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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of Cytosine-phosphate-Guanosine Oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG-ODN) on vaccination and immunization of neonatal chickens

Barri, Adriana 17 February 2005 (has links)
The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the effects of administering CpG-ODN to commercial strain chickens as a potential adjuvant to vaccination against Salmonella, Eimeria spp., and Newcastle disease virus, or immunization to bovine serum albumin (BSA). During Experiment 1, which evaluated the dual application of CpG-ODN and a Newcastle disease virus vaccine, in the first of three replicate trials, on day 28 of the experiment, animals in the Vaccine + CpG 1& 14 experimental group were observed to have the highest levels of (p<0.05) anti-NDV IgG in serum. These levels were elevated above levels in animals from all other experimental groups. This suggestion for an adjuvant effect associated with CpG-ODN administration was not supported in the remaining two trials of experiment 1. Experiment 2 evaluated the potential for CpG-ODN to adjuvant a commercial live oocyst coccidial vaccine when applied by an oral route to neonatal broiler chickens. Overall, when body weight gain during challenge, development of intestinal lesions, and anti-Eimeria IgG levels were evaluated, vaccine administration alone was demonstrated to provide the best measure of protection among animals in all experimental groups, including those receiving either CpG-ODN or Non CpG-ODN. Experiment 3 investigated the simultaneous administration of CpG-ODN or Non-CpG ODN and a commercially acquired Salmonella typhimurium vaccine to SCWL chickens. Similar to experiments 1 and 2, antigen specific IgG responses in serum and indices of protection against field strain Salmonella challenge were variable and inconsistent. Anti-BSA IgG levels were compared in broiler and SCWL chickens immunized against BSA by a drinking water route of administration alone, or in combination with two different concentrations of CpG-ODN or Non CpG-ODN in experiment 4. The only observation where CpG-ODN and BSA co-administration resulted in anti-BSA IgG levels that were elevated above BSA alone immunized chickens was measured in broilers at day 19 post-final immunization. Taken together, given the variable results reported in this investigation related to the co-administration of ODN and vaccine or protein antigen, these data are largely inconclusive for suggesting that CpG-ODN can effectively adjuvant humoral immune responses in commercial strain chickens.

Utilisation de l’interleukine-7 en immunothérapie chez des patients VIH-mauvais répondeurs immunologiques et comme adjuvant de vaccination muqueuse chez le macaque rhésus / Interleukin-7 utilization as an immunotherapeutic agent in HIV-immunological poor responder patients and as a mucosal vaccine adjuvant in rhesus macaque

