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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Predictors of placement from a juvenile detention facility

Brock, Diane C., Lenz, Anneva E., Houston, Ann C., Munn, Richard R., Parks, David F. 01 January 1971 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to determine whether certain personal, socioeconomic, and court-related factors are significantly related to the differential placement of delinquent and dependent children from the detention facility at the Donald E. Long Home. A stratified random sample was composed of 173 placements of children who were held in detention after a preliminary hearing. The review of literature revealed that little systematic. Information is known regarding the placement process as it is related to differential placement of children from a detention facility. A code sheet was developed for recording the information in the children’s records maintained by the court. Fourteen variables were ultimately selected for analysis of their relationship to differential placement. These variables were subjected to three statistical approaches; a descriptive analysis of the random sample, testing of the significance of each variable to the alternatives in placement by either Chi square or analyses of variance, and testing of several variables in combination by discriminant function. This study was limited by the fact that only demographic variables were tested. Although three individual variables were found to have a high degree of significance in relation to placement, the data as produced within the scope of this research project does not provide an effective placement profile. The need for additional research in the area of the differential placement process is clearly indicated. Suggestions are made for future research.

An exploratory study into the financial situations of elderly wards of the Public Guardian and Conservator of Multnomah County

Hudson, Ruth D. 01 January 1978 (has links)
It has been the practice of the Public Guardian and Conservator (PG and C*) of Multnomah County to collect fees for service to elderly wards on an annual basis usually at the time of the annual accounting. The purpose of this study is to determine the profitability of deferring the assessment and collection of fees until the termination of conservatorship. The assumption is that such a policy would provide an immediate benefit to the ward who would enjoy more spendable income while he is alive and at the same time the Public Guardian and Conservator could still collect his fee, although at a later date. This argument is predicated on the assumption that at the termination of conservatorship, the ward is financially solvent and the estate is able to defray the cost of services. By examining the records of past wards, the study should be able to predict the feasibility of a policy that would assess and collect conservatorship fees at the time of termination.

A Library and Its Community: Exploring Perceptions of Collaboration

Daurio, Phoebe Vincenza 01 January 2010 (has links)
This study explores perceptions of interorganizational collaboration through an investigation of the opinions and actions of a public library and three community-based organizations. Interorganizational collaboration is often viewed as an effective strategy for accomplishing objectives that would not otherwise be possible with a single organization. Particularly for complex societal issues such as adult literacy, researchers and practitioners believe collaboration between organizations is necessary in order to achieve desired outcomes. Public libraries are engaging in collaborations also to extend their reach, establish the library’s relevance, increase community involvement, and advocate for their position as a community asset. This thesis is a case study of one such library and its community partners. In 2005, Oregon’s Multnomah County Library (MCL) developed a strategic plan that included helping adults reach their personal literacy goals. Recommendations for the implementation of adult literacy services included advice against the library becoming a direct service provider and advocated instead for the use of community relationships in order to pool resources, generate new ideas, and improve access to services. This thesis explores how MCL and three employment agencies envision and enact collaboration, and how they perceive and engage with each other as partners or collaborators. Semi–structured, open–ended interviews with central players at MCL and staff from three employment agencies formed the basis of this research. These thirteen participants represented multiple perspectives on adult literacy and collaboration in the library and its community. Participants’ responses were coded and organized according to themes found in the literature, and additional themes emerged from significant topics in the interviews. Analysis consisted of comparing and contrasting the themes with existing theory and across participants, determining patterns and relationships, and developing a framework for understanding the perceptions of collaboration held by the library and its community. Although the collaboration literature distinguishes between partnership and collaboration, the participants in this study used both terms interchangeably. However, they typically referenced and had experience with relationships between individuals (partnership) as opposed to relationships between organizations (collaboration). Participants indicated that the role of the individual, characterized by the importance of a personal connection and the effort required to engage in partnership or collaboration, was the most important factor in building working relationships. Considering that participants typically described relationships between individuals as representative of collaborations or partnership, a logical consequence is that an individual contributes significantly to the process. Other findings of this study focused on the differences between how MCL perceived its role as a partner and how the employment agency staff perceived the library as a partner. Although the community participants believed in the benefits of collaboration, they did not often pursue collaboration, and they did not see the library as a partner. Conversely, engaging with the community was part of the library’s mission, and each library participant confirmed that the goal of the library was to reach out to those who did not already know about the library. Three factors that shaped the process of partnering with the library were used as a framework for exploring the different perspectives held by the library and the community participants. Through an exploration of the library’s goals for community engagement, the library as a resource, and the library meeting community needs, this study found that the community participants perceived barriers to using the library as a resource and didn't realize that the library wanted to help them meet their needs. Implications of these findings for libraries and communities include the need for clarification of goals for collaboration and type of collaboration. Through a concrete awareness of the objectives for each collaborative endeavor, the library and community agencies can better understand the initial effort and resources required. Because the employment agencies did not see the library as a partner, the library may have to lead the process of engaging with the community, helping the community identify its needs, and explicitly linking library resources to specific community needs. Suggestions for future research include investigation into individuals who seek partnership or collaboration, specific information about initial interactions between individuals that eventually leads to collaboration, and the importance of linking the collaboration research to the public library setting.

