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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die rol van die militêre maatskaplike werker by bestuursopleiding van die laevlakbestuurder in die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag

Luitjies, Raelene 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Because of changes and increasing demands within the workplace, it has been decided that the frontline-manager within the SANDF ought to acquire particular interpersonal skills so as to ensure optimum performance on the part of subordinates and to achieve organisational objectives. The development of a management training programme for front-line managers would fill this need. This has resulted in a need to empirically test the role of the military social worker and the management skills that the front-line manager ought to have acquired. The aim of the study is to identify the knowledge and skills required by the military social worker by means of a literature and empirical study and to empirically test possible content in a management training programme. All social worker officers of the Western Province Medical Command were involved in the empirical study. The findings of the empirical study are being used to establish guidelines for the content of a front-line management training programme within the South African National Defence Force. Industrial social work is regarded as a relatively young area of specialisation in social work. Because of this, a short historical overview is provided, with specific reference to the USA and South Africa. Furthermore, emphasis is placed on the historical development of military social work. The four positions relating to the practice model for military social work are discussed to help identify the best position for utilisation in management training of front-line managers. The literature study determined that the ecosystem approach, because of its dual focus on the person in the environment or the employee in the working environment provides a suitable framework for the military social worker. The ecological approach serves as a basis for the study. Against the background of recent literature, a complete survey of the management tasks and skills of the front-line, as well as the human approach to management, is given. The content of subjects which focus on the interpersonal skills of front-line managers in the SANDF and which may be included in a management training programme are discussed. In conclusion, the responses from military social workers of the Western Province Medical Command are discussed and compared with the relevant literature. The literature study, and the empirical results, are utilised to establish guidelines for a management training programme for front-line managers in the SANDF. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vanweë verandering en toenemende eise in die werkplek is daar besluit dat die laevlakbestuurder in die SANW oor bepaalde interpersoonlike vaardighede behoort te beskik ten einde optimale funksionering van ondergeskiktes te verseker en om organisasie doelstellings te bereik. Die ontwikkeling van 'n bestuursopleidingsprogram vir die laevlakbestuurder sou die leemte aanspreek. Dit het die behoefte laat ontstaan om die rol van die militêre maatskaplike werker en die bestuursvaardighede waaroor die laevlakbestuurder behoort te beskik, empiries te toets. Die doel van die studie is om deur middel van 'n literatuur- en empiriese studie, kennis en vaardighede waaroor die militêre maatskaplike werker moet beskik te identifiseer en die moontlike inhoud van die bestuursopleidingsprogram empiries te toets. Vir die empiriese studie is alle maatskaplikewerk-offisiere van die Mediese Kommandement Westelike Provinsie gebruik. Die bevindinge van die empiriese studie word gebruik om riglyne daar te stel vir die inhoud van 'n bestuursopleidingsprogram vir die laevlakbestuurder in die Suid- Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag. Bedryfsmaatskaplike werk word as 'n relatief jong spesialisveld in maatskaplike werk beskou, daarom word 'n kort historiese oorsig gegee met spesifieke verwysing na die VSA en Suid-Afrika. Daar is verder klem gelê op die historiese ontwikkeling van militêre maatskaplikewerk. Die vier posisies in die praktykmodel vir militêre maatskaplikewerk is bespreek ten einde die beste posisie vir benutting in die bestuursopleiding van laevlakbestuurders te identifiseer. Met die literatuurstudie is vasgestel dat die ekosisteem-benadering as gevolg van sy tweeledige fokus op die persoon-in-die-omgewing of die werknemer-in-die-werksomgewing, 'n toepaslike raamwerk vir die militêre maatskaplike werker verskaf. Die ekologiese benadering dien as onderbou vir die studie. 'n Volledige oorsig word gegee van die bestuurstake en vaardighede van die laevlakbestuurder, sowel as die menslike benadering tot bestuur, na aanleiding van resente literatuur. Die inhoud van die onderwerpe wat fokus om die interpersoonlike vaardighede van die laevlakbestuurder in die SANW en wat ingesluit kan word by 'n bestuursopleidingsprogram, word bespreek. Ten slotte word die response van die militêre maatskaplike werkers van die Mediese Kommandement Westelike Provinsie bespreek en vergelyk met relevante literatuurbronne. Die literatuurstudie sowel as die empiriese resultate word benut om riglyne daar te stel vir inhoud van 'n bestuursopleidingsprogram vir die laevlakbestuurder in die SANW.

