally. Today’s treatment methods are somewhat considered lacking. In a high technology society, as the one we are living in today, the developing of electronic aids for persons with different disease states increases. Internet-based interventions is considered a part of the future in health care. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the effects of Internet-based interventions designed for people with chronic pain. Method: A rapid systematic review with eleven quantitative studies. Result: Five studies used CBT, three studies used ACT and three is denominated as self-management. Four effects became clear; mental health, pain management, pain reducing, and quality of life. Pain management showed significant improvement, the other three effects showed improvement, although no significant improvement. At follow-up after post intervention the effects improved, some with significance. Conclusion: To implement internet-based interventions as an addition to clinical care could mean health benefits for the community as well as the individual person. However, this intervention type is not accessible on a larger population. Further Research: There should be focus on gender equality, broader geographic areas and longer follow-ups in future research.
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Goodwill : En framtida tillgång? / Goodwill : A future asset?Almenfors Wanna, Caroline, Dismark, Helen January 2014 (has links)
Goodwill är ett kontroversiellt begrepp och har varit mycket omdiskuterat inom redovisningslitteraturen. På senare år har andelen redovisad goodwill ökat och blivit en betydande post i företagets balansräkningar. Enligt IFRS 3 ska anskaffad goodwill beräknas som skillnaden mellan köpeskillingen och identifierbara tillgångar och skulder. Eftersom goodwill ofta baseras på ett restvärde och att både IFRS 3 och IAS 36 uppmanar användarna att göra subjektiva bedömningar skapas utrymme för manipulation i redovisningen. Anledningen till det är att redovisningsdata ofta används som underlag för att mäta chefers prestation. Goodwill skapar därför utrymme för cheferna att efter egen bedömning rapportera om postens värde både initialt och i samband med nedskrivningsprövningar. Bedömningarna motiveras ofta med att goodwill förväntas bidra med framtida kassaflöden. Då det är svårt att kunna beräkna och kontrollera framtida kassaflöden på ett tillförlitligt sätt är det intressant att undersöka hur företag motiverar sina värden på goodwill.Syftet med denna studie är därför att skapa en förståelse för vilka effekter IFRS har på redovisningen av goodwill och att undersöka chefers motiv till goodwillredovisning. De frågeställningar som studien baseras på är på vilken grund initialvärdet av goodwill fastställs samt på vilket omdöme nedskrivningen av goodwill baseras. Studien omfattar 12 olika bolag noterade på OMX Stockholm Large Cap. En innehållsanalys har gjorts baserad på årsredovisningar från respektive företag mellan åren 2010 och 2012. För att besvara frågeställningarna har teori och empiri varvats och omtolkats med hjälp av varandra. De teorier som har använts är principal- och agentteorin samt enhetsteorin. Teorin, grundläggande redovisningsprinciper och standards har utgjort en grund för förståelse av empirin. På så vis har mönster observerats som har bidragit till att förstå och tolka på vilka grunder goodwillposten värderas.Studiens resultat bidrar till att visa att det i dagsläget inte finns något sätt att säkerställa att goodwill genererar de positiva synergieffekter som ledningen i företagen initialt påstår att posten kommer att göra. Anledningen till det är att posten grundas på bedömningar som är svåra och kanske omöjliga att verifiera. Därför kan upplysningarna kring goodwill anses vara spekulativa. Studien pekar även på att det kan finnas underliggande motiv som påverkar chefernas värdering av goodwill både initialt och i samband med nedskrivningsprövningar. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet
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Evaluation of health-related outcomes following a self-management program for older people with heart failureShao, Jung-Hua January 2008 (has links)
Background. Heart failure (HF) which is a chronic, disabling disorder is mainly found in older people and is one of the leading causes of hospitalisation and readmission around the world. Unfortunately, the mortality and morbidity rates for HF remain high. HF is a complex combination of symptoms which are related to an inadequate perfusion of the body tissues caused by fluid and sodium retention. Hence, enhancing HF patients’ self-efficacy to change their behaviours to perform fluid & sodium control is one of the most important issues for the management of HF. A self-management program has the potential to raise self-efficacy and self-care which is a method to improve health for those with chronic illness and to decrease patients’ health service utilisation and also to enhance these patients’ health status. Aim. The study aims to examine the effectiveness of a self-management program, based