Spelling suggestions: "subject:"masonry wall"" "subject:"mansonry wall""
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Evaluation of contact and non-contact lap splices in concrete block masonry specimensAhmed, Kawsar 11 July 2011
An experimental program was performed for qualitative and quantitative comparison of the maximum tensile resistance of contact and non-contact lap spliced bars in reinforced concrete block masonry using double pullout and wall splice specimens. A total of 32 specimens were tested, consisting of an equal number of double pullout specimens and full-scale wall splice specimens. Both specimen types had the identical cross-section. Eight replicate specimens for each specimen type were constructed with both contact and non-contact lap splice arrangements. Grade 400 deformed reinforcing bars with a 300 mm lap splice length were provided in all specimens.
The double pullout specimens were tested applying direct tension to the lapped reinforcing bars. The splice resistance and displacement were recorded during testing. All double pullout specimens with contact lap splices developed, as a minimum, the yield strength of the reinforcing bars and generally displayed evidence of a yield plateau. In contrast, the double pullout specimens with non-contact lap splices failed when only 46.1% of the theoretical yield strength of the reinforcing bars was recorded as the maximum splice resistance. The difference between the average value of the tensile resistance in the contact and non-contact spliced bars was identified as being statistically significant at the 95% confidence level.
Wall splice specimens were tested under a four-point loading arrangement with the lapped bars located in the constant moment region. The applied load and specimen deflection were recorded until failure occurred. A numerical analysis was then performed to calculate the maximum resistance of the spliced bars. The specimens with contact lap splices developed the theoretical yield capacity of the reinforcing bars. In contrast, the wall splice specimens with non-contact lap splices developed an average tensile resistance of 78% of the theoretical yield capacity. The difference between the average tensile resistances of the lapped bars in the two splice arrangements was identified as being statistically significant at the 95% confidence level.
On average, the contact and non-contact lap spliced bars in the double pullout specimens developed 8.47% and 41.2% less tensile resistance, respectively, as compared to the wall splice specimens with the identical splice arrangement. Both differences were identified as being statistically significant at the 95% confidence level.
Bond loss between the reinforcing bars and the surrounding grout was identified as the failure mode for both the double pullout and wall splice specimens with contact lap splices. In contrast, bond loss at the masonry block/grout interface was observed along the non-contact lapped bars in both specimen types, as identified by visual observations upon removal of the face shell and the surrounding grout. Based on the test results of the wall splice specimens with non-contact lap splices, a correction factor of 1.5 is suggested when calculating the effective splice length for the non-contact splice arrangement as tested.
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Evaluation of contact and non-contact lap splices in concrete block masonry specimensAhmed, Kawsar 11 July 2011 (has links)
An experimental program was performed for qualitative and quantitative comparison of the maximum tensile resistance of contact and non-contact lap spliced bars in reinforced concrete block masonry using double pullout and wall splice specimens. A total of 32 specimens were tested, consisting of an equal number of double pullout specimens and full-scale wall splice specimens. Both specimen types had the identical cross-section. Eight replicate specimens for each specimen type were constructed with both contact and non-contact lap splice arrangements. Grade 400 deformed reinforcing bars with a 300 mm lap splice length were provided in all specimens.
The double pullout specimens were tested applying direct tension to the lapped reinforcing bars. The splice resistance and displacement were recorded during testing. All double pullout specimens with contact lap splices developed, as a minimum, the yield strength of the reinforcing bars and generally displayed evidence of a yield plateau. In contrast, the double pullout specimens with non-contact lap splices failed when only 46.1% of the theoretical yield strength of the reinforcing bars was recorded as the maximum splice resistance. The difference between the average value of the tensile resistance in the contact and non-contact spliced bars was identified as being statistically significant at the 95% confidence level.
Wall splice specimens were tested under a four-point loading arrangement with the lapped bars located in the constant moment region. The applied load and specimen deflection were recorded until failure occurred. A numerical analysis was then performed to calculate the maximum resistance of the spliced bars. The specimens with contact lap splices developed the theoretical yield capacity of the reinforcing bars. In contrast, the wall splice specimens with non-contact lap splices developed an average tensile resistance of 78% of the theoretical yield capacity. The difference between the average tensile resistances of the lapped bars in the two splice arrangements was identified as being statistically significant at the 95% confidence level.
