Spelling suggestions: "subject:"multileader"" "subject:"multireader""
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A Low-latency Consensus Algorithm for Geographically Distributed SystemsArun, Balaji 15 May 2017 (has links)
This thesis presents Caesar, a novel multi-leader Generalized Consensus protocol for geographically replicated systems. Caesar is able to achieve near-perfect availability, provide high performance - low latency and high throughput compared to the existing state-of-the- art, and tolerate replica failures. Recently, a number of state-of-the-art consensus protocols that implement the Generalized Consensus definition have been proposed. However, the major limitation of these existing approaches is the significant performance degradation when application workload produces conflicting requests. Caesar's main goal is to overcome this limitation by changing the way a fast decision is taken: its ordering protocol does not reject a fast decision for a client request if a quorum of nodes reply with different dependency sets for that request. It only switches to a slow decision if there is no chance to agree on the proposed order for that request. Caesar is able to achieve this using a combination of wait condition and logical time stamping. The effectiveness of Caesar is demonstrated through an evaluation study performed on Amazon's EC2 infrastructure using 5 geo-replicated sites. Caesar outperforms other multi-leader (e.g., EPaxos) competitors by as much as 1.7x in presence of 30% conflicting requests, and single-leader (e.g., Multi-Paxos) by as much as 3.5x. The protocol is also resistant to heavy client loads unlike existing protocols. / Master of Science / Today, there exists a plethora of online services (e.g. Facebook, Google) that serve millions of users daily. Usually, each of these services have multiple subcomponents that work cohesively to deliver a rich user experience. One vital component that is prevalent in these services is the one that maintains the shared state. One example of a shared state component is a database, which enables operations on structured data. Such shared states are replicated across multiple server nodes, and even across multiple data centers to guarantee availability, i.e., if a node fails, other nodes can still serve requests on the shared state; low-latency, i.e., placing the copy of the shared state in a datacenter closer to the users will reduce the time required to serve the users; and scalability, i.e., the bottleneck that a single server node cannot serve millions of concurrent requests can be alleviated by having multiple nodes serve users at the same time. These replicated shared states need to be kept consistent i.e. every copy of the shared state must be the same in all the replicated nodes, and maintaining this consistency requires that each of these replicating nodes communicate with each other and reach an agreement on the order in which the operations on the shared data should be applied. In that regard, this thesis proposes Caesar, a consensus protocol with the aforementioned guarantees that will ease the deployment of services that contain a shared state. It addresses the problem of performance degradation in existing approaches when the same part of the shared state are accessed by multiple users that are connected to different server nodes. The effectiveness of Caesar is demonstrated through an evaluation study performed by deploying the protocol on five of Amazon’s data centers around the world. Caesar outperforms the existing state-of-the-art by as much as 3.5x. Caesar is also resistant to heavy client loads unlike existing protocols.
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Enhancement of LIMIC-Based Collectives for Multi-core ClustersDhanraj, Vijay 28 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Generalized Consensus for Practical Fault-ToleranceGarg, Mohit 07 September 2018 (has links)
Despite extensive research on Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) systems, overheads associated with such solutions preclude widespread adoption. Past efforts such as the Cross Fault Tolerance (XFT) model address this problem by making a weaker assumption that a majority of processes are correct and communicate synchronously. Although XPaxos of Liu et al. (using the XFT model) achieves similar performance as Paxos, it does not scale with the number of faults. Also, its reliance on a single leader introduces considerable downtime in case of failures. This thesis presents Elpis, the first multi-leader XFT consensus protocol. By adopting the Generalized Consensus specification from the Crash Fault Tolerance model, we were able to devise a multi-leader protocol that exploits the commutativity property inherent in the commands ordered by the system. Elpis maps accessed objects to non-faulty processes during periods of synchrony. Subsequently, these processes order all commands which access these objects. Experimental evaluation confirms the effectiveness of this approach: Elpis achieves up to 2x speedup over XPaxos and up to 3.5x speedup over state-of-the-art Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Consensus Protocols. / Master of Science / Online services like Facebook, Twitter, Netflix and Spotify to cloud services like Google and Amazon serve millions of users which include individuals as well as organizations. They use many distributed