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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effet de la température sur les interactions trophiques et intraguildes au sein d’un système plante-herbivore-ennemis naturels : modélisation et approches expérimentales

Sentis, Arnaud 03 1900 (has links)
Doctorat réalisé en cotutelle entre l'Université de Montréal et l'Université Paul Sabatier-Toulouse III / Il est maintenant reconnu que les changements climatiques ont des impacts importants sur l’ensemble des organismes vivants. Parmi les facteurs de ces changements, la température occupe une place prépondérante pour les organismes ectothermes car elle régule leur métabolisme. Toutefois, bien que les effets de la température sur les individus d’une espèce soient largement connus, les connaissances demeurent limitées quant aux conséquences sur les interactions trophiques. Dans ce contexte, notre étude s’intéresse aux effets de la température sur un système biologique composé d’une plante, le poivron Capsicum annuum L., d’un herbivore, le puceron Myzus persicae Sulzer (proie extraguilde), ainsi que de deux de ses ennemis naturels : la coccinelle maculée Coleomegilla maculata lengi Timberlake (prédateur intraguilde) et la cécidomyie prédatrice Aphidoletes aphidimyza Rondani (proie intraguilde). Dans ce but, nous avons opté pour une approche multiple comprenant : (1) la modélisation des interactions prédateur-proie et intraguilde (prédation entre deux compétiteurs d’espèces différentes qui exploitent une même ressource), (2) la réalisation d’expériences empiriques en laboratoire permettant de tester les prédictions des modèles et de caractériser l’effet de la température et de ses variations sur les composantes du système biologique étudié. Conformément aux prédictions d’un premier modèle, nous mettons en évidence que, lorsque la température augmente, C. maculata est plus efficace pour trouver et manipuler ses proies, ce qui augmente le taux de prédation. En revanche, à haute température son efficacité de recherche décroît, ce qui entraîne une diminution du taux de prédation. L’activité de prédation se limite donc à une fenêtre thermique en dehors de laquelle elle est réduite ou nulle. Par la suite, nous comparons un modèle linéaire et un modèle non-linéaire (saturant à haute densité de proies) afin de déterminer lequel de ces deux modèles décrit le mieux la réponse fonctionnelle d’un prédateur intraguilde, c’est-à-dire la relation entre le nombre de proies consommées et la densité de proies. Nos résultats expérimentaux démontrent que les prédictions du modèle non-linéaire correspondent bien aux observations empiriques, tandis que le modèle linéaire surestime largement le nombre de proies consommées et la fréquence des interactions intraguildes. Par la suite, nous dérivons le modèle non-linéaire afin d’y inclure l’effet de la température. Comme prédit par ce dernier modèle, la prédation intraguilde devient plus fréquente lorsque la température augmente mais diminue lorsqu’il y a davantage de proies extraguildes. Dans une dernière étude, nous soumettons le système biologique à des pics de température. Nos résultats démontrent que ces pics diminuent la fécondité des pucerons, l’accroissement de leurs populations, le poids des larves de coccinelles et le contrôle des pucerons par les coccinelles mais n’ont pas d’effets sur la plante et les relations plante-insecte. Le système biologique s’avère également plus résistant aux pics de température en présence de coccinelles qu’en leur absence. En conclusion, notre étude souligne l’importance de considérer la température dans les interactions trophiques puisqu’elle influence le comportement des organismes et la fréquence de leur interaction, ce qui se répercute au niveau des populations et des communautés. / There are several pieces of evidence that climate change significantly impact plants, herbivores, and predators. For ectotherms, temperature is the most important factor associated with these changes as it regulates their metabolism. Although the effects of temperature on individual organisms or populations have been well documented, our understanding about their consequences on trophic and guild interactions remains limited. In this context, we investigated the effects of temperature on complex interactions between a plant, the pepper Capsicum annuum L.; an herbivore, the aphid Myzus persicae Sulzer (extraguild prey); and two of its natural enemies, the ladybeetle Coleomegilla maculata lengi Timberlake (intraguild predator) and the predatory midge Aphidoletes aphidimyza Rondani (intraguild prey). We combined two approaches: (1) modeling predator–prey and intraguild (predation between two species that compete for the same resource) interactions, and (2) testing model predictions and characterizing the effects of temperature on components of our biological system through laboratory experiments. As predicted by the first model, we found that when temperature rises, C. maculata is more efficient at finding and handling prey, which increases predation rate. However, search rate decreases at high temperatures, leading to a reduction in predation. The predatory activity is therefore limited to a temperature window outside of which predation is reduced or absent. The next objective was to compare two models, one linear and one nonlinear, to determine which one best describes the functional response (the relationship between the number of prey consumed and prey density) of an intraguild predator. Results indicated that predictions of the nonlinear model (i.e., saturating at high prey densities) fit empirical observations well while the linear model greatly overestimates the number of prey consumed and the incidence of intraguild predation. Subsequently, we derived the nonlinear model to include the effect of temperature. As predicted by this model, we found that the incidence of intraguild predation increases with temperature but decreases when extraguild prey are more abundant. In a last experiment, we investigated the effects of temperature peaks on each component of our biological system. Results showed that temperature peaks reduce aphid fecundity and thereby population growth, decrease the weight of ladybeetle larvae, and decrease aphid control by ladybeetles, but have no effect on plants or plant–insect relationships. We also observed that the food chain is more resistant to temperature peaks when ladybeetles are included in the system than when they are absent. This suggests that ecosystems with predators exerting strong biotic control on prey population should be more resistant to climate change than ecosystem lacking them. In conclusion, our study highlights the importance of considering temperature in trophic and guild interactions since it influences the behavior of organisms as well as the frequency of interactions that affect population and community dynamics.

