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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Timmerkvalitet hos björk i blandskog med gran / Timber quality of birch in mixed stands of birch and spruce

Andersson, Helena W., Rickardson, Anders January 2014 (has links)
Birch is the dominant deciduous tree species in Sweden but only 16 % is found in pure birch stands. The majority of the birch (51 %) is to be found in conifer dominated stands. Swedish forest land comprises approximately of 23 % mixed stands and one problem is that for mixed stands there are few management recommendations. The underlying aim of this thesis was to study the management of mixed forest stands of spruce and birch to achieve good timber quality of birch. The study was based on a literature study and measurement in a field experiment launched in 1998 by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). This study indicates that it is possible to achieve good timber quality of birch in mixed stands of birch and spruce. However, it requires that birch in mixed stands with spruce should be managed similar to management programs of pure birch stands.   Keywords: Birch, spruce, timber quality, mixed stands.

Tillväxt och blandskogseffekt i återplanterade objekt : Tecken på spatial inverkan på blandskogseffekt i unga trädbestånd / Growth and mixed-specie effect in replanted areas : Signs of spatial effect on mixed-stands in young populations of trees

Sundström, Alice Ulrika January 2017 (has links)
2001 skedde ett kraftigt utbrott av Gremeniella abietina (Lagerb.) M. Morelet i området Bergvik, Dalarna. Skogsägarna var tvungna att avverka kraftigt i deras tallbestånd som respons på detta. I de objekt som återplanterades planterades det nya artsammansättningar än vad som planterats tidigare, gran och blandbestånd av gran och tall. I denna studie jämfördes och inventerades medelhöjderna på de återplanterade objektens träd för att skatta arternas framgång i de olika ståndorterna. Gran verkade vara mest lämpat eftersom den växte signifikant bättre än vad tillväxtekvationerna hade förutspått. Det påträffades även en positiv blandskogseffekt på trädens medelhöjd i provytorna. Provytor med högre antal arter, hade gran och tall med högre medelhöjd än artfattigare provytor. Provytor med tre arter, björk gran och tall hade högre tillväxt än provytor med endast tall och gran. Graden av inblandning i hela objektet hade inte någon signifikant effekt på medelhöjden. Detta tyder på att den spatiella artsammansättningen har större betydelse för de positiva effekterna av blandskog än artsammansättningen inom ståndorten i sin helhet. Detta antas vara på grund av nisch-komplementering och facilitering, möjligtvis via mykorrhiza interaktion. En annan möjlig förklaring är den minskade intra-specifika konkurrensen när individer av samma art är planterade med större avstånd sinsemellan. Troligtvis beror det på en nischuppdelning som tillåter de olika trädarterna att utnyttja markens tillgångar effektivare. Detta indikerar att småskalig artsammansättning är av vikt för tillväxten hos gran och tall. / In 2001 there was a serious outbreak of Gremmeniella abietina (Lagerb.) M. Morelet in the municipality of Bergvik in Dalarna, Sweden. The forest owners were forced to effectively cut their Pine stands in an attempt to halt the onslaught of the fungus. In the areas where new trees were planted after the cuttings, different compositions of species were implemented. Instead of only Pine (Pinus sylvestris), most of the new plantations consisted of spruce (Picea abies) or mixtures of the two species. In this study the average height of these replanted trees was measured to assess the success that the different species had in the different replanted areas. Spruce seemed to be the species that was best adapted to the local area because it grew significantly higher then what had been predicted. A positive effect of mixed-stands was also observed. The sample areas with three species, pine, spruce and birch (Betula pendula) had a higher average height then the sample areas that contained less species. The degree of mixture in the plantation as a whole had no significant effect on tree height. This implies that the spatial composition of species is of bigger importance then the quota of different species in the whole plantation. This could be explained by niche-complementation and by facilitation, probably via interactions between mykorrhiza. Intra-specific competition is another possible explanation for the greater height in sample areas with more species.  Most likely because a decrease in intra-specific competition allows a division of niches and therefore permits the resources in the soil to be utilized more efficiently. The implication of this being that small-scale specie composition is of importance.

Crescimento e fixação de nitrogênio em plantios mistos de eucalipto e leguminosas arbóreas nativas / Nitrogen growth and setting in mixing plantations of eucalipto and arbóreas leguminosas native

