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Acá solo hay un estilo moheño: La música sikuri en los procesos de generación de identidad en la localidad de Moho – PunoChávez López, Gonzalo Alonso 09 August 2023 (has links)
La presente investigación busca reconstruir y entender los procesos a través de los cuales
la música se consolida como un elemento en la creación y transformación de una identidad
local, específicamente en el pueblo de Moho, capital de la provincia del mismo nombre, donde
la práctica del sikuri se viene dando en los espacios rurales desde tiempos décadas atrás. La
música sikuri ha tenido un particular desarrollo en las décadas recientes tanto en la región
altiplánica como en distintas ciudades alrededor del Perú, siendo interpretada en distintos
contextos tanto a nivel musical como simbólico. En este sentido se busca entender los
procesos que se han venido dando en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, tanto en la localidad de
Moho, como fuera de ella en relación a la música en el contexto de importantes
trasformaciones sociales.
Los resultados aquí presentados fueron recogidos entre los años 2016 y 2017,
principalmente durante los meses de marzo y mayo del 2016, en la misma localidad de Moho,
así como otras ciudades y pueblos cercanos. Durante el trabajo se buscó recoger, a través
de entrevistas y observación estructurada, tanto los relatos relacionados a los procesos
históricos que ha venido teniendo la música y los contextos en los cuales es practicada, así
como los elementos musicales que configuran los estilos particulares de la región. Estos
últimos, son fundamentales en la forma como se delimitan espacios identitarios a través de la
práctica musical. / This research attempts to reconstruct and understand the processes through which music
is consolidated as an agent in the generation and transformation of a local identity, specifically
in the town of Moho, where the practice of sikuri music, traditionally practiced in rural areas
since ancient times. Sikuri music has had a particular development in recent decades both in
the Altiplano region and in different cities around Peru, being performed in different contexts
and reinterpreted symbolically. In this research we seek to understand the processes carried
out in Moho, in relation to music, in dialogue with the social transformations that have been
taking place in the second half of the twentieth century both locality, and in other locations
outside the town.
The findings presented here were collected between 2016 and 2017, mainly during the
months of March and May 2016, in the town of Moho itself, as well as other nearby towns and
villages. During the work we collected, through interviews and structured observation, the
stories related to the historical processes that music has been taking, the contexts in which it
is practiced, as well as the musical elements that constitute the particular styles of the region,
which are a fundamental element in the way in which identity boundaries are delimited through
the practice of music.
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Travel time tomography of the crust and the mantle beneath Ecuador from data of the national seismic network. / Tomographie de la croûte et du manteau Équatoriens à partir des données du réseau sismologique nationalAraujo, Sebastián 26 September 2016 (has links)
Bien que de nombreuses études géodynamiques et tectoniques aient été effectuées à partir l'activité sismique en Equateur, il n'existait pas à ce jour une tomographie complète utilisant l'ensemble des données du réseau sismologique Equatorien (RENSIG), mise à part une étude prélimaire sur la partie centrale de l'Equateur menée en 1994 par Prévot et coll. et de plusieurs profils sismiques déterminés à la suite des campagnes marines SALIERI et SISTEUR. Inverser les centaines de millier de temps d'arrivées d'ondes P et S, de qualité inégale, formant le catalogue RENSIG était le défi qu'a constitué le sujet de cette thèse.Nous décrivons comment nous avons complété le catalogue RENSIG par des données provenant du Nord du Pérou et comment nous avons homogénéisé et filtré l'ensemble de données résultant, comportant plus de 800 000 temps d'arrivée correspondant à plus de 50 000 séismes. Pour inverser ces données nous avons adopté une approche Bayésienne. Nous montrons comment le problème peut être reformulé dans un contexte Gaussien par un changement de variables, tout en imposant une statistique robuste aux données, qui conduit à un problème de moindre carrés non linéaire. Nous détaillons particulièrement la régularisation du problème au travers des noyaux de covariance qui conduit à définir des paramètres de contrôle fort utils pour l'inversion. Nous montrons également qu'inverser des différences de données revient à introduire des termes spécifiques