Biodiversité et fonctionnement écologique des agroécosystèmes à base de manguiers à La Réunion / Biodiversity and ecological functioning of mango agroecosystems in Reunion Island

Jacquot, Maxime 17 November 2016 (has links)
Dans les agroécosystèmes, l'utilisation de la biodiversité pour la régulation naturelle des arthropodes nuisibles vise à proposer une protection agroécologique des cultures, en alternative à la protection agrochimique actuelle. Notre étude a porté sur les agroécosystèmes à base de manguiers à La Réunion, avec l'objectif de comprendre les facteurs qui influencent la biodiversité et la régulation des arthropodes nuisibles. Cet agroécosystème est caractérisé par une importante diversité (797 espèces d'arthropodes et 114 espèces de plantes) et nos résultats ont révélé l'existence de contrôles ascendants et descendants positifs de cette biodiversité au sein des communautés. Nous avons également mis en évidence les services et disservices des espèces dominantes de fourmis envahissantes : deux d'entre elles fournissent un service de prédation et l'une d'elles réduit la diversité des ennemis naturels omnivores, ce qui semble expliquer la relation négative entre la diversité des omnivores et le service de prédation. Enfin, nous avons montré l'effet positif de la diversité des parasitoïdes et de la diversité des prédateurs, respectivement sur l'abondance des populations de la Cochenille des Seychelles et sur le service de prédation. Le seul effet significatif du paysage qui a été décelé est l'effet positif de la proportion des vergers de manguiers sur l'abondance du Thrips Sud-Africain des agrumes. L'ensemble de ces résultats nous permet d'identifier deux leviers pour la protection agroécologique des vergers de manguiers : l'implantation d'enherbements diversifiés dans les vergers ; la gestion collective du paysage en y limitant la proportion des vergers de manguiers. / In agroecosystems, the use of biodiversity for natural control of arthropod pests aims to propose an agroecological crop protection, as an alternative to current agrochemical protection. Our study focused on mango agroecosystems in Reunion Island, with the goal of understanding the factors that influence biodiversity and control of arthropod pests. This agroecosystem is characterized by a large diversity (797 arthropod species and 114 plant species) and our results highlight the positive bottom-up and top-down controls of biodiversity in communities. We also highlight the services provided by the dominant species of invasive ants in pest regulation. Two species provide a predation service, and one reduces the diversity of natural enemies of omnivores and appears to explain the negative relationship between omnivore diversity and predation. Finally, we highlight the positive effect of parasitoid diversity and predator diversity on, respectively, the abundance of Seychelles mealybugs and on predation in general. The only significant landscape effect measured in our work is the positive effect of the proportion of mango orchards on the abundance of South African citrus Thrips. These results allow us to identify two factors in the agroecological protection of mango orchards in Reunion: the management of diversified ground cover in orchards; and collective landscape management by limiting the proportion of mango orchards.

