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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stable limit theorems for Markov chains /

Kimbleton, Stephen Robert January 1967 (has links)
No description available.

Efficient sampling plans in a two-state Markov chain /

Bai, Do Sun January 1971 (has links)
No description available.

The second gap of the Markoff spectrum of Q(i) /

Hansen, Henry Walter January 1973 (has links)
No description available.

Contributions to the theory of Markov chains /

Winkler, William E. January 1973 (has links)
No description available.

Markov chains and potentials.

Fraser, Ian Johnson. January 1965 (has links)
No description available.

Text classification using a hidden Markov model

Yi, Kwan, 1963- January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Assessing Drought Flows For Yield Estimation

Gillespie, Jason Carter 27 January 2003 (has links)
Determining safe yield of an existing water supply is a basic aspect of water supply planning. Where water is withdrawn from a river directly without any storage, the withdrawal is constrained by the worst drought flow in the river. There is no flexibility for operational adjustments other than implementing conservation measures. Where there is a storage reservoir, yields higher than the flow in the source stream can be maintained for a period of time by releasing the water in storage. The determination of safe yield in this situation requires elaborate computation. This thesis presents a synthesis of methods of drought flow analysis and yield estimation. The yield depends on both the magnitude of the deficit and its temporal distribution. A new Markov chain analysis for assessing frequencies of annual flows is proposed. The Markov chain results compare very well with the empirical data analysis. Another advantage of the Markov chain analysis is that both high and low flows are considered simultaneously; no separate analyses for the lower and upper tails of the distribution are necessary. The temporal distribution of drought flows is considered with the aid of the generalized bootstrap method, time series analysis, and cluster sequencing of worsening droughts called Waitt's procedure. The methods are applied to drought inflows for three different water supply reservoirs in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, and different yield estimates are obtained. / Master of Science

A functional approach to obtaining weighted Markow-type inequalities

Carley, Holly K. 01 January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Decomposing Large Markov Chains for Statistical Usage Testing

Pandya, Chirag 01 January 2000 (has links)
Finite-state, discrete-parameter Markov chains are used to provide a model of the population of software use to support statistical testing of software. Once a Markov chain usage model has been constructed, any number of statistically typical tests can be obtained from the model. Markov mathematics can be applied to obtain values, such as the long run probabilities, that provide information for test planning and analysis of test results. Because Markov chain usage models of industrial-sized systems are often very large, the time and memory required to compute the long run probabilities can be prohibitive. This thesis describes a procedure for automatically decomposing a large Markov chain model 'into several smaller models from which the original model's long run probabilities can be calculated. The procedure supports both parallel processing to reduce the elapsed time, and sequential processing to reduce memory requirements.

Modèles de Markov triplets en restauration des signaux / Triplet Markov models in restoration signals

