Spelling suggestions: "subject:"multifunctional antenna"" "subject:"multifunctional ntenna""
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A Non-Pyramidal Rectangular-to-Trough Waveguide Transition and Pattern Reconfigurable Trough Waveguide AntennaLoizou, Loizos 2010 December 1900 (has links)
Trough waveguides (TWG) have been utilized in a variety of radio frequency
(RF) and other related applications including radar, the treatment of hypothermia and in
the generation of plasmas. Perturbing the guided wave in these structures with blocks,
rods, dielectrics, and other structures can create reconfigurable periodic line sources.
These trough waveguide antennas (TWA) are then capable of providing both fixedfrequency
and frequency-dependent beam steering. This was originally performed using
electro-mechanical “cam-and-gear” mechanisms. Previous work related to the excitation
of TWG and the performance of TWA topologies are limited when compared to more
common antenna designs, yet they possess many desirable features that can be exploited
in a modern system.
This thesis will examines an S-band rectangular-to-trough waveguide transition
and trough guide antenna that has been designed for broadband reconfigurable antenna
applications considering as well the airflow characteristics for sensing applications. The
design, fabrication, and electromagnetic performance (mode conversion, impedance matching, and antenna performance) are discussed, including the use of metallic
cantilever perturbations placed along the troughguide sidewalls that are designed to
provide improved impedance matching when steering the beam from the backward
quadrant through broadside, towards the forward quadrant. Impedance matching
techniques such as use of circular holes at the edge of each actuated cantilever are used
to reduce power reflections and provide a low voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR)
along the S-band. Finite element simulations will provide a demonstration of the airflow
and turbulence characteristics throughout the entire structure, where the metallic
cantilevers are used to manipulate the flow of air, to distribute it across the surfaces of
the structure better and improve its potential for sensing operations.
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An investigation on the possibility for bandwidth improvement of dielectric antennas via modification of their geometryDutta Chaudhury, Nandan January 2020 (has links)
The dielectric antenna is an interesting alternative to a metallic antenna. This is mainlydue to its low manufacturing cost and the possibility to fabricate complex antennageometry with the aid of additive manufacturing (AM). Sophisticated AM technologyprovides new degrees of freedom in shaping the outer and inner geometry of antennas.This feature can be utilized to optimize various properties of antenna, such as itsbandwidth, radiation pattern etc, while maintaining a compact geometry.This master thesis investigates the possibility of improving the bandwidth of acompact dielectric antenna by modifying its geometry. Specifically, dielectricresonator antennas (DRAs) have been considered here. In this connection, twoembedded cylindrical DRAs operating within 8 GHz-17 GHz frequency band havebeen designed and simulated using Ansys HFSS. For the first design (Design-1), abandwidth (corresponding to reflection coefficient ≤ -10dB) of approximately 63%has been obtained and the second design (Design-2) has a bandwidth (correspondingto reflection coefficient ≤ -10dB) of about 57%. However, in terms of radiationcharacteristics, the performance of Design-2 has been found to be superior comparedto Design-1, mainly due to its symmetrical geometry. Furthermore, the two designshave been compared to an existing compact rectangular embedded DRA. It has beenfound that both Design-1 and Design-2 have comparatively wider bandwidth. Withrespect to the radiation characteristics, the performance of the reference antenna andDesign-2 are similar. While, the radiation performance of the reference antenna isfound to be better than Design-1. / Dielektriska antenner är ett intressant alternativ till metalliska diton. Detta beror delspå lägre tillverkningskostnader men också, tack vare additiva tillverkningsmetoder,på grund av möjligheten att använda komplexa geometrier. De senaste årens framsteginom additiv tillverkning har öppnat upp nya möjligheter vid designen av den externaoch den inre geometrin hos dielektriska antenner. Detta kan utnyttjas till att optimeraolika aspekter hos antennen, exempelvis bandbredd och strålningsmönster, utan attpåverka de yttre måtten.Denna avhandling studerar möjligheten att förbättra bandbredden hos dielektriskaresonansantenner (DRA) genom att modifiera deras inre. Två cylindriska DRA:er,verksamma inom 8-17 GHz, har designats och simulerats i Ansys HFSS. Bandbredderom 63 % för Design-1, samt 57 % för Design-2, erhölls. Trots den första designensstörre bandbredd uppvisar Design-2 bättre strålningsegenskaper, främst avseendeantennens strålningsmönster. De simulerade antennerna har också visat sig hastörre bandbredd jämfört med en redan existerande kompakt, inbäddad DRA. Sett tillstrålningsegenskaper är prestandan hos Design-2 jämförbar med referensantennen,medan design ett uppvisar sämre prestanda.
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