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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Braços espirais da galáxia: posição das regiões HII gigantes e formação estelar / Spiral Arms of the Galaxy: Position of the giant HII Regions and Star Formation

Moisés, Alessandro Pereira 08 April 2010 (has links)
Nesta tese é apresentado um catálogo fotométrico no infravermelho próximo de 35 Regiões HII, todas pertencentes ao disco Galáctico. Esta faixa espectral é útil uma vez que os comprimentos de onda são grandes o suficiente para se ter uma baixa extinção interestelar comparada ao visível, e são pequenos o suficiente para diagnosticar as fotosferas estelares. Foram obtidas imagens nas bandas J, H e K e imagens do Spitzer nos canais de 3,5, 5,8 e 8,0 m. Após a fotometria nas imagens JHK, foi possível construir diagramas cor-cor e cor-magnitude. Foram utilizadas imagens coloridas, compostas de uma combinação RGB das imagens nas três bandas, tanto para as imagens JHK quanto para as imagens do Spitzer. Estas imagens, junto com os diagramas, foram utilizadas para levantar candidatos a fontes ionizantes das regiões HII, assim como objetos ainda em estágios primordiais de evolução (CTTs e MYSOs). Estes dados também foram utilizados para associar à cada região HII um estágio evolutivo (de A até D, da região mais jovem à mais evoluída). Baseado na posição da Sequência Principal em diagramas cor-magnitude, foi possível comparar as distâncias cinemáticas com nossos dados. Além disso, quando possível, foram utilizadas distâncias de regiões HII determinadas por paralaxe espectrofotométrica (disponíveis na literatura) e utilizando duas leis de extinção interestelar extremas mostrou-se que estas distâncias são menores que suas contrapartidas cinemáticas, e estão em acordo com distâncias determinadas por outros métodos, como por paralaxe trigonométrica. Sabendo que estas regiões de formação estelar seguem a dinâmica do gás, o mapeamento da distribuição destas regiões permite checar a estrutura espiral da Via Láctea. / In this work, a near infrared photometric catalog of 35 HII regions that belongs to the Galactic plane is presented. This spectral range is useful since the wavelengths are long enough to have less influence of the interstellar extinction compared to the visible domain, and they are small enough to still show stellar photospheric features. Images of these HII regions in the J, H and K-band together with IRAC-Spitzer images (channels 4.5, 5.8 and 8.0 m) were used. After the photometry in the JHK images, color-color and color-magnitude diagrams were constructed. These two group of images (JHK and 4.5, 5.8 and 8.0 m) colored in a RGB combination were used, together with the diagrams, to identify the ionizing sources candidates, as well as objects still embedded in their natal cocoon (CTTs and MYSOs). An evolutionary stage to these regions (from A to D, from the younger region to the more evolved) was inferred based on the images and diagrams. These diagrams were also used to infer if the kinematic distance is correct, based on the Main Sequence location. Non-kinematic distances to several HII regions, when it was possible, were collected from the literature. Using two extreme interstellar extinction laws, it was possible to compare these distances with the kinematic results. These non-kinematic distances are lower than that from kinematic techniques. Also, these distance discrepancies are in agreement with distances derived by others methodologies, as trigonometric parallax. Since these star forming regions follow the gas dynamics, mapping their distribution along the Galaxy allows to check the spiral pattern of the Milky Way.

Procura de Estrelas de Alta Massa em Formação / Search for Massive Stars in Early Stages of Formation

