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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Environmentally Relevant Concentration of Bisphenol S Shows Slight Effects on SIHUMIx

Schäpe, Stephanie Serena, Krause, Jannike Lea, Masanetz, Rebecca Katharina, Riesbeck, Sarah, Starke, Robert, Rolle-Kampczyk, Ulrike, Eberlein, Christian, Heipieper, Hermann-Josef, Herberth, Gunda, von Bergen, Martin, Jehmlich, Nico 20 April 2023 (has links)
Bisphenol S (BPS) is an industrial chemical used in the process of polymerization of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins and thus can be found in various plastic products and thermal papers. The microbiota disrupting effect of BPS on the community structure of the microbiome has already been reported, but little is known on how BPS affects bacterial activity and function. To analyze these effects, we cultivated the simplified human intestinal microbiota (SIHUMIx) in bioreactors at a concentration of 45 µM BPS. By determining biomass, growth of SIHUMIx was followed but no differences during BPS exposure were observed. To validate if the membrane composition was affected, fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) profiles were compared. Changes in the individual membrane fatty acid composition could not been described; however, the saturation level of the membranes slightly increased during BPS exposure. By applying targeted metabolomics to quantify short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), it was shown that the activity of SIHUMIx was unaffected. Metaproteomics revealed temporal effect on the community structure and function, showing that BPS has minor effects on the structure or functionality of SIHUMIx.

Effects of the nitric oxide donor, DEA/NO on cortical spreading depression.

Wang, M., Obrenovitch, Tihomir P., Urenjak, Jutta A. January 2003 (has links)
No / Cortical spreading depression (CSD) is a transient disruption of local ionic homeostasis that may promote migraine attacks and the progression of stroke lesions. We reported previously that the local inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis with N¿-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) delayed markedly the initiation of the recovery of ionic homeostasis from CSD. Here we describe a novel method for selective, controlled generation of exogenous NO in a functioning brain region. It is based on microdialysis perfusion of the NO donor, 2-(N,N-diethylamino)-diazenolate-2-oxide (DEA/NO). As DEA/NO does not generate NO at alkaline pH, and as the brain has a strong acid-base buffering capacity, DEA/NO was perfused in a medium adjusted at alkaline (but unbuffered) pH. Without DEA/NO, such a microdialysis perfusion medium did not alter CSD. DEA/NO (1, 10 and 100 ¿M) had little effect on CSD by itself, but it reversed in a concentration-dependent manner the effects of NOS inhibition by 1 mM L-NAME. These data demonstrate that increased formation of endogenous NO associated with CSD is critical for subsequent, rapid recovery of cellular ionic homeostasis. In this case, the molecular targets for NO may be located either on brain cells to suppress mechanisms directly involved in CSD genesis, or on local blood vessels to couple flow to the increased energy demand associated with CSD

Efeitos da inibição crônica das óxido nítrico sintases na mecânica de tecido periférico, no recrutamento eosinofílico e no remodelamento da matriz extracelular induzida por inflamação crônica pulmonar / Effects of chronic nitric oxide inhibition on lung tissue mechanics, eosinophilic and extracellular matrix responses induced by chronic pulmonary inflammation

