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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

www.meanders.org na internet com ecoturismo: uma interação comunicacional sustentável? / www.meanders.org on the net with ecotourism: a sustainable communication interation?

Natsui, Laudo Kiyohiro 16 April 2002 (has links)
A Teia de Alcance Mundial, como é conhecida a www da população que já tem acesso à internet, tem se tornado no Brasil rapidamente expressiva em tempos de mercados globais e, dentro deste contexto, a atividade do ecoturismo é analisada enquanto oferta e mensagem online. Realiza-se um estudo qualitativo exploratório no intuito de discutir a presente oferta ecoturística online e a mensagem propagada via rede. O termo ecoturismo é questionado, assim como as iniciativas que se apropriam da palavra para uso indiscriminado, seja via mensagem ou em práticas de viagens duvidosas. Pesquisa com a seção Aventura, do suplemento Viagem O Estado de S.Paulo é retomada para verificar versão online desta mídia. Também se discute como o ecoturismo pode ser virtual mas, efetivamente, uma atividade que demonstre sustentabilidade. Inspirado nos sites de clicar-doar, descobre-se a homepage Ecosolidariedade, que serve de analogia para uma proposta de um novo site de donativo em ecoturismo, com um modelo diferente de parceria entre empresas doadoras e Organizações Não Governamentais. Acredita-se que, com a participação de internautas que encontrem feedback em um endereço na rede para suas questões de viagens ecoturísticas, há razoáveis chances de Meanders, como batiza-se a idéia, vingar. O trabalho conclui que a rede é subaproveitada pelo ecoturismo diante do potencial atual. Raros são os exemplos de iniciativas com posturas e práticas sócio-ambientais louváveis. Neste sentido, pouco mudou desde uma década atrás. Portanto, há muito o que fazer para que, pela internet e com o ecoturismo, sejam possíveis ações que façam uma diferença e garantam um futuro melhor. / The World Wide Web popularization has evoked an unavoidable link between ecotourism and internet, fact further analyzed in this study. Qualitative approach is performed to discuss which are the ecotourism services currently online available. In addiction, the investigation is complemented with a critical view to distinguish between uses and misuses of the term ecotourism by media, travel agencies and tour operators basically. In this way, it is used as a present example the section Aventura from the weekly travel supplement Viagem, belonging to the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo. A discussion on how the ecotourism can be a virtual (and real) way of sustainability is also done. Some free will donate homepages were sorted out and by chance put one of them, Ecosolidariedade, as a model for a specific analysis, mainly due to its original idea of partnership among companies and NGOs to make possible a fund raising process. In a similar way, it is proposed a new concept of homepage employing the action of the internaut in a real context of sustainability in ecotourism. This is further explained by the project named Meanders. It is concluded that the cyberspace is far from an appropriate manner of being useful for ecotourism actions and there are seldom examples aiming the principles of environmental consciousness and practices. Little has been changed since the last decade in how goes Brazilian ecotourism conception and promotion. There is a long path that should be more fostered through internet to stimulate the ecotourism as a way of dissemination on effective social and environmental benefits. São Paulo. 2001.

www.meanders.org na internet com ecoturismo: uma interação comunicacional sustentável? / www.meanders.org on the net with ecotourism: a sustainable communication interation?

