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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The comparative performance of active and passive equity-only funds in South Africa

Naidoo, Jayendran January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (M.M. (Finance & Investment)--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, Wits Business School, 2017 / The world has and is still witnessing a tremendous growth in various categories of mutual funds. Active fund managers continue to grow globally with many asking for exorbitant fees for their research and investment services. Equally, passive funds in the form of Exchange Traded Funds (ETF's) and index trackers have also continued to grow. This massive growth does not preclude funds domiciled in South Africa. Passive investments have grown by about 51 percent a year in the last 10 years in South Africa. As at 2016, there are over 3000 mutual funds domiciled in South Africa. Amidst these growing funds is the ongoing debate relating to the question of which fund management style yields the best outcome. The global debate relating to passive versus active fund management has raged for decades with no clear winner. The extant literature provides mixed evidence on the competitive advantage to either investment strategies. Surprisingly, the evidence for South Africa remains scanty, with a handful of authors addressing the issue. This study therefore, sets out to examine the comparative performance of all equity-only active mutual and passive funds domiciled in South Africa. In addition, it analyses the performance persistence of active and passive funds in different business cycles. A major contribution of this study is that it examines, for the first time, the applicability of the Fama-French five factor model on South African mutual funds. It also employs a battery of econometric methods to address the issue at hand. Relying on data from 2003 to 2016, the study presents evidence that both active and passively managed mutual funds do not earn abnormal returns but rather underperform the benchmark. However, the active portfolio performs relatively better than the passive portfolio, although both underperform the market. The study also documents evidence of time-varying performance; both active and passive funds record their worst underperformance during periods of financial crisis. The study also shows that passive portfolios tend to track the market performance more than active portfolios and that both fund categories tend to be sensitive to global market movements, suggesting that global factors matter for the riskiness of these funds. Finally, it is shown that in terms of driving factors, both active and passive fund managers generally give more preference to small cap returns than large cap returns. In addition, they are more growth oriented, as indicated by the negative coefficients for the HML factor. / MT2017

A comparison of the performance of Riet strategies in South Africa

Kubheka, Ntombenkulu 11 November 2019 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Commerce, University of the Witwatersrand. / As the objective of investing is the maximization of wealth, it is imperative for investors to find instruments which will help them achieve their goal. A real estate investment trust can be a form of wealth maximization if an investor is knowledgeable about its long-term performance and the drivers of this performance. This study employed the use of panel regression models to isolate the performance of South African REITs, in order to compare the risk-adjusted returns of REIT segments over the long term and to identify the determinants of REIT risk-adjusted returns. Risk-adjusted performance ratios were used to measure return on real estate investment funds to conclude on the performance of SA REITs. The Sharpe ratio, Treynor index and Jensen’s Alpha were performance measures of 55 JSE-listed and delisted REITs over 18 years (2000 – 2017) thus incorporating 433 firm-years.The empirical evidence suggests that size, book-to-market, property asset intensity, dividend yield and real GDP growth influence the performance of South African real estate investment trusts and Hotel and Resort REITs as well as Retail REIT significantly underperformed the other REIT sectors, under the Sharpe ratio and Jensen’s Alpha. Furthermore, the REIT performance during the financial crisis outperformed their performance during the other market phases. / PH2020