Silva, Patricia Angeli da 25 September 2008 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A importância da resposta mecânica do parênquima pulmonar na fisiopatologia da asma tem sido recentemente reconhecida. O óxido nítrico é um mediador que controla o tônus muscular liso das vias aéreas, porém este efeito no parênquima pulmonar periférico ainda não foi previamente investigado. Nossa hipótese é que a inibição crônica das óxido nítrico sintases por meio do tratamento com L-NAME (falso substrato para todas as óxido nítrico sintases) pode modular a mecânica do parênquima pulmonar, o recrutamento eosinofílico e o remodelamento da matriz extracelular em modelo de inflamação alérgica crônica pulmonar em cobaias. MÉTODOS: Os animais foram expostos a sete inalações com soro fisiológico ou com ovoalbumina em doses crescentes (1~5mg/ml - 4 semanas) e tratadas ou não com L-NAME (60 mg/kg/ por dia /por animal) na água de beber. Setenta e duas horas após a sétima inalação os animais foram anestesiados, exsanguinados e a mecânica oscilatória do parênquima pulmonar foi medida na condição pré e após desafio (0.1%). Utilizando a técnica de morfometria foram avaliadas a densidade de eosinófilos, o número de células nNOS e iNOS positivas, a densidade de actina, das fibras colágenas e das fibras elásticas bem como a proporção de volume de 8-iso-PGF2 no septo alveolar. RESULTADOS: Os animais que foram expostos à ovoalbumina apresentaram um aumento da resistência e da elastância tecidual (resposta basal e após desafio antigênico), na densidade de eosinófilos, no número de células nNOS e iNOS positivas, na densidade de fibras colágenas e de fibras elásticas bem como na expressão de 8-isoPGF2 no septo alveolar comparativamente aos grupos controles (p<0,05). O tratamento com L-NAME em animais expostos à ovoalbumina atenuou todas as respostas de mecânica do tecido pulmonar periférico (p<0, 01), reduziu o número de células nNOS e iNOS positivas (p<0.01), o conteúdo de fibras elásticas (p<0,001) e de 8-iso-PGF2 no septo alveolar (p<0,001). No entanto, este tratamento não afetou o número total de eosinófilos e o conteúdo de fibras colágenas. Este trabalho sugere que o óxido nítrico contribui para a constrição do parênquima pulmonar e para a deposição de fibras elásticas neste modelo. Estes efeitos foram associados à ativação de iNOS e nNOS em células do parênquima distal e aumento na via do estresse oxidativo / The importance of lung tissue mechanical responses in asthma pathophysiology has been recently recognized. Although nitric oxide (NO) is a mediator that controls smooth muscle tonus control in the airways, its effects on lung tissue responsiveness has not been previously investigated. We hypothesized that chronic nitric oxide synthase inhibition by L-NAME (false substrate for all nitric oxide synthases) treatment may modulate lung tissue mechanics, eosinophilic recruitment and extracellular matrix remodeling in a model of chronic pulmonary allergic inflammation. Guinea pigs were submitted to seven normal saline or ovalbumin exposures with increasing doses (1~5mg/mL-4weeks) and treated or not with L-NAME in drinking water. Seventy-two hours after the seventh inhalation the animals were anesthetized, exsanguinated, and oscillatory mechanics of lung tissue strips was performed in baseline condition and after ovalbumin challenge (0.1%). Using morphometry, we assessed the density of eosinophils, the number of iNOS and nNOS-positive cells, the density of actin, the collagen and elastic fibers content and the volume proportion of 8-iso-PGF2 in the alveolar septa. Ovalbumin-exposed animals presented an increase in baseline and maximal tissue resistance and elastance responses, eosinophil density, in the number of iNOS and nNOS positive cells, in the amount of collagen and elastic fibers and in the volume proportion of 8-iso-PGF2 in the alveolar septa compared to controls (p<0.05). L-NAME treatment in ovalbumin-exposed animals attenuated all lung tissue mechanical responses (p<0.01), reduced the number of iNOS and nNOS positive cells (p<0.01), elastic fiber content (p<0.001) and 8-isoPGF2 in the alveolar septa (p<0.001). However, this treatment did not affect the total number of eosinophils and collagen deposition. These data suggest that NO contributes to distal lung parenchyma constriction and to elastic fibers deposition in this model. These effects were associated to iNOS and nNOS activation in pulmonary parenchyma and with an increase in oxidative stress pathway activation

Caracterização das vias de morte celular induzida pela metilecgonidina, produto da pirólise da cocaína / Neurotoxicity of anydroecgonine methyl ester, a crack cocaine pyrolysis product

