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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza komunikace influencerů z pohledu brand marketingu / Influencer Communication Analysis From A Brand Marketing View

Kotenová, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
Influencer marketing passed through a significant development toward social media in last few years. Influencers, who are in power to influence through their channels, grew into more important part of brand marketing communication. The purpose of this thesis is an analysis of typical signs, tendencies and measurements of campaigns on certain current examples of biggest czech influencers.

Online marketingová strategie vybrané společnosti / Online marketing strategy of particular company

Stojaníková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The goal of my Diploma Thesis was to show companies, they should focuse more on investing time and their money into SEO, PR articles as well as they should use social media to communication with their customers. This could be in a long run more efficient than spending money on PPC campaigns. The Diploma Thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is oriented on Online Marketing, it shows the basics of each online marketing strategy; SEO, PPC as well as new trends in this fast growing field. The practical part is focused on analyzing instruments of online marketing strategy of ESENNCE.CZ, which is a Czech provider of Experience Days.

How does Event Marketing work on Social Media? : A qualitative study exploring Event Marketing in a Social Media context

Larsson, Louise, Längvik, Sophie, Kjörling, Linnéa January 2019 (has links)
Background: Event marketing is a way for businesses to entertain consumers and promote the brand or product through the use of events. Within event marketing, entertainment, excitement and enterprise are important concepts to include in order to create a successful event. Purpose: The purpose is to explore event marketing in a social media context. The research question is “How is event marketing on social media experienced?” Methodology: This research undertook a qualitative research approach of explorative nature. Un-structured in-depth interviews was conducted with seven participants, sampled with quota sampling. The participants were selected with the criteria of being between the ages 16-34 and using social media and having previously experienced event marketing on social media. After these seven interviews had been conducted, saturation was reached. Conclusion: The main findings of this research are that entertainment, authenticity, innovation and quality are important categories of event marketing in a social media context. Thus, all four categories have an impact on the experience of an individual seeing a marketing event on social media. The category entertainment was shown to be influenced by authenticity, innovation and quality, which in turn has an effect on the experience of the viewer of the event.

Komunitní marketing na Fakultě informatiky a statistiky VŠE Praha / Social Media Marketing of The Faculty of Informatics and Statistics VŠE Prague

Vitinger, Aleš January 2010 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to analyze possibilities of social media marketing and its use for the purposes of FIS VŠE. The analysis covers social networking sites and their evolution, including description of current major social networking sites. The marketing potential of social networking sites is analyzed in the second part of general analysis with special attention to specifics of Czech market and use of social networking sites in Czech republic. There was a competitive analysis done as a base for the formulation of social media marketing strategy of FIS VŠE. The competitive analysis compares other Czech technical universities and describes the position of FIS VŠE in comparison with those. Another analysis was made comparing foreign top technical universities to find and describe best practices in social media marketing that could be used in the strategy for FIS VŠE. Findings of both analyses were used in formulation of Social media marketing strategy of FIS VŠE which offers a framework for the work of social media team. The strategy is prepared in a brief form of 6 documents. The basic documents and processes are covered by an interactive tool prepared using Google Spreadsheet. This tool is ready to use by the social media team. Other parts of the strategy cover Rules, Metrics and Content tips. The strategy can be adopted as a whole or used to inspire and adopt only smaller parts.

Comparative effectiveness analysis of social media monitoring tools / Srovnávací analýza efektivnosti nástrojů pro monitorování sociálních sítí

Duffková, Pavlína January 2012 (has links)
The main objective of this master thesis is a comparative effectiveness analysis of selected social media monitoring tools. The theoretical part of the thesis first familiarizes the reader with the core terms, which will be used throughout the thesis. The next chapter focuses on the detailed specification of classic online marketing. It describes the growing trend of social media marketing and charts out its current status on the Czech online market. In addition, the vital SEO and SEM techniques are also described. The subsequent chapter is devoted to social network marketing, where the increasing power of "word of mouth" in purchase behavior, is explained. Last but not least, illustrative examples of the most successful social media marketing campaigns are listed. The next part deals with the issues of monitoring social media. The reasons for monitoring social media, its principles and features are stated in this chapter. The practical part of this thesis has a described methodology for testing selected tools, acceptance criteria and metrics of measurement. The selected tools are compared in terms of qualitative properties and the relevance of results, both from a global perspective with English phrases, as well as from the perspective of local phrases suitable for the Czech environment. In the second test a set of free monitoring tools is determined and compared with the tools from the first test. In the conclusion is the last measurement, which is proposes the most appropriate monitoring tool for small sized Czech company.

