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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Link Reliability in Cooperative Relaying Using Network Coding

Ahsin, Tafzeel ur Rehman January 2010 (has links)
Demand for high data rates is increasing rapidly for future wireless systems.This trend is due to the increase in the number of mobile subscribers that need bandwidth hungry multimedia applications anywhere, anytime. Fourth generation cellular systems like IMT-advanced are being developed to meet these requirements. The unreliable nature of the wireless medium is one of the main hinderance in providing high data rates. Cooperative communication in cellular networks is emerging as a new paradigm to deal with the channel impairments. User cooperation via fixed relays in cellular systems form multiple access relay channels (MARCs) and provide an effective and cost efficient solution to achieve spatial diversity gains. Network resources can be utilized efficiently by using network coding at cooperating nodes. A lot of research work has focused on highlighting the gains achieved by using network coding in MARCs. However, there are certain areas that are not fully explored yet. For instance, the kind of the detection scheme used at the base station receiver and its impact on the link performance has not been addressed. In most cases, the outage probability has been used as a performance measure of MARCs. However, it is well known that the outage probability gives information about the signal availability, but it does not give the complete picture about the reliability of the link and the achieved quality of service. This thesis work looks at the link performance, in terms of symbol error probability, of multiple access relay channels that employ network coding at the relay node. Different types of detection schemes are considered and their performance is compared under different link conditions. Analytical expressions for the average symbol error probability of the cooperating users are derived. Focusing on the uplink of cellular systems, certain rules are devised on how to group users at relay node to ensure mutual benefit for the cooperating users. As a way of improving the link performance of multiple access relay channels and their robustness, the thesis considers constellation selection for the different branches. This method takes advantage of the redundancy between the transmitted symbols created by network coding and the augmented signal space obtained at the base station receiver. The obtained results show that, with a proper selection of the constellation sets, the link performance of MARCs can be improved. The thesis further looks at the interaction between the channel coding schemes of the cooperating users and network coding. It is shown that joint channel-network coding in MARCs can be seen as a product code. This new representation provides considerable flexibility in selecting efficient decoding algorithms at the base station receiver and gives the possibility to use more powerful network coding schemes for MARCs. / QC 20101118 / Sino-Swedish Cooperative Program: IMT-Advanced and Beyond

