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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluación de la susceptibilidad de remoción en masa en la localidad de El Ingenio, comuna de San José de Maipo, Chile

Díaz Valdivieso, Gabriela January 2018 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título de Geógrafa / Se evalúa la susceptibilidad de remoción en masa en la localidad de El Ingenio, comuna de San José de Maipo, lugar en donde se contempla una extensión urbana por parte de los instrumentos de planificación, lo que podría significar un aumento del riesgo en la zona, ya que dicho asentamiento se emplaza a los pies de laderas con evidentes procesos de remoción en masa que dan cuenta de la inestabilidad en la que se encuentran éstas. La metodología consistió en identificar y analizar la geomorfología de la zona, levantar un inventario a detalle de las remociones en masa, para luego, realizar una modelización de la susceptibilidad de ocurrencia de remoción a través de análisis estadísticos en el que se relacionan los factores condicionantes con los registros de remociones. Los resultados obtenidos dan cuenta de la geodinámica moderna de la zona, en donde las características estructurales de la Cordillera de los Andes determinan un ambiente morfoclimático de montaña que condiciona la estabilidad de las laderas. Se elaboró un Mapa de Susceptibilidad que muestra que casi el 40% de la zona presenta una alta susceptibilidad, lo mismo que ocurre con la mediana susceptibilidad, mientras que la baja susceptibilidad no alcanza el 20%. Se concluye que el área de estudio presenta un alto grado de inestabilidad, en donde los procesos de denudación favorecen la disponibilidad de material que es movilizado a través de diversos tipos de remociones en masa, traduciéndose en potenciales escenarios de desastres si es que no se considera la evaluación geodinámica del relieve en la planificación urbana. / The landslide susceptibility is assessmented for the locality of El Ingenio in the San José de Maipo commune, where an urban extension is contemplated by the planning instruments, which could mean an increase in the risk in the area, since this settlement is located at the foot of slopes with evident processes of landslides that account for the instability in which they are located. The methodology consisted of identifying and analyzing the geomorphology of the area, taking an inventory in detail of the landslides found, and then modeling the susceptibility of landslides in a statistical analysis of the determining factors of landslides, work processed by GIS. The methodology consisted of identifying and analyzing the geomorphology of the area, taking an inventory in detail of the landslides found, then making a modeling of the landslides susceptibility through statistical analysis where the conditioning factors are related to the records of landslides. The results obtained account for the current geodynamics of the area, where the structural characteristics of the Andes mountain range determine a morphoclimatic mountain environment that conditions the stability of the slopes. A Susceptibility Map was drawn up showing that almost 40% of the area presents a high susceptibility, as occurs with the medium susceptibility, while the low susceptibility doesn’t reach 20%. It is concluded that the study area presents a high degree of instability, where denudation processes favor the availability of material that is mobilized through various types of landslides, translating into potential disaster scene if it isn’t considered the geodynamic assessment of concerns in urban planning.

Využití hyperspektrálních dat ke klasifikaci vegetace alpínského bezlesí v Krkonoších / Hyperspectral data for classification of alpine treeless vegetation in the Krkonoše Mts.

Andrštová, Martina January 2014 (has links)
Hyperspectral data for classification of vegetation of alpine treeless in the Krkonoše Mts. ABSTRACT The Master Thesis is a part of the HyMountEcos project, which deals with a complex evaluation of mountain's ecosystems in the Giant Mountains National Park using the hyperspectral data. The area of interest is alpine treeless in the Giant Mountains National Park. The main goal of this thesis was to create detailed methodology for classification of vegetation cover using hyperspectral data from AISA DUAL and APEX sensors, to find a classification method, which would improve the accuracy of the results compared to those found in the literature, and to compare the accuracy reached with these two types of the data. Many different classification algorithms (Spectral Angle Mapper, Linear Spectral Unmixing, Support Vector Machine, MESMA a Neural Net) were applied and the classification results were statistically evaluated and compared in the next part of the work. The classification method Neural Net was found as the most accurate one, as it gives the most accurate results for APEX data (the overall accuracy 96 %, Kappa coefficient 0,95) as well as for AISA DUAL data (the overall accuracy 90 %, Kappa coefficient 0,88). The resulting accuracy of the classification (the overall one and also for some classes) reached...

