Spelling suggestions: "subject:"decretode"" "subject:"boumetode""
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Histološke karakteristike i regeneratorni kapacitet endocervikalnih žlezda / Histologic Features and Regenerative Capacity of Endocervical GlandsAmidžić Jelena 22 September 2017 (has links)
<p>U grliću materice se histološki razlikuju dva regiona: ektocerviks (vaginalna porcija) i endocervikalni deo. Osnovna histološka razlika između ovih delova se ogleda u epitelu koji oblaže sluznicu. Histološke osobenosti endocervikalnog dela grlića materice u dostupnoj literaturi nisu detaljno proučene i postoje mnoga neodgovorena pitanja u pogledu opštih kvantitativnih morfoloških karakteristika, kao i u pogledu dobno zavisnih promena ovih parametara. Takođe, podaci u vezi odeljka i tipa ćelijske populacije odgovorne za regeneracija epitela u endocerviksu su u dostupnoj literaturi heterogeni i nisu jasno precizirani. U ovoj studiji su morfometrijskim metodama (linearnim i stereološkim merenjem) analizirani histološki preparati grlića materice obojeni standarnim hematoksilin /eozin bojenjem i imunohistohemijskim metodama (Ki-67, p63 i CK17) s ciljem da se odrede prosečne i referentne vrednosti opštih histoloških parametara i ćelijske populacije odgovorne za regeneraciju epitela endocervikalnog dela grlića materice. Analiziran je broj endocervikalnih žlezda po santimetru dužine endocerviksa, dubina endocervikalnih žlezda, visina endocervikalnog epitela, volumenske gustine strome, žlezda, lumena žlezda i epitela, kao i volumenske gustine proliferativnih ćelija (p63+/CK17+ u odnosu na p63-/CK17-) u endocervikalnom epitelu. Obrađeno je ukupno 140 isečaka grlića materice, koji su podeljeni u dve grupe: grupa bez patoloških promena i grupa sa odabranim benignim procesima u endocerviksu. Isečci bez patoloških promena su podeljeni na osnovu godina starosti pacijentkinja u 5 podgrupa kako bi se utvrdilo da li postoje dobno zavisne razlike u vrednostima navedenih parametara. Na osnovu rezultata ovog istraživanja referentna vrednost broja endocervikalnih žlezda po santimetru dužine je 13 - 29 žl/cm, dubine endocervikalnih žlezda je 1,3 - 4 mm a visine epitelnih ćelija endocerviksa je 24 - 46 μm. Kod žena starosti preko 60 godina broj bazalnih ćelija endocervikalnog epitela opada u odnosu na mlađe pacijentkinje. Kod perimenopauzalnih žena, starosti od 40 do 49 godina, je nađena najveća prosečna vrednost dubine endocervikalnih žlezda, prosečne visine epitela endocerviksa, kao i najveći ukupni proliferativni indeks u endocervikalnom epitelu. U svim ispitivanim grupama, analizom volumenskih gustina regeneratornih ćelija endocervikalne sluznice (Ki-67 pozitivnih ćelija) u odnosu na druge imunohistomijske karakteristike (p63 i CK17 pozitivnost), rezultati dobijeni u ovoj disertaciji ukazuju na činjenicu da u endocervikalnom delu grlića materice postoje dva izvora regeneratornih ćelija.</p> / <p>In histologic terms, there are two different regions in the cervix: ectocervix (vaginal portion) and endocervical part. The main histologic difference between these two parts is reflected in the epithelium that coats the mucous. Histologic irregularities of the endocervical part of the cervix have not been studied in details in the available literature and there are many unanswered questions relating to general quantitative morphological features, as well as regarding age-dependent changes of such parameters. In addition, data from the available literature relating to the section and type of cell population responsible for epithelium regeneration in endocervix is heterogenous and not sufficiently precise. In this study, morphometric methods were used (by linear and stereologic measuring) to conduct histologic analysis of cervical preparations stained by standard hematoxylin/eosin stains, and immunohistochemical methods (Ki-67, p63 and CK17) with a goal to determine the average and reference values of general histologic parameters and cell populations responsible for regeneration of the epithelium of the endocervical part of cervix. The number of endocervical glands per centimetre of endocervix lenght, the depth of endocervical glands, the hight of endocervical epithelium, volumetric densities of stroma, glands, glands' lumen and epithelium, as well the volumetric densities of proliferative cells (p63+/CK17+ in relation to p63-/CK17-) in endocervical