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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Změny obličejové části lebky na území střední Evropy v průběhu posledních 1200 let / Changes of the facial skeleton in Central Europe during the last 1200 years

Bejdová, Šárka January 2015 (has links)
The objective of the Dissertation was to describe, quantify and interpret to which degree the shape and size of the facial skeleton of people living in the territory of today's Czech Republic in the period from the Early Middle Ages to the present day, i.e. in the course of the approx. last 1200 years, have changed. In this time period, morphological differences between populations, changes in the sexual dimorphism, modularity and allometry of the facial skeleton were examined. The evaluation was based on CT-images of skulls from three historical populations, specifically from the Early Middle Ages, High Middle Ages and the early modern period. The current population was represented by CT-images of living people. We studied the facial skeletons of a total of 329 individuals, of which 183 were men and 146 women. The CT- images were used as a base for the creation of virtual 3D surface models. The facial skeleton was divided into three morphological units, which were further examined. These were the skeleton of the upper face, lower jaw and palate. The statistical processing was carried out applying methods of geometric morphometrics allowing the separate studying of the shape and size variability of the examined units. When comparing the size and shape differences between studied populations it is...
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Kláštery v ohroženíSpory o rušení českých a moravských klášterů v předbělohorském období / Monasteries in Danger. Disputes about Liquidation of Czech and Moravian Monasteries of the "Old Orders" in the Period before the Battle of White Mountain

Chládek, Oldřich January 2016 (has links)
Liquidation of monasteries in the era of Reformations is a phenomenon which has been studied only to a certain level. There were very many cases of abolished or liquidated monasteries. The author concentrates only on two cases (Augustinian canonries in Kłodzko and Olomouc) where efforts to liquidate a monastery were met with resistance from the community or monastic structures. It is a multilayered topic, requiring a thorough analysis. Due to the fact that these disputes were interfered by a number of influential personalities (supreme provincial officials, nuncios, bishops, superiors of monastic orders etc.), it represents an ideal material to study the relationships within the high society in the era before the Battle of White Mountain. Besides the high politics we can also focus on other aspects - such as legal arguments of the conflicting parties or linguistic, art historical or theological layer. After research not only in Czech, but also in foreign archives (e.g. Rome, Kraków, Kłodzko, Wrocław, Vienna), the author refills or corrects older conclusions (Jan Tenora, Aloys Bach etc.). He also tries to verify the theory that within the Catholic Church those monasteries were abolished which were - in the economic and also spiritual layer - in a state of deep crisis.
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Církevní předpisy v praxi na příkladu vybraných ženských klášterů českých zemí na přelomu středověku a raného novověku / Church regulations in practice on the example of chosen female monasteries of Czech lands at the turn of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Era

Hejdová, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis is devoted to the abbess focusing on her spiritual and secular duties, on the powers in the administration of the convent and in the care of the nunnery property at the turn of the late Middle Ages and Early Modern Era. For describing the ideal conception of the post of the abbess the study uses legislative regulations of various levels: the statutes and rules of women's contemplative and mendicant religious orders as welll as the decrees of the Council of Trent. On the example of three selected women's monasteries of three different orders - the Benedictine convent of St. George at Prague Castle, the Cistercian nunnery in Pohled, the monastery of the Poor Clares in Panenský Týnec - illustrates how the real influence of the Mother Superior differs from the ideal one. The text is based on an exploration of the written archival materials of the monasteries, from which were selected individual cases, that illustrate what the abbess had to deal with. According to the regulations, the authority for solution disputes inside the convent should be the Prague Archbishop, the King of Bohemia and his officers on property matters, but the archival sources show that secular and ecclesiastical law was very often intertwined. The most frequent sources for the diploma thesis were letters written...
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ars delectat semper: Essays zur Kunstgeschichte: für Henrik Karge zum 60. Geburtstag von seinen Schülern und Mitarbeitern: Festschrift