Navarete, Felipe Donizeti Teston 29 October 2013 (has links)
O mecanismo de formação de estrelas de alta massa é um dos problemas fundamentais em Astrofísica e um dos menos compreendidos. Duas teorias predizem a formação destes objetos, que se formariam via i) colisão de estrelas de baixa massa, ou ii) acreção por disco circunstelar. Atualmente, ambas as teorias carecem de testes observacionais críticos. Não obstante, o número de estrelas de alta massa jovens já identificadas na Galáxia corresponde a uma fração muito menor do que o esperado pela função de massa inicial. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo observacional de candidatos a MYSOs, selecionados a partir do levantamento Red MSX Source. Observações de 376 objetos nos filtros estreitos do H2 em 2.12 mícrons e num contínuo adjacente foram realizadas para identificar jatos moleculares colimados e 296 delas são apresentadas nesse trabalho. As observações do hemisfério Norte foram realizadas com o telescópio CFHT (Havaí) enquanto os objetos do hemisfério Sul, foram observados com o telescópio SOAR (Chile). A análise dos mapas de emissão em H2 permitiu concluir que 150 dos 296 objetos (51%) estão associados a emissões extensas em H2, e 62 delas foram classificadas como emissões polares. A análise da razão de aspecto das estruturas identificadas mostra que as emissões associadas a fontes com maior luminosidade apresentam baixo grau de colimação, tal como sugere o cenário de geração dos jatos a partir de ventos emanados pela pressão de radiação do disco circunstelar. A baixa fração de emissões polares (apenas 21% da amostra) indica que o tempo de vida dessas estruturas devem ser curtos. As evidências observacionais encontradas nesse trabalho corroboram o cenário de acreção via disco circunstelar e invalidam o modelo formação via coalescência de estrelas de baixa massa, que requer ambientes relativamente densos e não é capaz de produzir jatos colimados. / Very few massive stars in early formation stages were clearly identified in our Galaxy. The formation process of these objects is still unclear and two theories predict the formation of massive stars: i) by merging of low mass stars or ii) by an accretion disk. There are no critical observational evidences to choose between them. The lack of observational evidences combined with the small number of known massive stars in formation in our Galaxy does not allow us to choose between these scenarios. We present a near-infrared survey of MYSOs candidates selected from the Red MSX Source survey. Such catalog is based on an accurate revision of distances and luminosities, overcoming the limitations and failures in previous searches of this kind. 376 targets were observed through the H2 narrow-band filter at 2.12 microns and in the continuum to identify collimated molecular jets. 296 targets were successfully processed using the THELI pipeline and are presented. Observations in the Northern Hemisphere were carried at the CFHT telescope (Hawaii) while the Southern targets were observed with the Soar Telescope (Chile). The results show that 150 of the 296 sources display extended H2 emission and 62 of them are polar. The analysis of the aspect ratio of the structures indicates that emissions associated with higher luminosity sources have low degree of collimation. This is in agreement with the scenario of the radiation pressure-driven outflows from the circunstellar discs. The low fraction of sources associated with polar jets (21%) indicates a short timescale of such structures. The observational evidences found on this work support the accretion scenario and show that coalescence of low-mass stars (which may require relatively dense environments and is not expected to produce jet-like structures) is not likely to explain most of the studied MYSOs candidates.

Massive MIMO for 5G Scenarios with OFDM and FBMC/OQAM Waveforms / Massive MIMO pour des scénarios 5G avec formes d'ondes OFDM et FBMC/OQAM

Bazin, Alexis 24 September 2018 (has links)
Avec l'augmentation du trafic de données, la multiplication des objets connectés et la diversification des types de communication, la cinquième génération de réseaux cellulaires (5G) doit relever un grand nombre de défis. Dans ce contexte, les systèmes« massive MIMO » présentent de nombreux avantages en utilisant un grand nombre d'antennes combiné à des techniques de traitement de signal adaptées. De plus, l'utilisation de la modulation FBMC/OQAM au lieu de la modulation OFDM pourrait améliorer la performance des systèmes dans ce11aines situations. En premier lieu, cette thèse se centre sur des scénarios véhiculaires. En par1iculier, les systèmes« massive MIMO » sont proposés dans le but de combattre les interférences dues à l'effet Doppler pour la voie montante. Nous montrons ainsi de manière analytique que l'augmentation du nombre d'antennes implique une réduction drastique de l'impact de l'effet Doppler. De plus, les performances des modulations OFDM et FBMC/OQAM sont comparées dans ce contexte pour des environnements« Non-Line-Of-Sight » (NLOS) et« Line-Of-Sight » (LOS). Le second scéna1io étudié dans cette thèse considère les communications dans des zones mal desservies. Dans ce contexte, les systèmes« massive MIMO » permettent de créer un lien sans-fil longue-po11ée de type« backhaul » entre deux stations de base. Ainsi, le coût de déploiement des réseaux r cellulaires est réduit. Dans cette thèse, un nouveau précodeur « massive MIMO » est proposé dans le but d'utiliser la même bande de fréquence pour le liens accès et« backhaul ». De plus, l'impact d'une désynchronisation entre les liens d'accès et le lien « backhaul » est étudié et l'utilisation de la modulation FBMC/OQAM pour le lien« backhaul » est examinée. / ESUME DE LA THESE EN ANGLAIS With the increase of the global data tmffic, the multiplication of co1mected devices and the diversification of the communication types, the fifth generation of cellular networks (5G) has to overcome a se1ies of challenges. In this context, massive MlMO systems hold a wide range of benefits by using a large number of antennas combined with appropriate signal processing techniques. Additionally, the use of the FBMC/OQAM modulation instead of the classical OFDM modulation may enhance the performance of the systems in cer1ain situations. Firstly, this thesis focuses on vehicular scenarios. In par1icular, massive MIMO systems are proposed to overcome the interference due to the Doppler effect for the uplink. We thus analytically highlight that increasing the number of receive antermas induces a drastic reduction of the impact of the Doppler effect. Moreover, the perfonnance of the OFDM and the FBMC/OQAM modulations are compared in this context for Non-Line-Of-Sight (NLOS) and Line-Of-Sight (LOS) environments. The second scenario investigated in this thesis considers communications in wide underse1ved areas. In this context, massive MIMO systems allow to create a long-range wireless back.haul link between two base stations. Thereby, the cost of deployment of the cellular networks is reduced. In this thesis r a new massive MLMO precoding technique is proposed in order to use the same fequency band for the backhaul link and the access links. Moreover, the impact of a desynchronization between the back haul link and the access links is studied and the use of the FBMC/OQAM modulation for the backhaul link is discussed.

