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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vývoj a implementace webové aplikace s podporou notace IFML

Syrový, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
Syrový, J. Development and implementation of web applications with the support of IFML notation. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2015. This diploma thesis deals with the problems of development and implementation of web applications with the support of IFML notation. Processes in the sales department of middle-sized company which are focused on the electronic auctions are modelled through the use of UML 2.0 notation and BPMN 2.0 using a CASE software tool called Enterprise Architect. Then the complete process of development of web applications is made with the support of the product's life cycle using the modeling language IFML and a CASE software tool called WebRatio. The implementation of web applications is made using ASP.NET technology and Microsoft SQL Server.

Realizace webové aplikace sportovního klubu s podporou CASE nástroje WebRatio a jazyka IFML

Matulík, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
Implementation of web application for sport club with the support of CASE tool WebRatio and IFML notation. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2015. This diploma thesis deals with implementation of web application for sport club with the support of CASE tool WebRatio and IFML notation. The thesis describes software development method-ologies with a main focus on web applications and IFML notation. The practical part of this thesis deals with the implementation of a web application based on analysis of the current state of the problem domain and defined business requirements. Development process of entire application was conducted in accordance with the IFML notation. For the analysis and system modelling were used diagrams and models of UML2 and IFML languages. Models and diagrams were made by CASE tool WebRatio and Enterprise Architect. The application was implemented using ASP.NET MVC technology, Mi-crosoft SQL Server database tool and C# language.

BlindCanSeeQL: Improved Blind SQL Injection For DB Schema Discovery Using A Predictive Dictionary From Web Scraped Word Based Lists

Wheeler, Ryan 27 October 2015 (has links)
SQL Injections are still a prominent threat on the web. Using a custom built tool, BlindCanSeeQL (BCSQL), we will explore how to automate Blind SQL attacks to discover database schema using fewer requests than the standard methods, thus helping avoid detection from overloading a server with hits. This tool uses a web crawler to discover keywords that assist with autocompleting schema object names, along with improvements in ASCII bisection to lower the number of requests sent to the server. Along with this tool, we will discuss ways to prevent and protect against such attacks.

Realizace datového skladu pro analýzu závad železničních vozidel

Richter, Jan January 2019 (has links)
This thesis follows up the creation of data warehouse on Microsoft SQL Server for analysis of measured railway vehicle transits, with provided weather data by Dark Sky service. Thesis represents full data warehouse design (by Kimball Group model) with ETL processes to secure data initialization and automatic updates. Thesis also shows two approaches to presentation layer on data warehouse, by Microsoft Excel (linked to multidimensional cube) and by Power BI.

Návrh interaktivního WWW OLAP rozhraní pro analýzu produkce výrobních závodů / Design of Interactive WWW OLAP Interface

Mazáč, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
This work is focused on OLAP analysis. The work presents important theoretic facts and compares availible OLAP systems in different ways. The main goal was to create own OLAP system. Design and implementation of this system is described in the project.

Databasoptimering för användning med Power BI : Hur indexering och kompression kan förbättra prestanda vid datahämtning

