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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nelson Mandela fue investido como Doctor Honoris Causa por seis instituciones de la red Laureate International Universities

02 March 2015 (has links)
Baltimore, USA y Madrid, España—7 de mayo, 2010. Seis universidades de la red Laureate International Universities otorgaron la investidura de Doctor Honoris Causa a Nelson Mandela, el primer presidente negro de Sudáfrica y ganador del premio Nobel de la Paz, en reconocimiento por su lucha contra el apartheid tanto dentro como fuera de su país. La ceremonia se realizó el 7 de mayo en Madrid. Las seis universidades de la red Laureate International Universities que entregaron el título honorario a Mandela son la Universidad Europea de Madrid, Universidad Andrés Bello (Chile), Walden University (Minneapolis, USA), Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), Istanbul Bilgi University (Turquía) y Universidad de las Américas (Ecuador). Juntas, estas instituciones cuentan con casi 150,000 estudiantes y están entre las mejores universidades en sus países.

IsiXhosa poetry on Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela

Bobelo, Noxolo 03 June 2010 (has links)
M.A. / As the title of this dissertation suggests, this study will be an analysis of isiXhosa poetry written as tribute to Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela. In their poetic works on Mandela, isiXhosa poets present various aspects of this figure. These aspects include Mandela’s background, physical appearance, personality, praise names and how isiXhosa poets associate him with other figures. These poets also employ a number of figures of speech and repetitive devices in their poetry. These devices add clarity to the meaning of the poetry on Nelson Mandela. All this is discussed in the chapters tabulated below: Chapter one will introduce the study by highlighting its aim, scope, method of research, explaining the concepts of stylistics and style, and the significance of the study. Chapter two will deal with the main aspects of Mandela’s life that are presented in isiXhosa poetry. These aspects include Mandela’s background, his physical appearance, personality traits, deeds, praise names and Mandela associated with other figures. Chapter three will focus on the figures of speech that are used in the depiction of Mandela in isiXhosa poetry. These figures of speech include simile, metaphor, hyperbole, symbolism and idioms. Chapter four will concentrate on the repetitive techniques that are employed by isiXhosa poets in the poetry on Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela. These techniques include alliteration, linking, parallelism and refrains. Chapter five will be the conclusion of the study, where the summary of the study, evaluation and recommendations will be included.

Barriers confronting small and micro tourism enterprises of previously disadvantaged entrepreneurs in the Nelson Mandela Metropole

Clay, Mzwake Richard January 2005 (has links)
The research problem in this study was to look at barriers confronting small and micro tourism enterprises of the previously disadvantaged entrepreneurs in the Nelson Mandela Metropole. To achieve this objective, literature on the barriers confronting these enterprises, was reviewed. The empirical results obtained indicate a strong concurrence with the literature study emphasizing the importance of the barriers identified and the possible ways of resolving them. The main problems identified in the literature review were: lack of institutional support, legislation, lack of access to finance, and lack of entrepreneurial skill (planning and organizing, marketing, training and human resources, time management, conflict resolution and negotiation skill). These barriers identified in the literature study were then used to develop a questionnaire to test the extent to which small and micro tourism enterprises are constrained by barriers when starting up and how these barriers can be resolved. A sample of 18 small and micro tourism businesses was taken, one from Uitenhage and 17 from Port Elizabeth. The main results were that there are few small and micro tourism businesses of the previously disadvantaged entrepreneurs in the Nelson Mandela Metropole. The main reason for this is that previously disadvantaged entrepreneurs are not given adequate support by government institutions created for that purpose. iv Most of these businesses are not getting enough financial support during start-up because of problems with the owners’ credit records. The results also indicate that small and micro tourism businesses of the previously disadvantaged entrepreneurs view legislation intended to develop them, as actually stifling their development, such as the municipal credit laws. The study recommends that more institutional support should be given to small and micro tourism businesses that are starting up, and government institutions responsible for the development of small and micro businesses need to target the previously disadvantaged communities with their marketing. The Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality and the Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA) need to conduct research on alternative non-collateral financing for small and micro businesses. More training programmes on business skills have also to be conducted.

How female street vendors in Nelson Mandela Bay are organized

Tyida, Vuyokazi Andisiwe January 2012 (has links)
As one of the most impoverished provinces in South Africa with a high unemployment rate the Eastern Cape (Stats SA, 2011) was more suited for a study of this nature. In executing the research aims and objectives the study will be limited to focus specifically on one of the provinces cities, the Nelson Mandela Bay. The investigation will be focused on women street vendors mainly trading with fruits and vegetables, as well as other perishables. This industry was chosen because according to the Labour Force Survey (2000), there was an estimated 500,000 street traders operating in South Africa and more than 70 percent of them were found to be dealing in the trade of food items (Motala, 2002). The focus on women was driven by mainly by the fact that they constitute a majority of the street traders that are involed in the sale perishables/food items (Skinner, 2008).

