Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mortgage 1market"" "subject:"mortgage biomarket""
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Analýza českého hypotečního trhu a jeho situace v době celosvětové krize / Analysis of the Czech mortgage market and its position in the global crisisMelounová, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to compare the causes, course and effects of the mortgage crisis and the subsequent financial crisis in the USA and in the Czech Republic in the years 2000-2012. Conclusions comparisons show that the impact of the crisis on the economy of the Czech Republic were milder mainly due to readiness of Czech banks. Furthermore, this work analyzes a model example of choice of parameters mortgage loan from the client's perspective, focusing on the assessment of the advantages of combination mortgages and savings products. Based on the results of this analysis, the combination can be recommended, but with regard to the rates of appreciation achieved when saving resources. If the condition of compensation refinancing costs by the difference in interest rates is satisfied, it is also possible recommended this financial instrument to a qualified client. Finally, we completed the image of the Czech mortgage market by comparing the classical mortgage products in offer of several banks.
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Analýza faktorů působících na hypoteční trh / Mortgage market influencing factors analysisTrtílek, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
The diploma paper is focused on mortgage market factors analysis. Furthermore, it deals with the impact of particular macroeconomic values on total volume of provided mortgage loans. The thesis is divided into several parts, commencing with a short hindsight into history and following with basic market characteristics description and their development. The next part analyses the most significant macroeconomic factors and their influence on mortgage loans. Another part illustrates building loans statistics, which may be perceived as a rival product for home financing. The last part is dedicated to temporal series econometric analysis and to either verify or refute the presumed ralations.
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Analýza českého hypotečního trhu a jeho situace v době celosvětové krize / Analysis of the Czech Republic´s Mortgage market and its Situation in time of the Global crisisKorniienko, Myroslava January 2014 (has links)
My thesis is focused on the analysis of the Czech Republic's mortgage market and its situation in time of the global crisis. The first part deals with the theoretical framework in which I define what a financial crisis is, what are it's different types and symptoms. I focus mainly on the American subprime mortgage crisis, which became the starting point of the global financial crisis. I also define the term mortgage, it's main characteristics and types. Then I single out the main factors which influence the Czech Republic's mortgage market. In the second part of my thesis the evolution of the main macroeconomic indicators during the global crisis are described, as well as the situation at housing and mortgage markets in the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic. With the help of statistical analysis main connections and directions of influence on mortgage market were defined.
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Essays on Financial Frictions and Macroeconomic Dynamics with Heterogeneous AgentsZhang, Lini 23 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Har den svenska bolånemarknaden påverkats av finanskrisen?Persson, Emma, Jansson, Maria January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Syfte: </strong>Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka huruvida 2000-talets finanskris har haft någon inverkan på den svenska bolånemarknaden för privatpersoner. Då krisen har slagit hårt mot fastighetsmarknader runt om i världen, vill vi se i vilken utsträckning den har drabbat Sverige. Arbetet ämnar undersöka huruvida bankernas inställning till att utfärda bostadslån har förändrats något, samt utifall det har skett några förändringar av regelverk och direktiv från svenska myndigheter.</p><p><strong>Metod: </strong>I vår uppsats har vi använt oss utav såväl en kvalitativ metod som en kvantitativ. Den kvalitativa metoden utgörs av intervjuer, medan den kvantitativa metoden utgörs av information som insamlats genom internet samt diverse litteraturer. Forskningsarbetets avgränsning sträcker sig till att undersöka den svenska bolånemarknaden. Vi har valt att enbart koncentrera oss på privatpersoner och därmed uteslutit företag i vår studie. Vi har valt att undersöka tre banker – Nordea, Handelsbanken och SBAB samt deras tillsynsmyndighet, Finansinspektionen. Detta för att få en övergripande bild av den svenska bostadsmarknaden.</p><p><strong>Resultat & Slutsats: </strong>Vi har i vår studie kommit fram till att den svenska bolånemarknaden för privatpersoner till stor del inte har påverkats. Finanskrisen har inte åtgjort bolåneinstituten någon skada. Bostadslånen avsedda för privatpersoner har fortsatt att öka. Det som kunnat ses är en skillnad i räntenivå. Regelverk och direktiv har inte förändrats i Sverige i och med finanskrisen på bolånemarknaden.