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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Propojení vzdělávacích oblastí Matematika a její aplikace a Člověk a společnost / Interdisciplinary relationships in the educational areas of Mathematics and its Applications and Man and Society.

ŠVEJDOVÁ, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to compare the teaching of financial literacy at the lower secondary schools and lower grammar school degree. Comparison has shown the inconsistency of financial literacy teaching and the need to address the situation. One of the suggestions for improving financial literacy education is the creation of a set of worksheets based on the framework educational programs for basic education according to standards of financial literacy for lower secondary schools and lower grammar school.

Počítadla (abakus, finger abacus aj.) ve výuce matematických operací na prvním stupni ZŠ. Návrh pracovních listů s využitím počítače. / Abacuses (Abacus, Finger abacus) in teaching mathematic operation in lower primary school classes. Suggestion of worksheets with the use of computer.

BŘEČKOVÁ, Jana January 2011 (has links)
In my thesis I am concerned with compiled interactive textbook designed for first-year primary school pupils. This textbook focuses on counting with transfer over 5 and 10 with the use of interactive white board and abacuses. In the introductory part of my work I describe the knowledge pupils have when they start their first school year and I deal with Mathematics at the beginning of the first year, abacuses, interactive white boards, textbook and interactive textbook. The main part applies to interactive textbook manual in which I describe the environment, control and particular examples. I also refer to lessons that have been taught at two primary schools. The conclusion consists of a feed-back obtained from teachers in the form of a questionnaire, my self-assessment, and evaluation of taught lessons and their effect on the basis of worksheets.

Matematické dovednosti aplikované ve výuce geografie na SŠ napříkladu tematického celku Země jako vesmírné těleso / Mathematical Skills Applied to Teaching of Geography at High School In the Topic The Earth as a Cosmic Orb

Matýsková, Pavla January 2011 (has links)
Matýsková, P. (2010): Mathematical skills applied to the teaching of geography at secondary schools in the topic the Earth as a cosmic orb. Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Charles University in Prague. Submitted diploma thesis deals with interdisciplinary relationships between mathematics and geography at grammar schools in the topic the Earth as a cosmic orb. The relationships are generally described from the point of view of three curriculum forms (intended, implemented and achieved). In the area of the intended curriculum there is an analysis of curriculum documents carried out, especially of the Framework educational programme and of selected school educational programmes. Subsequently, the links between selected secondary school textbooks of geography and mathematics are evaluated on the basis of required curriculum, its quality, intelligibility and occurrence of examples from the practice. The subchapters of the selected unit, in which an application of mathematical skills can be found, are defined in detail and specified on the basis of the carried analysis. Deep, semi-structured interviews were conducted with the teachers at selected grammar schools for the purpose of the study of the implemented curriculum. The achieved curriculum was found out on the basis of the...

Chyby při řešení maturitních úloh s nízkou úspěšností u žáků střední školy / Secondary school pupils' mistakes when solving school leaving examination problems with a low success rate

Myšáková, Eva January 2021 (has links)
The thesis focuses on problems from the mathematical didactic test, which represents an exam in mathematics in the common part of the school leaving examination. The aim of the work is to identify problems that were solved with low success, explain possible difficulties and propose recommendations, the implementation of which in teaching or training pupils could contribute to their better readiness for similar types of problems in the leaving exam. An analysis of the success in solving the problems of didactic tests is performed based on available anonymized data and the problems with the lowest success rates in solving the spring terms of the leaving exam in 2017-2020 are identified. Several problems are selected for research in this work. First, based on didactic analysis the possible reasons for low success in solving the selected problems are presented. Furthermore, research is carried out. A test is compiled from selected problems and it is presented for solution and optional commenting to respondents from high school. Their solutions are then evaluated and analyzed in detail and discussed with respect to previously formulated expectations. There were errors of a milder nature in the pupils' solutions, as well as errors indicating serious shortcomings in the understanding. Some of the errors...