de corrélation dans la matrice de covariance des données, tout en conservant les données brutes. Nous indiquons finalement comment le calcul de l'indice de restitution permet de définir une zone de confiance du modèle résultant de l'inversion.L'inversion a été menée pratiquement en utilisant les codes informatiques (en Fortran 2003 par B. Potin, B. Valette, V. Monteiller): LOCIN (localisation) et INSIGHT (tomographie). La région finale d'étude est constituée par une boite parallélipipédique de dimension 590$times$770 km$^2$ de base et de 244 km de hauteur qui contient la topographie de la surface. Le modèle est constitué d'une part des valeurs de $v_P$ et $v_P/v_S$ sur une grille ayant 5 km de pas horizontal et 2 km de pas vertical et, d'autre part, des paramètres d'identification spatiale et temporelle des séismes. Un ensemble de tests nous a permis de déterminer des valeurs raisonables de ces paramètres au travers d'un analyse de type courbe en L.Nous avons obtenu une amélioration de la localisation de la sismicité, qui nous a permis de mieux décrire les essaims superficiels comme ceux de Pisayambo, Macas et du Reventador et d'identifier des linéaments en relation avec la Tectonique. Nous avons également obtenu une image de la sismicité à profondeur intermédiaire qui est dominée par la présence de 4 nids sismiques, ceux de Madonaldo, La Man'a et de Guayaquil à des profondeurs entre 75 et 115 km et celui de Puyo à de plus grandes profondeurs. La zone de Wadati-Benioff nous a permis de définir la profondeur du slab jusqu'à des profondeurs de 100-150 km en fonction de la latitude et d'observer la décroissance du pendage de 25° environ au nord et au centre de l'Equateur jusqu'à environ 10° au sud puis au nord du Pérou. Par ailleurs, l'analyse du champ de vitesse des ondes P suggère fortement que le slab est coupé en deux morceaux, le morceau sud passant sous le morceau nord au niveau du nid sismique de Puyo. Le modèle $v_P/v_S$ présente une forte anomalie positive de ce rapport le long de la cordillère occidentale à des profondeurs entre 30 et 50 km qui caractérise des matériaux partiellement fondus et correspond au réservoir d'alimentation profond de l'arc volcanique. Enfin, nous avons déduit de notre modèle un modèle de profondeur de Moho en prenant la profondeur de maximum de la norme du gradient de vitesse entre les vitesses de 7.2 et 7.4 km/s et en incorporant l'information sur la profondeur de Moho provenant des campagnes SALIERI et SISTEUR dans la marge active. / Although there have been numerous studies on the geodynamics and the tectonics in Ecuador based on the seismic activity, there has not been to date a comprehensive tomography study using the entire database of the National Seismic Network (RENSIG). Only a preliminary limited study was performed by Prevot et al. to infer a simple P velocity model in central Ecuador, and several profiles in the South-Colombian-Ecuador margin were also investigated by using travel time inversion of wide-angle seismic data obtained during the two marine experiments SISTEUR and SALIERI. Inverting the hundreds of thousands of arrival times of P and S waves of uneven quality that constitutes the RENSIG catalogue is the challenging subject of this thesis.We describe how we complemented the RENSIG catalogue with data from the Northern Peru network and how we homogenized and filtered the resulting dataset of more than 800 000 first arrival times of P and S waves corresponding to more than 50 000 earthquakes. To invert these data for both the velocity models and the event locations we adopted a Bayesian approach. We show how the problem can be recast in the Gaussian framework by changes of variable while imposing a robust statistics to the data, and how it leads to a generalized nonlinear least squares problem. We detail in particular the regularization of the models through the smoothing and damping properties of the covariance kernels. We also show that inverting differences in data instead of the raw data amounts to the introduction of specific correlation terms in the data covariance matrix, while keeping the same set of data. We finally indicate how the computation of the averaging index allows the delimitation of a confidence region for the resulting model.The practical inversion has been carried out by using the two Fortran 2003 codes (B. Potin, B. Valette, V. Monteiller): LOCIN (prior localization) and INSIGHT (tomography). The final study region is a parallelepipedic box of 590$times$770 km$^2$ area and 244 km height that contains the topography of the surface. The models consist of the $v_P$ and $v_P/v_S$ fields discretized over a grid, the spacing of which is 5 km in the horizontal directions and 2 km in the vertical one, and of the spatial and temporal parameters of the seismic events. A battery of tests allowed us to