Logerot, Sandrine 06 November 2015 (has links)
L’avènement des multi-thérapies antirétrovirales a permis une réduction importante de la mortalité associée au VIH en induisant notamment la chute de la charge virale à moins de 50 copies/mL et une récupération progressive du nombre de lymphocytes T CD4+ (LT-CD4). Cependant, certains patients définis comme mauvais répondeurs immunologiques (MRI) ne parviennent pas à récupérer un taux de CD4 généralement considéré comme « protecteur » (>500cellules/µL). L’interleukine-7 (IL-7), cytokine essentielle à la thymopoïèse et à l’homéostasie lymphocytaire T, a été utilisée en étude clinique afin de restaurer et maintenir le taux de LT-CD4 chez les patients MRI. La première partie de mon travail de thèse visait à évaluer l’impact d’une telle thérapie sur le réservoir viral circulant. Dans l’essai clinique sur lequel nous avons travaillé (INSPIRE 3, Cytheris), des cycles d’administration d’IL-7 ont induit une augmentation significative du nombre de LT-CD4 et CD8 circulants, avec une expansion majoritaire des populations naïves et centrales mémoires. Nous avons montré qu’un cycle d’injections d’IL-7 induisait une augmentation significative de la quantité de cellules infectées circulantes 28 jours et 3 mois post-injection. Cependant, malgré l’accroissement de la fréquence de LT-CD4 infectés 28 jours post-injection, nous avons observé une diminution significative de la charge virale ADN par million de LT-CD4 chez la majorité des patients 3 mois après l’initiation de la thérapie, suggérant une élimination partielle de cellules infectées. Suite au second cycle d’injections, nous n’avons pas observé d’évolution de la quantité de cellules infectées circulantes ni de la fréquence de LT-CD4 infectés, suggérant un impact différent des 2 cycles d’injections sur la dynamique du réservoir viral périphérique. Enfin, certains patients ayant développé des anticorps neutralisants anti-IL-7 (Nab) suite au second cycle d’injections d’IL-7, nous avons cherché à identifier des facteurs prédictifs de l’apparition de ces anticorps ainsi que leurs conséquences physiologiques in vivo. Le seul paramètre caractérisant ces patients est l’amplitude de la reconstitution T-CD4 au cours du premier cycle d’injections d’IL-7. Il semble donc qu’une meilleure réponse à l’IL-7 ait pour conséquence de faciliter le développement de la réponse immune contre cette cytokine. Cependant, ces anticorps ne sont détectables que de façon transitoire chez les patients. De plus, nous avons observé une diminution significative, mais transitoire, de la prolifération des thymocytes chez les patients présentant des Nab, démontrant un impact fonctionnel de ces anticorps sur l’activité biologique de l’IL-7 endogène. L’injection systémique d’IL-7 induit la migration des cellules circulantes vers différents compartiments tissulaires lymphoïdes et non lymphoïdes. Dans une seconde partie de mon travail de thèse, j’ai étudié le pouvoir adjuvant de cette cytokine administrée localement par pulvérisation à la surface de la muqueuse vaginale. Dans le modèle macaque rhésus, nous avons mis en évidence une augmentation de la production d’un large spectre de chimiokines dans le chorion et l’épithélium vaginal des animaux 48 heures après l’administration vaginale d’IL-7. Cette surexpression de chimiokines s’accompagne d’une migration massive de LT-CD4, CD8, macrophages, cellules dendritiques et cellules NK dans cette muqueuse, suggérant l’augmentation de la vigilance immunologique. L’effet adjuvant de cette cytokine a été confirmé par l’analyse de la réponse humorale muqueuse de macaques vaccinés par pulvérisation vaginale d’antigènes 48h après l’administration du spray d’IL-7. Dans les lavages cervicovaginaux (CVL) des animaux traités à l’IL-7, nous avons mis en évidence des réponses spécifiques de type IgA et IgG plus rapides, plus fortes et plus durables que chez les animaux contrôles, démontrant la capacité de l’IL-7 à préparer la muqueuse vaginale à répondre à une stimulation antigénique locale. / Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) has led to significant reduction of HIV-associated mortality by maintaining an undetectable viral load and inducing progressive CD4-T cell restoration. However, some patients, defined as poor immunological responders (PIR), fail to restore their CD4 counts to 500cells/µL during treatment, a threshold considered as the protective against AIDS related or non AIDS related malignancies, opportunistic infections and cardiovascular events. Interleukin-7 (IL-7), an essential cytokine for thymopoïesis and T cell homeostasis has been used in clinical trials aimed at restoring and maintaining CD4 counts in PIR patients. The first part of my thesis project aimed at assessing the impact of IL-7 therapy on circulating HIV reservoir. In the clinical study we worked on (INSPIRE 3, Cytheris), cycles of IL-7 injections led to a significant increase of the number of circulating CD4 and CD8 T-cells, with a predominance of naïve and central memory T cell expansion. We have shown that one cycle of IL-7 injections induced a significant increase in the number of circulating infected cells 28 days and 3 months post-injections. However, despite a significant increase in the frequency of infected CD4 T-cells 28 days post-injections, we observed a significant decrease of HIV-DNA load in CD4 T-cells in the majority of patients 3 months after the therapy initiation. These data suggest a partial elimination of HIV infected cells. After the second cycle of IL-7 injections, we did not observed any change in the number or frequency of circulating infected cells, suggesting a differential impact of the two IL-7 injection cycles on the dynamics of circulating HIV-reservoir. Finally, considering that some patients developed anti-IL-7 neutralizing antibodies (Nab) after the second cycle of IL-7 injections, we looked for predictive factors of this immunogenicity and analyzed its physiological consequences in vivo. The only parameter that distinguished Nab and non-Nab patients was the extent of CD4 T-cell reconstitution during the first cycle of therapy. This suggests that a better response to IL-7 also facilitates the development of auto-antibodies to the cytokine. However, these antibodies were only transiently detectable after the second cycle of therapy. Moreover, the appearance of Nab was associated with a significant but transient decrease of thymocyte proliferation, suggesting a functional impact of these antibodies on the endogenous IL-7 function. Systemic injection of IL-7 induces circulating T cells homing from the blood into lymphoid and non-lymphoid tissues. In the second part of my thesis project, I evaluated whether this cytokine could be used as an adjuvant when sprayed on the vaginal mucosa. Ten micrograms of IL-7 directly sprayed in the vaginal tract of rhesus monkeys induced, 48h after administration, the production of a large pattern of chemokines in the vaginal chorion and epithelium. This chemokine expression was accompanied by massive homing of CD4 and CD8-T cells, macrophages, dendritic cells and NK cells in the vaginal mucosa, suggesting an increased immunological vigilance. Finally, the adjuvant potential of this cytokine was confirmed by analyzing local humoral immune response after vaginal administration of antigens 48h following IL-7 spray. In cervicovaginal washes (CVL) of treated animals, we observed a faster, stronger and longer-lasting specific IgA and IgG response than in control animals, highlighting the capacity of IL-7 to prepare the vaginal mucosa response to local antigen stimulation.