The father's role in treatment; a survey of selected social service programs

Robertson, Joanne 01 January 1971 (has links)
This is a descriptive, partially exploratory study which examined the date obtained from interviews with socials workers in selected social welfare programs in regard to the father in treatment. Explored were descriptive information concerning the agency's characteristics, the type and extend of treatment offered, the involvement or resistance of the father in therapy, and the provision made for a surrogate male model in the event of the father's absence. The literature revealed that currently there is a growing body of knowledge and theory related to the father's role in the psychosocial development of the child and the consequences of his absence. It might be noted that in the past more attention has been given in theory and research to the mother's role. Through personal interviews with one professional social worker in each of eighteen selected programs in Multnomah County data were obtained with a data collection schedule used as a guide. The findings indicated that the father was interested in his child's development and more willing to participate in treatment than is generally appreciated. Although the philosophy and policy of all of the agencies recognized the importance of the father in therapy, in actual practice only a minority had been able to implement this in treatment to an extensive degree due to the lack of staff time and training. A few programs, however, did report a ratio of staff to clients which enabled them to sustain the father and his family in intensive, meaningful therapy. There are indications that more flexible agency hours need to be implemented to better enable social workers to involve the father. An emerging emphasis on innovative new methods such as total family group therapy which tends to involve the father in therapy, was reflected in the study. The data indicated that several agencies in the last few years have begun to use new methods to a significant degree, with the leadership of trained social work therapists, and that other agencies are using new methods in a moderate degree or are planning to implement these methods in the near future. The majority of agencies did recognize the need for the use of substitute male models, in some cases of father absence, but they found few available resources for the provision of this service. Although this was a general, descriptive paper only, some trends in practice regarding the father did emerge. Indications are that the father has a vital interest in his child's development, that he has shown an increasing willingness to become involved in therapy, and that there is a growing emphasis, in agencies, for the use of new treatment methods which emphasize the involvement of the father.

The Development of an Evaluational Process for the Group Home Project of the Northeast Multnomah District of Childrens Service Division

McKitrick, Lucinda E., Barasch, Richard S., Lembert, Lon J. 01 January 1975 (has links)
Childrens' Services Division of the State of Oregon is involved in a group home project. They have to date nine group homes in operation within Multnomah County. Their staff consists of a director, three social workers and the group home provider staff. The primary goal for this practicum was the development of an evaluative system that would establish descriptions of the type of client who entered the Group Home Program and some criteria for success in that program. In developing this system, it was necessary to design instruments to measure behavioral changes and attitudes and also to collect descriptive data. Such a system should be as comprehensive as possible while remaining fairly simple and easy to implement. A secondary goal was to pre-test the evaluative system and gather data for the use of the Group Home Project. The instruments could be used continuously in an on-going evaluative process with pre-test data as a standard by which to set more definite objectives and evaluation of the program. Finally the information gathered could be valuable for the 1975 Legislative review.