set reasonable values for these tuning parameters through an L-curve analysis.We obtained the spatial distribution of the seismicity with an improved accuracy which allows us to describe with more details the shallow seismic clusters, as those of Pisayambo, Macas, Reventador, and to identify lineaments in the seismicity in relation with tectonics. We obtained also a clear image of the intermediate depth seismicity wich is dominated by 4 nests, namely the Maldonado, La Man'a, and Guayaquil nests, at depths ranging between 75 km and 115 km, and the Puyo nest at much deeper depths. The Wadati-Benioff zone allowed us to clearly defined the topography of the slab only to a depth to about 110-150 km, depending on the latitude, and to observe the decrease of the dip angle from about 25° in northern and central Ecuador down to about 10° in southern Ecuador and northern Peru. On the other hand, the analysis of the P velocity clearly suggests that the slab is broken in two pieces, the southern one passing under the northern at the level of the Puyo nest. The $v_P/v_S$ model presents a high anomaly of the ratio along the western cordillera at a depth ranging between 30 km and 50 km that characterized partially melted rocks and corresponds to the feeding reservoir of the volcanic arc. Finally, we deduced the Moho depth from our model by taking the depth for which the norm of the velocity gradient is maximum between 7.2 and 7.4 km/s and by incorporating information on the Moho depth provided by the SISTEUR and SALIERI experiments in the convergent margin.
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Les Alpes occidentales : tomographie, localisation de séismes et topographie du Moho / The western Alps : tomography, earthquake location and Moho topographyPotin, Bertrand 01 July 2016 (has links)
Les Alpes occidentales, résultat de la collision entre la plaque Eurasie et le promontoire apulien de la plaque Afrique, traversent l'Europe sur près de 1200 km. C'est l'une des chaînes de montagnes les mieux étudiées au monde, notamment par des méthodes d'imagerie géophysique. Celles-ci ont permis de réaliser plusieurs grands profils d'échelle crustale par sismique active. Parallèlement, la sismicité de magnitude relativement modérée a motivé le déploiement de réseaux sismologiques denses permettant de localiser plusieurs milliers d'évènements par an. Ces données apportent énormément d'information sur la géodynamique actuelle des Alpes et ont servi à réaliser plusieurs tomographies. L'ensemble de ces travaux permet une bonne compréhension de la chaîne, cependant des incertitudes persistent motivant la présente étude dont l'ambition est de réaliser une tomographie de la lithosphère des Alpes occidentales.Notre étude s'appuie sur plus de 791000 temps d'arrivée d'ondes P et S émises par plus de 36000 séismes locaux et enregistrées par 375 stations. Le domaine d'étude de 456x414 km2 couvre le sud-est de la France, le nord-ouest de l'Italie et la majeure partie de la Suisse. Dans ce domaine, la majorité des séismes a lieu dans les premiers 15 km de la croûte et grande partie des temps d'arrivée correspondent à des ondes réfractées au toit du manteau. Cela permet d'obtenir une résolution convenable à la fois dans la croûte et dans le toit du manteau. L'intérêt d'utiliser un grand nombre de données est double : cela assure une couverture relativement complète du domaine et améliore par la loi des grands nombres la précision du modèle déterminé. Toutefois, ce type de jeu de données nécessite un traitement adapté pour gérer les inévitables données aberrantes.La tomographie par temps d'arrivée de séismes locaux de la lithosphère a été réalisée à l'aide du code INSIGHT, développé au cours de cette étude à partir d'un code de V. Monteiller et B. Valette. Le modèle est constitué des valeurs de vP et vP/vS en chaque nœud d'une grille 3D à taille de maille constante, des localisations et des paramètres d'effets de site analogues aux « corrections statiques » de la prospection sismique. Le modèle vP a priori pour la croûte et le manteau supérieur est une fonction continue de la profondeur. Les localisations initiales des foyers ont été obtenues à l'aide du code LOCIN développé pour cette étude et permettant de déterminer une densité de probabilité par recherche sur grille. Les temps de propagation sont déterminés pour les premières arrivées en intégrant la lenteur le long des rais ; la géométrie de ceux-ci est déterminée par le maximum du gradient des temps de propagation, eux-mêmes calculés par la résolution de l'équation eikonale par différences finies. L'inversion est menée par une approche de moindres carrés non-linéaires, basée sur une description stochastique des données et des paramètres du modèle.La topographie du Moho est déduite de ce modèle de tomographie en prenant le maximum du gradient