An assessment of strategies used to retain nurses in selected hospitals in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipal area

Zweni, Sisilo Sylvia January 2005 (has links)
The harsh realities currently facing public hospitals such as budget cuts, understaffing and poor working conditions, have resulted in nurses experiencing low morale and finding it increasingly difficult to stay in the public health sector. The obvious targeting of South African nurses by recruitment agencies with job offers to work overseas is causing a massive skills’ drain that the country cannot afford. The situation is further compounded by the fact that the government is freezing posts of those nurses who have resigned. Consequently, nurses who are currently working in these hospitals have to cope with unreasonable workloads. Public hospitals are nowadays faced with the challenge of delivering quality health care within the constraints of gross staff shortages, and an increasingly competitive global health environment. The main objective of this study was to identify strategies that can be implemented by hospitals in order to reduce turnover, thereby enhancing retention of staff. Interviews were conducted with the matrons-in-charge of the hospitals under study to investigate strategies that are in place to improve retention. Secondary data regarding staff turnover in the hospitals under study was collected and analysed. It emerged that there are no concrete strategies in place to lower turnover. Hospitals are indeed experiencing staff turnover and posts that were vacated by those nurses that have resigned are frozen. The literature survey revealed three strategies that can be utilised to retain employees, namely, motivation strategies, effective leadership strategies and human resources strategies. Based on various literature reviews, it was concluded that the three strategies are interrelated. The empirical survey was conducted at the three selected hospitals, to determine the extent to which the retention strategies identified in the literature survey are being utilised. All three are invariably used in the hospitals. It is evident that the leadership behaviour in these hospitals affects the level of motivation of employees. The extent to which some of the human resources strategies are utilised invariably leads to low morale and dissatisfaction among employees. Lastly, research findings were assessed with the aim of drawing conclusions so that appropriate recommendations could be made. Recommendations focused on the retention strategies that can be implemented to boost morale of employees and enhance retention.

Madiba 46664

January 2014 (has links)
abstract: Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born July 18, 1918 into the Madiba clan in Mvezo, Transkei, South Africa. Mandela was a lawyer by trade and a freedom fighter who envisioned freedom and equality for all South Africans regardless of race. In 1965, Mandela was imprisoned at Robben Island for twenty-seven years for treason and terrorist activities against the South African apartheid regime: he was assigned prison numbers 46664. In 1992, Mandela was released from prison and two years later not only became the first democratically elected president of South Africa, but also its first black president. "Madiba 46664" is an eight-minute chamber work scored for flute, oboe, clarinet in B-flat, and bassoon; vibraphone, and two percussionists; piano; violins, violas, and celli. The work blends traditional South African rhythms of the drumming culture with elements of Western harmony and form in contrasting textures of homophony, polyphony and antiphony. "Madiba 46664" utilizes Mandela's prison number, birthdate and age (at the time the composition process began in 2013) for the initial generation of meter, rhythm, harmony, melody, and form. The work also shares intercultural concepts that can be seen in the works of three contemporary African composers, South Africans Jeanne Zaidel-Rudolph and Andile Khumalo, and Nigerian Ayo Oluranti. Each section represents a period of Mandela's life as a freedom fighter, a prisoner, and a president. The inspiration stems from the composer's discussions with Mandela soon after his release from prison and prior to his presidency. These lively discussions pertained to the state of traditional music in then apartheid South Africa and led to this creation. The conversations also played a role in the creative process. / Dissertation/Thesis / D.M.A. Music 2014

A critical cultural review of the media coverage in the infighting of Nelson Mandela's burial in 2013

Tandwa, Nontlahla January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the study is to analyze the representation of isiXhosa traditional culture through the coverage on media coverage as the topic suggests following a legal battle on the removal of the remains of Mandela‘s children in the year 2013. The online news articles selected in this study covered issues since Mandela was in and out of hospital. The articles covered are those of local newspaper, The Herald-online- as it is based in the Eastern Cape and has covered more on the traditional beliefs, understanding and following such rituals. The aim of the study is to explore and describe the perceptions and experiences of people around the family feud and the legal battle on the removal of those remains. It will also emphasize on the representation of the media on this problem and how Xhosa tradition can be affected and also compare other newspaper articles on their coverage.

Marital turnarounds : an exploratory qualitative study

Ntlokwana, Nomalungelo January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to study marital turnarounds by focusing on the exploration of the reasons for couples remarrying each other. A comprehensive approach based on human ecology provided a framework for exploring the reasons for marital turnarounds ranging from micro to macro level factors. Data was collected through six semi-structured interviews, with two African marital turnaround couples from the Nelson Mandela Metropole. Data analysis was carried out systematically through a stepwise process. Data verification and trustworthiness was also performed. Five major themes emerged from the data analysis of the interviews as follows: Culture and religious influences, individual influences, personal growth, family influences and the influence of friends. Culture and religion emerged as powerful theme in shaping decisions about marital turnaround. An important sub-theme was that, in a culture that continues to value marriage as a permanent commitment, spouses internalised the social and religious norm of marriage as a permanent commitment.