epithelium were analysed. A total of 140 cervical cuttings was processed, and they were divided into two groups: a group without pathologic changes and a group with chosen benign processes in the endocervix. Cuttings with no pathologic changes were divided into 5 subgroups on the basis of patients' age in order to determine if there are any age-dependent differences in the values of the mentioned parameters. On the basis of the results of this research, the reference value for the number of endocervical glands per centimetre of lenght is 13 - 29 gl/cm, for the depth of endocervical glands is 1.3 - 4 mm and for the hight of endocervical epithelium cells is 24 - 46 μm. With women older than 60, the number of basal cells of endocervical epithelium drops compared to younger patients. The biggest average value of the depth of endocervical glands, average hight of endocervical epithelium, as well as the biggest total proliferative index in the endocervical epithelium were found with women in perimenopause, age between 40 and 49. In all examined groups, by analysing the volumetric densities of regenerative cells of the endocervical mucus (Ki-67 positive cells) in relation to other immunohistochemical features (p63 and CK17 positivity), the results obtained in this dissertation indicate that there are two sources of regerative cells in the endocervical part of the cervix.</p>
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Efekti percpiranih roditeljskih postupaka prilikom korigovanja neprimerenih ponašanja dece na aktuelna uverenja o disciplinovanju u mlađem odraslom dobu: retrospektivna studija / Effects of perceived parental discipline behaviors during correction of child misbehaviours on discipline beliefs of young adults: retrospective studyIsaković Olivera 12 March 2018 (has links)
<p>Cilj istraţivanja je bio da ispita efekte opaţenog iskustva disciplinovanja, na uverenja o disciplinovanju dece u mlaĊem odraslom dobu, kao i ulogu uslova i naĉina na koji je roditeljska disciplina sprovoĊena, u relacionom odnosu iskustva i aktuelnih uverenja o disciplinovanju. Iskustva disciplinovanja iz detinjstva su operacionalizovana preko širokog spektra roditeljske korektivne discipline, tj. kaţnjavajućih i nekaţnjavajućih postupaka prilikom korigovanja neprimerenih ponašanja dece. Pored roditeljske disciplinske prakse, okolnosti disciplinovanja su operacionalizovane i preko uslova u okviru kojih je sprovoĊena disciplina (emocionalna klima, partnerski<br />iii<br />konflikti, neefikasnost u disciplinovanju) i naĉina na koji su roditelji korigovali ponašanja dece (toplina i doslednost, fleksibilnost, taktiĉnost/impulsivnost). Uverenja o disciplinovanju su operacionalizovana preko dimenzija pozitivne discipline, kaţnjavajuće discipline, te disciplinovanja uskraćivanjem ljubavi i agresivnošću.<br />U uzorak istraţivanja je ukljuĉeno 276 studenata Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, pri ĉemu je broj studentkinja bio nešto veći i iznosi 55%. Od ukupog broja, 79% ispitanika je odraslo sa oba roditelja, a 64% se izjasnilo da potiĉe iz porodice proseĉnog materijalnog statusa. Najveći broj roditelja ima srednji nivo obrazovanja (majke 64%, oĉevi 68%).<br />Prilikom prikupljanja podataka korišćena je testovna baterija, Inventar dimenzija disciplinovanja - forma za odrasle (Dimensions of Discipline Inventory Adult-recall form - DDI A), ĉiji su autori Straus i Fauchier (2007). Pored procene disciplinskih postupaka roditelja, DDI A omogućava procenu uslova i naĉina koji su bili dominantni u tim situacijama, a vezani su za period detinjstva, kada su ispitanici imali 10 godina, tako da su dobijeni podaci retrospektivne prirode. TakoĊe, bateriju saĉinjava i skala kognitivne procene korektivnih postupaka roditelja prema deci (uverenja o disciplinovanju), te skala sociodemografskih podataka. Kako je DDI A inventar kod nas prvi put upotrebljen upravo za potrebe ovog istraţivanja, pored prevoda instrumenta, sprovedena je i provera strukture i psihometrijskih karakteristika. Rezultati faktorske analize ukazuju na manje stabilnu strukturu instrumenta na domaćem uzorku, u odnosu na originalna istraţivanja, što se moţe pripisati kulturološkim specifiĉnostima roditeljskog disciplinovanja. Psihometrijske karakteristike svih skala u inventaru su zadovoljavajuće.