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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Marketingová komunikace destinace Klatovsko / Marketing communication of the destination - Region of Klatovy

TOMANOVÁ, Věra January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to analyze the marketing communication destination of Klatovsko. Based on the analysis to identify current tools of marketing and to evaluate the effectiveness of their use. In addition to design optimal communication mix and measures leading to the further development of marketing communication of Klatovsko as a tourist destination.

Measuring marketing productivity : linking marketing expenditure to sales

Schmidt, Adelia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Over the past two decades company performance has become the mantra of corporate theory. It follows that marketers have recently become understandably preoccupied with measuring the performance of marketing activity. In fact, the pressure for financial accountability has led to widespread concern over the role of the marketing function within a company. Some go as far as contemplating the demise of marketing professionals unless marketers develop an understanding of the marketing-finance interface and are able to enter into a dialogue with top management regarding the value that marketing adds to the company. Modern financial theory prescribes that the primary financial objective of any company should be shareholder value maximisation. Value based management (VBM) involves the appropriate allocation of scarce resources using prioritisation and cost-benefit analyses of different strategies to ensure that managers remain focused on shareholder value creation. The VBM philosophy embraces four fundamental driving forces impacting on the creation of value, the first of which is the profitable growth of sales. Since marketers are the custodians of brand sales the recognition of sales as a value driver places marketing at the centre of the value culture. The role of the marketing function is to create customer value that will translate into marketing assets (brand equity) and by doing so serves to add value to a company. The brand value chain summarises the process through which marketers can create value by carefully investing in various marketing tactics (or expenditures). These expenditures are encapsulated by the marketing mix. Simply, the marketing mix can be described as the sum of all expenditures intended to build brand equity and can be classified into four components known as the 4Ps (product, price, place and promotion). Concern has been raised that marketers focus too much attention on the stages in the brand value chain where marketing strategy is formulated and too little attention on the latter stages where the strategy is linked back to the value created through the implementation thereof. Despite the plethora of marketing metrics available the key to measuring the impact of marketing activity lies in maintaining a balance between non-financial, efficiency metrics and financial effectiveness metrics. To this end, there is a need for the development of aggregate-level models that link marketing tactics (expenditures) to to financial impact (e.g. sales) in order to communicate the value created by marketing. As a first step toward the objective of developing such models, it is important to understand the nature of the relationship between marketing expenditures (in terms of the 4Ps) and sales). Therefore, the primary objective in this study was to establish whether there is a relationship between the expenditures of different marketing components (4Ps) and sales. To this end, the proposition formulated elucidated that the variance in sales of a product is attributable to fluctuations in marketing expenditures. A meta analysis study was undertaken and two South African fast moving consumer goods brands’ financial data were investigated for the period of July 2001 to the end of June 2005. The marketing expenditures incurred for each of the respective brands were dissected and allocated according to the 4Ps of marketing. The metohod applied to investigate the relationship between marketing expenditures and sales originated through the adoption of multiple regression analysis between the indepent variables (marketing expenditures) and the dependent variable (sales). However, due to the fact that the data were collected over time it was anticipated that the time-related characteristics in the data might have offended inherent assumptions on which multiple regression analysis is based. Therefore, a time series regression analysis was subsequently adopted to account for time-related characteristics such as trend or seasonality. Counteracting dummy variables were included in the regression analysis to better understand the effect of trend and seasonality. In the case of Brand A, it was necessary to include dummy variables to counteract the effect of trend in the regression analysis., the results revealed that there is a statistically significant relationship between the expenditures of different marketing components (4Ps) and sales. Only distribution expenditures and price (along with trend) explained unique variance in sales. In the case of Brand B, it was necessary to include dummy variables for both trend and seasonality before the model was suitable for analysis. Once again, the results revealed a statistically significant relationship between the expenditures of different marketing components (4Ps) and sales. However for Brand B, only production expenditures (along with trend and seasonality) explained unique variance in sales. Therefore, in conclusion of the results found there were important findings to note. Firstly, when investigating data colllected over time it is imperative to understand the impact of time-related characteristics in the data and subsequently adopt the appropriate model to investigate relationships in the data. Secondly, despite a statistically significant relationship detected between marketing expenditures and sales the different components of the 4Ps have varying prominence for different brands and the appropriate allocation of resource will depend on the nature of the product and the strategy in mind. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die prestasie van ’n maatskappy het oor die afgelope twee dekades die mantra van korporatiewe teorie geword. Dit volg dus dat bemarkers onlangs afgetrokke is met die meet van die prestasie van mark aktiwiteit. Die druk vir finansiële verantwoordbaarheid het in wye kommer oor die rol van die bemarkingsfunksie binne ’n maatskappy, uitgeloop. Daar word bespiegel oor die ondergang van professionele bemarkers tensy bemarkers ’n begrip van die bemarking-finansie skeidingsvlak ontwikkel en in staat is om ’n dialoog met topbestuur aan die gang te sit rakende die waarde wat bemarking tot ’n maatskappy voeg. Moderne finansiële teorie stel voor dat die primêre finansiële doelwit van enige maatskappy die verhoging van belanghebbende waarde moet wees. Waarde-gebaseerde bestuur (WGB) sluit die gepaste toewysing van skaars hulpbronne, deur die gebruik van vooropstelling en koste-voordeel analise van verskeie strategieë, in, om te verseker dat bestuurders op die belanghebbende waarde skepping gefokus bly. Die WGB filosofie omarm vier grondliggende dryfsmagte wat op die skep van waarde, waarvan eerstens die winsgewende groei van verkope is, ’n impak het. Aangesien bemarkers die bewaarders van die handelsnaam verkope is, plaas die erkenning van verkope as ’n waarde drywer, bemarking in die middelpunt van die waarde kultuur. Die rol van die bemarkingsfunksie is om kliënt waarde te skep wat omgesit sal word in bemarkingsbates (handelsmerk billikheid) en dien so om waarde tot ’n maatskappy by te dra. Die handelsmerk waarde ketting som die proses op waardeur bemarkers waarde kan skep deur versigtig in verskeie bemarkingstaktieke (of uitgawes) te belê. Hierdie uitgawes word saamgevat deur die bemarkingsmengsel. Die bemarkingsmengsel kan kortliks beskryf word as die som van alle uitgawes wat bedoel is om handelsmerk billikheid te bou en kan in vier komponente, wat as die 4Ps (produk, prys, plek en promosie) bekend staan, geklassifiseer word. Daar is reeds kommer uitgespreek dat bemarkers te veel aandag aan die stadiums in die handelsmerk waarde ketting bestee waar bemarkings strategie geformuleer word en te min aandag word aan die latere stadiums geskenk waar die strategie teruggeskakel word aan die waarde wat deur die implementering daarvan geskep word. Ten spyte van die menigte beskikbare bemarkings metrieke lê die sleutel tot die meet van die impak van bemarkingsaktiwiteite in die onderhou van ’n balans tussen nie-finansiële, doeltreffende metrieke en finansiële effektiwiteit metrieke. Daar is dus ’n behoefte aan die ontwikkeling van gemiddelde-vlak modelle wat bemarkings taktieke (uitgawes) aan finansiële impak (bv. verkope) skakel om sodoende die waarde wat deur bemarking geskep word, te kommunikeer. Dit is belangrik om, as ’n eerste treë na die doelwit om sulke modelle te ontwikkel, die aard van die verhouding tussen bemarkingsuitgawes (in terme van die 4Ps) en verkope te verstaan. Die hoofdoel in hierdie studie was dus om vas te stel of daar ’n verhouding tussen die uitgawes van verskillende bemarkingskomponente (4Ps) en verkope bestaan. Die voorstel wat geformuleer is, het verklaar dat die verskeidenheid in verkope ’n produk is wat toegeskryf kan word aan fluktuering in bemarkings uitgawes. ’n Meta analise studie is onderneem en twee Suid-Afrikaanse vinnig-bewegende gebruikers goedere handelsmerke se finansiële data vir die typerk van Julie 2001 tot einde van Junie 2005 is ondersoek. Die bemarkings uitgawes wat vir elk van die handelsmerke aangegaan is, is ontleed en toegeken volgens die 4Ps van bemarking. Die metode wat toegepas is om die verhouding tussen bemarkings uitgawes en verkope te ondersoek het ontstaan deur die aanneem van meervoudige agteruitgang analise tussen die onafhanklike veranderlikes (bemarkings uitgawes) en die afhanklike veranderlikes (verkope). Daar is egter verwag, as gevolg van die feit dat die data oor tyd versamel is, dat die tyd-verwante kenmerke in die data inherente aannames mag beledig het, waarop meervoudige agteruitgang analise gebaseer is. ’n Tydsreek agteruitgang analise is gevolglik aangeneem om verantwoordbaar te wees vir tydsverwante kenmerke soos neiging of seisoenaliteit. Teenwerkende fop veranderlikes is by die agteruitgang analise ingesluit om die effek van neiging of seisoenaliteit beter te verstaan. In die geval van Handelsmerk A, was dit nodig om fop veranderlikes in te sluit om die effek van neiging in die agteruitgang analise teen te werk. Die uitslae het gewys dat daar ’n statisties noemenswaardige verhouding tussen die uitgawes van verskillende bemarkingskomponente (4Ps) en verkope is. Slegs verspreiding uitgawes en prys (tesame met neiging) het unieke verskille in verkope verduidelik. In die geval van Handelsmerk B was dit nodig om die fop veranderlikes in te sluit vir beide neiging en seisoenaliteit voordat die model gepas was vir analise. Die uitslae het weereens gewys dat daar ’n duidende verhouding tussen die uitgawes van verskillende bemarkingskomponente (4Ps) en verkope is. Slegs produksie uitgawes (tesame met neiging en seisonaliteit) het egter unieke verskille in verkope vir Handelsmerk B verduidelik. Daar was dus, in gevolgtrekking tot die uitslae wat gevind is, belangrike bevindings om van kennis te neem. Dit is eerstens van uiterste belang om die impak van tyd-verwante kenmerke in die data te verstaan en om vervolgens die gepaste model aan te neem om verhoudings in die data te ondersoek. Tweedens, ten spyte van ’n statistiese noemenswaardige verhouding wat bespeur is tussen bemarkings uitgawes en verkope, het die verskeie komponente van die 4Ps verskillende vernaamheid vir verskillende handelsmerke en die gepaste toekenning van bronne sal afhang van die aard van die produk en die strategie wat beoog word.