de vP obtenu entre les isovitesses 7,3 et 7,6 km/s. Cette information est complétée par des modèles issus de précédentes études. La large proportion d'ondes réfractées de notre lot de données permet un niveau de détails relativement fin. Ce modèle du Moho est ensuite introduit comme interface a priori dans un nouveau processus de tomographie dans lequel les paramètres vP et vP/vS de la croûte et du manteau sont décorrélés. La discontinuité du Moho est mieux modélisée et les ondes réfractées sont mieux déterminées. Cette approche permet par ailleurs de calculer les temps de propagation des ondes directes lorsque celles-ci arrivent après les ondes réfractées : plus de 100000 temps d'arrivées sont ainsi ajoutés aux données et la résolution dans la croûte est améliorée.Ces deux tomographies, la topographie du Moho et les localisations fines apportent de nouvelles informations sur les structures profondes des Alpes occidentales. / The Alpine chain, which stretches in the middle of Europe across six countries, is probably the most studied mountain range in the world. Geology and metamorphism studies contributed for a large part to the current understanding of the geodynamics and history of this region. Since the second half of the 20th century, geophysical methods were employed to study its lithosphere and several crustal cross-sections where performed, mainly using controlled-source seismology. In parallel, dense seismic networks were also deployed in France, Italy, and Switzerland in order to study the usually low-magnitude activity of the western Alps. Over the past 25 years, these networks have permitted to locate tens of thousands of local earthquakes. In the last two decades, local or regional tomographic studies have been conducted using subsets of this data, which substantially improved our understanding of the deep structure of the Alps.Here, and based on 36,000 seismic events, 375 stations and more than 791,000 P and S-waves arrival times, we performed a tomographic study on a 456x414 km2 area covering the western Alps. Even if most of these earthquakes occurred within the first 15 km beneath surface, a large part of the data is composed of refracted-waves, letting us insight the deep structure of the crust. The interest of such a large dataset relies on the accuracy ensured by the law of large numbers, but the unavoidable presence of outliers requires a specific approach in order to handle it. The a priori earthquake locations were computed using the LOCIN algorithm developed in this study, which is basically a grid-search algorithm combined with a probabilistic approach.Tomography of the crust and upper mantle based on travel-times analysis was conducted using the INSIGHT algorithm which was developed in this study (based on a V. Monteiller and B. Valette algorithm). Our model consists of a set of vP and vP/vS values given at each node of a three-dimensional, regularly-spaced grid, which constitutes the inversion grid. Transition between crust and mantle is modelled by a continuous change in velocity, as we do not introduce any a priori information on the Moho interface. Earthquake locations and site-effect residuals at each station (analogous to "static corrections" in seismic prospecting) are also determined in the process. The forward computation of travel times in the 3D model is performed by integrating slowness along the rays, which are determined by a finite-difference resolution of the eikonal equation. Inversion is carried out using a non-linear least-squares approach based on a stochastic description of data and model. The smoothing and damping parameters are adjusted by means of L-curves analysis.The Moho topography is determined by matching two informations: (i) the maximum of the vP gradient within this preliminary tomographic model, taken in a 7.3-7.6~km/s range and (ii) information provided by previous studies to fix Moho depth in the border area of our study zone, where our model is poorly resolved. As our tomographic model relies on a large set of refracted waves, the Moho topography we build is detailed and presents interesting new insights for the western Alps. This Moho interface is then used as an a priori discontinuity in a new tomography process. Parameters within the crust and the upper mantle are then decorrelated, letting refracted-waves to be more correctly modelled. By this approach, we are able to compute not only the first- but also the second-arrival travel-time which corresponds to the direct wave in the crust for focus-station distances greater than 100-125 km. This allows us to add more than 100,000 new data to our dataset, which of course improves the resolution in the crust.Both tomographic models, the Moho topography and the earthquake relocations provides new evidences and constraints on the deep structure of the western Alps.