</p><p>Proverom hipotetskog modela, utvrĊeni su direktni efekti koje demografske karakteristike i iskustvo disciplinovanja ostvaruju na uverenja o disciplinovanju mladih odraslih, a pored toga, utvrĊeni su i moderatorski efekti disciplinskih okolnosti na aktuelna uverenja o kaţnjavajućoj disciplini. Znaĉajne interakcije su utvrĊene za disciplinsko ponašanje oĉeva (stroga i restriktivna disciplina) i majki (suoĉavanje sa posledicama neprimerenih ponašanja, fiziĉka i psihološka agresivnost), u odnosu na specifiĉne uslove (partnerski konflikti) i naĉine (taktiĉnost/impulsivnost) disciplinovanja. Rezultati su diskutovani u svetlu teorije socijalnog uĉenja, u smislu potvrde efekata neposrednog iskustva disciplinovanja na uverenja o disciplinovanju u mlaĊem odraslom dobu, kao i potvrde znaĉaja disciplinskih okolnosti, tj. specifiĉnih uslova i naĉina na koji je disciplinovanje sprovoĊeno. Pored toga, razmatrane su i praktiĉne implikacije rezultata istraţivanja u kontekstu aktuelne izmene zakonske regulative, vezane za mogućnost uvoĊenja zabrane fiziĉkog kaţnjavanja, kao i<br />v<br />znaĉaja kulturoloških karakteristika disciplinovanja u planiranju i sprovoĊenju izmena roditeljske disciplinske prakse.</p> / <p>The aim of the research was to examine the observed effects of early discipline experiences in relation with the parents on beliefs on disciplining of young adults, as well as to examine the role of context in which parental discipline is conducted. The experiences of discipline in childhood were operationalised through a wide spectrum of parental correctional discipline i.e. punitive and non-punitive acts which are used while correcting child‘s misbehavior.<br />Besides disciplinary behavior practice of a parent, the discipline settings were operationalised through the context under which the discipline is conducted (emotional climate, relationship conflicts, discipline inefficiency) and the modes parents used in order to correct their children‘s behaviour (affection, consistency, flexibility, tactfulness, impulsiveness). The discipline beliefs were operationalised through positive discipline, punitive discipline as well as disciplining by love withdrawal and aggression.</p><p>The sample consists of 276 students from the University of Novi Sad. The number of female students was slightly higher and amounts to 55% of the total students. 79% of the students grew up in the families with both parents, and 64% claimed to have belonged to middle class families. The majority of their parents had secondary education (64% of mothers, 68% of fathers).<br />In the process of data collecting, the test battery -Dimensions of Discipline Inventory Adult recall form – DDI A, whose authors are Straus and Fauchier (2007), was used. Besides parent discipline behaviour evaluation, DDI A enables the evaluation of the dominant context and modes, related to childhood period when the interviewees were 10 years old. Therefore, the data gathered is of retrospective nature. Furthermore, the battery contains the scales of cognitive appraisal of different corrective acts of parents towards their children (discipline beliefs), as well as the scale of demographic data.<br />As DDI A inventory is used for the first time in Serbia for the purposes of this research, the<br />ix<br />instrument was translated and the structure with psychometric characteristics was tested. The results of factor analysis show less stable structure of the instrument on domestic sample in comparison to the original research, which can be attributed to the cultural specifications of the parental discipline. Psychometric characteristics of all the scales in the inventory are satisfactory.<br />By testing hypothetic model, direct effects of the demographic characteristics and the experience of disciplining in the childhood were established. Furthermore, the moderator effects of discipline setting based on contemporary beliefs on punitive discipline were also established. Significant interactions for discipline manner of the fathers (strict, restrictive discipline) and the mothers (dealing with consequences of misbehavior, physical and psychological aggression), based on specific context (relationship conflicts) and modes of discipline (tactfulness, impulsiveness) were also established. The results were discussed in accordance with the theory of social studies, which confirms the effects of immediate experience of the discipline on discipline beliefs during early adulthood, and also proves the importance of discipline setting, i.e. specific context and modes used for discipline conduction.<br />Practical implications of the results of this research were also analysed, as they could be taken into consideration during the current<br />x<br />changes in legislation related to possible prohibition of corporal punishment, while the importance of the cultural characteristics of the discipline should be considered during planning and implementation of the changes in discipline practice.</p>