Dati, Livia Mendonça Munhóz 26 October 2012 (has links)
A cocaína é considerada a principal droga de abuso utilizada na América do Sul, sendo que o crack é a via de administração que mais cresceu nos últimos anos. Cabe salientar que o usuário do crack sofre ação tanto da cocaína quanto das substâncias advindas da sua pirólise, dentre elas a metilecgonidina (AEME). Trabalho publicado pelo nosso grupo demonstrou que a AEME é mais neurotóxica que a cocaína em cultura primária de hipocampo. Além disso, dados da literatura têm mostrado uma possível ação da AEME em receptores colinérgicos muscarínicos no sistema nervoso periférico. Na tentativa de elucidar se essa ação ocorre no sistema nervoso central, a AEME foi incubada na presença e na ausência de atropina, um antagonista de receptores colinérgicos muscarínicos. Nossos resultados em cultura primária de hipocampo mostraram que a atropina foi capaz de prevenir os efeitos neurotóxicos causados pela AEME, sugerindo uma afinidade aos receptores colinérgicos muscarínicos. Contudo, o mesmo efeito não foi observado após a incubação com a cocaína e a associação (AEME 1 mM /cocaína 2 mM). Pode-se pressupor que a AEME age preferencialmente em receptores colinérgicos muscarínicos subtipos M1, M3 e M5, uma vez que houve a formação de IP3 e aumento de cálcio intracelular, sendo esse último observado também nos grupos incubados com cocaína e associação (AEME 1 mM /cocaína 2 mM). Com a finalidade de verificar se a apoptose era uma das vias de morte neuronal, foi avaliada a expressão das proteínas mitoncondriais (Bax e Bcl-2), a atividade da caspase-3 e a análise da fragmentação do DNA, bem como a integridade da membrana celular. Foi observado que a AEME aumentou a razão das proteínas mitocondriais Bax/Bcl-2, a atividade da caspase-3 e o DNA fragmentado, bem como a perda da integridade da membrana. A cocaína aumentou a atividade da caspase 3, a fragmentação do DNA e a perda da integridade da membrana celular, mas não alterou a razão da expressão das proteínas mitocondriais Bax/Bcl-2. Apesar de apresentar uma diminuição da atividade da caspase-3, a associação (AEME 1 mM /cocaína 2 mM) apresentou um aumento do DNA fragmentado e do rompimento da membrana, bem como um aumento da razão Bax/Bcl-2. Estes dados sugerem que estas substâncias estimulam vias de morte neuronal tanto de apoptose quanto de necrose. Mais ainda, nas vias estudas neste trabalho, parece que a associação (AEME 1 mM /cocaína 2 mM) desencadeia os efeitos neurotóxicos mais rápido, estimulando, possivelmente, vias diferentes das encontradas com as substâncias isoladamente. / Cocaine is the main illicit drug used in South America, and the crack cocaine is the administration route that grown more than any other route in the last years. The user of crack cocaine suffers the action of both cocaine and its pyrolysis products, which methylecgonidine (AEME) is the main compound. Published work by our group demonstrated that AEME is more neurotoxic than cocaine in rat primary hippocampal cell culture. Moreover, published data have shown a possible muscarinic cholinergic action of AEME in the peripheral nervous system. To verify if this action occurs in the central nervous system, AEME was incubated in the presence and absence of atropine, a muscarinic cholinergic receptor antagonist. Our results in rat primary hippocampal cell culture showed that atropine was able to prevent AEME-induced neurotoxic effects, suggesting its affinity for muscarinic cholinergic receptors. However, this effect was not observed after incubation with cocaine and association (AEME 1 mM /cocaine 2 mM). It is suggestive that AEME acts, with preference, on subtypes M1, M3 and M5 muscarinic cholinergic receptors, once there was the formation of IP3 and the increase of intracellular calcium. It is important to mention that the intracellular calcium was also increased in both cocaine and association (AEME 1 mM /cocaine 2 mM) groups. In order to know whether apoptosis was a neuronal death pathway, it was evaluated the expression of mitochondrial proteins (Bax and Bcl-2), the capase-3 activity and the DNA fragmentation, as well as the loss of membrane integrity. It was observed that AEME increased the ratio of mitochondrial proteins Bax/Bcl-2, the activity of caspase-3, the fragmentation of DNA and the loss of membrane integrity. Cocaine increased the activity of caspase-3, the DNA fragmentation and the loss of cell membrane integrity, but did not affect the ratio expression of mitochondrial proteins Bax/Bcl-2. Although it was observed a decrease in caspase-3 activity, the association (AEME 1 mM / cocaine 2 mM) showed an increase in the DNA fragmentation and the cell membrane disruption, as well as an increase in Bax/Bcl-2 ratio. These data suggest that these substances stimulate neuronal death pathways of both apoptosis and necrosis. Moreover, in the pathways studied in this work, it seems that the association (AEME 1 mM /cocaine 2 mM) has the fastest neurotoxic effects, stimulating, possibly, different neuronal death pathways when compared to substances isolated.

Caractérisation thermophysique des biodiesels : vitesse du son, densité, compressibilité / Thermophysic caracterization of the biodiesels : speed of sound, density, compressibility

Ndiaye, Elhadji Ibrahima 07 November 2012 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la lutte pour la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre, les biocarburants présentent un potentiel intéressant, en raison notamment de leur bilan CO2 "du puits à la roue" souvent très bon. Ainsi de nombreux programmes sont mis en œuvre, notamment en Europe, pour le développement de nouveaux carburants, et de moteurs automobiles adaptés à ces derniers. La conception de ces derniers nécessite une bonne maîtrise du système d’injection qui doit être aussi parfait que possible. Une meilleure connaissance du comportement et des propriétés sous haute pression de ces biocarburants revêt un caractère important. Le projet français NADIABIO rentre dans ce cadre et a pour principal objectif une meilleure maîtrise de l'injection (de la propagation d'onde dans la ligne HP à l'auto inflammation et la combustion) et de l'impact des biodiesels via une analyse fine à la fois numérique et expérimentale. En effet, dans le domaine des hautes pressions, la détermination des propriétés thermophysiques comme la densité ou les coefficients de compressibilité, présente souvent des difficultés contrairement à la vitesse du son qui peut se mesurer d’une manière simple et directe. Des dispositifs expérimentaux permettant d’effectuer des mesures de vitesses ultrasonores et de densité ont été mis au point pendant ce travail de thèse. Ils ont permis de fournir des données expérimentales de vitesses ultrasonores (pour des pressions et températures allant respectivement de 0,1 à 250 MPa et de 263,15 à 423,15K) et de densité (pour des pressions et températures allant respectivement de 0,1 - 100 MPa et de 283,15 à 393,15K). La campagne de mesure a été effectuée sur 12 biodiesels et sur un ensemble de 7 corps purs (EMHV, EEHV) représentatifs des mélanges étudiés. Cependant, pour des raisons de confidentialité, seuls les résultats relatifs aux corps purs et au Normafluid sont accessibles dans ce mémoire. Parallèlement, dans le but de proposer des méthodes de calcul prédictifs, nous nous somme intéressés à une procédure de type « predictor corrector », à une méthode de contribution de groupes moléculaires ainsi qu’à la théorie des états correspondants. Ces techniques de modélisation ont permis de déduire d’autres propriétés thermophysiques comme les coefficients de compressibilité, sous le même domaine de pression et de température. / Within the politic changes for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, biofuels present an interesting potential because of their very well CO2 balance sheet. Numerous projects were engaged in Europe, for the development of new fuels and for the design of automobile engines adapted to these carburant. The conception of new engine requires specific systems of injection which must be perfectly designed. With this aim in mind thermophysical properties such as density and compressibility must be known with accuracy. The French project “NADIABIO” goes into this industrial issue and its main objective consist in a better control of the injection (wave distribution in the High Pressure line, during the automobile inflammation and combustion process) and the impact of biodiesels (FAME and synthetic materials) on the environment through fine numerical and experimental analyses. The direct measurement of the density or the coefficients of compressibility often presents difficulties under high pressure. It is therefore easier to determine it indirectly from the velocity of sound, which can be measured in a simple and direct way with a good accuracy. Therefore, experimental devices allowing to make measurements of ultrasound speeds and density were finalized during this work. Experimental data of ultrasound speeds (from 0,1 to 250 MPa and from 263,15 to 423,15 K) and of density (0,1 to 100 MPa and 283,15 to 403,15K) have been determined with good precision on 19 biodiesels (mixtures and synthetic products (FAME, FAEE)). However, for reasons of confidentiality, only the results relative to the synthetic products and to Normafluid appear in this report. At the same time, with the aim of proposing predictive methods, we are interested in the procedure like “predictor-corrector”, in the method contribution of molecular groups and to the theory of the corresponding states which allowed deducting the other thermophysical properties like the coefficients of compressibility as a function of temperature and pressure.