Müller-Bechtel, Susanne, Jahn, Peter Heinrich 05 September 2019 (has links)
„Ars delectat semper“ – Kunst erfreut immer! Ein insgeheimes Credo von Henrik Karge wurde zum Anlass genommen, ihm mitsamt dieser Devise zu seinem 2018 gefeierten 60. Geburtstag eine Publikation zu widmen mit Texten seiner Schülerinnen und Schüler sowie Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. Alle Autorinnen und Autoren des Bandes standen während ihrer Laufbahn in Verbindung mit dem Jubilar – als Studierende, als Promovierende oder Habilitierende oder als wissenschaftliche Angestellte –, ihre Texte nehmen Bezugspunkte auf und zeigen, wie das Saatgut sich in Erntegut verwandelt hat.:Vorwort 6 ARCHITEKTUR Silvia Lorenz - Knochengespräche 7 Ronny Horst - Das „Kreuz der Lumpen“ und ein offener Steinkasten auf dem Dach der Kathedrale von Santiago de Compostela 8 Juliane Pech - Das Bauhüttenbuch des Villard D’Honnecourt 13 Stefan Bürger - La Seu Vella Lleida – Kreuzgang oder Investruine? Beobachtungen an den westlichen Klausurteilen 16 Marı́a Aranda Alonso - Die Kathedrale von Jaen 21 Stefan Hertzig - Das Japanische Palais und der Escorial 24 Kristina Friedrichs - „Altes und Neues verknüpft, so dass das eine aus dem anderen organisch erwächst und alles als Naturnothwendigkeit erscheint“. Sempers Antikensäle im Japanischen Palais in Dresden‐Neustadt 28 Julia Walter - Das erste Dresdener Hoftheater von Gottfried Semper 32 Peter Heinrich Jahn - Semper meets Pöppelmann, oder: Herrschaftsinszenierung unter dem Deckmantel der Kunstpatronage. Der Mittelrisalit der Dresdner Gemäldegalerie am Zwinger 34 Bianca Hambusch - Die Casa Calise in Buenos Aires 39 Ralf Gottschlich - Turmbilder – Architektur‐Hoch‐Druck 42 KUNSTGEWERBE Silvia Lorenz - Echolot 45 Eileen Lemmle - Das Reliquiar in Dreiecksform aus Bergkristall: ein Stück inszenierte Quedlinburger Geschichte 46 Ljubow Schmidt - Eine russische Medaille der Petrinischen Epoche und ihr Geheimnis 49 Katrin Schlechte - „Olympische Farben“ – Ein Blatt Stoffproben zur italienischen Oper „L’Olimpiade“ (Dresden, 1756) 53 BILDKÜNSTE Silvia Lorenz - Ohne Titel (rot) 57 Katrin Zimmermann - Höfische Eleganz. Velázquez̕ Bildnis einer Dame 58 Silke Herz - Das Bildnis einer Hofmohrin mit gelber Haube, rotem Kleid und Perlenkette 63 Susanne Müller‐Bechtel - Stolz und gelehrt Luis Meléndez in seinem Selbstbildnis mit Aktstudie 68 Uta Kaiser - Ein Porträt des Athanasius Graf Raczyński von Wilhelm von Kaulbach 71 Christian Klose - Von Ägina nach Dresden – die Gipsabgüsse der Giebelfiguren des Aphaiatempels im „Königlich Sächsischen Mengs’ischen Museum der Gypsabgüsse“ 75 Arnika Groenewald‐Schmidt - Das etwas andere Italien Ein Scirocco‐Tag an der Küste nahe Rom von Nino Costa 78 Anne Schaich - Zu schön für Protestanten: Rudolf Yelin des Älteren „Gebet im Garten Gethsemane“ in der Stadtkirche Tuttlingen 81 Janina Majerczyk - Oskar Zwintschers Ansicht von Meißen 84 Claudia Schönjahn - „La Paresse“ – Thema mit Variationen 87 Katja Schumann - Geburtstagsblumen – in Farbe! Eine frühe Farbfotografie von Nicola Perscheid 89 Elisabeth Ansel - Ein irischer 3. Mai? Jack B. Yeats’ Funeral of Harry Boland (1922) im Kontext der Stilkonstruktion einer irischen Moderne 91 Kati Renner - Ein wiederentdecktes Schlüsselwerk von Otto Hettner: Das Porträt seiner Frau Jeanne mit Hut (um 1919) 94 Karin Müller‐Kelwing - Poesie der Formen und Farben – Vom genius loci des Künstlerateliers Zwei Werke von Joachim Heuer und Matthias Lüttig 97 Katharina Henkel - Kleiner, heimlicher Herrscher Stephan Balkenhol’s Babyking 100 Silvia Lorenz - Knochengespräche, Echolot, Ohne Titel (rot) 102
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Le Printemps érable au Journal de Montréal : figures de l’imaginaire social et mise en récit