An investigation of the marketing performance measurement practices of South African organisations

Mills, Heleen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABTRACT: The marketing function has been characterised as the only result-producing function of the organisation and as having the responsibility for achieving profitable revenue growth by means of demand creation. Marketing performance measurement thus not only influences organisational performance, but also influences the marketing function’s stature within the organisation. Hence, marketing performance measurement is a critical management task. However, the negligence of the marketing function to demonstrate its contribution to organisational performance has caused the marketing function to lose its stature within the organisation and consequently, has a limited role in organisational strategy formulation. Only by implementing proper performance measurement practices, will the marketing function regain its credibility with top management, the organisation and resume a central role in organisational strategy. Marketers’ negligence to measure their performance is linked to the paucity of research in marketing performance measurement. The intricacy of problems marketers have to overcome concerning performance measurement adds to their disinclination to measure marketing’s performance. Nevertheless, if marketing performance is not measured, marketing will be unable to contribute to long-term organisational success. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate the marketing performance measurement practices of South African organisations. The marketing performance measurement practices were investigated by focussing on: (1) the overall satisfaction with the existing measures of marketing performance, (2) the marketing performance measures considered by top management, (3) the periodicity of collection of marketing performance measures, (4) the importance top management attaches to the marketing performance measures, (5) the types of benchmarks employed, and lastly (6) whether and how the marketing asset was measured. The results of the study indicated that the South African marketers in this study are uninformed about proper marketing performance measurement practices and that marketing performance measurement is still in the development phases in these South African organisations. The surveyed marketers’ satisfaction with the existing measures of marketing performance indicated their ignorance about the state of marketing performance measurement in South Africa. “Financial measures” emerged as the dominant marketing performance measure. In comparison to the other measures in the study, “financial measures” were collected most often, considered most often and deemed the most important marketing performance measure. Internal benchmarks were used by the majority of marketers in this study while external benchmarks were rarely employed. Only the minority regularly measured the marketing asset. A more balanced set of marketing performance measures was proposed to replace the existing dominant “financial measures” presently utilised by most organisations in this study. It was further recommended that top management set aside their bias towards non-financial measures, considering their influence on the surveyed marketers’ use of marketing performance measures. The introduction of external benchmarks in marketing performance measurement practices was suggested, since the predominant use of internal benchmarks creates a false impression of confidence of the state of marketing performance. It was also recommended that marketers develop measures to quantify the marketing asset. The last recommendation was that the South African Marketing Research Association (SAMRA) should stimulate research in the field of marketing performance measurement. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die bemarkingsfunksie is al bestempel as die enigste funksie in die onderneming wat werklik ‘n direkte bydrae lewer tot die winsgewende groei in die onderneming se inkomste. Die prestasie van die onderneming, asook die bemarkingsfunksie se reputasie in die onderneming word beide deur bemarkingsprestasiemeting beïnvloed. Daarom is bemarkingsprestasiemeting ‘n kern bestuursaktiwiteit in die onderneming. Ongelukkig het bemarkers se onvermoë om bemarkingsprestasie te meet, veroorsaak dat die bemarkingsfunksie nie meer hoog geag word in die onderneming nie. Gevolglik, is die bemarkingsfunksie nie meer in ‘n posisie om ‘n bydrae te lewer tot die onderneming se strategiese besluitneming nie. Om bemarking se status as ‘n waardevolle en belangrike organisatoriese funksie te herstel, moet bemarkers prestasiemetingspraktyke ontwikkel. As gevolg van die min navorsing oor hierdie onderwerp en die blote kompleksiteit van die probleme wat bemarkers in die gesig staar in verband met bemarkingsprestasiemeting, is bemarkers nie gretig om hul prestasie te meet nie. Indien bemarkers nie hul prestasie meet nie, sal die bemarkingsfunksie nie in staat wees om ‘n bydrae tot die prestasie van die onderneming, te lewer nie. Die doel van hierdie studie was dus om die bemarkingsprestasiemetingpraktyke van Suid-Afrikaanse ondernemings te ondersoek. Om bemarkingsprestasiemetingpraktyke te ondersoek was die volgende faktore in ag geneem: (1) bemarkers se tevredenheid ten opsigte van hul huidige bemarkingsprestasiemaatstawwe, (2) watter bemarkingsprestasiemaatstawwe deur topbestuur oorweeg word, (3) hoe gereeld bemarkingsprestasiemaatstawwe ingesamel word, (4) hoe belangrik topbestuur die bemarkingsprestasie-maatstawwe ag, (5) teen watter norme Die bemarkingsfunksie is al bestempel as die enigste funksie in die onderneming wat werklik ‘n direkte bydrae lewer tot die winsgewende groei in die onderneming se inkomste. Die prestasie van die onderneming, asook die bemarkingsfunksie se reputasie in die onderneming word beide deur bemarkingsprestasiemeting beïnvloed. Daarom is bemarkingsprestasiemeting ‘n kern bestuursaktiwiteit in die onderneming. Ongelukkig het bemarkers se onvermoë om bemarkingsprestasie te meet, veroorsaak dat die bemarkingsfunksie nie meer hoog geag word in die onderneming nie. Gevolglik, is die bemarkingsfunksie nie meer in ‘n posisie om ‘n bydrae te lewer tot die onderneming se strategiese besluitneming nie. Om bemarking se status as ‘n waardevolle en belangrike organisatoriese funksie te herstel, moet bemarkers prestasiemetingspraktyke ontwikkel. As gevolg van die min navorsing oor hierdie onderwerp en die blote kompleksiteit van die probleme wat bemarkers in die gesig staar in verband met bemarkingsprestasiemeting, is bemarkers nie gretig om hul prestasie te meet nie. Indien bemarkers nie hul prestasie meet nie, sal die bemarkingsfunksie nie in staat wees om ‘n bydrae tot die prestasie van die onderneming, te lewer nie. Die doel van hierdie studie was dus om die bemarkingsprestasiemetingpraktyke van Suid-Afrikaanse ondernemings te ondersoek. Om bemarkingsprestasiemetingpraktyke te ondersoek was die volgende faktore in ag geneem: (1) bemarkers se tevredenheid ten opsigte van hul huidige bemarkingsprestasiemaatstawwe, (2) watter bemarkingsprestasiemaatstawwe deur topbestuur oorweeg word, (3) hoe gereeld bemarkingsprestasiemaatstawwe ingesamel word, (4) hoe belangrik topbestuur die bemarkingsprestasie-maatstawwe ag, (5) teen watter normeDie bemarkingsfunksie is al bestempel as die