on self-efficacy theory, in older people with heart failure in Taiwan. Methods. An experimental design was used to examine the effectiveness of a self-management program on diet and fluid control among HF patients. A total of 93 subjects from two medical centres in Taiwan were randomly assigned to the intervention and control groups. In order to examine the effectiveness of self-management, data were collected at baseline, week 4, and week 12 using the following instruments: self-efficacy for salt and fluid control, HF self-management behaviour, HF related symptoms, and body weight. Moreover, health service utilisation and patient’s evaluation of care received were collected on all patients for the 12 weeks prior to commencing the study and for the 12 week study period. Demographic and disease information was also collected including age, gender, marital state, education, and New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classification. A structured, individualized self-management training program created by the investigator was implemented for the intervention group through home visits and telephone follow-ups. This program emphasized self-monitoring of diet control and body weight for the self-management of heart failure. The purpose was to improve patients’ self-efficacy in their diet control behaviour. The “diet control” in this study focussed on sodium and fluid restriction. Outcome measures were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 15.0 version, and the level of significance (á) was set at 0.05 for statistical analysis. Results. There were differences for older Taiwanese HF patients’ self-efficacy for salt and fluid control, self-management behaviour, and HF related symptoms for participants who received a self-management intervention compared to those who did not. However, there were no significant differences between the two groups in weight and health serves utilization (p>.001). Conclusion. The self-management program had a positive impact on the improvement of self-efficacy for salt and fluid control, HF related self-management behaviours and symptoms in older Taiwanese with HF. This program may bridge the gap between theory and practice. Health care providers need to provide older people in Taiwan with HF the appropriate skills for self-managing their condition and thereby promoting their health status. These patients with HF and their caregivers have to receive individualized education that emphasizes self-efficacy in the self-management of their disease, thus improving their quality of life.
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Upplevelser av egenvård hos patienter med typ 2 : En litteraturstudie / Experiences of Self-management in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes : A literature reviewTran, Van, Lindskog, Claes January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Diabetes typ 2 har utvecklats till en global folksjukdom och utgör cirka 90 % av all diabetes. Kända orsaker till att insjukna i T2D är ärftlighet, ålder och dåliga levnadsvanor. En stor del av behandlingen består av egenvård och patienten har eget ansvar över sin sjukdom. För att kunna utföra egenvård på rätt sätt krävs det att patienter har kunskap om hur kost, motion och andra faktorer påverkar deras blodsockernivåer. Utmaningar och svårigheter som patienter upplever vid utförande av egenvård kommer att styra deras behov av kunskap samt stöd och därför är det viktigt att som sjuksköterska ha en förståelse om detta. Syfte: Denna studies syfte var att beskriva patienter med diabetes typ 2 upplevelser av sin egenvård. Metod: Systematisk litteraturöversikt som utgick från 14 vetenskapliga studier med kvalitativ ansats. Den analysmetod som användes var innehållsanalys. Resultat: Tre kategorier och 7 subkategorier kunde synliggöras. De tre kategorierna var Upplevelser av inre faktorer som hindrar genomförandet av egenvård, Upplevelser av inre faktorer som främjar genomförandet av egenvård samt Upplevelser av yttre faktorer som påverkar genomförandet av egenvård. Konklusion: För att kunna erbjuda personcentrerad vård måste sjuksköterskan ha en förståelse för de hinder som patienter upplever vid utförandet av egenvård. Resultatet i denna studie visade att många patienter saknade kunskap om kosthållning och motion vilket inverkade negativt på deras sjukdomshantering. Patienter upplevde även utmaningar i att hantera de känslor som var vanligt förekommande samt de utökade krav som sjukdomen bidrog till. Faktorer som främjade genomförandet av egenvård var motivation, självinsikt samt acceptans och patienter upplevde att omgivningen hade en stor påverkan på deras förmåga att göra livsstilsförändringar. I och med komplexiteten på sjukdomen är det viktigt att behandlingen utformas och anpassas efter varje patients individuella behov och önskemål. / Background: Type 2 diabetes has developed into a global public disease and may account for about 90 percent for all diagnosed cases of diabetes. Known causes of T2D disease are heredity, older age and unhealthy lifestyle behaviors. Self-management is an important part of diabetes treatment and the patients have a responsibility over their illness. To be able to manage self-care in the right way requires that patients have knowledge about how diet, exercise and other factors affect their blood sugar levels. The challenges and difficulties that patients experience while managing self-care will control their need for knowledge and support and that is why it is important for nurses to have an understanding of these issues. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how patients with type 2 diabetes experience their self-management. Method: Systematic literature review based on 14 scientific studies with a qualitative approach. The analysis method used was content analysis. Result: Three categories and seven subcategories were identified and presented in this study. The three categories were Experiences of internal factors that hinder the implementation of self-care, Experiences of internal factors that promote the implementation of self-care and Experiences of external factors that affect the implementation of self-care. Conclusion: To be able to offer patient centered care nurses need an understanding of the obstacles that patients experience when practicing self-care. The result of this study showed that a lot of patients lacked knowledge about nutrition and physical exercise which had a negative effect on their self-management behaviors. Patients also experienced challenges in dealing with common emotions and the increase of requirements that came along with the disease. Supporting factors that promoted self-care were motivation, self-perception and acceptance and patients experienced that the social environment had a major impact on their ability to make lifestyle changes. As a result of the complexity of the disease it is important that treatment is designed and adapted to every patient’s individual needs and wishes.
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Patient empowerment in long-term conditions : development and validation of a new measureSmall, Nicola January 2012 (has links)
Background: Patient empowerment is viewed as a priority by policy makers, patients and practitioners worldwide. Although there are a number of measures available, none have been developed specifically for patients in the UK with long-term conditions. It is the aim of this study to report the development and preliminary validation of an empowerment instrument for patients with long-term conditions in primary care.Methods: The study involved three methods. Firstly, a systematic review was conducted to identify existing empowerment instruments, and to describe, compare and appraise their content and quality. The results supported the need for a new instrument. Item content of existing instruments helped support development of the new instrument. Secondly, empowerment was explored in patients with long-term conditions and primary care practitioners using qualitative methods, to explore its meaning and the factors that support or hinder empowerment. This led to the development of a conceptual model to support instrument development. Thirdly, a new instrument for measuring empowerment in patients with long-term conditions in primary care was developed. A cross-sectional survey of patients was conducted to collect preliminary data on acceptability, reliability and validity, using pre-specified hypotheses based on existing theoretical and empirical work. Results: Nine instruments meeting review inclusion criteria were identified. Only one instrument was developed to measure empowerment in long-term conditions in the context of primary care, and that was judged to be insufficient in terms of content and purpose. Five dimensions (‘identity’, ‘knowledge and understanding’, ‘personal control’, personal decision-making’, and ‘enabling other patients’) of empowerment were identified through published literature and the qualitative work and incorporated into a preliminary version of the new instrument. A postal survey achieved 197 responses (response rate 33%). Almost half of the sample reported circulatory, diabetic or musculoskeletal conditions. Exploratory factor analysis suggested a three factor solution (‘identity’, ‘knowledge and understanding’ and ‘enabling’). Two dimensions of empowerment (‘identity’ and ‘enabling’) and total empowerment showed acceptable levels of internal consistency. The measure showed relationships with external measures (including quality of chronic illness care, self-efficacy and educational qualifications) that were generally supportive of its construct validity.Conclusion: Initial analyses suggest that the new measure meets basic psychometric criteria and has potential for the measurement of patient empowerment in long-term conditions in primary care. The scale may have a role in research on quality of care for long-term conditions, and could function as a patient-reported outcome measure. However, further validation is required before more extensive use of the measure.
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