Coêlho, Selma Regina de Freitas 23 October 2006 (has links)
Os riscos de diminuição dos teores de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio no solo são elevados em povoamentos monoespecíficos de eucaliptos. Uma das alternativas para contornar ou reverter este problema é o plantio misto de eucalipto com leguminosas arbóreas fixadoras de N2. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as interações entre espécies no crescimento da parte aérea e do sistema radicular, na nutrição mineral das plantas e na fixação de nitrogênio em plantios consorciados de e leguminosas arbóreas. O estudo foi conduzido na Estação Experimental de Ciências Florestais de Itatinga, Itatinga, SP. O tipo de solo ocorrente na área foi caracterizado como Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo Distrófico psamítico. O clima foi caracterizado como mesotérmico úmido (Cwa), segundo a classificação de Köeppen. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso com 3 repetições. As parcelas experimentais tinham 100 plantas, de E. grandis estabelecidas no espaçamento de 3,0m x 3,0m. Nas linhas de plantio, no meio do espaço entre as plantas de E. grandis, foram plantadas intercaladamente (50% da população do E. grandis leguminosas arbóreas nativas de matas brasileiras (Peltophorum dubium, Inga sp, Mimosa scabrella, Acacia polyphylla, Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia) e uma leguminosa exótica (Acacia mangium). O experimento foi medido até os 24 meses pós-plantio. A M. scabrella e a A. Mangium foram às leguminosas que tiveram maior crescimento. O E. grandis, consorciado com a M. scabrella cresceu menos porém, foi o consórcio mais produtivo. Quanto a densidade de raízes finas (drf), para o E. grandis, esta só variou na camada de 0-30cm de profundidade enquanto que para a M. scabrella e a M. caesalpiniaefolia as variações de drf ocorreram logo abaixo dessa camada. Isso indica que estas leguminosas procuraram explorar camadas onde a competição com o E. grandis era menor. A A. mangium e a M. caesalpiniaefolia apresentaram as menores drf (< 0,3 cm cm-3). A M. scabrella apresentou maior drf, a qual chegou a 0,84 cm cm-3 aos 24 meses. Apenas o consórcio E. grandis mais M. scabrella apresentou maior acúmulo de N na soma de todos os seus compartimentos em relação ao povoamento solteiro de E. grandis. Proporcionalmente, as quantidades de N acumuladas na biomassa da M. scabrella, da M. caesalpiniafolia e da A. mangium foram maiores do que no E. grandis. A M. scabrella foi bem mais eficiente do que as demais leguminosas para incorporar N na biomassa aérea. O E. grandi acumulou mais N nas folhas do que no lenho, ao contrário do que foi observado para a M. scabrella e a M. caesalpiniafolia. Pela análise isotópica foi constatado que a M. scabrella possui maior eficiência para fixar N2 atmosférico do que as outras espécies de leguminosas. Dentre as leguminosas nativas, esta espécie foi a que demonstrou maior potencial para uso em plantios consorciados. / The risks of reduced organic matter content and soil nitrogen are elevated in pure stands of eucalypt. One of the alternatives to avoid or solve this problem is the use of mixed plantation of eucalypt with leguminous N2-fixing trees. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the above and belowground growth interactions between species, the mineral nutrition of the plants and nitrogen fixation in mixed stands of E. grandis and native leguminous N2-fixing trees. The study was carried out at the Experimental Station of Forest Sciences of Itatinga, Itatinga, São Paulo, Brazil. The soil was characterized as loam Red-Yellow Latosol. The climate is characterized as humid mesothemic according to the classification of Köeppen. The experimental design was in 3 blocks with each block having 7 parcels. The experimental parcels had 100 plants of E. grandis established with the space of 3,0m x 3,0m. Within the lines of the E. grandis seedlings (50% of the population of the E. grandis) was intercropped with native leguminous N2-fixing trees (Peltophorum dubium, Inga sp, Mimosa scabrella, Acacia polyphylla, Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia) and one exotic leguminous plant (Acacia mangium). The experiment was evaluated for 24 months after planting. The M. scabrella and A. mangium are the legume trees that had highest growth. Although E. grandis and M. scabrella had the lowest growth, it was the most productive combination. The fine root density of E. grandis only varied in the layer of 0-30cm deep whereas for the M. scabrella and the M. caesalpiniaefolia the root density variations occurred below this layer. This indicates that these legume trees explore layers where competition with E. grandis is least. A. mangium and M. caesalpiniaefolia produced the lowest root density (< 0,3 cm cm-3). The M. scrabella produced the highest root density of 0,84 cm cm-3 within 24 months. E. grandis and M. scabrella was the only combination that had the highest accumulation of N in relation to all evaluated compartments of the pure stand of E. grandis . Proportionally, the amounts of accumulated N in the biomass of M. scabrella, M. caesalpiniafolia and A. mangium was higher than E. grandis. M. scabrella was the most efficient legume tree in incorporation of N in the above and belowground biomass. E. grandis accumulated more N in the leaves than in the stems contrary to what was observed in M. scabrella and M. caesalpiniafolia. . Using the isotopic analysis it was observed that M. scabrella had greater efficiency in fixing atmospheric N2 than the other species of leguminous trees. Amongst the native leguminous trees, M. scabrella was the one that demonstrated a greater potential for use in mixed stands.

Standortsökologische Baumarteneffekte in einem Mischbestand aus Gemeiner Fichte (Picea abies [L.] KARST.) und Sand-Birke (Betula pendula Roth) im Erzgebirge / Site ecological effects of trees in a mixed stand of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] KARST.) and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) in the Ore Mountains (Saxony, SE Germany)

