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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Origine sédimento-diagénétique de réservoirs carbonatés microporeux : exemple de la formation Mishrif (Cénomanien) du Moyen-Orient / Sedimento-diagenetic origin of microporos carbonate reservoirs : example of the Mishrif (Fm) -Cenomanian of the Middle-East

Deville de Periere, Matthieu 30 June 2011 (has links)
La microporosité représente jusqu'à 95% de la porosité totale des réservoirs à hydrocarbures et des aquifères dans les calcaires crétacés du Moyen-Orient. Dans ces sédiments microporeux, la porosité est modérée à excellente (jusqu'à 35%), tandis que la perméabilité est faible à modérée (jusqu'à 190mD). A l'inverse, mes faciès microporeux peuvent former des niveaux denses, avec de très faibles porosité et perméabilité (respectivement 2–8% et 0,01–2mD). Dans ce travail, les échantillons proviennent essentiellement de la Formation Mishrif (Cénomanien), mais aussi de la Formation Habshan (Berriasien/Valanginien), afin d'examiner les grandes différences verticales et latérales des propriétés pétrophysiques. Le MEB a été utilisé pour étudier deux contrôles potentiels des qualités réservoir : (1) la morphologie des particules micritiques (forme et contacts intercristallins), et (2) la cristallométrie des micrites, définie comme la taille médiane des particules mesurées sur les clichés MEB. Les données morphométriques ont été comparées avec trois paramètres pétrophysiques (porosité, perméabilité, distribution des rayons de seuil de pore). Les résultats montrent que les matrices micritiques peuvent être subdivisées en trois classes pétrophysiques. La Classe C (micrites strictement microporeuses avec des cristaux grossiers ayant des contacts punctiques à partiellement coalescents) est composée de particules grossières (>2µm), polyhédrales à arrondies. Elle présente des porosités bonnes à excellentes (8-28%), des perméabilités faibles à modérées (0,2-190mD), et des rayons de seuils de pores (PTR) moyens supérieurs à 0,5µm. Cette Classe C est généralement observée dans les shoals bioclastiques riches en rudistes, où de nombreux facteurs sédimentaires (hydrodynamisme…) peuvent défavoriser le dépôt des particules les plus fines. L'étude diagénétique montre que ces micrites grossières peuvent aussi être expliquées par une dissolution précoce des fines particules d'aragonite et de HMC dans des fluides météoriques oxydants, permettant la formation in-situ de surcroissances sur les particules de LMC au sommet de la nappe phréatique météorique. Ces processus induisent une augmentation de la taille des particules micritiques, une lithification précoce de la boue carbonatée, et donc une stabilisation minéralogique précoce des micrites grossières de la Classe C. La Classe F (micrites strictement microporeuses avec des cristaux fins ayant des contacts punctiques à partiellement coalescents, est composée de particules fines (<2µm), polyhédrales à arrondies. Elle présente des porosités bonnes à excellentes (3-35%), mais des valeurs de perméabilité souvent inférieures à 10mD, et des PTR inférieurs à 0,5µm. Cette Classe F est souvent observée dans les sédiments déposés en domaine de plate-forme interne boueuse. La formation de ces micrites fines est aussi expliquée par une stabilisation minéralogique précoce des particules micritiques dans des eaux météoriques confinées, favorisant les processus de néomorphisme, pouvant continuer au cours de l'enfouissement. Plus tard, au cours de l'enfouissement de la série, les qualités réservoirs des Classes C et F sont localement améliorées par de la dissolution mésogénétique (probablement liée à des acides organiques) affectant la matrice micritique durant la mise en charge des réservoirs. La Classe D est formée par des matrices micritiques denses, composées de cristaux anhédraux ou subhédraux avec des contacts fusionnés. Elle présente de très faibles données de porosité et de perméabilité. Ces micrites sont uniquement observées dans les niveaux de plate-forme interne et forment des intervalles inter-réservoirs, généralement en association avec des stylolites et un contenu argileux important, pouvant dépasser 10%. Quelque soit leur mode de formation, ces trois classes peuvent être incorporées dans les futures études de rock-typing portant sur les réservoirs carbonatés microporeux du Moyen-Orient / Microporosity may account for as much as 95% of the total porosity of hydrocarbon and water reservoirs in Cretaceous limestones of the Arabian Gulf. In these microporous facies porosity is moderate to excellent (up to 35%) while permeability is poor to moderate (up to 190mD). Conversely, microporous facies may form dense inter-reservoir or cap rock layers with very low porosity and permeability values (2–8% and 0.01–2mD, respectively). For this study, samples were mainly collected from the Cenomanian Mishrif Formation, but also from the Berriasian-Valanginian Habshan Formation, so as to examine the wide vertical and lateral discrepancies