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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perceptions and experiences of caring in midwifery.

Chokwe, Mmajapi Elizabeth. January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (MTech. degree in Nursing) / There is growing concern about lack of caring behaviour in midwifery clinical practice from all sectors of health. Internationally and locally, there is increased outcry about lack of care by midwives for childbearing women. The context of the study was midwifery settings where learners of the Adelaide Tambo School of Nursing Science were placed for work-integrated learning at state and private hospitals in Tshwane. The purpose was to explore caring in the clinical practice of midwifery from the perspective of learner midwives, midwifery educators and midwives.

Factors affecting quality of care in a midwifery practice

Gcawu, Luleka Patricia 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCurr)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The midwives are the backbone of midwifery practice with needs and opportunities to create a tradition of caring in midwifery. However, there are problems that affect the midwifery practice. These problems include the increased maternal and perinatal mortality rate, shortage of material and human resources and poor implementation of policies and guidelines. The purpose of this study was to investigate factors that affect quality of care in a midwifery practice at a hospital complex in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. The objectives of the study focused on the structure and process standards. - 1 Structure Standards: To determine whether • policies and procedure manuals are available and updated • support from the supervisor is available • there is adequate staff • the required qualifications were available • the required experience of registered midwives were available • in-service training was being given - 2 Process standards : To determine whether • patients were assessed according to the national guidelines for maternity care • patients were diagnosed according to the national guidelines for maternity care • patients’ care plans were formulated according to the national guidelines for maternity care The descriptive research design with a quantitative approach was applied in this study. The target population (N=172) were the registered midwives working in the maternity department at a particular hospital in the Eastern Cape Province. A specific sampling method was not applied in this study as the total population of 155 was included and17 in the pilot study with a response rate of 81.3%. A self-administered structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. The researcher distributed the questionnaires personally to all respondents who met the criteria. Reliability and validity were assessed by means of a pilot study and the use of experts in Nursing Education, Midwifery, Research Methodology and Statistics. Ethical approval was obtained from Stellenbosch University and all other relevant parties. Computerized data analysis software namely the SPSS programmes and Stastica version 9 were used to analyze the data. The results of the study were interpreted, discussed and presented in tables and frequencies. The data was predominantly presented in a quantitative form with responses to a few close-ended questions. A confirmatory analysis to test the quality of properties across a level of variables was carried out. The Chi-square test was used to test association of variables between demographic data and the responses of midwives to factors affecting quality of care. A p-value of p< 0.05 represents statistical significance in hypothesis testing and 95% confidence intervals were used to describe the estimation of unknown parameters. Results showed that the majority of respondents had an experience of 2 to 5 years (n=34/27.0%) and (n=32/25.4%) more than 14 years working in the maternity department. The minority of respondents were those that are highly skilled. Only (n=4/3.2 %) of the midwives were registered in neonatology nursing and (n=9/7.1%) in advanced midwifery. The majority of respondents (n=118/93.7%) recorded that there was not enough staff to provide quality nursing care. Some respondents recorded that comprehensive