Experimental Studies on Biodiesel Spray Characteristics : Effects of Evaporation & Nozzle Cavitation

Prasad, Boggavarapu V V S U January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Vegetable oil methyl esters obtained by transesterification of vegetable oils are considered to be suitable alternative fuels for diesel engines. However, higher viscosity, surface tension and boiling temperatures of biodiesels may adversely affect spray characteristics as compared to those of diesel. Thus, spray characteristics of Jatropha Methyl Ester (JME) are studied by comparing them to those of diesel in a high-pressure chamber with optical access to simulate the actual in-cylinder conditions. Also, the effect of inner-nozzle cavitation on JME and diesel sprays is studied by utilizing two nozzles, one with sharp entry-radius and the other with larger entry-radius. Finally, spray characteristics of surrogate fuels such as n-dodecane and n-hexadecane are also studied. The first part of the work concerning precise measurements of inner-nozzle geometry revealed that one of the nozzles has a hole diameter of 190-µm and entry-radius of around 70-µm, while the other has a hole diameter of 208-µm and entry-radius of around 10-µm. Injection rate-shape and coefficient of discharge for JME and diesel flow through the two nozzles were then measured. It was observed that while the coefficients of discharge (Cd) are almost identical for JME and diesel, the nozzle with entry radius of 10-µm exhibited around 20% lower Cd than that of the entry-radius of 70-µm. This observation coupled with insight from complementary CFD simulations of inner-nozzle flow showed that the lower Cd of the nozzle with entry-radius of 10-µm could be attributed to inner-nozzle cavitation. The second part of the work involved measurement of non-evaporating spray characteristics including spray-tip penetration, spray-cone angle and droplet size measurement under realistic operating conditions using techniques such as Shadowgraphy and Particle/Droplet Imaging Analysis (PDIA). The non-evaporating spray of the fuels are studied by injecting them using a common-rail fuel injection system into the high-pressure chamber maintained at room temperature. Experimental results show that JME is associated with a slightly faster spray-tip penetration and narrow spray-cone angle indicating inferior spray atomization which is confirmed by around 5% larger droplet sizes. Slower spray-tip penetration, wider spray-cone angle and around 5% smaller droplet sizes are observed for the spray from the cavitating nozzle. Thus, the inner nozzle cavitation is observed to improve the atomization of diesel and JME sprays. The differences in spray characteristics of JME and diesel reduce as the injection pressure increases. The spray-tip penetrations of both surrogates are observed to almost match that of diesel. The third part of the work involved measurements of evaporating spray liquid length, vapour penetration and spread angle for JME, diesel and surrogates at conditions of 50 bar chamber pressure and 900 K temperature. It is observed that the JME exhibits around 16% longer liquid length than that of diesel. The liquid length of n-dodecane is significantly lower than that of diesel and liquid length of n-hexadecane is around 20% higher than that of n-dodecane mimicking the trend of JME and diesel. The liquid length of n-hexadecane is very close to that of diesel at all the three test conditions. Interestingly, the vapour penetration and spread angle for all the fuels is observed to be almost identical. As the cold spray and evaporating spray characteristics of n-hexadecane match well with those of diesel, n-hexadecane can be chosen as a pure component surrogate for diesel. Finally, an analytical model for predicting the spray vapour penetration is assessed with the experimentally-observed trends of penetration and spray spread angle. The model indicated that the effect of fuel density variation is compensated by the corresponding variation in injection velocity for a given injection pressure to result in a similar vapour penetration. Overall, the present work, in addition to studying the effect of fuel physical properties and cavitation on sprays, has generated a comprehensive experimental database on non-evaporating and evaporating sprays of biodiesel, diesel, and pure component surrogates, which would aid significantly in validation of CFD simulations.