On average, the contact and non-contact lap spliced bars in the double pullout specimens developed 8.47% and 41.2% less tensile resistance, respectively, as compared to the wall splice specimens with the identical splice arrangement. Both differences were identified as being statistically significant at the 95% confidence level.
Bond loss between the reinforcing bars and the surrounding grout was identified as the failure mode for both the double pullout and wall splice specimens with contact lap splices. In contrast, bond loss at the masonry block/grout interface was observed along the non-contact lapped bars in both specimen types, as identified by visual observations upon removal of the face shell and the surrounding grout. Based on the test results of the wall splice specimens with non-contact lap splices, a correction factor of 1.5 is suggested when calculating the effective splice length for the non-contact splice arrangement as tested.
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Seismic Assessment of Unreinforced Masonry WallsWijanto, Ludovikus Sugeng January 2007 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the seismic performance of unreinforced masonry wall perforated with
a door opening representing typical URM walls of many aged masonry buildings in
Indonesia. To obtain a test result that will be able to represent the local conditions, the
experiments have been conducted in the Research Institute for Human Settlements (RIHS)
laboratory in Bandung-Indonesia.
Two 75 % unreinforced masonry (URM) walls with a 1½-wythe of solid clay-brick were
constructed in Dutch bond configuration and tested until failure under quasi-static-reversed
cyclic loading. Both units were loaded vertically by constant loads representing gravity loads
on the URM wall’s tributary area. Both models were constructed using local materials and
local labours. Two features were taken into account. First, it accommodated the influence of
flanged wall and second, the URM wall was built on the stone foundation. The first URM
wall represent the plain existing URM building in Indonesia and second strengthened by
Kevlar fibre.
It was observed from the test results that the URM wall Unit-1 did not behave as a brittle
structure. It could dissipate energy without loss of strength and had a post-elastic behaviour in
terms of “overall displacement ductility” value of around 8 to 10. As predicted, the masonry
material was variable and non homogeneous which caused the hysteresis loop to be non
symmetrical between push and pull lateral load directions. It can be summarized that Kevlar
fibre strengthening technique is promising and with great ease of installation. Although
Kevlar material is more expensive when compared to other fabrics as long as it was applied at
the essential locations and in limited volumes, it can significantly increase the in-plane URM
wall capacity. With appropriate arrangements of Kevlar fibre, a practicing engineer will be
able to obtain a desired rocking mechanism in the masonry structure. Another advantage for
the architectural point of view, very thin Kevlar fibres do not reduce the architectural space.
Studies have also been undertaken to analyze the in-plane response of plain URM wall before
and after retrofiting using the current seismic standard and the Finite Element Method (FEM).
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Life Cycle Assessment Of Masonry Wall Types Using Simulation TechniqueUcer, Deniz 01 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This is the report of a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study on some masonry wall types. As the
starting point, literature on masonry materials, techniques and possible end-of-life
scenarios were examined that are needed for the formulation of a LCA study. Prevalent
masonry types were detected as fired clay brick, AAC block, natural stone, mud brick as well
as prevalent end-of-life cases as landfill, reuse and recycling. Additionally, an overview of
the literature on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was presented in order to detect a
framework for the structure of a LCA study. After the collection of all needed information,
several possible life cycle scenarios were formulated in a realistic manner for each stated
masonry type. Obtained information was applied to a LCA evaluation software product
named SimaPro life cycle inventory software (PRé / Consultants, 2012). By means of the
software product, general scores of environmental impact for all alternatives were
obtained. Besides analyzing and comparing the scores, basic reasons behind the results
were discussed in terms of similarity and difference.
The results reveal that when the requirements shaping the wall are clearly described, the
most and the least environmental friendly wall types are detectable. During the study two
main scopes, such as commonly used wall thicknesses and thicknesses for thermal
insulation were described and several types of walls with life cycle alternatives were
labeled as the most or the least harmful to nature.
