Spelling suggestions: "subject:"minining engineering."" "subject:"minining ingineering.""
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The US Department of Energy in 2010 has identified several rare earth elements as critical materials to enable clean technologies. As part of ongoing research in REEs (rare earth elements) recovery from coal sources, the University of Kentucky has designed, developed and is demonstrating a ¼ ton/hour pilot-scale processing plant to produce high-grade REEs from coal sources. Due to the need to control critical variables (e.g. pH, tank level, etc.), process control is required. To ensure adequate process control, a study was conducted on leaching and solvent extraction control to evaluate the potential of achieving low-cost REE recovery in addition to developing a process control PLC system. The overall operational design and utilization of Six Sigma methodologies is discussed. Further, the application of the controls design, both procedural and electronic for the control of process variables such as pH is discussed. Variations in output parameters were quantified as a function of time. Data trends show that the mean process variable was maintained within prescribed limits. Future work for the utilization of data analysis and integration for data-based decision-making will be discussed.
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Investing in Least Developed Countries: The Aynak Mine ProjectBarfield, Roosevelt 01 January 2016 (has links)
The rise of market globalization creates challenges for business executives seeking to pursue foreign direct investment (FDI) in least developed countries (LDC), such as Afghanistan. Multinational corporate (MNC) executives need strategies that will improve the timely delivery of minerals for mining projects in LDCs. Guided by the force field analysis theory, the purpose of this holistic, single-case study was to explore the strategies that 5 MNC executives in Beijing, China, used to improve the timely delivery of minerals associated with the Aynak copper mine project in Afghanistan. Semistructured interviews were used to elicit detailed narratives from MNC executives about their experiences to develop strategies for mining projects in LDCs. A review of company documents, as well as member-checking of initial interview transcripts, helped to bolster the trustworthiness of final interpretations. Study results included 2 themes. Theme 1 was determinants of mine investment strategies in LDCs that included an exploration of driving forces, restraining forces, neutral forces, and the effect of those forces. Theme 2 was FDI strategies for copper mine projects in LDCs that included the comparison of cost leadership strategy, differentiation strategy, and combination of cost leadership and differentiation strategies. By implementing a cost leadership strategy and best practices, MNC executives were able to achieve greater success to improve timely delivery of minerals associated with FDI copper mine projects in LDCs. Social implications include ongoing efforts of Afghan government leaders to implement effective economic policies that decrease unemployment while reducing poverty.
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Wellbore stability analysis based on a new true-triaxial failure criterionAl-Ajmi, Adel January 2006 (has links)
A main aspect of wellbore stability analysis is the selection of an appropriate rock failure criterion. The most commonly used criterion for brittle failure of rocks is the Mohr-Coulomb criterion. This criterion involves only the maximum and minimum principal stresses, s1 and s3, and therefore assumes that the intermediate stress s2 has no influence on rock strength. When the Mohr-Coulomb criterion had been developed, it was justified by experimental evidence from conventional triaxial tests (s1>s2=s3). Based on triaxial failure mechanics, the Mohr-Coulomb criterion has been extensively used to represent rock failure under the polyaxial stress state (s1>s2>s3). In contrast to the predictions of Mohr-Coulomb criterion, much evidence has been accumulating to suggest that s2 does indeed have a strengthening effect. In this research, I have shown that Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion only represents the triaxial stress state (s2=s3 or s2=s1), which is a special case that will only occasionally be encountered in situ. Accordingly, I then developed a new true-triaxial failure criterion called the Mogi-Coulomb criterion. This failure criterion is a linear failure envelope in the Mogi domain (toct-sm,2 space) which can be directly related to the Coulomb strength parameters, cohesion and friction angle. This linear failure criterion has been justified by experimental evidence from triaxial tests as well as polyaxial tests. It is a natural extension of the classical Coulomb criterion into three dimensions. As the Mohr-Coulomb criterion only represents rock failure under triaxial stress states, it is expected to be too conservative in predicting wellbore instability. To overcome this problem, I have developed a new 3D analytical model to estimate the mud pressure required to avoid shear failure at the wall of vertical, horizontal and deviated boreholes. This has been achieved by using linear elasticity theory to calculate the stresses, and the fully-polyaxial Mogi-Coulomb criterion to predict failure. The solution is achieved in closed-form for vertical wellbores, for all stress regimes. For deviated or horizontal wellbores, Mathcad programs have been written to evaluate the solution. These solutions have been applied to several field cases available in the literature, and the new model in each case seems to be consistent with the field experience. / QC 20100629
