Spelling suggestions: "subject:"moravia"" "subject:"soravia""
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Mince 9. a 10. století v archeologických nálezech z českých zemí a jejich přínos pro počátky našich dějin / Coins of the 9th and 10th centuries in archaeological discoveries from the Czech lands and their contribution to the beginning phase of the Czech historyPolanský, Luboš January 2019 (has links)
Coins of the 9th and 10th centuries in archaeological discoveries from the Czech lands and their contribution to the beginning phase of the Czech history. The dissertation is focused on coins of the 9th and 10th centuries found on the territory of the Czech lands. Their archaeological context and detailed numismatic description bring new data, which can help to complete and precise our knowledge of the early medieval phase of the Czech history. Number of coins dating to the period before production of the first issues in the Czech lands (i.e. the coins of the 9th century and the first half of the 10th century) discovered on the mentioned territory increased. Their chronology is the following: the Old- Bohemian phase, the Old-Moravian phase and the Early Přemyslid phase, which is described in the first chapter of the dissertation - Coin finds before the beginning of the coinage in the territory of the Czech lands. The text brings results pointing to different monetary development of Bohemia and Moravia of that period. The new finds indicate a specific role of Bohemia in relationship with the Bavarian centre of the Frankish Empire. This situation culminates in production of the first coins in the Czech lands during the first half of the 960s. The second chapter of the dissertation - Beginning of the coinage...
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Vliv politických režimů a ideologií na balet Národního divadla v Praze ve 20. století / The Influence of Political Systems and Ideologies on the National Theatre Ballet in Prague in the 20th CenturyRoutková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
Název v anglickém jazyce: The Influence of Political Systems and Ideologies on the National Theatre Ballet in Prague in the 20th Century The subject of the Thesis is the influence of political systems and ideologies on the National Theatre Ballet in Prague. The period of research spans mainly from the theatre season 1923/1924, when Remislav Remislavský was appointed the post of ballet master and choreographer, to the season 1989/1990, when Vlastimil Harapes assumed the post of the ensemble's chief. Two main periods are underlined: the period of World War II and the subsequent period of the Communist Party government after 1948. Persons of interest are mainly the bosses of ballet company for example Jelizaveta Nikolská, Joe Jenčík, Saša Machov or Jiří Němeček st. and others, but also soloists, and the repertoire of the ballet corps. This thesis is a scope of the evolution of ballet of National theatre in concern of political changes in 20th century.
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Stavební proměna protektorátní Prahy: nacistické záměry a realizované projekty v dopravě a průmyslu / Constructive change of Protectorate Prague: Nazi plans and realized projects of traffic infrastructure and industrial buildingsBajusz, Tadeáš January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the questions of urban planning and building activity in the time of the Second World War. The research topic of the single case study is Prague in the period of Nazi occupation between March 1939 and May 1945. The aim of the thesis is to challenge the simplifying interpretation of occupation as a period without any building activity. The simplifying interpretation usually explains the low number of built objects being caused directly by the occupants' long term plans with Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia. The thesis tries to challenge this interpretation and using the examples of built objects of the traffic infrastructure and industrial buildings, it shows the ongoing building. The first part shortly summarizes the concepts of Nazi architecture and town planning and connects them with long-term plans with the occupied territories of South-eastern Europe. The second chapter concentrates on the Nazi concepts and plans for remaking Prague and introduces the problematics of building activities during occupation. Based on archival research, the examples of building activity of traffic infrastructure and industrial buildings are shown in the third chapter. The conclusion summarizes the results of the research and critically evaluates the outcomes of the thesis. The thesis is based on...
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Obraz generála Radoly Gajda v československé komunistické historiografii / Image of General Radola Gajda in czechoslovak communist Historiography.Kulas, Jan January 2018 (has links)
Radola Gajda, the general of the czechoslovak legions in Russia and one of the commanders of the army "supreme ruler of Russia", the siberian dictator Alexander Vasilevich Kolchak, the then general of the czechoslovak army, which in a short time reached to the highest place, after their overthrow fascist politician and leader of the main czechoslovak fascist party, Národní obec fašistická and participant of many scandals, is one of the most controversial figures in czech and czechoslovak history. On the one hand, a brilliant military leader, a born military commander, on the other hand, a person with sympathy for the authoritarian regimes and fascist parties, which president Tomáš G. Masaryk of his time considered one of the greatest threats to the czechoslovak democracy. The inconsistency of the person of general Gajda has led to the often very significant differences in the perception of this significant figure in our history during the different political regimes that took turns on the territory of the czech lands. As one of the most important commanders of the czechoslovak legions in Russia was Gajda main initiator of their military campaigns against the Bolsheviks, and in fundamental opposition to communism remained even after the rest of your life. Just as essential was the resistance of the...
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JUDr. Emil Hácha - osudové okamžiky / JUDr. Emil Hácha - The fatal momentsHnyková, Jana January 2019 (has links)
1. Abstract The fateful moments put the duty of decision-making process to the players. They can not make no decision. Even an escape from the decision is an act. The player does not decide only on himself but his decision has a general impact. Historical experience can demonstrate the fact that history subsequently evaluates the actorś decision as if the actor had virtually preserved all the theoretical possibilities of decision-making process. The future judgement is influenced by external circumstances which can not be fully reflected in the time of the decision itself. The crucial theme of the thesis is to demonstrate an ethical dilemma on a particular example. It was Hacha's signature in Berlin, March 1939 that put the fate of our country into the hands of The Empire. The work will scrutinize on the basis of social and political ethics aspects president Hacha's possibilities of other solutions choice. A part of the work will be a general moral evaluation of Hácha's political activity and post- war responses to his acting.