Vysokohorská turistika u diabetiků s inzulinovou pumpou / Mountain trekking in diabetic patients treated with an insulin pump

Bytelová, Sophie January 2018 (has links)
Title: Mountain tourism for diabetics with an insulin pump Objectives: The aim of this study is to find out whether it is suitable for patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus treated with an insulin pump to undergo physical activity in the form of mountain tourism, as the more intense physical aktivity affects blood glucose levels and whether patients are able to work with advanced insulin pump functions. Methods: The work is conceived as an observational study of the Medtronic educational project. One day mountain hike trip of a distance about 30 km was attended by 40 patients (men and women) with diabetes aged 15-25 years. Non-invasive methods were used. The data was obtained by monitoring insulin pump probes, glucometers and continuous monitoring, which were further evaluated using the CareLink Pro software. Results: Physical activity in the form of mountain tourism is suitable for patients with DM1 treated on an insulin pump. 80% of the probands did not have a risk status of hypoglycaemia, and even though the determined normoglycemia for research was performed by a larger number of adults as opposed to children, this FA has a demonstrable effect on blood glucose levels. It also brings positive benefits for patients because they learn how to work better with advanced insulin pump functions....

Pátrání po původu vysokohorských endemických zvonků z okruhu Campanula rotundifolia agg. ve střední Evropě. / Searching for the origin of high-altitude endemic harebells from Campanula rotundifolia agg. in central Europe.

Folbrová, Magdaléna January 2019 (has links)
Complex Campanula rotundifolia agg. is rich in endemic species, especially in the high- elevated mountain ranges. Extreme climatic conditions in the subalpine habitats can lead to a convergence in plant's morphology between plants isolated in different mountain ranges. Because of the lack of morphological differentiation, it is very difficult to reconstruct the evolutionary history of bellflowers C. scheuchzeri from the Alps, C. bohemica from the Krkonoše Mountains and C. tatrae from the Western Carpathians. A similarity in morphology and the same ploidy level can suggest vicariance from a large area of an ancestor species. However, regarding the continuous morphological variation, the high-altitudinal endemics could have originated by local adaptation from originally low-land species. DNA-ploidy level and genome size were detected by flow cytometry. Taxonomically important characters were found using multivariate morphometric analysis. The phenotypic plasticity of the taxon C. tatrae was tested by a cultivation experiment. Genetic structure of the studied species was revealed using molecular marker - microsatellites (7 variable primers). Studied taxa were tetraploids, but some possessed different genome size. The morphological differentiation was mainly due to characters like calyx lobes length...

Proměny oblasti v okolí Krušnohorské železnice v době industrializace / Changes of the area around the Ore Mountain Railway during the period of industrialization

Monhartová, Monika January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis discusses the changes of the cultural landscape and its inhabitants around the Ore Mountain Railway during the period of industrialization. The goal of a thesis is to describe the changes during the period of industrialization and the influence of newly build Ore Mountain Railway. The Ore Mountain Railway was a significant international transport link furthermore existence of railway had direct influence on the development of small villages in the vicinity. This thesis focuses on villages directly influenced by this railway in the period of industrialization. The first part is devoted to explanation of fundamental terms and description of region. Furthermore, there is a historical description of the region before the period of industrialization. In the next part is stated specific major development of the cultural landscape related to the growth of traffic and industry. In addition, there also describe social changes in the period of industrialization. The major focus of thesis is on the village Hrob. This village is used as an example for explanation of the influence of the Ore Mountain Railway to its region. In the last part is briefly described current state of the Ore Mountain Railway in these days.

Svatá hora Alejandro Jodorowského a Hora analogie René Daumala: Od patafyziky k moci / Alejandro Jodorowsky's The Holy Mountain and René Daumal's Mount Analogue: From Pataphysics to Power

Kulbashna, Darya January 2020 (has links)
The thesis departs from the undetermined relation between René Daumal's unfinished novel Mount Analogue: A Novel of Symbolically Authentic Non-Euclidean Adventures in Mountain Climbing (1952) and its alleged adaptation, Alejandro Jodorowsky's 1973 film The Holy Mountain. The thesis discusses the two works from the perspective of Lacanian psychoanalysis, specifically, through the lens of the so-called Borromean knot that represents the three functions of the psyche: the Real, the Symbolic, and the Imaginary. The structure of the thesis supposes the following: the first chapter concentrates on the relevant terminology and aims to define such concepts as language and ideology for the purposes of the present thesis; the second chapter discusses the method of analysis that will be applied to Daumal's Mount Analogue and Jodorowsky's The Holy Mountain, namely, it explores the possibilities of psychoanalysis and considers the 'unscientific' approach of pataphysics that favours the particular over the general; through the concept of the sinthome the aspect of action is emphasized in the analysis of Mount Analogue, while the fourth chapter analyses The Holy Mountain from the perspective of the 'hypertrophied' Symbolic and simultaneously stresses the importance of the element of balance in the film; the final chapter,...