enigste funksie in die onderneming wat werklik ‘n direkte bydrae lewer tot die winsgewende groei in die onderneming se inkomste. Die prestasie van die onderneming, asook die bemarkingsfunksie se reputasie in die onderneming word beide deur bemarkingsprestasiemeting beïnvloed. Daarom is bemarkingsprestasiemeting ‘n kern bestuursaktiwiteit in die onderneming. Ongelukkig het bemarkers se onvermoë om bemarkingsprestasie te meet, veroorsaak dat die bemarkingsfunksie nie meer hoog geag word in die onderneming nie. Gevolglik, is die bemarkingsfunksie nie meer in ‘n posisie om ‘n bydrae te lewer tot die onderneming se strategiese besluitneming nie. Om bemarking se status as ‘n waardevolle en belangrike organisatoriese funksie te herstel, moet bemarkers prestasiemetingspraktyke ontwikkel. As gevolg van die min navorsing oor hierdie onderwerp en die blote kompleksiteit van die probleme wat bemarkers in die gesig staar in verband met bemarkingsprestasiemeting, is bemarkers nie gretig om hul prestasie te meet nie. Indien bemarkers nie hul prestasie meet nie, sal die bemarkingsfunksie nie in staat wees om ‘n bydrae tot die prestasie van die onderneming, te lewer nie. Die doel van hierdie studie was dus om die bemarkingsprestasiemetingpraktyke van Suid-Afrikaanse ondernemings te ondersoek. Om bemarkingsprestasiemetingpraktyke te ondersoek was die volgende faktore in ag geneem: (1) bemarkers se tevredenheid ten opsigte van hul huidige bemarkingsprestasiemaatstawwe, (2) watter bemarkingsprestasiemaatstawwe deur topbestuur oorweeg word, (3) hoe gereeld bemarkingsprestasiemaatstawwe ingesamel word, (4) hoe belangrik topbestuur die bemarkingsprestasie-maatstawwe ag, (5) teen watter norme vidie bemarkingsprestasiemaatstawwe gemeet word en laastens (6) op watter manier en hoe gereeld die bemarkingsbate gemeet word. In hierdie studie is bevind dat Suid-Afrikaanse bemarkers oningelig is oor bemarkingsprestasiemetingpraktyke en dat bemarkingsprestasiemeting nog in die ontwikkelingsfase in Suid-Afrikaanse ondernemings is. Die bemarkers in die studie se tevredenheid met hul bestaande bemarkingsprestasiemaatstawwe, weerspieël hul onkunde oor die toestand van die bemarkingsprestasiemeting in Suid-Afrika. Die resultate dui aan dat "finansiële maatstawwe" die dominante bemarkingsprestasiemaatreël onder beide topbestuur en bemarkers in hierdie studie is. In vergelyking met die ander bemarkingsprestasiemaatstawwe in die studie, is "finansiële maatstawwe" die meeste ingesamel, meer dikwels oorweeg en ook as die belangrikste bemarkingprestasiemeeting geag. Die meerderhied bemarkers in hierdie studie maak gebruik van interne norme, terwyl eksterne norme selde gebruik word. Slegs die minderheid van bemarkers in hierdie studie, het die bemarkingsbate op ‘n gereelde basis gemeet. Aanbevelings is gemaak dat ‘n meer gebalanseerde stel bemarkingsprestasiemaatstawwe ontwikkel moet word, omdat "finansiële maatstawwe" huidiglik bemarkingsprestasiepraktyke oorheers. Verder is aanbeveel dat die topbestuur van ondernemings hul vooroordeel teenoor nie-finansiële maatstawwe ter syde stel, aangesien bemarkers, in hierdie studie, se gebruik van bemarkingprestasiemaatstawwe daardeur beïnvloed word. Die gebruik van eksterne norme in die respondente se bemarkingsprestasiemetingpraktyke is voorgestel, omdat die gebruik van slegs interne norme ‘n vals indruk van vertroue in die toestand van die bemarkingprestasie skep. Aangesien die minderheid van die respondente gereeld bemarkingsbates gemeet het, is daar aanbeveel dat die betrokke maatstawwe ontwikkel moet viiword. Ten slotte word aanbeveel dat die Suid-Afrikaanse Bemarkingsnavorsingvereniging navorsing op die gebied van bemarkingprestasiemeting moet stimuleer.