Changing the custody of children whose parents have been divorced : a general view of the process

Bateman, Dorothy E., Comte, Michael A., Curry, Kathryn S., Fry, Robert M., Sims, Patricia J., Terry, Elva J. 01 May 1970 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to obtain a preliminary description, through study of the legal files, of that group of persons who appear before the Court of Domestic Relations for a reconsideration of the custody decision made initially, at the time of divorce. A sample of 92 cases heard in Mu1tnomah County in 1965 was obtained. A survey of the literature revealed that much of what has been written on the subject of divorce and custody is primarily from a statistical or legalistic standpoint and very little bears directly on the granting or obtaining of custody or the problems encountered by the custodial or non-custodial parents and the children. A reading schedule was developed for the purpose of recording the information in the legal files maintained by the court. The characteristics of the sample group were tallied in an effort to obtain a statistical profile of that group requiring additional court appearances to settle the matter of custody. A number of hypotheses were developed and tested by means of Chi Square. Though this study was limited by the fact that no control group was used and no personal interviews were obtained, it clearly indicates the need for additional research in the area of divorce and custody and suggestions are made for future projects.

The Department of Family Services, Court of Domestic Relations, Portland, Oregon : a report of its history, function, and future

Brune, George, Hart, John, Smith, Sandra 01 January 1974 (has links)
The study begins with a look at the sociological foundations underlying the Department of Family Services and the social institutions of law and marriage and the family. In order to present the working operation of the agency there are chapters dealing with custody and visitation and marriage and family counseling. This work is defined, and the methods involved are explained and illustrated. An historical overview of the agency with regard to personal, policy and orientation is presented.

Assessment of Short Term Behavioral Changes in Emotionally Handicaped Children Enrolled in a Special Education Program

Johnston, James S., Shilling, Karen 01 January 1975 (has links)
This study attempts to assess short term behavioral changes, as measured by the Hewett Behavioral Checklist in emotionally handicapped children enrolled in three of the special education classrooms.

An Evaluation of Latch Key Day Care

Skorney, Barbara Garrett 01 January 1974 (has links)
This evaluation of the Multnomah County Community Action Agency (MCCAA) Latch Key Child Care Program was undertaken at the request of the Multnomah County Planning and Evaluation Department. Latch Key is one of three day care programs classified as "developmental programs for youth" for which Multnomah County is the fiscal agent. The other two are Littles, a full-day pre-school day care program, and Head Start, an educational and developmental program for pre-school children. Littles and Latch Key comprise what is known as Programs for Children, a comprehensive child care program which serves children of low-income working parents who live in the East County area east of 82nd Avenue, plus the Arleta, Errol Heights and Lents Districts which lie within the Portland city limits. With the exception of Mt. Hood Community College, which operates a small day care program, Programs for Children provides the only publicly-supported child care services in the above area, which was designated as a "poverty" area by the Office of Economic Opportunity in 1970. This report will evaluate the Programs for Children administration and Latch Key centers only.

Close supervision program : an analysis of a human services program

Wright, Thomas, Jr., Trotman, V. Henderson 01 January 1975 (has links)
Multnomah County, Oregon, like many other counties across the nation, faces the perplexing problem of meeting the needs of the youthful offender. Historically, and even in more recent times, juvenile court authorities have relied primarily on detention facilities to provide secure custody for youthful offenders. However, the continued increase in delinquency and a growing storm of criticism of the juvenile court have led to a re-examination of current policy and a number of proposed changes on both the national and local level. A policy change in Multnomah County with regard to detention of youthful offenders has led to the closure of some of the detention facilities at the Donald E. Long Home. The policy change was also responsible for the creation of an alternative program for the young offender. The policy change was also responsible for the creation of an alternative program for the young offender. The alternative program called the Close Supervision Program was based on the philosophy that many of the youths held in detention do not require secure custody in the county’s detention home while awaiting adjudication. The authors surveyed the literature to examine the delinquency problem in the light of “casual” factors, labeling and stigma, treatment, institionalization and alternatives to detention. This theoretical framework is provided in order to give meaning to the conceptualization of delinquency and the need for alternative programs.

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