Diversidade genética do óperon etx em amostras de Escherichia coli enterotoxigênica (ETEC): determinação da variabilidade das seqüências gênicas e capacidade de síntese da toxina termo-lábil (LT). / Genetic diversity of etx operon in enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains: determining the variability of gene sequences and the ability to synthesis of heat-labile toxin (LT).

Rodrigues, Juliana Falcão 04 June 2009 (has links)
Linhagens de Escherichia coli enterotoxigênica (ETEC) são consideradas como importante agente de diarréia, principalmente entre crianças e turistas em países em desenvolvimento. Entre os fatores de virulência expressos por ETEC, as enterotoxinas termo-lábil (LT) e termo-estável (ST) representam os mais relevantes fenótipos. Evidências preliminares sugerem que a severidade da diarréia associada a linhagens de ETEC deve refletir a diversidade natural de linhagens selvagens quanto à produção de enterotoxinas e/ou à ocorrência de variantes naturais com efeitos tóxicos reduzidos. No presente trabalho, investigamos diversidade genética do óperon etx, que codifica para a toxina LT, e da capacidade de produção e secreção de LT por linhagens de ETEC isoladas de humanos ou suínos em diferentes regiões geográficas. Os resultados mostraram considerável variabilidade na produção de LT com valores variando de 2 a 2.525 ng de toxina por mL de cultura. Secreção de LT foi também variável com valores variando de menos que 0,04% a 49,5% do total de LT produzida pelas diferentes linhagens de ETEC. Adicionalmente, experimentos de alça ligada em coelho mostraram uma boa correlação entre a quantidade de LT secretada sob condições in vitro e a capacidade de causar acúmulo de fluidos in vivo. Nós determinamos ainda diversidade de ETEC pela obtenção das seqüências dos óperons etxAB de 50 linhagens (LT+ or LT+/ST+) pertencentes a diferentes sorotipos com ênfase para as linhagens produtoras apenas de LT e isoladas de crianças assintomáticas. As seqüências de nucleotídeo completas dos genes etxAB revelaram 23 alterações de aminoácidos nas subunidades A (18) e B (5), as quais geraram 16 variantes de LT. Entre estes variantes de LT, um mostrou efeito tóxico reduzido em comparação à toxina de referência LT1. A forma de LT atenuada (LT4) tem atividade enzimática reduzida devido à troca de aminoácido. / Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains represent an important etiological agent of diarrheal disease, particularly among children and travelers in developing countries. Among the virulence factors expressed by ETEC strains the heat-labile (LT) and heat-stable (ST) enterotoxins represent the most revelevant phenotypes. Indirect evidences suggest that the severity of diarrhea associated to ETEC strains might reflect the natural diversity of wild strains to produce enterotoxins and/or the occurrence of variants endowed with reduced toxic effects. In the present study, we investigated both the genetic diversity of the etx operon, encoding the heat-labile toxin, and the capability to produce/secrete LT by ETEC strains isolated from humans or porcine in different geoghrafic areas. The results showed a remarkable variability on the production of LT with values ranging from 2 to 2,525 ng of toxin per ml of culture. LT secretion was also variable with values ranging from less than 0.04% to 49.5% of total LT produced by the different ETEC strains. Additionally, rabbit ileal loop experiments showed a good correlation between the amounts of secreted LT under in vitro conditions and fluid accumulation in vivo. We determined also the diversity of the etxAB operon of 50 ETEC strains (LT+ or LT+/ST+) belonging to different serotypes with emphasis to LT+-only producing strains isolated from asymptomatic children. The complete nucleotide sequences of the etxAB genes revealed 23 amino acid changes at the A (18) or B (5) subunits, which generated 16 variant forms of LT. Among these LT variants, one of them showed reduced toxic effects in comparison to the reference toxin LT1. The attenuated LT form (LT4) had decreased enzymatic activity due to an amino acid replacement (K4R) at the A1 subunit. LT4 retains its immunogenic and adjuvant properties following nasal immunization. Additionaly, the LT4 variant showed altered immune modulatory features and promoted a more biased Th1 response, which favor activation of effector CD8+ T lymphocytes, to co-administred antigen with regard to LT1. Taken together, our results demonstrate that ETEC strains isolated from human subjects express natural genetic variability leading to a remarkable polymorphism of the etx operon as well as production and secretion of LT. Such natural genetic diversity observed in ETEC strains may affect the host-pathogen relationships and, consequently, contribute to the severity of the disease among infected subjects.