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Gåture som sundhedsfremmende aktivitet hos ældre. : Ældre menneskers oplevelse af at have gennemført et otte-ugers interventions gå-tur projekt. / Walking as health promotion activity for elderly people. : The experience of elderly people who have completed an eight-week intervention walking projectGarver, Else January 2005 (has links)
Denne afhandlings formål er: At beskrive hvilke oplevelser ældre menneskers har haft ved athave deltaget i og gennemført et otte ugers interventions gå-tur projekt. Den viden og forståelse, der er kommet ud af dette pilotstudie, har været meget brugbar i planlægningen af gåture for ældre, der ellers ikke ville komme ud at gå. Der er brugt en kvalitativ metode. Populationen er de 11 projektdeltagere, der gennem- førtede otte ugers interventionsperiode. Der er gennemført temaguidede interviews som er udskrevet i fuld længde og analyseret efter en kvalitativ tematisk analyse inspireret af Giorgis retningslinier og af Husserls filosofi. Ifølge deltagernes beskrivelse har gå-tur interventionen givet dem en følelse af at gøre noget godt for sig selv. Herudover oplevede de en gradvis øget mestringsevne, bedre fysisk form, mere energi, bedre humør, oplevelsen af fællesskab samt bedre kendskab til omgivelser og natur. Projektet rummer følgende en ny dimension: Mennesker, der ellers ikke ville kommeud at gå, gør det nu, fordi de oplever støtte - enten ved at gå alene og opleve "forpligtelsen" til at få gået eller helt konkret ved at gå sammen med en gå-tur ven og herved føle tryghed. At tilbyde gåture til ældre, der ellers ikke ville komme ud at gå, ser ud til at være hen-sigtsmæssigt set i et folkesundhedsmæssigt perspektiv idet disse ældre herved formodes at få flere leveår med godt helbred. / The aim of this MPH thesis is to describe the experience of elderly people who have completed an eight-week intervention walking project. The insight and knowledge acquired in this study have been very useful with regard to the planning of walking for the elderly people who would not otherwise have ventured outside. A qualitative method has been used. The population consists of the eleven projectparticipants who completed the eight-week intervention period. The theme-based interviews have been transcribed in full and analyzed in accordance with a qualitative thematic analysis inspired by Giorgi’s guidelines and Husserl ́s philosophy. The project participants` comments demonstrate that walking as intervention gave them the experience of doing something, especially for their own wellbeing. Other important results were a sense of increasing mastery of their situation ,improved physical fitness, moreenergy, higher spirits a sense of fellowship, and some knowledge of the surroundings and nature. The project includes a new dimension: People who would not otherwise have ventured outside now do so because they get support either by walking alone and experiencing the "obligation" of walking or by walking with a companion. Offering walks to elderly people who would not otherwise have ventured outside seems to be a good decision in a public health care perspective because these elderly peoplepresumably live longer with a better health. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-087-7</p>
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Educational interpreters and the Tomatis method : a mixed methods study at the North–West University / Ina–Marí Du ToitDu Toit, Ina-Marí January 2010 (has links)
On the Potchefstroom Campus of the North–West University, where the predominant
language of instruction is Afrikaans, non–Afrikaans speaking students are accommodated due
to the use of interpreting services. Educational interpreting implies in–class simultaneous
interpreting of Afrikaans lectures into English by trained under– and postgraduate students.