Effet de la température sur les interactions trophiques et intraguildes au sein d’un système plante-herbivore-ennemis naturels : modélisation et approches expérimentales

Sentis, Arnaud 03 1900 (has links)
Il est maintenant reconnu que les changements climatiques ont des impacts importants sur l’ensemble des organismes vivants. Parmi les facteurs de ces changements, la température occupe une place prépondérante pour les organismes ectothermes car elle régule leur métabolisme. Toutefois, bien que les effets de la température sur les individus d’une espèce soient largement connus, les connaissances demeurent limitées quant aux conséquences sur les interactions trophiques. Dans ce contexte, notre étude s’intéresse aux effets de la température sur un système biologique composé d’une plante, le poivron Capsicum annuum L., d’un herbivore, le puceron Myzus persicae Sulzer (proie extraguilde), ainsi que de deux de ses ennemis naturels : la coccinelle maculée Coleomegilla maculata lengi Timberlake (prédateur intraguilde) et la cécidomyie prédatrice Aphidoletes aphidimyza Rondani (proie intraguilde). Dans ce but, nous avons opté pour une approche multiple comprenant : (1) la modélisation des interactions prédateur-proie et intraguilde (prédation entre deux compétiteurs d’espèces différentes qui exploitent une même ressource), (2) la réalisation d’expériences empiriques en laboratoire permettant de tester les prédictions des modèles et de caractériser l’effet de la température et de ses variations sur les composantes du système biologique étudié. Conformément aux prédictions d’un premier modèle, nous mettons en évidence que, lorsque la température augmente, C. maculata est plus efficace pour trouver et manipuler ses proies, ce qui augmente le taux de prédation. En revanche, à haute température son efficacité de recherche décroît, ce qui entraîne une diminution du taux de prédation. L’activité de prédation se limite donc à une fenêtre thermique en dehors de laquelle elle est réduite ou nulle. Par la suite, nous comparons un modèle linéaire et un modèle non-linéaire (saturant à haute densité de proies) afin de déterminer lequel de ces deux modèles décrit le mieux la réponse fonctionnelle d’un prédateur intraguilde, c’est-à-dire la relation entre le nombre de proies consommées et la densité de proies. Nos résultats expérimentaux démontrent que les prédictions du modèle non-linéaire correspondent bien aux observations empiriques, tandis que le modèle linéaire surestime largement le nombre de proies consommées et la fréquence des interactions intraguildes. Par la suite, nous dérivons le modèle non-linéaire afin d’y inclure l’effet de la température. Comme prédit par ce dernier modèle, la prédation intraguilde devient plus fréquente lorsque la température augmente mais diminue lorsqu’il y a davantage de proies extraguildes. Dans une dernière étude, nous soumettons le système biologique à des pics de température. Nos résultats démontrent que ces pics diminuent la fécondité des pucerons, l’accroissement de leurs populations, le poids des larves de coccinelles et le contrôle des pucerons par les coccinelles mais n’ont pas d’effets sur la plante et les relations plante-insecte. Le système biologique s’avère également plus résistant aux pics de température en présence de coccinelles qu’en leur absence. En conclusion, notre étude souligne l’importance de considérer la température dans les interactions trophiques puisqu’elle influence le comportement des organismes et la fréquence de leur interaction, ce qui se répercute au niveau des populations et des communautés. / There are several pieces of evidence that climate change significantly impact plants, herbivores, and predators. For ectotherms, temperature is the most important factor associated with these changes as it regulates their metabolism. Although the effects of temperature on individual organisms or populations have been well documented, our understanding about their consequences on trophic and guild interactions remains limited. In this context, we investigated the effects of temperature on complex interactions between a plant, the pepper Capsicum annuum L.; an herbivore, the aphid Myzus persicae Sulzer (extraguild prey); and two of its natural enemies, the ladybeetle Coleomegilla maculata lengi Timberlake (intraguild predator) and the predatory midge Aphidoletes aphidimyza Rondani (intraguild prey). We combined two approaches: (1) modeling predator–prey and intraguild (predation between two species that compete for the same resource) interactions, and (2) testing model predictions and characterizing the effects of temperature on components of our biological system through laboratory experiments. As predicted by the first model, we found that when temperature rises, C. maculata is more efficient at finding and handling prey, which increases predation rate. However, search rate decreases at high temperatures, leading to a reduction in predation. The predatory activity is therefore limited to a temperature window outside of which predation is reduced or absent. The next objective was to compare two models, one linear and one nonlinear, to determine which one best describes the functional response (the relationship between the number of prey consumed and prey density) of an intraguild predator. Results indicated that predictions of the nonlinear model (i.e., saturating at high prey densities) fit empirical observations well while the linear model greatly overestimates the number of prey consumed and the incidence of intraguild predation. Subsequently, we derived the nonlinear model to include the effect of temperature. As predicted by this model, we found that the incidence of intraguild predation increases with temperature but decreases when extraguild prey are more abundant. In a last experiment, we investigated the effects of temperature peaks on each component of our biological system. Results showed that temperature peaks reduce aphid fecundity and thereby population growth, decrease the weight of ladybeetle larvae, and decrease aphid control by ladybeetles, but have no effect on plants or plant–insect relationships. We also observed that the food chain is more resistant to temperature peaks when ladybeetles are included in the system than when they are absent. This suggests that ecosystems with predators exerting strong biotic control on prey population should be more resistant to climate change than ecosystem lacking them. In conclusion, our study highlights the importance of considering temperature in trophic and guild interactions since it influences the behavior of organisms as well as the frequency of interactions that affect population and community dynamics. / Doctorat réalisé en cotutelle entre l'Université de Montréal et l'Université Paul Sabatier-Toulouse III