Ben Mabrouk, Mohamed 26 April 2011 (has links)
La restauration statistique non-supervisée de signaux admet d'innombrables applications dans les domaines les plus divers comme économie, santé, traitement du signal, ... Un des problèmes de base, qui est au coeur de cette thèse, est d'estimer une séquence cachée (Xn)1:N à partir d'une séquence observée (Yn)1:N. Ces séquences sont considérées comme réalisations, respectivement, des processus (Xn)1:N et (Yn)1:N. Plusieurs techniques ont été développées pour résoudre ce problème. Le modèle parmi le plus répandu pour le traiter est le modèle dit "modèle de Markov caché" (MMC). Plusieurs extensions de ces modèles ont été proposées depuis 2000. Dans les modèles de Markov couples (MMCouples), le couple (X, Y) est markovien, ce qui implique que p(x|y) est également markovienne (alors que p(x) ne l'est plus nécessairement), ce qui permet les mêmes traitements que dans les MMC. Plus récemment (2002) les MMCouples ont été étendus aux "modèles de Markov triplet" (MMT), dans lesquels on introduit un processus auxiliaire U et suppose que le triplet T = (X, U, Y) est markovien. Là encore il est possible, dans un cadre plus général que celui des MMCouples, d'effectuer des traitements avec une complexité raisonnable. L'objectif de cette thèse est de proposer des nouvelles modélisations faisant partie des MMT et d'étudier leur pertinence et leur intérêt. Nous proposons deux types de nouveautés: (i) Lorsque la chaîne cachée est discrète et lorsque le couple (X, Y) n'est pas stationnaire, avec un nombre fini de "sauts" aléatoires dans les paramètres, l'utilisation récente des MMT dans lesquels les sauts sont modélisés par un processus discret U a donné des résultats très convaincants (Lanchantin, 2006). Notre première idée est d'utiliser cette démarche avec un processus U continu, qui modéliserait des non-stationnarités "continues" de(X, Y). Nous proposons des chaînes et des champs triplets et présentons quelques expériences. Les résultats obtenus dans la modélisation de la non-stationnarité continue semblent moins intéressants que dans le cas discret. Cependant, les nouveaux modèles peuvent présenter d'autres intérêts; en particulier, ils semblent plus efficaces que les modèles "chaînes de Markov cachées" classiques lorsque le bruit est corrélé; (ii) Soit un MMT T = (X, U, Y) tel que X et Y sont continu et U est discret fini. Nous sommes en présence du problème de filtrage, ou du lissage, avec des sauts aléatoires. Dans les modélisations classiques le couple caché (X, U) est markovien mais le couple (U, Y) ne l'est pas, ce qui est à l'origine de l'impossibilité des calculs exacts avec une complexité linéaire en temps. Il est alors nécessaire de faire appel à diverses méthodes approximatives, dont celles utilisant le filtrage particulaire sont parmi les plus utilisées. Dans des modèles MMT récents le couple caché (X, U) n'est pas nécessairement markovien, mais le couple (U, Y) l'est, ce qui permet des traitements exacts avec une complexité raisonnable (Pieczynski 2009). Notre deuxième idée est d'étendre ces derniers modèles aux triplets T = (X, U, Y) dans lesquels les couples (U, Y) sont "partiellement" de Markov. Un tel couple (U, Y) n'est pas de Markov mais U est de Markov conditionnellement àY. Nous obtenons un modèle T = (X, U, Y) plus général, qui n'est plus de Markov, dans lequel le filtrage et le lissage exacts sont possibles avec une complexité linéaire en temps. Quelques premières simulations montrent l'intérêt des nouvelles modélisations en lissage en présence des sauts. / Statistical unsupervised restoration of signal can be applied in many fields such as economy, health, signal processing, meteorology, finance, biology, reliability, transportation, environment, ... the main problem treated in this thesis is to estimate a hidden sequence (Xn)1:N based on an observed sequence (Yn)1:N. In Probabilistic treatment of the problem in these sequences are considered as accomplishments of respectively, process (Xn)1:N and (Yn)1:N. Several techniques based on statistical methods have been developed to solve this problem. The most common model known for this kind of problems is the “hidden Markov model”. In this model we assume that the hidden process X is Markovian and laws p(y|x) of Y are conditional on X are sufficiently simple so that the law p(x|y) is also Markovian, this property is necessary for treatment. Many Extensions of these models have been proposed since 2000. In Markov models couples (MMCouples), more general than the MMC, the pair (X,Y) is Markovian), implying that p(x|y) is also Markovian (when p(x) is not necessarily markovian), which allows the same treatment as in MMC. More recently (2002), were extended to MMCouples are extended to Markov models Triplet (MMT), in which we introduce an auxiliary process U and suppose that the triple T=(X,U,Y) is Markovian. It’s again possible, in a general case of MMCouples, to perform treatments with a reasonable complexity. The objective of this thesis is to propose new modeling of MMT and to investigate their relevance and interest. We offer two types of innovations: (i) When the hidden system is discrete and when the couple (X,Y) is not stationary with a finite number of random “jumps” in parameters, the recent use of MMT where the jumps are modelized by a discrete process U has been very convincing (Lanchantin, 2006). Our first idea is to use this approach with a continuous process U, which models non-steady "continuous" of (X,Y). We propose chains and triplet fields and present some experiments. The results obtained in the modeling of non-stationarity still seem less interesting that in the discrete case. However, new models may have other interests, in particular, they seem more efficient than “classic hidden Markov” when the noise is correlated; (ii) Considering an MMT T=(X,U,Y) such that X and Y are continuous and U is discrete finite. We are dealing with a problem of filtering, or smoothing, with random jumps. In classic modelling the hidden pair (X,U) is Markovian, but the pair (U,Y) is not, what is the cause of the impossibility of Exact calculations with time linear complexity. It is then necessary to use various approximate methods, including methods using particle filtering which are the most common. In recent models MMT the hidden pair (X,U) is not necessarily Markovian, but the pair (U,Y) is Markovian, which allows accurate treatment with a reasonable complexity (Pieczynski 2009). Our second idea is to extend these models to triplets T=(X,U,Y) where the pairs (U,Y) are "partially" Markovian. Such a pair (U,Y) is not Markovian but U is conditionally Markovian on Y. We have in result a model with general model T=(X,U,Y) , which is no more Markovian, wherein the filtering and smoothing are accurate possible with time linear complexity. Some preliminary Simulations show the importance of new smoothing models with of jumps.

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