Spelling suggestions: "subject:"amedical faculty"" "subject:"comedical faculty""
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The communication of strategic plans for diversity and inclusion in academic medicine: a mixed-methods studyWashington, David MIchael 09 June 2017 (has links)
OBJECTIVE: To characterize the use of strategic planning for diversity and inclusion in AAMC-member U.S. medical schools and its relation to underrepresented minority (URM) faculty.
METHODS: We examined websites of 118 institutions for strategic plans to improve faculty diversity. Race/ethnicity data from the AAMC Faculty Roster were used to stratify schools into higher or lower/no increase in URM faculty (1998 to 2015). We searched for an association between these plans and change in URM faculty. We conducted qualitative sub-analyses of the most recent plans of institutions that expressed goals for faculty diversity. Analyses involved a modified-grounded theory approach, using a priori codes informed by an AAMC guide and a data-driven, constant comparison method. Plans were stratified into two groups by higher or lower URM faculty in 2015. Larger themes based on both a priori and emergent codes were identified. Sub-analyses for associations between AAMC Guide Adherence and URM faculty were conducted.
RESULTS: Most institutions (72%) had plans for faculty diversity. There was no association between URM faculty change and a goal for faculty diversity (p=0.43) or plan duration (p=0.64). Qualitatively, four themes were accordant with effective strategic planning principles. Four emergent themes in both high and low URM groups reflected novel issues, two occurred in the low URM group, and one in the high URM group. Quantitative sub-analyses found no association between Guide Adherence and URM status (p= 0.86).
CONCLUSION: Despite general adherence to best practices, strategic plans for diversity and inclusion are not associated with URM faculty presence or change. / 2019-06-09T00:00:00Z
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Die Personalbibliographien der Professoren und Dozenten der Chirurgie und Inneren Medizin an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Karl-Ferdinands-Universität in Prag, im ungefähren Zeitraum von 1880-1900, mit kurzen biographischen Angaben undUberblick über die hauptsächlichen Arbeitsgebiete.Schieber, Adibert, January 1900 (has links)
Inaug.-Diss. - Erlangen.
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Die Personalbibliographien der Professoren und Dozenten der Anatomie, Histologie und Pathologie, Pharmakologie und Physiologie an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Deutschen Karl-Ferdinands-Universität in Prag, im ungefären Zeitraum von 1880-1900, mit kurzen biographischen Angaben und Uberblick über die Hauptarbeitsgebiete.Lommatzsch, Horst, January 1900 (has links)
Inaug.-Diss. - Erlangen.
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Die Personalbibliographien der Professoren und Dozenten der Chirurgie, Orthopädie und Dermatologie an der Medizinischer Fakultät der Deutschen Karl-Ferdinands-Universität in Prag, im ungefähren Zeitraum von 1900-1945, mit kurzen biographischen Angaben und Uberblick über die Hauptarbeitsgebiete.Putz, Helmut, January 1900 (has links)
Inaug.-Diss. - Erlangen.
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Pražští chirurgové v pramenech 18. a 19. stol. / Surgeons of Prague in historical sources of 18th and 19th centuryLaňová, Alžběta January 2014 (has links)
Surgeons of Prague in historical sources of 18th and 19th century Abstract This diploma thesis uses the archival sources on the surgeons' guild and the papers of the central authorities to explore the position of the surgeons within the medical structure in modern times. All the materials are taken from Prague City Archives, The National Archives and Archive of Charles University in Prague (e.g. laws and statutes, registers of all types, statutes of the guild or university charters, personal documents of the guilds' members). The text is focused on surgeons' gaining independence compared with doctors of medicine and moving away from barbers craft organization. The process of their transition under the supervision of the medical faculty and the official start of surgical studies at the university are examined. Furthermore, the study includes an analysis of the role of the guild, the social status of the surgeons in Prague and the character of their education including transformation in this field during the Enlightenment reforms till the revolutionary year 1848. The information extracted from the sources allows to follow the development of surgery from disrespected profession into an inherent part of medical sciences by exploring all the phenomena concerned with the education of surgeons and legal aspects of...