Decoding and lossy forwarding based multiple access relaying

Lu, P.-S. (Pen-Shun) 20 March 2015 (has links)
Abstract The goal of this thesis is to provide a unified concept of lossy-forwarding from the theoretical analysis to practical scheme design for the decode-and-forward-based multiple access relay channel (MARC) system. To improve the performance of MARC with the relay subject to resources or/and time constraints, the erroneous estimates output from simple detection schemes are used at the relay are forwarded and exploited. A correlation is then found between two sequences: one is the network-coded sequence sent from the relay, and the other is their corresponding exclusive-OR-ed information sequence. Several joint network-channel coding (JNCC) techniques are provided in which the correlation is utilized to update the log-likelihood ratio sequences during the iterative decoding process at the destination. As a result, the bit error rate (BER) and frame error rate (FER) are improved compared with those of MARC with select DF strategy (SDF-MARC). The MARC proposed above is referred to as erroneous estimates-exploiting MARC (e-MARC). To investigate the achieved FER performance of the e-MARC system, the outage probability for e-MARC with two source nodes is theoretically derived. We re-formulate the e-MARC system and identify its admissible rate region according to the Slepian-Wolf theorem with a helper. Then, the outage probability is obtained by a set of integral over the rate region with respect to the probability density functions of all the links' instantaneous signal-to-noise power ratios. It is found through simulations that, as one of the source nodes is far away from both the relay and destination, e-MARC is superior to SDF-MARC in terms of outage performance. Furthermore, a joint adaptive network-channel coding (JANCC) technique is then proposed to support e-MARC with more source nodes. A vector is constructed at the destination in JANCC to identify the indices of the incorrectly decoded source node(s), and re-transmitted to the relay for requesting additional redundancy. The relay performs network-coding only over the estimates specified by the vector upon receiving the request. Numerical results show that JANCC-aided e-MARC is superior to e-MARC in terms of FER and goodput efficiency. In addition, compared iterative decoding is performed at relay with SDF-MARC, the use of differential detection with JANCC-aided e-MARC significantly reduces the computational complexity and latency with only a small loss in the FER. / Tiivistelmä Tämän väitöskirjan tarkoituksena on tuottaa yhtenäinen kokonaisuus häviöllisestä lähetyksestä pura-ja-lähetä (DF) -pohjaisessa monikäyttörelejärjestelmässä (MARC) sekä teoreettisesta että käytännöllisestä näkökulmasta. Parantaakseen resurssi- tai aikarajoitetun MARC-järjestelmän suorituskykyä, vastaanotin hyödyntää riippuvuussuhdetta releen välittämien informaatiosekvenssien virheellisten estimaattien ja suoraan lähteestä tulevien informaatiosekvenssien välillä (e-MARC). Työssä ehdotetaan useita yhdistetyn verkko -ja kanavakoodauksen menetelmiä (JNCC), joissa log-uskottavuussuhdesekvenssit iteratiivisen purkamisprosessin aikana päivitetään hyödyntämällä sekvenssien riippuvuussuhdetta vastaanottimessa. Tämän tuloksena sekä bittivirhe- että kehysvirhesuhdetta saadaan parannettua verrattuna selektiiviseen pura-ja-lähetä menetelmää käyttävään MARC-strategiaan (SDF-MARC). Kehysvirheen suorituskyvyn tarkastelua varten työssä johdetaan teoreettinen epäkäytettävyyden todennäköisyys e-MARC-menetelmälle kahden lähettimen tapauksessa. Lisäksi e-MARC-menetelmälle määritetään tiedonsiirtonopeusalue Slepian-Wolf -teoreeman mukaisesti. Tämän jälkeen saadaan epäkäytettävyyden todennäköisyys kaikkien linkkien signaalikohinasuhteen todennäköisyystiheysfunktion integraalina tiedonsiirtonopeusalueen yli. Simulointitulokset osoittavat e-MARC-menetelmän paremman epäkäytettävyyden todennäköisyyden verrattuna SDF-MARC-menetelmään silloin kun yksi lähettimistä on kaukana sekä releestä että vastaanottimesta. Mahdollistaakseen useamman lähteen käytön e-MARC-menetelmässä, työssä ehdotetaan lisäksi adaptiivinen yhdistetyn verkko-ja kanavakoodauksen menetelmä (JANCC). Siinä vastaanotin määrittää väärin purettujen sekvenssien lähettimet ja ilmoittaa ne vektorimuodossa takaisin releelle pyytääkseen näiden lähettimien informaation uudelleenlähetystä. Tämän jälkeen rele suorittaa verkkokoodauksen vain tunnistusvektorin määrittämien informaatiosekvenssien estimaatteihin perustuen. Tulokset näyttävät, että JANCC-menetelmää käyttävä e-MARC saavuttaa paremman kehysvirheen ja hyödyllisen läpäisyn tehokkuuden verrattuna e-MARC-menetelmään.

Distributed Coding for Wireless Cooperative Networks. / Codage distribué pour les réseaux coopératifs sans fil