The management and development of multi-cultural social work practice in the South African National Defence Force

Pretorius, Andre Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Multi-cultural social work practice necessitates that the social worker possesses specific knowledge and practice skills in order to render a competent service to a diverse client system. To date, the SANDF does not possess any definite guidelines regarding multi-cultural social work practice. Consequently social work practitioners are ill-equipped to render a needs-based, multi-cultural competent service to the culturally different client system. The purpose of this study, was to develop theoretical and practical guidelines for multi-cultural social work practice within the SANDF. An attempt is made to ensure that the social service delivery system is attentive to cultural diversity among clients, whilst providing social work interventions to the client system. The objectives of the study were: firstly, to present a profile of the current consumers of social work services within the SANDF; secondly, to reflect on the nature and function of military social work within the SANDF, and to investigate the need to incorporate multi-cultural social work practice into the military setting; thirdly, to determine how the existing social work programmes in the SANDF are meeting the needs of the client system of diverse origin and culture; fourthly, to investigate the extent to which the social worker gives attention to the different cultural backgrounds of the client system; and fifthly, to explore the knowledge and practice skills needed by the social work practitioner to render multi-cultural social work services in the military setting. The study was confined to a purposive sample of 557 clients to assess their need for multi-cultural social work services. They were representative of the unique diversity in ethnic and cultural heritage, gender, and religious affiliations. The results were analysed qualitatively as well as quantitatively. Structured interviews were conducted with 16 key figures in social work management in order to assess how existing social work programmes have been designed and are managed to meet the requirements of multi-cultural social work. The results were also analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. Furthermore, group interviews with a randomly selected sample of 45 social work officers [production workersl, were conducted to determine their knowledge and perceptions of and attitudes towards multi-cultural social work and to investigate the extent to which they were attentive to the cultural backgrounds of clients when rendering social work services. These results were again analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The empirical study enabled the researcher to draw certain conclusions. From the client system's responses it was obvious that social workers should be aware of the client system's cultural, ethnic and/or religious background. Social work managers on the other hand must be skilled in the management of a multi-cultural social work personnel system. The processes used during strategic planning, which should always be preceded by an environmental study, would have an effect on service rendering within multi-cultural social work practice. Most social work programmes have been adapted to suit the needs of a diverse client system. The research results pointed out that the DSW's business plan should focus more on developmental issues like HIV/AIDS. The majority of the social work managers regarded their service rendering as being culturally competent. Although certain misconceptions were evident, social work practitioners do understand the meaning of a multi-cultural competent service rendering. Social work practitioners are not clear whether their cultural, ethnic and/or language background has an influence on their service rending. Concerning communication it was pointed out that communication in a person's