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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les racines de la première grande crise économique du XXIème siècle / The origins of the first gret economic crisis of the XXIst century

Baratin, Laurent 15 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif de réhabiliter l’analyse circuitiste des crises économiques. Cellecia largement été supplantée depuis la fin des « trentes glorieuses » par la pensée néo-libérale.Pourtant les modèles, même les plus récents, émanant de cette pensée n’ont pas su ni prévenir, niguérir la crise que nous traversons. Nous considérons alors la théorie du circuit, dont Marx et Keynessont d’éminents représentants, comme bien plus capable d’appréhender la crise actuelle. Nousétablissons une dichotomie de l’analyse économique entre l’analyse du circuit et l’analyse libérale,que nous appelons également dans cette thèse « analyse de marché ». Nous montrerons comments’est construite cette analyse et comment ses hypothèses sont développées. Ce travail procèdeégalement à une analyse empirique. Nous montrerons à la lumière de la théorie du circuit lesconséquences des politiques néolibérales sur la dynamique économique. Ces politiques delibéralisation commerciale et financière devaient nous faire tendre vers l’équilibre général de pleinemploi. Elles ont pourtant, bien au contraire amené le déséquilibre généralisé de sous-emploi. Lesconclusions de cette thèse en termes de politiques économiques penchent en faveur d’unprotectionnisme raisonné et concerté à l’échelle internationale, ainsi qu’en faveur d’un contrôle dusystème financier afin que celui-ci finance l’accumulation du capital des sociétés non financières / This PhD thesis aims at rehabilitating the circuit analysis of economic crises. This analysiswas supplanted by the neo-liberal one at the end of the post-war boom. However, the neo-liberalmodels, and even the most recent ones, could not prevent nor solve the crisis that we are now goingthrough. We find the circuit theory, of which Marx and Keynes are distinguished representatives,much more capable of explaining the current crisis. We set up a dichotomy in economics betweenthe circuit analysis and the so-called liberal analysis, which we also call in this thesis the «marketanalysis». We show how this analysis and the hypotheses that stem from it were built. This work alsoincludes an empirical analysis. We use the circuit analysis to show the consequences of neo-liberalpolicies on economic dynamics. Thesefinancial and commercial liberalization policies should havelead us towards afull employment general equilibrium. On the contrary, they brought aunderemployment generalizeddisequilibrium.This thesis’ conclusions in terms of economic policiesare in favor of a concerted and reasoned protectionism on the international scale, as well as a controlof the financial system in order to fund non-financial corporations accumulation of capital.

Les fondements non neoclassiques du protectionnisme / The non neoclassical foundations of protectionism

Maurin, Max 11 June 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif de montrer que Marx et Keynes, par des analyses distinctes, aboutissentà une même conclusion qui conserve un sens aujourd’hui : la cause ultime de la crise résidedans l’excès de concurrence. De là suit que le protectionnisme, conçu comme une régulation des effetsde la concurrence sur l’économie nationale, est, en fin de compte, une protection contre la crise.La première partie de ce travail traite de la période allant de Ricardo à Marx. Dans un premierchapitre, est exposé le modèle de Ricardo et les critiques qui l’ont accompagné. Au nombre de sesdétracteurs figure Marx dont notre deuxième chapitre montre que la théorie peut être lue commeappelant au protectionnisme dès lors que son analyse est replacée dans un objectif de survie ducapitalisme. La seconde partie justifie l’existence et démontre le bien-fondé d’un protectionnismekeynésien. Le troisième chapitre établit la découverte, par Keynes, de la nécessité de proposer unprotectionnisme de sauvegarde et montre que cette conclusion a été largement perdue de vue dansles interprétations de sa pensée. Enfin, le quatrième chapitre, par une lecture circuitiste de Keynes,met en garde contre les effets pervers du libre-échange sur les deux composantes essentielles de lademande que sont la consommation et surtout l’investissement. / This thesis aims to show that, despite separate analyses, Marx and Keynes support a similarconclusion which preserves a meaning today : the ultimate cause of the crisis is excessive competition.It follows that protectionism as a regulation of the effects of competition on national economyis ultimately a protection against the crisis. The first part of this work covers the period fromRicardo to Marx. The first chapter outlines the Ricardo model and the criticisms who accompaniedit. Marx was part of these detractors. From a survival of capitalism perspective, the secondchapter shows that his theory can be interpreted as a call for protectionism. The second part justifiesthe existence and demonstrates the validity of Keynesian protectionism. The third chapterestablishes the Keynes’ discovery of the necessity to use protection as a guarantee against crises.This conclusion has been widely lost sight of by those who interpreted his thought. Finally chapterfour warns against the negative effects of free trade on two essential components of demand namelyconsumption and, foremost, investment. We do so using a circuitist approach.

Money and production : a pluralist analysis

Weir, Diarmid J. G. January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to argue that the core of a monetary economy is a network of triangular contracts between banks, firms, workers and capital goods suppliers. Not only does this network give rise to the creation and valuation of money but it is the organising feature of modern economies, giving rise to both episodes of stability and crises. In constructing this argument I consider both orthodox and heterodox points of view. We analyse equilibrium models of money, and find that while money can exist in sequence economies with frictions, models of this type give no justification for its creation, valuation or holding for any significant duration, either theoretically or experimentally. Models that introduce dated goods and trading frictions to motivate the issue of risk-spreading ‘bundled’ debt are more promising for money creation, although they still cannot explain the the holding and valuation of money. Using the concept of team-production of Alchian and Demsetz and that of ‘hostage-taking’ in contracts owing to Williamson, we demonstrate how the issue of a token of generalised purchasing power from a team-production contract can enhance output and consumption. This conclusion motivates an original monetary theory of production that integrates the insights of Post-Keynesian monetary theory and the triangular contracts of the Circulation Approach and expresses them in a way that shows consistent asset and liability matching through a balance sheet approach. The creation and valuation of money and the determination of interest are embedded within the central processes of this economy. The features of the monetary production economy we analyse are in contrast to the mainstream proposition that the economy as a whole is rendered coherent by the existence of a unique and stable equilibrium determined by the utility-maximisation of households and the profit maximisation of firms. Apart from their inability to describe the economy in aggregate, such models treat money as an afterthought that is in no way core to their conception. We set the triangular contracts within a rigorous stock-flow framework of the type developed by Godley and Lavoie and argue that the shifting of the level of impact of uncertainty and failed expectations induced by money leads to specific patterns of economic disruption. These patterns are independent of the specific behavioural characteristics of households and firms and so are robust to policy changes that leave the institutions of the monetary production economy intact. We briefly assess current monetary policy and alternatives in the light of these findings.

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