Argilas modificadas para uso como catalisadores heterogêneos em reações de transesterificação: efeito da composição química das argilas / Modified clays for use as heterogeneous catalysts in transesterification reactions: the effect of chemical composition of clay

Silva, Layani Crystini Antonio da 15 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:07:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Layani Crystini Antonio da Silva.pdf: 3602080 bytes, checksum: 549974109a316672aa67e6aa29fdb910 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-15 / The demand for renewable energy sources that are environmentally friendly is increasing every year, especially for biodiesel, a biofuel for use in internal combustion engines biodegradable and nontoxic. In turn, biodiesel is commercially produced by transesterification process using homogeneous catalysts such as NaOH or KOH, which possess good yields despite purification steps of biodiesel quite costly, and the raw material used has a high cost. The replacement of homogeneous catalysts by heterogeneous transesterification reactions is very promising because this method has some advantages such as easy separation of the biodiesel formed in the reaction and the catalyst and the possibility of reuse of the catalyst. This study aimed to produce biodiesel using modified clays as heterogeneous catalyst. Clays are abundant natural raw materials and therefore have a low cost, and enable manipulation of their properties. Thus, natural clays have been chemically modified by treatment with KF. After treatment the catalysts were characterized structurally by the techniques of XRF, XRD, IR, SEM and BET then applied to transesterification reactions. Tests using Hammett indicators were applied on fresh catalysts and clay, where the results confirmed a greater number of basic sites for the catalysts compared to untreated clay with KF. To achieve the goal of producing biodiesel was performed 23 factorial design for three catalysts. Thus the best yield obtained was 89% using the catalyst KF-Clay 1 in molar ratio 1:9 reaction conditions, amount of catalyst of 25% over the mass of the oil temperature of 80 ° C and 1 hour of reaction. Test was conducted with catalyst reuse Clay KF-1 that showed a gradual loss of catalytic activity and leaching tests showed that among the three catalysts used at work, Clay KF-1 shows greater stability. / A procura por fontes renováveis de energia que sejam ambientalmente corretas vem aumentando a cada ano, em especial para o biodiesel, um biocombustível para uso em motores a combustão interna biodegradável e não tóxico. Por sua vez, o biodiesel é produzido comercialmente pelo processo de transesterificação utilizando catalisadores homogêneos tais como NaOH ou KOH, que apesar de bons rendimentos possuem etapas de purificação do biodiesel bastante onerosas e, a matéria prima utilizada possui um alto custo. A substituição de catalisadores homogêneos por heterogêneos em reações de transesterificação é bastante promissora, pois este método possui algumas vantagens como fácil separação entre o biodiesel formado na reação e o catalisador e possibilidade de reuso do catalisador. Este trabalho teve como objetivo produzir biodiesel empregando argilas modificadas como catalisador heterogêneo. As argilas são matérias-primas naturais abundantes e, portanto, possuem baixo custo, além de possibilitar manipulação de suas propriedades. Desta forma, argilas naturais foram modificadas quimicamente por tratamento com KF. Após o tratamento os catalisadores obtidos foram caracterizados estruturalmente pelas técnicas de FRX, DRX, IV, MEV e BET, depois aplicados em reações de transesterificação. Testes utilizando indicadores de Hammett foram aplicados sobre as argilas in natura e catalisadores, onde os resultados comprovaram um maior número de sítios básicos para os catalisadores, quando comparados com argila sem tratamento com KF. Para alcançar o objetivo de produção de biodiesel foi realizado planejamento fatorial 23 para três catalisadores. Assim o melhor rendimento obtido foi de 89% utilizando o catalisador KF-Argila 1, nas condições reacionais razão molar 1:9, quantidade de catalisador de 25% em relação a massa do óleo, temperatura de 80 oC e 1 hora de reação. Foi realizado teste de reuso com o catalisador KF-Argila 1 que apresentou uma gradativa perda na atividade catalítica e, testes de lixiviação comprovaram que dentre os três catalisadores utilizados no trabalho, o KF-Argila 1 apresenta maior estabilidade.

