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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Examination of the Feasibility of the Multichannel Strategy within a B2B Complex Product Context : A case study on ABB Control Systems within Industrial Automation Division

Du, Jia January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine the feasibility of the multichannel strategy in a B2B complex product context through an in-depth case study on ABB control systems. Firstly, the study focused on investigating the channel strategy for the current ABB control systems. The channel structure and sales cycle have been identified. Secondly, the study identified the challenges which have existed in the channels for ABB control systems. Channel conflicts and lack of channel integration have been recognized as the major challenges. Finally, the thesis proposed improvement suggestions on how to reduce channel conflicts and increase channel integrations for ABB control systems.

Novel Multiplexed Coulter Counters for High Throughput Parallel Analysis of Microparticles

Jagtiani, Ashish V. 29 November 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Reducing Fir Filter Costs: A Review of Approaches as Applied to Massive Fir Filter Arrays

Dallmeyer, Matthew John January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Adaptive signal processing for multichannel sound using high performance computing

Lorente Giner, Jorge 02 December 2015 (has links)
[EN] The field of audio signal processing has undergone a major development in recent years. Both the consumer and professional marketplaces continue to show growth in audio applications such as immersive audio schemes that offer optimal listening experience, intelligent noise reduction in cars or improvements in audio teleconferencing or hearing aids. The development of these applications has a common interest in increasing or improving the number of discrete audio channels, the quality of the audio or the sophistication of the algorithms. This often gives rise to problems of high computational cost, even when using common signal processing algorithms, mainly due to the application of these algorithms to multiple signals with real-time requirements. The field of High Performance Computing (HPC) based on low cost hardware elements is the bridge needed between the computing problems and the real multimedia signals and systems that lead to user's applications. In this sense, the present thesis goes a step further in the development of these systems by using the computational power of General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs) to exploit the inherent parallelism of signal processing for multichannel audio applications. The increase of the computational capacity of the processing devices has been historically linked to the number of transistors in a chip. However, nowadays the improvements in the computational capacity are mainly given by increasing the number of processing units and using parallel processing. The Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), which have now thousands of computing cores, are a representative example. The GPUs were traditionally used to graphic or image processing, but new releases in the GPU programming environments such as CUDA have allowed the use of GPUS for general processing applications. Hence, the use of GPUs is being extended to a wide variety of intensive-computation applications among which audio processing is included. However, the data transactions between the CPU and the GPU and viceversa have questioned the viability of the use of GPUs for audio applications in which real-time interaction between microphones and loudspeakers is required. This is the case of the adaptive filtering applications, where an efficient use of parallel computation in not straightforward. For these reasons, up to the beginning of this thesis, very few publications had dealt with the GPU implementation of real-time acoustic applications based on adaptive filtering. Therefore, this thesis aims to demonstrate that GPUs are totally valid tools to carry out audio applications based on adaptive filtering that require high computational resources. To this end, different adaptive applications in the field of audio processing are studied and performed using GPUs. This manuscript also analyzes and solves possible limitations in each GPU-based implementation both from the acoustic point of view as from the computational point of view. / [ES] El campo de procesado de señales de audio ha experimentado un desarrollo importante en los últimos años. Tanto el mercado de consumo como el profesional siguen mostrando un crecimiento en aplicaciones de audio, tales como: los sistemas de audio inmersivo que ofrecen una experiencia de sonido óptima, los sistemas inteligentes de reducción de ruido en coches o las mejoras en sistemas de teleconferencia o en audífonos. El desarrollo de estas aplicaciones tiene un propósito común de aumentar o mejorar el número de canales de audio, la propia calidad del audio o la sofisticación de los algoritmos. Estas mejoras suelen dar lugar a sistemas de alto coste computacional, incluso usando algoritmos comunes de procesado de señal. Esto se debe principalmente a que los algoritmos se suelen aplicar a sistemas multicanales con requerimientos de procesamiento en tiempo real. El campo de la Computación de Alto Rendimiento basado en elementos hardware de bajo coste es el puente necesario entre los problemas de computación y los sistemas multimedia que dan lugar a aplicaciones de usuario. En este sentido, la presente tesis va un paso más allá en el desarrollo de estos sistemas mediante el uso de la potencia de cálculo de las Unidades de Procesamiento