in their petrophysical parameters. Scanning Electron Microscopy was used to investigate two potential controls of reservoir properties: (1) micrite particle morphology (shape and inter-crystal contacts); and (2) micrite crystallometry, defined as the median size of micrite particles measured on SEM photomicrographs. The morphometric data are compared with three petrophysical parameters (porosity, permeability and pore threshold radius distribution). Results reveal that micrite matrixes can be subdivided into three petrophysical classes each with its own distinctive crystallometry, morphology and reservoir properties. Class C (strictly microporous limestones with coarse punctic-to-partially coalescent micrites) is made up of coarse (>2µm) polyhedral to rounded micritic crystals, it has good to excellent porosity (8–28%), poor to moderate permeability (0.2–190mD) and a mean pore threshold radius of more than 0.5µm. The class C is usually observed in rudist-rich bioclastic shoal facies where several sedimentary factors (hydrodynamism, bioproduction …) would disfavour deposition of the finer micritic crystals. Diagenetic study shows that the development of coarse micrites (Class C) must also be explained by the early dissolution of fine aragonite and high magnesium calcite particles in oxygenated meteoric fluids leading to a simultaneous in-situ overgrowth on LMC particles at the top of the meteoric phreatic lens. These processes induce an increase of the crystallometry of micritic particles, an early lithification of the carbonate mud, and so the mineralogical stabilization of coarse Class C micrites. Class F (strictly microporous limestones with fine punctic-to-partially coalescent micrites) is composed of fine (<2µm) polyhedral to rounded micrites with poor to excellent porosity (3–35%), but permeability values of less than 10mD and a mean pore threshold radius of less than 0.5µm. It is mostly observed in sediments deposited in a low energy muddy inner platform setting. The formation of fine micrites (Class F) is also explained by an early mineralogical stabilization of micritic particles in confined meteoric waters, favoring neomorphism processes, which may proceeds during burial. Later, during burial, reservoir properties of classes C and D strictly microporous samples where locally enhanced by mesogenetic dissolution (probably due to organic acids) affecting the microporous matrix during the oil emplacement. Class D (strictly microporous mud-dominated facies with compact anhedral to fused dense micrites) comprises subhedral to anhedral crystals with sutured to fused contacts forming a dense matrix. It has very low porosity and permeability. Class D is only found in low energy muddy inner platform facies and forms inter-reservoir or caps rock layers usually in association with stylolites and clay contents that exceed 10%. Regardless of how they formed, though, the three classes can be usefully incorporated into future rock-typing of the microporous carbonate reservoirs of the Middle East


McDonough, Jessica Nicole 11 December 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Tertiary limestones and sedimentary dykes on Chatham Islands, southwest Pacific Ocean, New Zealand

Titjen, Jeremy Quentin January 2007 (has links)
The Chatham Islands are located in the SW Pacific Ocean, approximately 850 km to the east of the South Island of New Zealand. This small group of islands is situated near the eastern margin of the Chatham Rise, an elongated section of submerged continental crust that represents part of the Late Paleozoic-Mesozoic Gondwana accretionary margin. The location and much of the geology of the Chatham Islands are attributed to intra-plate basaltic volcanism, initiated during the Late Cretaceous, in association with development of a failed rifting system to the south of the Chatham Rise. Despite the volcanic nature of much of the geology, the majority of the Cenozoic sedimentary stratigraphic record on the islands comprises non-tropical skeletal carbonate deposits whose deposition was often coeval with submarine volcanics and volcaniclastic deposits. This has resulted in complex stratigraphic relationships, with the volcanic geology exerting a strong influence on the geometry and distribution of the carbonate deposits. These limestones, despite some general field descriptions, have been little studied and are especially poorly understood from a petrographic and diagenetic perspective. The carbonate geology in detail comprises eleven discrete limestone units of Late Cretaceous through to Pleistocene age which were studied during two consecutive field expeditions over the summers of 2005 and 2006. These limestone occurrences are best exposed in scattered coastal outcrops where they form prominent rugged bluffs. While many of the younger (Oligocene to Pliocene) outcrops comprise of poorly exposed, thin and eroded limestone remnants (it;5 m thick), older (Late Paleocene to Early Oligocene) exposures can be up to 100 m in thickness. The