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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energy from microgeneration : sustainability and perceptions in the UK

Balcombe, Paul January 2014 (has links)
The drive to meet climate change and energy security targets has led the UK government to incentivise microgeneration, with 2 GW now installed, the vast majority of which is solar PV. However, this only represents 0.2% of UK energy supply and greater uptake is not guaranteed since FIT rates were cut for solar PV in 2012, reducing the financial incentive to install. Thus, other consumer motivations must be focussed on by industry and the government in order to further increase uptake. Additionally, microgeneration may be able to contribute to a sustainable and reliable UK energy mix, but such a contribution is not guaranteed. For example, there is concern that above 10 GW of installed solar PV, the electricity grid will experience balancing problems due to uncontrolled exporting to the grid. With higher intermittent solar PV generation, there will a greater load requirement on variable-load plants such as coal and gas generation plants. This research investigates the above issues by contributing to the question: How can microgeneration contribute further to UK climate change and energy security targets? Firstly, this research determines the consumer motivations and barriers associated with the decision whether or not to install microgeneration, in order to find ways of further improving uptake. A comprehensive literature review was carried out, followed by a survey using the ‘best-worst scaling’ approach to determine the relative importance of each motivation and barrier across existing adopters, those currently considering installing and those who have decided not to, rejecters. The most important motivations were to earn money, to increase self-sufficiency and to guard against future energy bill increases. The greatest barriers were high capital costs, not earning enough money and the risk of losing money if they moved home. Whilst the Green Deal was designed to remove the capital cost and risk of losing money barriers, it may actually increase the risk of losing money if they moved home as homebuyers are reluctant to purchase a house with an attached Green Deal loan. The desire for self-sufficiency is more important for considerers and rejecters than adopters and greater emphasis on increasing self-sufficiency could help improve uptake. Secondly, an option to increase household energy self-sufficiency whilst mitigating the grid balancing problems associated with solar PV exports was investigated: a combined solar PV, Stirling engine CHP (SECHP) and lead-acid battery household system was simulated and used to carry out a cost-benefit analysis and life cycle assessment compared to a conventional household system using the electricity grid and gas boiler for heating. The system provides 72% of a household’s energy demand and reduces grid demand variations by 35% with a 6 kWh battery. However, the system is only cost-effective for households with large electricity demand, 4,300 kWh/yr. If uptake of such a system is to be encouraged, it must be incentivised: a 24% capital grant would be required for the average household (£3,600). The environmental impacts of the system are reduced by 35-100% compared to the conventional system for 9 out of 11 impacts. However, depletion of elements is 42 times higher largely due to the use of antimony for the battery manufacture. Environmental benefits vary greatly across households and those with the largest energy demand achieve the greatest benefits from the system. Appropriate battery sizing is essential in order to maximise environmental benefits, with 10–20 kWh capacity being optimum for the households considered. Overall, this research has identified numerous ways to increase microgeneration uptake, but this is likely to be at a cost to the government and, ultimately, the tax payer. UK microgeneration policy over the last decade has frequently changed and created uncertainty for consumers and the industry. A more continuous, simple and transparent policy environment would provide security for both industry and consumers, allowing more stable growth in a quickly maturing market.