mother tongue is most effective during social work intervention. Although all social work approaches are utilised by the practitioners, their overall theoretical knowledge and skills application of these approaches are questionable. In the light of these aspects confusion exists amongst the respondents as to whether social work programmes are meeting the needs of a multi-cultural client system. A number of recommendations flow from the findings and conclusions. The DSW's business plan should focus more on developmental social work aspects, and should continuously stress the importance of having a diverse knowledge and skills base of the most significant models and approaches. The social work delivery system requires more theoretical knowledge and skills in the management and implementation of a multi-culturally competent social work service, and should be skilled in how to convert social work programmes into culturally competent programmes. The workers should further be competent at addressing problems experienced within their own cultural/ethnic background, before engaging in any social work intervention with a diverse client system. Social workers should further be empowered regarding the role, function and implementation of social development strategies within the daily service rendering and thus be guided to work in a multi-cultural social work environment. In the broader sense, staff in each social work office and/or section should identify the stumbling blocks that communication has on their service delivery. Training programmes should be developed for preparing or ongoing education of the social service delivery system regarding cultural competence. Further research should be undertaken concerning factors such as: decreasing stress experienced by social workers towards a diverse client system; the effectiveness of social work programmes in reaching cultural competence; and lastly, the effect of social work management on culturally competent practice. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die praktyk van multi-kulturele maatskaplike werk vereis dat die maatskaplike werker oor spesifieke kennis en praktykvaardighede moet beskik ten einde 'n bevoegde diens aan die kultureel-diverse kliëntsisteem te lewer. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag (SANW) beskik tans oor geen definitiewe riglyne rakende multi-kulturele maatskaplikewerk-dienslewering nie. Gevolglik is maatskaplike werkers nie toegerus om 'n behoefte-gebaseerde, multi-kulturele diens aan die kultureel-diverse kliëntsisteme te lewer nie. Die doel van hierdie studie is om teoretiese en praktiese riglyne vir multi-kulturele maatskaplike werk in die SANW daar te stel. Daar is gepoog om die maatskaplikewerk-diensleweringsisteem bedag te maak op die variasies van kultuur wat by kliënte tydens maatskaplikewerk-dienslewering teenwoordig is. Die doelwitte van die studie is soos volg: eerstens, om die huidige profiel van die verbruikers van maatskaplikewerk-dienste in die SANW weer te gee; tweedens, om te fokus op die aard en funksie van militêre maatskaplike werk in die SANW, en die nut van multi-kulturele maatskaplike werk binne die militêre omgewing te ondersoek; derdens, om vas te stel of die huidige maatskaplikewerk-programme binne die SANW wel aan die behoeftes van 'n kultureel-diverse kliëntsisteem voldoen; vierdens, om die mate waarin die maatskaplike werker aandag skenk aan die kulturele agtergronde van kliëntsisteme te ondersoek; en laastens om vas te stel watter kennis en vaardighede maatskaplike werkers benodig ten einde 'n multi-kulturele maatskaplikewerk-diens binne die weermag opset daar te stel. Die studie het 'n doelbewuste steekproef van 557 kliënte ingesluit om die behoefte aan multi-kulturele maatskaplikewerk-dienste vas te stel. Hulle was verteenwoordigend van 'n verskeidenheid van etniese en kulturele agtergronde, geslag asook godsdienstige affiliasies. Die resultate is beide kwalitatief en kwantitatief ontleed. Gestruktureerde onderhoude is