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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimering av kupmätare : Automatisk igenkänning av egenskaper i brädors ändträ med bildbehandling

Olsson, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
Within the timber industry the processing of sawn wood boards must be done in the right way to ensure that the product fulfills the requirements. Correct processing is crucial for wooden structures consisting of these will live up to their expectations. How the mounting of the board in wooden structures is performed to obtain satisfactory results is depending on how it is physically cupped. Due to this a curvature measuring device is used in the timber industry to detect how a sawn board is physically cupped. After detection, a proper processing can be performed to give a satisfactory product. The Swedish company Nolyx AB currently uses a curvature measuring device consisting of a smart camera with the task of taking a digital picture of the board end grain to determine its cupping. The smart camera currently has deficiencies that this work will investigate. The deficiencies are that the smart camera’s processing of images with certain properties do not give satisfactory results. The algorithms lack the robustness needed to cope with the variations of the item that might arise in the process. The desire of this study is that the smart cameras correctness in terms of variations in the object will increase, leading to financial gains for the company Nolyx AB and increased utilization of raw material for their customers. The result of this work is an algorithm that incrementally extracts and identifies the growth rings in the end grain of the board. The correctness of the image processing in this study is 82%, which is 22% higher compared to the smart camera. / Inom träindustrin måste bearbetning av sågade träbrädor ske på rätt sätt för att produkten skall uppfylla kraven. En korrekt bearbetning är avgörande för att träkonstruktioner bestående av dessa ska leva upp till sina förväntningar. Hur monteringen av brädan vid byggnation av träkonstruktioner utförs för att erhålla tillfredställande resultat beror på hur den fysiskt är kupad. På grund av detta används kupmätare inom träindustrin för att detektera brädans fysiska kupning. Efter detektering kan en korrekt bearbetning utföras vilket ger en tillfredsställande produkt. Företaget Nolyx AB använder idag en kupmätare som består av en smartkamera vars uppgift är att ta en digital bild av brädans ändträ för att avgöra dess kupning. Kupmätaren har idag brister som detta arbete skall angripa. Nämligen att smartkamerans behandling av bilder med vissa egenskaper inte ger tillfredsställande resultat. Algoritmerna saknar den robusthet som krävs för att klara de variationer på objektet som kan uppkomma i processen. Önskan med denna studie är att smartkamerans felfrihet vad gäller variationer i objektet ska öka, vilket leder till ekonomiska vinster för företaget Nolyx AB och ökat utnyttjande av råvaran för sina kunder. Resultatet av det här arbetet är en algoritm som stegvis extraherar och identifierar årsringarnas struktur. Felfriheten för bildbehandlingen i denna studie är 82 % vilket är 22 % högre jämfört med smartkameran.

Měření a seřízení geometrie náprav závodních vozidel / Wheel Alignment for race cars

Vanda, Marek January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of device for measuring wheel alignment and set- up of race car chassis. The real prototype of measuring device based on previous theoretical design has been made. The measuring procedure is mentioned as well. Another part is focused on factors affecting accuracy of measurement. The last part contains evaluation and discussion of gained results based on several measurements that have been done with prototype of measuring device.

Konstrukční návrh zařízení pro měření výškové polohy těžiště vozidla / Design of a device for measuring the center of gravity height of road vehicles

Hanych, Jaroslav January 2018 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with problems connected with measuring vehicle centre of gravity height. The research part summarizes generally known methods of measuring vehicle centre of gravity and moments of inertia. Essential part of this thesis is the design of a device for measuring the centre of gravity height of a road vehicle on a principle of measuring a period of oscillation. The height position of the platform of the device is adjustable through hydraulic cylinders. A stress-strain analysis of the design was executed through a combination of analytical methods and a finite element method. The process of measurement was described and an equation for determination of centre of gravity height was deduced. Error of measurement was estimated based on the knowledge of partial errors of measured values.

Návrh a realizace vylepšeného měřicího zařízení pro testování induktivních snímačů v klimatické komoře / Design and implementation of improved measuring device for inductive sensors testing in temperature chamber

Šimůnek, Patrik January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of the measuring equipment for the testing of inductive sensors in the climatic chamber, which mainly highlights the faults and deficiencies of this device. Based on this analysis, a new measurement system is designed to eliminate these or all the deficiencies. Several new useful features are added to the new design of the measuring system.