Lundström, Anton January 2020 (has links)
I mätrummet på Sandvik Coromant finns en lösning för att visualisera maskinhälsa, mäthistorik och servicetider för olika mätinstrument. Lösningen för datavisualiseringen nyttjar verktyget Power BI och är kopplad till Excelfiler. När data väl hämtats in görs en rad modifieringar på tabellerna för att få fram visualiserbar data. Dessa modifieringar i kombination med många Excelark resulterar i att ledtiderna för att uppdatera en Power BI rapport blir väldigt långa. Nu önskas det att istället nyttja en databaslösning för den data dessa Excelfiler innehåller och därmed förbättra dessa ledtider. Således skapades en databas utifrån den data dessa Excelfiler innehöll. Power BI tillåter användaren att importera data från en databas till applikationen på två sätt, via Import Mode eller DirectQuery. Import Mode läser in samtliga tabeller som efterfrågas och lagrar dessa i minnet. DirectQuery ställer frågor direkt till databasen utifrån vad som efterfrågas. I och med denna skillnad i importsätt finns metoder för att optimera den databas som data läses in ifrån. Studien undersöker hur olika typer av indexering och olika typer av kompression av dessa index påverkar svarstiden på frågor ställda av Power BI för att besvara följande två forskningsfrågor: Hur påverkar olika typer av indexering av en databas datahämtningshastigheten vid användning av Power BI? Hur påverkar olika typer av kompression av index datahämtningshastigheten vid användning av Power BI? Studien utfördes genom att studera execution plans och exekveringshastighet för de frågor som ställdes mot databasen av Power BI. Med hjälp av T-SQL kunde exekveringshastigheten för en specifik fråga tas fram. Denna exekveringshastighet jämfördes sedan för de olika typerna av index och kompression mot exekveringshastigheten för samma fråga mot en tabell helt utan index. Detta utfördes sedan på tabeller med varierande antal rader, där antalet rader som testades var 33 001, 50 081, 100 101, 500 017 och 1 000 217. Resultatet av studien visar att för Import Mode är det bästa typen av index ett clustered rowstore index utan kompression, med undantag för tabeller med över 1 001 217 rader där radkompression presterade bättre. För DirectQuery presterade non-clustered rowstore index bäst, men för vilken kompression var resultatet tvetydigt. Detta eftersom samtliga typer av kompression presterade bäst för olika antal rader i tabellen. För tabeller med fler än 500 017 rader presterade dock ingen kompression allra bäst. / In the measurement room at Sandvik Coromant there is a solution for visualizing machine health, measurement history and service times for different measuring instruments. The data visualization solution uses Power Bi and connects to Excel files. Once the data has been collected, a number of modifications are made on the tables to produce something that is possible to visualize. These modifications in combination with many Excel sheets result in very long lead times for updating a Power BI report. Now it is desired to use a database solution for the data contained in the Excel files and thus improve these lead times. For this, a database was created based on the data that these Excel files contained. Power BI allows the user to import data from a database into the application in two ways, via Import Mode or DirectQuery. Import Mode loads all the requested tables and stores them in memory. DirectQuery runs queries directly to the database, based on what is requested. Due to this difference, there are methods to optimize the database from which the data is loaded. This study examines how different types of indexing and different types of compression affect the response time for queries ran by Power BI to answer the following two research questions: How do different types of indexing affect a database's data retrieval rate when using Power BI? How do different types of compression affect the data retrieval rate when using Power BI? This was done by studying execution plans and execution rate for the queries that was done towards the database by Power BI. With the help of T-SQL, the execution rate for a specific query was obtained. The execution rate for different types of index and compression was then compared against a table without an index. This was then performed on tables with varying numbers of rows, where the numbers of rows that were tested was 33 001, 50 081, 100 101, 500 017 and 1 000 217. The results of the study show that for Import Mode, the best type of index is a clustered rowstore index without compression, with the exception of tables with over 1 001 217 rows where row compression performed better. For DirectQuery, non-clustered rowstore index performed best, but for which compression the result was ambiguous. This was because all types of compression performed best for different number of rows in the table. However, for tables with more than 500 017 rows, no compression performed best.

Automatiserad dokumentation vid systemutveckling / Automated documentation in systems development