Schua, Karoline 16 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In einem für das Erzgebirge (Sachsen, Südostdeutschland) typischen Wirtschaftswald aus ca. 60-jähriger Fichte (Picea abies [L.] KARST.), in den Sand-Birken (Betula pendula Roth) eingemischt sind, sollte die Wirkung der Baumartenmischung auf den Oberbodenzustand erfasst und bewertet werden. Die Befunde stammen aus einem Bestand, der sowohl hinsichtlich der Altersstruktur, des Bodentyps als auch der Stoffeinträge und der Kalkung für das Erzgebirge repräsentativ ist. Analysiert wurden photosynthetisch aktive Strahlung, Bodenvegetation, Streumenge und -verteilung, Dynamik der Streuzersetzung, Humuskörpermorphologie sowie chemische und mikrobiologische Oberbodeneigenschaften. Dabei fand ein einzelbaumweiser Ansatz in Kopplung mit Transekten Anwendung. Es wurden eindeutige Effekte durch einzelbaumweise eingemischte Birken nachgewiesen. Mit Hilfe des Einzelbaumansatzes und davon ausgehenden Transekten wurden reine Fichtenbereiche und Mischungsbereiche untersucht. Zusätzlich wurden für die Auswertung drei Straten gebildet. Die Zuordnung dafür war die folgende: Probepunkte unter der Birkenkrone ergaben das Birken-Stratum, Probepunkte unter der Fichte das Fichten-Stratum und Probepunkte im Übergangsbereich zwischen Birke und Fichte das Fichten-Birken-Stratum. Im Bereich der Birkenkronen waren überwiegend höhere Strahlungswerte festzustellen als unter den Fichtenkronen. Gezeigt wurde aber auch, dass die höheren Strahlungswerte, die unter den Birkenkronen auftraten, auch in lichteren bzw. lückigeren Partien des reinen Fichtenbestandes zu finden waren. Die Sippenanzahl der Bodenvegetation erhöhte sich sowohl unter reiner Fichte als auch in Mischung von Fichte und Birke vor allem mit zunehmender Annäherung zum Kronenrand. Insgesamt waren aber bei der Mischung von Fichte und Birke ähnlich hohe Sippenanzahlen wie im reinen Fichtenbereich zu finden. Allerdings gab es Sippen, die nur auf einer der beiden Flächen auftraten. Es waren höhere Deckungsgrade bei der Mischung von Fichte und Birke im Vergleich zur reinen Fichte sichtbar. Die Befunde der Streusammler ließen erkennen, dass in einer Entfernung von > 16 m vom Birkenstamm kaum noch Birkenstreu auftrat. Nennenswerte Trockenflussdichten wurden nur in einem Radius von 10 m festgestellt. In diesem Bereich ist ein Effekt der Birkenstreu auf die Oberbodeneigenschaften zu erwarten. Die Gesamttrockenmasse einer relativ vitalen Birke mit rund 38 cm Brusthöhendurchmesser betrug im Untersu-chungsjahr rund 8 kg. Die Modellierung unter Hinzunahme weniger vitaler Birken reduzierte die Gesamttrockenmasse auf 6,3 kg. Der Massenverlust der Birkenblätter in den Litter-Bags war in allen drei Straten bei der Mischung der Birkenblätter mit Fichtennadeln im Verhältnis 5:1 am größten. Bei den Fichtennadeln zeigten sich die höchsten Trockenmassenverluste in den reinen Nadel-Litter-Bags. Die Litter-Bags unter der Birkenkrone wiesen für alle Varianten die beste Zersetzung der Birkenblätter und der Fichtennadeln auf. Die C/N-Verhältnisse der Streu ließen keine eindeutigen positiven Effekte der Birkenkrone erkennen. Sie waren aber bei den Birkenblättern in allen Varianten, in allen Straten und zu allen Terminen deutlich enger als die der Fichtennadeln. Desweiteren war der Abfall der C/N-Kurven bei den Birkenblättern steiler als bei den Fichtennadeln. Die Mächtigkeit des Of-Horizontes wies sowohl in der Mischsituation als auch in der reinen Fichtenfläche deutlichere räumliche Muster auf als im Oh-Horizont. Im Of waren dadurch deutliche, vom Einzelbaum abhängige, Muster zu erkennen. Die höchsten Mächtigkeiten traten in Stammnähe auf. Die größten Gesamtmächtigkeiten existierten unter reiner Fichte. Beim Vergleich der Mächtigkeiten in den Straten war in der Of-Lage vor allem das Birken-Stratum signifikant verschieden vom Fichten-Stratum. Für die Oh-Mächtigkeit und somit auch die Gesamtmächtigkeit zeigte zusätzlich das Fichten-Birken-Stratum signifikante Unterschiede im Vergleich zum Birken-Stratum. Als Humusform trat der rohhumusartige Moder auf. Dabei überwog im Fichtenstratum der feinhumusreiche rohhumusartige Moder, im Fichten-Birken-Stratum und im Birken-Stratum dagegen der feinhumusarme rohhumusartige Moder. Signifikante Unterschiede zwischen Straten konnten in der Of-Lage für den pH-Wert, Cges-Vorrat, Ccarbonat-Gehalt, Nges-Gehalt, Nges-Vorrat, und den metabolischen Quotienten erfasst werden. In der Oh-Lage waren es die nachstehenden Oberbo-deneigenschaften: Corg/N-Verhältnis, Cges-Gehalt, Nmik-Gehalt, Cmik/Nmik-Verhältnis, Basalatmungsaktivität, sowie der metabolische Quotient, die sich zwischen den Straten signifikant unterschieden. Im A-Horizont zeigten sich signifikante Unterschiede der Straten beim Corg/N-Verhältnis, Cges-Gehalt, Ccabonat-Gehalt, Corg-Gehalt sowie dem Nges-Vorrat. Mit Hilfe der multivariaten Ordination (mit verschiedenen Elementgehalten und pH-Werten) ist die Stratenbildung erneut bestätigt worden. Dabei hatten die Elemente C, Mg, Ca und N den größten Einfluss. Die Auswertung der Daten der effektiven Kationenaustauschkapazität ließ vor allem für den A-Horizont Unterschiede zwischen den Straten erkennen. Dabei war die Akeff im Fichtenstratum am kleinsten und der prozentuale Anteil der sauren Kationen an der Akeff am größten. Die höchste Akeff besaß das Birken-Stratum. Eine Reihe der untersuchten Größen ließen eindeutige Baumarteneffekte erkennen. Alles in allem wurde der Nachweis erbracht, dass die Effekte in dem Bereich zu finden sind, der durch die Laubstreu der Birken geprägt ist. Bei den Oberbodeneigenschaften wurden keine Veränderungen an Punkten, die mehr als 10 m vom Birkenstamm entfernt waren, festgestellt. Aus den Ergebnissen war abzuleiten, dass für ähnliche Bedingungen wie im Untersuchungsbestand ein Mischungsanteil der Birke von mindestens 10 % zu empfehlen ist. Die Ergebnisse sind aber durch zukünftige Forschung noch zu verifizieren. Dafür sollten vor allem die Produktionsziele und die waldbaulichen Behandlungskonzepte für Mischbestände aus Fichte und Birke in Deutschland erneut konkretisiert werden. Um dafür eindeutige ökologische und ökonomische Kriterien festlegen zu können, wird eine Zusammenführung