Cost-benefit analysis of microgenerators : an integrated appraisal perspective

Harajli, Hassan A. January 2009 (has links)
The UK domestic building sector accounts for a substantial amount of the final energy demand and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To this extent, the sector can play an important role in GHG abatement and energy demand reduction, essential objectives of a more ‘sustainable energy system’. Microgeneration, or production of electricity or heat from small-scale sources, have been advocated by some, including the Supergen ‘Highly Distributed Power Systems Consortium’ to which this thesis contributes, as important means towards achieving these objectives. In this thesis, three assessed microgenerators; specifically a 600W microwind system, 2.1 kWp photovoltaic (PV) and building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems, and a 2.8m2 solar hot water (SHW) system have been analysed through an ‘integrated appraisal toolkit’ in order to assess their respective economic and financial performance in current UK context. A cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is applied, based on outputs and results from energy analysis and life-cycle assessment (LCA), and other tools such as financial appraisal, cost-effective analysis (CEA), and simple multi-attribute ranking technique (SMART) are also performed in order to asses how these systems perform on an individual household level or when compared to other energy technologies. The CBA, which included environmental impacts quantified through the LCA, obtained negative net present values (NPVs) for all the assessed microgenerators with the exception of microwind in a high-wind resourced ‘open’ area with lower end capital costs. The NPVs in the financial appraisal, which excluded environmental impacts, yielded relatively poorer results still. Only with the proposed feed-in tariffs would the systems all achieve positive NPVs. Given that the CBA included a substantial qualitative part, alternative tools, such as CEA and multi-criteria evaluation were applied (in brief) in order to place the assessed systems in the context of other energy generating sources in the UK, and to enable a more confident decision with respect to whether these systems should be advocated or rejected.

Micro and small-scale generation in urban distribution networks

Acosta Alvarez, Jorge Luis January 2013 (has links)
As the world moves towards a more sustainable development, the energy coming from fossil fuels still produces the greenhouse gases that threaten the world’s climate. The UK government has established targets for the penetration of renewable energy generation and low-carbon alternatives for the electricity production. One of these technologies is microgeneration. In 2006, the UK government launched the Microgeneration Strategy pushing forward micro and small-scale generation as a supplementary source of energy for the country’s growing electricity demand. The proposal is focused on several technologies, including micro-wind and micro-PV, among others. These microgeneration technologies are now a reality and widespread across the distribution networks. Therefore, the analysis of the impact of these systems connected to distribution grids and the benefits of these technologies, alongside with their negative effects on the network is an important research area. Correct modelling of micro and small-scale renewablebased generation technologies implemented in urban areas, however, is not a simple task, as it requires an adequate representation of highly dispersed and uncontrolled generation systems. These systems are small in size, but high in numbers and usually experience large variations in available renewable energy inputs. This thesis presents aggregate models of urban micro and small-scale PV and wind generation systems, which are connected to low-voltage networks. The thesis analyses impact of urban PV and wind generation on the steady-state network performance (power flows and voltage profiles), taking into account variability of energy inputs. The presented analysis is of particular importance for the analysis of the future of power system supplies, which will have significantly higher penetration levels of renewable-based distributed generation technologies, resulting in a much wider range of interactions between microgeneration systems, loads and transmission/distribution networks. In order to perform this analysis, the resource assessment for urban areas has to be carried out to both quantify the potential for each technology and help in their modelling. This has been a challenge since the aggregation of microgeneration systems is far from simple, as the parameters, performance and size varies between different technologies. A solution presented in this thesis is an approach for simple yet accurate aggregation of microgeneration technologies. This approach allows to quantify and analyse their impact and effect on the power supply systems directly in terms of penetration levels and general technology characteristics.

Sustainability in the UK domestic sector : A review and analysis of the sustainable energy innovations available to homeowners