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The Upper Mantle Seismic Structure Beneath Northeastern North AmericaHertzog, Justin Tyler January 2013 (has links)
Thesis advisor: John E. Ebel / Thesis advisor: John C. Hepburn / Using the seismic refraction technique with a least squares inversion methodology, arrival time data from 1985 to the present are analyzed to delineate, with improved spatial resolution, the upper mantle P-velocity structure throughout northeastern North America (NENA). A total of one hundred and sixty-eight earthquakes are analyzed utilizing over one hundred seismic stations throughout NENA. Seismic data analyzed between 200 - 400 km, 400 - 600 km, and 600+ km throughout NENA are used to study the increase in velocity with depth in the upper mantle. A jackknife analysis was carried out to put constraints on the uncertainties of the velocity measurements. The P-wave velocity of the upper mantle through the New England Appalachians is found to be uniformly 7.94 - 8.07 km/s at depths down to 75 km. Upper mantle Pn velocities throughout the southeastern Grenville Province show velocities ranging from 8.15 km/s to 8.54 km/s as epicentral distances increase. Uncertainties of P velocities range from 0.01- 0.12 km/s. Based on laboratory measurements of simulated upper mantle conditions and the orogenic history of the Grenville Province and northern Appalachians, upper mantle mineral compositions of eclogite (Grenville Province) and pyroxenite (northern Appalachians) are proposed to be the factor controlling seismic velocity variation in the upper mantle. Variations in upper mantle temperatures between the Grenville Province and northern Appalachians are ruled out as affecting the difference in upper mantle velocities between southeastern Canada and New England. / Thesis (MS) — Boston College, 2013. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Geology and Geophysics.
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Development and Evaluation of Validity and Utility of the Instrument Assessment of Work Performance (AWP)Sandqvist, Jan January 2007 (has links)
The last decades have shown a great need for vocational rehabilitation due to high levels of absenteeism due to sickness and disability pension. An essential part of the vocational rehabilitation process is assessment of persons with reduced work functioning. Adequate and reliable methods for assessment of clients with work disabilities are crucial for both the individuals who are assessed and for society as a whole. Sound and precise work assessments are needed to guide clients to suitable interventions using a minimum of rehabilitation resources. However, work function assessments are complex and there is confusion over work assessment concepts. Therefore, further development and evaluation of adequate concepts and theoretical models within the area of work assessment is needed. Furthermore, vocational rehabilitation lacks adequate and reliable assessment instruments, especially instruments used to observe clients. This dissertation thesis focuses specifically on the following: - Development of a conceptual framework for assessment of work functioning [Study I] - Development and evaluation of validity and utility of the observation instrument Assessment of Work Performance (AWP) [Study II-IV] Study I proposes a conceptual framework for different dimensions of work functioning and highlights important factors for work assessment. The study also creates a framework to define the purpose, delimination, and possible assessment outcomes of the assessment instrument AWP. Study II develops an observation instrument for assessment of work performance, the Assessment of Work Performance (AWP) and conducts an initial evaluation of face validity and utility for the instrument. The initial evaluation in study II was made within a group of 21 assessors in Sweden, and the result indicated face validity and utility for the AWP, a result that supported further development and evaluation of the instrument. Study III investigates the content validity and utility of the AWP. A questionnaire was answered by 67 respondents who used the AWP in various vocational rehabilitation settings in Sweden. The result indicated content validity and utility for the AWP. Study IV investigates the construct validity of the instrument AWP. This study is based on 364 assessments with the AWP (version 1.1). The clients had various work-related problems and went through an insurance medicine investigation at a Social Insurance Office in Sweden between 2004 and 2005. The major findings in this study indicated that the AWP has construct validity, sensitivity, and the ability to discriminate between clients. It is also gender neutral. The future evaluation of AWP will comprise testing of predictive validity, inter-rater reliability and internal consistency reliability as well as an evaluation of how and with what results the instrument can be combined with other work-related assessment instruments.