wichtiger Ergebnisse aus den verschiedenen forstlichen Forschungsbereichen (z. B. Standortskunde, Vegetationskunde, Waldwachstumskunde, Ökonomie, Zoologie, Waldbau) empfohlen. / In a typical managed forest of the Ore Mountains (Saxony, SE Germany), consisting of 60 years old Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] KARST.) admixed with silver birches (Betula pendula Roth) the impact of the admixture on topsoil properties was quantified and evaluated. This study was conducted in a stand which is representative for the Ore Mountains regarding the soil type, deposition and liming. Photosynthetic active radiation, the layer of herbs and mosses, the mass and distribution of the litter fall, the dynamics of litter decom-position, and morphology of the humus layer as well as the chemical and microbiological topsoil properties were all analyzed. The study was based on a single-tree-approach where samples were collected along transects from selected sample trees of birch and spruce. Transects were established within areas of pure spruce as well as within areas of spruce and birch mixture. Three different strata were defined based on the situation of the examined points in relation to the crowns of birch and spruce: the birch stratum, the spruce stratum and the spruce-birch stratum with measurements from underneath the crowns of birches, spruces and the transition area between spruce and birch crowns, respectively. Higher photosynthetic active radiation values were detected in the area underneath the crowns of birch crowns in comparison with the area underneath the crowns of spruce. Higher values of photosynthetic active radiation were also registered within areas of light foliage and in gaps in the pure spruce stand. The number of ground vegetation species underneath pure spruce and in the mixture of spruce and birch was negatively correlated with the distance to the crown edge. But altogether the same number of ground vegetation species was found in the mixed stand and in the pure spruce stand. A few species were, however, specific for each stand type. A higher coverage of ground vegetation was found in the mixture of spruce and birch in comparison to the pure spruce. The results of the litter traps show marginal densities of birch leaves at a distance of more than 16 m from the birch stem. The majority of the dry flux density was found within a radius of 10 m around the birch stem. Within this area an effect of the birch litter on top soil properties was expected. The whole dry litter mass was measured in the study time of a relative vital birch with a diameter at breast high of ca. 38 cm and was ca. 8 kg. Modeling the amount of litter for birches with lower vitality indicated a dry litter mass of 6.3 kg. The mass lost of the birch leaves in the litter bags was in each stratum the highest at a ratio of 5 to 1 of birch leaves to spruce needles. The greatest loss of dry mass for spruce needles was registered in litter-bags with pure needles. The litter-bags under the birch crowns exhibited the best decomposition rate of birch leaves and spruce needles for all variants. The C/N-ratios of the litter showed no clear positive effects of the birch crown. But they were clearly smaller for the birch leaves in contrast to the spruce needles in all variants, in each stratum and at all dates. Furthermore the C/N-curves drop away more for the birch leaves in contrast to the spruce needles. The thickness of the Of-horizon in contrast to the Oh-horizon showed clear spatial patterns for the mixed situation and the pure spruce area. Thus in the Of-horizon a clear spatial pattern in connection to the single tree was apparent. The highest thickness was found close to the stem. The highest total thickness of the Of- and Oh-horizon was found underneath the pure spruce stand. When comparing the thickness of the humus layers between the stratums, significant differences where found for the Of-layer between the birch stratum and the spruce stratum. In addition, for the thickness of the Oh-layer as well as for the total thickness of all layers, significant differences were observed between the spruce-birch stratum and the birch stratum. The humus form was a mor-like moder. In the spruce stratum more fine-humus-rich variants of the mor-like moder was found, in the spruce-birch stratum and in the birch stratum it was more fine-humus-poor variants of the mor-like moder. Significant differences between the stratums in the Of-layer were found with respect to acidification, the pool of Ctot and Ntot, the content of Ccarbonat and Ntot and the metabolic quotient. For the Oh-layer significant differences between the stratums were found for the ratio of Corg and N, the content of Ctot and Nmic, the ratio of Cmic and Nmic, the basal respiration activity and the metabolic quotient. In the A-horizon significant differences between the stratums were found for the ration of Corg and N, the content of Ctot, Ccarbonat and Corg and the pool of Ntot. The results of multivariate ordination confirm the formation of stratums again. Thereby the contents of C, Mg, Ca and N had the greatest influence. The data analysis of the effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC) showed differences between the stratums mainly for the A horizon. In the spruce stratum the ECEC was lowest and the percentage of acid cations at the ECEC was greatest. The highest ECEC was in the birch stratum. Different results showed clear tree effects. These were only found in areas, which are influenced by birch leaves. In this study, a minimum tree admixture of 10% was required before an impact on the ground conditions of the whole stand was observed. Therefore, based on the results of this study, an admixture of birch of 10% is recommended. These results however must be verified through future research. These findings can be used to assist in meeting the goals of silvicultural management for mixed spruce and birch forests in Germany. Definition of explicit ecological and economic criteria created from a combination of results from different forest research sectors (e. g. Site ecology, Vegetation science, Forest Growth, Economy, Zoology, Silviculture) is recommended.

