Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mineralization"" "subject:"ineralization""
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Biomass, nutrient and trace element dynamics in cattail and switchgrass during wetland and terrestrial phytoremediation of municipal biosolidsJeke, Nicholson 08 January 2015 (has links)
Knowledge of nutrient accumulation and partitioning in plants is important to determine the optimum timing of harvesting during phytoremediation of biosolids. This research showed that a greater proportion of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) absorbed by cattail and switchgrass was partitioned to the aboveground biomass (AGB), but this partition decreased after the onset of nutrient retranslocation to roots. Therefore, AGB should be harvested prior to retranslocation in order to optimize nutrient phytoextraction. Trace elements partitioned preferentially to the root biomass, indicating that AGB harvesting will have little impact on their phytoextraction. Net mineralized N concentration (Nmin) in biosolids from the primary lagoon cell was optimized near field capacity [60% water filled pore space (WFPS) but changed little under drier conditions (30% WFPS). Under near-saturation conditions (90% WFPS), net Nmin decreased with incubation time, likely due to reduced mineralization and denitrification. Available (Olsen) P concentration was not affected by moisture content.
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Mineralização in vitro de matrizes colagênicas derivadas de tendões calcâneos bovinos e de avestruz / In vitro mineralization of anionic collagen scaffolds prepared from bovine and ostrich calcaneous tendonsKlaus Giovanelli Kirschbauer 26 November 2009 (has links)
Um dos maiores desafios da ortopedia moderna é recuperar o tecido ósseo que tenha sido perdido por motivo de doença ou acidente. Na busca de substitutos para os enxertos, tem-se utilizado comumente biomateriais para recuperação desse tecido. Um dos vários tipos de biomateriais usados são os preparados à base de colágeno. Além de desempenhar papel importante na estrutura dos tecidos, o colágeno é capaz de orientar a formação de tecidos em desenvolvimento fato altamente favorável na sua utilização como biomaterial. Uma nova vertente de pesquisa do processo de mineralização de matrizes colagênicas que vem sendo desenvolvida é a analise de como a organização do tecido interfere no modo como ocorre esse processo de deposição. O uso do tendão vem sido pesquisado devido ao fato de ser um tecido extremamente organizado, com as fibras colagênicas alinhadas por toda a sua extensão. Este trabalho teve como objetivo a preparação e caracterização de matrizes de colágeno tipo I, oriundas de tendão bovino (TB) e avestruz (TA) após a hidrólise alcalina e mineralização. Os tendões foram colocados em solução alcalina contendo sais de K+, Na+ e Ca2+ por 72, 96 e 120 h a 25°C e depois equilibrados em solução de sais, lavados em H3BO3, EDTA e água. As matrizes resultantes foram então mineralizadas em soluções de CaCl2 0,2 mol L-1, pH = 7,4 e de Na2HPO4 0,12 mol L-1 pH = 9,0 durante 6 h, ocorrendo a troca de soluções a cada 30 min. As matrizes antes e após mineralização foram congeladas, liofilizadas e submetidas à análise termogravimétrica (TG), calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), espectroscopia no infra-vermelho (FT-IR) e dispersão de energia por raios-X (EDX). DSC mostrou que não houve desnaturação do colágeno durante o processo de tratamento alcalino e mineralização. A análise termogravimétrica mostrou que houve deposição de fosfato de cálcio, com o valor dependendo do número de ciclos de mineralização. MEV mostrou que essa mineralização não é uniforme, ocorrendo a formação de aglomerados. FT-IR e EDX mostrou que o fosfato de cálcio depositado provavelmente seja hidroxiapatita, mas não em sua estrutura estequiométrica. / One of greatest challenges of modern orthopedics is to restore bone tissue that has been lost due to sickness or accident. Searching for substitutes for grafts, biomaterials have been commonly used for recovery of bone tissue. Between different types of biomaterials, several are based on collagen. In addition to have important role in tissue structure, collagen is able to guide the formation of tissues, a highly favorable fact in its use as biomaterial. A possible research in collagen scaffolds mineralization is the analysis of how tissue organization interferes in deposition process. The tendon has been used because it is a highly organized tissue, with collagen fibers lined on its structure. This research aims the preparation and characterization of type I collagen scaffolds, prepared from