Active investing versus index investing : an evaluation of investment strategies

Wessels, Daniel Rossouw 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The two investment strategies, active and passive (index) investing, were evaluated by comparing the average performance of actively managed funds in the general equity category of the South African unit trust sector with its benchmark, the ALSI index. Various comparative methodologies were followed in the analysis and covered the period 1988-2003. When the upfront costs applicable to the active funds were excluded it was found that active funds on average outperformed the index benchmark. However, when including these costs the index outperformed the average of active fund returns. Similarly, on a risk-adjusted basis the index benchmark fared better than the average of actively managed funds. Index investing, despite its superior performance on average, would not have been a low risk strategy and investors would have experienced volatile returns. Over time index investing and active management repeatedly replaced one another as the dominant investment strategy. A fundamentalist approach about any one of the strategies is not prudent and it is argued that an integration approach of both strategies would have yielded the highest reward per unit risk, based on past experience. When following a strategy of combining both strategies in various combinations over different investment periods, it was found that the highest reward to risk ratio was attained by increasing index investing relative to active investing with an increase in the investment horizon. Simply put, the longer one’s investment term, the more index investing should be followed. Hereby it can be argued that over the long run it is difficult for active management to consistently beat the market. Therefore, investment strategies should be aligned with one’s faith in the efficiencies of markets over time and not be overly influenced by short-term performance records of active managers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die twee verskillende beleggingsbenaderings, naamlik aktiewe en passiewe (indeks) beleggingsbestuur, is beoordeel deur die gemiddelde opbrengste van die aktief-bestuurde fondse in die algemene aandeelkategorie van die Suid-Afrikaanse effektetrustbedryf met hul beleggingsmaatstaf, die ALSI indeks, te vergelyk. Verskillende vergelykende metodes is in die ontleding gebruik wat die oorsigtydperk 1988-2003 gedek het. Indien aanvangskoste by die aktief-bestuurde fondse buite rekening gelaat word, het hul gemiddelde opbrengs oor die algemeen die opbrengste van die indeks oorskry. Wanneer dié koste wel in ag geneem word, het die indeks egter die gemiddeld van die aktief-bestuurde fondse geklop. Soortgelyk, het die indeks beter as die gemiddelde van die risiko-aangepaste opbrengste van die aktief-bestuurde fondse vertoon. ‘n Indeksbenadering sou ten spyte van sy beter opbrengste oor die algemeen nie ‘n lae risiko strategie verteenwoordig nie en beleggers sou wisselvallige opbrengste ondervind het. ‘n Indeksbenadering en aktiewe bestuur het mekaar oor die verloop van tyd herhaaldelik afgewissel as die dominante beleggingstrategie. ‘n Eensydige benadering ten opsigte van enige van die strategieё sal nie deug nie en dit word eerder voorgehou dat ‘n integrasie van beide strategieё in die verlede die hoogste opbrengs per risiko-eenheid sou opgelewer het. Deur verskillende kombinasie-moontlikhede oor verskillende beleggingsperiodes te toets, is bevind dat die hoogste opbrengs per risikovlak verkry word deur die indeksbenadering te verhoog met ‘n toename in die beleggingshorison. Eenvoudig gestel, hoe langer die beleggingstermyn, hoe meer passiewe bestuur moet in die beleggingsportefeulje gevolg word. Hierdeur kan aangevoer word dat aktiewe bestuur oor die langer termyn moeilik die mark gaan uitpresteer. Indien ‘n belegger in die langtermyn doeltreffendheid van die mark glo, behoort die beleggingstrategie dienooreenkomstig daarby aangepas te word en nie volgens die korttermyn prestasies van aktiewe bestuurders nie.

Globalisation : the implications and challenges to the unit trust industry in South Africa