Crescimento e fixação de nitrogênio em plantios mistos de eucalipto e leguminosas arbóreas nativas / Nitrogen growth and setting in mixing plantations of eucalipto and arbóreas leguminosas native

Selma Regina de Freitas Coêlho 23 October 2006 (has links)
Os riscos de diminuição dos teores de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio no solo são elevados em povoamentos monoespecíficos de eucaliptos. Uma das alternativas para contornar ou reverter este problema é o plantio misto de eucalipto com leguminosas arbóreas fixadoras de N2. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as interações entre espécies no crescimento da parte aérea e do sistema radicular, na nutrição mineral das plantas e na fixação de nitrogênio em plantios consorciados de e leguminosas arbóreas. O estudo foi conduzido na Estação Experimental de Ciências Florestais de Itatinga, Itatinga, SP. O tipo de solo ocorrente na área foi caracterizado como Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo Distrófico psamítico. O clima foi caracterizado como mesotérmico úmido (Cwa), segundo a classificação de Köeppen. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso com 3 repetições. As parcelas experimentais tinham 100 plantas, de E. grandis estabelecidas no espaçamento de 3,0m x 3,0m. Nas linhas de plantio, no meio do espaço entre as plantas de E. grandis, foram plantadas intercaladamente (50% da população do E. grandis leguminosas arbóreas nativas de matas brasileiras (Peltophorum dubium, Inga sp, Mimosa scabrella, Acacia polyphylla, Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia) e uma leguminosa exótica (Acacia mangium). O experimento foi medido até os 24 meses pós-plantio. A M. scabrella e a A. Mangium foram às leguminosas que tiveram maior crescimento. O E. grandis, consorciado com a M. scabrella cresceu menos porém, foi o consórcio mais produtivo. Quanto a densidade de raízes finas (drf), para o E. grandis, esta só variou na camada de 0-30cm de profundidade enquanto que para a M. scabrella e a M. caesalpiniaefolia as variações de drf ocorreram logo abaixo dessa camada. Isso indica que estas leguminosas procuraram explorar camadas onde a competição com o E. grandis era menor. A A. mangium e a M. caesalpiniaefolia apresentaram as menores drf (< 0,3 cm cm-3). A M. scabrella apresentou maior drf, a qual chegou a 0,84 cm cm-3 aos 24 meses. Apenas o consórcio E. grandis mais M. scabrella apresentou maior acúmulo de N na soma de todos os seus compartimentos em relação ao povoamento solteiro de E. grandis. Proporcionalmente, as quantidades de N acumuladas na biomassa da M. scabrella, da M. caesalpiniafolia e da A. mangium foram maiores do que no E. grandis. A M. scabrella foi bem mais eficiente do que as demais leguminosas para incorporar N na biomassa aérea. O E. grandi acumulou mais N nas folhas do que no lenho, ao contrário do que foi observado para a M. scabrella e a M. caesalpiniafolia. Pela análise isotópica foi constatado que a M. scabrella possui maior eficiência para fixar N2 atmosférico do que as outras espécies de leguminosas. Dentre as leguminosas nativas, esta espécie foi a que demonstrou maior potencial para uso em plantios consorciados. / The risks of reduced organic matter content and soil nitrogen are elevated in pure stands of eucalypt. One of the alternatives to avoid or solve this problem is the use of mixed plantation of eucalypt with leguminous N2-fixing trees. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the above and belowground growth interactions between species, the mineral nutrition of the plants and nitrogen fixation in mixed stands of E. grandis and native leguminous N2-fixing trees. The study was carried out at the Experimental Station of Forest Sciences of Itatinga, Itatinga, São Paulo, Brazil. The soil was characterized as loam Red-Yellow Latosol. The climate is characterized as humid mesothemic according to the classification of Köeppen. The experimental design was in 3 blocks with each block having 7 parcels. The experimental parcels had 100 plants of E. grandis established with the space of 3,0m x 3,0m. Within the lines of the E. grandis seedlings (50% of the population of the E. grandis) was intercropped with native leguminous N2-fixing trees (Peltophorum dubium, Inga sp, Mimosa scabrella, Acacia polyphylla, Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia) and one exotic leguminous plant (Acacia mangium). The experiment was evaluated for 24 months after planting. The M. scabrella and A. mangium are the legume trees that had highest growth. Although E. grandis and M. scabrella had the lowest growth, it was the most productive combination. The fine root density of E. grandis only varied in the layer of 0-30cm deep whereas for the M. scabrella and the M. caesalpiniaefolia the root density variations occurred below this layer. This indicates that these legume trees explore layers where competition with E. grandis is least. A. mangium and M. caesalpiniaefolia produced the lowest root density (< 0,3 cm cm-3). The M. scrabella produced the highest root density of 0,84 cm cm-3 within 24 months. E. grandis and M. scabrella was the only combination that had the highest accumulation of N in relation to all evaluated compartments of the pure stand of E. grandis . Proportionally, the amounts of accumulated N in the biomass of M. scabrella, M. caesalpiniafolia and A. mangium was higher than E. grandis. M. scabrella was the most efficient legume tree in incorporation of N in the above and belowground biomass. E. grandis accumulated more N in the leaves than in the stems contrary to what was observed in M. scabrella and M. caesalpiniafolia. . Using the isotopic analysis it was observed that M. scabrella had greater efficiency in fixing atmospheric N2 than the other species of leguminous trees. Amongst the native leguminous trees, M. scabrella was the one that demonstrated a greater potential for use in mixed stands.