To conclude, although it is not reasonable to point out one type of masonry as the least
harmful one for any cases, the conditions of each case detect the most and the least
harmful type of masonry walls. Nevertheless, the relatively low environmental impact of
mud brick masonry is striking. Therefore the environmental friendly aspect of mud brick
masonry is underlined &ndash / one more time- by the results of this study.
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Avaliação da suscetibilidade da alvenaria estrutural a danos por exposição a altas temperaturas com medidas de controle da dilataçãoMenegon, Julia January 2017 (has links)
A alvenaria estrutural é um dos mais antigos sistemas construtivos existentes. Atualmente estruturas em alvenaria encontram uma vasta aplicação em construções residenciais, sobretudo em obras de interesse social. No entanto, ao contrário das estruturas de concreto, cujo comportamento durante exposição ao fogo e sua resistência residual tem estudos e resultados amplamente disseminados, pouco se sabe a respeito do comportamento de estruturas de alvenaria submetidas à ocorrência de sinistros dessa natureza. Com a intensificação das preocupações acerca da segurança das edificações e de seus usuários em situações de incêndio, faz-se cada vez mais imprescindível o conhecimento do comportamento dos sistemas empregados atualmente na construção civil perante a ação de altas temperaturas. Tendo isso em vista, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo a realização de uma análise dos danos e do comportamento apresentados por amostras de alvenaria com função estrutural ao serem expostas ao aquecimento excessivo. Foram avaliadas nesse estudo paredes de pequenas dimensões executadas com blocos estruturais cerâmicos. Visando simular condições mais próximas da realidade, foram restringidas, com o auxílio de macacos hidráulicos, as laterais das amostras, para que houvesse contenção da dilatação das mesmas. Com o intuito de verificar diferentes tipologias de alvenarias, foram utilizados três blocos distintos: de 14 cm de largura, com resistências de 7 e 10 MPa, e de 19 cm de largura, com 7 MPa de resistência à compressão. Também foram variadas as espessuras das juntas entre as unidades e a argamassa de assentamento das mesmas, a fim de compreender a importância desses fatores para o comportamento das amostras, e, por fim, foram ensaiadas amostras com revestimento na face exposta As miniparedes foram acopladas a um forno de resistências elétricas e submetidas a um aquecimento próximo à curva padrão determinada por norma, até a temperatura máxima de 950ºC, a qual foi mantida pelo período de 4 horas. Foram mensurados, além da temperatura dentro do forno, no interior da parede e na superfície das amostras, os deslocamentos transversais ocorridos durante o ensaio. Também se utilizaram transdutores de deslocamento para verificar a dilatação dos blocos e o esmagamento ou abertura das juntas. Imagens termográficas da face oposta ao aquecimento foram capturadas no decorrer da exposição. Ao final das análises, pôde-se inferir que as miniparedes ensaiadas apresentaram bom desempenho frente à ação das altas temperaturas, mantendo sua estanqueidade, isolamento térmico e resistência mecânica. A restrição lateral não ocasionou desplacamentos dos blocos, no entanto, pôde-se observar transferência de tensão para os mesmos quando utilizadas nas juntas argamassas pouco flexíveis. O deslocamento transversal apresentado pelas amostras indicou deflexão em direção ao forno durante o aquecimento, com posterior reversão do sentido. Tal deflexão foi atenuada pela redução da espessura das juntas, pelo uso de argamassas menos flexíveis e pelo aumento da resistência e largura dos blocos. As alvenarias de 19 cm de largura e, especialmente, as dotadas de revestimento apresentaram melhor desempenho térmico que as demais. / Structural masonry is one of the oldest existing building systems. Nowadays, masonry structures find a wide application in residential constructions, mainly in those with social interest. However, unlike concrete structures, whose behavior during fire exposure and its residual resistance have widely disseminated studies and results, there is a lack of knowledge about the behavior of masonry structures submitted to