The aim of this research was to determine the impact of the Tomatis Method, a
method of sound stimulation, on educational interpreters and explore their experience of the
Tomatis programme. The research set out to answer the following questions: (i) Will
attendance of a Tomatis programme impact educational interpreters by: improving
interpreting performance; enhancing attention, concentration and personality functioning;
reducing negative mood states; and enhancing the positive mood state vigour? (ii) What will
participants report about their experience during and after the Tomatis programme?
To study the TM’s effects on participants, quantitative and qualitative data were
combined using a mixed methods triangulation design. After obtaining informed consent,
participants were randomly assigned to an experimental (n = 9) and control group (n = 9).
Participants comprised of nine male and nine female, under– and postgraduate students
between the ages of 19 and 36.
The experimental group attended 60 half–hour sessions, during which they listened to
gradually filtered music, followed by a two–month break for integration of the sound stimuli
and, finally, another 60 half–hour sessions of audio–vocal training. A panel of interpreting
experts and a speech therapist evaluated both groups’ interpreting performance (IPE) pre– and
post–program. Both groups also completed assessments on personality (NEO PI–R) and concentration and memory (WAIS III) pre– and post programme, while the experimental
participants additionally completed the Profile of Mood States (POMS) pre–, in– and postprogramme.
Three focus group discussions during the course of the Tomatis programme
enabled participants to verbalize their experiences of the programme and how it impacted
their interpreting process.
Despite a bias in favour of the control group during the interpreting performance postassessment,
findings suggested that interpreters benefited from the Tomatis programme in
several areas of interpreting and in regards to personal experiences. Regarding interpreting
performance, a significant improvement concerning Interpreting Technique occurred in
favour of the experimental group. This advance can be explained by participants’ qualitative
responses regarding improved interpreting efficiency, speech production and listening skills.
Experimental participants’ decreased Fatigue–Inertia; increased Extraversion, Activity and
Vigour; and experiences of enhanced relaxation possibly contributed to improved interpreting
performance. Moreover, the experimental group’s positive feedback about the enriching
effect of the Tomatis programme on their personal lives strengthened the value of the TM for
individual growth and psychological well–being. The control group showed some
enhancement in aspects of interpreting and sub–domains of personality, but only managed to
outperform the experimental group on one subscale, namely Feelings, a facet of the domain
Openness of the NEO–PI(R). Thus, it appears that the Tomatis programme had a significantly
positive impact on interpreters’ performance and that their experience of the interpreting
process was enhanced during and after the programme. / Thesis (M.A. (Research Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Educational interpreters and the Tomatis method : a mixed methods study at the North–West University / Ina–Marí Du ToitDu Toit, Ina-Marí January 2010 (has links)
On the Potchefstroom Campus of the North–West University, where the predominant
language of instruction is Afrikaans, non–Afrikaans speaking students are accommodated due
to the use of interpreting services. Educational interpreting implies in–class simultaneous
interpreting of Afrikaans lectures into English by trained under– and postgraduate students.