Hatefi, Atoosa 25 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude théorique et à la conception pratique de schémas de codage conjoint réseau/canal adaptés à différents scénarii de communications dans les réseaux sans fil. Contrairement aux hypothèses conventionnelles retenues dans la littérature (accès multiple orthogonal, absence d'erreurs sur certains liens), les caractéristiques de diffusion et de superposition des signaux propres au canal radio et la présence d'évanouissements lents et de bruit sur tous les liens sont prises en compte dans la formulation du problème et exploitées. Différentes stratégies de coopération au niveau du ou des relais sont examinées et comparées. Le point commun entre toutes ces stratégies est que le système doit fonctionner même en absence de coopération. Seuls le ou les relais et la destination sont informés d'une coopération. Ni les sources, ni le ou les relais ne connaissent l'état du canal à l'émission.
Le premier volet de la thèse porte sur le canal à accès multiple avec relais unique (slow fading MARC). Le problème du codage et décodage conjoint canal/réseau (JNCC/JNCD) est étudié sur un plan théorique et pratique. Différentes hypothèses au niveau de l'accès multiple (semi-orthogonal et non-orthogonal) et différents modes de fonctionnement du relais (half-duplex et full-duplex) sont envisagés. Une nouvelle stratégie de coopération adaptative (SDF pour selective decode and forward) est définie dans laquelle le relais calcule et retransmet une fonction déterministe des messages de sources qu'il a pu décoder sans erreur. Le ré-encodage, défini sur un corps fini (corps binaire), est également conçu de manière à assurer que la performance finale au niveau de la destination atteint bien un ordre de diversité 2.
Le modèle de canal MARC est par la suite étendu à plusieurs relais (slow fading MAMRC). Une analyse théorique est conduite et des nouveaux schémas JNCC/JNCD permettant de s'approcher des limites théoriques sont décrits. Afin d'assurer la diversité pleine, nous proposons de combiner un codage canal binaire et un codage réseau non-binaire.
Pour les deux types de canaux, nous montrons que l'interférence naturellement induite par la diffusion des signaux dans un environnement sans fil, n'est pas un inconvénient mais bien un avantage dès lors qu'on est en mesure de la traiter via des techniques de codage et de décodage sophistiquées (turbo codes et leur décodage, turbo détection). Les gains en termes de capacité (rapportée à une certaine probabilité de coupure) obtenus avec un accès multiple semi-orthogonal ou non-orthogonal sont substantiels comparés à un accès multiple orthogonal (référence).
Dans la dernière partie de la thèse, la stratégie de coopération SDF est comparée à deux autres stratégies de coopération s'appuyant sur un procédé de décodage-et-retransmission "souple" (sans prise de décisions intermédiaires) : l'une basée sur les rapports logarithmiques de probabilité a posteriori sur les bits codés et l'autre basée sur l'estimation de l'erreur quadratique moyenne (MSE). Nous vérifions que la stratégie de coopération SDF fonctionne bien dans la plupart des configurations, les stratégies de coopération souples n'améliorant légèrement les performances que dans certains cas extrêmes. / With the rapid growth of wireless technologies, devices and mobile applications, the quest of high throughput and ubiquitous connectivity in wireless communications increases rapidly as well. Relaying is undoubtedly a key concept to provide coverage extension and capacity increase in wireless networks. Network coding, which allows the intermediate nodes to share their computation capabilities in addition to their resource and their power, has grabbed a significant research attention since its inception in information theory. It has become an attractive candidate to bring promising performance improvement, especially in terms of throughput, in relay-based cellular networks. Substantial research efforts are currently focused on theoretical analysis, implementation and evaluation of network coding from a physical layer perspective. The question is, what is the most efficient and practical way to use network coding in wireless relay-based networks, and whether it is beneficial to exploit the broadcast and multiple-access properties of the wireless medium to perform network coding. It is in such a context, that this thesis proceeds. In the first part of the thesis, the problem of Joint Network-Channel Coding (JNCC) for a Multiple Access Relay Channel (MARC) is investigated in the presence of multiple access interferences and for both of the relay operating modes, namely, half-duplex and full-duplex. To this end, three new classes of MARC, referred to as Half-Duplex Semi-Orthogonal MARC (HD-SOMARC), Half-Duplex Non-Orthogonal MARC (HD-NOMARC), and Full-Duplex Non-Orthogonal MARC (FD-NOMARC) have been introduced and studied. The relaying function in all of the classes is based on a Selective Decode-and-Forward (SDF) strategy, which is individually implemented for each source, i.e, the relay forwards only a deterministic function of the error-free decoded messages. For each class, an information-theoretic analysis is conducted, and practical coding and decoding techniques are proposed. The proposed coding schemes, perform very close to the outage limit for both cases of HD-SOMARC and HD-NOMARC. Besides, in the case of HD-NOMARC, the optimal allocation of the transmission time to the relay is considered. It is also verified that exploiting multiple access interferences, either partially or totally, results in considerable gains for MARC compared to the existing interference-avoiding structures, even in the case of single receive antenna. In the second part of the thesis, the network model is extended by considering multiple relays which help multiple sources to communicate with a destination. A new class of Multiple Access Multiple Relay Channel (MAMRC), referred to as Half-Duplex Semi-Orthogonal MAMRC (HD-SOMAMRC) is then proposed and analyzed from both information theoretic and code design perspective. New practical JNCC schemes are proposed, in which binary channel coding and non binary network coding are combined, and they are shown to perform very close to the outage limit. Moreover, the optimal allocation of the transmission time to the sources and relays is considered. Finally, in the third part of the thesis, different ways of implementing cooperation, including practical relaying protocols are investigated for the half-duplex MARC with semi-orthogonal transmission protocol and in the case of JNCC. The hard SDF approach is compared with two Soft Decode and Forward (SoDF) relaying functions: one based on log a posterior probability ratios (LAPPRs) and the other based on Mean Square Error (MSE) estimate. It is then shown that SDF works well in most of the configurations and just in some extreme cases, soft relaying functions (based on LAPPR or MSE estimate) can slightly outperform the hard selective one.