fire. Because of the spread of concerns about the safety of buildings and their users in fire situations, it becomes essential to know the behavior of the systems currently used in civil construction when exposed to high temperatures. With this in view, the present study intended to analyze the damage and the behavior of structural masonry samples exposed to heating. This study evaluated clay hollow-bricks small walls, and, in order to simulate real conditions, the boundaries of the samples were restrained, with the aid of hydraulic jacks, aiming to restrain the deformation. In order to verify different types of masonry, three different blocks were used: 14 cm wide, with nominal strength of 7 and 10 MPa, and 19 cm wide, with 7 MPa of compressive strength. The thicknesses of the joints and the mortar were also varied, in order to understand the importance of these factors in the behavior of the samples, and, finally, samples were tested with a mono-layer coating at the exposed face. The small walls were coupled to an electrical furnace and subjected to a heating approximately equal to the standard curve, up to the maximum temperature of 950ºC, which was maintained for 4 hours The deflections of the samples during the test were measured, beyond the temperature inside the furnace, in the center of wall and at the non-exposed surface. Clip gages were also used to verify the expansion of the blocks and the crushing or opening of the mortar joints. Thermographic images of the opposite face were captured during the testing. At the end of this research, it was possible to affirm that the walls had good behavior against the high temperatures, maintaining their integrity, thermal insulation and load-bearing capacity. The restriction of the boundaries did not cause the spalling of the blocks, however, it was possible to observe the stress transfer to them in samples with rigid joint mortar. The deflection of the samples increases towards the furnace during the heating, and, then, they show the phenomenon of “reverse bowing”, changing the direction of the displacements. Reducing the thickness and increasing the stiffness of the joint mortars, as well as the increase in block strength and width attenuated such deflection. The masonry 19 cm width and, specially, the ones with coating shows better thermal performance, comparing to the others.
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Avaliação da suscetibilidade da alvenaria estrutural a danos por exposição a altas temperaturas com medidas de controle da dilataçãoMenegon, Julia January 2017 (has links)
A alvenaria estrutural é um dos mais antigos sistemas construtivos existentes. Atualmente estruturas em alvenaria encontram uma vasta aplicação em construções residenciais, sobretudo em obras de interesse social. No entanto, ao contrário das estruturas de concreto, cujo comportamento durante exposição ao fogo e sua resistência residual tem estudos e resultados amplamente disseminados, pouco se sabe a respeito do comportamento de estruturas de alvenaria submetidas à ocorrência de sinistros dessa natureza. Com a intensificação das preocupações acerca da segurança das edificações e de seus usuários em situações de incêndio, faz-se cada vez mais imprescindível o conhecimento do comportamento dos sistemas empregados atualmente na construção civil perante a ação de altas temperaturas. Tendo isso em vista, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo a realização de uma análise dos danos e do comportamento apresentados por amostras de alvenaria com função estrutural ao serem expostas ao aquecimento excessivo. Foram avaliadas nesse estudo paredes de pequenas dimensões executadas com blocos estruturais cerâmicos. Visando simular condições mais próximas da realidade, foram restringidas, com o auxílio de macacos hidráulicos, as laterais das amostras, para que houvesse contenção da dilatação das mesmas. Com o intuito de verificar diferentes tipologias de alvenarias, foram utilizados três blocos distintos: de 14 cm de largura, com resistências de 7 e 10 MPa, e de 19 cm de largura, com 7 MPa de resistência à compressão. Também foram variadas as espessuras das juntas entre as unidades e a argamassa de assentamento das mesmas, a fim de compreender a importância desses fatores para o comportamento