Standortsökologische Baumarteneffekte in einem Mischbestand aus Gemeiner Fichte (Picea abies [L.] KARST.) und Sand-Birke (Betula pendula Roth) im Erzgebirge

Schua, Karoline 17 January 2012 (has links)
In einem für das Erzgebirge (Sachsen, Südostdeutschland) typischen Wirtschaftswald aus ca. 60-jähriger Fichte (Picea abies [L.] KARST.), in den Sand-Birken (Betula pendula Roth) eingemischt sind, sollte die Wirkung der Baumartenmischung auf den Oberbodenzustand erfasst und bewertet werden. Die Befunde stammen aus einem Bestand, der sowohl hinsichtlich der Altersstruktur, des Bodentyps als auch der Stoffeinträge und der Kalkung für das Erzgebirge repräsentativ ist. Analysiert wurden photosynthetisch aktive Strahlung, Bodenvegetation, Streumenge und -verteilung, Dynamik der Streuzersetzung, Humuskörpermorphologie sowie chemische und mikrobiologische Oberbodeneigenschaften. Dabei fand ein einzelbaumweiser Ansatz in Kopplung mit Transekten Anwendung. Es wurden eindeutige Effekte durch einzelbaumweise eingemischte Birken nachgewiesen. Mit Hilfe des Einzelbaumansatzes und davon ausgehenden Transekten wurden reine Fichtenbereiche und Mischungsbereiche untersucht. Zusätzlich wurden für die Auswertung drei Straten gebildet. Die Zuordnung dafür war die folgende: Probepunkte unter der Birkenkrone ergaben das Birken-Stratum, Probepunkte unter der Fichte das Fichten-Stratum und Probepunkte im Übergangsbereich zwischen Birke und Fichte das Fichten-Birken-Stratum. Im Bereich der Birkenkronen waren überwiegend höhere Strahlungswerte festzustellen als unter den Fichtenkronen. Gezeigt wurde aber auch, dass die höheren Strahlungswerte, die unter den Birkenkronen auftraten, auch in lichteren bzw. lückigeren Partien des reinen Fichtenbestandes zu finden waren. Die Sippenanzahl der Bodenvegetation erhöhte sich sowohl unter reiner Fichte als auch in Mischung von Fichte und Birke vor allem mit zunehmender Annäherung zum Kronenrand. Insgesamt waren aber bei der Mischung von Fichte und Birke ähnlich hohe Sippenanzahlen wie im reinen Fichtenbereich zu finden. Allerdings gab es Sippen, die nur auf einer der beiden Flächen auftraten. Es waren höhere Deckungsgrade bei der Mischung von Fichte und Birke im Vergleich zur reinen Fichte sichtbar. Die Befunde der Streusammler ließen erkennen, dass in einer Entfernung von > 16 m vom Birkenstamm kaum noch Birkenstreu auftrat. Nennenswerte Trockenflussdichten wurden nur in einem Radius von 10 m festgestellt. In diesem Bereich ist ein Effekt der Birkenstreu auf die Oberbodeneigenschaften zu erwarten. Die Gesamttrockenmasse einer relativ vitalen Birke mit rund 38 cm Brusthöhendurchmesser betrug im Untersu-chungsjahr rund 8 kg. Die Modellierung unter Hinzunahme weniger vitaler Birken reduzierte die Gesamttrockenmasse auf 6,3 kg. Der Massenverlust der Birkenblätter in den Litter-Bags war in allen drei Straten bei der Mischung der Birkenblätter mit Fichtennadeln im Verhältnis 5:1 am größten. Bei den Fichtennadeln zeigten sich die höchsten Trockenmassenverluste in den reinen Nadel-Litter-Bags. Die Litter-Bags unter der Birkenkrone wiesen für alle Varianten die beste Zersetzung der Birkenblätter und der Fichtennadeln auf. Die C/N-Verhältnisse der Streu ließen keine eindeutigen positiven Effekte der Birkenkrone erkennen. Sie waren aber bei den Birkenblättern in allen Varianten, in allen Straten und zu allen Terminen deutlich enger als die der Fichtennadeln. Desweiteren war der Abfall der C/N-Kurven bei den Birkenblättern steiler als bei den Fichtennadeln. Die Mächtigkeit des Of-Horizontes wies sowohl in der Mischsituation als auch in der reinen Fichtenfläche deutlichere räumliche Muster auf als im Oh-Horizont. Im Of waren dadurch deutliche, vom Einzelbaum abhängige, Muster zu erkennen. Die höchsten Mächtigkeiten traten in Stammnähe auf. Die größten Gesamtmächtigkeiten existierten unter reiner Fichte. Beim Vergleich der Mächtigkeiten in den Straten war in der Of-Lage vor allem das Birken-Stratum signifikant verschieden vom Fichten-Stratum. Für die Oh-Mächtigkeit und somit auch die Gesamtmächtigkeit zeigte zusätzlich das Fichten-Birken-Stratum signifikante Unterschiede im Vergleich zum Birken-Stratum. Als Humusform trat der rohhumusartige Moder auf. Dabei überwog im Fichtenstratum der feinhumusreiche rohhumusartige Moder, im Fichten-Birken-Stratum und im Birken-Stratum dagegen der feinhumusarme rohhumusartige Moder. Signifikante Unterschiede zwischen Straten konnten in der Of-Lage für den pH-Wert, Cges-Vorrat, Ccarbonat-Gehalt, Nges-Gehalt, Nges-Vorrat, und den metabolischen Quotienten erfasst werden. In der Oh-Lage waren es die nachstehenden Oberbo-deneigenschaften: Corg/N-Verhältnis, Cges-Gehalt, Nmik-Gehalt, Cmik/Nmik-Verhältnis, Basalatmungsaktivität, sowie der metabolische Quotient, die sich zwischen den Straten signifikant unterschieden. Im A-Horizont zeigten sich signifikante Unterschiede der Straten beim Corg/N-Verhältnis, Cges-Gehalt, Ccabonat-Gehalt, Corg-Gehalt sowie dem Nges-Vorrat. Mit Hilfe der multivariaten Ordination (mit verschiedenen Elementgehalten und pH-Werten) ist die Stratenbildung erneut bestätigt worden. Dabei hatten die Elemente C, Mg, Ca und N den größten Einfluss. Die Auswertung der Daten der effektiven Kationenaustauschkapazität ließ vor allem für den A-Horizont Unterschiede zwischen den Straten erkennen. Dabei war die Akeff im Fichtenstratum am kleinsten und der prozentuale Anteil der sauren Kationen an der Akeff am größten. Die höchste Akeff besaß das Birken-Stratum. Eine Reihe der untersuchten Größen ließen eindeutige Baumarteneffekte erkennen. Alles in allem wurde der Nachweis erbracht, dass die Effekte in dem Bereich zu finden sind, der durch die Laubstreu der Birken geprägt ist. Bei den Oberbodeneigenschaften wurden keine Veränderungen an Punkten, die mehr als 10 m vom Birkenstamm entfernt waren, festgestellt. Aus den Ergebnissen war abzuleiten, dass für ähnliche Bedingungen wie im Untersuchungsbestand ein Mischungsanteil der Birke von mindestens 10 % zu empfehlen ist. Die Ergebnisse sind aber durch zukünftige Forschung noch zu verifizieren. Dafür sollten vor allem die Produktionsziele und die waldbaulichen Behandlungskonzepte für Mischbestände aus Fichte und Birke in Deutschland erneut konkretisiert werden. Um dafür eindeutige ökologische und