Hultgren, Elin January 2015 (has links)
The UK Government has set an ambitious legislative goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80 % by 2050. Of the total energy used in the UK, 31 % is used in the domestic sector. In the domestic sector energy is used for space and hot water heating, lighting, appliances and cooking. Space and hot water heating make up 82 % of the total energy used in the UK domestic sector. Almost all of the energy used in the UK domestic sector originates from depletable resources. In order for the UK to reach its goal of decreasing greenhouse gas emissions by 80 % by 2050, the way energy is used in the UK domestic sector needs to change dramatically. The aim of this study is to identify opportunities for homeowners to be more sustainable without compromising their standard of living, by changing the way they use and supply energy. Homeowners’ ways of using and supplying energy today will be reviewed followed by an identification of measures that can be taken to create a more sustainable home from an energy perspective. Identified measures not only include usage of small-scale energy technologies but also application of energy efficiency measures and changes in behaviour that result in homeowners using energy in a more efficient way.   The aim has been achieved by conducting a literature review, collecting statistical data regarding energy use from the Department of Energy and Climate Change and the undertaking of a case study. The literature review revealed that air source and solar assisted heat pumps, solar photovoltaic (solar PV) and fuel cell micro combined heat and power (fuel cell mCHP) are the most promising and widely available microgeneration technologies on the market today. LED light bulbs, wall and loft insulation and energy efficient appliances are the energy efficiency measures identified as having the highest potential to decrease the amount of energy used. The literature review also proved that behaviour in relation to energy use is a key area to address in order to make homeowners use energy in a more efficient way.   The case study consisted of six case houses, based on the most common house types in the UK. The reference heating system used in the case study was a gas boiler connected to a central heating system of the house. 80 % of the homes in the UK are heated with a gas boiler and that is why it was chosen as a reference scenario. The case study showed that all of the microgeneration technologies use resources and energy in a more efficient way than the reference scenario. But despite the financial support of governmental subsidies none of the microgeneration technologies were financially viable options compared to a gas boiler. Energy efficiency measures, especially LED lighting, wall and loft insulation, significantly lowered the amount of energy used, they lowered the influence on greenhouse gas emissions and were financially viable options without the support of governmental subsidies.   It was identified that microgeneration technologies are impacted by behaviour and that they can enable demand-side management, especially as the number of supply-driven sources such as wind and solar PV increases.   In summation microgeneration technologies and energy efficiency measures have a large potential to help make homeowners become more sustainable from an energy perspective. Governmental support has a determining role in making them financially viable and therefore accessible to the public.

Will Sweden Join the Solar Boom? Financial Appraisal of Distributed Photovoltaic Generation in Residential Applications.

Cihlar, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Residential building sector accounts for significant share of primary energy demand in Sweden. Worldwide, generation from photovoltaic (PV) distributed energy resources is increasing, yet their potential in Sweden has been underdeveloped, in particular due to high system costs. Recent drop in module prices could however trigger more interest in such systems. In this thesis, the financial performance of residential PV plant utilizing the most recent data is carried out. The specific aim is to determine whether private investment into a PV system can be cost-effective. In the analysis, a grid-connected PV microgenerator with nominal power of 5.5 kWp, 34 m2 of arrays and 6 kW inverter is assessed. Expected lifetime of the system is 25 years, where 80% of the electricity output is self-consumed and 20% fed back to the main grid. Discount and escalation rates are utilized to calculate simple payback period, net present value, benefit-cost ratio, cost of conserved energy and internal rate of return (IRR) of the investment. Further, a scenario analysis is worked out to determine the change in the microgenerator’s performance outside of baseline set of parameters. The results are presented both under the default market conditions and with the inclusion of government support mechanisms. The PV plant did not financially perform well under the default conditions. State rebates and tax credit significantly enhanced the results and contributed to the cost-effectiveness of the investment. In the baseline scenario with government support, significant positive results in all the metrics used in the financial appraisal were yielded. The IRR also indicated that loans at various interest rates could be obtained to finance the PV system. The study emphasized the necessity of government support if a faster uptake of distributed PV systems is desired in Sweden. The results of this thesis can be utilized by potential investors (consumers) in their decision-making process, especially when they face an opportunity cost of investment. / COMPLEX - Knowledge Based Climate Mitigation Systems for a Low Carbon Economy, a EU FP7 project (2012-2016)

Micro e minigeração eólica e solar no Brasil: propostas para desenvolvimento do setor. / Micro and mini power generation by wind and solar resources in Brazil: Proposals for development of the sector.