Knowledge of midwives at Community Health Centres and Midwife Obstetrics Units in the Nelson Mandela Bay regarding the use of the Road-to-Health Chart

Dumisani-Ndlovu, Sidumisile Charity, Sonti, Balandeli S I, James, S January 2017 (has links)
The challenge of child mortality between the ages of 0 and 5 years has extensively increased over the past few years. Furthermore, the ever-evolving and complex consequences of ineffective monitoring of children’s growth and development have been identified as one of the reasons for this increase in child mortality. The Road-to-Health Chart was developed and redesigned for use by child nurses and midwives to monitor children’s growth and development. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the midwives at community healthcare centres in the Nelson Mandela Bay area had the necessary knowledge to utilise the Road-to-Health Chart effectively. Permission to conduct the study was sought from the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, the Department of Health and the participants. A quantitative, non-experimental descriptive survey was used in this research. The population consisted of all the midwives working in the Midwife Obstetric Unit and community healthcare centres within the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipal area. The sample was extracted from the targeted population but from willing participants that met the inclusion criteria. The research data-collection method was a self-developed questionnaire with closed-ended statements to measure the knowledge of how effectively the midwives in the Nelson Mandela Bay area were using the RTHC. The researcher ensured the validity of the questionnaire by focusing on the instrument’s validity, construct validity, content validity and face validity. Ethical considerations, including permission, informed consent, confidentiality and anonymity, were adhered to. The most significant findings showed that midwives at CHCs and MOUs in the Nelson Mandel Bay area were knowledgeable about the importance of the RTHC to the mother and child and the use of the RTHC. These findings may assist in the identification of measures to enhance the knowledge of midwives about the use of the RTHC thus ultimately facilitating the use of the RTHC by mothers as intended.

Sports events for the citizens of the Nelson Mandela Bay

Solomon, Steffen Brett January 2016 (has links)
The concept of city branding has sprung to prominence in recent years. This can be attributed to globalisation and the ease of access to all corners of the globe with the improvements in technology and modes of transport. This increased competition for resources, skills, talent and revenue has made cities not only compete with other cities in close proximity to one another, but also with cities across the world. The answer to this conundrum was found to be a comprehensive marketing strategy composed of clever and catchy slogans, beautiful logos, media campaigns and public relations drives. This process only led to the loss of large amounts of money since the benefits were not longstanding and the results were not tangible as these avenues only benefitted the home country’s tourism industry. A long term solution for cities was needed to build a favourable image. Corporations were used as models to build a brand since manufacturers of similar products are in constant competition to gain market share and revenues from their competitors. The similarities between corporations and cities are undeniable and efforts were made to incorporate successful branding strategies from corporations into city branding efforts. Cities and corporations must be effective in developing and incorporating social, economic and political aspects of their culture into a successful city brand image. The major difference between cities and corporations stems from the fact that it takes considerably longer to leverage a comprehensive brand of a city, when compared to the brand of a product since their lifespans are completely different. In the past, city brands were based on historical significance. Today, city brands are exclusively influenced by the events it hosts. The hosting of events has been seen as a guaranteed way for a city to improve its brand image. On the contrary, the hosting of events has been found to either improve a city brand or tarnish it. Sports events have been deemed as the best way to improve a city brand because sports appeal to a wide audience and are relatively inexpensive to host in comparison to the benefit and improvements they bring. This treatise investigates the approach and various types of sports events which must be included for the successful branding of Nelson Mandela Bay as part of a destination marketing strategy. The suggestions from this study were formulated upon scrutiny of the available literature and case studies on various branding efforts undertaken by cities around the world to establish and improve their brand image. A survey was conducted amongst the residents of Nelson Mandela Bay using a questionnaire. A total of 952 responses were received. The questionnaire measured the respondents’ attitude to what types of sports events they will support, their feelings on the standard of facilities and quality of events in Nelson Mandela Bay. This treatise served to identify which sports events should be used in any branding effort undertaken by Nelson Mandela Bay. Literature and case studies served as the foundation for this study. The survey insights and expectations enabled a plan to be developed that will be unique for Nelson Mandela Bay based on its location, characteristics, tastes and preferences of its residents. This plan would serve to benefit the residents of Nelson Mandela Bay, the city itself and encourage additional investment from external sources. The results of this study indicate that the residents of Nelson Mandela Bay advocate the use of sports events as the main driver in branding the city. Furthermore, the residents have made it clear that cricket, rugby and Iron Man-type of events are favoured and more likely to be supported than any other type of sports event in Nelson Mandela Bay.

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