Caracterização das vias de morte celular induzida pela metilecgonidina, produto da pirólise da cocaína / Neurotoxicity of anydroecgonine methyl ester, a crack cocaine pyrolysis product

Livia Mendonça Munhóz Dati 26 October 2012 (has links)
A cocaína é considerada a principal droga de abuso utilizada na América do Sul, sendo que o crack é a via de administração que mais cresceu nos últimos anos. Cabe salientar que o usuário do crack sofre ação tanto da cocaína quanto das substâncias advindas da sua pirólise, dentre elas a metilecgonidina (AEME). Trabalho publicado pelo nosso grupo demonstrou que a AEME é mais neurotóxica que a cocaína em cultura primária de hipocampo. Além disso, dados da literatura têm mostrado uma possível ação da AEME em receptores colinérgicos muscarínicos no sistema nervoso periférico. Na tentativa de elucidar se essa ação ocorre no sistema nervoso central, a AEME foi incubada na presença e na ausência de atropina, um antagonista de receptores colinérgicos muscarínicos. Nossos resultados em cultura primária de hipocampo mostraram que a atropina foi capaz de prevenir os efeitos neurotóxicos causados pela AEME, sugerindo uma afinidade aos receptores colinérgicos muscarínicos. Contudo, o mesmo efeito não foi observado após a incubação com a cocaína e a associação (AEME 1 mM /cocaína 2 mM). Pode-se pressupor que a AEME age preferencialmente em receptores colinérgicos muscarínicos subtipos M1, M3 e M5, uma vez que houve a formação de IP3 e aumento de cálcio intracelular, sendo esse último observado também nos grupos incubados com cocaína e associação (AEME 1 mM /cocaína 2 mM). Com a finalidade de verificar se a apoptose era uma das vias de morte neuronal, foi avaliada a expressão das proteínas mitoncondriais (Bax e Bcl-2), a atividade da caspase-3 e a análise da fragmentação do DNA, bem como a integridade da membrana celular. Foi observado que a AEME aumentou a razão das proteínas mitocondriais Bax/Bcl-2, a atividade da caspase-3 e o DNA fragmentado, bem como a perda da integridade da membrana. A cocaína aumentou a atividade da caspase 3, a fragmentação do DNA e a perda da integridade da membrana celular, mas não alterou a razão da expressão das proteínas mitocondriais Bax/Bcl-2. Apesar de apresentar uma diminuição da atividade da caspase-3, a associação (AEME 1 mM /cocaína 2 mM) apresentou um aumento do DNA fragmentado e do rompimento da membrana, bem como um aumento da razão Bax/Bcl-2. Estes dados sugerem que estas substâncias estimulam vias de morte neuronal tanto de apoptose quanto de necrose. Mais ainda, nas vias estudas neste trabalho, parece que a associação (AEME 1 mM /cocaína 2 mM) desencadeia os efeitos neurotóxicos mais rápido, estimulando, possivelmente, vias diferentes das encontradas com as substâncias isoladamente. / Cocaine is the main illicit drug used in South America, and the crack cocaine is the administration route that grown more than any other route in the last years. The user of crack cocaine suffers the action of both cocaine and its pyrolysis products, which methylecgonidine (AEME) is the main compound. Published work by our group demonstrated that AEME is more neurotoxic than cocaine in rat primary hippocampal cell culture. Moreover, published data have shown a possible muscarinic cholinergic action of AEME in the peripheral nervous system. To verify if this action occurs in the central nervous system, AEME was incubated in the presence and absence of atropine, a muscarinic cholinergic receptor antagonist. Our results in rat primary hippocampal cell culture showed that atropine was able to prevent AEME-induced neurotoxic effects, suggesting its affinity for muscarinic cholinergic receptors. However, this effect was not observed after incubation with cocaine and association (AEME 1 mM /cocaine 2 mM). It is suggestive that AEME acts, with preference, on subtypes M1, M3 and M5 muscarinic cholinergic receptors, once there was the formation of IP3 and the increase of intracellular calcium. It is important to mention that the intracellular calcium was also increased in both cocaine and association (AEME 1 mM /cocaine 2 mM) groups. In order to know whether apoptosis was a neuronal death pathway, it was evaluated the expression of mitochondrial proteins (Bax and Bcl-2), the capase-3 activity and the DNA fragmentation, as well as the loss of membrane integrity. It was observed that AEME increased the ratio of mitochondrial proteins Bax/Bcl-2, the activity of caspase-3, the fragmentation of DNA and the loss of membrane integrity. Cocaine increased the activity of caspase-3, the DNA fragmentation and the loss of cell membrane integrity, but did not affect the ratio expression of mitochondrial proteins Bax/Bcl-2. Although it was observed a decrease in caspase-3 activity, the association (AEME 1 mM / cocaine 2 mM) showed an increase in the DNA fragmentation and the cell membrane disruption, as well as an increase in Bax/Bcl-2 ratio. These data suggest that these substances stimulate neuronal death pathways of both apoptosis and necrosis. Moreover, in the pathways studied in this work, it seems that the association (AEME 1 mM /cocaine 2 mM) has the fastest neurotoxic effects, stimulating, possibly, different neuronal death pathways when compared to substances isolated.