Gráfico (GPU) en aplicaciones de propósito general. Con ello, aprovechamos la inherente capacidad de paralelización que poseen las GPU para procesar señales de audio y obtener aplicaciones de audio multicanal. El aumento de la capacidad computacional de los dispositivos de procesado ha estado vinculado históricamente al número de transistores que había en un chip. Sin embargo, hoy en día, las mejoras en la capacidad computacional se dan principalmente por el aumento del número de unidades de procesado y su uso para el procesado en paralelo. Las GPUs son un ejemplo muy representativo. Hoy en día, las GPUs poseen hasta miles de núcleos de computación. Tradicionalmente, las GPUs se han utilizado para el procesado de gráficos o imágenes. Sin embargo, la aparición de entornos sencillos de programación GPU, como por ejemplo CUDA, han permitido el uso de las GPU para aplicaciones de procesado general. De ese modo, el uso de las GPU se ha extendido a una amplia variedad de aplicaciones que requieren cálculo intensivo. Entre esta gama de aplicaciones, se incluye el procesado de señales de audio. No obstante, las transferencias de datos entre la CPU y la GPU y viceversa pusieron en duda la viabilidad de las GPUs para aplicaciones de audio en las que se requiere una interacción en tiempo real entre micrófonos y altavoces. Este es el caso de las aplicaciones basadas en filtrado adaptativo, donde el uso eficiente de la computación en paralelo no es sencillo. Por estas razones, hasta el comienzo de esta tesis, había muy pocas publicaciones que utilizaran la GPU para implementaciones en tiempo real de aplicaciones acústicas basadas en filtrado adaptativo. A pesar de todo, esta tesis pretende demostrar que las GPU son herramientas totalmente válidas para llevar a cabo aplicaciones de audio basadas en filtrado adaptativo que requieran elevados recursos computacionales. Con este fin, la presente tesis ha estudiado y desarrollado varias aplicaciones adaptativas de procesado de audio utilizando una GPU como procesador. Además, también analiza y resuelve las posibles limitaciones de cada aplicación tanto desde el punto de vista acústico como desde el punto de vista computacional. / [CA] El camp del processament de senyals d'àudio ha experimentat un desenvolupament important als últims anys. Tant el mercat de consum com el professional segueixen mostrant un creixement en aplicacions d'àudio, com ara: els sistemes d'àudio immersiu que ofereixen una experiència de so òptima, els sistemes intel·ligents de reducció de soroll en els cotxes o les millores en sistemes de teleconferència o en audiòfons. El desenvolupament d'aquestes aplicacions té un propòsit comú d'augmentar o millorar el nombre de canals d'àudio, la pròpia qualitat de l'àudio o la sofisticació dels algorismes que s'utilitzen. Això, sovint dóna lloc a sistemes d'alt cost computacional, fins i tot quan es fan servir algorismes comuns de processat de senyal. Això es deu principalment al fet que els algorismes se solen aplicar a sistemes multicanals amb requeriments de processat en temps real. El camp de la Computació d'Alt Rendiment basat en elements hardware de baix cost és el pont necessari entre els problemes de computació i els sistemes multimèdia que donen lloc a aplicacions d'usuari. En aquest sentit, aquesta tesi va un pas més enllà en el desenvolupament d'aquests sistemes mitjançant l'ús de la potència de càlcul de les Unitats de Processament Gràfic (GPU) en aplicacions de propòsit general. Amb això, s'aprofita la inherent capacitat de paral·lelització que posseeixen les GPUs per processar senyals d'àudio i obtenir aplicacions d'àudio multicanal. L'augment de la capacitat computacional dels dispositius de processat ha estat històricament vinculada al nombre de transistors que hi havia en un xip. No obstant, avui en dia, les millores en la capacitat computacional es donen principalment per l'augment del nombre d'unitats de processat i el seu ús per al processament en paral·lel. Un exemple molt representatiu són les GPU, que avui en dia posseeixen milers de nuclis de computació. Tradicionalment, les GPUs s'han utilitzat per al processat de gràfics o imatges. No obstant, l'aparició d'entorns senzills de programació de la GPU com és CUDA, han permès l'ús de les GPUs per a aplicacions de processat general. D'aquesta manera, l'ús de les GPUs s'ha estès a una àmplia varietat d'aplicacions que requereixen càlcul intensiu. Entre aquesta gamma d'aplicacions, s'inclou el processat de senyals d'àudio. No obstant, les transferències de dades entre la CPU i la GPU i viceversa van posar en dubte la viabilitat de les GPUs per a aplicacions d'àudio en què es requereix la interacció en temps real de micròfons i altaveus. Aquest és el cas de les aplicacions basades en filtrat adaptatiu, on l'ús eficient de la computació en paral·lel no és senzilla. Per aquestes raons, fins al començament d'aquesta tesi, hi havia molt poques publicacions que utilitzessin la GPU per implementar en temps real aplicacions acústiques basades en filtrat adaptatiu. Malgrat tot, aquesta tesi pretén demostrar que les GPU són eines totalment vàlides per dur a terme aplicacions d'àudio basades en filtrat adaptatiu que requereixen alts recursos computacionals. Amb aquesta finalitat, en la present tesi s'han estudiat i desenvolupat diverses aplicacions adaptatives de processament d'àudio utilitzant una GPU com a processador. A més, aquest manuscrit també analitza i resol les possibles limitacions de cada aplicació, tant des del punt de vista acústic, com des del punt de vista computacional. / Lorente Giner, J. (2015). Adaptive signal processing for multichannel sound using high performance computing [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/58427