bovine tendon (TB) and ostrich tendon (TA) after alkaline hydrolysis and mineralization. Tendons were maintained in alkaline solution containing K+, Na+ and Ca2+ ions for 72, 96 and 120 hours at 25°C and then equilibrated in salt solution, washed with H3BO3, EDTA and water. The resulting matrices were then mineralized in 0.2 mol L-1, pH = 7.4 CaCl2 solution and 0.12 mol L-1 Na2HPO4 pH = 9.0 for 6 h, changing solutions after 30 minutes. The matrices before and after mineralization were frozen, lyophilized and subjected to thermogravimetric analysis (TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). DSC showed that the collagen was not denaturated by alkaline treatment process and mineralization. TG analysis showed deposition of calcium phosphate on the scaffolds, with values depending on the number of mineralization cycles. SEM showed that the mineralization is not uniform, forming clusters of phosphate crystals. FT-IR and EDS showed that the deposited calcium phosphate is probably hydroxyapatite, but not in its stoichiometric structure.
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Mineralização in vitro de matrizes de colágeno aniônico derivadas de tecidos biológicos / In vitro mineralization of anionic collagen matricesThelma Matuura de Batista 07 November 2008 (has links)
A reconstrução de defeitos ósseos é um problema que afeta milhões de pessoas, que a medicina tenta resolver. Uma alternativa para a solução deste problema tem sido o desenvolvimento de biomateriais que atuem no processo de reparação óssea. O colágeno é um polímero de origem natural capaz de promover cicatrização e regeneração óssea e juntamente com a hidroxiapatita são os principais componentes encontrados no tecido ósseo. Vários trabalhos têm sido reportados com matrizes mineralizadas de colágeno tipo I em diferentes formas como em géis, membranas e esponjas, mas a mineralização in vitro de matrizes acelulares obtidas de tecidos biológicos sem a perda da estrutura colagênica não tem sido descrito. Este trabalho teve como objetivo a mineralização in vitro e a caracterização de matrizes de colágeno aniônico obtidas de pele porcina, pericárdio bovino e serosa porcina. Os tecidos foram tratados em temperatura ambiente com solução alcalina por períodos variáveis de 0 à 96h e mineralizados pelo processo de imersão alternada. Os materiais obtidos foram caracterizados pela avaliação preliminar da citotoxicidade in vitro, termogravimetria (TG/DTG), calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), dispersão de raios X (EDS), difração de raios X (DRX) e absorção no infravermelho (FT-IR). Não foi observada citotoxicidade em nenhuma das matrizes avaliadas, contudo foi necessário um pré-tratamento nas matrizes de pele porcina para remoção de gordura. Os resultados de DSC mostraram a integridade da matriz colagênica após o tratamento alcalino. O aumento no tempo desse tratamento diminui a temperatura de desnaturação sendo observado um efeito maior nas matrizes de pele porcina seguidas por pericárdio bovino e serosa porcina. A mineralização induz a um aumento na temperatura de desnaturação em todos os casos. As curvas TG apresentaram perdas de massa relacionadas à água presente no material, decomposição da proteína e carbonização do material orgânico e um resíduo após 750 °C que foi associado ao material inorgânico presente na forma de hidroxiapatita, sendo as matrizes de serosa porcina as de maior teor de mineralização. As matrizes mineralizadas tendem a um aumento na estabilidade térmica do colágeno quando comparadas com as matrizes hidrolisadas. Os espectros FT-IR mostraram a presença de íons fosfatos e a interação de íons cálcio com o colágeno. As relações Ca/P obtidas por EDS foram aquelas esperadas em comparação com o valor teórico para hidroxiapatita (HA) e resultados de DRX confirmaram a obtenção de HA amorfa como principal produto de mineralização. Pelas fotomicrografias obtidas por MEV pôde-se observar que as fibras de colágeno tornam-se mais desestruturadas quando há um aumento no tempo de hidrolise e que a deposição de sais ocorreu de forma heterogênea, disposta em aglomerados esféricos no formato de agulhas por toda a superfície e interior, exceto para matrizes derivadas de pele porcina que não são mineralizadas internamente devido a sua espessura. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que é possível a mineralização in vitro de matrizes de colágeno tipo I obtidas de diferentes tecidos biológicos em diferentes tempos de hidrólise, produzindo um material com potencial de uso para regeneração óssea. / The reconstruction of osseous defects is still a problem that affects millions of people and medicine tries to solve it. One alternative to solve these problems has been the development of biomaterials that can be used as inductors in the osseous repair process. Collagen is a natural polymer able to promote healing and bone regeneration, and among hydroxyapatite (HA) is the main component found in bone tissue. Several mineralized collagen scaffolds are described in literature, in the form of gel, membranes and films, however, in vitro mineralization of acellular matrices, obtained from biological tissues without the loss of collagenic structure, has not been reported. The objective of this work was the mineralization and characterization of anionic collagen matrices obtained from porcine skin, bovine pericardium and porcine serosa. Biological tissues were treated at room temperature for 0-96h in alkaline solution and mineralized by alternate soaking method. Materials were characterized by preliminary assay of in vitro cytotoxicity, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), termogravimetric analysis (TG/DTG), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDS), x-ray diffraction (XRD), and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). No cytotoxicity was observed in any of the evaluated matrices; however, a pre-treatment of porcine skin matrices, for fat removal, was necessary. DSC results showed the integrity of collagen matrices after alkaline treatment. Denaturation temperature is dependent of time of alkaline treatment, and this effect is greater for porcine skin matrix, followed by bovine pericardium and porcine serosa. TG/DTG curves showed weight losses associated with release of water, degradation of protein structure and combustion of residual organic components. Residues were obtained at 750°C and associated to hydroxyapatite, being porcine serosa matrix the most mineralized. All mineralized matrices showed an increase in collagen thermal stability when compared to hydrolyzed matrices. FTIR spectra showed the presence of phosphate ions and the interaction of calcium ions with collagen. Ca/P ratios obtained by EDS were as expected when compared with literature values for HA, and RDX results confirmed amorphous HA as the main mineralization product. MEV analysis showed that collagen fibers were more affected for longer hydrolysis times, and that salt deposition was heterogeneous, with crystals grouped in spherical agglomerates in a needle-like shape throughout surface and inner, except for porcine skin derived matrices that were not internally mineralized due their width. Obtained results demonstrated that in vitro mineralization of type I collagen matrices, using different sources of biological tissues and hydrolysis time was possible, producing a material with potential to be used in bone regeneration.
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Geochemical Clogging in Carbonate Mineralization on Carbon Dioxide Sequestration / 二酸化炭素地中貯留における炭酸塩鉱物の沈殿現象に関する地化学的研究Yoo, Seung Youl 24 September 2012 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第17131号 / 工博第3621号 / 新制||工||1550(附属図書館) / 29870 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科社会基盤工学専攻 / (主査)教授 松岡 俊文, 教授 大津 宏康, 准教授 水戸 義忠 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当
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Assessing the variability of soil nitrogen mineralizationBohm, Sven January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Agronomy / Charles W. Rice / Variable N fertilizer application recommendations would benefit from crediting the N that will be mineralized and available to the crop during the growing season. During the 1994 and 1995 growing season, the spatial and temporal pattern of N mineralization was assessed on two central Kansas corn fields. Net N mineralization was measured in the field using a buried bag and a resin core method. A 60 m sampling grid was established on the field and the N mineralization was measured at each grid point. The field N mineralization measured was then compared to three lab incubation (14 day anaerobic incubation, CO₂ evolved 1 day after rewetting, and N released on autoclaving) measurements to determine if the field N mineralization could be predicted by a laboratory test. Nitrogen mineralization in the field was highest in May and declined during the growing seasons. Patches of high N mineralization appeared and disappeared during the season, areas of high and low mineralization were not found in the same areas month after month. The semivariance of the laboratory incubations tended to be smoother near the origin than the field incubations, indicating that the field incubations were subject to more sources of variability (such as microclimatic variations) than the laboratory incubations.