Řešení optimalizačních úloh na 2 a 3. stupni školy / Solving optimization problems in lower and upper secondary school

Michal, Jakub January 2021 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to gather and describe ways the optimisation problems had been solved before the calculus was invented. Some of the methods identified through history are generalised and these which could be utilised at secondary or primary school education are described more in depth. Thesis descri- bes the method, where educator follows historical development of the problem in classroom and what benefits it might bring, as well. There is a section dedicated to evaluation of experiment which goal was to investigate understanding of pupils to certain concepts in the field of optimisation, mainly concerning isoperimetric problem. It was also focused on the pupils fe- edback to different approaches of optimisation problem solving. 1

Prvky teorie grafů v učivu matematiky na 1.stupni základní školy / Concepts from graph theory in primary school mathematics curriculum

Mutinová, Tatiana January 2014 (has links)
Concepts from graph theory in primary school mathematic curriculum Ing. Tatiana Mutinová, 2014 Abstract This diploma thesis is focused on graph theory, especially on the concepts that are used in primary school mathematic curriculum. Furthermore it shows the reasons why it is necessary to include these graph concepts in young pupil's education. In the theoretical part, basic terms and definitions from chosen parts of graph theory are mentioned and few examples demonstrate how the applications of graph theory can help with solving real-life situations. The practical part summarized the current use of some graph theory concepts in primary school mathematic curriculum. This part also includes the demonstration of the graded series of problems and the sheets of exercises that could be usable in introducing and practising of some graph concepts. The experiment with mosaics, that was carried out within this diploma thesis, is an illustration how to connect mathematical and non-mathematical world and how to integrate research activities in young pupil's education. Key words: mathematics, graph theory, graph vertex, degree of graph vertex, edge of graph, problem of two colours, child of primary school

Způsoby využití netbooků a interaktivní tabule učiteli matematiky na základní škole / Ways of use of netbooks and interactive whiteboard by mathematics teachers at the primary school

Jozeková, Renata January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with detailed look at the project Education 21 and so the teaching using new technologies, especially interactive whiteboards and netbooks, in Czech schools. The objective was observation of teaching mathematics, methods of using interactive whiteboards and netbooks in mathematics lessons at secondary schools participating project Education 21. Evaluation and conclusions are based on analyzes of lessons recorded in the academic year 2009/2010 and 2010/2011, which were investigated and further divided into shorter stories in case that interactive whiteboard or netbook was used in some way. I watched purpose and the way of use of interactive whiteboard or netbook in the episodes, then the material which this technology was used with the aid of and who worked with interactive whiteboard. Some episodes can serve as an example of "good" or interesting way of working with the IWB and NTB in mathematics lessons, or they can be an inspiration for other mathematics teachers but also teachers of other subjects. Keywords: interactive whiteboard (IWB), netbook (NTB), interactive textbook - e- books, applet, mathematics, Education 21, smart notebook, videos.

Mezioborový vztah kartografie a matematiky ve výuce na gymnáziu / Interdisciplinary relation between cartography and mathematics in the teaching at high school

Leipertová, Gabriela January 2012 (has links)
LEIPERTOVÁ, G. (2012): Interdisciplinary relation between cartography and mathematics in the teaching at high school. Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Charles University in Prague. The present diploma thesis analyses interdisciplinary relations between cartography and mathematics on three levels: on the level of intended curriculum, on the level of implemented curriculum and on the level of attained curriculum. On the level of the intended curriculum, project documents such as the Framework Educational Programme for High Schools and the School Educational Programmes of selected high schools are especially studied. The content analysis of selected textbooks of geography evaluates relations between cartography and mathematics on the basis of occurrence and (quality of) explication of required subject matters, amount of examples, illustrations and charts. Moreover, selected chapters of cartography, in which mathematical skills are applied, are elaborated in detail. On the level of the implemented curriculum, the real state of teaching of these interdisciplinary relations at selected high schools is evaluated through questionnaires for teachers of geography and of mathematics. On the level of the attained curriculum, the ability of pupils to combine knowledge of cartography and...

Процена егзекутивних функција и аритметичких вештина ученика са кохлеарним имплантом / Procena egzekutivnih funkcija i aritmetičkih veština učenika sa kohlearnim implantom / Assessment of executive functions and arithmetical skills of students with cochlear implants