gevoer met 16 sleutel figure wat deel vorm van maatskaplikewerk-bestuur ten einde vas te stel hoe huidige maatskaplikewerk-programme ontwerp en bestuur word ten einde aan die vereistes van multi-kulturele maatskaplike werk te voldoen. Hierdie resultate is ook kwalitatief en kwantitatief ontleed. Voorts is groepsonderhoude gevoer met 'n ewekansige geselekteerde steekproef van 45 maatskaplikewerk-offisiere [produksie werkers] om hulle kennis, en menings van en houdings teenoor multi-kulturele maatskaplike werk vas te stel. Daar is verder bepaal in hoe 'n mate hulle wel sensitief is vir kliënte se kulturele agtergronde tydens dienslewering. Hierdie resultate is ook kwalitatief en kwantitatief ontleed. Na aanleiding van die empiriese ondersoek is bepaalde gevolgtrekkiogs gemaak. Die kliëntsisteem het aangedui dat dit belangrik is vir maatskaplike werkers om bewus te wees van die kulturele, etniese en godsdienstige agtergronde van die kliënte. Maatskaplikewerk-bestuurders moet vaardig wees in die bestuur van 'n multi-kulturele maatskaplike werk personeel sisteem. Die proses wat tydens strategiese beplanning gebruik word, en voorafgegaan word deur 'n omgewingsontleding, sal wel 'n effek hê op dienslewering binne 'n multi-kulturele maatskaplike werk. Maatskaplikewerk-progamme is wel aangepas om aan die behoeftes van 'n kultureel-diverse kliëntsisteem te voldoen. Die navorsing het aangedui dat die Direktoraat Maatskaplikewerk-dienste se besigheidsplan meer op ontwikkelingsaspekte soos MIV/VIGS moet fokus. Die meerderheid maatskaplikewerk-bestuurders beskou hul dienslewering as kultureel aanvaarbaar. Ten spyte van sekere wanopvattings, verstaan maatskaplikewerk-praktisyns wel die betekenis van multi-kultureel bevoegde dienslewering. Onduidelikheid bestaan egter of hulle eie kulturele/etniese/taal agtergrond wel dienslewering kan beïnvloed. Met betrekking tot kommunikasie is aangedui dat maatskaplikewerk-intervensie meer effektief is indien dit in 'n persoon se moedertaal plaasvind. Alhoewel die meeste maatskaplikewerk-benaderings wel deur die praktisyns benut word, word hul teoretiese kennis en die toepassing daarvan, bevraagteken. In die lig van veral hiervan is die respondente in die war of die maatskaplikewerk-programme wel aan die behoeftes van die multi-kulturele kliënt sisteem voldoen. Aanbevelings na aanleiding van die bevindinge sluit in dat die besigheidsplan van die Direktoraat Maatskaplikewerk-dienste meer moet fokus op ontwikkelingsaspekte en die noodsaaklikheid moet aandui dat 'n verskeidenheid kennis- en vaardigheidsbasisse nodig is van toepaslike modelle en benaderings in die praktyk. Die maatskaplikewerk-diensleweringsisteem benodig meer teoretiese kennis en vaardighede in die bestuur en implementering van In multi-kulturele bevoegde maatskaplikewerk-diens, asook die vaardigheid om maatskaplikewerk-programme in kultureel aanvaarbare programme om te skakel. Hulle moet verder ook oor die vaardigheid beskik om probleme binne hul eie kulturele/etniese agtergrond effektief te hanteer, alvorens enige maatskaplikewerk-intervensie met In kultureel-diverse kliëntsisteem kan plaasvind. Maatskaplike werkers moet ook bemagtig wees met betrekking tot die rol, funksie en implementering van maatskaplike ontwikkelingsstrategieë binne die konteks van daaglikse dienslewering en dus gehelp word om binne die multi-kulturele maatskaplikewerk-omgewing te werk. Verder moet personeel in elke maatskaplikewerk-kantoor en/of -afdeling kommunikasie stuikelblokke identifiseer wat dienslewering negatief kan beïnvloed. Opleidingsprogramme moet ontwikkel word vir die voorbereiding en voordurende onderrig van die maatskaplikewerk-diensleweringsisteem rakende kulturele bevoegdheid. Voorts moet navorsing onderneem word oor die verligting van spanning by maatskaplike werkers teenoor In kultureel-diverse kliëntsisteem; die effektiwiteit van maatskaplikewerk-programme om kulturele bevoegdheid te bereik; en die effek van maatskaplikewerk-bestuur op In kutureelbevoegde-praktyk.