Crop yields were not correlated with N mineralization in these fields. Soil moisture appeared to be more important to crop yields than the N contributed by mineralization. In these fields N mineralization does not need to be included in N fertilization recommendations unless the amount of fertilizer applied is much lower than in this study.
Finally, a method to estimate the initial δ¹³ C content of a soil is proposed. This method can be used if a location can be found that has had a continuous C₃, a continuous C₄crop and a C₃/ C₄rotation treatment.
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Effect of Discoidin Domain Receptors on Biomimetic Matrix MineralizationFarzadi, Arghavan 23 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Mantle Dentin Defects in OdontohypophosphatasiaKramer, Kaitrin 01 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Reinforcement of the Larynx and Trachea in Echolocating and Non-Echolocating BatsCarter, Richard T. 01 September 2020 (has links)
The synchronization of flight mechanics with respiration and echolocation call emission by bats, while economizing these behaviors, presumably puts compressive loads on the cartilaginous rings that hold open the respiratory tract. Previous work has shown that during postnatal development of Artibeus jamaicensis (Phyllostomidae), the onset of adult echolocation call emission rate coincides with calcification of the larynx, and the development of flight coincides with tracheal ring calcification. In the present study, I assessed the level of reinforcement of the respiratory system in 13 bat species representing six families that use stereotypical modes of echolocation (i.e. duty cycle % and intensity). Using computed tomography, the degree of mineralization or ossification of the tracheal rings, cricoid, thyroid and arytenoid cartilages were determined for non-echolocators, tongue clicking, low-duty cycle low-intensity, low-duty cycle high-intensity, and high-duty cycle high-intensity echolocating bats. While all bats had evidence of cervical tracheal ring mineralization, about half the species had evidence of thoracic tracheal ring calcification. Larger bats (Phyllostomus hastatus and Pterpodidae sp.) exhibited more extensive tracheal ring mineralization, suggesting an underlying cause independent of laryngeal echolocation. Within most of the laryngeally echolocating species, the degree of mineralization or ossification of the larynx was dependent on the mode of echolocation system used. Low-duty cycle low-intensity bats had extensively mineralized cricoids, and zero to very minor mineralization of the thyroids and arytenoids. Low-duty cycle high-intensity bats had extensively mineralized cricoids, and patches of thyroid and arytenoid mineralization. The high-duty cycle high-intensity rhinolophids and hipposiderid had extensively ossified cricoids, large patches of ossification on the thyroids, and heavily ossified arytenoids. The high-duty cycle high-intensity echolocator, Pteronotus parnellii, had mineralization patterns and laryngeal morphology very similar to the other low-duty cycle high-intensity mormoopid species, perhaps suggesting relatively recent evolution of high-duty cycle echolocation in P. parnellii compared with the Old World high-duty cycle echolocators (Rhinolophidae and Hipposideridae). All laryngeal echolocators exhibited mineralized or ossified lateral expansions of the cricoid for articulation with the inferior horn of the thyroid, these were most prominent in the high-duty cycle high-intensity rhinolophids and hipposiderid, and least prominent in the low-duty cycle low-intensity echolocators. The non-laryngeal echolocators had extensively ossified cricoid and thyroid cartilages, and no evidence of mineralization/ossification of the arytenoids or lateral expansions of the cricoid. While the non-echolocators had extensive ossification of the larynx, it was inconsistent with that seen in the laryngeal echolocators.
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No description available.
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Atrazine Mineralization Potential and Catabolic Gene Detection in Agricultural and Wetland SitesAnderson, Kristen Lynn 31 March 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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