Network Coding for Wirless Relaying and Wireline Networks

Vijayvaradharaj, T M January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Network coding has emerged as an attractive alternative to routing because of the through put improvement it provides by reducing the number of channel uses. In a wireless scenario, in addition, further improvement can be obtained through Physical layer Network Coding (PNC), a technique in which nodes are allowed to transmit simultaneously, instead of transmitting in orthogonal slots. In this thesis, the design and analysis of network coding schemes are considered, for wireless two-way relaying, multi-user Multiple Access Relay Channel (MARC) and wireline networks. In a wireless two-way relay channel with PNC, the simultaneous transmissions of user nodes result in Multiple Access Interference (MAI) at there lay node. The harmful effect of MAI is the presence of signal set dependent deep channel fade conditions, called singular fade states, under which the minimum distance of the effective constellation at the relay become zero. Adaptively changing the network coding map used at the relay according to channel conditions greatly reduces the impact of this MAI. In this work, we obtain these adaptive PNC maps, which are finite in number ,by completing partially filled Latin Squares and using graph vertex coloring. Having obtained the network coding maps, the set of all possible channel realizations is quantized into a finite number of regions, with a specific network coding map chosen in a particular region and such a quantization is obtained analytically for 2λ-PSK signal set. The performance of the adaptive PNC scheme for two-way relaying is analyzed and tight high SNR upper bounds are obtained for the average end-to-end symbol error probability, in terms of the average error probability of a point-to-point fading channel. The adaptive PNC scheme is generalized for two-way relaying with multiple antennas at the nodes. As an alternative to the adaptive PNC scheme for two-way relaying, a Distributed Space Time Coding (DSTC) scheme is proposed, which effectively re-moves the effect of singular fade states at the transmitting nodes itself without any Channel State Information at the Transmitter (CSIT), and without any need to change the PNC map as a function of channel fade conditions. It is shown that the singular fade states can be viewed equivalently as vector subspaces of C2, which are referred to as the singular fade subspaces. DSTC design criterion to minimize the number of singular fade subspaces and maximize the coding gain is formulated and explicit low decoding complexity DSTC designs are provided. For the K-user MARC, in which K source nodes want to transmit messages to a destination node D with the help of are lay node R, a new PNC scheme is proposed. Use of a many-to-one PNC map with conventional minimum squared Euclidean distance decoding at D, results in a loss of diversity order due to error propagation from the relay node. To counter this, we propose a novel low complexity decoder which offers the maximum diversity order of two. Next, we consider wire line networks and explore the connections between linear network coding, linear index coding and discrete polymatroids, which are the multi-set analogue of matroids. We define a discrete polymatroidal network and show that a fractional vector linear solution over a field Fq exists for a network if and only if the network is discrete polymatroidal with respect to a discrete polymatroid representable over Fq.An algorithm to construct networks starting from certain class of discrete polymatroids is provided. Every representation over Fq for the discrete polymatroid, results in a fractional vector linear solution over Fq for the constructed network. It is shown that a linear solution to an index coding problem exists if and only if there exists a representable discrete polymatroid satisfying certain conditions which are determined by the index coding problem considered. El Rouayheb et. al. showed that the problem of finding a multi-linear representation for a matroid can be reduced to finding a perfect linear index coding solution for an index coding problem obtained from that matroid. Multi-linear representation of a matroid can be viewed as a special case of representation of an appropriate discrete polymatroid. We generalize the result of El Rouayheb et. al. by showing that the problem of finding a representation for a discrete polymatroid can be reduced to finding a perfect linear index coding solution for an index coding problem obtained from that discrete polymatroid.

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