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An Isostatic Earth Crustal Model : and Its ApplicationsBagherbandi, Mohammad January 2011 (has links)
The Mohorovičič discontinuity (Moho), which is the surface separating the Earth’s crust from the mantle, is of great interest among geoscientists. The Moho depth can be determined by seismic and gravimetric methods. The seismic methods are expensive, time-consuming and suffer from lack of global coverage of data, while the gravimetric methods use inexpensive and mostly already available global and regional data based on an isostatic model. The main reasons for studying an isostatic model are on one hand the gaps and uncertainties of the seismic models, and, on the other hand, the generous availability of gravity data from global models for the gravimetric-isostatic model. In this study, we present a new gravimetric-isostatic Moho model, called the Vening Meinesz-Moritz (VMM) model. Also, a combined Moho model based on seismic and gravimetric models is presented. Classical isostatic hypotheses assume that the topographic potential is fully compensated at all wavelengths, while is not the case in reality. We found that the maximum degree of compensation for the topographic potential based on the new Moho model is 60, corresponding to the resolution of about 330 km. Other (dynamic) isostatic effects (such as temporal compensation, plate tectonics, post-glacial rebound, etc) should be considered as well, which are disregarded in this thesis. Numerical results imply that the dynamic phenomena affect mostly the long-wavelengths. The VMM model is applied for different purposes. The Moho density contrast is an important parameter for estimating the Moho depth, and we present a technique to simultaneously estimate Moho depth and density contrast by the VMM and seismic models. Another application is the recovery of gravity anomaly from Satellite Gravity Gradiometry (SGG) data by a smoothing technique, and we show that the VMM model performs better than the Airy-Heiskanen isostatic model. We achieved an rms difference of 4 mGal for the gravity anomaly estimated from simulated GOCE data in comparison with EGM08, and this result is better than direct downward continuation of the data without smoothing. We also present a direct method to recover Moho depth from the SGG mission, and we show that the recovered Moho is more or less of the same quality as that obtained from terrestrial gravimetric data (with an rms error of 2 km). Moreover, a strategy is developed for creating substitutes for missing GOCE data in Antarctica, where there is a polar gap of such data. The VMM model is further used for constructing a Synthetic Earth Gravity Model (SEGM). The topographic-isostatic potential is simple to apply for the SEGM, and the latter can be an excellent tool to fill data gaps, extending the EGMs to higher degrees and validating a recovery technique of the gravity field from a satellite mission. Regional and global tests of the SEGM yield a relative error of less than 3 % vs. EGM08 to degree 2160. / QC 20110405
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Índice de progreso social de la provincia de Moho – PunoFlores Reategui, Jose Alfredo, Flores Seijas, Alfredo, Limache Huancco, Hiltter Oswaldo, Quispe Capajaña, Mateo 23 November 2021 (has links)
El Índice de Progreso Social es una herramienta que mide el progreso social de una
región a partir de un modelo holístico compuesto por temas relevantes para la sociedad; reúne
los valores de doce componentes interrelacionados en tres dimensiones: necesidades humanas
básicas, fundamentos de bienestar y oportunidades, es aplicable a distintas unidades de análisis,
por ende sus resultados capturan e informan sobre el cumplimiento de los Objetivos de
Desarrollo Sostenible en los diferentes niveles de gobierno: nacional, regional, provincial y
En ese sentido, el propósito de la presente investigación fue medir el Índice de Progreso
Social para el 2019 en la provincia de Moho y sus distritos. La muestra seleccionada estuvo
constituida por 376 hogares zonificados por los cuatros distritos de la provincia. Posteriormente
el desarrollo de la metodología permitió determinar cuarenta y cuatro indicadores para la
estructura del IPS. Obteniendo como resultado que el IPS de la provincia de Moho para el
2019 se ubicó en el nivel muy bajo con 43.90 puntos, donde resalta el distrito de Conima con
41.75 puntos. Los resultados por dimensiones, muestra que la dimensión Necesidades humanas
básicas alcanzo el mayor puntaje con 55.56, seguida de Fundamentos de bienestar con 40.68 y
Oportunidades con 35.47 en un nivel muy bajo.