Škrbić Renata 25 June 2018 (has links)
<p>Кохлеарна имплантација представља интервенцију којом се код деце са глувоћом и тешком до дубоком наглувошћу може обезбедити приступ звуку и сензорним информацијама путем слушног модалитета, у циљу рaзвоjа гoвoрнo-jeзичких и кoгнитивних пoтeнциjaла и укључивања у сoциjaлну срeдину. Услед мождане реорганизације као последице ране слушне депривације, и звучне стимулације путем кохлеарног импланта, која је ограниченог квалитета, значајан број деце са кохлеарним имплантом не успева да сустигне своје вршњаке у говорно-језичком развоју, у когнитивном функционисању, различитим академским областима и социјалним компетенцијама. Циљеви истраживања су да се утврди ниво развијености егзекутивних функција и аритметичких вештина ученика са кохлеарним имплантом узраста у односу на вршњаке очуваног слуха, да се испита међусобна повезаност егзекутивних функција и аритметичких вештина и да ли на њих утичу узраст и дужина коришћења кохлеарног импланта. Истраживање је спроведено као студија пресека током 2016. и 2017. године, у Клиничком центру Војводине, Клиника за болести уха, грла и носа у Новом Саду; Клиничком центру Србије, ОРЛ одсек за аудиолошку рехабилитацију у Београду; две школе за образовање деце са сметњама у развоју и три редовне школе. Узорак је чинило 46 ученика са кохлеарним имплантом, узраста од 9 до 16 година (АС 12;11, СД 2;1) и 114 ученика очуваног слуха (АС 12;9, СД 1;10).<br />У истраживању су примењени: тестови за испитивање егзекутивних функција (Тест прављења трага у боји за децу &ndash; Children Color Trail Making Test (CCTT), Распон бројева унапред и уназад, Визуелни распон меморије, Тест вербалне флуентности, Тест пет тачака &ndash; Five-Point Test, Шифра, Карте са променом правила) и Упитник за процену егзекутивних функција на основу понашања &ndash; Behavior rating inventory of executive function, BRIEF; тестови за процену аритметичких вештина (суптест Рачунање и тест Математичка флуентност), као и општи упитник са социо-демографским, социо-економским карактеристикама и упитник о подацима у вези са глувоћом и уградњом кохлеарног импланта и начином комуникације за ученике са кохлеарним имплантом. Према резултатима у нашем истраживању, код ученика са кохлеарним имплантом су забележена лошија постигнућа у области Вербалних (F = 119,44, p = 0,000) и Невербалних (F = 14,857, p = 0,000) аспекара егзекутивних функција у односу на ученике очуваног слуха. Испитиване групе се нису разликовале у односу на Аспект понашања. У области аритметичких вештина, ученици са кохлеарним имплантом су постигли лошије резултате у односу на ученике очуваног слуха и на суптесту Рачунање (F = 42,172, p = 0,000) и на тесту Математичке флуентности (F = 24,070, p = 0,000). Резултати показују да се сви аспекти егзекутивних функција налазе у позитивној корелацији са аритметичким вештинама ученика са кохлеарним имплантом. Хијерархијском регресионом анализом је утврђено да су егзекутивне функције предиктори нивоа развијености аритметичких вештина, при чему концептуално и процедурално знање из аритметике више предвиђају Вербални аспекти егзекутивних функција, а декларативно знање Невербални аспекти егзекутивних функција. Узраст ученика са кохлеарним имплантом позитивно је повезан са Вербалним и Невербалним аспектима егзекутивних функција, али не и са Аспектом понашања. Узраст ученика такође корелира и са постигнућима из аритметике, док је дужина коришћења кохлеарног импланта, након контролисања узраста, у позитивној корелацији једино са постигнућима на суптесту Рачунање. Нижи ниво развијености егзекутивних функција и аритметичких вештина ученика са кохлеарним имплантом у односу на ученике очуваног слуха, намеће потребу да се поред подршке у говорно-језичком развоју, обезбеди и праћење и подршка како у развоју егзекутивних функција, тако и у академским областима, као што је математика. Успешна рехабилитација и образовање захтевају сагледавање целокупног развоја и функционисања ученика са кохлеарним имплантом, како би им се омогућило да остваре своје максималне потенцијале и искористе све предности које кохлеарни имплант пружа. очуваног слуха, намеће потребу да се поред подршке у говорно-језичком развоју, обезбеди и праћење и подршка како у развоју егзекутивних функција, тако и у академским областима, као што је математика. Успешна рехабилитација и образовање захтевају сагледавање целокупног развоја и функционисања ученика са кохлеарним имплантом, како би им се омогућило да остваре своје максималне потенцијале и искористе све предности које кохлеарни имплант пружа.