Spelling suggestions: "subject:"errorbound"" "subject:"perrenound""
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Charlie åker karusell : En undersökning av produktionsmetoder anpassade för film / Charlie rides the merry go round : A studie of production methods adapted for filmDahlén, Magnus January 2012 (has links)
Denna rapport innehåller en redogörelse för mitt examensarbete, Charlie åkerkarusell, som gjordes vid Carl Malmsten – Furniture Studies, LinköpingsUniversitet, våren 2012. I mitt arbete undersöker jag hur man kan serietillverkaen liten produkt med hjälp av mallar och fixturer anpassade för film och hur mandokumenterar processen med hjälp av film. Jag har tittat på olika filmer som rörämnet och olika typer av mallar för att sedan formge en liten figur vid namnCharlie, som serietillverkades i en serie av 30 stycken. Jag utförde några avmomenten i serietillverkningen med hjälp av en typ mall som jag konstruerade.Mallen, som jag valt att kalla för karusellmall, är inte den mest rationella men ärdäremot betydligt mer spännande och spektakulär än en traditionell mall. Därföranser jag att karusellmallen lämpar sig bättre för filmdokumentation. Jag haräven skapat en film som visar hur min produkt tillverkas med hjälp av minkarusellmall. / This thesis contains a description of my degree project, Charlie Rides the MerryGo Round, which was made at Carl Malmsten ‐ Furniture Studies, LinköpingUniversity in the spring of 2012. In my work I examine how to mass‐produce asmall product with new variations on templates and fixtures, and how todocument the process with film. I have looked at various films related to thetopic and various types of templates and then design a small figure namedCharlie that was produced in a series of 30 pieces. I carried out some of the stepsin the series production with the help of a type of template that I designed. Thetemplate, which I decided to call a merry go round template, is not the mostrational but is much more exciting and spectacular than a traditional template. Itherefore believe that the merry go round template is more suitable forfilmmaking. I have also created a film showing how my product is manufacturedwith the help of my merry go round template.
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Merry-Go-Round.Carter, Lydia Allois 01 May 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Merry-Go-Round is a realistic adolescent novella that looks at true problems young adults can face.
The protagonist, Amy, is ten-year-old girl who meets a boy, Ben, of the same age at the hotel where her mother works. Amy and Ben become fast friends. Amy's mother is involved in an abusive relationship and Ben's mother is dying of cancer. Through the relationship formed between the children, they learn how to survive by sharing their difficulties and working them out.
The realistic, troublesome situations faced by the main characters of Merry-Go-Round will help readers graduate smoothly on the next level of reading.
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Loutkoherci, gymnasté, kramáři a šlejfíři. Proměny životních strategií světských rodů od konce 18. do počátku 20. století / Puppeteers, gymnasts, vendors, blade sharpeners. Changes of life strategies of itinerant lineages between the late 18th and early 20th CenturiesTLAMSOVÁ, Hanka January 2016 (has links)
The hereby presented thesis pursues the occupations of puppeteers, gymnasts, vendors, blade sharpeners and changes of life strategies of itinerant lineages between the late 18th and early 20th Centuries. Above all, the research was anchored at various registers - firstly comprising registry offices, censuses, registers of homestead participants or residence applications. These were supplemented by the then public press, remembrances of contemporaries and other sources. The historical and demographical analyses based upon genealogical outputs were the dominant methodological background, the subject of which primarily became the characteristics of itinerant individuals and their place within society. The author also inquired into their ethnic origins and specific ways of earning one´s living. The pivot of this treatise, nonetheless, was to reveal true historical circumstances having once brought into life a number of widespread clan legends. Neither marriage strategies were omitted as they provided proof of certain behavioural patterns of both the itinerant and settled individuals. Last but not the least, attention was paid to the sojourn and life en route within this roving peripheral community, the presupposed uniqueness of which was fully proved in every respect.
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