El análisis evidencia que la provincia de Moho presenta importantes debilidades en las
en las tres dimensiones del IPS; manifestado por las deficiencias en los servicios de
comunicación e información, el acceso a los estudios superiores, los derechos ciudadanos y las
condiciones de habitabilidad de la vivienda y en el acceso a los servicios de electricidad, agua
potable y saneamiento. Estos resultados sirven como herramienta para proponer e implementar
acciones desde los sectores civil, público y privado con el propósito de alcanzar niveles óptimos
de bienestar para los habitantes de la provincia de Moho. / The Social Progress Index is a tool that measures the social progress of a region from
a holistic model composed of relevant topics for society; gathers the values of twelve
interrelated components in three dimensions: basic human needs, foundations of well-being
and opportunities, it is applicable to different units of analysis, therefore its results capture
and report on the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals at different levels of
government: national, regional, provincial and district.
In that sense, the purpose of this research was to measure the Social Progress Index
for 2019 in the Moho province and its districts. The selected sample consisted of 376
households zoned by the four districts of the province. Fortunately, the development of the
methodology made it possible to determine forty-four indicators for the structure of the IPS.
Obtaining as a result that the IPS of the province of Moho for 2019 was located at the very
low level with 43.90 points, where the district of Conima stands out with 41.75 points. The
results by dimensions show that the Basic Human Needs dimension reached the highest score
with 55.56, followed by Well-being Fundamentals with 40.68 and Opportunities with 35.47
at a very low level.
The analysis shows that the province of Moho presents important weaknesses in the
three dimensions of the IPS; manifested by deficiencies in communication and information
services, access to higher education, citizens' rights and the living conditions of the home and
in access to electricity, drinking water and sanitation services. These results serve as a tool to
propose and implement actions from the civil, public and private sectors in order to achieve
optimal levels of well-being for the inhabitants of the Moho province.
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Mise en place et chimie des magmas dans le manteau supérieur de l'ophiolite d'Oman / Emplacement and geochemistry of magmas in the upper mantle section of the Oman ophioliteNicolle, Marie 21 February 2014 (has links)
L'ophiolite d'Oman permet d'observer les roches mantelliques inaccessibles aux dorsales. Avec cinq diapirs à l'axe (dont Maqsad) et un diapir hors-axe (Mansah), elle permet d'étudier les processus magmatiques en jeu dans les diapirs au niveau de la Zone de Transition au Moho, qui est différente entre les deux types de diapirs avec hors-axe des pyroxénites dans la dunite à la place de gabbros lités à l'axe. Le diapir de Mansah est entouré d'intrusions gabbroïques dans le manteau et la croûte. Les roches hors-axe ont des valeurs d'εNd plus faibles que celles à l'axe qui ont des compositions similaires aux MORB, suggérant une source des liquides plus riche en veines de pyroxénite hors-axe. Les εNd montrent aussi que les pyroxénites et les intrusions gabbroïques sont une suite magmatique. L'abondance de clinopyroxenes hors-axe provient de la réaction entre des liquides provenant de la fusion de veines de pyroxénites avec la harzburgite appauvrie de la lithosphère, ce qui donne à ces clinopyroxènes des compositions appauvries en éléments traces. La présence d'eau provenant de la lithosphère hydratée favorise la cristallisation de ces clinopyroxènes à la place du plagioclase qui doit normalement apparaître à cette profondeur dans la MTZ, ce qui est le cas à l'axe. Le diapir hors-axe pourrait fournir une analogie aux seamounts que l'on trouve actuellement à proximité des dorsales rapides et faire la lumière sur les interactions entre la lithosphère appauvrie et le matériel ascendant hors-axe, ainsi que sur les structures internes de ces seamounts. Ce travail offre des évidences probantes pour l'existence de veines de pyroxénites dans le manteau asthénosphérique sous les dorsales / The Oman ophiolite offers the possibility to study mantle rocks which are inaccessible at mid-ocean ridges. The presence of five on-axis diapirs and an off-axis diapir allows comparison of magmatic processes occurring in these different settings. The Moho Transition Zone is dominated by dunite in both cases, but off-axis includes massive pyroxenites instead of layered gabbro. The off-axis diapir is surrounded by gabbroic intrusions in the crust and mantle, which are not found elsewhere in the ophiolite. While the on-axis samples have εNd values similar to those of MORB, all of the off-axis rocks have less radiogenic Nd suggesting a larger contribution from melting of pyroxenite veins in the off-axis source. The abundance of