Vogel, Frederik J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study project is aimed at providing an insight into the concept of globalisation, its implications and the challenges for the unit trust industry in South Africa. The purpose is to gain a better understanding of the evolution of the unit trust industry, offshore investment, regulations in South Africa and the influence of these on the unit trust industry. Globalisation is influencing the way industries operate across all spectrums of business. The unit trust industry in South Africa is no exception to this rule. The unit trust industry has developed slowly over the years, but globalisation is forcing the industry to change much more rapidly. In this century the unit trust industry will be faced with challenges that could involve the development of new strategies. Globalisation is synonymous with the rapid acceleration of economic acrossborder transactions. Geographic location and time constraints are no longer major obstacles, because knowledge has become increasingly mobile due to globalisation. Technological advances and the dissemination of information lie at the heart of globalisation. The primary globalisation process is characterised by a continuously reinforced interaction between political, economic and technological factors. Reasons why people would invest in a unit trust are discussed, as well as the major players in the industry. The importance of regulatory legislation is discussed by examining the present Act and the two new proposals. The writer aims to indicate that the effects of globalisation have serious implications and present exciting challenges for the industry. The study refers to numerous articles and interviews with people in the industry. It makes the role of globalisation in the unit trust industry of South Africa clear and understandable. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die oogmerk van die werkstuk kan primêr soos volg saamgevat word: om insig te verkry rakende die begrip "globalisering", en om die gepaardgaande implikasies en uitdagings vir die effektetrust bedryf in Suid-Afrika te ondersoek. Voorafgaande dui dus op die daarstel van 'n beter begrip rakende die evolusie van die effektetrustbedryf, buitelandse beleggings, regulasies in Suid-Afrika en die invloed daarvan op die bedryf. Globalisering beïnvloed die wyse waarop alle bedrywe die besigheidswêreld benader. Die effektetrustbedryf in Suid-Afrika is geen uitsondering op die reël nie. Die effektetrustbedryf het oor die afgelope jare stadig ontwikkel, maar globalisering verplig dit om vinniger te verander. In hierdie eeu gaan die bedryf voor verskeie uitdagings te staan kom, met die gevolg dat nuwe strategieë ontwikkel moet word. Globalisering is sinoniem met die versnelling van ekonomiese transaksies oor landsgrense heen. Geografiese ligging en tydbeperkings sal in die toekoms nie meer groot hindernisse wees nie, omdat kennis meer beweeglik geword het as gevolg van globalisering. Tegnologiese vooruitgang en die verspreiding van informasie is die dryfkrag van globalisering. Die primêre globaliseringsprosesse word gekenmerk deur 'n deurlopend versterkte interaksie tussen politieke, ekonomiese en tegnologiese faktore. Daar word gekyk na die redes waarom mense in effektetrusts sal belê, asook die belangrikste rolspelers in die bedryf. Die belangrikheid van die wet wat die bedryf beheer word bespreek deur te kyk na die huidige wet en ook na die twee voorgestelde wette. Die skrywer poog om aan te dui dat die effek van globalisering sekere implikasies vir die bedryf het en ook opwindende uitdagings vir die bedryf bied. Die studie verwys na verskeie artikels en onderhoude met mense in die bedryf. Dit maak die rol van globalisering in die effektetrust bedryf in Suid-Afrika duidelik en verstaanbaar.

