Spelling suggestions: "subject:"modular simulation"" "subject:"nodular simulation""
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Simulação de rede de distribuição de gás. / Simulation of gas pipeline network.Arakaki, Thais Keiko 26 May 2017 (has links)
O gás natural é uma fonte alternativa ao petróleo. É uma fonte de energia considerada mais limpa e segura dentre as fontes de energias não renováveis e, por isso, vem aumentando sua participação na matriz energética. Deste modo, impulsionou a criação e ampliação de diversas malhas de gasodutos. O objetivo do presente trabalho é simular redes de gasodutos utilizando ferramentas computacionais disponíveis no mercado. O HYSYS® foi adequado para simular longos gasodutos lineares. Portanto, a estratégia sequencial modular foi adequada para estas configurações. Contudo, não apresentaram bons resultados para redes. O software gratuito iiSE apresenta bons resultados para redes complexas, comprovando que os softwares orientados a equações são mais apropriados para sistemas com paralelismo. / Natural gas is an alternative source for oil. It is an energy source considered more clean and safe among the non-renewable energy sources and, therefore, its participation is increasing in the energy matrix. In this way, spurred the creation and expansion of several meshes of pipelines. The objective of this study is to simulate gas pipeline networks using computational tools available on the market. The HYSYS ® was suitable to simulate long linear gas pipelines. Therefore, the sequential modular strategy was appropriate for these settings. However, did not provide good results for networks. The free software iiSE presents good results for complex networks, proving that the software orixented to equations are more suitable for systems with parallelism.
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Simulação de rede de distribuição de gás. / Simulation of gas pipeline network.Thais Keiko Arakaki 26 May 2017 (has links)
O gás natural é uma fonte alternativa ao petróleo. É uma fonte de energia considerada mais limpa e segura dentre as fontes de energias não renováveis e, por isso, vem aumentando sua participação na matriz energética. Deste modo, impulsionou a criação e ampliação de diversas malhas de gasodutos. O objetivo do presente trabalho é simular redes de gasodutos utilizando ferramentas computacionais disponíveis no mercado. O HYSYS® foi adequado para simular longos gasodutos lineares. Portanto, a estratégia sequencial modular foi adequada para estas configurações. Contudo, não apresentaram bons resultados para redes. O software gratuito iiSE apresenta bons resultados para redes complexas, comprovando que os softwares orientados a equações são mais apropriados para sistemas com paralelismo. / Natural gas is an alternative source for oil. It is an energy source considered more clean and safe among the non-renewable energy sources and, therefore, its participation is increasing in the energy matrix. In this way, spurred the creation and expansion of several meshes of pipelines. The objective of this study is to simulate gas pipeline networks using computational tools available on the market. The HYSYS ® was suitable to simulate long linear gas pipelines. Therefore, the sequential modular strategy was appropriate for these settings. However, did not provide good results for networks. The free software iiSE presents good results for complex networks, proving that the software orixented to equations are more suitable for systems with parallelism.
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A Digital Test Bench for Pneumatic Brakes / En digital provbänk för tryckluftsbromsarSchick, Bastian January 2021 (has links)
This master’s thesis covers the structuring and implementation of a digital testbench for the air brake system of freight trains. The test bench will serveto further improve the existing brake models at Transrail Sweden AB. Theseare used for the optimised calculation of train speed profiles by the DriverAdvisory System CATO. This work is based on the research of the technicalbackground, as well as the methodical approach to physical modelling anda modular implementation of the test bench. It gives full flexibility for thesimulation of customised train configurations using the European UIC brakesystem. Train length and vehicle arrangement can be adapted to the user’sspecific needs. For example, the test bench could be used for the simulation ofa train with distributed power. The system parameters are stored in a vehiclelibrary for the convenient generation of train configurations. This vehiclelibrary is freely expandable.The simulation is based on an equivalent electric circuit model which iscompleted with nozzle flow modelling. This model involves monitoring themain pipe, brake cylinder and reservoir pressure. Linear approximation is usedto obtain braking forces