A predação de formigas por Rhinoleucophenga sp. nov. (Diptera, Drosophilidae) e seus efeitos no mutualismo entre formigas e Qualea grandiflora (Vochysiaceae) / Ant predation bu Rhinoleucophenga sp. nov (Diptera, Drosophilidae) and its effect on the mutualism between ants and Qualea grandiflora (Vochysiaceae)

Vidal, Mayra Cadorin, 1989- 23 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Paulo Sergio Moreira Carvalho de Oliveira, Sebastian Felipe Sendoya Echeverry / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-23T06:11:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vidal_MayraCadorin_M.pdf: 1986442 bytes, checksum: da9ed52c0a73527b0590731f5ee8d10b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: Exploradores do mutualismo - indivíduos que utilizam recursos/serviços produzidos pelos mutualistas sem recompensá-lo - podem trazer sérios danos aos mutualistas explorados, principalmente quando acaba matando um dos parceiros mutualistas. Plantas portadoras de NEFs podem manter mutualismos com formigas visitantes, que defendem a planta contra insetos herbívoros. No cerrado de Itirapina (SP), encontramos larvas de uma nova espécie de díptero do gênero Rhinoleucophenga (Drosophilidae) que constroem abrigos de consistência pegajosa em cima dos NEFs de Q. grandiflora. Assim, larvas de Rhinoleucophenga podem interferir no mutualismo formiga-planta, agindo potencialmente como exploradora dessa interação. O presente estudo teve como objetivos principais investigar a história natural dessas larvas, principalmente aspectos do comportamento e interação com Qualea e formigas, e analisar seu possível efeito sobre o mutualismo formiga-Q.grandiflora. Durante observações de campo comprovamos que formigas e outros insetos visitantes dos NEFs podem ficar presos ao abrigo larval e servir de alimento para o díptero. Larvas de Rhinoleucophenga sp. nov. ocorrem em 85% dos indivíduos de Q. grandiflora, principalmente na época chuvosa ocupando preferencialmente nectários ativos, perto do ápice e na face abaxial dos ramos. No levantamento da mirmecofauna visitante de Q. grandiflora encontramos 27 morfoespécies de formigas, sendo as duas mais frequentes Camponotus crassus, e uma espécie do gênero Brachymyrmex, as mesmas que foram mais comumente encontradas presas aos abrigos das larvas mirmecófagas. Vimos que as larvas expõem uma substância líquida na abertura de seu abrigo, que comprovamos possuir composição química muito similar a do néctar extrafloral de Q. grandiflora, o que sugere que as larvas utilizam o néctar da própria planta para atrair suas presas. Na presença de larvas de Rhinoleucophenga, menos formigas visitam as plantas e também por menos tempo. Esse forrageamento diferenciado resultou em menor ataque de formigas a cupins vivos (herbívoros simulados). Além disso, na presença das larvas mirmecófagas houve maior abundância de herbívoros mastigadores e maior área foliar removida por herbívoros. Podemos afirmar que as larvas de Rhinoleucophenga sp. nov. utilizam o recurso da planta sem beneficiá-la. Além disso, as larvas do díptero também prejudicam a planta e suas formigas mutualísticas, uma vez que alimentando-se delas, aumentam a incidência de herbívoros e a herbivoria foliar na planta. Dessa forma, as larvas de Rhinoleucophenga sp. nov. estão agindo como exploradoras e do mutualismo formiga-Qualea grandiflora e predadoras de topo, causando efeito cascata nesse sistema / Abstract: Exploiters of mutualism - individuals that use resources/services offered by mutualists giving nothing in return - can cause serious damages to mutualists, especially when it involves the death of one of the partners. Plants bearing EFNs usually maintain mutualism with aggressive ants, which defend the plant against herbivores. In a cerrado area at Itirapina (SP), we found a new dipteran species of the genus Rhinoleucophenga (Drosophilidae) whose larvae construct sticky shelters on top of active EFNs of Q. grandiflora. Field observations revealed those ants and others insects that visit the EFNs can get trapped at the sticky larval shelters, and are consumed by the larvae. We hypothesized that Rhinoleucophenga larvae could be interfering with the ant-Qualea mutualism, and thus be acting as an exploiter of this interaction. Here, we investigate the natural history of Rhinoleucophenga larvae, mainly its behavior and association with ants and Qualea, and their possible effect on the ant-Qualea mutualism. Larvae of Rhinoleucophenga sp. nov. occur in 85% of the individuals of Qualea grandiflora inspected at Itirapina. Rhinoleucophenga larvae occur mostly during the rainy season, mainly at the apex and abaxial surface of the branches. We found 27 ant species visiting Qualea. The two most frequent visiting species, Brachymyrmex sp. 1 and Camponotus crassus, were most common insects trapped at larval shelters. Chemical analyses revealed that Rhinoleucophenga larvae use Qualea's extrafloral nectar to attract insect prey to their shelters. Qualea branches infested by ant-preying Rhinoleucophenga larvae had ant visitors for less time and in lower numbers than dipteran-free branches. This negative effect on ant foraging activity resulted in decreased levels of ant aggression to live termite-baits (i.e., simulated herbivores) on leaves of dipteran-infested compared to dipteran-free branches. Controlled field experiments demonstrated that branches hosting Rhinoleucophenga larvae had higher numbers of chewing herbivores and higher levels of foliar herbivory than dipteran-free branches. By using Qualea's EFNs as larval shelters and as attractants to ant prey, larvae of Rhinoleucophenga sp. nov. negatively affect both the plant and ant visitors, with cascading effects ultimately resulting in increased herbivore damage to leaves. Thus we can conclude that ant-eating Rhinoleucophenga larvae are acting as exploiters of the mutualism between ants and Q. grandiflora and also as top predator, causing cascade effect on this system / Mestrado / Ecologia / Mestra em Ecologia