</p><p><strong>Förslag till fortsatt forskning: </strong>Vi rekommenderar att fortsätta studien genom att se huruvida nuvarande krisen i Grekland kommer att påverka världsekonomin och därigenom den svenska bolånemarknaden. Man skulle även kunna forska vidare genom att undersöka om Finansinspektionens införande av bolånetak på 85 %, den 1/10-2010, kommer att innebära någon förändring för den svenska bolånemarknaden.</p><p><strong>Uppsatsens bidrag: </strong>Uppsatsen kommer att bidra till en ökad förståelse för den svenska bolånemarknaden samt hur denna har påverkats utav finanskrisens utbrott år 2008. Uppsatsen kommer ge en insyn i den finansiella världen för bolån och förklara hur regelverk och direktiv präglar den svenska bankrörelsen.</p><p><strong>Nyckelord: </strong>Svenska bolånemarknaden, finanskrisen, utlåning till privatpersoner</p> / <p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose of this study is to examining whether the 2000s financial crisis has had an impact on the Swedish mortgage market for private individuals. Since the crisis has knocked property markets around the world, we want to see how it has affected Sweden. The work will examine whether banks' attitude towards the issue of housing has changed slightly, and if there have been any changes to regulations and directives from the Swedish authorities.</p><p><strong>Method:</strong> In this essay we have used both a qualitative approach and a quantitative. The qualitative approach consists of information that we have collected through interviews; while the quantitative approach consists of information collected through internet and various literatures. Research activity distinction goes to investigate the Swedish mortgage market. We have chosen to concentrate only on the individuals and excluded companies in our study. We have chosen to investigate three banks – Nordea, Handelsbanken and SBAB and their regulator, Finansinspektionen. This is to get an overall picture of the Swedish mortgage market.</p><p><strong>Results and Conclusion:</strong> We have in our study concluded that the Swedish mortgage market for individuals largely is not affected. The financial crisis has not hit the mortgage institutions any harm. Housing loans that are intended for individuals has continued to increase, but what you can see is a difference in interest rates. Regulations and directives have not changed in Sweden due to the financial crisis in the mortgage market.</p><p><strong>Proposal for further research:</strong> We recommend continuing this study by reviewing whether the current crisis in Greece will have an impact on the world economy and thereby the Swedish mortgage market. Another recommendation to research further is by examining whether Finansinspektionens introduction of 85 % housing mortgage ceiling in 1/10-2010, will mean any change for the Swedish mortgage market.</p><p><strong>Contributions:</strong> This paper will contribute to a better understanding of the Swedish mortgage market and how the financial crises starting in 2008, has affected the Swedish mortgage market. The essay will give an insight into the financial world of mortgages and explain the regulations and directives characterizing the Swedish banking.</p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Swedish mortgage market, financial crisis, lending to individuals<strong></strong></p>
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Har den svenska bolånemarknaden påverkats av finanskrisen?Persson, Emma, Jansson, Maria January 2010 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka huruvida 2000-talets finanskris har haft någon inverkan på den svenska bolånemarknaden för privatpersoner. Då krisen har slagit hårt mot fastighetsmarknader runt om i världen, vill vi se i vilken utsträckning den har drabbat Sverige. Arbetet ämnar undersöka huruvida bankernas inställning till att utfärda bostadslån har förändrats något, samt utifall det har skett några förändringar av regelverk och direktiv från svenska myndigheter. Metod: I vår uppsats har vi använt oss utav såväl en kvalitativ metod som en kvantitativ. Den kvalitativa metoden utgörs av intervjuer, medan den kvantitativa metoden utgörs av information som insamlats genom internet samt diverse litteraturer. Forskningsarbetets avgränsning sträcker sig till att undersöka den svenska bolånemarknaden. Vi har valt att enbart koncentrera oss på privatpersoner och därmed uteslutit företag i vår studie. Vi har valt att undersöka tre banker – Nordea, Handelsbanken och SBAB samt deras tillsynsmyndighet, Finansinspektionen. Detta för att få en övergripande bild av den svenska bostadsmarknaden. Resultat & Slutsats: Vi har i vår studie kommit fram till att den svenska bolånemarknaden för privatpersoner till stor del inte har påverkats. Finanskrisen har inte åtgjort bolåneinstituten någon skada. Bostadslånen avsedda för privatpersoner har fortsatt att öka. Det som kunnat ses är en skillnad i räntenivå. Regelverk och direktiv har inte förändrats i Sverige i och med finanskrisen på bolånemarknaden. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Vi rekommenderar att fortsätta studien genom att se huruvida nuvarande krisen i Grekland kommer att påverka världsekonomin och därigenom den svenska bolånemarknaden. Man skulle även kunna forska vidare genom att undersöka om Finansinspektionens införande av bolånetak på 85 %, den 1/10-2010, kommer att innebära någon förändring för den svenska bolånemarknaden. Uppsatsens bidrag: Uppsatsen kommer att bidra till en ökad förståelse för den svenska bolånemarknaden samt hur denna har påverkats utav finanskrisens utbrott år 2008. Uppsatsen kommer ge en insyn i den finansiella världen för bolån och förklara hur regelverk och direktiv präglar den svenska bankrörelsen. Nyckelord: Svenska bolånemarknaden, finanskrisen, utlåning till privatpersoner / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examining whether the 2000s financial crisis has had an impact on the Swedish mortgage market for private individuals. Since the crisis has knocked property markets around the world, we want to see how it has affected Sweden. The work will examine whether banks' attitude towards the issue of housing has changed slightly, and if there have been any changes to regulations and directives from the Swedish authorities. Method: In this essay we have used both a qualitative approach and a quantitative. The qualitative approach consists of information that we have collected through interviews; while the quantitative approach consists of information collected through internet and various literatures. Research activity distinction goes to investigate the Swedish mortgage market. We have chosen to concentrate only on the individuals and excluded companies in our study. We have chosen to investigate three banks – Nordea, Handelsbanken and SBAB and their regulator, Finansinspektionen. This is to get an overall picture of the Swedish mortgage market. Results and Conclusion: We have in our study concluded that the Swedish mortgage market for individuals largely is not affected. The financial crisis has not hit the mortgage institutions any harm. Housing loans that are intended for individuals has continued to increase, but what you can see is a difference in interest rates. Regulations and directives have not changed in Sweden due to the financial crisis in the mortgage market. Proposal for further research: We recommend continuing this study by reviewing whether the current crisis in Greece will have an impact on the world economy and thereby the Swedish mortgage market. Another recommendation to research further is by examining whether Finansinspektionens introduction of 85 % housing mortgage ceiling in 1/10-2010, will mean any change for the Swedish mortgage market. Contributions: This paper will contribute to a better understanding of the Swedish mortgage market and how the financial crises starting in 2008, has affected the Swedish mortgage market. The essay will give an insight into the financial world of mortgages and explain the regulations and directives characterizing the Swedish banking. Keywords: Swedish mortgage market, financial crisis, lending to individuals
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Räntevalet - Bunden eller rörlig ränta? : En kvantitativ studie över faktorer som påverkar de svenska bolånetagarnas val av räntebindningstid / The choice of mortgage rate - Fixed or variable interest rate?friberg, ludvig January 2021 (has links)
Under de senaste 20 åren har värdet på de svenska privata hushållens bostadslån ökat med i genomsnitt 8,1 % per år. Som en konsekvens av att bostadspriserna ökat i högre takt än inflationen har hushållen tvingats belåna sig i en högre grad, vilket bidragit till att både skuldkvoten och belåningsgraden ökat. Hushållen har på grund av detta blivit mer exponerade för risker i form av ränteförändringar eller i form av bostadsbubblor. Ett bostadslån är för majoriteten av den svenska befolkningen den största och mest riskfyllda investering som görs under dess livstid och kan ge bekymmersamma konsekvenser vid fel beslut. Vid ett bolån står låntagaren inför ett val mellan rörlig och bunden ränta, där den bundna räntan ses som det säkra valet. Bolånetagare kan också välja att dela upp ränta med en del rörlig och en del bunden ränta vilket då kan tolkas som ett säkrare val än rörlig ränta men mer osäkert än bunden ränta. Tidigare forskning konstaterar dock att många bolånetagare har svårt att förstå risken och följden av valen mellan olika räntebindningstider och på grund av komplexiteten med räntor inte fatta rationella beslut. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur vissa utvalda faktorer påverkar valet mellan bunden och rörlig räntebindningstid och koppla detta till ekonomiska teorier. Studien använder sig av en multinomial logistisk regression och faktorerna som analyseras är: ålder, låneobjektet, belåningsgraden, skuldkvoten, inkomsten, antalet låntagare i hushållet, räntedifferensen (mellan rörlig och bunden 2 år) och förändringar under pandemin covid-19 under perioden 2016 - 2021. Resultatet av studien är av intresse för både svenska beslutsfattare och banker, då resultatet visar vad som driver bolånetagare riskexponering. Vidare konstaterar studien att bolånetagarna har en minskad riskaversion med en ökad förmögenhet, samt att bolånetagare med högst skuldkvot och belåningsgrad är de hushåll som väljer rörlig ränta i högst utsträckning. Där med konstaterar studien att de svenska bolånetagare som är mest exponerade för risk också är de bolånetagare som i lägst utsträckning binder sin ränta och är där med mest risksökande