Corporate brand rejuvenation

Smit, Yanic 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / The purpose of this study is to investigate why and when corporate brands in the retail environment rejuvenate, with the aim to determine the key components that plays a role in the corporate brand rejuvenation process. Furthermore, the study aims to investigate the impact that the brand rejuvenation has on the four components of Aaker’s brand equity model (brand loyalty, brand awareness, perceived quality and brand association). The study used Woolworths as a case study and is divided into three sections. The first section aims to study the principles and concepts of corporate brand rejuvenation. Secondly, the study aims to investigate the process of brand rejuvenation in Woolworths. The last section will investigate the impact that brand rejuvenation has on the four components of Aaker’s brand equity model (brand loyalty, brand awareness, perceived quality and brand association). A qualitative research design was selected with a single case study at Woolworths South Africa. The case study examines the thought process of the decision makers during the brand rejuvenation process and the effect that the business model had on the corporate brand rejuvenation. The study also aims to investigate if the life cycle of the brand plays a vital role in the rejuvenation process of the corporate brand. The study will go into more depth on the effect that the world recession had on the corporate brand rejuvenation process and determine whether the corporate brand rejuvenation had a positive effect on the bottom line of the business. The study found that Woolworths mostly went against the principles and theory of corporate brand rejuvenation, yet the organisation still showed good growth after the brand rejuvenation process. Furthermore, even though Woolworths did not use theory as a guideline for brand rejuvenation, the strategic decisions made within the business model had a very positive effect on the bottom line of the business. It is clear from this study that the brand strategy needs to be aligned with the business strategy. The principles of brand rejuvenation will differ from industry to industry and therefore it is recommended that theory needs to be written on corporate brand rejuvenation, specifically for the retail environment. The processes and principles of brand rejuvenation that work for a service brand such as a bank, will not necessarily work for a retail brand. The study suggests that organisations that decide to rejuvenate brands should have a strong and integrated brand strategy that is aligned with the business model of the organisation.