Trophic relationships of hake (Merluccius capensis Castelnau, 1851 and M. paradoxus Franca 1960) from the Northern Benguela current ecosystem (Namibia) : inferences from stable isotopes and fatty acids

Iitembu, Johannes Angala January 2014 (has links)
Two species of hake (Merluccius capensis and Merluccius paradoxus) account for most of Namibia’s fisheries catch, and they are important secondary consumers in the Benguela Current ecosystem. Inferences on their trophic relationships have been based mainly on stomach content analyses. However, such data are limited temporally because they represent only snapshots of recent feeding, and are quantitatively biased because of variation in the digestion rates of different prey. The principal aim of the thesis was to understand the trophic relationships of two hake species relative to each other, their known prey and top predators (demersal sharks) in the northern Benguela Current ecosystem (Namibia), using time-integrating trophic biomarkers. By using stable isotope (carbon and nitrogen) and fatty acid signatures of their muscle tissues, my overall objectives were to produce new knowledge about 1) hake ontogenic trophic relationships, 2) the contributions of different prey to hake diets, 3) hake dietary differences, and 4) some aspects of hake’s trophic relationships with demersal sharks. Tissues of hake (n=358), their potential prey (n=455), and demersal sharks (n=42) were collected between 2008 and 2012 during demersal bottom trawl surveys off Namibia, for stable isotope and fatty acid analyses. And more...