</p> / <p>Kohlearna implantacija predstavlja intervenciju kojom se kod dece sa gluvoćom i teškom do dubokom nagluvošću može obezbediti pristup zvuku i senzornim informacijama putem slušnog modaliteta, u cilju razvoja govorno-jezičkih i kognitivnih potencijala i uključivanja u socijalnu sredinu. Usled moždane reorganizacije kao posledice rane slušne deprivacije, i zvučne stimulacije putem kohlearnog implanta, koja je ograničenog kvaliteta, značajan broj dece sa kohlearnim implantom ne uspeva da sustigne svoje vršnjake u govorno-jezičkom razvoju, u kognitivnom funkcionisanju, različitim akademskim oblastima i socijalnim kompetencijama. Ciljevi istraživanja su da se utvrdi nivo razvijenosti egzekutivnih funkcija i aritmetičkih veština učenika sa kohlearnim implantom uzrasta u odnosu na vršnjake očuvanog sluha, da se ispita međusobna povezanost egzekutivnih funkcija i aritmetičkih veština i da li na njih utiču uzrast i dužina korišćenja kohlearnog implanta. Istraživanje je sprovedeno kao studija preseka tokom 2016. i 2017. godine, u Kliničkom centru Vojvodine, Klinika za bolesti uha, grla i nosa u Novom Sadu; Kliničkom centru Srbije, ORL odsek za audiološku rehabilitaciju u Beogradu; dve škole za obrazovanje dece sa smetnjama u razvoju i tri redovne škole. Uzorak je činilo 46 učenika sa kohlearnim implantom, uzrasta od 9 do 16 godina (AS 12;11, SD 2;1) i 114 učenika očuvanog sluha (AS 12;9, SD 1;10).<br />U istraživanju su primenjeni: testovi za ispitivanje egzekutivnih funkcija (Test pravljenja traga u boji za decu &ndash; Children Color Trail Making Test (CCTT), Raspon brojeva unapred i unazad, Vizuelni raspon memorije, Test verbalne fluentnosti, Test pet tačaka &ndash; Five-Point Test, Šifra, Karte sa promenom pravila) i Upitnik za procenu egzekutivnih funkcija na osnovu ponašanja &ndash; Behavior rating inventory of executive function, BRIEF; testovi za procenu aritmetičkih veština (suptest Računanje i test Matematička fluentnost), kao i opšti upitnik sa socio-demografskim, socio-ekonomskim karakteristikama i upitnik o podacima u vezi sa gluvoćom i ugradnjom kohlearnog implanta i načinom komunikacije za učenike sa kohlearnim implantom. Prema rezultatima u našem istraživanju, kod učenika sa kohlearnim implantom su zabeležena lošija postignuća u oblasti Verbalnih (F = 119,44, p = 0,000) i Neverbalnih (F = 14,857, p = 0,000) aspekara egzekutivnih funkcija u odnosu na učenike očuvanog sluha. Ispitivane grupe se nisu razlikovale u odnosu na Aspekt ponašanja. U oblasti aritmetičkih veština, učenici sa kohlearnim implantom su postigli lošije rezultate u odnosu na učenike očuvanog sluha i na suptestu Računanje (F = 42,172, p = 0,000) i na testu Matematičke fluentnosti (F = 24,070, p = 0,000). Rezultati pokazuju da se svi aspekti egzekutivnih funkcija nalaze u pozitivnoj korelaciji sa aritmetičkim veštinama učenika sa kohlearnim implantom. Hijerarhijskom regresionom analizom je utvrđeno da su egzekutivne funkcije prediktori nivoa razvijenosti aritmetičkih veština, pri čemu konceptualno i proceduralno znanje iz aritmetike više predviđaju Verbalni aspekti egzekutivnih funkcija, a deklarativno znanje Neverbalni aspekti egzekutivnih funkcija. Uzrast učenika sa kohlearnim implantom pozitivno je povezan sa Verbalnim i Neverbalnim aspektima egzekutivnih funkcija, ali ne i sa Aspektom ponašanja. Uzrast učenika takođe korelira i sa postignućima iz aritmetike, dok je dužina korišćenja kohlearnog implanta, nakon kontrolisanja uzrasta, u pozitivnoj korelaciji jedino sa postignućima na suptestu Računanje. Niži nivo razvijenosti egzekutivnih funkcija i aritmetičkih veština učenika sa kohlearnim implantom u odnosu na učenike očuvanog sluha, nameće potrebu da se pored podrške u govorno-jezičkom razvoju, obezbedi i praćenje i podrška kako u razvoju egzekutivnih funkcija, tako i u akademskim oblastima, kao što je matematika. Uspešna rehabilitacija i obrazovanje zahtevaju sagledavanje celokupnog razvoja i funkcionisanja učenika sa kohlearnim implantom, kako bi im se omogućilo da ostvare svoje maksimalne potencijale i iskoriste sve prednosti koje kohlearni implant pruža. očuvanog sluha, nameće potrebu da se pored podrške u govorno-jezičkom razvoju, obezbedi i praćenje i podrška kako u razvoju egzekutivnih funkcija, tako i u akademskim oblastima, kao što je matematika. Uspešna rehabilitacija i obrazovanje zahtevaju sagledavanje celokupnog razvoja i funkcionisanja učenika sa kohlearnim implantom, kako bi im se omogućilo da ostvare svoje maksimalne potencijale i iskoriste sve prednosti koje kohlearni implant pruža.</p> / <p>Cochlear implantation is an intervention which enables children with deafness and severe to profound hearing loss an access to sound and sensory information via hearing modality, with the goal of developing speech-language and cognitive potentials and involvement in the social surroundings. Due to neural reorganization as a consequence of early auditory deprivation, and auditory stimulation via cochlear implant, which is of a limited quality, a significant number of children with cochlear implants cannot catch up to their peers in speech-language development, cognitive functioning, different academic areas and social competencies. The goals of the research are establishing the level of development of executive functions and arithmetic skills of students with cochlear implants compared to peers with healthy