Spelling suggestions: "subject:"amedical personnel -- apractice"" "subject:"amedical personnel -- aspractice""
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Management of food allergies in children in South Africa : determining aspects of the knowledge and practices of dietitians and medical doctorsStear, Georgina Isabel Jane 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Nutr)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background
Adverse reactions to food are frequently suspected in daily clinical practice yet the knowledge of health care
workers regarding correct diagnosis and management remains limited. This is compounded by few allergy
consultants and may contribute to patient dissatisfaction and self‐diagnoses.
The primary treatment modality for food hypersensitivity remains strict but nutritionally adequate elimination
of offending food allergens based on accurate diagnosis. Nutritional misconceptions and incorrect diagnosis
may lead to inappropriate dietary restriction resulting in nutritional deficiencies, malnutrition, growth
retardation, and feeding difficulties in children. Elimination diets thus require supervision and monitoring
similar to drug treatments, being reviewed regularly for possible food re‐challenges.
There is limited research to assess knowledge and management approaches of food allergies by medical
doctors and no research of this nature exists for Dietitians. There is also limited information as to whether
current approaches conform to the most recent evidence‐based recommendations, particularly with regard to
dietary intervention and allergy prevention strategies.
The aim of this survey was to determine aspects of food allergy related knowledge and practices of Medical
Doctors and Dietitians.
This was an analytical cross sectional study with participants randomly selected from the three largest
provinces in South Africa, Gauteng, Western Cape and Kwazulu Natal (N=660). A quantitative questionnaire
was compiled to explore aspects of food allergy diagnosis and management. Participants were currently
working in South Africa and were selected according to three categories, General Practitioners, Dietitians and
Medical Specialists. Ethics approval was obtained from the University of Stellenbosch, Faculty of Health
Sciences Committee of Human Research.
Even though valuable insights were obtained, poor response from all three groups (N=82) compromised the
strength of significant findings. There was limited knowledge regarding appropriate diagnosis, dietary
intervention and allergy prevention strategies. 98% of respondents believed they needed more education and
training in management of allergies. Approximately 50% reported use of complementary therapy by patients prior to and while using conventional medicine. Dietitians weren't consulted for nutritional management by
72% General Practitioners and 45% Specialists. For allergy prevention, over 50% of health professionals
advised extensive food avoidance for the first year in high risk infants. Dietitians recommended multiple food
avoidance for the longest period of time per food in infants, pregnant and lactating women to prevent allergy.
Advice for infant feeding and introduction of solid foods was not evidence‐based. Goat's milk, soya formula
and breast milk with maternal dietary avoidance were advised for allergy prevention. 54% of medical doctors
and 31% of Dietitians provided no guidance for implementing an elimination diet. Only 15% of respondents did
growth assessment of allergic patients. 99% of all participants recognised a need for South African specific
'best practice' guidelines.
The study highlighted a need in South Africa, at undergraduate and post graduate levels, for better education
and training of food allergy, in particular diagnosis, dietary management and prevention strategies. This will
create a platform for the achievement of minimum levels of competency in allergy care. It should also provide
motivation for the establishment of South African specific guidelines, allergy support networks and better
public awareness. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond
Afwykende reaksies tot voedsel word dikwels by gesondheidsorg instellings verdag. Nieteenstaande, bestaan
daar steeds beperkte kennis oor allergië. Die tekort aan allergie konsultante vererger sake en het dikwels
ontevrede pasiënte en self‐diagnose tot gevolg.
Die primêre modaliteit van behandeling van voedsel hipersensitiwiteit behels doelmatige verwydering van die
oorsaaklike voedsel allergene deur middel van 'n streng dog voedingswaardige dieet. Ontoepaslike bestuur
van, en die verkeerde implementering van die uitskakelings dieet mag egter lei tot komplikasies by kinders
soos hongersnood, groei vertraging en voedings probleme. Daar is tans beperkte navorsing om die peil van
kennis van voedsel allergië en die bestuur van die probleem te meet. Geen sodanige navorsing ten opsigte van
dieëtkundiges is al gedoen nie. Slegs beperkte inligting is beskikbaar tot welke mate huidige behandelings
praktyk konformeer met die mees onlangse bewys‐gebaseerde aanbevelings, veral met betrekking tot allergie
voorkomende strategië.
Die doelstelling van hierdie opname was om die kundigheid en bestuur van voedsel verwante allergië deur
medici en dieëtkundiges te bepaal.