The supervisory training course of the SANDF : an occupational social work evaluation / by Hester Sophia McGimpsey

McGimpsey, Hester Sophia January 2006 (has links)
The productivity and well-being of the SANDF are dependent on the effective functioning of its individual members, positive relationships amongst various groups of members and between members and the organization. Military social work, based on occupational social work, was established in order to support the well-being of the organization. Supervisors within the South African National Defence Force play a fundamental role in the management and assistance of employees and organizational units whose performance is affected by a range of problems. These supervisors are the key role players in the identification and effective referral of 'employees whose performance is affected by problem situations. The Supervisory Training Course was developed and implemented by military social workers as a training aid to equip supervisors in appropriate ways of managing and assisting employees and organizational units. The Supervisory Training Course (a very comprehensive package) is currently presented on a small scale amongst SANDF supervisors. These supervisors are not using acquired knowledge and skills effectively regarding the management of their subordinates. This situation motivated the researcher to undertake this study. / Thesis (M.A. (MW))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

The supervisory training course of the SANDF : an occupational social work evaluation / by Hester Sophia McGimpsey

McGimpsey, Hester Sophia January 2006 (has links)
The productivity and well-being of the SANDF are dependent on the effective functioning of its individual members, positive relationships amongst various groups of members and between members and the organization. Military social work, based on occupational social work, was established in order to support the well-being of the organization. Supervisors within the South African National Defence Force play a fundamental role in the management and assistance of employees and organizational units whose performance is affected by a range of problems. These supervisors are the key role players in the identification and effective referral of 'employees whose performance is affected by problem situations. The Supervisory Training Course was developed and implemented by military social workers as a training aid to equip supervisors in appropriate ways of managing and assisting employees and organizational units. The Supervisory Training Course (a very comprehensive package) is currently presented on a small scale amongst SANDF supervisors. These supervisors are not using acquired knowledge and skills effectively regarding the management of their subordinates. This situation motivated the researcher to undertake this study. / Thesis (M.A. (MW))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

The mentoring of officers commanding in the SA Military Health Service (SAMHS): a military social work perspective

Radebe, Chrystal 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work (Social Work))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / An exploratory research design together with a quantitative research approach were chosen to determine whether military social workers possess the necessary knowledge, skills and values to mentor Officers Commanding (OCs) in the South African Military Health Service (SAMHS). The motivation for this study was based on questions the researcher asked as to whether there was a link between the methods in social work intervention processes, supervision and mentoring processes. During the preliminary investigation, the researcher found that no prior research under this specific subject was undertaken. The researcher also determined from her role as consultant to Officers Commanding in the SAMHS, that whereas military social workers received supervision upon joining the South African National Defence Force (SANDF), OCs, received no formal mentoring. It was also found that although a mentoring policy in the Department of Defence (DOD) existed, no evidence existed that a mentoring programme was implemented in the SAMHS. The goal of the study is therefore to provide military social workers with a framework of a mentoring process for Officers Commanding in the SAMHS. The literature study firstly focused on describing the military social work environment in which the military social worker is employed, as well as theoretical frameworks that guide the military social worker’s task. Although more than one theoretical framework was discussed, the main focus was on the systems theory and ecological perspective. The work environment of the OC was also included, as well as the challenges of their functions, tasks and roles in the SAMHS. Primarily, the literature study explored the knowledge, skills and values of the military social worker and the mentoring process. The sample that was selected for this study was 46 military social workers that represented all the chief military social workers in specialist posts and those with a higher ranking from Captain to Colonel. A quantitative investigation was undertaken by means of a questionnaire which was completed in groups in the respective provinces. The results of the investigation largely confirmed the findings of the literature study namely that military social workers do fit the requirements to mentor. These requirements to mentor were evident in the results of the knowledge, skills and values of military social workers and their understanding of the parallels between the methods in social work, supervision and the mentoring process. The results gave an indication of the knowledge, skills and values of military social workers to mentor Officers Commanding in the SAMHS, and the framework of the mentoring process and how it relates to the casework, group work and supervision processes in social work. The recommendations demonstrated that a central body should be identified to coordinate and plan a mentoring programme in the SAMHS. The recommendations also include that the Directorate Social Work should provide clear guidelines on how military social workers should implement the DOD Mentoring policy, and ensure that military social workers are trained in staff development methods and its processes. The recommendations included further research: both quantitative and qualitative research by means of questionnaires and interviews with OCs, as well as monitoring and evaluation of the mentoring process. This information will benefit military social workers in their training as mentors. In implementing these recommendations, military social workers will be able to contribute significantly to the development of Officers Commanding in the SAMHS and the profession of social work.