hearing, inquiring into the mutual connection of executive functions and arithmetic skills and whether age and the duration of use of cochlear implants produce a significant effect. The research was conducted in the form of a cross-sectional study during 2016 and 2017, in the Clinical Centre of Vojvodina, The Otorhinolaryngology Clinic in Novi Sad; Clinical Centre of Serbia, ORL department for audiological rehabilitation in Belgrade; two schools for education of children with developmental difficulties and three regular schools. The sample consisted of 46 students with cochlear implants, aged 3 to 16 years (M=12,11; SD=2,1) and 114 students with healthy hearing (M=12,9; SD= 1,10). For the purpose of the research, the following instruments were used: executive function tests (Children Color Trail Making Test (CCTT), Digits forward and backward, The Spatial Span test, Verbal Fluency test, the Five-Point Test, Code, and the Rule Shift Card Test) and Behavior Rating Inventory Of Executive Function (BRIEF); tests for the assessment of arithmetic skills (subtests Calculation and Mathematical Fluency), as well as a general questionnaire for socio-demographic, socio-economical characteristics and a questionnaire about information in regards to deafness and the implantation of the cochlear implant and modes of communication for students with cochlear implants. According to the results of this research, students with cochlear implants have lower achievement in the area of Verbal (F = 119,44, p = 0,000) and Nonverbal (F = 14,857, p = 0,000) aspects of executive functions compared to students of healthy hearing. The tested groups did not differ in the area of behavioral aspect. When it comes to arithmetic skills, students with cochlear implants had lower achievement compared to that of students with healthy hearing on both the Calculation subtest (F = 42,172, p = 0,000) and the subtest of Mathematical Fluency (F = 24,070, p = 0,000). Results show that all aspects of executive functions correlate positively with arithmetical skills of students with cochlear implants. Hierarchal regression analysis confirmed that executive functions predict the level of arithmetical skills development, where conceptual and procedural knowledge of arithmetic predicts the Verbal aspect of executive functions, while declarative knowledge predicts the Nonverbal aspect of executive functions. The age of students with cochlear implants is positively correlated to Verbal and Nonverbal aspects of executive functions, but not with the Behavioral aspect. The age of students also correlates with achievement in arithmetic, while the duration of use of cochlear implants, after controlling the age variable, is in correlation only with the achievement on the Calculation subtest. A lower level of development of executive functions and arithmetic skills of students with cochlear implants compared to students with healthy hearing emphasizes a need for establishing tracking and support, in addition to support in the speech-language development, for both the development of excutive functions and academic areas, such as mathematics. Successful rehabilitation and education demand an overview of complete development and the functioning of students with cochlear implants in order to enable them to achieve their maximum potential and harvest all the benefits of cochlear implants.</p>

Rozvíjení matematických znalostí a dovedností ve volnočasových aktivitách / Mathematical knowledge and skills development in leisure time activities

Bartlová, Helena January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is aimed on the mathematical knowledge and skills development in leisure time activities. The theoretical part of the thesis is dedicated to leisure time, pedagogy of leisure time, out-of-school education - its content, functions and requirements for realization of out-of-school education. This part of the thesis is also dedicated to the motivation and its use in leisure time activities and development of mathematical knowledge in leisure activities. Based on this information and on my own experience, I worked out and introduced the prin- ciples for preparing leisure time activities developing mathematical knowledge and skills. Following is a compilation of leisure time activities that develop knowledge and skills in geometry, arithmetic, algebra, logical thinking, or geometric imagination. The compilation contains activities suitable for relaxing, recreational and hobby activities. The practical part includes a case study of the Textile Applications activity, which deals with consolidation and development of knowledge in axial symmetry within the leisure time sewing ring. The case study verified if participants in this activity developed knowledge in axial symmetry, if the activity respects the requirements for out-of-school education and if it improves belief in the applicability of...

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