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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nouvelles méthodes moléculaires de criblage haut débit d’Ehrlichia ruminantium dans les tiques et caractérisation génétique des souches au Mozambique et à échelle mondiale / New molecular high throughput methods for Ehrlichia ruminantium tick screening and characterization of strain genetic structure in Mozambique and at worldwide scale

Cangi, Michèle 30 January 2017 (has links)
Ehrlichia ruminantium est l'agent causal de la cowdriose, une maladie tropicale mortelle des ruminantstransmis par les tiques Amblyomma. Jusqu'à présent, il n'existe pas de vaccin efficace dû à la faible protection croisée des souches vaccinales vis-à-vis des isolats de terrain. Ceci est principalement lié àdiversité génétique d'E. ruminantium au sein les zones géographiques. Par conséquent, la caractérisation de lastructure génétique de la population d'E. ruminantium à l'échelle mondiale et régionale est importante pour définir les meilleures stratégies de contrôle et améliorer les stratégies de surveillance de la cowdriose. / Ehrlichia ruminantium is the causal agent of heartwater, a ruminant tropical fatal diseasetransmitted by Amblyomma ticks. Up to now, no effective vaccine is available due to a limitedcross protection of vaccinal strains on field isolates mainly associated to a high geneticdiversity of E. ruminantium within geographical locations. Thus, both characterization of E.ruminantium genetic population structure at worldwide and regional scale and estimation of E.ruminantium tick prevalence are important to delimitate better control strategies and improveheartwater monitoring strategies

Caracterização morfológica, patogênica e molecular de linhagens de Streptomyces associadas à sarna da batata de diferentes regiões produtoras do Brasil / Morphological, pathogenic and molecular characterization of Streptomyces strains associated to potato scab from different producing areas of Brazil

Corrêa, Daniele Bussioli Alves, 1985- 17 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Suzete Aparecida Lanza Destéfano / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T18:58:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Correa_DanieleBussioliAlves_M.pdf: 2704976 bytes, checksum: 40df9160618a30b2959f8df5ff93e585 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: A batata ocupa o quarto lugar em volume de produção mundial de alimentos após o arroz, trigo e milho. O Brasil é o maior produtor dentre os países da América Latina, porém ainda apresenta baixa produtividade devida às doenças que afetam a cultura. Dentre as doenças bacterianas, a sarna da batata é uma das mais importantes economicamente e sua ocorrência é generalizada no mundo. Diferentes espécies do gênero Streptomyces estão associadas à essa doença e os principais sintomas se caracterizam por lesões irregulares que podem tomar toda a superfície do tubérculo, acarretando diminuição do seu valor comercial ou, até mesmo, impedindo a sua comercialização. Atualmente, a incidência da sarna está aumentando consideravelmente, tornando-se um fator limitante do cultivo de batata no Brasil. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo a identificação de linhagens de Streptomyces sp. associadas à sarna da batata, provenientes de diferentes regiões produtoras do Brasil, por meio de taxonomia polifásica. Cento e noventa linhagens de Streptomyces foram analisadas, sendo 165 nacionais obtidas dos estados da Bahia, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Paraná, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul e Santa Catarina; 13 de material vegetal importado do Chile, França e Holanda; e 12 linhagens Tipo de Streptomyces representantes de espécies associadas à sarna. Na caracterização morfológica as linhagens apresentaram heterogeneidade com relação à micromorfologia de hifas e coloração dos esporos. A patogenicidade das linhagens foi avaliada pela presença dos genes nec1, tomA (tomatinase) e txtAB (taxtomina A) e os resultados indicaram que 94 linhagens (52,8%) apresentaram amplificação dos três genes de patogenicidade avaliados, 14 (7,9%) não apresentaram nenhum dos genes e 70 (39,3%) mostraram sinal positivo de amplificação para um ou mais genes. Para algumas linhagens a confirmação da patogenicidade foi efetuada por meio de testes em minitubérculos de batata. Nos testes moleculares, incluindo amplificação com primers específicos para S. scabiei e S. turgidiscabies, PCR-RFLP do gene atpD e análises das seqüências dos genes atpD, gyrB, recA, rpoB e trpB, foi possível a separação das linhagens analisadas em diferentes perfis genéticos. As análises das características morfológicas, patogênicas e moleculares permitiram a identificação de 57 linhagens pertencentes à S. scabiei, 28 à espécie S. ipomoeae, 13 à S. caviscabies/S. setonii, 12 à S. europaeiscabiei e duas à S. sampsonii. As 66 linhagens restantes apresentaram características distintas das espécies Tipo testadas, podendo representar possíveis novas espécies de Streptomyces associadas à sarna no Brasil / Abstract: Potato is the world's fourth most important food crop after rice, wheat and maize. Brazil is the biggest producer among the countries of Latin America, but it still has low productivity due to diseases that affect the crop. Among the bacterial diseases, the potato scab is one of the most economically important, and its occurrence is widespread in the world. Different species of the genus Streptomyces are associated with this disease and the main symptoms are characterized by irregular lesions that can affect all the tuber surface causing decrease of its commercial value or preventing its commercialization. Currently, the incidence of potato scab is increasing considerably, becoming a limiting factor in potato production in Brazil. This study aimed to identify Streptomyces strains associated with potato scab, from different potato growing areas in Brazil, through polyphasic taxonomy. One hundred and ninety strains of Streptomyces were analyzed, including 165 Brazilian strains obtained from potatoes coming from the states of Bahia, Goias, Minas Gerais, Parana, Sao Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina; 13 of plant material from Chile, France and Netherlands; and 12 type strains of Streptomyces species associated with potato scab. In the morphological characterization, the strains showed heterogeneity in the hyphal micromorphology and color of spores. The pathogenicity of strains was investigated by presence of the nec1 and tomA genes, and txtAB operon (thaxtomin A). The results indicated that 94 strains (52.8%) showed amplification of the three pathogenicity genes, 14 (7.9%) showed no amplification of the genes and 70 (39.3%) showed positive signal for only one or more genes. The pathogenicity of some strains was confirmed with artificial inoculation onto potato minitubers. In the molecular tests, including PCR amplification with specific primers for S.scabiei and S. turgidiscabies, analysis of PCR-RFLP of atpD gene and sequences analysis of the atpD, gyrB, recA, rpoB and trpB genes, the strains could be separated into different genetic profiles. The morphological, pathogenic and molecular data allowed identifying of 57 strains belonging to S. scabiei, 28 to S. ipomoeae, 13 to S. caviscabies/S. setonii, 12 to S. europaeiscabiei and two to S. sampsonii. The 66 remaining strains showed different genetic profiles in comparison with the type strains of Streptomyces, and may represent new species of Streptomyces associated with potato scab in Brazil / Mestrado / Genetica de Microorganismos / Mestre em Genética e Biologia Molecular