in-service education was not offered in the hospital (n=18/14.3%). Recommendations include improvement of staffing, adherence to policies and guidelines, proper implementation of staff development and quality improvement programmes. In conclusion, in order to reduce high infant and maternal mortality rates and to reach the millennium development goals, shortcomings in midwifery should urgently be addressed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die vroedvroue is die ruggraat van die verloskunde-praktyk met behoeftes en geleenthede om ’n tradisie van versorging in verloskunde te skep. Nietemin is daar uitdagings wat die praktisering van verloskunde beïnvloed. Hierdie uitdagings sluit in die toenemende moeder en perinatale mortaliteit, ’n tekort aan materiële en menslike hulpbronne, en die swak toepassing van beleid en riglyne. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die faktore te ondersoek wat die kwaliteit van sorg in ’n verloskunde-praktyk by ’n hospitaalkompleks in die Oos-Kaap in Suid-Afrika, beïnvloed. Die doelwitte van die studie was op struktuur en proses standaarde gefokus. - 1 Struktuur standaarde: Om te bepaal of • beleid en prosedure handleidings beskikbaar en opgedateer is • daar ondersteuning van die toesighouer is • daar voldoende personeel is • daar voldoen is aan die vereiste kwalifikasies • die vereiste ondervinding van geregistreerde vroedvroue teenwoordig • is indiensopleding gegee - 2 Proses standaarde: Om te bepaal of • pasiënte assesseer is volgens die nasionale riglyne vir verloskunde • pasiënte gediagnoseer is volgens die nasionale riglyne • pasiëntversorgingsplanne geformuleer is volgens die nasionale riglyne vir verloskunde. Die beskrywende navorsingsontwerp met ’n kwantitatiewe benadering is in hierdie studie toegepas. Die teikenbevolking (N=172) is die geregistreerde vroedvroue wat in die kraamafdeling van die spesifieke hospitaal in die provinsie van die Oos-Kaap werk. ‘n Spesifieke steekproefmetode is nie vir die studie toegespas nie maar wel die hele populasie is betrek van 155 en 17 in die lootsstudie met ‘n respons van 81.3%. ’n Self-geadministreerde gestruktureerde vraelys is gebruik om die data te versamel. Die navorser het die vraelyste persoonlik aan al die beskikbare respondente wat aan die kriteria voldoen het, versprei. Betroubaarheid en geldigheid is geassesseer deur middel van ’n loodsondersoek en deur gebruik te maak van spesialiste in Verpleegopleiding, die Navorsingssentrum en Statistiek. Etiese goedkeuring is verkry van die Universiteit Stellenbosch en al die ander relevante partye. Gerekenariseerde data-analise sagteware, naamlik die SPSS programme en Statistica uitgawe 9 is gebruik om die data te analiseer. Die resultate van die studie is geïnterpreteer, bespreek en aangebied in tabelle en frekwensies. Die data is oorwegend in ’n kwantitatiewe formaat aangebied met response op ’n paar geslote vrae. ’n Bekragtigingsanalise om die eienskappe oor ’n vlak van veranderlikes te toets, is gedoen. Die Chi-kwadraat toets is gebruik om assosiasie van veranderlikes te toets tussen demografiese data en die response van vroedvroue vir faktore wat die kwaliteit van versorging beïnvloed. ’n P-waarde van p<0.05 verteenwoordig statistiese beduidendheid in hipotese-toetsing en 95% sekerheidsintervalle is gebruik om die beraming van onbekende parameters te beskryf. Resultate dui aan dat die meerderheid van respondente 2 tot 5 jaar werkervaring (n=34/27.0%) het en (n=32/25.4%) meer as 14 jaar in die kraamafdeling het. Die minderheid respondente is diegene wat hoogsbekwaam is. Alleenlik (n=4/1.0%) vroedvroue is in neonatale verpleging gereistreer en (n=9/7.1%) in gevorderde verloskunde geregistreer is. Die meeste respondente (n=118/93.7%) het aangedui dat daar nie voldoende personeel is om kwaliteit verpleegsorg te gee nie. Sommige respondente het aangedui dat omvattende indiensopleiding nie in die hospitaal aangebied is nie (n=18/14.3%). Aanbevelings sluit in die verbetering van personeelvoorsiening, die nakoming van beleid en riglyne, behoorlike implementering van personeelontwikkeling en gehalte verbeteringsprogramme. Ten slotte, om die hoê insidensie in moeder en kind mortaliteit te verminder en die millennium ontwikkelingsdoelwitte te bereik, moet die tekortkomings in verloskunde dringend aangespreek word.