The utilisation of community work within a military context : the role of the social worker

Bagnall, Karen 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSocialWork)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Community work fulfils definite functions within the social work milieu and develops according to a process. The SANDF does not possess any definite guidelines regarding community work. The resultant consequence is that community work is not utilised to its full potential in that the client system does not always receive a quality service. The purpose of this study was to compose a framework for the Directorate of Social Work within the SANDF, which can serve as a guideline for the possible formulation of a policy document on community work within social work practice. The objectives of the study are firstly to provide theoretical and practical guidelines which social workers in a military setting can follow when utilising community work as a social work method of intervention. Secondly, to explore the knowledge and skills of social workers in the military within the SANDF regarding community work. Thirdly, the need for guidelines with regard to community work within the SANDF, was explored. This study was confined geographically to the social workers in the military of the Western Province. An exploratory study was executed in order to achieve the stated goal and objectives. The research methodology was a quantitative design being a data collection instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The questionnaire was used to probe skills, knowledge perceptions and attitudes relating to community work and to determine the impact of existing community programmes. The empirical study enabled the researcher to draw certain conclusions. Although certain misconceptions were evident, the respondents understood the term developmental social work, community and community work, as well as the systems involved in the community work process and the practice models. The most utilised social work method was casework. The respondents who utilised community work made use of a community work process. Most of the respondents utilised the social community education model in the military. Most of the respondents indicated that guidelines for community work within the SANDF would be helpful. Approximately thirty percent of the respondents experienced problems while making use of community work as a social work method of intervention. A number of recommendations stem from the findings and conclusions. The social workers knowledge with regard to community work needs to be updated. Practical opportunities need to be provided to afford the social worker the opportunity to implement the newly acquired knowledge. Community work guidelines need to be determined within the SANDF, and need to be formulated into a policy document. Specific community work posts, which include all disciplines, need to be created within the SANDF. Post-graduates studies should be undertaken by social workers before being promoted into managerial positions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gemeenskapswerk is een van die drie primere metodes van maatskaplike werk. Gemeenskapswerk is 'n proses wat mense help om hulle probleme en behoeftes duidelik te identifiseer en wat die gemeenskap verder help om potensialiteite en vermoëns te ontwikkel om probleme en behoeftes self te kan hanteer, op te los en te voorkom. Gemeenskapswerk het 'n bepaalde funksie binne die maatskaplike werk milieu en verloop volgens 'n proses. Die SANW beskik nie oor geskrewe riglyne vir gemeenskapswerk nie. Dit kan die kwaliteit van dienslewering aan die kliëntsisteem beinvloed. Die doel van hierdie studie is om 'n raamwerk vir die Direktoraat Maatskaplikewerk Dienste in die Suid Afrikaanse Nationale Weermag(SANW) op te stel wat as riglyne vir gemeenskapswerk in die maatskaplike-praktyk benut kan word, en aangewend kan word om 'n beleidsdokument saam te stel. Die doelwitte van die studie is eerstens om 'n teoretiese uiteensetting van verskeie praktyk modelle van gemeenskapswerk en die proses van gemeenskapswerk in die maatskaplike-praktyk aan te bied. Tweedens is beoog om deur middel van 'n ondersoek te bepaal oor watter kennis van en vaardigheid in gemeenskapwerk , maatskaplike werkers in die SANW beskik. In die derde plek is die behoefte aan riglyne vir gemeenskapswerk in die SANW ondersoek. Die studie is begrens tot maatskaplike wekers in die militêr verbonde aan die Westelike Provinsie. 'n Verkennende studie is onderneem om die gestelde doelstelling en doelwitte te bereik. 'n Vraelys is benut as instrument ter insameling van die data. Die empiriese ondersoek is gedoen deur die benutting van kwantitatiewe navorsing om die voorkoms van die werklikhede te bespreek. Na aanleiding van die empiriese ondersoek is bepaalde gevolgtrekkings gemaak. Alhoewel die respondente die terme gemeenskapswerk, gemeenskappe en gemeenskapwerk modelle en die vier sisteme binne gemeenskapswerk verstaan, het verwarring wel voorgekom. Daar is bevind dat die gevallewerkmetode deur die oorgrote meederheid van die respondente gebruik word. Daar is ook bevind dat gemeenskapswerk verloop volgens 'n proses. Die gemeenskaps-opvoedkundige model word deur die meerderheid van die respondente benut. Daar is bevind dat riglyne vir gemeenskapswerk in die SANW bruikbaar sal wees, omdat ongeveer dertig persent van die respondente probleme ondervind tydens die benutting van die gemeenskapswerk proses. Aanbevelings na aanleiding van die bevindinge en gevolgtrekkings sluit in dat maatskaplike werkers in die militêr se teoretiese kennis oor gemeenskapswerk uitgebrei moet word, waarna opleiding benodig word om hierdie kennis toe te pas. Riglyne vir gemeenskapswerk in die SANW moet opgestel word en in 'n beleidsdokument saamgevat word. Die SANW moet spesifieke gemeenskapswerkposte skep wat alle dissiplines sal insluit. Voorts moet nagraadse studie ook 'n vereiste wees vir maatskaplikewerk-personeel om tot 'n bestuursposisie bevorder te kan word.