Daniel Tavares Cruz 13 March 2015 (has links)
O setor de micro e minigeração de energia elétrica encontra-se num estágio inicial de desenvolvimento no Brasil que pode ser considerado aquém de suas potencialidades em contraste com os recursos energéticos renováveis do país, passados três anos do estabelecimento dos primeiros incentivos de órgãos públicos e privados e da promulgação de regulações específicas voltadas para o setor, indicando uma possível conjuntura atual insuficiente para um crescimento mais consistente e dinâmico. Com tal problemática em vista, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo contribuir no desenvolvimento do setor nacional de micro e minigeração eólica e solar, tecnologias com maior potencial de instalação, apresentando propostas de ações que podem solucionar questões econômicas, técnicas e regulatórias que possivelmente estão dificultando o alcance de um maior equilíbrio de interesses entre os principais agentes envolvidos nesta atividade econômica, ou seja, potenciais usuários, concessionárias de energia, fabricantes e órgãos do governo, aumentando a atratividade e dinamizando os negócios no setor, com benefícios diretamente estendidos ao desenvolvimento do país como um todo. A construção das propostas teve como base o estudo da atual conjuntura e a identificação de possíveis barreiras existentes ao desenvolvimento da micro e minigeração de energia elétrica no Brasil através de análise crítica e mensurável da atual maturidade do setor, isto é, do atual estágio de desenvolvimento e da margem de evolução possível nos aspectos mais relevantes para esta atividade, ou seja, regulações, incentivos, capacidade tecnológica e capacitação profissional. Além disso, observou-se que grande parte dos brasileiros desconhece o tema, porém, depois que cientes do assunto, o percebem como relevante e demonstram disposição significativa para adotar tais sistemas de geração renovável em suas unidades consumidoras. Por fim, avaliou-se que caso ao menos parte das ações descritas nas propostas forem efetivamente implantadas, a perspectiva é que haja uma evolução no ambiente técnico e econômico do setor no país, tornando-o favorável ao desenvolvimento da atividade de micro e minigeração de energia. Espera-se que as propostas apresentadas nesta dissertação possam ser utilizadas como base para trabalhos futuros de instituições governamentais e privadas, fabricantes, centros de pesquisas, universidades e demais interessados no assunto para serem validadas, aperfeiçoadas e detalhadas para um possível estabelecimento no país. Assim, o trabalho apresenta que se houver desenvolvimento de ambiente favorável, o Brasil desponta como país com alto potencial no mercado de micro e minigeração de energia elétrica e que há possibilidades de ações governamentais e privadas, passíveis de discussões e estudos, para fomentar este ambiente. / The micro and mini electricity power generation sector is at an early stage of development in Brazil that can be considered below of its potential in contrast to the country renewable energy resources, three years after the establishment of the first public and private incentives and the enacting of specific regulations for the sector, indicating a possible insufficient conjuncture for a more consistent and dynamic growth. Considering this problematic, the purpose of this work is to contribute to the development of national micro and minigeneration industry by wind and solar photovoltaic resources, technologies with greatest potential for being installed currently, presenting action proposals that can solve economic, technical and regulatory issues that possibly are hampering the achievement of a better interests balance between the major players involved in this economic activity, i.e., potential users, distribution companies, manufacturers and government agencies, increasing attractiveness and boosting business in this sector, with benefits directly extended to the environment and to the development of the country as a whole. The construction of the proposals was based on the study of the current situation and identifying possible existing barriers to Brazil micro and minigeneration development through a critical and measurable analysis of the current sector maturity, in other words, the current stage of development and the margin of possible evolution on the most relevant aspects of this activity, i.e., regulations, incentives, technological capacity and workers professional training. Furthermore, it was observed that most Brazilians are not familiarized with this subject, but after aware, they perceive it as relevant and demonstrate significant willingness to adopt such renewable generation systems in their consumer units. Finally, it was evaluated that if at least some of the actions described in the proposals are effectively implemented, the perspective is for a technical and economic environment progress, making it favorable for a micro and minigeneration energy activity development. It is expected that the proposals presented in this thesis can be used as a basis for future works of government and private institutions, manufacturers, research centers, universities and others interested in the subject to validate, improve and detail them for a possible establishment in the country. As a result, the thesis presents that if a favorable environment is developed, Brazil can stand out as a country with high potential in the micro and minigeneration electricity market and that there are possibilities of government and private actions, likely to discussions and studies, to foster this environment.