Knowledge of midwives at Community Health Centres and Midwife Obstetrics Units in the Nelson Mandela Bay regarding the use of the Road-to-Health Chart

Dumisani-Ndlovu, Sidumisile Charity, Sonti, Balandeli S I, James, S January 2017 (has links)
The challenge of child mortality between the ages of 0 and 5 years has extensively increased over the past few years. Furthermore, the ever-evolving and complex consequences of ineffective monitoring of children’s growth and development have been identified as one of the reasons for this increase in child mortality. The Road-to-Health Chart was developed and redesigned for use by child nurses and midwives to monitor children’s growth and development. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the midwives at community healthcare centres in the Nelson Mandela Bay area had the necessary knowledge to utilise the Road-to-Health Chart effectively. Permission to conduct the study was sought from the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, the Department of Health and the participants. A quantitative, non-experimental descriptive survey was used in this research. The population consisted of all the midwives working in the Midwife Obstetric Unit and community healthcare centres within the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipal area. The sample was extracted from the targeted population but from willing participants that met the inclusion criteria. The research data-collection method was a self-developed questionnaire with closed-ended statements to measure the knowledge of how effectively the midwives in the Nelson Mandela Bay area were using the RTHC. The researcher ensured the validity of the questionnaire by focusing on the instrument’s validity, construct validity, content validity and face validity. Ethical considerations, including permission, informed consent, confidentiality and anonymity, were adhered to. The most significant findings showed that midwives at CHCs and MOUs in the Nelson Mandel Bay area were knowledgeable about the importance of the RTHC to the mother and child and the use of the RTHC. These findings may assist in the identification of measures to enhance the knowledge of midwives about the use of the RTHC thus ultimately facilitating the use of the RTHC by mothers as intended.

Perceptions of Nelson Mandela Metropolitan obstetric unit midwives regarding consulting advanced midwives

Sonti, Balandeli Siphumelele Israel January 2015 (has links)
The perceptions of Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality obstetric unit midwives regarding consulting advanced midwives were researched. Currently South Africa is burdened with an increasing maternal mortality rate despite the control measures that have been put in place. One of those control measures is the skilling of midwives and ensuring that skilled birth attendants assist every woman in confinement. A concern, though, was observed by the researcher that an increasing number of midwives in the country now have an additional qualification in advanced midwifery and yet the maternal and neonatal mortality rates are gradually increasing. The researcher, as a midwife and a midwifery lecturer in that capacity, observed that in the clinical areas midwives prefer to consult with the doctor rather than the advanced midwife. In most cases looking and waiting for the doctor delays the management of the labouring woman as the doctor may not be immediately available. The advanced midwives are supposed to have advanced skills which should be used to assist in the absence of the doctor, particularly in the midwife obstetrics units. The study objectives were firstly, to describe and explore the perceptions of NMM obstetric unit midwives regarding consulting with advanced midwives. Secondly, based on the results of the study, to make recommendations to the managers of the obstetric units within the NMM that will enhance consulting between advanced midwives and midwives in obstetric units. The study was quantitative in nature and utilised an explorative, descriptive and contextual design. Sampling was made possible through simple random probability sampling using the non-replacement approach. The method of data collection was by self-administered questionnaires that were developed by the researcher under the guidance of a qualified and experienced statistician and researcher and the supervision of the research supervisor. Data was collected during July and September of 2014. One hundred and thirty questionnaires were distributed and ninety four were returned. Responses were captured on a spread sheet for easy and accurate calculation and the numerical data was categorized, ordered and manipulated with the help of a statistician using the software package Statistica Version 21 to ensure efficacy of the results The findings were presented by describing the biographic profile of participants, their competence in the identification and management of high risk situations, their consultation with advanced midwives in high risk situations, their reasons for not consulting advanced midwives and a description of factors that might encourage midwives to consult the advanced midwives. Literature controls were utilized to compare findings with current views of other researchers. Trustworthiness was maintained by observing the principles of reliability and validity. The ethical considerations of confidentiality, anonymity and protection of the participants from harm were maintained by the researcher. The findings revealed that there were significant numbers of midwives with many years of clinical experience and years in the units. The age difference of the midwives in the obstetrics units was seen to be an added advantage to the care of women as the young and old could complement each other with the latest information and experience in dealing with midwifery related emergencies respectively. The difference in gender was as expected but did not have an influence on the non-consulting with advanced midwives by the midwives who are working in the obstetrics units. Also, the limited confidence of midwives regarding their performance of certain low risk skills and their confidence in the performance of the advanced midwives was a reason to consult with the advanced midwives in their areas of speciality. Based on these findings, the researcher attended to the second objective and made the necessary recommendations to the managers of the obstetric units within the NMM to enhance consulting with advanced midwives by midwives in obstetric units. Midwives globally would gain information that would assist them in motivating recommendations to the managers of the obstetric units with regard to consulting with advanced midwives by midwives in their obstetric units.