Are Highly Dispersed Variables More Extreme? The Case of Distributions with Compact Support

Adjogah, Benedict E 01 May 2014 (has links)
We consider discrete and continuous symmetric random variables X taking values in [0; 1], and thus having expected value 1/2. The main thrust of this investigation is to study the correlation between the variance, Var(X) of X and the value of the expected maximum E(Mn) = E(X1,...,Xn) of n independent and identically distributed random variables X1,X2,...,Xn, each distributed as X. Many special cases are studied, some leading to very interesting alternating sums, and some progress is made towards a general theory.

BRITE-Constellation High-Precision Time-Dependent Photometry of the Early O-Type Supergiant ζ Puppis Unveils the Photospheric Drivers of Its Small- and Large-Scale Wind Structures

Ramiaramanantsoa, Tahina, Moffat, Anthony F.J., Harmon, Robert, Ignace, Richard 13 October 2017 (has links)
From 5.5 months of dual-band optical photometric monitoring at the 1 mmag level, BRITE-Constellation has revealed two simultaneous types of variability in the O4I(n)fp star ζ Puppis: one single periodic non-sinusoidal component superimposed on a stochastic component. The monoperiodic component is the 1.78-d signal previously detected by Coriolis/Solar Mass Ejection Imager, but this time along with a prominent first harmonic. The shape of this signal changes over time, a behaviour that is incompatible with stellar oscillations but consistent with rotational modulation arising from evolving bright surface inhomogeneities. By means of a constrained non-linear light-curve inversion algorithm, we mapped the locations of the bright surface spots and traced their evolution. Our simultaneous ground-based multisite spectroscopic monitoring of the star unveiled cyclical modulation of its He IIλ4686 wind emission line with the 1.78-d rotation period, showing signatures of corotating interaction regions that turn out to be driven by the bright photospheric spots observed by BRITE. Traces of wind clumps are also observed in the He II λ4686 line and are correlated with the amplitudes of the stochastic component of the light variations probed by BRITE at the photosphere, suggesting that the BRITE observations additionally unveiled the photospheric drivers of wind clumps in ζ Pup and that the clumping phenomenon starts at the very base of the wind. The origins of both the bright surface inhomogeneities and the stochastic light variations remain unknown, but a subsurface convective zone might play an important role in the generation of these two types of photospheric variability.

Modeling X-ray Emission Line Profiles from Massive Star Winds - A Review

Igance, Richard 01 September 2016 (has links)
The Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray telescopes have led to numerous advances in the study and understanding of astrophysical X-ray sources. Particularly important has been the much increased spectral resolution of modern X-ray instrumentation. Wind-broadened emission lines have been spectroscopically resolved for many massive stars. This contribution reviews approaches to the modeling of X-ray emission line profile shapes from single stars, including smooth winds, winds with clumping, optically thin versus thick lines, and the effect of a radius-dependent photoabsorption coefficient.