Sociala medier inom destinationsmarknadsföring : Om Stockholms och Sigtunas arbete med sociala medier

Sillfors, Viktor, Salman, Irak January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad destinationsmarknadsföringsorganisationerna (DMC) Stockholm Visitor Board och Destination har för syn gällande sociala medier. Samt att titta på hur dessa två arbetar med sociala medier i sin marknadsföring och även vilka fördelar och nackdelar en sådan marknadsföring kan ha. Studien har haft en kvalitativ utgångspunkt när det gäller metodval. Men ett inslag av kvantitativa aspekter har förekommit då en enkätstudie har utförts. Flertalet kvalitativa intervjuer har ägt rumt med relevanta personer för denna studie. En vardera representant från Stockholm Visitor Board och Destination Sigtuna har intervjuats. Även personer från den akademiska världen har kommit tills tals för att ge sin syn på sociala medier både generellt men även som ett marknadsföringsverktyg. Utifrån intervjuerna så har författarna kommit fram till att både Stockholm Visitor Board och Destination Sigtuna vill och strävar efter att ha en personlig kontakt via sociala medier med sina besökare. Detta är dock något som de inte lyckats med anser författarna. Närmast att lyckas kommer Destination Sigtuna. Då båda är mitt uppe i en ny satsning kring sociala medier så kommer det troligtvis ske stora förändringar när det gäller sociala medier för båda dessa företag. Det författarna menar är att dessa två använder sociala medier likt ett traditionellt sätt att marknadsföra sig, något som det inte är skapat för. Sociala medier ska inbringa till kommunikation mellan människor, både som företag till kund men även från människa till människa. Fördelarna med att marknadsföra sig via sociala medier är att det är ett billigt och enkelt att göra det. Det tar inte mycket av din tid och det kostar inte speciellt mycket. Men det krävs att man marknadsför sig på rätt sätt, annars kan det stjälpa mer än hjälpa. Nackdelarna är då att, som sagt, man gör det på rätt sätt. Att vara närvarande via sociala medier är viktigt, annars kan man inte svara på det som sägs om ens företag. / This study has as purpose to analyze how two destination management companies reflect on social media. The two companies are Stockholm Visitor Board and Destination Sigtuna. The authors also want to analyze how they market themselves via social media and what the advantages and downsides of such marketing strategy may be. By using a qualitative research point with several interviews, the authors wanted to come with an answer to the purpose of this study. The authors came to the conclusion that neither Stockholm Visitor Board nor Destination Sigtuna uses social media as the media is attended to do. They talk about having a personal level of communication, but they do not pursue it. This is something that probably will change do to that both are in a reorganization within the social media aspect. The advantages of marketing via social media are many. It’s a cheap and easy way to market your company. And if you do it right, it will save you a lot of money. The downside is the absent from social media. If your company isn’t on social media and talk to the costumers, it can be quite expensive in the long run.

Social Networking and the Potential Challenges for Marketing / Social Networking and the Potential Challenges for Marketing

Zupanoska, Biljana January 2009 (has links)
Today, marketers and media companies face a changed environment, affected mostly by the rise of the Internet era. The emergence of various technology applications, combined with the global change of customers is affecting the communication between marketers and consumers. Consumers and marketers are changing their roles; consumers are now media producers, programmers, and distributors, through the use of the social networking applications. The aim of the thesis is to analyze this trend, to predict its lifetime and to provide useful insights for the parties that are involved in it. Main point of evaluation are; the structure of the social media marketing ecosystem; the impact that social networking has on the business environment; the relationship of social media and the conventional media, and the legal and ethical concerns of the use of social media. Social networking is a new, experimental trend that has been accepted by many companies, as a part of their communication strategy. The trend has introduced many challenges for businesses, both positive and negative. To seize the positive challenges, marketers need to invest further in learning the rules of the new marketing trend, and in improving their social networking strategies.

Využití sociálních sítí v marketingové komunikaci / Application of Social Media Networks in Marketing Communication

Hubáček, Robin January 2017 (has links)
Diplomová práce řeší problematiku sociálních medií v marketingové komunikaci vybrané společnosti. Cílem této práce je analyzovat současný stav marketingové komunikace na sociálních sítích dané společnosti a navrhnout nové řešení pro využití vhodnějších médií. První část je věnována problematice marketingu, marketingové komunikaci a sociálním sítím. Analytická část poté studuje vnější prostředí společnosti spolu s konkurencí a situací uvnitř společnosti. Poslední část představuje možné návrhy řešení, jak vylepšit marketingovou komunikaci společnosti na sociálních sítí, spolu s analýzou jejich efektivity, návrhu kampaně na tuzemském trhu spolu s dosahem zahraničních trhů a přihlédnutím na konkrétní produkt.