The influence of bottom-up effects on trophic cascades : a case study of Orchestia (Amphipoda) affecting redshank (Tringa totanus) predation risk in a saltmarsh ecosystem

Kenworthy, Nigel January 2018 (has links)
Previous research into bottom-up processes on saltmarshes has mainly focused on the influence of plant succession on herbivores. This study will present original research exploring the influence of bottom-up processes in a saltmarsh ecosystem between three trophic levels: Orchestia, redshanks, and sparrowhawks. Density dependence, may be the dominant top-down effect when higher numbers of sparrowhawks and redshanks are present, and may mask top-down and bottom-up trait effects which are constant. Bottom-up effects begin to emerge when cold conditions force redshanks from muddy creeks onto the saltmarsh to forage for Orchestia, because their primary prey, Corophium become less available. Larger flocks form and feeding on Orchestia requires them to balance a need to profit from the best available feeding patches and to be vigilant to sparrowhawk attack. Redshank vulnerability is compounded, because Orchestia hide in cold temperatures, so probing in the soil with their heads down makes them more vulnerable to sparrowhawk attack. Larger flocks may be able to exploit areas closer to sparrowhawk-concealing cover at the terrestrial boundary because they feel safer in greater numbers. Warmer temperatures make Orchestia more active which attracts redshanks, which can simultaneously feed and be vigilant because they peck and catch crawling and jumping Orchestia with their heads up. Consequently, increased flock size may temporarily depress Orchestia abundance, so that redshanks become spaced, leaving isolated individuals more vulnerable to attack. Therefore, it is a temperature-dependent bottom-up process which impacts upon both Orchestia and redshank behaviour, which then may influence the hunting success of sparrowhawks. Whether the characteristics of this saltmarsh ecosystem and the trophic dynamics can be compared to other examples is questionable. Saltmarshes probably differ in their topography and the way in which environmental conditions affect them that then defines which species are present and how these species interact.

Phylogéographie comparée d’un système multitrophique : les parasitoïdes du genre Horismenus spp. ont-ils échappé au processus de domestication du haricot au Mexique?

Laurin-Lemay, Simon 08 1900 (has links)
Cette étude vise à comparer l’histoire évolutive des parasitoïdes du genre Horismenus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) à celle de leurs hôtes bruches (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) et plante hôte (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivée dans le contexte d’agriculture traditionnelle, au sein de son centre de domestication Mésoaméricain. Nous avons analysé la structure génétique de 23 populations de quatre espèces de parasitoïdes au Mexique, en utilisant un fragment du gène mitochondrial COI afin de les comparer aux structures précédemment publiées des hôtes bruches et du haricot commun. Nous avons prédit que les structures génétiques des populations d’hôtes (bruches et plante) et de parasitoïdes seraient similaires puisque également influencées par la migration entremise par l’humain (HMM) étant donnée que les parasitoïdes se développent telles que les bruches à l’intérieur des haricots. Compte tenu des stratégies de manipulation reproductive utilisées par l’alpha-protéobactérie endosymbionte Wolbachia spp. pour assurer sa transmission, la structure génétique des populations de parasitoïdes inférée à partir du génome mitochondrial devrait être altérée conséquemment à la transmission conjointe des mitochondries et des bactéries lors de la propagation de l’infection dans les populations de parasitoïdes. Les populations du parasitoïde H. missouriensis sont infectées par Wolbachia spp. Tel que prédit, ces populations ne sont pas différenciées (FST = 0,06), ce qui nous empêche d’inférer sur une histoire évolutive parallèle. Contrairement aux bruches, Acanthoscelides obtectus et A. ovelatus, la HMM n'est pas un processus contemporain qui influence la structure génétique des populations du parasitoïde H. depressus, étant donné la forte différenciation (FST = 0,34) qui existe entre ses populations. La structure génétique observée chez H. depressus est similaire à celle de sa plante hôte (i.e. dispersion aléatoire historique à partir d'un pool génique ancestral très diversifié) et est probablement le résultat d’un flux génique important en provenance des populations de parasitoïdes associées aux haricots spontanées à proximité des champs cultivés. L’étude de l’histoire évolutive intégrant plusieurs niveaux trophiques s’est avérée fructueuse dans la détection des différentes réponses évolutives entre les membres du module trophique face aux interactions humaines et parasitaires, et montre la pertinence d’analyser les systèmes écologiques dans leur ensemble. / This study aims to compare the evolutionary history of Horismenus parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) to that of their bruchid beetle hosts (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) and their domesticated host plant (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in the context of traditional agriculture within their Mesoamerican center of domestication. We analyzed the genetic structure of 23 populations of four Horismenus species in Mexico using COI mitochondrial gene fragments and compared the structures to previously published data on bean plant and beetle hosts. We predicted that because parasitoids complete their development within their beetle hosts, within the bean, the genetic structure of both the host and the parasitoid would be similar and equally influenced by human-mediated migration (HMM). Furthermore, because of reproductive manipulation strategies often used by the alpha-proteobacteria endosymbionte Wolbachia spp. to ensure its transmission, the genetic structure of parasitoid populations inferred from mitochondrial genome would be bias consequently to the conjoint transmission of mitochondria and the bacteria according to propagation of the infection within parasitoids populations. The populations of H. missouriensis parasitoids are infected by Wolbachia spp. As predicted, these populations are not differentiated (FST = 0.06) which prevents us to infer on a parallel evolutionary history. Unlike their bruchids hosts, Acanthoscelides obtectus and A. ovelatus, the HMM is not a contemporary process influencing H. depressus population genetic structure according to the strong populations differentiation (FST = 0.34). The genetic structure observed within H. depressus populations is similar to that of its host plant (i.e. historical random dispersal from a highly diversified ancestral gene pool) and is probably the result of extensive gene flow from parasitoids associated with wild beans populations adjacent to crop fields. The study of evolutionary history integrating multitrophic levels has proved to be fruitful in detecting different evolutionary responses among members of the trophic module face to human and parasite interactions, but also points out the pertinence of analyzing ecological systems as a whole.