Laudo Kiyohiro Natsui 16 April 2002 (has links)
A Teia de Alcance Mundial, como é conhecida a www da população que já tem acesso à internet, tem se tornado no Brasil rapidamente expressiva em tempos de mercados globais e, dentro deste contexto, a atividade do ecoturismo é analisada enquanto oferta e mensagem online. Realiza-se um estudo qualitativo exploratório no intuito de discutir a presente oferta ecoturística online e a mensagem propagada via rede. O termo ecoturismo é questionado, assim como as iniciativas que se apropriam da palavra para uso indiscriminado, seja via mensagem ou em práticas de viagens duvidosas. Pesquisa com a seção Aventura, do suplemento Viagem O Estado de S.Paulo é retomada para verificar versão online desta mídia. Também se discute como o ecoturismo pode ser virtual mas, efetivamente, uma atividade que demonstre sustentabilidade. Inspirado nos sites de clicar-doar, descobre-se a homepage Ecosolidariedade, que serve de analogia para uma proposta de um novo site de donativo em ecoturismo, com um modelo diferente de parceria entre empresas doadoras e Organizações Não Governamentais. Acredita-se que, com a participação de internautas que encontrem feedback em um endereço na rede para suas questões de viagens ecoturísticas, há razoáveis chances de Meanders, como batiza-se a idéia, vingar. O trabalho conclui que a rede é subaproveitada pelo ecoturismo diante do potencial atual. Raros são os exemplos de iniciativas com posturas e práticas sócio-ambientais louváveis. Neste sentido, pouco mudou desde uma década atrás. Portanto, há muito o que fazer para que, pela internet e com o ecoturismo, sejam possíveis ações que façam uma diferença e garantam um futuro melhor. / The World Wide Web popularization has evoked an unavoidable link between ecotourism and internet, fact further analyzed in this study. Qualitative approach is performed to discuss which are the ecotourism services currently online available. In addiction, the investigation is complemented with a critical view to distinguish between uses and misuses of the term ecotourism by media, travel agencies and tour operators basically. In this way, it is used as a present example the section Aventura from the weekly travel supplement Viagem, belonging to the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo. A discussion on how the ecotourism can be a virtual (and real) way of sustainability is also done. Some free will donate homepages were sorted out and by chance put one of them, Ecosolidariedade, as a model for a specific analysis, mainly due to its original idea of partnership among companies and NGOs to make possible a fund raising process. In a similar way, it is proposed a new concept of homepage employing the action of the internaut in a real context of sustainability in ecotourism. This is further explained by the project named Meanders. It is concluded that the cyberspace is far from an appropriate manner of being useful for ecotourism actions and there are seldom examples aiming the principles of environmental consciousness and practices. Little has been changed since the last decade in how goes Brazilian ecotourism conception and promotion. There is a long path that should be more fostered through internet to stimulate the ecotourism as a way of dissemination on effective social and environmental benefits. São Paulo. 2001.

重返集體狂歡的年代?探索Live實況直播的意涵-以遊戲實況為例 / Return to the era of carnivalization? Exploring the significance of Live Streaming Video in game live case

黃勝淋 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以近年來日益普及的實況直播為主題,從研究者自身的遊戲實況使用經驗出發,希望從宏觀的角度去理解:實況直播此一新興媒介技術是如何被人們所使用、其傳播的內容與形式又有何特性及意義。   基於上述問題意識,本文主要引介三個理論概念:Huizinga的遊戲人、Bakhtin的狂歡化以及McLuhan媒介即訊息的概念,試圖藉由前二者的理論來分析實況直播作為一群眾參與媒介互動場域的特性,並進一步延伸McLuhan的媒介觀點,以探看實況媒介技術在當代的實存意涵。   由於現今實況類型與平台相當多元,本文選擇以研究者本身最為熟悉的遊戲實況平台Twitch.tv為分析場域,並同時使用網路民族誌與深度訪談法二種方法來進行資料蒐集。本研究發現,聊天室或訂閱贊助的回應功能強化了觀眾作為「參與者」的地位,而實況也成為一個眾人共同參與、玩耍(Play)的暫時性媒介場域。本研究也指出,聊天室時常出現的洗頻現象其實是一種群眾的集體起鬨過程,而群眾的言談行動之間也充滿日常生活所不容見的、狂歡化的性質與氛圍,人們並藉此解放日常生活的限制與壓力。   此種隨時隨地且即時發生的「媒介狂歡」其實代表著,透過參與實況媒介,人們得以隨意地在集體連結與個體自由之間來回,這不僅是如同黃厚銘與林意仁(2013)所描繪的「流動的群聚」,更是呼應了McLuhan所預言的「再部落化」的意涵,人們宛如重返部落時代的集體參與、互動的即時現場,而此種變革更可能重塑人類的感官經驗、社交生活乃至存有本質。 / Inspired from researcher’s experience of using live streaming media, this study aimed to understand the usage of this new media technique, what characteristics it shows and what significance it implies. Based on the goals above, three main theories were referenced, including Johan Huizinga’s “Homo Ludens”, Mikhail Bakhtin’s “Carnival” and Marshall McLuhan’s concepts about media technology. Researcher analyzed the characteristic of live streaming media as an interactive field based on the first two theories mentioned, and further discussed the meanings and influences of live streaming media with McLuhan’s theory of media viewpoint. This study chose twitch.tv to be the field of analysis because researcher is familiar with it the most and took Netnography and In-Depth Interview as research methods. The result of this study indicated that the reply functions on streaming platform allow audience to participate, making the streaming media as a temporary interactive field where audiences can interact and play with others. Moreover, when a live streaming is on, the unceasing comment spamming phenomenon by users in chat room can be explained as the crowd at a Carnival, which is unusual and inappropriate in daily life. Therefore, users can release the pressure in their everyday lives. Such Carnival form of live streaming media indicated that people are free to move back and forth between collective connection and personal space, which is not only similar to the concept of “mob-lity” proposed by Huang & Lin(2013), but also embodied McLuhan’s idea of “re-tribalize”. The participation and interaction among streaming media users may reconstruct the sensation and nature of the human beings.

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