Micro-generation for UK Households : thermodynamic and related analysis

Allen, Stephen R. January 2009 (has links)
Micro- generation is the small-scale and localised provision of heat or electricity. Micro-generators have the potential to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions and enhance energy security by providing heat or electricity from either renewable sources, or via the more efficient use of fossil fuels. But this potential is often unquantified or unclear, and hence quantitative information is required concerning both the energetic performance of micro-generators and their ability to provide net reductions in carbon emissions. <br /> In the context of household energy provision in the UK, thermodynamic and related carbon analyses of three micro-generation technologies have been carried out. These studies contribute to the research of the SUPERGEN ‘Highly Distributed Power Systems’ Consortium, which has been addressing a broad range of issues regarding micro-generation. The technologies analysed here are a grid-tied micro-wind turbine (rotor diameter 1.7m, rated power 600 W at 12 m/s), a grid-tied solar photovoltaic array (15 m2, 2.1 kWp mono-crystalline silicon), and a solar hot-water system (2.8 m2 flat-plate collector, direct-feed system). Annual energy outputs were estimated and contextualised against the demands of representative UK households. The overall energy-resource and carbon savings provided by the micro-generators were assessed on the basis that they (partially) displace the established supply systems. Savings were then compared with the energy-resource and carbon ‘debts’ of the micro-generators to determine their net performance. <br /> The displaced energy or carbon payback periods of the micro-generators were estimated to be well within their estimated lifetimes: a maximum 2.5 years for the SHW system, 3.1 years for the micro-wind turbine installed in an ‘open’ environment, and 7.4 years for the solar PV system. After payback, net energy-resource and carbon savings accrue. This thesis thus demonstrates that, given appropriate UK installations, all three micro-generators can reduce carbon emissions and enhance energy security by reducing use of, and dependence upon, fossil fuels.

Micro e minigeração eólica e solar no Brasil: propostas para desenvolvimento do setor. / Micro and mini power generation by wind and solar resources in Brazil: Proposals for development of the sector.

Cruz, Daniel Tavares 13 March 2015 (has links)
O setor de micro e minigeração de energia elétrica encontra-se num estágio inicial de desenvolvimento no Brasil que pode ser considerado aquém de suas potencialidades em contraste com os recursos energéticos renováveis do país, passados três anos do estabelecimento dos primeiros incentivos de órgãos públicos e privados e da promulgação de regulações específicas voltadas para o setor, indicando uma possível conjuntura atual insuficiente para um crescimento mais consistente e dinâmico. Com tal problemática em vista, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo contribuir no desenvolvimento do setor nacional de micro e minigeração eólica e solar, tecnologias com maior potencial de instalação, apresentando propostas de ações que podem solucionar questões econômicas, técnicas e regulatórias que possivelmente estão dificultando o alcance de um maior equilíbrio de interesses entre os principais agentes envolvidos nesta atividade econômica, ou seja, potenciais usuários, concessionárias de energia, fabricantes e órgãos do governo, aumentando a atratividade e dinamizando os negócios no setor, com benefícios diretamente estendidos ao desenvolvimento do país como um todo. A construção das propostas teve como base o estudo da atual conjuntura e a identificação de possíveis barreiras existentes ao desenvolvimento da micro e minigeração de energia elétrica no Brasil através de análise crítica e mensurável da atual maturidade do setor, isto é, do atual estágio de desenvolvimento e da margem de evolução possível nos aspectos mais relevantes para esta atividade, ou seja, regulações, incentivos, capacidade tecnológica e capacitação profissional. Além disso, observou-se que grande parte dos brasileiros desconhece o tema, porém, depois que cientes do assunto, o percebem como relevante e demonstram disposição significativa para adotar tais sistemas de geração renovável em suas unidades consumidoras. Por fim, avaliou-se que caso ao menos parte das ações descritas nas propostas forem efetivamente implantadas, a perspectiva é que haja uma evolução no ambiente técnico e econômico do setor no país, tornando-o favorável ao desenvolvimento da atividade de micro e minigeração de energia. Espera-se que as propostas apresentadas nesta dissertação possam ser utilizadas como base para trabalhos futuros de instituições governamentais e privadas, fabricantes, centros de pesquisas, universidades e demais interessados no assunto para serem validadas, aperfeiçoadas e detalhadas para um possível estabelecimento no país. Assim, o trabalho apresenta que se houver desenvolvimento de ambiente favorável, o Brasil desponta como país com alto potencial no mercado de micro e minigeração de energia elétrica e que há possibilidades de ações governamentais e privadas, passíveis de discussões e estudos, para fomentar este ambiente. / The micro and mini electricity power generation sector is at an early stage of development in Brazil that can be considered below of its potential in contrast to the country renewable energy resources, three years after the establishment of the first public and private incentives and the enacting of specific regulations for the sector, indicating a possible insufficient conjuncture for a more consistent and dynamic growth. Considering this problematic, the purpose of this work is to contribute to the development of national micro and minigeneration industry by wind and solar photovoltaic resources, technologies with greatest potential for being installed currently, presenting action proposals that can solve economic, technical and regulatory issues that possibly are hampering the achievement of a better interests balance between the major players involved in this economic activity, i.e., potential users, distribution companies, manufacturers and government agencies, increasing attractiveness and boosting business in this sector, with benefits directly extended to the environment and to the development of the country as a whole. The construction of the proposals was based on the study of the current situation and identifying possible existing barriers to Brazil micro and minigeneration development through a critical and measurable analysis of the current sector maturity, in other words, the current stage of development and the margin of possible evolution on the most relevant aspects of this activity, i.e., regulations, incentives, technological capacity and workers professional training. Furthermore, it was observed that most Brazilians are not familiarized with this subject, but after aware, they perceive it as relevant and demonstrate significant willingness to adopt such renewable generation systems in their consumer units. Finally, it was evaluated that if at least some of the actions described in the proposals are effectively implemented, the perspective is for a technical and economic environment progress, making it favorable for a micro and minigeneration energy activity development. It is expected that the proposals presented in this thesis can be used as a basis for future works of government and private institutions, manufacturers, research centers, universities and others interested in the subject to validate, improve and detail them for a possible establishment in the country. As a result, the thesis presents that if a favorable environment is developed, Brazil can stand out as a country with high potential in the micro and minigeneration electricity market and that there are possibilities of government and private actions, likely to discussions and studies, to foster this environment.

