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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Applicering utav additiv tillverkning : Ett utredande arbete för HPG AB

Rosenqvist, Joel January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Utveckling av portabel mobilhållare som hjälpmedel vid e-möten och distansundervisning / Development of a portable phoneholder as an aid for e-meetings and distans education

Andersson, Linna, Bergström, Ellinor January 2018 (has links)
Arbetets syfte är att på ett metodiskt vis utveckla en produkt som skall fungera som ett tillbehör för en smartphone vid dokumentering. En förstudie gjordes för att få en djupare kunskap och förståelse kring digitala mötesrum, hur en kamera fungerar samt vad upplösning är. Med den informationen gick arbetet vidare till en litteraturstudie kring additiv tillverkning, hur en design kan konstrueras och skrivas ut i 3D-skrivare. Förstudien mynnade ut i en kravspecifikation som låg till grund för konceptgenerering och senare ett resultat.  Resultatet blev en prototyp av en lätt och portabel hållare för smartphones som är utskrivbar via 3D-skrivare och tillverkad i endast ett material vilket medför goda återvinningsmöjligheter för användaren. Prototypen uppfyller flertalet av de delmål som tidigt ställdes upp och huvudsyftet med projektet kunde även tillgodoses. / The purpose of the degree project is to methodically develop a product that will serve as an accessory for a smartphones during documentation. A preliminary study was done to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of digital meeting rooms, how a camera works and what resolution is. With the information gathered, the work went on to a literature study on additive manufacturing, how a product can be designed and printed digitally. The preliminary study resulted in a requirement specification that formed the basis for concept generation and later a result.  The result was a prototype of a lightweight and portable holder for smartphones that is 3D-printable and made out of only one material, which provides good recycling opportunities for the user. The prototype fulfills most of the sub-goals that were set up early and the main purpose of the project could also be met.

Omkonstruktion av vapenfäste till additiv tillverkning / Reconstruction to additive manufacturing

Karlsen, Joakim January 2019 (has links)
The thesis project has been carried out in collaboration with Saab training and simulation in Huskvarna, which manufactures military training products. The aim of the project was to investigate the possibility of using additive manufacturing as the method for future manufacturing for the small arms transmitter bracket (SAT-bracket, a bracket for gun) to reduce lead time, cost and weight. A physical product has been developed through the Selective Laser Melting technique (SLM), where the least possible amount of support structures has been achieved for the selected build orientation. To be able to optimize the design with the help of lattice structures, knowledge of the technology has been acquired through information searched on scientific texts and websites. Identification of strengths and weaknesses in the development process and the possibility of using a more favorable material for the application were documented to be evaluated against a traditionally manufactured component. The final designs have been modeled using two different design methods, both in which had reduced the weight between 28-44% where the stiffness is in the likes of the reference product. The conclusion drawn from the work is that additive manufacturing is a manufacturing method   that for the SAT-bracket is a favorable alternative for smaller production volume.

Metodutveckling av transformatorlindning

Granlund, Oskar, Magnusson, Ludvig January 2020 (has links)
During the winding process of transformers, ABB in Ludvika uses wood spacers built as stairs which are carefully cut to the proper proportions with slight changes in length and height in x- respectively y -direction. The use of a staircase model is because the windings are made in layers instead of a helix structure around the iron-core. The copper wire comes in many different sizes and are each wired a different number of layers which makes the stair-steps in an infinite number of combinations. The wire is wired up to fill each step before it elevates to the next level. This layer by layer structure is a more effective way of conducting a high intensity magnetic field, which is a transformer’s primarily task. Although this process is working fine, the use of wood spacers is a primitive tool in today’s standards and the process requires a series of never-ending changes, which has led to the conclusion that a more adjustable pallet tray is required to shorten the lead time. A series of interviews with the workers of the transformers were conducted. From the information given a couple of concepts were constructed. From a LEGO inspired product to a flexible spacer with the same technology as a wrench. This last concept was chosen to be the most prominent candidate. The stair was elaborated in CAD to later be 3D-printed and assembled for a physical model, which were later presented to ABB in Ludvika. / Under transformatorns lindningsprocess använder ABB i Ludvika trädistansklossar som är byggda som trappor som noggrant justeras till rätt proportioner med små förändringar i x- och y- led. Användningen av en trappmodell beror på att lindningarna är gjorda i lager istället för en spiralstruktur runt kärnan. Tråden fyller upp varje steg innan den lindas upp på nästa nivå, detta ger då en lagerstruktur istället för en spiralstruktur runt järnkärnan. Lindningstråden finns i många olika storlekar och lindas olika många varv vilket ger distansklossen ett stort antal kombinationer i x- respektive y-led. Även om denna process fungerar bra är användningen av dessa trädistansklossar ett primitivt verktyg och processen kräver en lång serie ändringar som har lett till studiens syfte att en mer justerbar distanskloss krävs. En serie intervjuer med arbetarna på transformatorstationerna genomfördes och utifrån informationen given konstruerades en mängd olika koncept. Från en LEGO-inspirerad produkt till en flexibel distans med samma teknik som en skiftnyckel, av dessa valdes den senare till den mest framstående modellen. Distansklossen utarbetades i CAD för att senare 3D-printas additivt i ett polymermaterial och monteras för en fysisk modell. Resultatet blev en distanskloss utformad efter konceptet av en ”rysk docka” där var steg åker in i steget ovan. Konceptet resulterade i en flexibel, justerbar distans med slutsatsen att distansklossen blev flexibel inom en viss ram av mått men inte hela spannet. Detta medför att flera modeller måste tillverkas för att uppfylla alla typer av lindningar.