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Vliv orografie na prostorové rozložení silných srážek na severovýchodě ČR / Effects of orography on spatial distribution of heavy precipitation in the north-east of the Czech RepublicPrůchová, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the influence of orography on the spatial distribution of heavy precipitation in the territory of the northeast Moravia and Silesia. The area was chosen because of the specific distribution of daily precipitation for heavy rainfall events in the past and also in May 2010. Cases of heavy rainfall for the period 1961 - 1995 are balanced with morphometric characteristics in the place and in the surrounding the station, defineted in face of direction air flow. For the calculation of the direction air flow are used data from 850 hPa level from reanalysis ERA-40, topographic characteristics are calculated by ArcGIS and they are correlated with the rain gauge data from stations ČHMÚ. The results show us that only the altitude does not have effect on the spatial distribution of precipitation, but it should be think over more topographic parameters. During the north and partially during the west air flow, where the precipitation are mostly from the stratiform clouds, appears a stronger orography influence on the measurement and on the spatial distribution, if we consider the morphometric characteristics behind the station in the direction of air flow. The case of south and east air flow showed us a weaker orography effect, which can be perhaps explained by a higher part of...
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Josef Šusta - prezident České akademie věd a umění (1939 - 1945) / Josef Šusta - President of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Arts (1939-1945)Formánek, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The objective of this dissertation thesis is the life of Czech historian Josef Susta in 1939-1945 . The thesis is concerned with the reasons for the election of the new president of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Arts in 1939. The text analyses the activities of Josef Susta as the head of the scientific institution in the period of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, as well as the activities of the Academy itself. The thesis finds evidential support of assessment of his activities during the Nazi Occupation. The thesis deals with risky status of elites on the social as well as cultural level in 1939-1945. Interpreting Susta's scientific activities, the thesis provides a complex picture of his personality. In conclusion, the work deals with Susta's suicide as well as whether he considered all risks of the prominent position.
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Nucené nasazení studentů středních škol v období okupace / Forced Use of Secondary School Students During the OccupationEisenhammer, Miroslav January 2013 (has links)
Miroslav Eisenhammer Forced use of secondary school students during the occupation Supervisor: PhDr. Jan Gebhart, CSc., DSc. Abstract This dissertation deals with yet completely unprocessed issue of forced labor deployment of secondary and vocational school pupils in the Czech lands during the occupation by Nazi Germany. After the initial characteristics of the development of the German and the Protectorate economy and the Nazi attitude to use workforce of its own population and of occupied countries, the other chapter is devoted to the situation in the Czech education in 1939-1945. The Nazis considered the Czech intelligence as the enemy, so after the closure of Czech universities they deliberately restricted Czech secondary education. These restrictions did not have only national political, but also economic significance. From 1939 workers from the Czech lands were sent to work in the Reich. This trend increased significantly from 1942, when Germany intensified the expansion of war production and at the same time they started extensive program of forced labor of foreign workers in German industry. One of the labor sources were secondary school pupils, who the new legislation from February 1943 allowed to acknowledge de facto incomplete education based on the confirmed certificate in forced labor...
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Politicko-výchovná role veřejných knihoven na Ostravsku v 50. a 60. letech / Political and educational role of public libraries in the 50 and 60 years in Ostrava regionNováková, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
Political and educational role of public libraries in the 50 and 60 years in Ostrava region The thesis is focused on cultural politics of the communist regime in the 50s and 60s of the 20th century in relation to public libraries. Based on archival materials the main attention is paid to the situation in the Ostrava region Cultural policy was aimed in two directions. First through repression, when citizens were banned from access to ideas and works that the regime considered as harmful or objectionable. This activity was implemented by censorship of printed materials, sorting of collections and persecution of opponents. Second way to filling the gaps after undesirable denied authors by pro-regime publications, written in the style of socialist realism. Public libraries were using different sorts of methods how to bring readers to this new literature and how to bring them up to be loyal and conscious builders of socialism - e.g. discussions and reader's conferences, literature contests and polls, Fucik's badge, Month of books and so on. The focus is also on libraries promotion of actions and activities supporting the policy of the Party and the government, such as celebrations of party anniversary, recruitment in mining, atheistic education of readers etc.
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Komparace KSČM a Die Linke z hlediska ne/přijatelnosti jejich účasti na celostátní vládě / Comparison of the KSČM and Die Linke in terms of un/acceptability of their participation on the national governmentJůza, Robert January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focused on the question of the acceptability possibly unacceptability of Czech political party KSČM and the German political party Die Linke in terms of their participation in the national government. The paper describes attitudes of important and key stakeholders for this issue. That means attitudes inside of the researched parties, attitudes within social democratic parties in the Czech Republic and in Germany and the attitudes of other relevant parties in both above mentioned states. Subsequently, the results of this analysis are compared. Researched period begins in 2002 in the case of KSČM when the elections to the Chamber of Deputies were held in the Czech Republic and in the case of Die Linke since 2005 when there were elections to the Bundestag in Germany. The development is analyzed until 2014. The last peak of the analyze are the elections to the lower chambers of the Czech and German parliament which were both held in the fall of 2013. During the researched period it seemed several times that the conditions are relatively positive for the participation of KSČM or Die Linke in the national government, either directly or indirectly. But it never happened. There are more reasons for that. However the most important is that there has never been a sufficient number of actors on...
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