for the individual wagons and for the whole train. Thedepiction of the brake system behaviour is mostly accurate in the operationalscenarios, which is validated with measurement data. Additional calibrationis required for further reduction of the simulation errors and an extension ofthe model’s domain of validity. The test bench is developed by incrementaland iterative modelling and prepared for further improvements and variations,for example the adaption to the American AAR system variant.The presented work can also be used as a basis for similar implementationssuch as driving simulators. The methods are transferable to other applicationsof modular simulation. / Det här examensarbetet omfattar formgivningen och implementeringen aven digital provbänk för tyckluftsbromssystemet på godståg. Provbänken skaanvändas för att vidareutveckla befintliga bromsmodeller hos Transrail SwedenAB. De används för beräkningen av optimerade hastighetsprofiler förtåg i förarassistanssystemet CATO. Arbetet baserar sig på undersökningenav den tekniska bakgrunden, samt ett metodiskt angreppssätt för fysikaliskmodellering. Verktyget är implementerat på ett modulärt sätt. Provbänkenger full flexibilitet för simuleringen av skräddarsydda tågkonfigurationer somanvänder det europeiska UIC-bromssystemet. Tåglängd och fordonsanordningkan anpassas enligt användarens behov, till exempel för simulering av fördeladtraktion. Systemparametrarna lagras i ett fordonsbiliotek som förenklar inmatningenav tågkonfigurationer. Fordonsbiblioteket kan utvidgas enligt behov.Simuleringen är baserad på en ekvivalent strömkretsmodell, som kompletterasmed modellerad dysströmning. Simuleringen beskriver trycket ihuvudledningen, bromscylindern och förrådsluftsbehållaren. Bromskrafternaapproximeras linjärt efter trycken för de enskilda vagnarna såväl som helatåget. Simuleringen återger beteendet av bromssystemet i alla driftsituationerpå ett verklighetsnära sätt, enligt validering med mätdata från Knorr-Bremse:stestanläggning. Ytterligare kalibrering behövs för att minimera avvikelserna isimuleringen och för att utvidga modellens giltighetsdomän. Provbänken harutvecklats i stegvis modellering och är väl förberedd för vidareutveckling ochanpassning. Ett exempel är anpassningen för att simulera det amerikanskaAAR-bromssystemet.Arbetet som presenteras här är lämplig för användning i liknande applikationer,såsom körsimulatorer. Metoden kan tillämpas allmänt på övrigaanvändningsområden av modulär simulering.
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Modeling of a Modular Discrete Event Simulation for Fuel Cell Assembly within a Factory ModelBrützel, Oliver, González Di Miele, Román Ignacio, Overbeck, Leonard, May, Marvin Carl, Lanza, Gisela 27 May 2022 (has links)
Nowadays, shorter product life cycles and fluctuating demand quantities require flexible and adaptable production planning techniques. Fuel cell technology offers an innovative product, for which future demands in terms of quantities and variety are difficult to predict making it hardly possible to plan demand-adequate production capacities. One feasible solution is the application of Discrete Event Simulations (DES) with a high degree of adaptability and scalability. In this paper, a concept for the modular simulation of assembly lines with scalable automation is introduced and applied to an assembly line for fuel cell stacks. The model presents a modular and hierarchical system structure, which allows for adaptability and reusability. The model can be easily integrated on a factory level to study the behavior of parallel assembly lines. For an industrial use case different experiments offer valuable insights for the optimization, the automation and the upscaling of the assembly. / Kürzere Produktlebenszyklen und schwankende Bedarfsmengen erfordern heute flexible und anpassungsfähige Produktionsplanungstechniken. Die Brennstoffzellentechnologie bietet ein innovatives Produkt, dessen zukünftige Nachfrage hinsichtlich Stückzahl und Vielfalt nur schwer vorhersehbar ist und somit kaum bedarfsgerechte Produktionskapazitäten planbar sind. Eine mögliche Lösung ist die Anwendung von Discrete Event Simulations (DES) mit einem hohen Maß an Anpassungsfähigkeit und Skalierbarkeit. In diesem Beitrag wird ein Konzept zur modularen Simulation von Montagelinien mit skalierbarem Automatisierung vorgestellt und auf eine Montagelinie für Brennstoffzellenstacks angewendet. Das Modell nutzt eine modulare und hierarchische Systemstruktur, die Anpassungsfähigkeit und Wiederverwendbarkeit ermöglicht. Das Modell kann leicht auf Fabrikebene integriert werden, um das Verhalten paralleler Montagelinien zu untersuchen. Für einen industriellen Anwendungsfall bieten verschiedene Experimente wertvolle Erkenntnisse zur Optimierung, Automatisierung und Hochskalierung der Montagelinie.
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