Materialverifieringsprocess för 3D-printad onyx med jämförelse mellan teoretiskt och empiriskt provresultat

Feltendal, Mattias, Niklasson, Erik January 2023 (has links)
In today's rapidly evolving industrial landscape, characterized by intense global marketcompetition, companies must adapt to the latest and most efficient practices to facilitatecontinuous improvement and maintain their competitiveness. Additive Manufacturing (AM) has garnered significant attention in recent years. Among the various methods within AM, Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) has gained popularity due to its ability to manufactureproducts layer by layer, offering shortened lead times, reduced production costs, and enhancedcompetitiveness for businesses. However, the lack of standards in AM contributes to a rangeof quality issues. To enable companies to manufacture products using FFF for end customers,it is essential to establish systematic methods for design, quality control, and verification. Oneof the significant challenges associated with FFF is the substantial variation in quality duringmanufacturing. Two products manufactured simultaneously can exhibit significantperformance disparities, necessitating testing material parameters to understand deviationsfrom theoretical material properties. This sets the objective of the study: to enhance theunderstanding of material properties in products manufactured using FFF with the Onyxmaterial. The intention is to evaluate the possibility of replacing traditional manufacturingmethods in the development of lifting tools for the manufacturing industry. This led to theformulation of the following research questions: RQ1: "How can a material verification process be designed to evaluate material properties ofdetails manufactured using FFF?" RQ2: "How do theoretical material properties differ from empirical test results for Onyx?" RQ3: "How can a simple mechanical test rig be developed to obtain material properties ofproducts manufactured using FFF?" The study was conducted over a 20-week period and encompassed two sub-studies: atheoretical study and an empirical study. The theoretical study utilized a literature review ofscientific articles and books published within the relevant areas. The empirical study involveda single-case study, further divided into two parts. The first part focused on the productdevelopment process, aiming to develop a simple mechanical test rig to obtain materialproperties for products manufactured using FFF. The second part aimed to develop a materialverification process to evaluate the material properties of each individual product and comparethe empirical results with theoretical material data. The study resulted in a functional mechanical tensile testing machine for evaluating thematerial properties of products manufactured using FFF. Additionally, a proposed materialverification process, tailored to the needs of the case company, is presented. The study alsorevealed significant differences between empirical material properties and theoretical data,highlighting the importance of generating customized material data when manufacturing with FFF. Furthermore, the empirical material data demonstrated a considerable variation in results,emphasizing the need to control both processes and material quality to ensure the final product'squality. Keywords: Additive manufacturing, Fused Filament Fabrication, material verification,material testing, tensile test, product development.