Multitrophic plant insect interactions in dependence of belowground processes / Multitrophische Pflanze-Insekt Interaktionen in Abhängigkeit von unterirdischen Prozessen

Poveda Morciniec, Katja Andrea 19 May 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Phylogéographie comparée d’un système multitrophique : les parasitoïdes du genre Horismenus spp. ont-ils échappé au processus de domestication du haricot au Mexique?

Laurin-Lemay, Simon 08 1900 (has links)
Cette étude vise à comparer l’histoire évolutive des parasitoïdes du genre Horismenus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) à celle de leurs hôtes bruches (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) et plante hôte (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivée dans le contexte d’agriculture traditionnelle, au sein de son centre de domestication Mésoaméricain. Nous avons analysé la structure génétique de 23 populations de quatre espèces de parasitoïdes au Mexique, en utilisant un fragment du gène mitochondrial COI afin de les comparer aux structures précédemment publiées des hôtes bruches et du haricot commun. Nous avons prédit que les structures génétiques des populations d’hôtes (bruches et plante) et de parasitoïdes seraient similaires puisque également influencées par la migration entremise par l’humain (HMM) étant donnée que les parasitoïdes se développent telles que les bruches à l’intérieur des haricots. Compte tenu des stratégies de manipulation reproductive utilisées par l’alpha-protéobactérie endosymbionte Wolbachia spp. pour assurer sa transmission, la structure génétique des populations de parasitoïdes inférée à partir du génome mitochondrial devrait être altérée conséquemment à la transmission conjointe des mitochondries et des bactéries lors de la propagation de l’infection dans les populations de parasitoïdes. Les populations du parasitoïde H. missouriensis sont infectées par Wolbachia spp. Tel que prédit, ces populations ne sont pas différenciées (FST = 0,06), ce qui nous empêche d’inférer sur une histoire évolutive parallèle. Contrairement aux bruches, Acanthoscelides obtectus et A. ovelatus, la HMM n'est pas un processus contemporain qui influence la structure génétique des populations du parasitoïde H. depressus, étant donné la forte différenciation (FST = 0,34) qui existe entre ses populations. La structure génétique observée chez H. depressus est similaire à celle de sa plante hôte (i.e. dispersion aléatoire historique à partir d'un pool génique ancestral très diversifié) et est probablement le résultat d’un flux génique important en provenance des populations de parasitoïdes associées aux haricots spontanées à proximité des champs cultivés. L’étude de l’histoire évolutive intégrant plusieurs niveaux trophiques s’est avérée fructueuse dans la détection des différentes réponses évolutives entre les membres du module trophique face aux interactions humaines et parasitaires, et montre la pertinence d’analyser les systèmes écologiques dans leur ensemble. / This study aims to compare the evolutionary history of Horismenus parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) to that of their bruchid beetle hosts (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) and their domesticated host plant (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in the context of traditional agriculture within their Mesoamerican center of domestication. We analyzed the genetic structure of 23 populations of four Horismenus species in Mexico using COI mitochondrial gene fragments and compared the structures to previously published data on bean plant and beetle hosts. We predicted that because parasitoids complete their development within their beetle hosts, within the bean, the genetic structure of both the host and the parasitoid would be similar and equally influenced by human-mediated migration (HMM). Furthermore, because of reproductive manipulation strategies often used by the alpha-proteobacteria endosymbionte Wolbachia spp. to ensure its transmission, the genetic structure of parasitoid populations inferred from mitochondrial genome would be bias consequently to the conjoint transmission of mitochondria and the bacteria according to propagation of the infection within parasitoids populations. The populations of H. missouriensis parasitoids are infected by Wolbachia spp. As predicted, these populations are not differentiated (FST = 0.06) which prevents us to infer on a parallel evolutionary history. Unlike their bruchids hosts, Acanthoscelides obtectus and A. ovelatus, the HMM is not a contemporary process influencing H. depressus population genetic structure according to the strong populations differentiation (FST = 0.34). The genetic structure observed within H. depressus populations is similar to that of its host plant (i.e. historical random dispersal from a highly diversified ancestral gene pool) and is probably the result of extensive gene flow from parasitoids associated with wild beans populations adjacent to crop fields. The study of evolutionary history integrating multitrophic levels has proved to be fruitful in detecting different evolutionary responses among members of the trophic module face to human and parasite interactions, but also points out the pertinence of analyzing ecological systems as a whole.