La expansión de las redes sociales. Un reto para la gestión de marketing / A expansão das redes sociais. Um desafio para a gestão de marketing / Social media expansion. A challenge for marketing management

Oviedo García, María de los Ángeles, Muñoz Expósito, Miriam, Castellanos Verdugo, Mario 10 April 2018 (has links)
Social media users create spaces where they express their opinions about products, brands or companies. This is important for marketers because these users are active and effective. The changes caused by Internet and social media demand a new approach to marketing practices and force companies to be active by incorporating social media to their communication strategies. / Los usuarios de redes sociales generan espacios en los que reflejar sus opiniones, que pueden referirse a productos, marcas o empresas. Esto es importante para la gestión de marketing, porque estos usuarios son activos y efectivos. Los cambios producidos por Internet y los medios sociales exigen un replanteamiento de las prácticas de marketing y obligan a las empresas a ser activas incorporando a sus estrategias de comunicación los social media. / Os usuários das redes sociais criam espaços que refletem suas opiniões e que podem estar relacionadas a produtos, marcas ou empresas. Isso é importante para a gestão de marketing porque eles são usuários ativos e efetivos. As mudanças trazidas pela Internet e mídias sociais exigem uma nova orientação das práticas de marketing e isto forçaas empresas a ser ativas, incorporando estratégias de comunicação nas mídias sociais.

Varumärkesidentitet på sociala medier : Hur varumärken kan driva marknadsföringskampanjer med interaktiv storytelling / Brand identities on social media : How to use interactive storytelling in marketing campaigns

Olsson, Angelique, Al-Sam, Husham January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: I samband med den teknologiska utvecklingen har begreppet interaktivitet blivit allt mer omdiskuterat, inte minst vid framställning av interaktiva berättelser. Interaktiv storytelling är ett relativt nytt forskningsområde som öppnat upp för ett nytt sätt att driva marknadsföringskampanjer på. Däremot har ingen forskning påträffats gällande hur en interaktiv marknadsföringskampanj kan drivas och visualiseras på sociala medier med hjälp av omröstningsfunktioner. Studien anses därav vara betydande förutvecklingen av ett nytt tillvägagångssätt för verksamheter att interagera med sin målgrupp. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga processen för hur företag kan driva och visualisera interaktiva marknadsföringskampanjer, på sociala medier. Metod: Studien lutar sig mot en design och skapande strategi där en kombination av olika metoder har används för insamling av relevant data. Metoderna utgjordes av en kvalitativ litteraturstudie, en visuell innehållsanalys, tre webbenkätundersökningar samt en prototypframställning. Metoderna har insamlat data genom ett iterativt förhållningssätt. Urvalet av den visuella innehållsanalysen utgjordes av totalt 20 marknadsföringskampanjer med storytelling som metod. Urvalet för webbenkätundersökningarna utgjordes av bekvämlighetsprincipen där urvalet bestod av 677 grafiska designers. Resultat: Resultatet av studien visar att det är möjligt att skapa en interaktiv kampanj med hjälp av tillgängliga omröstningsfunktioner på sociala medier, där två till sex parallella handlingar möjliggörs via omröstningar. Vidare resulterade studien i en prototyp av en interaktiv kampanj med två parallella handlingar. Slutsatser: Studiens samlade resultatbild presenteras som en processkarta vars uppgift är att guida företag att visualisera och driva interaktiva marknadsföringskampanjer på sociala medier. / Background: With the technological development, the concept of interactivity has become increasingly debated, not only in the prodution of interactive stories. Interactive storytelling is a relatively new area of research, which has opened a new way of running a marketing campaign. However, no research has been found regarding how an interactive marketing campaign can be run and visualized, on social media. The study is therefore, considered significant for the development of a new approach for businesses to interact with their target audience. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to map out the process for how companies can run and visualize interactive marketing campaigns, on social media. Method: The study used design and creative as a strategy, where the methods used consisted of a qualitative literature study, visual content analysis, three web surveys and prototyping. The methods have collected data through an iterative approach. The selection of the visual content analysis consisted of a total of 20 marketing campaigns with storytelling. The sample for the web surveys consisted of the convenience sampling, where the sample consisted of 677 graphic designers. Results: The result of the study indicates that it’s possible to create an interactive campaign using available poll functions on social media, where two to six parallel actions are made possible through voting. Furthermore, the study resulted in a prototype of an interactive campaign, with two parallel actions. Conclusions: In conclusion the study resulted in the creation of a process map, with the purpose of guiding companies to visualize and run interactive marketing campaigns, on social media.

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