Facilitated empowerment of midwives to enhance utilization of antenatal care services by pregnant women in the Mnquma sub-district in the Eastern Cape province

Ngwanya, Thandi Rose-mary, Williams, Marie January 2016 (has links)
Background: Antenatal care is essential care that assists in maintaining a state of good health for the woman and her unborn baby. Globally the use of antenatal care services remains a challenge and this tendency is closely associated with maternal and neonatal mortalities and morbidities. South Africa has adopted a free service policy for pregnant women, their infants and for children up to the age of six. Despite this policy, the problem of limited utilisation of antenatal care services by pregnant women is still observed in this country and is associated with increased maternal and neonatal mortalities and morbidities.The purpose of the current proposed study was to explore and describe the reasons for limited utilisation of antenatal care services in the Mnquma sub-district, and to develop guidelines to assist the midwives to encourage the use of antenatal care services. Objectives:To explore and describe the reasons for the limited utilisation of antenatal care services by pregnant women at Mnquma sub-district.To explore and describe the knowledge of antenatal care services by the pregnant women.To develop guidelines to facilitate empowerment of midwives to enhance utilisation of antenatal care services by pregnant women in the Mnquma sub-district in Eastern Cape Province. The study was conducted in Mnquma sub-district during the months of July to January in 2016 using a qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and contextual research design. The research population were post-delivery women and the purposive sampling was used to identify women who met the stated criteria. One-on-one audio-taped semi-structured interviews were conducted and field notes were kept to justify some of the themes identified. Thirteen interviews were conducted and transcribed verbatim. Collected data was analysed using Tesch’s data analysis method. Trustworthiness was maintained through the standards of truth value, credibility, transferability, dependability and conformability. The ethical considerations of beneficence, justice, autonomy, non-maleficence and veracity were maintained. From the findings it emerged that the participants raised various concerns with regard to barriers influencing limited utilization of antenatal care services. The participants had limited knowledge of antenatal care services. Furthermore, participants recommended some solutions to enhance utilization of antenatal care services. Recommendations were made with regard to clinical practice, nursing education and nursing research. Guidelines were formulated to assist midwives to enhance the utilization of antenatal care services by pregnant women in the Mnquma sub-district in the Eastern Cape.

Midwives' perceptions in KwaZulu-Natal public hospitals regarding their level of competence related to cardiotocography

Maduna, Ntsepiseng Elizabeth January 2016 (has links)
The primary purpose of CTG is to detect early signs of intrapartum hypoxia and improve foetal outcomes. Intrapartum hypoxia remains the major cause of perinatal deaths mainly in monitored labours. This is attributed to the midwives’ lack of skills in the foetal implementation and interpretation of CTG. Midwives interpret foetal heart rate patterns erroneously hence they fail to detect early signs of severe foetal compromise. Accurate interpretation of CTG is the cornerstone for clinical decision during intra-partum foetal surveillance. Therefore, it is mandatory that midwives are competent in CTG. The purpose of the study was to explore and describe the perceptions of midwives in KwaZulu-Natal public hospitals regarding their level of competence related to the CTG. The purpose of the study was to explore and describe the perceptions of midwives in KwaZulu-Natal public hospitals regarding their level of competence related to the CTG. The objectives of this study were: -to explore and describe the perceptions of the midwives regarding their level of competence relating to cardiotocography. -to establish the levels of competence of midwives in relation to CTG. -to develop clinical guidelines that could be utilised by midwives in the implementation and interpretation of the cardiotocograph. The study utilised a quantitative non-experimental comparative descriptive research design. A self-developed and self-administered questionnaire was developed under the supervision of a statistician and was to collect data from a purposively selected sample of midwives who work in labour wards in Kwa-Zulu Natal public hospitals. A sample of 226 practicing midwives working in labour wards of the nine KZN public hospitals was selected using a non-probability convenience sampling method; only 125 responded. Data were collected on an excel spread sheet and analysed under the supervision of the statistician and research supervisor. The researcher assured of validity and reliability of the data collection method and data as well as of the data collection instrument. The findings revealed that the midwives in KZN public hospitals perceived themselves as being competent regarding CTG tasks; however they lack knowledge and skills in the implementation and interpretation of CTG. It was also evident that the midwives’ years of midwifery clinical experience, labour ward experience, possession of additional post basic midwifery qualification and the perceived level of competence related to CTG tasks number of years of the midwives did not influence their level of competence in the implementation and interpretation of CTG. Literature control supported these findings and there was consistency with that literature. Recommendations were made and clinical guidelines were developed to assist midwives with the assessment of foetal heart rate and the interpretation of the cardiotocograph results.