Insect frugivore interactions : the potential for beneficial and neutral effects on host plants

Wilson, Alexsis Jane January 2008 (has links)
Frugivorous insects, specialised herbivores that consume fruit and seeds, are considered detrimental to host plant fitness. Their direct link to genetic fitness via consumption of plant reproductive tissue, and their negative socioeconomic association with agriculture exacerbates their harmful status. However, empirical testing of insect frugivore effects on host plants, and ecological research on the contribution of insect frugivores to multitrophic frugivory systems, is lacking. In the current study, direct effects of a non-mutualistic, insect frugivore/host plant system were tested and results showed variable effects. Beneficial, detrimental, but predominantly neutral effects on germination and seed production were observed between the Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni) and tomato and capsicum plants. Significant effects on seed production were unexpected because infestation occurs after seed set. It was also found that eggplant, although a recorded host of B. tryoni, is inconsistent in its ability to sustain B. tryoni larvae through to its final instar. These results confirmed a simplification and presumption associated with insect frugivore (specifically fruit fly)/host plant interactions. Larval movement, infestation-induced fruit decay, pulp removal and germination were then investigated. For all hosts (tomato, apple and paw paw), treatments infested by B. tryoni decayed significantly quicker and to a greater extent than uninfested treatments, with obvious but variable changes to the texture and appearance. The movement of B. tryoni larvae, pattern of infestation-induced decay and pulp removal was unique and host dependent for all hosts. Only seeds from infested tomato were shown to germinate during the experiment. This indicated that host fruit characteristics are responsible, in part, for variable direct effects on host plant fitness by insect frugivores. Variable direct effects between insect frugivores and host plants, combined with the more rapid decay of infested fruits is likely to have implications for seed dispersal and seed predation by a third trophic level. The characteristics of fruit that are changed by infestation by an insect frugivore were then tested for their effect on a vertebrate frugivore, to illustrate the importance of recognising multitrophic interactions and indirect effects in frugivory. Specifically, seed predating rodents were incorporated into the study and their response to infested and uninfested fruits were recorded, as well as their reaction to the changes in fruit caused by insect frugivores (i.e. texture, smell, larvae presence and sound). Apple and pear infested with B. tryoni larvae were found to attract rodents, while infested tomato and paw paw had a neutral effect on the native rats. This differed from the predominant finding in the literature, which was a deterrent effect on avian seed dispersers. Vertebrate response to fruit infested with insect frugivores therefore, is variable. Assessing the indirect effect of insect frugivores on host plant fitness by attracting or deterring another trophic level requires knowledge of the direct effect between the introduced trophic level and the host plant. For example, the attraction of a seed predator may be as detrimental to host plant fitness as the deterrence of a seed disperser. This illustrates the complexity associated with assessing insect frugivore effects on host plant fitness. Results also indicated that differences in pulp texture, caused by infestation, have a significant effect on rodent preference for infested or uninfested treatments. Pulp texture is likely to effect rodent foraging efficiency, whereas the presence of B. tryoni larvae was observed to be inconsequential to rodent response to fruits. For rodents, and indeed any trophic level motivated by foraging efficiency, this finding raises the issue that for long lived fruiting plants, outside factors such as food abundance and competition for food, may cause a variable response to fruits infested by insect frugivores. From these investigations it has become apparent that insect frugivores are not consistently harmful to host plant fitness, as suggested by their negative stigma, but are likely to contribute variable effects, directly and indirectly, on multiple components of plant fitness and multitrophic frugivory systems.

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