i deras val av ränta. / Over the past 20 years, the value of Swedish private households' housing loans has increased by an average of 8.1% per year. Because of house prices rising at a higher rate than inflation, households have been forced to borrow to a greater extent, which has contributed to an increase in both the debt-to-income ratio and the loan-to-value ratio. As a result, households have become more exposed to risks, as interest rate changes or housing bubbles. For most of the Swedish population, a housing loan is the largest and most risky investment made during its lifetime and can have worrying consequences in the event of a wrong decision. In the case of a mortgage, the borrower is faced with a choice between variable and fixed interest rates, where the fixed loan is seen as the safe choice. Mortgage borrowers can also choose to divide interest with some variable and some fixed interest, which can then be interpreted as a safer choice than variable interest but more uncertain than fixed interest. Previous research finds, however, that many mortgage borrowers find it difficult to understand the risk and consequences of the choices between different fixed interest periods and, due to the complexity of interest rates, do not make rational decisions. The purpose of the study is to investigate what influences the choice between fixed and variable interest rate periods and link this to economic theories. The study uses a multinomial logistical regression, and the factors analyzed are age, loan object, loan-to-value ratio, debt ratio, income, number of borrowers in the household, the interest rate differential (between variable and fixed rate 2 years), and changes during the covid-19 pandemic during the period 2016 - 2021. The results of the study are of interest to both Swedish decision-makers and mortgage banks, as the results show what drives mortgage borrowers' risk exposure. Furthermore, the study states that mortgage borrowers have decreased risk aversion with increased wealth and that mortgage borrowers with the highest debt ratio and loan-to-value ratio are the households that choose variable interest rates to the greatest extent. Thus, the study states that the Swedish mortgage borrowers who are most exposed to risk are also the mortgage borrowers who to the least extent tie their interest rate, consequently, mortgage borrowers with the highest loan-to-value ratio are also the most risk-seeking group in their choice of interest rate.
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Commercial mortgage market liquidity and its effect on capitalization ratesDestefano, Leonard G. 01 January 2010 (has links)
This study extends a previously developed model of real estate capitalization rates. The preceding model suggests that real estate cap rates are a function of debt and equity spreads over the real risk free rate. In an effort to further the previous research, the effects that commercial real estate mortgage markets have on cap rates is considered. Mortgage originations and debt service coverage ratios are used to proxy the effects of the commercial mortgage market. The empirical results reconfirm the significance of debt and equity spreads. Furthermore, mortgage markets are shown to have a significant effect on capitalization rates. These results help to explain contributing factors to the real estate bubble of 2007.
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Ocenění nemovitosti jako předmětu zástavy hypotečního úvěru / Valuation of property as a subjet of mortgage collateralBraunová, Petra January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the valuation of property in connection with mortgage financing. First chapters are devoted to analyzing the current state of the real estate market and mortgage financing in Czech Republic. The second half focuses on the specifics of valuing real estate as mortgage collateral. The last chapter consists of a practical working example of a apartment building valuation.
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Srovnání podmínek poskytování hypotečních úvěrů před a v průběhu hospodářské krize / Comparison condition of mortgage credits grants before and during the economic crisisMIKEŠOVÁ, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
The goal of this diploma work was comparison the conditions of providing the mortgage loans before and during the financial crisis. In the first part of this work I define the basic parameter of the mortgage loans as a category of this loans, period of interest, interest rate, repaying and ensuring mortgage loans and also state assistaence. In the second part of this work I analyzed the current situation in the mortgage market in the Czech Republic with a period before the financial crisis especially with the year 2007. I also compared the conditions of the concrete mortgage loan from the year 2006 with the year 2012, which provided Hypoteční banka, a.s.In a model comparison I compared offers of mortgage loans in selected banks (Česká spořitelna, a.s, Komerční banka, a.s., Hypoteční banka, a.s, Raiffeisenbank, a.s., and Wüstenrot, a.s. to find out which bank has a best conditions for the applicants for mortgage loans.I compared the mortgage loans for purchase and reconstruction.
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