clinopyroxene in the off-axis MTZ results from the reaction between the pyroxenite-derived melts and the depleted harzburgite of the lithosphere, which explains the highly depleted incompatible trace element compositions of the clinopyroxenes. The presence of water from the hydrated lithosphere favors the crystallization of clinopyroxene instead of plagioclase, which should normally appear at this depth in the MTZ, as is the case on-axis. The gabbroic intrusions in the mantle and crust surrounding the off-axis diapir crystallized from the residual magma produced by the interaction between the pyroxenite-derived melts and the harzburgite. The off-axis diapir could be viewed as an analog to seamounts currently found near fast-spreading ridges, and could provide information on their internal structure. More generally, this study provides compelling evidence for the existence of pyroxenite veins in the asthenospheric mantle beneath mid-ocean ridges
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Analyses of Seismic Wave Conversion in the Crust and Upper Mantle beneath the Baltic ShieldOlsson, Sverker January 2007 (has links)
Teleseismic data recorded by broad-band seismic stations in the Swedish National Seismic Network (SNSN) have been used in a suite of studies of seismic wave conversion in order to assess the structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Baltic Shield. Signals of seismic waves converted between P and S at seismic discontinuities within the Earth carry information on the velocity contrast at the converting interface, on the depth of conversion and on P and S velocities above this depth. The conversion from P to S at the crust-mantle boundary (the Moho) provides a robust tool to constrain crustal thicknesses. Results of such analysis for the Baltic Shield show considerable variation of Moho depths and significantly improve the Moho depth map. Analysis of waves converted from S to P in the upper mantle reveals a layered lithosphere with alternating high and low velocity bodies. It also detects clear signals of a sharp velocity contrast at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary at depths around 200 km. Delay times of P410s, the conversion from P to S at the upper mantle discontinuity at 410 km depth, were used in a tomographic inversion to simultaneously determine P and S velocities in the upper mantle. The polarisation of P410s was also used to study anisotropy of the upper mantle. Results of these analyses are found to be in close agreement with independently derived results from arrival time tomography and shear-wave splitting analysis of SKS. The results presented in this thesis demonstrate the ability of converted wave analysis as a tool to detect and image geological boundaries that involve sharp contrasts in seismic properties. The results also show that this analysis can provide means of studying aspects of Earth’s structure that are conventionally studied using other types of seismic data.
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Analyses of Seismic Wave Conversion in the Crust and Upper Mantle beneath the Baltic ShieldOlsson, Sverker January 2007 (has links)
<p>Teleseismic data recorded by broad-band seismic stations in the Swedish National Seismic Network (SNSN) have been used in a suite of studies of seismic wave conversion in order to assess the structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Baltic Shield. Signals of seismic waves converted between P and S at seismic discontinuities within the Earth carry information on the velocity contrast at the converting interface, on the depth of conversion and on P and S velocities above this depth. </p><p>The conversion from P to S at the crust-mantle boundary (the Moho) provides a robust tool to constrain crustal thicknesses. Results of such analysis for the Baltic Shield show considerable variation of Moho depths and significantly improve the Moho depth map. Analysis of waves converted from S to P in the upper mantle reveals a layered lithosphere with alternating high and low velocity bodies. It also detects clear signals of a sharp velocity contrast at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary at depths around 200 km. </p><p>Delay times of P410s, the conversion from P to S at the upper mantle discontinuity at 410 km depth, were used in a tomographic inversion to simultaneously determine P and S velocities in the upper mantle. The polarisation of P410s was also used to study anisotropy of the upper mantle. Results of these analyses are found to be in close agreement with independently derived results from arrival time tomography and shear-wave splitting analysis of SKS.</p><p>The results presented in this thesis demonstrate the ability of converted wave analysis as a tool to detect and image geological boundaries that involve sharp contrasts in seismic properties. The results also show that this analysis can provide means of studying aspects of Earth’s structure that are conventionally studied using other types of seismic data.</p>
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