Efeitos da inibição crônica das óxido nítrico sintases na mecânica de tecido periférico, no recrutamento eosinofílico e no remodelamento da matriz extracelular induzida por inflamação crônica pulmonar / Effects of chronic nitric oxide inhibition on lung tissue mechanics, eosinophilic and extracellular matrix responses induced by chronic pulmonary inflammation

Patricia Angeli da Silva 25 September 2008 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A importância da resposta mecânica do parênquima pulmonar na fisiopatologia da asma tem sido recentemente reconhecida. O óxido nítrico é um mediador que controla o tônus muscular liso das vias aéreas, porém este efeito no parênquima pulmonar periférico ainda não foi previamente investigado. Nossa hipótese é que a inibição crônica das óxido nítrico sintases por meio do tratamento com L-NAME (falso substrato para todas as óxido nítrico sintases) pode modular a mecânica do parênquima pulmonar, o recrutamento eosinofílico e o remodelamento da matriz extracelular em modelo de inflamação alérgica crônica pulmonar em cobaias. MÉTODOS: Os animais foram expostos a sete inalações com soro fisiológico ou com ovoalbumina em doses crescentes (1~5mg/ml - 4 semanas) e tratadas ou não com L-NAME (60 mg/kg/ por dia /por animal) na água de beber. Setenta e duas horas após a sétima inalação os animais foram anestesiados, exsanguinados e a mecânica oscilatória do parênquima pulmonar foi medida na condição pré e após desafio (0.1%). Utilizando a técnica de morfometria foram avaliadas a densidade de eosinófilos, o número de células nNOS e iNOS positivas, a densidade de actina, das fibras colágenas e das fibras elásticas bem como a proporção de volume de 8-iso-PGF2 no septo alveolar. RESULTADOS: Os animais que foram expostos à ovoalbumina apresentaram um aumento da resistência e da elastância tecidual (resposta basal e após desafio antigênico), na densidade de eosinófilos, no número de células nNOS e iNOS positivas, na densidade de fibras colágenas e de fibras elásticas bem como na expressão de 8-isoPGF2 no septo alveolar comparativamente aos grupos controles (p<0,05). O tratamento com L-NAME em animais expostos à ovoalbumina atenuou todas as respostas de mecânica do tecido pulmonar periférico (p<0, 01), reduziu o número de células nNOS e iNOS positivas (p<0.01), o conteúdo de fibras elásticas (p<0,001) e de 8-iso-PGF2 no septo alveolar (p<0,001). No entanto, este tratamento não afetou o número total de eosinófilos e o conteúdo de fibras colágenas. Este trabalho sugere que o óxido nítrico contribui para a constrição do parênquima pulmonar e para a deposição de fibras elásticas neste modelo. Estes efeitos foram associados à ativação de iNOS e nNOS em células do parênquima distal e aumento na via do estresse oxidativo / The importance of lung tissue mechanical responses in asthma pathophysiology has been recently recognized. Although nitric oxide (NO) is a mediator that controls smooth muscle tonus control in the airways, its effects on lung tissue responsiveness has not been previously investigated. We hypothesized that chronic nitric oxide synthase inhibition by L-NAME (false substrate for all nitric oxide synthases) treatment may modulate lung tissue mechanics, eosinophilic recruitment and extracellular matrix remodeling in a model of chronic pulmonary allergic inflammation. Guinea pigs were submitted to seven normal saline or ovalbumin exposures with increasing doses (1~5mg/mL-4weeks) and treated or not with L-NAME in drinking water. Seventy-two hours after the seventh inhalation the animals were anesthetized, exsanguinated, and oscillatory mechanics of lung tissue strips was performed in baseline condition and after ovalbumin challenge (0.1%). Using morphometry, we assessed the density of eosinophils, the number of iNOS and nNOS-positive cells, the density of actin, the collagen and elastic fibers content and the volume proportion of 8-iso-PGF2 in the alveolar septa. Ovalbumin-exposed animals presented an increase in baseline and maximal tissue resistance and elastance responses, eosinophil density, in the number of iNOS and nNOS positive cells, in the amount of collagen and elastic fibers and in the volume proportion of 8-iso-PGF2 in the alveolar septa compared to controls (p<0.05). L-NAME treatment in ovalbumin-exposed animals attenuated all lung tissue mechanical responses (p<0.01), reduced the number of iNOS and nNOS positive cells (p<0.01), elastic fiber content (p<0.001) and 8-isoPGF2 in the alveolar septa (p<0.001). However, this treatment did not affect the total number of eosinophils and collagen deposition. These data suggest that NO contributes to distal lung parenchyma constriction and to elastic fibers deposition in this model. These effects were associated to iNOS and nNOS activation in pulmonary parenchyma and with an increase in oxidative stress pathway activation

Efeitos da rosuvastatina e olmesartana sobre o remodelamento de aorta, miocárdio e rim em ratos hipertensos por deficiência crônica da síntese de óxido nítrico