Structure profonde de la croûte et potentiel pétrolier des bassins sédimentaires à l'ouest de l'Algérie / Deep structure of the crust and petroleum potential of sedimentary basins of West Algeria

Badji, Rabia 25 June 2014 (has links)
La marge algérienne borde le bassin algérien, formé en position de bassin arrière-arc de la subduction Téthysienne. L'importance de l'étude du segment de marge qui s'étend de Ténès à Mostaganem sur environ 250 km, réside dans sa position charnière entre le domaine continental d'Alborán à l'Ouest et le bassin océanique algérien à l'Est. Dans ce travail nous avons déterminé pour la première fois, la structure et la nature de la croûte de ce segment, à partir de l'inversion tomographique des données de sismique grand-angle d'un profil N-S perpendiculaire à la marge. Grâce aux traitements des données de sismique réflexion multitrace acquises pendant la campagne SPIRAL et aux données industrielles, nous avons pu proposer un schéma tectonique régional et une cartographie de l'extension possible du socle Kabyle en mer. Les résultats révèlent une marge caractérisée par la juxtaposition d'une croûte océanique peu épaisse au nord et d'une croûte continentale amincie au sud de part et d'autre d'un accident vertical. L'ouverture du bassin océanique résulterait de la réponse à la déchirure du panneau lithosphérique en subduction sous Gibraltar, accompagné par la migration du bloc Alborán vers l'Ouest. La propagation de cette déchirure (STEP) a généré une zone de cisaillement qui se focalise dans zone de transition océan-continent. L'inversion tectonique qui affecte plus à l'Est la marge semble s'arrêter à la latitude de Ténès. Cette absence de déformation en mer coïncide avec une lacune de sismicité liée à la résistance mécanique de la marge. Par comparaison à d'autres régions du monde, seules les zones situées sur la croûte continentale pourraient présenter un potentiel pétrolier. / Located in North Africa, the Algerian margin is bordering the Algerian basin, formed in the back of the Tethyan subduction. The importance of the study of the segment extending from Tenes to Mostaganem over 250 km, lies in its pivotal position between the continental Alborán domain to the West and the Algerian Basin to the East. In this work, we determined for the first time, the structure and the crustal nature of this segment using the tomographic inversion of the seismic data recorded along a N-S wide-angle seismic profile shot perpendicular to the margin. Thanks to the multichannel reflection seismic data acquired during SPIRAL (2009), and to industrial data, we have proposed a regional tectonic pattern and the possible offshore extension of the kabylian basement The results reveal a margin characterized by the juxtaposition of a thin oceanic crust to the North and a slightly thinned continental crust to the South on either side of a major vertical accident. This suggests that the margin is formed in a strike-slip context. The opening of the oceanic basin should result from the response to the retreat and to the tear of the lithospheric slab beneath the Gibraltar subduction, accompanied by the westward migration of the Alborán block. The propagation of this lithospheric tearing (STEP) generated a zone of strike-slip along the narrow ocean-continent transition. The offshore absence of seismicity along our segment is connected to the mechanical resistance of the margin due to rapid change of crust nature. Owing the results and compared with other regions of the world, the areas which can likely present oil potential are the ones located on the continental crust.