Levantamento do potencial de geração fotovoltaica com sistemas de microgeração aplicados à arquitetura nos edifícios do Campus São Paulo da USP / Survey of the photovoltaic generation potential with microgeneration systems applied to architecture on the buildings of São Paulo campus of USP

Pin, Mario Luiz Ferrari 21 September 2017 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o potencial de geração fotovoltaica com sistemas de microgeração sobre os edifícios dentro do campus São Paulo da USP. As diferentes topologias de sistemas fotovoltaicos conectados à rede elétrica foram descritas, apresentando as vantagens e desvantagens de cada uma delas. Em 2012, com a edição da Resolução Normativa n°482 pela Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL), tornam-se possíveis no Brasil a instalação de sistemas de geração de energia a partir de fontes renováveis, de forma distribuída, onde o consumidor conectado à rede de distribuição injeta energia na rede elétrica e com isso gera créditos que são usados nos meses subsequentes. A Resolução Normativa n° 687 da ANEEL e o Convênio 16 do CONFAZ, ambos de 2015, estabeleceram novas regras que tornaram a geração distribuída mais atrativa economicamente, o que resultou no crescimento do número de instalações de forma acelerada a partir desse ano. A usina fotovoltaica do Instituto de Energia e Ambiente é formada por quatro instalações distintas e tem uma potência instalada de 540 kWp. Os dados de produção e de desempenho do primeiro ano de operação das instalações que se encontram sobre a Biblioteca Brasiliana Guita e José Mindlin e do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros foram utilizados para que parâmetros mais adequados fossem inseridos no simulador de sistemas fotovoltaicos SISIFO. Com esses parâmetros, juntamente com dados solarimétricos do projeto SWERA e meteorológicos do INMET utilizou-se o software SISIFO para simular a capacidade de produção de energia elétrica a partir de sistemas fotovoltaicos de microgeração sobre os edifícios identificados no campus. A capacidade anual de produção de energia elétrica calculada para esses sistemas é de 2.600 MWh o que corresponde a 3,1% do consumo total de eletricidade do campus entre abril de 2015 e maio de 2016. / The goal of this work was to determine the potential of photovoltaic generation with microgeneration systems on the buildings within the São Paulo campus of USP. The different topologies of on grid photovoltaic systems were described, presenting the advantages and disadvantages of each one of them. In 2012, with the issuance of Normative Resolution No. 482 by the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL), it became possible in Brazil to install power generation systems from renewable sources in a distributed way, where consumers connected to the distribution network injects power into the grid and thereby generates credits that are used in the subsequent months. The Normative Resolution N ° 687 of ANEEL and CONFAZ Agreement 16, both of 2015, established new rules that made distributed generation more economically attractive, which resulted in an accelerated growth of the number of installations as of this year. The photovoltaic power plant of the Institute of Energy and Environment is formed by four distinct installations and has an installed power of 540 kWp. The production and performance data of the first year of operation of the facilities located on the Brasiliana Guita and José Mindlin Library and the Brazilian Institute of Studies were used to set the most appropriate parameters to be inserted in the SISIFO photovoltaic system simulator. With these parameters, together with solarimetric data from the SWERA project and meteorological data from INMET, SISIFO was used to simulate the electricity production capacity from photovoltaic microgeneration systems on the identified campus buildings. The annual electricity production capacity calculated for these systems is 2,600 MWh which corresponds to 3.1% of total campus consumption of electricity between April 2015 and May 2016.