Role of midwives in facilitating the choice of delivery mode for labouring women in public sector birthing units in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality and Sarah Baartman District

Muthige, Noluthando January 2017 (has links)
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that of all the live births per year no more than 10-15% of these should be delivered by caesarean section. Despite this recommendation there has been a global increase in the percentage of caesarean section deliveries over the past few decades. In South Africa the percentage is as high as 70% in certain health care institutions which is of concern to midwives. Caesarean section deliveries are needed when the life of the baby, mother or both are at stake. However, this method of delivery bears more disadvantages than advantages to the baby and mother. Despite these disadvantages, some women request a caesarean section in their birth plans while others are influenced by health professionals to request a caesarean section. Therefore, there is a need for labouring women to be guided where possible to have vaginal birth because of its many advantages. This study sought to explore and describe the perceptions of the midwives regarding their role in facilitating the choice of delivery mode for labouring women in public hospitals and midwifery obstetric units (MOUs) of the Nelson Mandela Bay and Sarah Baartman districts. Based on the results of the study, guidelines for midwives in this role were developed. Maputle’sWoman-Centred Childbirth Model (2010) was used as the theoretical lens through which this study was viewed. The researcher selected a quantitative survey design using an explorative, descriptive and contextual research approach. The population consisted of midwives who were working in labour wards at public hospitals and midwife-led MOUs. A non-probability convenience sample was used to collect data using a structured, self-administered questionnaire. The reliability and validity of the data collection instrument were ensured by using various means including a pre-test and an expert panel. Altogether, 300 questionnaires were distributed and 288 were returned. This number excluded the pilot study. Data was collected over a period of three months using the assistance of two fieldworkers. Data was captured and analysed under the supervision of the statistician and supervisors. Analysis was done by means of descriptive analyses that involved the production of frequencies and presented using charts, figures and tables. The major findings of the study are: -The midwives perceived themselves as the main facilitators of a suitable decision by the labouring woman for a safe delivery method - The midwives emphasised the importance of the delivery position preferred by the labouring woman -The midwives indicated that a collaboration between doctors, senior midwives, midwives and midwives in management positions could assist with a decision for a suitable delivery mode option. -The midwives agreed that the culture of the labouring woman should be considered when deciding on a delivery mode and therefore midwifery curriculum should include lessons about cultural diversity. Three principal guidelines were developed, namely: 1. Create an environment that promotes acceptance of a woman’s choice of a delivery mode. 2. Create an environment promoting a collaborative health care relationship 3. Create an environment that is sensitive to cultural needs in the maternity unit Ethical considerations in this study were upheld by maintaining the principles of beneficence, maleficence, autonomy and justice.