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O residente como professor: formação docente no Programa de Residência em Medicina de Família e Comunidade da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco / The Resident-as-Teacher: Faculty Develoment at Family Practice Residency of Federal University of PernambucoMagalhães, Gustavo Sérgio de Godoy [UNIFESP] 30 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2012-11-30 / A demanda crescente de professores qualificados em Medicina de Família e Comunidade, somada a necessidade de adesão dos docentes de medicina às mudanças apresentadas nas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais, e o reconhecimento do papel docente do residente, motivaram o Programa de Residência em Medicina de Família e Comunidade da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco a desenvolver o módulo Iniciação à Docência, o qual objetiva a construção de competências docentes para o médico residente. Em um levantamento realizado, constatou-se que mais da metade dos programas de residência dos Estados Unidos incluem em seu currículo formal o desenvolvimento de habilidades pedagógicas, em contraste com o Brasil, onde não há relatos nas bases de dados pesquisadas. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar o módulo Iniciação à Docência, através da análise da proposta, caracterização das concepções pedagógicas dos residentes, e da identificação de possibilidades, dificuldades e contribuições dos participantes para o módulo. A metodologia utilizada foi a abordagem qualitativa da pesquisa, através da análise documental do projeto político pedagógico do programa de residência; do plano de ensino do módulo de 2011; além das avaliações de curso produzidas por quatro residentes do primeiro ano. Utilizou-se a modalidade temática da análise de conteúdo para construir inferências a partir dos núcleos de sentido encontrados. O projeto pedagógico e o plano de ensino destacam a concepção do processo de ensino-aprendizagem como prática social complexa a qual pode ser aperfeiçoada através de uma formação estruturada a partir de uma perspectiva reflexiva, crítica, colaborativa e em múltiplos cenários. Nas avaliações do módulo a prática docente assumiu um papel ambivalente para o residente, ao mesmo tempo em que é reportada a ação transformadora e estruturante da formação docente, também transparece uma limitação e sobrecarga de atividades. O compromisso social e político, e a articulação com a graduação de medicina representam elementos transformadores do processo. Acreditamos que os resultados da análise podem contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento do módulo Iniciação à Docência, especificamente em relação às estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem, ao planejamento das atividades e ao acompanhamento da prática docente nos diversos cenários. A singularidade da experiência emite uma mensagem de que é possível desenvolver competências pedagógicas na residência médica em um processo de formação docente coerente com as recentes mudanças nas políticas de saúde e educação. / The increasing demand for qualified teachers in Family Practice, the need for adherence of medical teachers to changes presented in the National Curriculum Guidelines, and recognition of the resident´s teaching role motivated the Family Practice Residency Program of Federal University of Pernambuco developing the module Introduction to Teaching, which aims to build teaching skills for the resident. More than half of residency programs in the United States include in their curriculum the formal development of teaching skills, in contrast to Brazil, where there is no description of similar experience in the databases searched. The objective of the study is to analyze the module Introduction to Teaching by analyzing the pedagogical proposal, characterizing the pedagogical conceptions of residents and identifying opportunities, challenges and contributions of participants for the module. It used a qualitative research through documentary analysis of the political pedagogical project of the residency program and the teaching plan of 2011, in addition to course evaluations produced by four first years´ residents. Was used thematic content analysis to construct inferences from the nuclei found meaning. The pedagogical project and teaching plan out the design of the teaching-learning as a social complex which can be improved through a structured training in a reflexive perspective, critical, collaborative and in multiple scenarios. In the evaluations the reflective teacher practice assumed a role ambivalent to the resident, while the reported characteristic transforming and structuring, also shines a insufficiency and overload. The social commitment and political planning in conjunction with the undergraduate medical are highlighted elements of the process. The results of the analysis can contribute to the improvement of the module Introduction to Teaching, specifically in relation to teaching and learning strategies, planning activities and monitoring of teaching practice in different scenarios. The singularity of the experience sends a message that it is possible to develop teaching skills in residency in a process of teacher education consistent with recent changes in public health policies and education.
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Abschlussbericht VRmed - Virtual Reality in der medizinischen Lehre: Ein Projekt der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig, Referat Lehre, Bereich MedienLachky, Alexander, Eckardt, Franziska, Stange, Ingmar, Schwarzer, Max-Philip 13 December 2021 (has links)