Análise de impacto regulatório tarifário da inserção de microgeração fotovoltaica em consumidores residenciais /

Wanderley, Rhasla Ramos Abrão January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Dionízio Paschoareli Júnior / Resumo: Diante das constantes mudanças nas regulamentações do setor elétrico, há necessidade de se realizar análises de impactos dessas regulamentações nos setores envolvidos, como consumidores e distribuidoras de energia elétrica.O Brasil tem aprimorado constantemente as regulamentações do setor de geração distribuída. As melhorias feitas partem de pesquisas realizadas em universidades, projetos de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento, e consultas públicas. Além dessa inovação no setor residencial, a Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL) regulamentou uma nova modalidade tarifária, a tarifa branca, que é uma tarifa horária (Time-of-Use), com3 postos horários diferentes ao longo do dia, cada um com um valor de tarifa, com o objetivo de incentivar o deslocamento da carga dos horários mais sobrecarregados do sistema elétrico para horários ociosos. Esta regulamentação entrará em vigor a partir de janeiro de 2018 e por ser uma modalidade diferente da que os consumidores estão acostumados, há a necessidade de verificar os impactos deste tipo de tarifa no consumidor residencial considerando seus hábitos de consumo atuais e verificando a influência desta tarifa nos consumidores que estiverem dispostos a mudar seus hábitos de consumo. A proposta desta tese é apresentar os impactos desta nova modalidade tarifária em consumidores residenciais com microgeração fotovoltaica, considerando situações com consumo atual e com deslocamento de carga, através do desenvolvimento de uma metodologiacapaz de re... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: In the face of constant changes in the regulations of the electricity sector, there is a need to analyse the impacts of these regulations on the sectors involved, such as electricity consumers and distributors. Brazil has presented a constant growth of photovoltaic microgeneration installations in residential consumers connected to the electric grid and has constantly improved the regulations of the distributed generation sector. The improvements made in these regulations are based on research carried out in universities, Research and Development projects, and public consultations. In addition to this innovation in the residential sector, the National Electric Energy Agency has regulated a new tariff modality, the white tariff, which is a Time-of-Use tariff, with 3 different timetables throughout the day, each with a with the objective of encouraging the shift of the load from the overloaded hours of the electrical system to idle schedules. This regulation will come into effect from January 2018 and since it is a different modality from which consumers are accustomed, there is a need to verify the impacts of this type of tariff on the residential consumer considering their current consumption habits and verifying the influence of this tariff consumers who are willing to change their consumption habits. The purpose of this thesis is to present the impacts of this new tariff modality on residential consumers with photovoltaic microgeneration, considering situations with current... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

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