The aim of this research was to determine the impact of the Tomatis Method, a
method of sound stimulation, on educational interpreters and explore their experience of the
Tomatis programme. The research set out to answer the following questions: (i) Will
attendance of a Tomatis programme impact educational interpreters by: improving
interpreting performance; enhancing attention, concentration and personality functioning;
reducing negative mood states; and enhancing the positive mood state vigour? (ii) What will
participants report about their experience during and after the Tomatis programme?
To study the TM’s effects on participants, quantitative and qualitative data were
combined using a mixed methods triangulation design. After obtaining informed consent,
participants were randomly assigned to an experimental (n = 9) and control group (n = 9).
Participants comprised of nine male and nine female, under– and postgraduate students
between the ages of 19 and 36.
The experimental group attended 60 half–hour sessions, during which they listened to
gradually filtered music, followed by a two–month break for integration of the sound stimuli
and, finally, another 60 half–hour sessions of audio–vocal training. A panel of interpreting
experts and a speech therapist evaluated both groups’ interpreting performance (IPE) pre– and
post–program. Both groups also completed assessments on personality (NEO PI–R) and concentration and memory (WAIS III) pre– and post programme, while the experimental
participants additionally completed the Profile of Mood States (POMS) pre–, in– and postprogramme.
Three focus group discussions during the course of the Tomatis programme
enabled participants to verbalize their experiences of the programme and how it impacted
their interpreting process.
Despite a bias in favour of the control group during the interpreting performance postassessment,
findings suggested that interpreters benefited from the Tomatis programme in
several areas of interpreting and in regards to personal experiences. Regarding interpreting
performance, a significant improvement concerning Interpreting Technique occurred in
favour of the experimental group. This advance can be explained by participants’ qualitative
responses regarding improved interpreting efficiency, speech production and listening skills.
Experimental participants’ decreased Fatigue–Inertia; increased Extraversion, Activity and
Vigour; and experiences of enhanced relaxation possibly contributed to improved interpreting
performance. Moreover, the experimental group’s positive feedback about the enriching
effect of the Tomatis programme on their personal lives strengthened the value of the TM for
individual growth and psychological well–being. The control group showed some
enhancement in aspects of interpreting and sub–domains of personality, but only managed to
outperform the experimental group on one subscale, namely Feelings, a facet of the domain
Openness of the NEO–PI(R). Thus, it appears that the Tomatis programme had a significantly
positive impact on interpreters’ performance and that their experience of the interpreting
process was enhanced during and after the programme. / Thesis (M.A. (Research Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Ansattes syn på friluftsliv i barnehagen : En kvalitativ studie / Employees’opinions about usingnature in kindergarten : A qualitative studyGrytli, Ingvil January 2013 (has links)
Hensikt Studiens hensikt er å få kunnskap om hvilke holdninger, meninger og verdier ansatte i norske barnehager har om bruk av fri natur til lek og aktivitet. Vi undersøkte også deres meninger om barnehagens rolle, samt fremmende og hemmende faktorer forbruk av natur til lek og aktivitet i barnehagen. Metode Tjueen barnehageansatte fra fire kommuner i Midt-Norge deltok på seks fokusgruppe-intervju.Informantene kom både fra barnehager som signaliserte et spesielt fokus på friluftsliv gjennom navnet på barnehagen eller på sin hjemmeside, og barnehager uten et slikt spesielt fokus. Kvalitativ innholdsanalyse ble brukt til analyseav datamaterialet. Resultat Tre kategorier ble identifisert: (i) Naturen som arena for fysisk og psykososial utvikling og læring,(ii) Barnehagen som formidler av friluftsliv og gode naturopplevelserog (iii)Faktorer som påvirker bruk av natur. Påvirkningsfaktorer ble identifisert både internt i den enkelte barnehage, iforhold utenfor barnehagen, og fra sentrale myndigheter Konklusjon Natur kan være en god arena for læring, helhetlig utvikling og helse for barn i barnehagen. I tillegg kan bruk av natur også bidra til å utjevne sosiale helseforskjeller. Hvis barnehagene skal kunne legge til rette for jevnlig aktivitet og lek i natur, må flere interne og eksterne faktorer tas i betraktning. / Purpose This study aimed to increase knowledge about the stance, opinion, and valuesof kindergarten employees