Етнодемографске карактеристике Старе планине у функцији туризма / Etnodemografske karakteristike Stare planine u funkciji turizma / Ethno-demographical characteristics of the Stara planina region in the function of tourism

Velojić Miodrag 29 August 2011 (has links)
<p>У раду &bdquo;Етнодемографске карактеристике Старе планине у функцији туризма&ldquo; истражиће се етнографске и демографске карактеристике 99 насеља на Старој планини која се могу подредити функцији туризма. Узимајући у обзир чињеницу да се на овом простору још од давнина задржавало и вековима опстајало староседелачко становништво, са свим својим обичајима и традицијом, а да се током шездесетих и седамдесетих година 20. века то исто становништво масовно стало премештати ка локалним већим центрима, неминовно се наметнула потреба сагледавања његових кретања, евидентирање и научно проучавање тих појава и процеса, како би се трајно сачувала белешка о његовом интегритету. У раду ће бити обрађена демографска структура становништва, етно-културолошки елементи насеља, трагови старих цивилизација и старосна структура преосталих житеља у насељима. За свако насеље биће обрађени: географски положај, основне одлике насељености, легенде о настанку насеља и први помен насеља, културно-историјски споменици, култна места и број преосталих житеља.... Главни акценат целокупног истраживања биће представљање свих етно-демографских карактеристика наведених старопланинских насеља које могу бити у функцији туризма.</p> / <p>U radu &bdquo;Etnodemografske karakteristike Stare planine u funkciji turizma&ldquo; istražiće se etnografske i demografske karakteristike 99 naselja na Staroj planini koja se mogu podrediti funkciji turizma. Uzimajući u obzir činjenicu da se na ovom prostoru još od davnina zadržavalo i vekovima opstajalo starosedelačko stanovništvo, sa svim svojim običajima i tradicijom, a da se tokom šezdesetih i sedamdesetih godina 20. veka to isto stanovništvo masovno stalo premeštati ka lokalnim većim centrima, neminovno se nametnula potreba sagledavanja njegovih kretanja, evidentiranje i naučno proučavanje tih pojava i procesa, kako bi se trajno sačuvala beleška o njegovom integritetu. U radu će biti obrađena demografska struktura stanovništva, etno-kulturološki elementi naselja, tragovi starih civilizacija i starosna struktura preostalih žitelja u naseljima. Za svako naselje biće obrađeni: geografski položaj, osnovne odlike naseljenosti, legende o nastanku naselja i prvi pomen naselja, kulturno-istorijski spomenici, kultna mesta i broj preostalih žitelja.... Glavni akcenat celokupnog istraživanja biće predstavljanje svih etno-demografskih karakteristika navedenih staroplaninskih naselja koje mogu biti u funkciji turizma.</p> / <p>In the scientific work &ldquo;Ethno-demographical characteristics of Stara planina mountain in the function of tourism&rsquo;&rsquo; the ethnographical and demographical characteristics of 99 settlements of Stara planina mountain will be explored, which can be used in the function of tourism. Considering the fact that the native population with its unique tradition and customs has been living in this area for centuries and that the same population massively started emigrating towards local industrial centers during the 60&rsquo;s and the 70&rsquo;s , there is a need for observing their migrations, along with noting and scientific exploration, in purpose of preserving the note of their integrity. In the work, the demographical structure of the population will be explored, along with ethno-cultural elements of the settlements, traces of old civilizations and the age structure of the remaining inhabitants. The geographical position, population density, legends about the origin, the first written information, cultural and historical monuments, cult places and the remaining population of each settlement in the region will be explored. The main purpose of the whole exploration is going to be the presentation of the ethno-demographical characteristics of the Stara planina mountain that can be used in the function of tourism.</p>

Grafická výzdoba nejvýznamnějších tisků Pavla Severína z Kapí Hory a jeho pokračovatelů / Graphic decoration of the most important prints of Paul Severino of the Kapi Hora and his followers