Institutional herding : evidence from the South African Unit Trust Industry

Gilmour, Scott 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Similar trading patterns, or so-called herding by institutional investors has interested market participants and academics for some time. Recent international research has established empirical evidence of this phenomenon. The context of this study is to observe evidence of herding by institutional investors in the South African Unit Trust Industry during the period December 1991 to September 1999. Furthermore, it investigates possible relationships between institutional herding and other topics of interest. These include risk profile of funds, market volatility, house view of management companies, size of herd, returns on hypothetical portfolios and on individual shares. Empirical results indicate evidence of herding over the period, albeit at a relatively small level. The average count herding measure of 2,4% is similar to levels recorded in the American Mutual Fund and Pension Fund Industries. A currency imbalance ratio is also used to measure herding, and indicates average levels of herding of 8,3%. This measure is deemed to reflect greater accuracy. as it measures actual currency movements (size of positions) as opposed to number of funds active in a share. On average, herding is present as often on the buy side as on the sell side of the market. Intuition would suggest that as the size of a herd increases (number of funds taking similar positions), the degree of herding increases. Evidence from this study corroborates with an American study, indicating to the contrary. There is a statistically significant negative relationship between the size of a herd and degree of herding. An observation of herding measures relative to the risk profile of funds indicates the presence of a statistically significant positive relationship. Highest levels of herding are recorded in aggressive growth funds and lowest levels in income/growth funds. This supports the rationale that aggressive growth funds, by nature of their investment objective, follow high growth firms. Analysts possess less accurate information regarding future earnings; hence the greater herding levels, for whatever reason. House views, imposed by individual management companies, may also lead to higher herding levels. There is tentative evidence of the presence of this practice, particularly in two of the seven companies observed. The relationship between herding and equity market volatility indicates an interesting phenomenon. There is the presence of a strong positive relationship between quarterly volatility estimates and levels of herding. This relationship changes materially for volatility levels in excess of 9%, indicating the clear presence of a structural breakpoint. For quarterly volatility estimates greater than 9%, the relationship weakens substantially and the slope of the relationship flattens. A quarterly time series of portfolio returns is calculated relative to levels of herding to observe trading strategies practiced by fund managers. The findings indicate weak evidence of funds following positive feedback trading strategies. Furthermore, funds trade in past winners more often than in past losers, indicating the absence of window dressing strategies. There is strong evidence of funds following profit taking strategies at quarterly intervals. The absence of return reversals indicates the absence of over reaction at quarterly intervals. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Soortgelyke handelspatrone, of sogenaamde samedromming van institusionele beleggers, is al geruime tyd vir markdeelnemers en akademici van belang. Onlangse internasionale navorsing het empiriese bewys van hierdie fenomeen opgelewer. Hierdie studie is daarop gefokus om bewyse van samedromming deur institisionele beleggers waar te neem, binne konteks van die Suid Afrikaanse Effektetrustbedryf gedurende die periode Desember 1991 tot September 1999. Daar word verder ondersoek ingestel na 'n moontlike verhouding tussen institusionele samedromming en ander onderwerpe van belang. Ingesluit hierby is die risikoprofiel van fondse, markonbestendigheid, 'house view' van bestuursmaatkappye, grootte van die samedromming, opbrengste van hipotetiese portefeuljes en individuele aandele. Empiriese resultate dui aan dat bewyse van samedromming gedurende die relevante periode wel bestaan, alhoewel dit op 'n relatiewe klein skaal plaasvind. Die gemiddelde telling samedrommingsmaatstaf van 2,4% is soortgelyk aan die vlakke waargeneem in die Amerikaanse Mutualfonds en Pensioenfondsbedrywe. 'n Geldeenheid onewewigtigheidsverhouding word ook gebruik as maatstaf van samedromming en dui 'n gemiddelde samedrommingsvlak van 8,3% aan. Die laasgenoemde maatstaf word as meer akkuraat beskou aangesien dit werklike geldeenheidbewegings (grootte van die posisies) reflekteer, in teenstelling met die aantal fondse wat aktief betrokke is by 'n spesifieke aandele. Samedromming is oor die algemeen ewe veel teenwoordig tydens die koop en verkoop van aandele in die mark. Intuïsie dui aan dat soos die grootte van die samedromming toeneem (aantal fondse wat dieselfde posisie inneem), die intensietyd van samedromming ook toeneem. Bewyse van hierdie studie bevestig die bevindinge van 'n Amerikaanse studie wat aandui dat die teenoorgestelde waar is. Statisties gesproke is daar 'n wesenlike negatiewe verhouding tussen die grootte en intensietyd van samedromming. 'n Waarneming van samedrommingsmaatstawwe, relatief tot die risikoprofiel van fondse, dui die teenwoordigheid van 'n statistiese wesenlike positiewe verhouding aan. Die hoogste vlakke van samedromming word waargeneem by aggresiewe groeifondse en die laagste vlakke by inkomste-/groeifondse. Hierdie bevinding staaf die gedagte dat aggresiewe groeifondse, as gevolg van die aard van hul beleggingsdoelwit, hoë groei maatskappye volg. Ontleders beskik oor minder akkurate inligting ten opsigte van toekomstige opbrengs en gevolglik is daar groter samedrommingsvlakke vir watter rede ookal. 'House views', soos voorgeskryf deur individuele bestuursmaatskappye, mag ook tot hoër vlakke van samedromming lei. Voorlopige bewyse ten opsigte van die teenwoordigheid van hierdie praktyk bestaan, veral in twee van die sewe maatskappye waargeneem. Die verhouding tussen samedromming en aandelemarkonbestendigheid reflekteer 'n interessante fenomeen. 'n Sterk positiewe verhouding is teenwoordig tussen kwartaalikse onbestendigheidsskattings en vlakke van samedromming. Hierdie verhouding verander wesenlik vir onbestendigheidsvlakke groter as 9%, wat die teenwoordigheid van 'n strukturele breukpunt duidelik aantoon. 'n Kwartaallikse tydreeks van portefeulje-opbrengste word bereken relatief tot die vlak van samedromming om handelstrategië, soos deur fondsbestuurders toegepas, waar te neem. Bevindinge dui aan dat daar gebrekkige bewyse is van fondse wat positiewe terugvoerstrategië volg. Daar is ook gevind dat fondse meer gereeld handel in gewese wenners as in gewese verloorders wat 'n afwesigheid van uitstallingsstrategië aandui. Daar is besliste bewyse van fondse wat winsbejagstrategië volg met kwartaalikse tussenposes. Die afwesigheid van omgekeerde opbrengste dui die afwesigheid van oorreaksie aan met kwartaalikse tussenposes.