Hazelnut defects: characterization of causal agent and basic knowledge for disease management

ARCIUOLO, ROBERTA 31 March 2021 (has links)
Le principali anomalie evidenziate nelle nocciole avariate riguardano la presenza di macchie necrotiche, imbrunimenti interni rilevati inseguito al taglio dei frutti e la presenza di marciumi parziali o totali su di essi con conseguente riduzione del prodotto disponibile sul mercato e ingenti perdite economiche. Sulla base di quanto premesso, lo scopo principale di questa tesi è stato quello di identificare e caratterizzare l'agente causale/i dei difetti del nocciolo e di definire un protocollo di gestione del problema, secondo i principi IPM. È stata quantificata l'incidenza dei generi fungini isolati da nocciole provenienti da diverse aree geografiche (Caucaso e Turchia), raccolte in diversi anni e in diverse fasi di crescita della coltura. Diaporthe è stato identificato come il principale genere fungino associato ai difetti della nocciola, e la caratterizzazione molecolare ha confermato il ruolo predominante della specie D. eres. Sono state studiate le caratteristiche ecologiche di questo fungo e l'efficacia in vitro di fungicidi chimici e biologici per controllarne la crescita miceliale, lo sviluppo di picnidi e la formazione di cirri. I risultati ottenuti costituiscono una base per definire linee guida per la corretta gestione della coltura al fine di prevenire la comparsa del patogeno identificato e delle difettosità nelle nocciole / Defects on hazelnuts are responsible for a significant reduction in the availability of high-quality hazelnuts with profound economic impacts. A reduction in the occurrence of defects, based on the identification of causal agents and on their control, is critical to improve the quality of raw nut products and reduce yield losses. Based on this background, the main aim of this thesis was to identify and characterize the causal agent/s of kernel defects in hazelnuts and to define a management protocol, according to IPM principles. Defects affecting hazelnuts are cause of brown spots on the kernel surface and darkening/browning inside the kernel, visible after nuts are half-cut. The incidence of fungal genera in hazelnuts coming from different geographical areas (Caucasus and Turkey), collected in different years at different crop growth stages, was quantified. Diaporthe was identified as the main genus involved in hazelnut defects, and the molecular characterization confirmed the predominant role of D. eres. Its ecological needs were investigated, and the in vitro efficacy of chemical and biological fungicide were screened to control D. eres growth, pycnidial conidiomata development and cirrhi occurrence. This would be an essential tool for a sustainable crop protection approach in this economically important crop

The Spatial and Molecular Epidemiology of Lyme Disease in Eastern Ontario

Slatculescu, Andreea M. 11 August 2023 (has links)
Lyme disease is an emerging tick-borne illness in Canada, with human case numbers increasing 15- to 20-fold since Lyme disease became nationally notifiable in 2009 until the present. In Ontario, Canada's largest province by population, average Lyme disease incidence across the province is similar to that of national estimates. However, in eastern Ontario, which is near tick endemic regions in the northeastern Unites States, Lyme disease incidence is disproportionately higher compared to the rest of the province. The objectives of this thesis are to identify environmental Lyme disease risk areas in Ontario, to explore spatiotemporal trends in Lyme disease emergence, and to identify neighbourhood-level socioecological risk factors for Lyme disease. In addition, this thesis also aims to assess the risk of other tick-borne illnesses that are transmitted by the blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis, which is also the main vector for Lyme disease in Canada. Using maximum entropy species distribution modelling to correlate blacklegged tick occurrence data with environmental variables, predictive risk models for I. scapularis and the Lyme disease pathogen, Borrelia burgdorferi, were developed. The model prediction was used to classify low and high environment risk areas and, using a case-control epidemiological study, we assessed that residence in risk areas was a strong predictor of Lyme disease. However, this relationship was modulated by socioecological factors linked to higher overall rurality of the locality of home residence. Spatial cluster analyses further revealed that human Lyme disease cases clustered in regions with the high numbers of reported B. burgdorferi-infected ticks in the environment. Many individuals residing in large metropolitan regions, like the City of Ottawa, reported tick exposures outside their public health unit of residence; however, local clusters of Lyme disease were also detected in suburban regions near conservation areas, trails, and urban woodlands. The prevalence of other tick-borne pathogens was low, although several pathogens of public health significance including Borrelia miyamotoi and Anaplasma phagocytophilum were detected at multiple sites surveyed for ticks between 2017-2021. Overall, this thesis identify patterns in Lyme disease emergence (and potentially other tick-borne illnesses), defines environmental risk areas for Lyme disease in Ontario, and highlights important socioecological risk factors for Lyme disease in eastern Ontario.

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