Roy, Jean-Philippe 08 1900 (has links)
Le présent mémoire se penche sur la couverture de la grève étudiante québécoise de 2012, souvent appelée le Printemps érable, dans les pages du Journal de Montréal. Dans une approche sociocritique des textes (Claude Duchet, Edmond Cros, Régine Robin) et en mettant à l’épreuve le concept d’imaginaire social tel qu’il a été réélaboré par Pierre Popovic, nous nous demandons en quoi et comment ce média a pu favoriser les antagonismes entre les groupes sociaux en cause. En analysant la couverture journalistique, aussi bien les premières pages, les caricatures, les reportages, les chroniques que les lettres des lecteurs, et en étudiant la façon dont ce corpus interagit avec les dimensions iconique et poétique de l’imaginaire social, nous parvenons à dégager des effets de mise en récit, de poétisation et de fictionnalisation fort singuliers. Si notre hypothèse théorique est celle d’un lien dynamique entre le corpus et les représentations qui circulent dans l’imaginaire collectif, notre hypothèse herméneutique, elle, nous mène à explorer la manière dont ce quotidien montréalais a construit et diffusé des figures de substitution aux intervenants réels par lesquelles chacun pouvait peu ou prou se sentir interpellé : l’Automobiliste, le Contribuable, le Démocrate, le Commerçant, le Ti-Joe connaissant, l’Enfant roi, l’Artiste, le Bébé gâté, le Radical, l’Intimideur, le Gauchiste, le Terroriste. Regroupées en deux factions rivales, la « Rue » et la « Majorité silencieuse », ces figures substitutives ont participé à l’émergence d’un récit particulier des événements, celui d’un assaut hypocrite et pernicieux porté à la démocratie québécoise. Quand un journaliste titre « Party au centre-ville », que suggère-t-il sur les grévistes et comme récit de la manifestation? Que révèle le diptyque caricatural proposé par Marc Beaudet replongeant le lecteur tout droit en pleine crise d’Oka? Que vient faire dans cette histoire le dernier film de Christopher Nolan, Batman, The Dark Knight Rises? Voilà le genre de questions auxquelles ce mémoire apporte très concrètement des réponses. / This Master’s essay examines coverage of the 2012 Quebec student protests, often called the « Maple Spring », by the Journal de Montréal. Through a sociocritical approach (Claude Duchet, Edmond Cros, Régine Robin) and using the concept of social imaginary (Pierre Popovic), we ask why and how this publication could breed antagonism between the social groups in question. By dissecting the journalistic coverage (front pages, caricatures, articles, columns, readers’ opinions) and studying the interactions between this corpus and the iconic and poetic dimensions of the social imaginary, we come to identify singular storytelling effects, as well as poeticization and fictionalization effects. If our theoretical hypothesis is based on a dynamic link between the corpus and some active representations in the collective imaginary, our hermeneutic hypothesis leads us to explore the different ways in which the Montreal daily constructed and provided substitution figures for its actual speakers through which readers could more or less take position : the Driver, the Taxpayer, the Democrat, the Business Owner, the Know-It-All, the Spoiled Brat, the Over-Indulged Child, the Artist, the Radical, the Bully, the Lefty and the Terrorist. Grouped into two rival factions, the "Street" and the "Silent Majority", these substitution figures were all key players in the emergence of a certain reshaping of events suggesting a hypocritical and pernicious assault against Quebec democracy. When a journalist titles his text "Party downtown," what does he implies about strikers and the narrative of the event? What does the caricature diptych proposed by Marc Beaudet, bringing the reader right back in the middle of the Oka crisis, reveal? How is Christopher Nolan’s last film, Batman: The Dark Knight Rises relevant to the « Maple Spring »? These are some of the questions that this essay endeavour to answer in very concrete terms.
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Malíř Friedrich/Bedřich Feigl a jeho rodina, aneb Život mezi národy a metropolemi / The painter Friedrich/ Bedřich Feigl and his family, or The life between nations and metropolises

SKOŘEPOVÁ, Zuzana January 2010 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis is concerned with the personality of Friedrich/ Bedřich Feigl, a painter from the classical modern era, and attempts to understand the milieu in which he lived during the two periods of his life. Based on extant sources (letters, memoirs, press of the period, the painter?s own texts) and using historical-antropological optics, Bedřich Feigl, a Prague German of Jewish origin, is placed into a web of social relationships which formed in the first half of the twentieth century. The thesis is divided into two basic parts. The first one focuses on the Prague period, when Feigl, together with his contemporaries, started to build his own artist?s story. The second part deals with Feigl?s life in Berlin, with the possibilities to succeed as a part-foreigner in a foreign country, and also touches Feigl?s perception of his own identity.

Instituce a organizace židovských obcí v Čechách v 17. a 18. století / Jewish Self-Government in Bohemia in 17th and 18th Centuries

Holeček, Kajetán January 2020 (has links)
The presented M.A. thesis pursues Jewish self-government in Bohemian towns and villages during the 17th and 18th centuries. Based on communal statutes of Jewish communities in Chodová Planá, Nové Sedliště, Rožmberk nad Vltavou, Rychnov nad Kněžnou and Tachov the study describes constitution of local self-government and agenda of communal officials. Even though the sources originate from communities scattered throughout Bohemia, we can find plenty of shared topics contained in the statutes. Thanks to this parallelism the study can outline common features of the Jewish self-government, of relation between Jewish communities and manorial lords and of everyday life in this communities.

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