regarding the use ofnature in playand general activity. We also investigated the role of kindergarten, and factors that promote or inhibit how kindergartens use nature. Method Twenty-one kindergarten employees from four municipalities in Central Norway participated in six focus group interviews. Study participants came from kindergartens that provided aspecificfocus on outdoor and nature in the name of the kindergarten, or on their homepages, as well as kindergartens that lacked such focus. We used qualitative contentanalysis to analyzethe data. Results Our analysis identified three categories: (i) nature as an arena for physical and psychosocial development and learning, (ii) kindergarten as a promoter of outdoor activities, and (iii) factors that influence the use of nature. We found that such influencesoccur within the kindergarten, in arenas outsidethe kindergarten,and from central authorities. Conclusion The use of nature can contribute to learning and the overall development and health of kindergartners. Moreover, nature may help reducesocial health inequalities. To enhance the facilitation of regular activity and playing in nature, several internal and external factorsshould be considered
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An investigation into the weld integrity of the head–to–skirt junction on tall distillation columns / L. BrinkBrink, Lize January 2010 (has links)
This study addresses the fatigue life of the head–to–skirt welds of tall distillation columns.
Fatigue tests were done on two types of weld geometries which approximate the head–toskirt
configurations. From the fatigue tests it was determined that the fatigue life of the
experimental samples can be substantially improved by applying weld build–up between
the head and the skirt.
The expected fatigue life of the test samples was determined by way of calculation
employing the so called Nominal–Stress–Approach, the Effective–Notch–Stress–Approach
and the Stress–Life–Approach.
For both the Nominal–Stress–Approach and the Effective–Notch–Stress–Approach the
predicted fatigue life was found to be overly conservative compared to the experimental
results. The Stress–Life–Approach predicted the fatigue life to within a factor of 1.3 for
both the geometries under investigation when displacements due to welding are taken
into account. If displacements due to welding is omitted this factor is increased, for the
geometry without weld build–up, to 2. For the geometry with weld build–up the factor
remains 1.3. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Mechanical Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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An investigation into the weld integrity of the head–to–skirt junction on tall distillation columns / L. BrinkBrink, Lize January 2010 (has links)
This study addresses the fatigue life of the head–to–skirt welds of tall distillation columns.
Fatigue tests were done on two types of weld geometries which approximate the head–toskirt
configurations. From the fatigue tests it was determined that the fatigue life of the
experimental samples can be substantially improved by applying weld build–up between
the head and the skirt.
The expected fatigue life of the test samples was determined by way of calculation
employing the so called Nominal–Stress–Approach, the Effective–Notch–Stress–Approach
and the Stress–Life–Approach.
For both the Nominal–Stress–Approach and the Effective–Notch–Stress–Approach the
predicted fatigue life was found to be overly conservative compared to the experimental
results. The Stress–Life–Approach predicted the fatigue life to within a factor of 1.3 for
both the geometries under investigation when displacements due to welding are taken
into account. If displacements due to welding is omitted this factor is increased, for the
geometry without weld build–up, to 2. For the geometry with weld build–up the factor
remains 1.3. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Mechanical Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Dermal exposure to platinum group metals at a precious metal refinery : a pilot study / Marilize BarnardBarnard, Marilize January 2014 (has links)
Background: Workers in a platinum group metals (PGMs) refinery are potentially exposed to various precious metals (iridium, osmium, palladium, platinum, rhodium and ruthenium) and their metal-salt compounds which may cause rhinitis, asthma, contact urticaria and conjunctivitis. Some cases revealed that sensitisation occurred in employees where it was not possible to detect any airborne soluble platinum or where the respiratory soluble platinum exposure was below the occupational exposure limit. It is unclear whether respiratory exposure or a combination of respiratory and dermal exposure may be involved in sensitisation and the possible elicitation of skin symptoms.