Tankmätare av standardkomponenter

Persson, Simon January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this report is to evaluate how the production of a prototype for a betterfuel gauge for an electric generator is possible. The report will also examen how thisis possible with standardized parts and requirement set by the company such aslightdiscipline. The goal is to replace the old fuel gauge that only has the possibility toshow full-half full- or empty tank.Besides the use of standardized parts shall components be 3D-printed. A 3D-scannerwill be used to establish that the prototype is compatible with the control panel of thegenerator. The mesh-file from the scanning will be used as a ground for the 3Dprinted parts. To ensure the right voltage for the components in the prototype avoltage regulator will be used. / Denna rapport har i syfte att utreda hur vidare framställningen av en prototyp för enbättre tankmätare är möjlig till en el-generator. Rapporten undersöker även hur dennaprocess skall gå till med hänsyn till standardkomponenter och företagets egna krav påexempelvis ljusdisciplin. Målsättningen ligger i att skapa ett tänkbart alternativ förersättning av befintlig tankmätare som endast visar full- halvfull- eller tom tank.Utöver standardkomponenter skall delar till prototypen skrivas ut i en 3D-skrivare.För att kunna fastställa att tankmätaren är kompatibel med kontrollpanelen kommeren 3D-scanner att användas – detta för att skapa en mesh-fil som sedan ligger tillgrund för vidare design av 3D-utskrivna komponenter. För att förse prototypen medkorrekt spänning kommer en spänningsregulator att tillverkas.

Innovativ kostnadsberäkningsmodell för additiv tillverkning : En kvalitativ fallstudie med bidrag till utvecklingen av självkostnadsberäkning

Eriksson, Martin, Johansson, Filip, Nilsson-Öst, Jonas January 2022 (has links)
Actors within the manufacturing industry are constantly looking for innovative manufacturing methods to remain competitive. Additive manufacturing (AM), also referred to as 3D printing, is considered to have a good potential in the development towards industry 4.0. Though the cost control of AM-processes is an important step towards future business opportunities, little research has been implemented about how to design a cost calculation model for AM technology since it has not been industrialized to a significant extent. The purpose of this study is to develop an AM cost calculation model for the metal industry. The study is conducted through a qualitative case study at Seco Tools AB, a Swedish manufacturing company that carries out research and production operations of AM technology. By using literature review, data collection on the AM process, interviews with staff at the case company, a new AM cost calculation model is formulated specifically for the AM process at the case company. The proposed model is quantitatively and qualitatively validated with a set of real data from the case company and the satisfied result is obtained. The theoretical contribution of this study is the knowledge of what influencing factors should be included, what uncertainties exist and how corresponding adjustments should be made in a cost calculation model for AM. The practical contribution is the development of an innovative, user-friendly and generalizable cost model without user competence requirements within AM. Compared to the earlier models, the developed model is easier to apply when calculating the costs of a complex process. The model can be used as a basis for decision making in budgeting, scenario analysis, determination of occupancy rate or cost calculation of individual build jobs. / Aktörer inom tillverkningsindustrin letar ständigt efter innovativa tillverkningsmetoder för att förbli konkurrenskraftiga. Additiv tillverkning (AM), även kallad 3D-printing, anses ha en god potential i utvecklingen mot industri 4.0. Även fast kostnadskontroll av AM-processer är ett viktigt steg mot framtida affärsmöjligheter, har lite forskning genomförts om hur man kan designa en kostnadsberäkningsmodell för AM-teknik eftersom den inte har industrialiserats i betydande utsträckning. Syftet med denna studie är att utveckla en kostnadsberäkningsmodell för AM inom metallindustrin. Studien genomförs genom en kvalitativ fallstudie på Seco Tools AB, ett svenskt tillverkningsföretag som bedriver forskning och produktionsverksamhet inom AM-teknik. Genom att använda litteraturinsamling, datainsamling om AM-processen samt intervjuer med personal på fallföretaget formas en ny kostnadsberäkningsmodell för AM specifikt mot AM-processen vid fallföretaget. Den föreslagna modellen är kvantitativt och kvalitativt validerad med en uppsättning verkliga data från fallföretaget och ett tillfredsställande resultat erhålls. Det teoretiska bidraget för denna studie är kunskapen om vilka påverkande faktorer som bör ingå, vilka osäkerheter som återfinns och hur motsvarande justeringar bör göras i en kostnadsberäkningsmodell för AM. Det praktiska bidraget är utvecklandet en innovativ, användarvänlig och generaliserbar kostnadsmodell utan kompetenskrav inom AM. Jämfört med tidigare modeller är den utvecklade modellen lättare att tillämpa vid beräkning av kostnader i en komplex process. Modellen kan användas som underlag för beslutsfattande vid budgetering, scenarioanalys, bestämning av beläggningsgrad eller kostnadsberäkning av enskilda byggjobb.