character of these limestones is highly variable. In outcrop they display a broad range of textures and skeletal compositions, often exhibit cross-bedding, display differing degrees of porosity occlusion by cementation, and may include rare silicified horizons and evidence of hardground formation. Petrographically the limestones are skeletal grainstones and packstones with a typical compositional makeup of about 70% skeletal material, 10% siliciclasts, and 20% cement/matrix. Localised increases in siliciclastics occur where the carbonates are diluted by locally-derived volcaniclastics. The spectrum of skeletal assemblages identified within the Chatham Island limestones is diverse and appears in many cases to be comparable to the bryozoan dominant types common in mainland New Zealand and mid-latitude Australian cool-water carbonates in general. However, some key departures from the expected cool-water carbonate skeletal makeup have been identified in this study. The occurrence of stromatolitic algal mats in Late Cretaceous and Early Eocene carbonate deposits indicates not cool-temperate, but certainly warm-temperate paleoclimatic conditions. A change to cool-temperate conditions is recorded in the limestone flora/fauna from the mid-Late Miocene times following the development and later northward movement of the Subtropical Front. An uncharacteristic mix of shallow-shelf (bryozoans) and deeper water fauna (planktic foraminifera), together with their highly fragmented and abraded nature, is indicative of the likely remobilisation and redistribution of carbonate, primarily during episodic storm events. The Chatham Islands limestones formed within the relative tectonic stability of an oceanic island setting, which was conducive to ongoing carbonate accumulation throughout much of the Cenozoic. This contrasts markedly with other mainland New Zealand shelf carbonates which formed over sporadic and short-lived geological periods, experiencing greater degrees of burial cementation controlled by a relatively more active tectonic setting. As a consequence of the tectonically stable setting, the Chatham Islands limestones have experienced little burial and exhibit a paucity of burial cementation effects. They remain commonly soft and friable. Detailed petrographic investigations have shown the limestones are variably cemented by rare uneven acicular spar fringes, poorly to well-developed syntaxial rim cements about echinoderm fragments, and equant/blocky microsparite. Staining of thin sections and cathodoluminescence petrography show these spar cement generations are non-ferroan and their very dull- to non-luminescent nature supports precipitation from Mn-poor oxygenated waters, likely of an either meteoric or combined marine/shallow burial origin. Micrite is the dominant intra- and inter-particle pore fill and occurs both as a microbioclastic matrix and as precipitated homogenous and/or micropeloidal cement. The rare fringing cements often seen in association with homogenous and/or micropeloidal micrite may be indicative of true early marine (seafloor) cement precipitation and localised hardground development. An interesting feature of the geology of the Chatham Islands is the occurrence of carbonate material within sedimentary dykes. The locations of the dykes are in association with volcanic and volcaniclastic deposits. Similarities between dyke characteristics at Red Bluff on Chatham Island with mainland occurrences from East Coast and Canterbury Basins (North and South Islands, respectively) on mainland New Zealand have been recognised. They show complex structures including sidewall striations, internal flow structures as revealed by grain sorting, and extra-clast inclusions of previous fill lithologies which are characteristic of carbonate injection. This is in contrast to other dykes which are known to be of a passive fill origin. Multiple phases of carbonate sediment injection can be recognised by crosscutting relationships enabling the determination of a parasequence of events. Possible injection mechanisms are most likely associated with sediment overloading or hydrothermal pressurisation associated with emplacement of submarine volcanics. The Chatham Islands provide an exciting example of a geologically unique and complex non-tropical carbonate depositional setting. The production of carbonates is controlled by volcanic and volcaniclastic sediment input with the types of carbonate deposits and water depth variations related to thermal uplift/subsidence in association with global eustatic sealevel and temperature changes associated with development of Southern Ocean water fronts from the Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic. Carbonate deposition on the Chatham Islands is considered to relate to a rather variable and small scale oceanic, high energy, cool-water carbonate ramp setting whose geometry was continually evolving/changing as a consequence of periodic volcanic episodes.

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