Girardi, José Marcos 09 June 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-03-24T14:56:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 josemarcosgirardi.pdf: 1287766 bytes, checksum: 075ed2df1583d07329df989c3ebc4738 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-03-27T17:36:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 josemarcosgirardi.pdf: 1287766 bytes, checksum: 075ed2df1583d07329df989c3ebc4738 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-27T17:36:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 josemarcosgirardi.pdf: 1287766 bytes, checksum: 075ed2df1583d07329df989c3ebc4738 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-06-09 / Alterações no remodelamento miocárdico, vascular, inflamatório, proteinúria e inflamação glomerular em ratos deficientes de óxido nítrico (NO), tratados com olmesartana medoxomila (OLM) e/ou rosuvastatina cálcica (ROS) foram estudadas após 28 dias com o objetivo de avaliar o impacto destes fármacos. Veículo (G1), Lnitro-arginina-metil-éster (L-NAME) 30mg/kg/dia (G2), OLM 5mg/kg/dia (G3), ROS 20mg/kg/dia (G4), OLM 0,5mg/kg/dia (G5), ROS 2mg/kg/dia (G6), OLM 0,5+ROS 2mg/kg/dia (G7), OLM 5+ROS 20mg/kg/dia (G8) administrados oralmente a ratos Wistar. Pressão sistólica (PS) mensurada semanalmente. Análises hematológica, bioquímica {colesterol total (CT), triglicérides (Tg), aminotransferases (AMT), fosfatase alcalina (FA), creatinina (Cr), nitrito/nitrato (NOx), Interleucina-6 (IL-6), Fator de Necrose Tumoral-alfa (TNF-α)}, urinária: {relação albumina/creatinina (RACU)}. Cortes de ventrículo esquerdo, aorta, rins (hematoxilina/eosina e Masson), analisados morfometricamente: análise transversa de cardiomiócitos (ATC), relação média e íntima sobre o lúmen arterial (MILA), fibrose perivascular de arteríolas intramiocárdicas (FPAI). Macrófagos glomerulares (MG) analisados por imunohistoquímica. L-NAME elevou a PS, ATC, MILA, FPVAI, IL-6, MG (p < 0,0001), TNFα, RACU, reduziu NOx (p < 0,01). OLM reduziu PS (p < 0,001), TNF-α (p < 0,05), IL6, ATC, MILA, FPVAIM (p < 0,0001), MG (p < 0,01), RACU (G3) (p < 0,05). ROS elevou NOx (G6), reduziu TNF-α, RACU (G4) (p< 0,05), IL-6, ATC, MILA (G4), FPAI (p < 0,0001), MG (p < 0,001). ROS potencializou efeito de OLM sobre a RACU. OLM e ROS exercem efeitos benéficos no remodelamento miocárdico, vascular, inflamatório e renal em ratos deficientes de NO. Efeitos pleiotrópicos de ROS independentes da PS e CT, mediados por suas propriedades antioxidantes / Changes in myocardial remodeling, vascular inflammation, proteinuria, and glomerular inflammation in nitric oxide (NO)-deficient rats, treated with olmesartan medoxomil (OLM) and / or rosuvastatin calcium (ROS) were studied after 28 days in order to assess the impact of these drugs. Vehicle (G1), nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) 30mg/kg/dia (G2), OLM 5mg/kg/day (G3), ROS 20mg/kg/day (G4), OLM 0,5mg/kg/day (G5), ROS 2mg/kg/day (G6), OLM 0.5+ROS 2mg/kg/day (G7), OLM 5+ROS 20mg/kg/day (G8) orally administered to Wistar rats. Systolic pressure (SBP) measured weekly. Haematological, biochemical {total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (Tg), aminotransferase (AMT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), creatinine (Cr), nitrite / nitrate (NOx), Interleukin-6 (IL-6), Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNFα)}, urinary {albumin / creatinine ratio (UACR)}. Cuts from the left ventricle, aorta, kidneys (hematoxylin / eosin and Masson) were morphometrically analyzed: crosssectional area of cardiomyocytes (Acmy), intima-media thickness on the arterial lumen (IMT), perivascular fibrosis of intramyocardial arterioles ratio (PFR). Glomerular macrophages (GM) were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. L-NAME increased the SBP, Acmy, IMT, PFR, IL-6, GM (p <0.0001), TNF-α, UACR reduced NOx (p <0.01). OLM reduced SBP (p <0.001), TNF-α (p <0.05), IL-6, Acmy, IMT, PFR (p <0.0001), GM (p <0.01), UACR (G3) (p <0.05). ROS increased NOx (G6), reduced TNF-α, UACR (G4) (p <0.05), IL-6, Acmy, IMT (G4), PFR (p <0.0001), GM (p <0.001). ROS potentiated the effect of OLM on UACR. OLM and ROS exert beneficial effects on myocardial, vascular, inflammatory and renal remodeling in nitric oxide deficient rats. The pleiotropic effects of ROS were independent of SBP and TC, mediated by its antioxidant properties.

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