The performance of South African unit trusts for the period 1984 to 2003

Brink, Margaretha Engela 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.Comm.)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Many fund managers who are supposed to have your best interest at heart have become just as greedy, have vested interests and their performance has been mediocre. Until they clean up their act, your best bet is to opt for an index fund, or the type that uses our money to track a stock market index, provided the initial and ongoing costs are low if you invest in shares. A great many funds have been run well and conscientiously. However, it’s often not clear to individuals which ones these are. In the absence of clarity, those index funds that are very low-cost are investorfriendly by definition and are the best selection for most of those who wish to own equities. Warren Buffet Throughout the past twenty years, investment funds have been transforming financial markets. There has been a tremendous growth in this industry and at the end of 2003 more than USD 13 trillion were invested in investment funds around the globe. In the United States, 12 percent of all money invested in mutual funds resides in index mutual funds and investors can choose from 149 index funds. Academics have researched mutual funds in depth and most are in favour of index-related funds. The reason for this is that the average US mutual fund that is actively managed does not manage to outperform its benchmark index. In South Africa, the scenario is very different. There are currently only nine index unit trusts with a net asset value of ZAR 1.4 billion. This represents only 60 basis points of all money invested in South African unit trusts. In this study, a few factors are discussed as possible contributors to this situation, with exchange-traded funds and enhanced index fund strategies identified as the most significant factors. This study investigates whether active unit trusts succeed in outperforming their benchmark index. It provides empirical research showing that All-Share Index have been a better risk-adjusted investment over the twenty years studied. This may be seen as a reason why investors prefer enhanced strategies since they provide a premium on the index’s return, and the risk and costs are lower than for active unit trusts. Exchange-traded funds have accumulated investments of close to ZAR 6 billion since the launch of the first Satrix fund, Satrix 40, in 2001. These funds aim at the same return as index unit trusts and have significant cost advantages over index unit trusts. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Many fund managers who are supposed to have your best interest at heart have become just as greedy, have vested interests and their performance has been mediocre. Until they clean up their act, your best bet is to opt for an index fund, or the type that uses our money to track a stock market index, provided the initial and ongoing costs are low if you invest in shares. A great many funds have been run well and conscientiously. However, it’s often not clear to individuals which ones these are. In the absence of clarity, those index funds that are very low-cost are investorfriendly by definition and are the best selection for most of those who wish to own equities. Warren Buffet Beleggingsfondse het tot gevolg gehad dat daar ‘n drastiese verandering in finansiële markte oor die afgelope twintig jaar plaasgevind het. Daar was ‘n aansienlike groei in hierdie industrie en aan die einde van 2003 was daar wêreldwyd meer as USD 13 triljoen in beleggingsfondse belê. In die Verenigde State behoort 12 persent van alle geld wat in effektetrusts belê is aan indeksfondse en beleggers het 149 indeksfondse waaruit gekies kan word. Effektetrusts is al in diepte deur akademici bestudeer en die meeste is ten gunste van indeks-verwante fondse. Die rede hiervoor is dat die gemiddelde effektetrust in die Verenigde State nie dit reg kry om beter as sy indeks maatstaf te presteer nie. In Suid Afrika is die omstandighede heeltemal anders. Daar is huidiglik slegs nege indeksfondse met ‘n netto bate waarde van ZAR 1.4 biljoen. Dit verteenwoordig slegs 60 basis punte van al die geld wat in Suid Afrikaanse effektetrusts belê is. In hierdie studie word daar ‘n paar faktore bespreek wat moontlik bygedra het tot hierdie situasie. Beursverhandelde fondse en ”verbeterde” indeksfondse word geïdentifiseer as die twee vernaamste faktore. Hierdie studie kyk of aktiewe effektetrusts suksesvol was om beter te presteer as hulle maatstaf indeks. Empiriese navorsing word gegee wat wys dat die Algemene Indeks ‘n beter risiko-aangepaste belegging was oor die twintig jaar van die studie. Dit kan gesien word as ‘n rede hoekom beleggers “verbeterings” strategieë verkies wat ‘n premie bied op die indeks se prestasie en beide die risiko en koste is laer as met aktiewe fondse. Beursverhandelde fondse het beleggings ten bedrae van ZAR 6 biljoen opgebou sedert die begin van die eerste Satrix fonds, Satrix 40 in 2001. Hierdie fondse mik vir dieselfde opbrengs as indeks effektetrusts en het groot koste voordele bo indeksfondse.