Inovação no varejo: diretrizes para implementação de estratégia de gestão de clientes em ambiente multicanal / Innovation in retail: guidelines for implementation of customer management strategy in multichannel environment

Bonilha, Eduardo 11 October 2016 (has links)
O setor de varejo brasileiro passa por um grande processo de transformação, em ambiente de alta competição e forte tendência de atuação multicanal, com surgimento de novas tecnologias e observação de mudanças no comportamento dos consumidores. Diante deste cenário, existe oportunidade para criar diferenciais competitivos por meio de estratégia de gestão de clientes, assim como já ocorre em outros setores. O objetivo deste estudo é identificar e analisar as diretrizes para implementação dos principais processos da estratégia de gestão de clientes em organizações de varejo em ambiente multicanal, de qualquer segmento de atuação, bem como entender desafios, restrições, oportunidades e outros aspectos relevantes. Após relato da experiência profissional do autor em projetos de gestão de clientes, em especial nos setores de serviços e varejo, buscou-se na teoria os principais temas relacionados - Varejo Multicanal, Consumidor Omnichannel e Gestão de Clientes - para posterior análise, comparação com a prática e direcionamento da pesquisa empírica. Como método de pesquisa, escolheu-se a abordagem exploratória e qualitativa, por meio de entrevista pessoal em profundidade com 13 especialistas em varejo e gestão de clientes, utilizando roteiro semiestruturado. Para avaliação das respostas obtidas, foram considerados os procedimentos de análise de conteúdo, que resultaram em 7 categorias temáticas: i) cenário competitivo do varejo brasileiro; ii) mudanças no comportamento dos consumidores; iii) características e integração do varejo multicanal; iv) processo de desenvolvimento da estratégia de clientes; v) processo de gestão da informação / conhecimento dos clientes; vi) processo de criação de valor / experiência dos clientes; vii) processo de avaliação de desempenho e resultados. À luz da experiência relatada e referencial teórico, as diretrizes para implementação da estratégia de gestão de clientes foram analisadas e consolidadas, alcançando os objetivos propostos e contribuindo para a prática em organizações de varejo multicanal, bem como para a inovação de marketing e organizacional. Como contribuição para a teoria, a pesquisa abordou alguns temas e conceitos ainda pouco explorados na literatura acadêmica, abrindo também espaço para o desenvolvimento de novos estudos. / Brazilian retail sector undergo a considerable transformation process, in high competition environment and strong trend of multichannel operation, with emergence of new technologies and changes in consumers behavior. In this scenario, there is opportunity to create competitive advantages through customer management strategy, as already in other sectors. The aim of this study is to identify and analyze the guidelines for implementation of the main processes of customer management strategy in retail organizations in multichannel environment, in any business segment, as well as understand the challenges, constraints, opportunities, and other relevant aspects. After reporting author\'s professional experience in customer management projects, especially in services and retail, it was researched in theory the main issues - Multichannel Retail, Omnichannel Consumer and Customer Management - for later analysis, comparation to practice and direction of empirical research. As a research method was chosen exploratory and qualitative approach, through personal in-depth interviews with 13 specialists in retail and customer management, using semi-structured script. For evaluation of the obtained responses, content analysis procedures were considered, which resulted in seven thematic categories: i) competitive landscape of the Brazilian retail sector; ii) changes in consumers behavior; iii) characteristics and integration of multichannel retail; iv) customer strategy development process; v) information management process / customer knowledge; vi) creating value process / customer experience; vii) performance evaluation and results process. In light of the reported experience and theoretical reference, guidelines for implementation of customer management strategy were analyzed and consolidated, achieving the proposed goals and contributing to the practice in multichannel retail organizations, as well for marketing and organizational innovation. As a contribution to the theory, this research addressed some issues and concepts still few explored in academic literature, also making room for the development of new studies.