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Kemisk stabilisering av gruvavfall från Ljusnarsbergsfältet med mesakalk och avloppsslam / Chemical stabilization of mine waste with sewage sludge and calcium carbonate residuesHöckert, Linda January 2007 (has links)
Mine waste from Ljusnarsbergsfältet in Kopparberg, Sweden, is considered to constitute a great risk for human health and the surrounding environment. Some of the waste rock consists of sulphide minerals. When sulphide minerals come into contact with dissolved oxygen and precipitation, oxidation may occur resulting in acid mine drainage (AMD) and the release of heavy metals. The purpose of this study has been to characterise the waste material and try to chemically stabilize the waste rock with a mixture of sewage sludge and calcium carbonate. The drawback of using organic matter is the risk that dissolved organic matter can act as a complexing agent for heavy metals and in this way increase their mobility. An additional study to examine this risk has therefore also been performed. The project started with a pilot study in order to identify the material fraction that was suitable for the experiment. When suitable material had been chosen, a column test was carried out for the purpose of studying the slurry’s influence on the mobility of metals along with the production of acidity. To clarify the organic material’s potential for complexation a pH-stat batch test was used. Drainage water samples, from the columns, were regularly taken during the experiment. These samples were analysed for pH, electrical conductivity, alkalinity, redox potential, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), sulphate and leaching metals. The effluent from the pH-stat-test were only analysed on a few occasions and only for metal content and change in DOC concentration. The results from the laboratory experiments showed that the waste rock from Ljusnarsberg easily leached large amounts of metals. The stabilization of the waste rock succeeded in maintaining a near neutral pH in the rock waste leachate, compared to a pH 3 leachate from untreated rock waste The average concentration of copper and zinc in the leachate from untreated waste rock exceeded 100 and 1000 mg/l respectively, while these metals were detected at concentrations around 0.1 and 1 mg/l, respectively, in the leachate from the treated wastes. Examined metals had concentrations between 40 to 4000 times lower in the leachate from treated waste rock, which implies that the stabilisation with reactive amendments succeeded. The long term effects are, however, not determined. The added sludge contributed to immobilise metals at neutral pH despite a small increase in DOC concentration. The problem with adding sludge is that if pH decreases with time there is a risk of increased metal leaching. / Gruvavfallet från Ljusnarsbergsfältet i Kopparberg anses utgöra en stor risk för människors hälsa och den omgivande miljön. En del av varpmaterialet, ofyndigt berg som blir över vid malmbrytning, utgörs av sulfidhaltigt mineral. Då varpen exponeras för luft och nederbörd sker en oxidation av sulfiderna, vilket kan ge upphov till surt lakvatten och läckage av tungmetaller. Syftet med arbetet har varit att karaktärisera varpen och försöka stabilisera den med en blandning bestående av mesakalk och avloppsslam, samt att undersöka risken med det lösta organiska materialets förmåga att komplexbinda metaller och på så vis öka deras rörlighet. Efter insamling av varpmaterial utfördes först en förstudie för att avgöra vilken fraktion av varpen som var lämplig för försöket. När lämpligt material valts ut utfördes kolonntest för att studera slam/kalk-blandningens inverkan på lakning av metaller, samt pH-statiskt skaktest för att bedöma komplexbildningspotentialen hos det organiska materialet vid olika pH värden. Från kolonnerna togs lakvattenprover kontinuerligt ut under försökets gång för analys med avseende på pH, konduktivitet, alkalinitet, redoxpotential, löst organiskt kol (DOC), sulfat och utlakade metaller. Lakvattnet från pH-stat-testet provtogs vid ett fåtal tillfällen och analyserades endast med avseende på metallhalter och förändring i DOC-halt. Resultatet från den laborativa studien visade att varpmaterialet från Ljusnarsberg lätt lakades på stora mängder metaller. Den reaktiva tillsatsen lyckades uppbringa ett neutralt pH i lakvattnet från avfallet, vilket kan jämföras med lakvattnet från den obehandlade kolonnen som låg på ett pH kring 3. Medelhalten av koppar och zink översteg under försöksperioden 100 respektive 1000 mg/l i lakvattnet från det obehandlade avfallet, medan halterna i det behandlade materialets lakvatten låg kring 0,1 respektive 1 mg/l. Av de studerade metallerna låg halterna 40-4000 gånger lägre i lakvattnet från den behandlade kolonnen, vilket innebär att slam/kalk-blandningen har haft verkan. Stabiliseringens långtidseffekt är dock okänd. Det tillsatta slammet resulterade inte i någon större ökning av DOC-halten i det pH-intervall som åstadkoms med mesakalken. Utifrån pH-stat-försöket kunde det konstateras att det tillsatta slammet bidrog till metallernas immobilisering vid neutralt pH, trots en liten ökning av DOC-halten. Om en sänkning av pH skulle ske med tidens gång föreligger dock risk för ökat metalläckage.