The evaluation of the South African unit trust fund managers' performance and strategy in a changing economic climate (1989-2002)

Akinjolire, Akinwande 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Previous studies show that interest rates, dividend yields and other commonly available variables are useful market indicators. Although this has produced new insights into asset pricing models, it has not been applied to the measurement of unit trust funds' performance. This study introduces a set of predetermined variables into the measures of performance of South African unit trust fund managers. This paper modifies classical performance measures to incorporate these well-known market indicators. The performance and strategy of the South African general equity unit trust managers are evaluated for the period 1989 to 2002. The incorporation of these predetermined variables is both statistically and economically significant. It is concluded that when the conditional measures are applied to this sample of unit trusts, their performance improves and there is no evidence of market timing strategy. This study advocates conditional performance evaluation in which the relevant expectations are conditioned on public information variables. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vorige studies toon dat rentekoerse, dividendopbrengste en ander algemeen beskikbare veranderlikes bruikbare markaanwysers is. Hoewel dit nuwe insigte in bateprysbepalingsmodelle bring, is dit nog nie toegepas op die meting van effektetrust prestasie nie. Hierdie ondersoek gebruik 'n stel voorafbepaalde veranderlikes in die prestasiemeting van Suid-Afrikaanse effektetrust bestuurders. Hierdie werkstuk wysig klassieke prestasiemetings om die bekende markaanwysers in ag te neem. Die prestasie van Suid-Afrikaanse algemene aandele-effektetrusts vir die tydperk van 1989 tot 2002 is geëvalueer met behulp van hierdie wysigings. Daar word bevind dat die gebruik van hierdie voorafbepaalde veranderlikes statisties sowel as ekonomies beduidend is. Hierdie ondersoek bevind dat die prestasie van die steekproef van effektetrusts verbeter wanneer voorwaardelike metings daarop toegepas word. Daar is geen bewys van marktydberekeningstrategie nie. Hierdie werkstuk beveel voorwaardelike prestasie-evaluering aan waarin die betrokke verwagtings bepaal word deur veranderlikes wat openbare inligting is.

Are unit trust performances inflated at quarter-ends

Steyn, Esther 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Suspicion has long existed that the performance of unit trusts is artificially inflated at quarter-ends, as those are the periods focussed on in the press. Studies investigating this have been done in the USA, but to date no similar study has been done in South Africa. This study examines the daily net asset value (NAV) performances of South Africa's domestic equity funds for the period from 1996 to 2002, as obtained from the MoneyMate database. Specifically, returns in excess of the benchmark index at quarterends are compared to excess returns at other month ends. The benchmark index performance is subtracted to correct for movement in the market. Domestic equity funds are divided into nine sectors and in much of this study, the funds in a sector are examined collectively. Results show that unit trust performance does peak at year-ends and quarter-ends, with a subsequent drop at the start of years and quarters. Furthermore, more funds beat the JSE All Share Index at year-ends and quarter-ends, than is normally the case. In contrast, this pattern was not repeated in the percentage of funds beating zero. Following these results, tests were done to establish whether a relationship exists between an end-of-quarter positive return and a subsequent beginning-of-quarter negative return. The suspected relationship was confirmed specifically in the funds from the period from 2000 to 2002. From this study, it would appear that inflating unit trust performances at quarter-ends is not yet extinct in South Africa. Advice to potential investors would therefore be to invest at the beginning of a quarter and to sell at the end. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar bestaan lank reeds die vermoede dat die opbrengste van effektetrusts op kwartaaleindes opwaarts bestuur word, siende dat dit die opbrengste is wat dekking in die media geniet. Daar is al in die VSA studies gedoen wat hierdie vermoede ondersoek, maar tot op hede was daar nog geen soortgelyke studie in Suid-Afrika nie. Hierdie studie ondersoek die daaglikse opbrengste van die netto batewaarde van Suid- Afrika se binnelandse effektetrusts vir die tydperk 1996 tot 2002, soos verkry van die databasis MoneyMate. Die verskil tussen opbrengste van die effektetrusts en die indeks op kwartaaleindes is vergelyk met die verskil op ander maandeindes (die verskil tussen opbrengste is geneem om bewegings in die mark in ag te neem). Plaaslike effektetrusts word in nege sektore verdeel, en in die grootste deel van hierdie studie word die effektetrusts in 'n sektor as 'n geheel ondersoek. Resultate toon dat effektetrusts opbrengste wel pieke toon op jaareindes en kwartaaleindes, en dan weer val in die begin van jare en kwartale. Verder is daar ook meer effektetrusts wat beter vaar as die JSE Alle Aandele Indeks op jaareindes en kwartaaleindes as wat normaalweg die geval is. In kontras word hierdie patroon nie herhaal as gekyk word na die persentasie van effektetrusts wat nul klop nie. Na aanleiding van hierdie resultate is toetse gedoen om vas te stel of daar 'n verband bestaan tussen positiewe opbrengste op kwartaaleindes en die daaropvolgende negatiewe opbrengste aan die begin van kwartale. Hierdie verband is veral gevind vir die tydperk 2000 tot 2002. Uit hierdie studie wil dit blyk dat, in Suid-Afrika, die opbrengste van effektetrusts op kwartaaleindes wel kunsmatig verhoog word. Raad aan voornemende beleggers sou dus wees om aan die begin van 'n kwartaal te koop, en aan die einde te verkoop.