The advance of digitization influences medical sciences in various areas, increasingly including medical education. Therefore the Teaching Department of the Medical Faculty of the University of Leipzig constantly considers new technical developments and their possibilities for use in medical teaching. The focus is on the fact that teaching should be supplemented and explicitly not replaced by digital media. Virtual reality (hereinafter referred to as 'VR') represents a technology that can be expected to offer promising potential. In order to determine to what extent VR represents an added value for the study of human medicine and which hardware and software is suitable, the project VRmed – Virtual Reality in Medical Teaching was initiated in the Media section of the Teaching Department of the MF. This was funded as part of the Digital Fellowship Program by the University Didactic Center Saxony and the Working Group E-Learning of the LRK Saxony. The present report represents the final report of the project, which was created on its own initiative. In order to investigate the question of implementation possibilities for medical studies, four VR glasses (three different models) and four VR applications were purchased. Two simulation applications and two anatomy applications were selected as applications. The former are i:medtasim and StepVR applications. In addition, the anatomy applications 3D Organon VR Anatomy and Medicalholodeck were purchased. The initially extensive multi-stage evaluation with lecturers and students could not be implemented in 2020/2021 due to the pandemic-related restrictions and was therefore only applied in limited extent. Thus, hardware and software were evaluated qualitatively and in depth in the context of three presentation events by lecturers and media didactics. In particular, the simulation applications are considered to be helpful and useful extensions for teaching. The anatomy application 3D Organon VR Anatomy could also be used profitably in medical studies, especially in the early semesters. With regard to i:medtasim, there are initial considerations to include this in the curriculum as part of a medical elective. Another perspective is the establishment of a VR lab in which students and lecturers can freely use the technology. It should also be noted that VR is associated with many technical challenges and both the setup and the first use require expertise. In addition, the purchase is cost-intensive and hardware and software develop very quickly. Nevertheless, the potentials and the added value predominate. VR can be used to meet a wide range of learning types, practice scenarios bridge the gap between theory and practice, and students and lecturers can connect to technical developments.:1. Einleitung
2. Theoretische Hinführung
3. VR an Medizinischen Fakultäten und Universitäten außerhalb des Standorts Leipzig
4. Projektbeschreibung VRmed – Virtual Reality in der medizinischen Lehre Leipzig
5. VR Hardware und Software für den medizinischen Einsatz
6. Evaluation
7. Fazit und Ausblick
8. Literaturverzeichnis
9. Online-Quellen
A) Projektstrukturplan
B) Zeitplan
C) Poster
D) Evaluationsprotokolle / Das Voranschreiten der Digitalisierung beeinflusst die Medizin in verschiedenen Bereichen, weshalb deren Relevanz auch im Medizinstudium zunimmt. Daher werden im Referat Lehre der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig stetig neue technische Entwicklungen und deren Möglichkeiten für den Einsatz in der medizinischen Lehre betrachtet. Im Fokus steht, dass die Lehre ergänzt und explizit nicht durch digitale Medien ersetzt werden soll. Virtual Reality (im Folgenden „VR“) stellt dabei eine Technologie dar, die in der ersten Auseinandersetzung vielversprechende Potentiale erwarten lässt. Um festzustellen, inwiefern VR einen Mehrwert für das Humanmedizinstudium darstellt und welche Hard- und Software dabei in Frage kommt, wurde im Bereich Medien des Referats Lehre der MF das Projekt VRmed – Virtual Reality in der medizinischen Lehre initiiert. Dies wurde im Rahmen des Digital Fellowship-Programms vom Hochschuldidaktischen Zentrum Sachsen und dem Arbeitskreis E-Learning der LRK Sachsen gefördert. Der hier vorliegende Bericht stellt den Abschlussbericht des Projektes dar, welcher aus Eigenantrieb erstellt wurde. Um der Frage nach Implementierungsmöglichkeiten für das Medizinstudium nachzugehen, wurden vier VR-Brillen (drei verschiedene Modelle) und vier VR-Anwendungen angeschafft. Als Anwendungen wurden zwei Simulationsanwendungen und zwei Anatomieanwendungen ausgewählt. Bei ersterem handelt es sich um die Anwendungen i:medtasim und StepVR. Zudem wurden die Anatomieanwendungen 3D Organon VR Anatomy und Medicalholodeck eingekauft. Die zunächst umfangreich angelegte mehrstufige Evaluation mit Dozierenden und Studierenden konnte aufgrund der pandemiebedingten Einschränkungen in den Jahren 2020/2021 nicht umgesetzt werden und wurde eingegrenzt. Somit wurde Hard- und Software im Rahmen von drei Präsentationsveranstaltungen von Dozierenden und Mediendidaktiker:innen qualitativ und tiefgehend evaluiert. Insbesondere die Simulationsanwendungen werden als hilfreiche und sinnvolle Erweiterungen für die Lehre eingeschätzt. Auch die Anatomieanwendung 3D Organon VR Anatomy könnte im Medizinstudium, insbesondere in die frühen Semester, gewinnbringend eingesetzt werden. Bezüglich i:medtasim existieren erste Überlegungen, dies im Rahmen eines humanmedizinischen Wahlfachs in das Curriculum einzubinden. Eine weitere Perspektive ist die Etablierung eines VR-Labs, in dem Studierende und Dozierende die Technik frei nutzen können. Es bleibt auch festzuhalten, dass VR mit vielen technischen Herausforderungen verbunden ist und sowohl das Einrichten als auch die erste Nutzung Expertise bedürfen. Zudem ist die Anschaffung kostenintensiv und Hard- und Software entwickeln sich sehr schnell. Dennoch überwiegen die Potentiale und der Mehrwert. Durch VR kann vielfältigen Lerntypen begegnet werden, durch Übungsszenarien wird eine Brücke zwischen Theorie und Praxis geschlagen und Studierende wie auch Dozierende können an technische Entwicklungen anschließen.:1. Einleitung
2. Theoretische Hinführung
3. VR an Medizinischen Fakultäten und Universitäten außerhalb des Standorts Leipzig
4. Projektbeschreibung VRmed – Virtual Reality in der medizinischen Lehre Leipzig
5. VR Hardware und Software für den medizinischen Einsatz
6. Evaluation
7. Fazit und Ausblick
8. Literaturverzeichnis
9. Online-Quellen
A) Projektstrukturplan
B) Zeitplan
C) Poster
D) Evaluationsprotokolle
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