Midwifery Practice Guidelines to Promote Quality Care of Preterm Babies in Resource-Limited Obstetric Units of Limpopo Province, South Africa

Malwela, Thivhulawi 21 September 2018 (has links)
PhD (Health Sciences) / Department of Advanced Nursing Science / Preterm birth is an unresolved health issue; globally it is the largest contributor to mortality among children under 5 years of age. Worldwide, approximately 9.6% of all births are preterm which the World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes as one of the top ten causes of neonatal deaths. The alarming rates of preterm births and deaths may be directly linked to the shortage of resources and an inadequate database of midwifery care guidelines for midwives in South Africa resulting in poor maternal care in public health. This study sought to develop midwifery practice guidelines to promote quality care of preterm babies in resource-limited obstetric units of the Limpopo Province of South Africa. The convergent parallel mixed method was used, explorative, descriptive and contextual qualitative design were run concurrently with the descriptive quantitative approach. For the qualitative design, non-probability purposive sampling was used to select midwives and managers from Limpopo Province. In-depth one-to-one interviews were conducted with 11 midwives and 4 managers. Tesch’s eight steps of open-coding was used to analyze qualitative data. Trustworthiness was ensured through credibility, confirmability, dependability and transferability. For the quantitative approach, 31 midwives and 24 managers completed the Likert scale questionnaire. The non-probability method was employed to select midwives and managers to make up a sample size of 55 participants. Reliability and validity of the instrument was ensured through extensive literature review and a pilot study. Data were analyzed with the IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0. Both quantitative and qualitative data analysis yielded three themes as follows: the role of midwives in reduction of preterm births and deaths in obstetric units; challenges faced by midwives whilst executing their role during preconception, antenatal, labour and v puerperium period; support needed by midwives during provision of maternal and neonatal care to reduce preterm births and deaths. In the discussion of the findings, qualitative findings were supported by quantitative findings. The WHO model (PICOS & GRADES) was adapted in the development of the guidelines. The group then validated the guidelines using a closed-ended checklist to verify whether the guidelines were congruent with practice. The results were analyzed through simple descriptive statistics where the data were summarized using frequency / NRF

The experiences of male nurses in midwifery clinical training at a regional hospital in the Eastern Cape

Meyer, Rushaan 27 November 2013 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to explore and describe the experiences of male community service officers during midwifery clinical training. A qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual design was used in order to achieve the study objectives. Data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews. Data analysis elucidated analogous themes and categories which translated into the overall experiences of the participants. The study found that whilst the experience was described as beneficial, there were overwhelming challenges in providing intimate care to female clients, dealing with ethno-cultural aspects, meeting clinical practice requirements and the right to choose to be part of midwifery clinical training. Recommendations to nurse educators, clinical midwives and midwifery clinical supervisors with regard to better support for male nurses during midwifery clinical training emanated from the study findings / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Client satisfaction with midwifery services rendered at Empilweni Gompo and Nontyuatyambo community health centres in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

Mfundisi, Nokwamkela Pearl January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate whether patients were satisfied with midwifery services rendered at the two Community Health Centres in the Eastern Cape Province.The study sites were Empilweni Gompo and Nontyatyambo Community Health Centres. Descriptive quantitative study design was employed, using a questionnaire with closed and open ended questions as the data collecting tool. Likert Scale was used to measure the following variables: quality care variables to measure level of satisfaction with midwifery services rendered and to determine positive and negative perceptions regarding quality of care received during antenatal, labour and postnatal period. Non-random convenience sampling of sixty pregnant women, thirty from each Community Health Centre, with two or more antenatal subsequent visits and forty postpartum women, twenty from each health facility, six hours after delivery if there were no complications. Out of 60 participants interviewed n=60 (100 percent) agreed that individual counseling and importance of HIV testing was explained.The majority of participants n=53(88 percent) disagreed that they were educated about focused antenatal visits. Out of 60 participants interviewed n=41(68 percent) agreed that delivery plan formed part of their ANC visits and n=18 (30 percent) disagreed. Of the 60 participants interviewed n=11(18 percent) agreed that they were told that they had the right to choose labour companions and n=48 (80 percent) disagreed.Out of 60 participants interviewed n=23 (38 percent) stated that they waited a long period of time without being attended to by midwives. In general, the study revealed high satisfaction level with intrapartum and postnatal care due to functional accessibility of both Community Health Centres. Both health centres delivered normal healthy babies and mothers. However, the participants were dissatisfied with antenatal care rendered at the two facilities. The researcher’s recommendations were based on the closing of gaps that were identified with regard to the implementation of Basic Antenatal Care; birth companions: health education deficiency; community involvement and participation.

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