ökonomische Kriterien festlegen zu können, wird eine Zusammenführung wichtiger Ergebnisse aus den verschiedenen forstlichen Forschungsbereichen (z. B. Standortskunde, Vegetationskunde, Waldwachstumskunde, Ökonomie, Zoologie, Waldbau) empfohlen. / In a typical managed forest of the Ore Mountains (Saxony, SE Germany), consisting of 60 years old Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] KARST.) admixed with silver birches (Betula pendula Roth) the impact of the admixture on topsoil properties was quantified and evaluated. This study was conducted in a stand which is representative for the Ore Mountains regarding the soil type, deposition and liming. Photosynthetic active radiation, the layer of herbs and mosses, the mass and distribution of the litter fall, the dynamics of litter decom-position, and morphology of the humus layer as well as the chemical and microbiological topsoil properties were all analyzed. The study was based on a single-tree-approach where samples were collected along transects from selected sample trees of birch and spruce. Transects were established within areas of pure spruce as well as within areas of spruce and birch mixture. Three different strata were defined based on the situation of the examined points in relation to the crowns of birch and spruce: the birch stratum, the spruce stratum and the spruce-birch stratum with measurements from underneath the crowns of birches, spruces and the transition area between spruce and birch crowns, respectively. Higher photosynthetic active radiation values were detected in the area underneath the crowns of birch crowns in comparison with the area underneath the crowns of spruce. Higher values of photosynthetic active radiation were also registered within areas of light foliage and in gaps in the pure spruce stand. The number of ground vegetation species underneath pure spruce and in the mixture of spruce and birch was negatively correlated with the distance to the crown edge. But altogether the same number of ground vegetation species was found in the mixed stand and in the pure spruce stand. A few species were, however, specific for each stand type. A higher coverage of ground vegetation was found in the mixture of spruce and birch in comparison to the pure spruce. The results of the litter traps show marginal densities of birch leaves at a distance of more than 16 m from the birch stem. The majority of the dry flux density was found within a radius of 10 m around the birch stem. Within this area an effect of the birch litter on top soil properties was expected. The whole dry litter mass was measured in the study time of a relative vital birch with a diameter at breast high of ca. 38 cm and was ca. 8 kg. Modeling the amount of litter for birches with lower vitality indicated a dry litter mass of 6.3 kg. The mass lost of the birch leaves in the litter bags was in each stratum the highest at a ratio of 5 to 1 of birch leaves to spruce needles. The greatest loss of dry mass for spruce needles was registered in litter-bags with pure needles. The litter-bags under the birch crowns exhibited the best decomposition rate of birch leaves and spruce needles for all variants. The C/N-ratios of the litter showed no clear positive effects of the birch crown. But they were clearly smaller for the birch leaves in contrast to the spruce needles in all variants, in each stratum and at all dates. Furthermore the C/N-curves drop away more for the birch leaves in contrast to the spruce needles. The thickness of the Of-horizon in contrast to the Oh-horizon showed clear spatial patterns for the mixed situation and the pure spruce area. Thus in the Of-horizon a clear spatial pattern in connection to the single tree was apparent. The highest thickness was found close to the stem. The highest total thickness of the Of- and Oh-horizon was found underneath the pure spruce stand. When comparing the thickness of the humus layers between the stratums, significant differences where found for the Of-layer between the birch stratum and the spruce stratum. In addition, for the thickness of the Oh-layer as well as for the total thickness of all layers, significant differences were observed between the spruce-birch stratum and the birch stratum. The humus form was a mor-like moder. In the spruce stratum more fine-humus-rich variants of the mor-like moder was found, in the spruce-birch stratum and in the birch stratum it was more fine-humus-poor variants of the mor-like moder. Significant differences between the stratums in the Of-layer were found with respect to acidification, the pool of Ctot and Ntot, the content of Ccarbonat and Ntot and the metabolic quotient. For the Oh-layer significant differences between the stratums were found for the ratio of Corg and N, the content of Ctot and Nmic, the ratio of Cmic and Nmic, the basal respiration activity and the metabolic quotient. In the A-horizon significant differences between the stratums were found for the ration of Corg and N, the content of Ctot, Ccarbonat and Corg and the pool of Ntot. The results of multivariate ordination confirm the formation of stratums again. Thereby the contents of C, Mg, Ca and N had the greatest influence. The data analysis of the effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC) showed differences between the stratums mainly for the A horizon. In the spruce stratum the ECEC was lowest and the percentage of acid cations at the ECEC was greatest. The highest ECEC was in the birch stratum. Different results showed clear tree effects. These were only found in areas, which are influenced by birch leaves. In this study, a minimum tree admixture of 10% was required before an impact on the ground conditions of the whole stand was observed. Therefore, based on the results of this study, an admixture of birch of 10% is recommended. These results however must be verified through future research. These findings can be used to assist in meeting the goals of silvicultural management for mixed spruce and birch forests in Germany. Definition of explicit ecological and economic criteria created from a combination of results from different forest research sectors (e. g. Site ecology, Vegetation science, Forest Growth, Economy, Zoology, Silviculture) is recommended.