Le management de la distribution multicanal : comprendre et analyser le phénomène d'intégration : le cas de la société Nestlé / Multichannel distribution management : understanding and analyzing the integration phenomenon : the case of Nestlé

Li, Rui 22 June 2018 (has links)
Dans le contexte contemporain d’évolution rapide de la distribution et du e-commerce, la recherche s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une problématique générale articulée autour du thème de la distribution multicanal, et s’intéresse notamment au phénomène d’intégration en soulignant l’importance majeure d’une vision globale du management des différents canaux mobilisés par une entreprise. Circonscrite à une perspective BtoB, et positionnée du point de vue de l’entreprise, nous avons tenté de répondre cette question centrale : comment les entreprises industrielles de type multicanal doivent-elles intégrer leurs canaux de distribution ? Les réponses sont apportées par une étude de cas approfondie au sein de la société Nestlé France. D’une part, celle-ci a permis d’identifier et d’expliquer les facteurs exogènes et endogènes explicatifs du niveau d’intégration multicanal obtenu. D’autre part, la coordination relationnelle entre les services du département de la logistique, du commerce / marketing et du système d’information a émergé comme une dimension d’intégration multicanal souhaitable pour l’entreprise étudiée. La recherche souligne par ailleurs l’influence positive de l’intégration multicanal sur la performance perçue de l’entreprise, et identifie les défis à relever en termes d’estimation de l’impact de l’intégration. Il en ressort qu’il est probable que l’entreprise étudiée n’ambitionne pas d’atteindre le niveau d’intégration extrême des différents canaux de distribution. Il s’avère plus pertinent d’atteindre un niveau satisfaisant d’intégration et un point d’équilibre entre le trop et le trop peu d’intégration multicanal en renforçant les avantages actuels. / In the contemporary context of rapidly evolving distribution and e-commerce, this research investigates a general problem articulated around the topic of multichannel distribution. We are particularly interested in the phenomenon of multichannel integration and lay emphasis on the major significance of an overall vision when a company tries to manage its different distribution channels. While adopting a BtoB approach and a business management perspective, this academic work tries to address a central question: how can industrial companies integrate their multiple distribution channels? The answers are provided by a qualitative approach based on an in-depth case study in Nestlé France. The findings of this research suggest a series of endogenous and exogenous factors that influence the level of multichannel integration obtained by a company. Some of those factors, which are associated with the relational coordination across the logistics, marketing and information system departments, could be regarded as a strongly expected dimension for the company under study to establish the multichannel integration procedures. Furthermore, the adoption of multichannel integration appears to create a positive influence on the perceived performance of the company. Some challenges met in terms of estimating the impacts of integration are also identified. Finally, the results indicate that the studied company is probably not attempting to reach the extreme level of multichannel integration. It would be more interesting to reach a satisfactory level and find the point of balance between too much and not enough integration by reinforcing the current advantages of multichannel integration.

Le rôle de la congruence perçue dans un contexte de distribution "multicanal" en Chine : trois études sur les influences "cross-canal" des prix et des assortiments / The role of perceived congruence in Chinese multi-channel retailing context