Die effek van militêre ontplooiing op die soldaat in Kwazulu-Natal met spesifieke verwysing na die gesin

Mathee, Anél. 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Na aanleiding van die toename in tendense wat voorkom by die ontplooide soldate, byvoorbeeld aansoeke om verplasings nader aan die huis, afwesigheid sander verlof en alkoholmisbruik, het die navorser ondersoek ingestel na die effek van die ontplooiing op die soldaat en sy gesin. 'n Verkenningstudie is gekies om die probleemareas te verken. Die nominale groepstegniek is gebruik om die inligting te verkry vanaf die 16 gesinne wat deur doelbewuste seleksie gekies is. Die Die navorser het bevind dat daar wel verskeie probleme tuis ontstaan het as gevolg van die ontplooiing. Beide die blanke en Zoeloe gesinne het probleme ervaar as gevolg van die ontplooiing, alhoewel die probleme verskil het by die verskillende kulture. Verskeie aanbevelings is gemaak en sluit die samewerking van die maatskaplike werkers, kompanie bevelvoerders, eenheidsbevelvoerders om die omstandighede van die soldate in die ontplooiingsituasie, asook die van hulle gesinn, te verbeter. / M.A. (Maatskaplike Werk)

Die effek van militêre ontplooiing op die soldaat in Kwazulu-Natal met spesifieke verwysing na die gesin

Mathee, Anél. 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Na aanleiding van die toename in tendense wat voorkom by die ontplooide soldate, byvoorbeeld aansoeke om verplasings nader aan die huis, afwesigheid sander verlof en alkoholmisbruik, het die navorser ondersoek ingestel na die effek van die ontplooiing op die soldaat en sy gesin. 'n Verkenningstudie is gekies om die probleemareas te verken. Die nominale groepstegniek is gebruik om die inligting te verkry vanaf die 16 gesinne wat deur doelbewuste seleksie gekies is. Die Die navorser het bevind dat daar wel verskeie probleme tuis ontstaan het as gevolg van die ontplooiing. Beide die blanke en Zoeloe gesinne het probleme ervaar as gevolg van die ontplooiing, alhoewel die probleme verskil het by die verskillende kulture. Verskeie aanbevelings is gemaak en sluit die samewerking van die maatskaplike werkers, kompanie bevelvoerders, eenheidsbevelvoerders om die omstandighede van die soldate in die ontplooiingsituasie, asook die van hulle gesinn, te verbeter. / M.A. (Maatskaplike Werk)

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