Objectives: To determine if dermal exposure to PGMs took place during the refining process and in the administration area by using a removal method and to compare dermal exposure on the different anatomical areas and in two different working areas, Areas A and B for each of the PGMs.
Methods: Dermal exposure samples were collected with a removal method using GhostwipesTM. The samples were collected from the palm of the hands, the wrists and the necks of the workers, before the shift started, before tea time, before lunch time and after the shift ended. The skin wipes were analysed for the PGMs (iridium, osmium, palladium, platinum, ruthenium and rhodium) according to Methods for the Determination of Hazardous Substances (MDHS) method 46/2, using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry.
Results: No published data is available on occupational dermal exposure to PGMs in a precious metals refinery. This study proved that dermal exposure to PGMs in the refinery took place and was quantified. The PGM dermal exposure results in general, were very low (measured in nano grams), with platinum having the overall highest exposure. Exposure also occurred the most frequently during the last two intervals of the day, before lunch time and at the end of the shift. Exposure on all three the anatomical areas that were tested in the study, varied much with the palm of the hands having the highest exposure levels. There were also variations in exposure between areas A and B due to the fact that the processes in these two areas differ.
Conclusions: It was confirmed that dermal exposure to PGMs took place at the precious metals refinery. The highest exposure took place before lunch time and towards the end of the shift. The metal to which the workers were exposed the most was platinum and the production area where the workers had the highest exposure to most of the metals was Area B. / MSc (Occupational Hygiene), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Dermal exposure to platinum group metals at a precious metal refinery : a pilot study / Marilize BarnardBarnard, Marilize January 2014 (has links)
Background: Workers in a platinum group metals (PGMs) refinery are potentially exposed to various precious metals (iridium, osmium, palladium, platinum, rhodium and ruthenium) and their metal-salt compounds which may cause rhinitis, asthma, contact urticaria and conjunctivitis. Some cases revealed that sensitisation occurred in employees where it was not possible to detect any airborne soluble platinum or where the respiratory soluble platinum exposure was below the occupational exposure limit. It is unclear whether respiratory exposure or a combination of respiratory and dermal exposure may be involved in sensitisation and the possible elicitation of skin symptoms.
Objectives: To determine if dermal exposure to PGMs took place during the refining process and in the administration area by using a removal method and to compare dermal exposure on the different anatomical areas and in two different working areas, Areas A and B for each of the PGMs.
Methods: Dermal exposure samples were collected with a removal method using GhostwipesTM. The samples were collected from the palm of the hands, the wrists and the necks of the workers, before the shift started, before tea time, before lunch time and after the shift ended. The skin wipes were analysed for the PGMs (iridium, osmium, palladium, platinum, ruthenium and rhodium) according to Methods for the Determination of Hazardous Substances (MDHS) method 46/2, using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry.
Results: No published data is available on occupational dermal exposure to PGMs in a precious metals refinery. This study proved that dermal exposure to PGMs in the refinery took place and was quantified. The PGM dermal exposure results in general, were very low (measured in nano grams), with platinum having the overall highest exposure. Exposure also occurred the most frequently during the last two intervals of the day, before lunch time and at the end of the shift. Exposure on all three the anatomical areas that were tested in the study, varied much with the palm of the hands having the highest exposure levels. There were also variations in exposure between areas A and B due to the fact that the processes in these two areas differ.
Conclusions: It was confirmed that dermal exposure to PGMs took place at the precious metals refinery. The highest exposure took place before lunch time and towards the end of the shift. The metal to which the workers were exposed the most was platinum and the production area where the workers had the highest exposure to most of the metals was Area B. / MSc (Occupational Hygiene), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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