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Development Of An Elasto-plastic Analytical Model For Design Of Grouted Rock Bolts In Tunnels With Particular Reference To Poor Rock MassesRangsaz Osgoui, Reza 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The analysis presented in this thesis provides a methodology for grouted bolts design, based on empirical and analytical methods. Hence, the main objectives of this thesis are to offer practical means for better characterisation of poor to very poor rock masses, to better predict support pressure, and to develop an elasto-plastic analytical model for design of grouted bolts in tunnels excavated in such rock masses.
To improve the applicability of the GSI (Geological Strength Index) in poor to very poor rock masses, using Broken Domain Structure (BSTR), Structure Rating (SR), and Intact Core Recovery (ICR), some modifications have been offered, resulting in the Modified-GSI. Applying rock-load height concept and Modified-GSI, an approach to estimate support pressure has been developed. The main advantage of this approach is its applicability in squeezing ground and anisotropic stress conditions. Numerical modelling was carried out in order to adjust the proposed support pressure equation.
Considering convergence reduction approach, an elasto-plastic model based on the latest version of Hoek- Brown failure criterion has been developed for a more effective and practical grouted bolt design. The link between empirical approach and elasto-plastic solution makes it possible to reach more realistic and appropriate bolting pattern design. In this way, the need for the redesign procedure in the convergence reduction approach is eliminated. The results of the proposed elastic-plastic solution have been compared with a numerical model using FLAC2D, and a reasonable agreement was observed. The practical application of the developed methodology is depicted by an analysis of a case study in Turkey.
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Modification Of Magnetic Properties Of Siderite By Thermal TreatmentAlkac, Dilek 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Obtaining high magnetic susceptibility phases from Hekimhan& / #8211 / Deveci siderite orevia preliminary thermal treatment has been the basic target of the thesis study.Thermal decomposition characteristics of samples, determined bythermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential thermal analysis (DTA), and
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), were referenced in advancement of thestudy. Heat treatment experiments, particularly roasting, were carried out byconventional heating and microwave heating. Results showed that roasting of
Hekimhan& / #8211 / Deveci siderite samples could not be achieved by microwave energywhilst conventional heating experiments recorded success. Subsequentlow& / #8211 / intensity magnetic separation of roasted samples gave recovery above 90%,
where low& / #8211 / intensity magnetic separation of run& / #8211 / of& / #8211 / mine sample had failed.
Formation of high magnetic susceptibility phases was verified by magneticsusceptibility balance and x& / #8211 / ray diffraction analysis (XRD), on roasted samples.
Statistical modeling was applied to determine the optimum conditions of roastingin conventional heating system / based on heating temperature, time of heating, particle size as factors.It was concluded that roasting at T= 560 º / C, for t= 45 minutes was adequate toobtain desired results. Particle size was noted to be not much effective on the
process as other factors at the studied size range.
Kinetics (E, n) and reaction mechanism for the thermal decomposition in conventional heating system were evaluated with different solid& / #8211 / state reaction models by interpretation of the model graphs.Three& / #8211 / dimensional diffusion reaction models reported to characterize the thermal decomposition well, with values of activation energy (E), E= 85.53 kJ/mol
(Jander) / E= 85.49 kJ/mol, (Ginstling& / #8211 / Brounshtein).
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Rate Of Penetration Estimation Model For Directional And Horizontal WellsEttehadi Osgouei, Reza 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Directional and horizontal drilling operations are increasingly conducted in all over the world, especially parallel to the growth of the technological developments in the industry. Common application fields for directional and horizontal drilling are in offshore and onshore when there is no way of drilling vertical wells. During directional and horizontal well drilling, many additional challenges occur when compared with vertical well drilling, such as limited weight on bit, harder hole cleaning, trajectory control, etc. This makes even harder to select the proper drilling parameters for increasing the rate of penetration. This study aims to propose a rate of penetration model considering many drilling parameters and conditions. The proposed model is a modified Bourgoyne & / Young&rsquo / s model which considers formation compaction, formation pressure, equivalent circulating density, and effective weight on bit, rotation of the bit, bit wear, hole cleaning, inclination, fluid loss properties and bit hydraulics. Also, a bit wear model is developed for roller cones and PDCs. The model performance is tested using field data obtained from several directional and horizontal offshore wells drilled at Persian Gulf. It is observed that the model can estimate rate of penetration with an error of ± / 25 % when compared with the field data.