Vlášková, Barbora January 2012 (has links)
Bibliografická citace Grafická výzdoba nejvýznamnějších tisků Pavla Severína z Kapí Hory a jeho pokračovatelů [rukopis] : diplomová práce / Barbora Vlášková; vedoucí práce: Magdalena Nespěšná Hamsíková. -- Praha, 2012. - 170 s. Anotace Diplomová práce s názvem "Grafická výzdoba nejvýznamnějších tisků Pavla Severína z Kapí Hory a jeho pokračovatelů" pojednává o kulturním a historickém významu největší renesanční pražské tiskárny působící na konci 15. a v první polovině 16. století. Práce se zejména zaměřuje na vývoj a kvalitativní zpracování dřevořezové výzdoby tisků, vydaných v severínsko-kosořské tiskárně v průběhu jejího sedmdesátiletého působení. Zmíněny zde budou počátky severinské tiskárny a rané knižní ilustrace v kontextu se zahraničními inspiracemi, které měly vliv na pozdější práce jednoho z nejvýznačnějších pražských tiskařů, na osobnost Pavla Severína z Kapí Hory. Grafická výzdoba tisků vydaných Pavlem Severínem z Kapí Hory dosáhla vysoké úrovně, srovnatelné se zahraničními ilustracemi. Na tradici a význam kvalitní grafické výzdoby tisků pak navázali jeho následovníci, Jan Severín mladší a Jan Kosořský z Kosoře, jejichž tiskařské produkci zde bude také věnováno nemalé místo. Práce bude zakončena seznamem tisků vydaných od roku 1488 až do roku 1557, včetně stručného popisu dřevořezových ilustrací....

Svatá Hora u Příbrami v meziválečném období "Mariánský hrad" bránící katolickou víru v Čechách? Rozbor svatohorského časopisu z let 1922 - 1932 / Holy Mountain at Příbram in the interwar period "Mary Castle" defending the Catholic faith in Bohemia? Analysis of Holy Mountain's journal from the years 1922 - 1932

Burgrová, Vendula January 2015 (has links)
In my work I deal with the place of pilgrimage of the Virgin Mary on the Holy Mountain in Příbram in the interwar period. In the newly established Republic of Czechoslovakia, tense relations between Church and State has prevailed. Even iconoclastic acts are documented from that time. My assumption is that the Holy Mountain functioned as a place that helped to bring together believers, unite Catholics, and restore the faith. A catholic group called Matice Svatohorská was founded to focus on repairing extensive grounds and spreading the awareness of the Holy Mountain and the cult of the Virgin Mary through a published journal. Through an analysis of this journal I want to capture the resources that Catholic leaders used in consolidating and expanding the Catholic Faith in Bohemia. Through the analysis of the journal I want to know how the magazine reflected the relationship between church and state and what additional information reflects. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Extracting fire behaviour data from georeferenced oblique aerial wildfire photographs

Hart, Henry 25 April 2022 (has links)
Wildfires are a natural process critical to the health of forests around the world. However, recent decades have witnessed unprecedented wildfire seasons in many forested regions, leading to a range of unprecedented socio-economic, environmental, and human health impacts. Mitigating these impacts relies in part on fire behaviour prediction systems, which provide information to assist operational wildfire managers with addressing wildfire risk and prioritizing wildfire fighting efforts. A key aspect of fire behaviour prediction systems are rate of spread models that rely on observational and experimental fire behaviour data from naturally occurring wildfires and prescribed burns, respectively. Given the challenge with observing and measuring wildfires in situ, rate of spread models typically rely on a small set of data inputs that are not always representative of the range of wildfires occurring in certain forest types. Furthermore, existing fire behaviour models often lack empirical data on forests that have more recently experienced significant compositional shifts due to climate change or various ecological or anthropogenic disturbances. To address these shortcomings, the objective of this thesis is to establish a method of acquiring empirical fire behaviour data to enhance fire behaviour prediction science through two distinct studies. The first evaluates the utility of monophotogrammetry to extract fire behaviour data from oblique aerial wildfire photographs. The results demonstrate how this approach can provide new and accurate fire spread observations to inform fire behaviour prediction or other aspects of wildland fire science where databases of such wildfire photos exist. The second study is an empirical wildfire spread analysis in forest stands affected by mountain pine beetle (MPB), and utilizes the method of monoplotting to acquire spread rate data from wildfire photographs of grey-attack MPB-affected forest stands. Results from this study further demonstrate the efficacy of the previously established monoplotting technique while providing novel empirical evidence of fire behaviour in grey attack MPB-affected forest stands. Overall, the research results presented in this thesis demonstrate the potential of monophotogrammetry for the acquisition of fire behaviour data and evaluating the results derived from fire behaviour prediction systems in different ecological contexts. This thesis exhibits the potential for this method to expand into other areas of fire behaviour, such as flame or smoke plume dimensions, spotting, and the relationship between fire behaviour and disturbance events such as pest insect outbreaks. / Graduate / 2023-04-14

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