das amostras, e, por fim, foram ensaiadas amostras com revestimento na face exposta As miniparedes foram acopladas a um forno de resistências elétricas e submetidas a um aquecimento próximo à curva padrão determinada por norma, até a temperatura máxima de 950ºC, a qual foi mantida pelo período de 4 horas. Foram mensurados, além da temperatura dentro do forno, no interior da parede e na superfície das amostras, os deslocamentos transversais ocorridos durante o ensaio. Também se utilizaram transdutores de deslocamento para verificar a dilatação dos blocos e o esmagamento ou abertura das juntas. Imagens termográficas da face oposta ao aquecimento foram capturadas no decorrer da exposição. Ao final das análises, pôde-se inferir que as miniparedes ensaiadas apresentaram bom desempenho frente à ação das altas temperaturas, mantendo sua estanqueidade, isolamento térmico e resistência mecânica. A restrição lateral não ocasionou desplacamentos dos blocos, no entanto, pôde-se observar transferência de tensão para os mesmos quando utilizadas nas juntas argamassas pouco flexíveis. O deslocamento transversal apresentado pelas amostras indicou deflexão em direção ao forno durante o aquecimento, com posterior reversão do sentido. Tal deflexão foi atenuada pela redução da espessura das juntas, pelo uso de argamassas menos flexíveis e pelo aumento da resistência e largura dos blocos. As alvenarias de 19 cm de largura e, especialmente, as dotadas de revestimento apresentaram melhor desempenho térmico que as demais. / Structural masonry is one of the oldest existing building systems. Nowadays, masonry structures find a wide application in residential constructions, mainly in those with social interest. However, unlike concrete structures, whose behavior during fire exposure and its residual resistance have widely disseminated studies and results, there is a lack of knowledge about the behavior of masonry structures submitted to fire. Because of the spread of concerns about the safety of buildings and their users in fire situations, it becomes essential to know the behavior of the systems currently used in civil construction when exposed to high temperatures. With this in view, the present study intended to analyze the damage and the behavior of structural masonry samples exposed to heating. This study evaluated clay hollow-bricks small walls, and, in order to simulate real conditions, the boundaries of the samples were restrained, with the aid of hydraulic jacks, aiming to restrain the deformation. In order to verify different types of masonry, three different blocks were used: 14 cm wide, with nominal strength of 7 and 10 MPa, and 19 cm wide, with 7 MPa of compressive strength. The thicknesses of the joints and the mortar were also varied, in order to understand the importance of these factors in the behavior of the samples, and, finally, samples were tested with a mono-layer coating at the exposed face. The small walls were coupled to an electrical furnace and subjected to a heating approximately equal to the standard curve, up to the maximum temperature of 950ºC, which was maintained for 4 hours The deflections of the samples during the test were measured, beyond the temperature inside the furnace, in the center of wall and at the non-exposed surface. Clip gages were also used to verify the expansion of the blocks and the crushing or opening of the mortar joints. Thermographic images of the opposite face were captured during the testing. At the end of this research, it was possible to affirm that the walls had good behavior against the high temperatures, maintaining their integrity, thermal insulation and load-bearing capacity. The restriction of the boundaries did not cause the spalling of the blocks, however, it was possible to observe the stress transfer to them in samples with rigid joint mortar. The deflection of the samples increases towards the furnace during the heating, and, then, they show the phenomenon of “reverse bowing”, changing the direction of the displacements. Reducing the thickness and increasing the stiffness of the joint mortars, as well as the increase in block strength and width attenuated such deflection. The masonry 19 cm width and, specially, the ones with coating shows better thermal performance, comparing to the others.