Konstrukce zařízení pro měření charakteristiky tlumiče / Design of Device for Damper Characteristic Measurement

Šplíchal, Bohuslav January 2016 (has links)
This Diploma thesis deals with the design of facilities for measuring characteristics of the cars shock absorbers. It describes damped vibration, construction design of shock absorbers and their diagnostics methods followed by description of shock absorbers characteristics and the design of linear motor driven device.

Ověření možností pro zvýšení tepelně-izolační schopnosti pěnových plastů / Validation options for increasing the thermal insulating properties of foam plastics

Smutný, Vojtěch January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to the study of material properties of selected types of polystyrene, especially expression of the coefficient of linear thermal expansion. The work contains two main chapters, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with an overview of the thermal insulation in the Czech Republic, the description of phenomena related to heat transfer mechanisms and an overview of experimental methods for determining thermal insulating properties. The practical part presents results of measurements of samples with foamed polystyrene, which is modified by the addition of selected substances. The thesis describes the machine program, which is used to calculate the temperature in during the construction arrangement under the sunlight load.

Univerzální testovací zařízení pro ověření komunikačních parametrů technologie Narrowband IoT / Universal Tester of Radio Conditions for Narrowband IoT Communication Technology

Možný, Radek January 2019 (has links)
Technology Narrowband IoT is a representative LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) tech-nology that due to its promising features aims for demands of the Internet of Thingsapplications for autonomous data sending from sensors in areas of poor mobile coverage.For such applications, it is beneficial to firstly map properties of communication technol-ogy in areas of intended use and evaluate whether or not is this technology applicable.This Master thesis deals with the design of the hand-held measuring device for evaluationof Narrowband IoT properties. The output of this thesis is firstly comparison of LPWAtechnologies secondly, design of the mentioned device and verification of its functional-ity. And in last part description of measurement of transmission delay for delay-tolerantapplications. Transmission delay is a critical parameter for delay-tolerant applications.Such an application can be, for example, smart electrometers for which there is definedmaximal allowed transmission delay of 10 seconds and therefore it is desirable to evalu-ate whether or not is the deployment of the communication technology Narrowband IoTsuitable in the intended area for delay-tolerant or even for delay-intolerant applications.

Zařízení pro zaznamenávání proudové spotřeby LPWA senzorů / Design of a current data logger for LPWA sensors

Mikulášek, Michal January 2020 (has links)
This Master thesis deals with the design and construction of a measuring device for measuring and the current consumption logging of sensors using LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network) technology. The theoretical part of the thesis firstly summarizes selected LPWAN technologies. Selected technologies, namely: LoRaWAN, Sigfox and Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT), are described more in detail. Further, the current measurement techniques are briefly discussed. The main focus is given to the current shunt measuring methods. The second half of thesis describes procedures conducted during the design and construction of a measuring device. The current measuring is based on the current shunt circuit complemented by the voltage amplification circuit, whose output is subsquently converted into digital form using an AD converter. The thesis describes in great detail the procedures for selecting individual components and important processes used in design of printed circuit boards. An integral part of the measuring device implementation is the design and implementation of control software, which is described in detail and supplemented by workflow charts underlining the entire description. The implementation of the entire measuring device is completed by the design and implementation of the cover box using 3D printing technology. Finally, the specifications of designed device are briefly discussed based on the limits of the used components.

Měření parametrů pneumatik / Tyre Parameters Measurement

Pokorný, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
It is the tyre that ensures the interaction between a wheel and road surface and it is the the tyre which also acts as a primary cushioning. Its construction, features and condition highly influence driving properties of a car and thus passenger safety as well. In motorsports the tyre is a key part of the vehicle and therefore it is necessary to make use of its complete potential for reaching the best results. The aim of this thesis is a device construction suitable for tyre parameter and their characteristics measurement. The next task is to design a measuring system for tyre pressure and temperature monitoring. With using of these devices a few real-tyre measurements and subsequent result evaluation will be done. The output of the thesis is an overview of construction details, overview of selected tyre parameters, design and drawing documentation of multipurpose measuring device and the results of my measurements.

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