Andersson, Magnus January 2012 (has links)
Ett erkänt problem inom industrin för mjukvaruutveckling är bristen på kvalitativ systemdokumentation. Hos företaget Multisoft Consulting finns detta problem. Utvecklare måste spendera onödigt mycket tid på att sätta sig in i befintliga system. Som en del av lösningen vill företaget införa automatisk generering av dokumentation. Genereringen ska ske i plattformen Softadmin® som används för att bygga alla kundsystem. Plattformen är baserad på C# och Microsofts SQL Server och innehåller en mängd färdiga komponenter med olika funktionalitet. För att veta vilken dokumentation som bör genereras automatiskt har litteraturstu-dier och intervjuer med Multisoft Consulting-anställda genomförts. För att veta vilken dokumentation som kan genereras har Softadmin® analyserats. Undersökningarna visar att dokumentation som ger en överblick över ett system samt visar hur systemet används både är önskvärd och möjlig att generera via Softadmin®. En form av system-överblick fanns redan implementerad i Softadmin® i form av en träd-struktur. Överblicken saknade dock en del önskvärda detaljer vilket medförde att fokus för studien blev att implementera en prototyp som kompletterade överblicken. Resultatet är att information om systemets menyval, vilket är sidor med olika funktionalitet, nu visas i överblicken. / A well-known problem within the software development industry is the absence of qualitative system documentation. This problem can be found within the company Multisoft Consulting. Too much time is spent by the developers when they must familiarize themselves with an existing system. As a part of the solution to this problem the company would like to generate documentation automatically. The generation should be performed by the platform Softadmin® which is used to develop all customer systems. The platform is based on C# and Microsoft’s SQL Server and contains different components, each with its own functionality. In order to find out which documentation that should be generated automatically literature has been studied and developers have been interviewed. In order to know which documentation that can be generated by Softadmin® the platform has been analyzed. The conclusion is that documentation which provides a general view of the system and demonstrates how the system is used is both desirable and possible to generate with Softadmin®. A kind of general view had already been implemented in Softadmin®. However, some desired features were not included in the general view. The priority of this study became to implement a prototype which completed the general view by including some of the desired features. The result is that it is now possible to display information about the system’s menu items, which is pages with different functionality, within the general view.

Metodika provozu a údržby BI řešení / Operations and maintenance methodology of BI systems

Matiášek, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on operation and maintenance of BI systems based on Microsoft's SQL Server 2008 R2 platform. This work covers regular activities related to BI system management that means monitoring, performance tuning, maintenance, administration, backup and recovery tasks. System management is based mainly on SQL Server's native management tools along with Microsoft's applications System Center: Essentials and System Center: Data Protection Manager. The main goal of this work is to create BI system operations and maintenance methodology in cooperation with Clever Decision which is specialized in BI area. Partial goals are to design a way of monitoring components of BI system, including to outline backup and recovery posibilities, maintenance and performance tuning of the SQL Server platform. Each chapter contains methods, best practices, summary tables and appropriate tools which help DBA to achieve the specified goals. The main contribution of this work is operations and maintenance methodology created according to Clever Decision's needs. Among the other contributions of this thesis also belongs the definition of using tools for monitoring and maintenance and their relations to the SQL Server's components. The work also contains simple backup and performance tuning methodology for SQL Server. At least, this diploma thesis represents comprehensive material which is strictly focused on OLAP databases operation and maintenance.

Vývoj a implementace webové aplikace s podporou notace WebML

Řešetka, Adam January 2014 (has links)
The theoretical part of this thesis is focused on possibilities of the WebML modeling language and the WebRatio CASE tool. The practical part of this thesis deals with design and analysis of web application supporting the processes associated with the telecommunications and processing of data obtained by PBX. For the process will be used WebML based on acquired knowledge.

Are ORMs the end of stored procedures?

Houssein, Hatem January 2017 (has links)
Stored procedures are used as the current database logic for SAAB’s data model of the fighter aircraft JAS-39 Gripen electrical schemas. Since the database model was developed in 2000, a research and tests needed to be carried out to decide on whether updating the database to today's technology is applicable. Therefore, Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) is to be researched, tested and compared to stored procedures using test-driven development (TDD)concerning an important factor, that Stored procedures are well-known for, which is querying performance of the database. Moreover, how maintainability and flexibility [1] can affect decision between Stored procedures or migrating to ORM based on our subjective experience. NHibernate and Entity Framework are the two ORM solutions considered sinceSAAB uses C# in this project. The process of this project is run using scrum of the agile software development to maintain an iterative progress throughout the project timeline. In this paper, the process and methodology are covered in details and also the comparison with the test results. These results eventually lead us to the answer that ORM is not a suitable technology, and stored procedures still dominate the querying performance for SAAB’scurrent database.

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