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Avaliação da suscetibilidade da alvenaria estrutural a danos por exposição a altas temperaturas com medidas de controle da dilataçãoMenegon, Julia January 2017 (has links)
A alvenaria estrutural é um dos mais antigos sistemas construtivos existentes. Atualmente estruturas em alvenaria encontram uma vasta aplicação em construções residenciais, sobretudo em obras de interesse social. No entanto, ao contrário das estruturas de concreto, cujo comportamento durante exposição ao fogo e sua resistência residual tem estudos e resultados amplamente disseminados, pouco se sabe a respeito do comportamento de estruturas de alvenaria submetidas à ocorrência de sinistros dessa natureza. Com a intensificação das preocupações acerca da segurança das edificações e de seus usuários em situações de incêndio, faz-se cada vez mais imprescindível o conhecimento do comportamento dos sistemas empregados atualmente na construção civil perante a ação de altas temperaturas. Tendo isso em vista, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo a realização de uma análise dos danos e do comportamento apresentados por amostras de alvenaria com função estrutural ao serem expostas ao aquecimento excessivo. Foram avaliadas nesse estudo paredes de pequenas dimensões executadas com blocos estruturais cerâmicos. Visando simular condições mais próximas da realidade, foram restringidas, com o auxílio de macacos hidráulicos, as laterais das amostras, para que houvesse contenção da dilatação das mesmas. Com o intuito de verificar diferentes tipologias de alvenarias, foram utilizados três blocos distintos: de 14 cm de largura, com resistências de 7 e 10 MPa, e de 19 cm de largura, com 7 MPa de resistência à compressão. Também foram variadas as espessuras das juntas entre as unidades e a argamassa de assentamento das mesmas, a fim de compreender a importância desses fatores para o comportamento das amostras, e, por fim, foram ensaiadas amostras com revestimento na face exposta As miniparedes foram acopladas a um forno de resistências elétricas e submetidas a um aquecimento próximo à curva padrão determinada por norma, até a temperatura máxima de 950ºC, a qual foi mantida pelo período de 4 horas. Foram mensurados, além da temperatura dentro do forno, no interior da parede e na superfície das amostras, os deslocamentos transversais ocorridos durante o ensaio. Também se utilizaram transdutores de deslocamento para verificar a dilatação dos blocos e o esmagamento ou abertura das juntas. Imagens termográficas da face oposta ao aquecimento foram capturadas no decorrer da exposição. Ao final das análises, pôde-se inferir que as miniparedes ensaiadas apresentaram bom desempenho frente à ação das altas temperaturas, mantendo sua estanqueidade, isolamento térmico e resistência mecânica. A restrição lateral não ocasionou desplacamentos dos blocos, no entanto, pôde-se observar transferência de tensão para os mesmos quando utilizadas nas juntas argamassas pouco flexíveis. O deslocamento transversal apresentado pelas amostras indicou deflexão em direção ao forno durante o aquecimento, com posterior reversão do sentido. Tal deflexão foi atenuada pela redução da espessura das juntas, pelo uso de argamassas menos flexíveis e pelo aumento da resistência e largura dos blocos. As alvenarias de 19 cm de largura e, especialmente, as dotadas de revestimento apresentaram melhor desempenho térmico que as demais. / Structural masonry is one of the oldest existing building systems. Nowadays, masonry structures find a wide application in residential constructions, mainly in those with social interest. However, unlike concrete structures, whose behavior during fire exposure and its residual resistance have widely disseminated studies and results, there is a lack of knowledge about the behavior of masonry structures submitted to fire. Because of the spread of concerns about the safety of buildings and their users in fire situations, it becomes essential to know the behavior of the systems currently used in civil construction when exposed to high temperatures. With this in view, the present study intended to analyze the damage and the behavior of structural masonry samples exposed to heating. This study evaluated clay hollow-bricks small walls, and, in order to simulate real conditions, the boundaries of the samples were restrained, with the aid of hydraulic jacks, aiming to restrain the deformation. In order to verify different types of masonry, three different blocks were used: 14 cm wide, with nominal strength of 7 and 10 MPa, and 19 cm wide, with 7 MPa of compressive strength. The thicknesses of the joints and the mortar were also varied, in order to understand the importance of these factors in the behavior of the samples, and, finally, samples were tested with a mono-layer coating at the exposed face. The small walls were coupled to an electrical furnace and subjected to a heating approximately equal to the standard curve, up to the maximum temperature of 950ºC, which was maintained for 4 hours The deflections of the samples during the test were measured, beyond the temperature inside the furnace, in the center of wall and at the non-exposed surface. Clip gages were also used to verify the expansion of the blocks and the crushing or opening of the mortar joints. Thermographic images of the opposite face were captured during the testing. At the end of this research, it was possible to affirm that the walls had good behavior against the high temperatures, maintaining their integrity, thermal insulation and load-bearing capacity. The restriction of the boundaries did not cause the spalling of the blocks, however, it was possible to observe the stress transfer to them in samples with rigid joint mortar. The deflection of the samples increases towards the furnace during the heating, and, then, they show the phenomenon of “reverse bowing”, changing the direction of the displacements. Reducing the thickness and increasing the stiffness of the joint mortars, as well as the increase in block strength and width attenuated such deflection. The masonry 19 cm width and, specially, the ones with coating shows better thermal performance, comparing to the others.