Dwarsprofiel analiese was gedoen met respondente wat onwillekeurig gekies was uit profesionele mediese en
dieëtkundige praktisyns uit die drie grootste provinsies in Suid Afrika, Gauteng, Wes‐Kaap en Kwazulu Natal
(N=660). Deelnemers was versoek om vraelyste met 'n samestelling van aspekte van voedsel allergie diagnose
en bestuur te voltooi. Deelnemers is huidiglik werksaam in Suid Afrika en was verteenwoordigend van drie
kategorië, naamlik Algemene Praktisyns, Dieetkundiges en Mediese Spesialiste. Etiese goedkeuring was bekom
van die Universiteit Stellenbosch se Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe Navorsingsetiek komitee.
Desnieteenstaande insiggewende inligting is die bevindinge gekompromitteer deur beperkte respons (N=82).
Kennis met betrekking tot diagnose, dieëtkundige intervensie en allergie voorkomings strategië, is beperk. 88%
van respondente versoek meer opleiding in die bestuur van allergië. 53% beweer dat pasiënte komplementêre
terapie aanwend voor en gelyktydig met die gebruik van konvensionele medikasie. Interdisiplinêre konsultasie
is beperk. Dieëtkundiges word nie geraadpleeg deur 72% van algemene praktisyns en 54% mediese spesialiste
nie. Meer as 50% gesondheidsorg praktisyns beveel algemene voedsel ontwyking aan by hoë risiko kleuters gedurende die eerste lewensjaar. Dieëtkundiges se allergie voorkomings aanbevelings aan kleuters, swanger
en lakterende vrouens was vir die langste periode. Advies vir kleuter voeding was nie bewys‐gebaseerd nie.
Bokmelk, soya formule en borsmelk van moeders met dieëtkundige beperkinge word aanbeveel vir die
voorkoming van allergië by kleuters. 54% mediese en 31% dieëtkundiges voorsien geen voorkomings dieët
riglyne nie. Slegs 15% respondente takseer kleuter groei van allergie pasiënte. 99% van al die respondente
ondersteun die vestiging van spesifieke 'beste praktyk' riglyne vir Suid Afrika.
Die bevindinge van die studie beklemtoon die behoefte in Suid Afrika vir verbeterde en doelgerigte voedsel
allergie onderrig en opleiding, vir voorgraadse en nagraadse onderrig. Meer doeltreffende diagnose,
dieëtkundige bestuur en allergie voorkomings strategië word aanbeveel. Daar word 'n doelwit geskep vir die
bereiking van minimum vaardigheids vlakke vir allergie versorging. Die inligting motiveer ook die vestiging van
doelgerigte Suid‐Afrikaanse riglyne, allergie ondersteunings bronne en beter, openbare bewuswording van
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Knowledge, attitudes and practices of health care providers towards isoniazide preventive therapy (IPT) provision in Addis Ababa, EthiopiaAzmera Molla Tikuye, Tikuye, Azmera Molla 24 October 2013 (has links)
This study assessed healthcare providers’ knowledge, attitudes and practices towards IPT provision for people living with HIV (PLHIV) in Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia.
A quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study design was used for the study and data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire from 104 clinicians working in ART clinics.
The findings show that healthcare providers who participated in this study had a mean value of high knowledge, positive attitude and good practice towards IPT provision for PLHIV. Significant association was found between knowledge and attitude (P=0.000) but no significant associations were found between knowledge and practice, attitude and practice as well as between the type of facility (public/private) and level of practice.
This implied that, the low level of IPT implementation in Addis Ababa doesn’t seem due to health care providers’ lack of knowledge and resistance to provide IPT for people living with HIV. As a result, the researcher recommends for further researches of other possible factors like; the reliability of IPT information/data management, drug supply and the leadership and governance of the health system that IPT program is a direct concern. / Health Studies / M. Public Health (with specialisation in Medical Informatics)
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Knowledge, attitudes and practices of health care providers towards isoniazide preventive therapy (IPT) provision in Addis Ababa, EthiopiaAzmera Molla Tikuye, Tikuye, Azmera Molla 08 1900 (has links)
This study assessed healthcare providers’ knowledge, attitudes and practices towards IPT provision for people living with HIV (PLHIV) in Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia.
A quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study design was used for the study and data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire from 104 clinicians working in ART clinics.
The findings show that healthcare providers who participated in this study had a mean value of high knowledge, positive attitude and good practice towards IPT provision for PLHIV. Significant association was found between knowledge and attitude (P=0.000) but no significant associations were found between knowledge and practice, attitude and practice as well as between the type of facility (public/private) and level of practice.
This implied that, the low level of IPT implementation in Addis Ababa doesn’t seem due to health care providers’ lack of knowledge and resistance to provide IPT for people living with HIV. As a result, the researcher recommends for further researches of other possible factors like; the reliability of IPT information/data management, drug supply and the leadership and governance of the health system that IPT program is a direct concern. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health (with specialisation in Medical Informatics))
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