Wu, Lingyi 13 June 2016 (has links)
Avec le développement rapide du commerce électronique, la vente multi-canaux, du type « brick-and-mortar » et vente en ligne est le standard pour les vendeurs en 2016. Cependant, cette stratégie ne garantit pas toujours le succès des détaillants dans les campagnes commerciales. La plupart du temps les difficultés proviennent d’un manque de coordination efficace entre la boutique en ligne et son homologue hors ligne selon leurs attributs respectifs. Sur la base du concept de congruence perçu, cette thèse étudie l'évaluation par les sujets des attributs des magasins entre les différents canaux du marché multicanaux chinois. Les résultats d’études du type « Depth Interview » (étude 1), montrent que les consommateurs chinois préfèrent le comportement commercial multicanaux. Ils aiment la congruence entre les canaux, mais espèrent aussi profiter des situations non-congruentes, ce qui indique leur propension à comparer les prix et l'assortiment entre canaux. Les deux études quantitatives ont identifié la congruence perçue comme un facteur déterminant pour l'évaluation des détaillants par les sujets. Plus précisément, plus les sujets perçoivent de la congruence dans la politique de prix entre les canaux, plus les sujets jugent les prix justes. des prix équitables, se traduisent par une attitude plus favorable envers le vendeur (étude 2). En revanche, lorsque les sujets perçoivent plus d’incongruité dans l'assortiment cross-canaux, ils considèrent que le choix est plus important (étude 3). Mais cette conséquence ne se produit que lorsque le processus cognitif n’est pas contraint. En outre, quand un prix équitable est perçu et qu’une variété est perçue les deux sont identifiés comme médiateurs de l'effet de la perception de congruence sur l'attitude des sujets envers les détaillants. En outre, l’implication des sujets dans l’expérimentation ne supporte pas statistiquement l'effet de modération en interaction avec la congruence perception sur des sujets de l'évaluation en ce qui concerne les attributs du canal de distribution, mais l'effet marginal dans la visualisation indique que les chercheurs doivent, dans les études futures, continuer l'étude des influences pertinentes entre l’implioation et la congruence perçue. / Along with the globally rapid development of e-commerce, multichannel retail including both brick-and-mortar and online stores is in 2016 the standard for the sellers. However, such justified strategy not always guarantee retailers’ success in commercial campaigns. Most of the time the difficulties arised from the lack of efficient coordination between the online store and its offline counterpart based upon their respective attributes. On the basis of the percieved congruence concept, this dissertation investigates subjects’ evaluation on store attributes between the different channels of the Chinese multichannel retail market. Through the Depth Interview (Study 1), it was found that Chinese multichannel consumers prefer the multichannel shopping behavior. They like the between-channel congruence but also expect to enjoy the incongruent situation which indicates their propensity to compare the between-channel prices and assortment. The two quantitative studies identified the perceived congruence as a determinant to the subjects’ evaluation towards the retailer. More precisely, the more congruence subjects perceive from the cross-channel price policy, the more price fairness subjects judge, turns in more favorable attitude toward the retailer (Study 2). In contrast, when the subjects perceive more schema incongruity, from the cross-channel assortment, they evaluate more variety (Study 3). But this consequence only occurs when the cognitive process is not constrained. In addition, both price fairness perception and variety perception are identified to mediate the effect of congruence perception on subjects’ attitude toward retailers. Besides, subjects’ experimental involvement, does not statistically support the moderation effect interacting with congruence perception on subjects’ evaluation regarding channel store attributes, but the marginal effect in visualization indicates that researchers must, in future study, keep investigating the relevant influences between involvement and congruence perception.

Déconvolution multicanale et détection de sources en utilisant des représentations parcimonieuses : application au projet Fermi / Multichannel deconvolution and source detection using sparse representations : application to Fermi project