Exploring marketing accountability and credibility within Sasko Bakeries

Pheko, Tholoana 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: “Haphazard”, “uncommercial”, or perhaps “unaccountable” are some of the terms frequently used to describe the marketing function. Most marketers are faced with immense pressure to boost their marketing effectiveness and measurement. The pressures include the need to reduce the inaccuracy of marketing decisions, increase customer profitability, recognise new potential revenue prospects, calculate future sales performance, and ultimately ascertain marketing’s value to the rest of the organisation (Binet & Field 2008:11). In the pursuit of marketing accountability, credibility and profitability, this thesis will explore the avenues available in ensuring that marketing is viewed as adding value to the organisation. To attain this objective, investigative and qualitative research will be conducted. The qualitative methodology utilised in this study is a two-pronged approach; namely, primary research and secondary research. The primary research is achieved through in-depth interviews with seven members of the senior and middle management team of Sasko Bakeries, a division of Pioneer Foods (Pty) Ltd. Secondary research, on the other hand, is conducted by means of a broad literature review that provides essential insight into marketing measurement, accountability, and credibility. The study firstly, provides an orientation to the scope of the study and covers the introduction to the research problem, research objectives, and research propositions, as well as clarifies the key concepts used in the study. Secondly, the study identifies the key critical marketing metrics that will ensure the correct characteristics of the marketing function are being measured. Aspects of marketing accountability, credibility and metrics are then subsequently reviewed. Thirdly, the study discusses the research design and methodology and consequently provides an analysis of the data gathered from the in-depth interviews. Lastly, the study wraps up with final thoughts and recommendations. The recommendations provide a framework for planning a highly effective marketing dashboard. Marketing dashboards connect data points in a manner that enables marketers to observe how any one marketing action affects the entire organisation. Moreover, marketing dashboards are a collection of critical indicative and prognostic metrics, arranged in a way to promote the recognition of patterns of business performance (LaPointe, 2007:27). Essentially, dashboards go beyond purely attempting to balance financial success with perceived business processes in order to generate growth. Sasko Bakeries is well-poised to implement dashboards; which will offer key decision-makers with the capability to relay and analyse large patterns of information, in order to gather new insights and pave the way to marketing accountability and credibility. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: “Wild”, “sonder handelsgees”, of dalk “onberekenbaar” is net ‘n paar van die terme wat dikwels gebruik word om die bemarkingsfunksie te beskryf. Die meeste bemarkers is onder geweldige druk om hul bemarkingsdoeltreffendheid en meetbaarheid te versterk. Hierdie druk sluit in die behoefte om die onnoukeurigheid van bemarkingsbesluite te verminder, klant winsgewendheid te vermeerder, nuwe potensiële inkomste vooruitsigte/moontlikhede te idientifiseer, toekomstige verkope te bereken en om uiteindelik vas te stel wat die bemarkingsfunksie se waarde vir die res van die organisasie is (Binet & Field 2008:11). In die soektog na bemarking rekenpligtigheid en geloofwaardigheid en winsgewendheid, sal hierdie tesis die verskillende beskikbaare moontlikhede ondersoek wat kan verseker dat die bemarkingsfunksie beskou word as waardevol vir ‘n organisasie. Om hierdie doelwit te bereik, sal ondersoekende en kwalitatiewe navorsing aangevoer word. Die navorsingsmetode wat gebruik was in hierdie is twee-ledig; naamlik primere navorsing en sekondere navorsing. Die primêre navorsing is bekom deur intensiewe onderhoude te voer met lede van die senior en middelbestuur span van Sasko Bakkerye, ‘n divisie van Pioneer Foods (Edms) Bpk. Sekondêre navorsing was aangevoer d.m.v. ‘n breë literatuur studie wat die noodsaaklike insig lewer in bemarking meetbaarheid, rekenpligtigheid en geloofwaardigheid. Eerstens, voorsien die dokument oriëntasie vir die omvang van die studie en dit dek die inleiding tot die navorsingsprobleem, navorsingsdoelwitte, en navorsingsvoorstelle. Dit verduidelik ook die konsepte waarna verwys word in die studie. Tweedens indentifiseeer die dokument die sleutel, kritiese bemarking maatstaf wat sal verseker dat die korrekte karaktereienskappe van die bemarkings funksie gemeet word. Aspekte van bemarking rekenpligtigheid, geloofwaardigheid en meetbaarheid word dan hersien. Derdens, bespreek die dokument die navorsingsontwerp en metodologie en voorsien dan ook ‘n ontleding van die data wat versamel was d.m.v. die onderhoude. Die dokument sluit af met finale gedagtes en aanbevelings. Die aanbevelings bied ‘n raamwerk vir die beplanning ‘n hoogs effektiewe bemarking instrumentbord of paneelbord – die padkaart vir bemarking rekenpligtigheid en geloofwaardigheid. Bemarking instrumentborde verbind data punte op so ‘n manier dat dit bemarkers in staat stel om waar te neem hoe enige bemarker se aksies die hele organisasie affekteer. Bemarking instrumentborde is ‘n versameling van ‘n kritiese, aanduidende en voorspellende maatstaf, geranskik in ‘n manier wat die herkenning van die patrone van besigheidsverrigtinge bevorder. Hoofsaaklik gaan instrumentborde verder as om net finansiële sukses met besigheidsprossesse te balanseerd gepositioneer om sodoende groei voort te bring. Sasko Bakkerye is goed gevestig om instrumentborde te implementeer; dit sal sleutel besluitnemers die vermoë en geleentheid bied om patrone van informasie deur te gee en te ontleed, sodat nuwe insigte bekom kan word om die pad vorentoe uit te lê vir bemarking rekenpligtigheid en geloofwaardigheid.