The use of earnings per share disclosures in annual financial statements by managers of South African equity unit trust portfolios as a performance indicator.

Suliman, Yasmeen. January 2000 (has links)
The earnings per share ratio is often quoted in financial publications as an indictor of how well a company has performed financially. However, there is much controversy over the usefulness of earnings per share information, especially in respect of its potential for manipulation by the preparers of financial information. Recent changes to South African accounting standards through the International Harmonisation Project resulted in a revision of the Statement of Generally Accepted Accounting Practice 104: Earnings per Share (AC104). Significant changes to the method of calculation and disclosure of both basic and diluted earnings per share were implemented. Unit trusts have gained popularity in South Africa over the past decade. Members of the public prefer to invest on the Johannesburg .Stock Exchange through intermediaries such as unit trusts rather than undertake investment decisions personally. Unit trust portfolio managers are in an important and a responsible position: they wield significant power on the stock exchange with their daily dealings in shares but they also carry the responsibility of making sound investment decisions. Research has tended to focus more on earnings than earnings per share. A review of literature and prior research revealed several controversial issues: the usefulness of earnings in making investment decisions, the susceptibility of both earnings and earnings per share to manipulation, the predictive value of earnings, the use of earnings in the valuation of securities and the use of earnings and earnings per share in performance measurement. The research problem was thus developed as follows: are the earnings per share disclosures of South African listed companies sufficient to meet the needs of equity unit trust portfolio managers in South Africa as a performance indicator, and if not, what additional information do they require? In addressing the research problem, the following four objectives were formulated: (i) to determine what changes have been made to earnings per share calculation and disclosure by the issue of the new ACI04, (ii) to determine what characteristics South African equity unit trust portfolio managers regard as indicative of a good financial performance indicator, (iii) to determine what impact the changes made to the earnings per share calculation and disclosure by the new AC104 has had on the use of earnings per share information by South African unit trust portfolio managers as a performance indicator, and (iv) to determine the extent of use of other similar performance indicators, such as headline earnings per share and cash flows per share, as compared to earnings per share. In order to meet these objectives, it was necessary to conduct a survey of South African equity unit trust portfolio managers. The descriptive survey method was identified as being appropriate and a mailed survey was undertaken. The main conclusions to this research were that: (i) the characteristics of a useful performance indicator are related to reliability, consistency, comparability, adequate disclosure and ease of computation and understanding, (ii) equity unit trust portfolio managers regard the changes to the calculation and disclosure of basic earnings per share to be improvements to the standard but their use of basic earnings per share as a performance indicator has remained unchanged, (iii) equity unit trust portfolio managers regard the changes to the calculation and disclosure of diluted earnings per share to be improvements to the standard and their use of diluted earnings per share as a performance indicator has, as a result, increased, (iv) headline earnings per share and diluted earnings per share are considered to be better performance indicators and are used more frequently as performance indicators than basic earnings per share. Thus the research project achieved its objectives. In addition, interesting findings in respect of other issues were identified. Further areas for research were also identified. / Thesis (M.Acc.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2000.