Diversidade genética do óperon etx em amostras de Escherichia coli enterotoxigênica (ETEC): determinação da variabilidade das seqüências gênicas e capacidade de síntese da toxina termo-lábil (LT). / Genetic diversity of etx operon in enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains: determining the variability of gene sequences and the ability to synthesis of heat-labile toxin (LT).

Juliana Falcão Rodrigues 04 June 2009 (has links)
Linhagens de Escherichia coli enterotoxigênica (ETEC) são consideradas como importante agente de diarréia, principalmente entre crianças e turistas em países em desenvolvimento. Entre os fatores de virulência expressos por ETEC, as enterotoxinas termo-lábil (LT) e termo-estável (ST) representam os mais relevantes fenótipos. Evidências preliminares sugerem que a severidade da diarréia associada a linhagens de ETEC deve refletir a diversidade natural de linhagens selvagens quanto à produção de enterotoxinas e/ou à ocorrência de variantes naturais com efeitos tóxicos reduzidos. No presente trabalho, investigamos diversidade genética do óperon etx, que codifica para a toxina LT, e da capacidade de produção e secreção de LT por linhagens de ETEC isoladas de humanos ou suínos em diferentes regiões geográficas. Os resultados mostraram considerável variabilidade na produção de LT com valores variando de 2 a 2.525 ng de toxina por mL de cultura. Secreção de LT foi também variável com valores variando de menos que 0,04% a 49,5% do total de LT produzida pelas diferentes linhagens de ETEC. Adicionalmente, experimentos de alça ligada em coelho mostraram uma boa correlação entre a quantidade de LT secretada sob condições in vitro e a capacidade de causar acúmulo de fluidos in vivo. Nós determinamos ainda diversidade de ETEC pela obtenção das seqüências dos óperons etxAB de 50 linhagens (LT+ or LT+/ST+) pertencentes a diferentes sorotipos com ênfase para as linhagens produtoras apenas de LT e isoladas de crianças assintomáticas. As seqüências de nucleotídeo completas dos genes etxAB revelaram 23 alterações de aminoácidos nas subunidades A (18) e B (5), as quais geraram 16 variantes de LT. Entre estes variantes de LT, um mostrou efeito tóxico reduzido em comparação à toxina de referência LT1. A forma de LT atenuada (LT4) tem atividade enzimática reduzida devido à troca de aminoácido. / Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains represent an important etiological agent of diarrheal disease, particularly among children and travelers in developing countries. Among the virulence factors expressed by ETEC strains the heat-labile (LT) and heat-stable (ST) enterotoxins represent the most revelevant phenotypes. Indirect evidences suggest that the severity of diarrhea associated to ETEC strains might reflect the natural diversity of wild strains to produce enterotoxins and/or the occurrence of variants endowed with reduced toxic effects. In the present study, we investigated both the genetic diversity of the etx operon, encoding the heat-labile toxin, and the capability to produce/secrete LT by ETEC strains isolated from humans or porcine in different geoghrafic areas. The results showed a remarkable variability on the production of LT with values ranging from 2 to 2,525 ng of toxin per ml of culture. LT secretion was also variable with values ranging from less than 0.04% to 49.5% of total LT produced by the different ETEC strains. Additionally, rabbit ileal loop experiments showed a good correlation between the amounts of secreted LT under in vitro conditions and fluid accumulation in vivo. We determined also the diversity of the etxAB operon of 50 ETEC strains (LT+ or LT+/ST+) belonging to different serotypes with emphasis to LT+-only producing strains isolated from asymptomatic children. The complete nucleotide sequences of the etxAB genes revealed 23 amino acid changes at the A (18) or B (5) subunits, which generated 16 variant forms of LT. Among these LT variants, one of them showed reduced toxic effects in comparison to the reference toxin LT1. The attenuated LT form (LT4) had decreased enzymatic activity due to an amino acid replacement (K4R) at the A1 subunit. LT4 retains its immunogenic and adjuvant properties following nasal immunization. Additionaly, the LT4 variant showed altered immune modulatory features and promoted a more biased Th1 response, which favor activation of effector CD8+ T lymphocytes, to co-administred antigen with regard to LT1. Taken together, our results demonstrate that ETEC strains isolated from human subjects express natural genetic variability leading to a remarkable polymorphism of the etx operon as well as production and secretion of LT. Such natural genetic diversity observed in ETEC strains may affect the host-pathogen relationships and, consequently, contribute to the severity of the disease among infected subjects.

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