The importance of marketing metrics to improve marketing efficiency : a case study of the South African franchise restaurant group Maxi's

Jordaan, Johannes Nicolaas 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Marketing managers are increasingly being held accountable for measuring value adding related to marketing expenditure. The increasing trend of specialisation in the business environment has resulted in increasing efficiencies in work practices and therefore increased the knowledge associated with each function. It was the purpose of this study to demonstrate the fundamental need for marketing measurement and marketing metrics in the franchise restaurant business. It furthermore demonstrated the importance of the alignment of marketing metrics with marketing strategy. The study highlighted the necessity of aligning marketing metrics with the marketing strategies used by a South African franchise restaurant business. This study addressed the need for measuring marketing initiatives by applying marketing metrics as a method to measure the marketing effectiveness of Maxi’s, a SMME restaurant franchise group in South Africa. This study was based on exploratory research and the basis of collecting the data was by means of interviews, as well as documentary secondary data, therefore the data analysis followed both qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis approaches. The analysis showed that the main marketing activity of Maxi’s was the six weekly promotions on specific products. The promotions normally included a breakfast and a lunch special. Maxi’s made use of various advertising media to market the promotion campaigns, including television campaigns, billboards, print advertising in the form of table talkers and pamphlets and internet advertising. Maxi’s applied a number of marketing metrics to measure effectiveness of their marketing spent. The metrics recommended in this research report supplied them with a better range of metrics, in order to improve the effectiveness of their marketing measurement. This research report is of value to academic researchers and marketing professionals.

How to incorporate the use of big data in a marketing strategy within South Africa to gain competitive advantage

Bezuidenhout, Werner 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / The research study aims to show how South African companies within the retail, financial services and cellular industries can incorporate Big Data into their marketing strategies to gain a competitive advantage. The literature review sets out to explain what Big Data is and how it can fit into a marketing strategy as well as exploring the challenges and benefits companies around the world experience when working with Big Data. The findings from the literature review are used to create a proposed framework that can guide South African companies to incorporate Big Data into their marketing strategy. The validity of the framework is tested against a sample of South African companies across various industries that are using Big Data within their organisations. Some of the findings from the research study that are highlighted relating to how South African companies use Big Data to gain a competitive advantage is that social media seems to be the most pervasive Big Data type being used across the different industries. Another trend seems to be that most companies use Big Data for sentiment analysis but that sentiment analysis tools are not mature enough yet to correctly calculate the sentiment. Currently South African companies use Big Data as part of their targeting, segmenting, differentiation marketing strategies and that they feel that by incorporating Big Data into their marketing strategies that they have gained better insight into the market and their customers which has helped to grow their market share and realise cost savings.

Annual marketing planning process of the industrial multinational subsidiary in Hong Kong: practices,procedures and problems

Chiang, Ngai-ming, Samuel., 蔣魏明. January 1982 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Business Administration / Master / Master of Business Administration

Marketing management in PRC: an overview of beer market in china : a case study of understanding consumerbehaviour and managing brand equity in China

李國華, Lee, Kwok-wah, Gilbert. January 1996 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Business Administration / Master / Master of Business Administration

Marketing Communication in the New Digital World : Take the leap!

Saleh, Leo, Storck, Angelica January 2007 (has links)
<p>Background:</p><p>During the last years, the boom of the Internet has carried along with it new possibilities for communication, in addition, other technological developments of society together act to form a new reality in which companies have to rethink their means for com-municating with consumers.</p><p>Problem and Purpose:</p><p>In a new reality where consumers seem to reap all the benefits of the technological changes, how then, should companies adjust to the changing environment? The authors first investigated the modern media environment and found some trends in how it is evolving, and after listening to what some experts within the field think about the future and of what should be done, they them-selves endeavoured to generate some guidance for companies in this matter.</p><p>Method:</p><p>This thesis is somewhat of a Delphi study, which means that it heavily relies on the statements of experts. What they have said has played a crucial role in the authors’ own formulation of guid-ance. The experts were interviewed either face-to-face, or through the exchange of e-mails.</p><p>Conclusions:</p><p>Major trends in how the media environment is transforming are; technology as an enhancer to rather becoming a determinant, segmentation to fragmentation, decreasing- to increasing returns to scale, an opening for entirely new business concepts and an in-creasing value of intangible assets as a complement to traditional, tangible assets. The authors then presented some elements that would be of crucial significance in this new environment, and they also formulated some more specific guidance in how these ele-ments could be instigated in companies. They were; Speed and flexibility, customization and sustainability. Advice in how they could be instigated where then summarized and illustrated in the “New Digital World Market Communication Diamond”, which basically emphasizes the need for updating the values and the cor-porate culture, the need for streamlining supply chains, the need of truly finding and using information about consumers, and fi-nally, the need for adaptive experimentation.</p>

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