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Effects Of Geometrical Factors On Fracture Toughness Using Semi-circular Bending Type SpecimensHet, Kivanc 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Semi-circular specimens (SCB) under three point-bending which are commonly used for fracture testing of rocks were used here for fracture mechanics tests. A total of 65 specimens were tested by using Ankara andesite rock.
Investigations including the effects of initial notch thickness, different loading span ratios (S/R), flattened loading end, and little dimensional variations when preparing the specimens were carried out.
Stress intensity factors for specimens with different geometries were computed individually by using a 3D finite element program ABAQUS.
Specimens with a preliminary notch thickness varying from 0.84 to 3.66 mm were tested under three point bending.
For a second group of specimens loading span was changed and fracture toughness variation was studied. Another change in the specimen geometry was made by machining a flat loading end at the upper load application point. Fracture toughness values were computed using the stress intensity values computed from numerical modeling and failure loads from the experiments.
It was found that up to 2 mm fracture toughness was not affected by variations in the thickness of preliminary notches. Fracture toughness was not affected by changing the loading span. For specimens with flat loading ends, fracture toughness was about 16% lower than the value found from regular SCB type specimens loaded at a point at the top by a steel roller.
As a result of about 46 experiments average fracture toughness of Ankara Gö / lbasi andesite was found as 1.36 MPa .
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Modeling The Effects Of Variable Coal Properties On Methane Production During Enhanced Coalbed Methane RecoveryBalan, Huseyin Onur 01 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Most of the coal properties depend on carbon content and vitrinite reflectance, which are rank dependent parameters. In this study, a new approach was followed by constructing a simulation input database with rank-dependent coal properties published in the literature which are namely cleat spacing, coal porosity, density, and parameters related to strength of coal, shrinkage, swelling, and sorption.
Simulations related to enhanced coalbed methane (ECBM) recovery, which is the displacement of adsorbed CH4 in coal matrix with CO2 or CO2/N2 gas injection, were run with respect to different coal properties, operational parameters, shrinkage and swelling effects by using a compositional reservoir simulator of CMG (Computer Modeling Group) /GEM module. Sorption-controlled behavior of coalbeds and interaction of coal media with injected gas mixture, which is called shrinkage and swelling, alter the coal properties controlling gas flow with respect to injection time. Multicomponent shrinkage and swelling effects were modeled with extended Palmer and Mansoori equation.
In conclusion, medium-volatile bituminous coal rank, dry coal reservoir type, inverted 5-spot pattern, 100 acre drainage area, cleat permeability from 10 to 25 md, CO2/N2 molar composition between 50/50 % and 75/25 %, and drilling horizontal wells rather than vertical ones are better selections for ECBM recovery. In addition, low-rank coals and dry coal reservoirs are affected more negatively by shrinkage and swelling. Mixing CO2 with N2 prior to its injection leads to a reduction in swelling effect. It has been understood that elastic modulus is the most important parameter controlling shrinkage and swelling with a sensitivity analysis.
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Three Dimensional Numerical Modelling Of Discontinuous Rocks By Using Distinct Element MethodKocal, Arman 01 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Shear strength characterization of discontinuities is an important concept for slope design in discontinuous rocks. This study presents the development of a methodology for implementing Barton-Bandis empirical shear strength failure criterion in three dimensional distinct element code, 3DEC, and verification of this methodology.
Normal and shear deformation characteristics of discontinuities and their relations to the discontinuity surface characteristics have been reviewed in detail.
First, a C++ dynamic link library (DLL) file was coded and embedded into 3DEC for modelling the Barton-Bandis shear strength criterion. Then, a numerically developed direct shear test model was used to verify the normal and shear deformation behaviour with respect to empirical results of the Barton-Bandis shear strength criterion.
A three dimensional simple discontinuous rock slope was modelled in 3DEC based on Barton-Bandis shear strength criterion. The slope model was first utilized by Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. Then, with the use of the new model developed here, the effects of the discontinuity surface properties on shear strength were introduced to the slope problem.
Applicability of the developed model was verified by three large scale real case studies from different open pit lignite mines of Turkish Coal Enterprises (TKi), namely Bursa Lignites Establishment (BLi) &ndash / 2 cases and Ç / an Lignite Establishment (Ç / Li). The results with the new model option, which allows users to use important discontinuity surface properties like joint roughness coefficient and joint wall compressive strength, compared well with results of previous studies using Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion.
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