The Markowitz approach to portfolio optimisation and its application in determining the optimal internationally diversified portfolio for a South African investor in unit trusts

Smit, Barend 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this report is to determine how much international diversification a South African investor should practice in order to minimise his portfolio risk and to maximise his portfolio return. The most recent budget allows the South African investor to invest up to R500 000 in overseas investments. The analysis was performed over the period December 1993 to May 2000 for an investor investing in Investec Guinness Flight unit trusts. Unit trusts were used instead of general indices, because it is a well-known investment vehicle for the layman and is already a well-diversified representation of a specific focus sector. The Markowitz Portfolio Selection Theory was used to perform the analysis and to determine the optimal internationally diversified portfolios composed of the following markets: South Africa, the United States of America, Europe, the United Kingdom, and Japan. It was found that International Diversification does hold great potential benefits for the South African investor investing from an emerging market. It was also found that the South African Equity market carries the highest risk compared against the other markets investigated, however the South African Bond and Money Market showed good risk return features compared to other markets. Optimal portfolios were generated for the 'conservative' or most risk-averse investor, the 'balanced' investor, and the 'aggressive' investor or the risk-loving investor. The portfolio combinations looked like this respectively: 4% USA Equity, 5% EU Equity, 3% SA Bond, and 88% Money Market for the conservative investor; 33% USA Equity, 25% EU Equity, 18% SA Bond, and 24% SA Money Market for the balanced investor; 51% USA Equity, 48% EU Equity and 1% SA Bond for the aggressive investor. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie verslag is om vas te stel hoeveel internasionale diversifikasie 'n Suid-Afrikaanse investeerder moet aangaan ten einde die risiko's rondom sy portefeulje enersyds te minimaliseer en andersyds maksimum opbrengste te lewer. Die analise is oor die tydperk Desember 1993 tot Mei 2000 uitgevoer vir 'n investeerder wat in Investec Guinness Flight effektetrust sou investeer. Instede van algemene aandeleindekse, is van effektetrusts gebruik gemaak omdat dit 'n welbekende investeringsvoertuig onder Jan Publiek is en reeds 'n goedgediversifiseerde verteenwoordiging van 'n spesifieke fokussektor is. Daar is van die Markowitz Portefeulje Seleksie Teorie gebruik gemaak vir die analise en dáárdeur is ook vasgestel wat die optimaal-internationaal gediversifiseerde portefeulje uit die volgende market sou wees: Suid-Afrika, Die Verenigde State van Amerika, Europa, Brittanje en Japan. Daar is gevind dat, Internationale Diversifikasie potentiëel-goeie opbrengste vir die Suid-Afrikaanse investeerder in 'n opkomende mark lewer. Daar is ook gevind dat die Suid-Afrikaanse Algemene Ekwiteitmark die hoogste risiko dra vergeleke met ander markte tydens die ondersoek periode, alhoewel die Suid-Afrikaanse Kapitaalmark en Geldmark goeie lae risiko opbrengste oplewer teenoor ander markte. Optimale portefeuljes is gegenereer vir die konserwatiewe of mees risiko-gekante investeerder, die gebalanseerde investeerder en die aggressiewe investeerder. Die portefeuljekombinasies is onderskeidelik as volg:. 4% VSA Ekwiteit, 5% Europese Unie Ekwiteit, 3% SA Kapitaalmark, en 88% SA Geldmark vir die konserwatiewe investeerder; 33% VSA Ekwiteit, 25% Europese Unie Ekwiteit, 18% SA Kapitaalmark, en 24% SA Geldmark vir die gebalanseerde investeerder; 51% VSA Ekwiteit, 48% Europese Unie Ekwiteit en 1% SA Kapitaalmark vir die aggressiewe investeerder.

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