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Collapse Experiments and Assessment of Masonry Wall BuildingsLi, Kai January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Etude expérimentale et numérique du comportement des voiles en maçonnerie soumis à un chargement hors plan / Masonry walls submitted to out-of-plane loading : experimental and numerical studyBui, Tan Trung 28 June 2013 (has links)
Cette contribution, en s’appuyant sur expérimentation et modélisation numérique, vise à une meilleure compréhension du comportement de structures en maçonnerie. Nous traitons tout d’abord le cas des murs soumis à un chargement hors plan de type pression uniforme. Les applications en ingénierie sont multiples, par exemple le cas de la maison individuelle construite en montagne en zone bleu, zone où les structures sont susceptibles de subir un impact de type avalanche de neige ; ou encore le cas de la maçonnerie soumise à une pression latérale induite par une charge accidentelle telle qu’une explosion dans une zone Seveso ou plus généralement en ville suite à l’explosion d’une conduite de gaz. Notre étude se confine au cas quasi-statique, l’objet étant une meilleure compréhension du comportement d’un mur en maçonnerie soumis à pression latérale uniforme. Nous avons aussi testé différentes configurations de renforcement par matériau composite. Puis nous évaluons pas à pas, les possibilités de la modélisation via la méthode des éléments discrets (DEM). Des essais judicieusement choisis, maçonnerie à joint sec ou mortier, nous permettent d’en évaluer les pertinences et les limites. Nous abordons ensuite sur maquettes, les essais sous charge ponctuelle hors plan en quasi-statique et le cas de l’impact en dynamique, puis nous traitons des essais vibratoires et des sollicitations dynamiques harmoniques. La modélisation DEM est aussi évaluée dans certains cas tels que les vibrations et les sollicitations modales, voir l’application d’une sollicitation sismique unidirectionnelle. L’étude des sollicitations dynamiques est limitée à la vibration et l’impact, plus facile à gérer en laboratoire que les essais dynamiques de « type souffle », non ici abordés mais que nous mettons en perspective. / The study, based on experiments and numerical modeling, discusses the behavior of masonry walls in the loading case of a uniform out of plane pressure. Engineering applications are multiple, for example the case of detached house built on mountain in blue area, where structures are liable to undergo an impact of snow avalanche type; or the case of masonry subjected to lateral pressure induced by accidental load such as an explosion in Seveso area or more generally in city following the explosion of a gas pipeline. Our study allows, first to quantify the bearing capacity in the case of uniform pressure in quasi-static loading case, and thus to highlight the associated modes of rupture, and secondly to estimate the improvements in terms of global behavior when the structure is reinforced by Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) layers. Then, discrete element method (DEM) is illustrated by applications to various masonry problems from simple to more complicated, where in plane loading, out of plane loading, or both, are considered. This modeling allows us to evaluate the pertinence and limitations of DEM in masonry structure. Finally we discuss the dynamic tests, with the case of impact, easier to manage in laboratory than the testing dynamic "blast type" that we will put into perspective.
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Novostavba ústavu sociální péče - Bílá voda / Residential care home, Bílá vodaTušl, David January 2018 (has links)
The subject of my master’s thesis deals with design of a new social care institution building. The building is located on land with spectacular view in Kratochvilka village. The building has four floors and basement. The building has forty beds for seniors and limited options of catering service. The building consists dining room, offices and nurse room on the first floor. Surgery, massage saloon and technical background is located in the basement. On the second, third and fourth floor are senior’s rooms. The walls will consist of bricks with an additional contact thermal insulation system ETICS, the ceiling will be reinforced concrete constructions and the house will have a walkable flat green roof. Design documentation was processed using the program AutoCAD 2014.
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