AR, VR och Additiv Tillverkning i konstruktionsprocesser : Tillämpning av AR, VR och Additiv tillverkning för att underlätta designiterationer i konstruktionsarbeten

Hult, Pontus January 2022 (has links)
This report covers the Master thesis work conducted at ABB Robotics in Västeråsduring the spring of 2022. The purpose of the thesis was to evaluate how VirtualReality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Additive Manufacturing (AM) can beused in the product design process for designs in Production Engineering. This is tominimize the time between design iterations to assure that the delivered design livesup to its expectations. During the thesis work, different software and equipments have been investigated tofind the appropriate solution for the different types of product designs scenarios. Todo this, the process was applied on the actual product design problem also included inthis thesis work, by involving the end user in the design reviews. During the designreviews different testers had the possibility to visualize and interact with the design.The function of the product design was also examined by using a modular basedproduct structure consisting of the moving and static parts in sub-assemblies. WithAM, the usage of prototypes depending on its purpose was investigated. The result of this thesis is a process consisting of a concept review with VR/ AR, aprototype step where AM is included and a final review with either VR or AR.

Design for Additive Manufacturing : An Optimization driven design approach / Design för additiv tillverkning : En optimieringsdriven designmetod

Dash, Satabdee January 2020 (has links)
Increasing application of Additive Manufacturing (AM) in industrial production demands product reimagination (assemblies, subsystems) from an AM standpoint. Simulation driven design tools play an important part in achieving this with design optimization subject to the capabilities of AM technologies. Therefore, the bus frames department (RBRF) in Scania CV AB, Södertälje wanted to examine the synergies between topology optimization and Design for AM (DfAM) in the context of this thesis. In this thesis, a methodology is developed to establish a DfAM framework involving topology optimization and is accompanied by a manufacturability analysis stage. A case study implementation of this developed methodology is performed for validation and further development. The case study replaces an existing load bearing cross member with a new structure optimized with respect to weight and manufacturing process. It resulted in a nearly self supporting AM friendly design with improved stiffness along with a 9.5% weight reduction, thereby proving the benefit of incorporating topology optimization and AM design fundamentals during the early design phase. / Ökad användning av Additive Manufacturing (AM) i industriell produktion kräver ett nytänkade av produkter (enheter, delsystem) ur AM-synvinkel. Simuleringsdrivna designverktyg spelar en viktig roll för att nå detta med designoptimering med hänsyn taget till AM-teknikens möjligheter. Därför ville bussramavdelningen (RBRF) på Scania CV AB, Södertälje undersöka synergierna mellan topologioptimering och Design för AM (DfAM) i detta examensarbete. I examensarbetet utvecklas en metodik för att skapa en DfAM-ramverk som involverar topologioptimering och åtföljs av ett tillverkningsanalyssteg. En fallstudieimplementering av denna utvecklade metodik utförs för validering och fortsatt utveckling. Fallstudien ersätter en befintlig lastbärande tvärbalk med en ny struktur optimerad med avseende på vikt och tillverkningsprocess. Det resulterade i en nästan självbärande AM-vänlig design med förbättrad styvhet tillsammans med en viktminskning på 9,5 %, vilket visar fördelen med att integrera topologioptimering och grundläggande AM-design tidigt i designfasen.

MADE IN SWEDEN : Förslag till en möbel av lokala hållbara material tillverkad med nya digitala produktionsverktyg.

Lennaárd, Max January 2017 (has links)
Abstract This report is conducted to gain an insight in the Swedish furniture industry since the early 1900s and its current state. At a time when we are becoming more and more aware of that we are living in an unsustainable society of consumption and quickly puts an end to the earth’s resources, can we continue in this direction and will it be profitable from an economic-, social- and sustainability perspective? In my examproject i have investigated these questions and are proposing a way to keep production localy with local sustainable materials in a near future. New powerful digital pruduction tools and tecniques, and research and inventions in the material feilds, are rewriting the global pruduction map. By visiting a variety of production facilities for furniture and through a series of interviews of people connected to the industry, I have gained a deeper understanding and insight into the Swedish furniture industry and the future changes it faces. I have also read relevant literature and analyzed the chair as an object and the ergonomic conditions of sitting. In my report I want to showcase the importance of tradition and knowledge in furniture making, and bring this into a future sustainable production industry. Additive manufacturing, or 3D printing as it is also called, allows the designer to design both the inside and outside of an object and give it unique features. This enables many of the traditional physical conditions of production technology to be re-examined. My design proposal is a 3D printed chair designed by using Biomimicry and looking at the wasp. The wasp is chewing wood fibre and mixing it with saliva and then spits the mixture out in thin stripes and layer by layer building its nest, much in the same way as a 3D printer. As material i have proposed a filament based on nanocellulose witch is 100% biodegradible and because of its mechanical properties that are very similar to kevlar will allow physical freedom to the design.

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