Schmitt, Jeremy 07 December 2011 (has links)
Ce mémoire de thèse présente de nouvelles méthodologies pour l’analyse de données Poissoniennes sur la sphère, dans le cadre de la mission Fermi. Les objectifs principaux de la mission Fermi, l’étude du fond diffus galactique et l’établissement du catalogue de source, sont com pliqués par la faiblesse du flux de photons et les effets de l’instrument de mesure. Ce mémoire introduit une nouvelle représentation mutli-échelles des données Poissoniennes sur la sphère, la Transformée Stabilisatrice de Variance Multi-Echelle sur la Sphère (MS-VSTS), consistant à combiner une transformée multi-échelles sur la sphère (ondelettes, curvelets), avec une transformée stabilisatrice de variance (VST). Cette méthode est appliquée à la suppression du bruit de Poisson mono et multicanale, à l’interpolation de données manquantes, à l’extraction d’un modèle de fond et à la déconvolution multicanale. Enfin, ce mémoire aborde le problème de la séparation de composantes en utilisant des représentations parcimonieuses (template fitting). / This thesis presents new methods for spherical Poisson data analysis for the Fermi mission. Fermi main scientifical objectives, the study of diffuse galactic background et the building of the source catalog, are complicated by the weakness of photon flux and the point spread function of the instrument. This thesis proposes a new multi-scale representation for Poisson data on the sphere, the Multi-Scale Variance Stabilizing Transform on the Sphere (MS-VSTS), consisting in the combination of a spherical multi-scale transform (wavelets, curvelets) with a variance stabilizing transform (VST). This method is applied to mono- and multichannel Poisson noise removal, missing data interpolation, background extraction and multichannel deconvolution. Finally, this thesis deals with the problem of component separation using sparse representations (template fitting ).

O desafio do varejo multicanal: comportamento free-riding do consumidor / The challenge for multichannel retailing: free-riding consumer behavior

Dias, Suzana Wayand 03 July 2014 (has links)
Canais de marketing proliferaram nos últimos anos. Por meio da integração de canais virtuais, as vendas de varejistas tradicionais se expandiram. Num ambiente multicanal, os consumidores podem se movimentar facilmente entre diferentes canais. O free-riding acontece quando os consumidores realizam pesquisa on-line ou em sites de comparação de preços e acabam realizando a compra em outro varejista não pesquisado. O cruzamento entre canais pode levar a perdas para o varejista e se torna questão-chave do varejo multicanal na retenção do consumidor. Lançando luz sobre esta questão foi utilizado um modelo teórico originário da geografia humana, o paradigma Push-Pull-Mooring para explicar o comportamento de alternância do consumidor. Este estudo propõe um modelo teórico para explicar o comportamento de alternância do consumidor e o impacto na intenção de free-riding. O modelo final apresentou antecedentes para autoeficácia (push): a experiência prévia com internet e a satisfação em free-riding; para retenção na firma (mooring): o alto custo de mudança e a busca de variedade e, para atratividade do varejo tradicional (pull): qualidade percebida, risco percebido e satisfação com loja física. Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa do tipo survey, aplicada em consumidores com experiência de compra na internet, e modelagem pela análise de equações estruturais. Os resultados empíricos revelam efeito mediador para a variável atratividade do varejo por meio do alto risco percebido na interação com lojas virtuais. Há efeitos moderadores dados pela idade, gênero, renda, busca de informação e hábito de compra. Há fortes evidências de motivação para retenção na firma. / Marketing channels have proliferated in recent years. Through integration of on-line channel, sales of traditional retailers have expanded. In a multichannel environment, consumers can move easily between different channels. Free-riding occur when consumers perform on-line search or consult price comparison sites and end up performing purchase at a retailer not searched before. The crossover between channels can lead to losses for the retailer and becomes one the main issues of multichannel retailing in the area of consumer retention. To shed some light on this issue, a theoretical model from the literature on human geography was used, the Push-Pull-Mooring paradigm to explain the switching behavior of consumers. This study proposes a theoretical model to explain the switching behavior and its impact on free-riding. The final model presents antecedents to self-efficacy (push): previous experience with internet and satisfaction in free-riding; with-in firm lock-in (mooring): the switching costs and the variety seeking; and attractiveness to the competitor\'s offline retail store (pull): perceived quality, perceived risk and satisfaction with offline stores. A qualitative and quantitative survey research was applied to consumer regarding their shopping experience with the internet. The technique of structural equation modeling was performed. The empirical results reveal mediating effect of with-in firm lock-in when the consumer realizes that he/she is serviced on his/her need for variety of products and brands. The mediating effect of attractiveness of competitor\'s offline store is given by perception of satisfaction with retail stores and perceived high risk in interacting with on-line stores. Moderating effects were also found: age, gender, income, information search and buying habit. There is strong evidence of motivation for with-in firm lock-in.

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