On the Absence of Non-thermal X-Ray Emission around Runaway O Stars

Toalá, Jesus A., Oskinova, Lidia M., Ignace, Richard 01 April 2017 (has links)
Theoretical models predict that the compressed interstellar medium around runaway O stars can produce high-energy non-thermal diffuse emission, in particular, non-thermal X-ray and γ-ray emission. So far, detection of non-thermal X-ray emission was claimed for only one runaway star, AE Aur. We present a search for non-thermal diffuse X-ray emission from bow shocks using archived XMM-Newton observations for a clean sample of six well-determined runaway O stars. We find that none of these objects present diffuse X-ray emission associated with their bow shocks, similarly to previous X-ray studies toward ζ Oph and BD+43°3654. We carefully investigated multi-wavelength observations of AE Aur and could not confirm previous findings of non-thermal X-rays. We conclude that so far there is no clear evidence of non-thermal extended emission in bow shocks around runaway O stars.

Polarization Light Curve Modeling of Corotating Interaction Regions in the Wind of the Wolf-Rayet Star Wr 6

St-Louis, Nicole, Tremblay, Patrick, Ignace, Richard 21 February 2018 (has links)
The intriguing WN4b star WR 6 has been known to display epoch-dependent spectroscopic, photometric and polarimetric variability for several decades. In this paper, we set out to verify if a simplified analytical model in which corotating interaction regions (CIRs) threading an otherwise spherical wind is able to reproduce the many broad-band continuum light curves from the literature with a reasonable set of parameters. We modified the optically thin model developed by Ignace, St-Louis & Proulx-Giraldeau to approximately account for multiple scattering and used it to fit 13 separate data sets of this star. By including two CIRs in the wind, we obtained reasonable fits for all data sets with coherent values for the inclination of the rotation axis (i0 = 166°) and for its orientation in the plane of the sky, although in the latter case we obtained two equally acceptable values (ψ = 63° and 152°) from the polarimetry. Additional line profile variation simulations using the Sobolev approximation for the line transfer allowed us to eliminate the ψ = 152° solution. With the adopted configuration (i0 = 166° and ψ = 63°), we were able to reproduce all data sets relatively well with two CIRs located near the stellar equator and always separated by ∼90° in longitude. The epoch dependence comes from the fact that these CIRs migrate along the surface of the star. Density contrasts smaller than a factor of 2 and large opening angles for the CIR (β⪆35∘) were found to best reproduce the type of spectroscopic variability reported in the literature.

Polarization Simulations of Stellar Wind Bow Shocks. I. The Case of Electron Scattering

Shrestha, Manisha, Neilson, Hilding R., Hoffman, Jennifer L., Ignace, Richard 01 June 2018 (has links)
Bow shocks and related density enhancements produced by the winds of massive stars moving through the interstellar medium provide important information regarding the motions of the stars, the properties of their stellar winds, and the characteristics of the local medium. Since bow-shock nebulae are aspherical structures, light scattering within them produces a net polarization signal even if the region is spatially unresolved. Scattering opacity arising from free electrons and dust leads to a distribution of polarized intensity across the bow-shock structure. That polarization encodes information about the shape, composition, opacity, density, and ionization state of the material within the structure. In this paper, we use the Monte Carlo radiative transfer code SLIP to investigate the polarization created when photons scatter in a bow-shock-shaped region of enhanced density surrounding a stellar source. We present results for electron scattering, and investigate the polarization behaviour as a function of optical depth, temperature, and source of photons for two different cases: pure scattering and scattering with absorption. In both regimes, we consider resolved and unresolved cases. We discuss the implications of these results as well as their possible use along with observational data to constrain the properties of observed bow-shock systems. In different situations and under certain assumptions, our simulations can constrain viewing angle, optical depth and temperature of the

Probing Wolf–Rayet Winds: Chandra/HETG X-Ray Spectra of WR 6

Huenemoerder, David P., Gayley, K. G., Hamann, Wolf-Rainer, Ignace, Richard, Nichols, J. S., Oskinova, Lidia M., Pollock, A. M.T., Schulz, Nobert S., Shenar, Tomer 07 July 2015 (has links)
With a deep Chandra/HETGS exposure of WR 6, we have resolved emission lines whose profiles show that the X-rays originate from a uniformly expanding spherical wind of high X-ray-continuum optical depth. The presence of strong helium-like forbidden lines places the source of X-ray emission at tens to hundreds of stellar radii from the photosphere. Variability was present in X-rays and simultaneous optical photometry, but neither were correlated with the known period of the system or with each other. An enhanced abundance of sodium revealed nuclear-processed material, a quantity related to the evolutionary state of the star. The characterization of the extent and nature of the hot plasma in WR 6 will help to pave the way to a more fundamental theoretical understanding of the winds and evolution of massive stars.

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