Versuchsflächenanalyse, Modellparametrisierung und waldbauliche Konsequenzen für die Behandlung von Buchen-Lärchen-Mischbeständen im Südniedersächsischen Bergland / Growth dynamics of mixed stands of Beech and European Larch (Larix decidua, Mill.).

Guericke, Martin 16 March 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Effects of tree species composition on fine root biomass and dynamics in the rhizosphere of deciduous tree stands in the Hainich National Park (Thuringia) / Effects of tree species composition on fine root biomass and dynamics in the rhizosphere of deciduous tree stands in the Hainich National Park (Thuringia)

Jacob, Andreas 21 November 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Fine root dynamics in broad-leaved deciduous forest stands differing in tree species diversity / Die Feinwurzeldynamik in unterschiedlich baumartenreichen Laubwäldern

Meinen, Catharina 23 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Untersuchungen und Kalkulationstabellen zur Schätzung der N2-Fixierleistung und der N-Flächenbilanz beim Anbau von Lupinus albus und Lupinus luteus in Reinsaat und von Vicia faba und Pisum sativum in Reinsaat und im Gemenge mit Avena sativa / Estimation of the nitrogen fixation and the N balance in cultivations of Lupinus albus and Lupinus luteus as sole crops and of Vicia faba and Pisum sativum as sole crops and in mixed stands with Avena sativa - resarches and calculation charts -

Jost, Britta 11 July 2003 (has links)
No description available.

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