technologies to deliver a rich experience. The distributed nature of these technologies has removed geographical barriers to accessing data, services, software, and hardware. An essential aspect of these technologies is the concept of the shared state. Distributed databases with multiple replicated data nodes are an example of this shared state. Maintaining replicated data nodes provides several advantages such as (1) availability so that in case one node goes down the data can still be accessed from other nodes, (2) quick response times, by placing data nodes closer to the user, the data can be obtained quickly, (3) scalability by enabling multiple users to access different nodes so that a single node does not cause bottlenecks. To maintain this shared state some mechanism is required to maintain consistency, that is the copies of these shared state must be identical on all the data nodes. This mechanism is called Consensus, and several such mechanisms exist in practice today which use the Crash Fault Tolerance (CFT). The CFT model implies that these mechanisms provide consistency in the presence of nodes crashing. While the state-of-the-art for security has moved from assuming a trusted environment inside a firewall to a perimeter-less and semi-trusted environment with every service living on the internet, only the application layer is required to be secured while the core is built just with an idea of crashes in mind. While there exists comprehensive research on secure Consensus mechanisms which utilize what is called the Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) model, the extra costs required to implement these mechanisms and comparatively lower performance in a geographically distributed setting has impeded widespread adoption. A new model recently proposed tries to find a cross between these models that is achieving security while paying no extra costs called the Cross Fault Tolerance (XFT). This thesis presents Elpis, a consensus mechanism which uses precisely this model that will secure the shared state from its core without modifications to the existing setups while delivering high performance and lower response times. We perform a comprehensive evaluation on AWS and demonstrate that Elpis achieves 3.5x over the state-of-the-art while improving response times by as much as 50%.
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Conception et tarification de nouveaux services en énergie dans un environnement compétitif / Design and pricing of new energy services in a competitive environmentVon Niederhäusen, Léonard 04 April 2019 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de développer et étudier des modèles mathématiques d’échanges économiques, basés sur la flexibilité de la demande, entre fournisseurs et consommateurs d’électricité. D’une part, des fournisseurs d’électricité offrent des prix dépendant de l’heure de consommation. D’autre part, des consommateurs adaptent leur usage, minimisant leur facture et le désagrément lié aux changements de consommation induits. La structure de ces problèmes correspond à des problèmes d’optimisation bi-niveau. Trois types de modèles sont étudiés. Tout d’abord, l’interaction entre un fournisseur et un opérateur de smart grid est modélisée par un problème à un seul meneur et un seul suiveur. Pour cette première approche, le niveau de détails du suiveur est particulièrement élevé, et inclut notamment une gestion stochastique de la production distribuée. La meilleure réponse d’un fournisseur dans un modèle à plusieurs meneurs et plusieurs suiveurs fait l’objet de la seconde partie de la thèse. Celle-ci intègre aussi la possibilité d’avoir des agrégateurs comme suiveurs. Deux nouvelles méthodes de résolution reposant sur la sélection d’équilibres de Nash entre suiveurs sont proposées. Enfin, dans une troisième et dernière partie, on se focalise sur la recherche d’équilibres non coopératifs pour ce modèle à plusieurs meneurs et plusieurs suiveurs.Tous les problèmes abordés dans cette thèse le sont non seulement d’un point de vue théorique, mais également d’un point de vue numérique / The objective of this thesis is to develop and study mathematical models of economical exchanges between energy suppliers and consumers, using demand-side management. On one hand, the suppliers offer time-of-use electricity prices. On the other hand, energy consumers decide on their energy demand schedule, minimizing their electricity bill and the inconvenience due to schedule changes. This problem structure gives rise to bilevel optimization problems.Three kinds of models are studied. First, single-leader single-follower problems modeling the interaction between an energy supplier and a smart grid operator. In this first approach, the level of details is very high on the follower’s side, and notably includes a stochastic treatment of distributed generation. Second, a multi-leader multi-follower problem is studied from the point of view of the best response of one of the suppliers. Aggregators are included in the lower level. Two new resolution methods based on a selection of Nash equilibriums at the lower level are proposed. In the third and final part, the focus is on the evaluation of noncooperative equilibriums for this multi-leader multi-follower problem.All the problems have been studied both from a theoretical and numerical point of view.
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